"13-tFril f. i i ft'w'RwaagKran: .." T- 'WFTL?r. ' ,TU.i ,."' tt pta, -,''' ' , i 1 Euentntj $hiblk Ue&get ; - T i't ' - - PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, JANUARY 15 1930 ' r ' !.' .. ' ' R4v ' " ,f. ,f muring Aviation Feat : Horse's Pal : Palm Beach Busy V Who Is "George No Name"? Dt. lif Ik uj :' ?t' " k ' . H4JUIUW4I 'its?; 1 A - '? ,'-' , as . h , V-,'0 Cb ;s;. vv::' 'i'.,, "v.'. V'- s rvt i "k, -v.v . ,,-) -',;!,. '- V '..,, s-: M J 1 &i 1 !' 1 m f.4! M w w.ammmmm .. 1AXk. A .1 . xv t';Bli?HHaii ylk i)9H9HHMffiSHHH M& - -v-- r i t i nmnTiinnM i limn in rg mftmMfmrniBsaztimBam .KmPI WIHb- ::-: 77'-;- r;HI .msssKsm $mtmm -- s . -? 4 $ & :mss v c ' IWV.iJBI )iBBIKlK f i '' . B K .. wVuXsl v - M W IHIHHr 'v t vbl. ic'Av i.urr.BH 2. - HiHnui .-f-; o ,ft.isrf vi'vxaiBiaiwi8!Ejfi3aKsaE!? ' ' X-Vil U&M& .MSf". -fiZ R W ,(4 i US' --l i . jsjw -. M?S ft -4''2- ttf ;!'- v,!; ! v vv..y re Vf, f t ..' - J" ' 'ii'i Sf'ii.' J., v r : -JKi.' au -s T' . V;J -J ANOTHER AMNESIA VICTIM is shown above. He is recorded as "George No Name" at the Camden County Almshouse, at Blackwood, N. J. Since last February he has insisted he cannot recall his past life. - v s yfi rwiii ;; ,, -. :-.- ; -'v,-v , 't-s. ; hiih ihiimii iiiiiiiiii i hiiiiiiim &T . Ii'xtKK!iaMsMstxMtaK4Mmtii"nt- jK WKTSBBStsiBt i.S .Ifc ."V : '-vv ,:y'M '7'- Y"'r :'7- '! V:v; ft7i!fe77) rk ;, v; .. :7H77v v7-V;77?:?7. ;-v A's s- !yVVV I J ' A, i-jl ' ', '' '7;: 777 7:7" VH, ' 7J ' ' ' w:Ai' '- T aw" VM. v -. JmSffiL tL"' t'-' -"-''' ii'- "' - 7; l w If r : 7 ' JHn9 lib, ' ..7ATm i:::i ai','"' ri-- V' -' L : vHPWbmHKPSI ;lii 111 "&-, -. i -...f.-.:-' SBBi9B9HB9BBBll,V nL -'il -' te'm'C ,, -L'r- --.-9SflSMmrajyHHB9MI' te-- 'H t?!B :,.J'- - 'X; vyr7 ..';?:''', HKEHIHBi' ? '-',' -i;-"' ' lifim Vl . ",:,'- .' x, '.PIIHVl' ''' ''--' Sam w X ' V - -; - - 'raW"Fr.. ' " tv' P"K , " ?. .: v'.- FfiS4Li' - w'Yh-7 -r ' jomPOwISHF "!"-i ', i '-- --" ; ;AX s v iiJBPv , - Hk, r7v:y '-'-' ': vV'- jBbf ' ' - aHHWy Hi p "' 'bmbbHbbP k 'WSxi.n -'-"' - I SBSwKBaBBBB w c Eis3JBSS. i I h. E jBBBHBBBwBBBBBBBBBBP is- SiBi'i w JbbbhkbiB7 s MBBjpiBujg BvASSbbkShPV0 -Va"1 ai SHIRLEY MASON, a film star, is shown with her "lcad i"K man" for the production "Her Elephant Man." (c) Tlmea i.uw nAKRY McLAUOHLIN, formerly an olhcer in the Unitea States air service, is seen hancinir bv one hand from the wing tip of an airplane in full flight. This photograph v tnVen ovpv Rinsori Field. San Antonio. $tSS$-ifc -Vi&; V v " &W&iM2 jv-iKa.'y-cfsyaKt asfflss.t-RitasKBiaaBsaEaKffiifsiaaK 'jm&zs' &&-ix& &&f&ru yx ., jszs , .tewy& JA.555ssK'MaB vgig'i3BnBM!iKyiBBnBiMtey y feyjig: LSv&.K-mvm:. jms z fc' s?wjac. ? -jsjk sv. ; s.' w-t,-s j r vt tiiNKui. yvaHn AnnHCKV.jtn.nin MHHBHHUMunnMBnr v?.