Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 14, 1920, Night Extra Financial, Page 5, Image 5

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!' .si'
Patricia F. Crosby, of Post 50,
' -.... r. 11 nf finuntv Enter-
r unai!"1"" j
talnment Department
'pntrioin V. Crosbv, representative of
nJ No. 50, American Legion, was
.! today as chairman of the cnter
samed touuy u tn,nmnt committec of
the nifladclplila county
committee. "
The appointment of
Miss Croby is a recog
nition of the woman
membership in tho
I.rRion. which totals
i. l"nf) The eoman tr i-ost
Iff CO of which Miss CrosW is a rep-
H.'.- the county committee,
n"e nnrnximatclv 800 members, ati-1
ST nW post. No. 412, with
ct iihlch is compo-cd exclusively of
tLk inns: William J. Impton, of Pos
?K. Walter S. Hareesheimer. of I'obt
$jj Bertram K. Wolfe, of Post 183.
To AM All Post
This committee will undertake to pro
l ncdn entertainment for any of
c?cnt -eight posts in the county of
'c'ommlttee.U meet January 23
..nan co-operation with the posts.
t0Mk Crou said hc desired as much
n. could be g ven regarding the
B0tl0ei of enteitaincis, in order that
nrocunns oi ?n" l.u," ' ww n,i tin.
w,1'!.,, airanged most c-
wrious i"-o-
:Annl nrirnil of UlC Lo-
U .... itiiin Kfttf
nnsts arc urgcci in u iyw "
"He Probably Loves You Anyhow, the 'Mystery Plank' Not
withstanding," Dr. A B. Ttvitmyer Assures Pcnn Co-Eds
There is, no danger of a "ouija"
board epidemic among University' of
Pennsylvania students and co-eds;
neither is there danger of any Penn
students contracting nervous diseases
because of their fnith in the "imstcry
plank," according to Dr. K. B. Twit
mver, professor of pschologv and as
sistant director of the psychological
Little comfort can be accordnd those
7-ods at the University of Michigan.
Ann Atbor, who lime gone into nnd
through vaiious nervous ftages because
the "ouija" board failed them iu their
love nffairs. Tcnn co-ctls scoff at the
mere recitation of faith in the three
'("cil lienrt-shaic'. contrivance.
'Wo teach our students in psychol
ogy the principle of the automata
"raph," sajs Doctor Twltmycr, "and
this dispels hnt faith tliey may have
iirnin ,Il so-called 'ouija' boards.
The nutomatograph writes a rec
ord, or lecords nn Invo'untnry move
ment following the presence in con
cloufiness of n vivid idol hnving motor
elements. AVp demonstrate it before
our elates. Thus, when tho student
thinks of a squarci the instrument re
cords angular Hues; a circle, circular
'hies. etc. 'm
'.TV', fo' nnv one hclievc the
ouija board could spell out the name
"f the imn she loves is nonsense. This
can only be done bv unintentional or
intentional dishonesty in operating the
mo thing. A pschologist could per
from wonderful things with a 'ouija'
hoard, but onlv by manipulation."
the Penn co-ed will live lie
dreams of love without "ouija," while
hir sister co-ed in Michigan brings on
nervous disorders with it.
ai ranged
Throuch the American i-cgion, -
jv, official
Cts to Persuade aliens to take out
efforts to uo ,. antr , us
SrTissuerdcciares editorially:
-it is recorded that many aliens who
fonifat for the United States have not
SSS out citizenship since thcit dib-
... (mm the serv cc. Instances have
S recorded where such aliens have
Seated honorable discharges, sajiug
ft meant as much to them as citizen-
B "Local posts bhould bring the ncces
,lt of perfecting citizenship to all thc-e
Si They have pioved their light
S all the privileges and responsibili
bes of citizenship. They are entitled
to a full voice in the affairs of the
country and we suspect that it is
Sh no lack ofdesiie to become nil 1-
flcdeed citizens uim mtj """ -"-
to go thiough the necessaiy formality,
or is it more than a formality in the
, of men who hayed proved their
loyalty and manhood in battle.'
M. C. A. Tlan Liked
That the Y. M. C. A., co-operating
vrith the American Legion, will meet
.ii. n nilr rcsnonse fiom educational
institutions in connection with the $40,-
000 woith ot scnoiursui ja w u; mou
nted, is indicated b,j- the btatement of
Dr Hollis Godfrey, presid'-nt of Drexcl
Institute, befoie the county committee
of the Legion.
"Since I eamo out of the service, '
faid Doctoi Godfrey, "it has been iin
ues'H'd upon me that, the only wa out
for demociacj is through education.
Tie staud of the legion on bolshcvis.ni
w Sue. but it needs to do more than
this I don't think that there is anv
greater woik that the legion could do
than to stand buck of the effoits of the
night schools in this city."
Kensington Post, No. OS. has an-
jnounced a meeting in loung's Ha'l.
rranuoru avenue unu jiuuhusuuu
street, tomorrow nilit. Important bus
iness will be transacted.
.Tnnuniy 30 will be a red letter night
for Lnwronce U. Delauey Post, No. 20,
in the Fifteenth ward.
Matthew J. Collins, chairman of 'a
committee on arrangements, has nn
nouncedi an all-star boxing show at the
Auditorium Athletic Association, Labor
Iivcoum Hall. .Sixth and Brown streets,
on tho nbove date. All ex-service men
nnd the eencral public are invited. The
fhow will be conducted by Robert Howe
Ca'houn. of the Olvmpin.
Tlnbort .T. Martin Post No. OS soon
will launch a campaign to laise $73 000
for a permanent mcmoiial building and
post headquaitcrs. The piescut hcad
quaitcrs ate at 3144 Kensington ave
nue. Various churches in the Kensing
ton section will hoVl tpecial services in
support of the campaign.
On January 23 Post No. OS will hold
a smoker at its headquarters, with spe
cial entertainment features. Officers of
the post are James J. Lammond, com
mander ; John Adnins, vice commander ;
Howard O. ltappold, adjutant, and J.
Marshall Penny, finance officer. The
executive committee consists of John
Mnvvhinney, Herbert T. Hare, Fred J.
Kappold, Joseph F. Mojcr and George
Lawrence U. Delancy Post No. 20 is
conducting a successful membership
drive. The next meeting of the post will
be held January 21 at Merrill's" Hull,
rinotcenth street nnd Fnirmount ave
nue. Post officcis arc arranging n box
ing show benefit to be held January 30
at the Auditorium A. A., Sixth and
Brown streets.
Packer Only One EIIBlble
Captain Ilcibert Packer, 717 North
1 oitv-first sheet, who suppoited Judge
Patterson at the prinmies, is the onlv
one on the civil eivico eligible list for
Buiiurvising inspector of sanitation m"
S2.i00 a year. Renublicin Alliance
1nntlntC) innlml Lh Tl-1.l -. r . .
.....u, uiiuiiiuj; lNlKUiy U. iUC-
Cauglin. of the Tweutv-fourth uai-rf.
are trying to prevent the nppointment
oi i-acher on tne ground it won't! weaken
the anti-Vare forces in the Twenty
fourth ward. Tho inspectorship is in
the Department of Health.
Associated Alumni Clubs Will
Hold Convention Move to
Nationalize Institution
A nation-wide movement to national
ize and generally broaden the scope of
the Univeisity of Pennsjlvnnla is to be
launched nt the annual convention of the
college's, associated alumni clubs in
Wilmington next month, nccordlng to
an announcement made today bv G.
Morris 'Whiteside, chairman of tho com
mittee which is arranging for the meet
ing, It will be the annual convention
of the associated clubs, and will be held
at tho Hotel du Pont Fcbruaiy 18 and
The movement, it was Mated, is
backed by the younger and more pro
gressive graduates of Penn, who have
many new ideas .that they would like
to bee replace some of the methods now
in vogue. While not going into details
at this time, those who are back of thp
movement appear to have well-defined
ideas on the subject. Their thoughts,
it is understood, will be gotten in con
crete form before the convention, so
that they will be thoroughly understood
The purpose, it was stated, is to make
the Unlvetsitv of Pennsvlvnnia one of
the real cducationnl leaders of the na
tion, as well as a world-rcuowucd in
stitution. .