-txix.i3a&jjwc.7Vii-i..v?AC;;.tsi r-m" .v . ..jk 'av, v ,KvVi' r . .w;- . j! . rt i ! ! ii hi iii Miiii iiBiii iwi.M m ' ' p-szvj&m.-' 'jxmz ,vt'iz niKiffiH rfsasffi&Ki f. .' '. ' l - ' 4. aafe,s8&sis8 j : s. v.v'tjffiJimBs.iKsftKmtiisix ss35rjBK&aSasKSIv 'laSX , s.7 4 -s" ' a, f-x-'-.'ffSaat ?Swa2fflmc -...,3& 5s KSS?aS6i;3Hi'SHBg!l,r'-!-,TO I ,'!fil ' ' g gfe 'vK.,'; . Mess' s& WWwJ' iMSm f Atyjawij . 3 . ., r ' -' jK-v:5aR-'i J9 SX33BK -fifc. v.. , . W ? yTJ-SiSBB Ssg'wB? &lr .SfiSfiK JiS& MmmiM'mm 'JS-4 ""'V x . . 5Ys."" - v j;s . !7V A:t' ?--s .i''- j "rf ". 9 mfliMlf (c) Ledger Photo Sopice. TWO OF PHILADELPHIA'b French brides wlio attended a reception in their honor at Central Y. W. C. A., Eighteenth and Arch streets, yesterday. THE BEAUTY CORNER c; bedser IMioto Sen ,ce. PALS. The young woman is one of those persons who frequently take a moment to pay some friendly attention to Philadelphia's ork horses i ' "VWrttern Newspaper I'nlon QUEEN MARIL of Rumania is aeon above distributing U. S. soap and clothing to the poor of the villages of her land .MRJBBJBBhjSe f:iiHP9Hii SWjf i THlWrrBMir "HHMH kW n77"' mBBKf hn 'tfr'' mil "' ftB I E ' " Wmm. tiHMSw:; ' seseMLB8 v -ttoSil'. .tsjETmv- , -. afcV-'i, iPwBMwB' t1. ryv' ' v r , !J "1 ' V 's :-i L!rjr' t f y5SRiTBBL -, S 'j&r'. 'jttffiv pw'j iW K mm, ,, im. tKj sffii '&' -r ,. , iiiHw; !m-. ...,,7 HHkVBHK ..iin VHIHIK "i), lr jjm "" -iKfiH ' v 'MrHTB iaHF -, '. . -1EHae.fl7 "H" -TtHix ,x VrwtfTOg,!I ' rf f:. , v ?S ;-f ' tx ? (c) Kadel & Herbert GOVERNOR-ELECT EDWARDS, of New Jersey, as pal irnd pluymate of his little daughter, was snapped with her at the Edwards home in Jersey City, E9HHB!nCIPBr?fBPHDir(; i ic sEBHH'RaiiaSRBSrDiwfi9PPISnR!i Icj Central Neup THE CONTKAST Phltadelphia-cold and snow; overcoats in great need. Palm Beach-warm weather. Bathine costumes ' nredominate. """ predominate, Mlhb MAX u. CivAx, H3 Uuuley Street, Philadelphia. Photoyraphsjor this bacU-pajo feature ehould be submitted through mo mail, addressed to the Beauty Comer, EVENiNd PuBtiO Ledger. V j(Wrf f i-'N Vtr. V j . 4t . w ..I"' l! a 1 is'. U,,Mtt4lJiM