Thieves Empty Show Window"
Thieves removed the glass from the
front of the store of Isadora floldberg
at 753 Ferry htreet. Camdcnf Rometl'np
last night and emptied theouovyAvindow
at their Icisuie Jf 'fe
wiwwtiwBaMMaw3HiHiliiiiinwwnwiiwm 1,,1 ntamftmrntfrnmamat ,
Thenar tat characterizes tlie owners individuality
f'MtmWm Jk m Mfl$$ryW
3ifcBrWtiKwi W ffmml I KGr mfc KO E,
PobS57" . 'Lmim "n" esEaBBESBf mffinP wjr
Captain Rickenbacker
The Ace of Aces
an American aviator,
used Safetee goggles and
Safetee windshields. Just
ten million vof these
goggles and windshields
were made here in Phila
delphia. See the demon
stration of it at the Auto
Show this week in
326 N. Broad Street
Bell, bpruce 0878 Keystone, Race 1730
, JV
Pl!l Charge Accountsffilhited
IIIIHII Mail Orders Filled
A il t
- 7
12x5 Chestnut Street1
j Farmers and Trappers! Attention! Raw Skins Purchased For Cash!
xtradrdinary Reductions in the n
January Fur Sale
mi Mmi I
lmAW I
Bring Down the
High Cost
of Paint
for small jobs or
formly satisfactory for
it on all inside work
suits at an appreciable
twice as far and does not neel nor rub off,
White and colors by the bbl. (about 325 lbs.), 10c lb.;
Smaller quantities, 12c lb. Special price to contractors.
sample tor testing btibjtu on request.
Householders can bun it in 2-lb. Cartons
AT DFA LRUS 30c Carton
JOHN C. OETERS. Mfr 12 '2 R. ,31st St
The Perfect Water Paint
arsre coniracis uni-
more than 25 years. Specify
assured of" iirst-class re-
saving over otners. u goes
George Allen, inc.
" 1214 Chestnut Street 1214
Early Showing of the
New Spring Millinery
.. Paris inspired motlols that prcse the trend of tho coming- eeasoi
tt . . ; H1I14 mvcit.iiw hhuvi 4h i "". -z 1 -y m '
nairaoth, Satins and Taftetaa w4th trimmings in oriental coionnBs.-jj m
You will llnd an Individuality of style and type and a wide VaJfl'yjl
or becoming models. Anil lery moderately priced. Mj r
Velour Sports Hats, Reduced!
XT t-mtrnw -a mm -! 1 1 i y 1 J
iow $ ana $7 juxcenent quality j
J Matu
1 1 lla
wamm vl
M 1
The "big story" of the Annual January Clearance Sale of
Furs is unquestionably REDUCTIONS. This is the immense controlling
interest in the Sale. and. acart from the almost staggering Varieties, worthy
ofthe completest attention.
7 We have cut the prices on our entire stock; there is no
reserve! When you consider that this entire stock amounts to the spienaia
4otal of $500,000.00 you will readily see that the choice is marvelous and that
ithe Values are no less compelling.
Small Deposit Will Reserve Your Purchase
Fur Coats
v.. 5eral very attractive
ftavy Bluo and Black.
models In Taupo, Jay, AmeUiyst,
Silver Laces. Bands and
Flouncings,Half Price and Legs'
.Silver metal laces from tho narrow trimming widths at lOo afyardi
t'Ii -5c) to wide D-lnch tlounclnff at $7.00 a yawl (worth W
ijaces for eery purpose for ancy work or the makings of a pown.
ino reduced mlppn In m.inv posc-m nrn (vmnldprjhlv less than luilf'tho
most are perfect lacea In beautiful designs Jt
The New Ribbons Are Hej-ef
z,n 9?aUtY,ia ot first consideration In selecting rlbbonB. tranhy ribbons 1
Aii.J??er 9lleaP at any price: there are only tho dependabla kinds at
rpJ?ii8an? yet X0I"y moderately priced. Kvery wanted kind ta lieroil
ami i.ai!ue,8' B0'ne Pieces show slight tarnlshinir here or thore, thoughtf
"" ajiy shade as well, just Inside our Chestnut Street door ' , ,j
Turkish Towels Specially Friceij
40c to 90c each; Save a Third ff
t . .. . ... .. . . r,
Alt .'."'? casea 'hese towels are less than today's wnoievaia ipncWJ
rnVriin. " . l iu"ty i small nlze with pink or blue boraer ai uo, nois
wiilf. i, j Wlln P'n" or blue borderB nt 60o oacli; largo "3 witji
"Mtu borders only at 65c. 76o and 80c. ;
Penetrating Hair Brushes, 50ciea.
tvthhht r-.ii,?f,5.?ar Crusliea at a very unusual price; n
i w7 puer kind Tvt ii vA&.i .tnki... . ,n Ma ..mi bi
iWMMniQwn? '?h flJT a f8W daV ""'y- Separately boxed I, ma
i ltnownSlout, pawpt.,0 duplicated again nt-thls specla'l
Australian Ssa,1. Coat
Squirrel Collar and
Value 245.00
273.00 Natural Raccoon Coats 795.00
30-inch flare models with large roll- -"
ing shawl collar ana aeep cuns
395.00 Hudson Seal Coats
36-inch full model, large rolling
shawl collar and cuffs of Hudson
455.00 Natural Squirrel Coats
Smart full sport models with
large rolling shawl collar and
bell cuffs.
125.00 Hussian Pony Coats 79.50
36-lnch flare models, large shawl v
collar and cuffs of Natural or
taupe Nutria
140.00 Australian Seal Coats QA ZQ
Smart sport coat with large s
shawl collar, aeep cuffs and wide
145.00 Taupe Coney Coats Oft QQ
Smart spOrt designs with large "-"
rolling shawl collar and cuffs
155.00 Marmot Coats 11Q QQ
Smart sports model with large -t-0-,-r
rolling shawl collar and cuffs
f Marmot
195.00 Australian Seal Coats 1QZ QQ
36-lnch flare models with wide ''-"-'
border and large shawl collar
and cuffs.
195.00 Nutria Coats 145.00
Chic sport model with large
shawl collar and cuffs of Nutria.
195.00 Natural Muskrat Coats 14-5.00
Smirt sport model with large
shawl collar, cuffs and border of
245.00 Hudson Seal Coats 165.00
Smirt sport model with large --v"'
rolling shawl collar and cuffs
245.00 Australian Seal Coats 165.00
Smart sport model; large shawl
collar and cuffs of Natural
Squirrel or Nutria.
265.00 Australian Seal Coats 185.00
36-lnch flare model; large shawl J--""'
rollar and cuffs of Natural
Squirrel, Beaver or OKunK
Hudson Seal Coat
Value 245.00
There's No Letting Up in the Sale
of Women's Under-Price Fur Coats
ALTHOUGH the number 6f Coats is very noticeably reduced, the variety of beau
tiful models is excellent. In some instances there are only a few of a kind, but
our vast holiday stock consisted of a great many kinds all kinds, in fact, that
were worthy and fashionable. Just one of each of the following, AND THE SEDUC
40-inch Hudson Seal Coat now $535.00
36-inch Hudson Seal Coat noiv $525.00
One of Our Finest Hudson Seal Dolmans
noio $550
30-inch Hudson Seal Sports Coat $365.00
Skunk-trimmed Hudson Seal Coat $515.00
Genuine Alaska Seal Dolman now $1000
Moleskin Sports Coat, squirrel-trimmed
now $350
Beaver-trimmed Hudson Seal Coat $515
Hudson Seal, deep Beaver collar and cuffs
now $675.00 t
30-inch Box Coat of Beaver now $40.00
Natural Australian Opossum Sports Coats
now $495.00
Xutural Siberian Squirrel Coat $410.no
JG-inch Lustrous Nearscal Coat $265.00
Ntarseal Coat with Aiistralian Opossum
now $315
33-inch Natural Black Muskrat Coat, $325
Smart Natural Muskrat Coat now $265.00
Natural Wildcat Coat, Raccoon Collar, $195
45-inch Natural Raccoon Coat now $495
Natural Leopard Sports Coat now $285.00
Hudson seal collar, cuffs and korder.
36-inch Russian Marmot Coat now $235
With beautiful taupe nutria collar and cuffs.
30-inch Russian Marmot Sports Coat, $145
Nutria-trimmed Russian Marmot Coat
noiv $155.00
Fine Natural Opossum Coat noio $495.00
36-inch Russian Pony Coat now $225.00
The Pony Coat has deep collar and cuffs of
Austialian opossum.
i y Mr mbrldKo & Clothier Second Floor, Filbert Street
Are You Sharing in the Sales
of Muslin Underwear, Corsets,
House Dresses, Infants' Wear
Exceptional values continue in our January Sales
on the Third Floor, West. There is still an excellent
range of choice, including new lots added in the Sale:
Muslin Underwear
with Drawers or Skirt, daintily trimmed, back and
front, with embroidery insertion and Valenciennes
lace, ai sketched $2.50.
variety of lovely styles, some lace-trimmed, others
ornamented witn laney stitchin;? or hand embioidery,
satin tiimming, also tailoied effects:
Night Gowns now 31.50 to $4.25
Em elope ChemUe now $1.00 to $2.50
CORSET COVERS Tight-fitting models of cam
bric, in different sty.ts, trimmed with embioiderv
75c to $2.50. y
. Straw bridge 4. ClotlllT Third Floor. 'West
t ! I S&JIM II "
The Auto Show
Reminds many a motor
owner that he needs
Cocoa Step Mats $3.00 a pair.
Rubber mats $3.00 a pair.
Folding Chairs, two sizes
$2.15 and $2.50.
Anthony Tire Pumps $3.10.
Lehman Foot Warmers $6.50,
$9.00 and $15.00.
Carbon Bricks 35c a box.
Btrawbridge H Clothier
l'-ourth Floor
Men's Shirts
Special, $3.50 .
These are of fine madras, with
smart stripes woven through,
and in plain shades of tan, helio
trope, blue, pink, green and gray.
East Store. Eighth Stre-t
Women's Sports Suits Special at
$32.50, $35.00, $37.50
FOUR groups of Jersey Suits, real sports types beautifully tailored, smart in every
line, with excellence in materials and workmanship that one wouldn't think of ex
pecting in Suits at these prices. Business women and. professional women, in fact,
any woman who desires a Suit for hard daily wear, would do well to make her selection
trom these which are in plain black, navy blue, and heather-mixed green, brown, blue
and Oxford.
Spedal at $30.00 Sports Suite in Norfolk
effect, box-plaited from
he shoulder, and finished with tailoied belt,
notched collar and patch pockets.
Spedal at $32.50 Sforts Suits made with
L. the inverted nl.iir. in rhn
centre of the back, stiaight hanging fronts, with
Special at $35.00 ps0sdSuySemaadned1S
verted plait in the back; patch pockets, bell-shaped
sleeves, and button trimming.
Special at $37.50 jd Z $nstrt
pin tucks in the back,
b ited, and havmc slightly flared nenlum. Smart
two bicast pockets and two pockets below the belt, i pockets of unusual cut.
All Remaining Winter Suits at Great Reductions
V St-.iMbrid'ee & Clothier Second Floor, Centre
White Cambrics
At a Saving1
Fine White Cambrics, wanted
qualities at attractne pi ices. All
uc special values now 45c, 50c
and 60c a yard.
Straw brltlKc t Clothier
All e 13 Cuitre
475.00 Hudson Seal Coats
li-lnch Hare models, 1 1 a oiling
ih awl collar .and cuffs i Joaver
or Skunk.
495.00 Hudson Seal Coats
40-lneh models vlth large rolling
shawl collar and cuffs of Beaer
or Skunk
545.00 Hudson Seal Coats
45-Inch flare models with larpe
Skunk or beaver -shawl collar and
395.00 g
425.00 I
Extra Size Coats, Up to SO Bust
RfEUlorlr J,"ow
20.00 Taupe Wolf 12.50
20.00 Brown Wolf 12.50
20.00 Black Wolf 12.50
22.50 Squirrel, ..11.50
22,50 Aust'n Seal 14.50
29.50 Taupe Coney 1 1.50
29.50 Taupe Lynx 19.50
35.00 Taupe Wolf 24.50
35.00 Brown Wolf 21.50
35.00 Taupe Fox 24.50
35.00 Brown Fox 24.50
5.00 Black Fox 24.50
17.50 Black Lynx 24.50
7 50 Red Fox. .24.50
150 Hud. Seal 29.50
2.50 Taupe Fox 34.50
"2.50 Brown Fox 31.50
52.50 Black Lynx 34.50
7K.00 Cross Fox .49.50
19.50 Australian Seal
25.00 Taupe Fox
25 00 Brown Fox
29.50 Hudson Seal
34.50 Dyed Raccoon
35 00 Bi-aver
35.00 Taupe Squirrel 21.50
65.00 Moleskin 44.50
RotmUrly Now
59.50 Australian Seal 39.50
89.50 Hudson Seal 59.50
89.50 Mole 64.50
110.00 Natural Nutria 69.50
110.00 Jap Mink 69.50
130.00 Skunk 81.50
125.00 Jap. Kolinsky 79.50
180.00 Russian Kolinsky 125.00
Rejrnlftrly Now
60.00 Nutria ...39.50
60.00 Taupe Fox 39 50
60.no Brown Fo 39.30
65 00 Taupe Wolf 11.30
65.00 Black Wolf 11.30
75.00 Hud. Seal 48.30
75 00 Black Lynx 49.50
82 50 Black Fox 51.50
89.50 Raccoon ..61.30
110 00 Beaver .. 74.50
110 00 Skunk . . . 74.50
120 00 Squirrel ..79.00
125.00 Mink . . . .St.SO
140.00 Cross Fox 98.50
145.00 Kolinsky. 99.00
180.00 Mole ...119.00
195.00 Blk. Lynx 145.00
365.00 Fisher ..245.00
550.00 Blue Fox 393.00
I 675.00 Silver Fox 475.00
More Than 1000
Turkish Towels
at 60c and 75c
A value bpical of the
many in the Linen Sale.
This particulai lot conskts
of Towels classed as "seconds"
because of a dropped stitch or
a slight oil stain. The hurts are
too insignificant to impair ap
pearance or service just
enough to enable our custom
ers to buy them at ONE
TOURTH less than they
would otherwise co-t.
Strilitl a. Clothlfr
M'lt 1.' Cmtro
Many Opportunities for Men
to Save Money Are Presented
in the January Sale of Shoes
Of courc, the thousands of pairs of smart Shoes assembled for
this event include chiefly styles for women, but nevertheless there are
ample opportunities for men to save substantially on thoroughly re
liable Footwear fiom James A. Banister and other well-known manu
facturers. For instance, in tho S.ile, are included
Men's Shoes Reduced to $8.75
English-last and Blucher Shoes of tan calf and gun-metal calf;
short lines from our regular stock.
Men's Winter-weight Oxfords now $9'.90
Of tan cordovan, tan calf, tan glazed kid, gun-metal calf, black
glazed kid and black patent leathei.
Men's "Banister" and Other Shoes $12.75
Of dark enrdtnan nnd maboftnv-eolored Rnsia calf, in English
last styles; and of gun-metal calf and wax calf m broad-toe shapes.
Men's "Banister" Winter Oxfords $12.75
Of daik tan calf, gun-metal calf, wax calf and black glazed kid.
BOYS' Winter Shoes now $4.95
Blucher 'tvles of tan calf and gun-metal calf.
--VS"'1 "1"-- & tl r Eighth and rilbert Street
Men's Handsome Fur-lined Overcoats
in the Sale ai Reduced Prices
Now $65, $95, $122, $155. $185, $275
A COLLECTION that rivals the entire stock of most
stores now marked at prices fully ONE-THIRD
less than r.ctual market value. Splendidly tailored
shells of blar-k broadcloth and kersey, also of fleecy chev
iots in distinctive patterns with collar and inside of rich
luxurious furs of finest quality. Now $65.00, $95.00.
$122.00, $155.00, $185.00 and $275.00.
Men's Fur-Collar Overcoats, Now
$36.50, $47.50, $65.00 and $95.00
Smalt, youthful model? that can he worn by men of conserva
tive tastes as well as joung men. The collars afe of good fur, and
ever,y detail of woikmanship has been executed with care.
Leather Overcoats $17.50 $33.50, $46.50
So piactical foi every purpose and with an individuality all
their own. This SaBteffoids an unusual oppoitunity to save on
coats of this chf uS'JTr
And Hunal xs of Other Overcoats and
Winter Suits at $23, $26.50, $36.56x$46.50
Scores of desirable styles and fabrics for young men and men
of conservative taste. A wonderful selection and remarkable Values
throughout. v r.-,rMw rinthi.i s.,va i.- ..
. ' ' ""
lllilillliiF .t . i - 'Ayy - " 'Mt'' ' 'Mil i-r ""i""",' "T""." " 1 ' 'T
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. 2
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