Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 13, 1920, Night Extra Financial, Page 8, Image 8

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Wholesale Arrests Forestall Ter
rorizing Capital With Bombs.
Raids at Barcelona
i Cross Border Into Own Country
From Siberia and Capture
En Chin, Cablegram Says
Hy (lio Associated Press
, ( Mndrlil, .Tnn. 13. Jinny extremist
Tver? nrrctc! hero ypstrrdny followitis
the discovery of a plot to terrorize the
cnpltnl willi bombs, nceordini; to in
formation received from official circles.
Terrorist attacks were made Satur
ony at Ovledo nml Vn'rnela. At the
former city n bomb was placed in the
residence if the secretary of the Patrons'
Association but no one wns iiijureil Mnnplmrlnn frontier. V.u Cliin may pos
In the cxpioslou. At aleneia perwiiM I siblv refer to Sieng Chin, a port 12."
attacked on the street were saved , ,iiPS cnntlijvpst of the .Slbetian border
through the. intervention of the police. mi ioo miles from the Manelmrinn
Representatives ot nil employers in : front'er. There is no "provisional cov-
Spaiu vis'ted the Cortes this afternoon eminent" in Korea nnles the Jap
Honolulu, .Tun. 18. (By A. P.)
A Korean nntionnl army has crossed
the Slbcrlau frontier into Korea and
has captured En Chin from the Jap
anese provisional Rovernment forces,
according to n cablegram from Shang
hai to the Korean National Associa
tion here.
Koren nnd the Siberian coast prov
inces have n contiguous frontier of
about twenty -five miles southwest of
Vladivostok This coastal strip of Si
beria nnd Korea would be n difficult
area for military opetatlons nnd in
vaders would be quickly cut off. It is
more probable, therefore, that any serl
onr "invasion" would be across the
to urge letislation to check terroristic
attacks and disorders. They were prom
ised help by political leaders.
Police have begun n systematic
carcli of homes and offices of anarch
ists at Barcelona and have seized
pamphlets, bombs and rifles.
Official notico of a general strike of
the rallwavmcn, in Spain, to be effective
January 20. was issued by the com
mittee of the National Federation of
Railwnymen here yesterday.
London. .Tan. 13. The railwa'y em
ployes of Italy have rejected concessions
made to them bv the Itn'ian Oovrn
ment over the wage controvcrsj,1 accord
ing to an Exchange Telegraph dispatch.
Telegraph and telephone operators said
to have adhere 1 to the decision are the
railway workers.
1 Sir Eric Geddes, the minister of
transportation, and Sir Hobert Home,
minister of labor, returned here last
night from Paris, where they conferred
with Premier Lloyd George on the situ
ation created by the railway employes'
rejection of the British "Government's
wage proposals.
After a cabinet meeting todnv, a'
which nn attempt will be made to
decide the government's attitude. Sir
Eric und Sir Robert will meet with the
representatives of the rallwnymeu.
ntiese annexation of
as provisional.
1!)1() be regarded
Italian Socialists Get Report From
U. S. and Urge Propaganda
Florence,- Italy, Jan. 13. (By A.
P.) Italian Socialists in America are
urged in resolutions passed by direc
tors of the Socialist partv in session
here, to "spread their ideals of opposi
tion whi-'h will hasten their triumph."
Reports about the condition of the
Ita'ian Socialist party in Amcina were
received at the meeting, it being alleged
that "persecutions" were inllictcd unon
the Socialists.
Probabilita' di una Forte Alio-
anza Difensiva tra le Tro
Tubllslwl unit Plutrlbutcd Under
l'lSUMlT NO. Ml.
A'lthorliM liv the set of Octobjr 6.
11)17. on tllo at the Postofflce of rtilla
felphla. P.. p mmt.KSON.
Postmaster General.
Roma. 12 gennaio. Un grande In
tcrcssc c dimostrnto dagll itnlianl nella
possibile forte nllennza difensiva la
quale scmr.rn sia in processo di forma
zione tra Italia, Fraucia ed Inghiltcrra.
Nono'tantc il masslmo segreto mante
nuto da parte del cap! del tre Govern!,
nrn In conferenza. parrcchie cose indl
enno chc question! ill moltn importanza
ehc Finnic c Constantlnopoll slano state
In Ijomlra, per csempio, una spcclnle
riunione del Gnbinetto Inglc.se fu chla
mata dopo varie convocsnzloul tra Iiloyd
George e Nitti. I.a subitauen pnrtenza
dei due cap! di govcrno e' qui ritcnuta
come indicc chc l'lughllterrn ha rag
giunto un'intcsa con il Presidente del
Consiglio dei "Miuistrl, On. Nitti chc
si dcsldera prcscutare subito alia Fran
cia per la sua npprovaziouc e cosl'
molto probabilmentc un trattato potra
esserc finnato in una quindlcina ill
giorni, prima dclle elezioni presidenziali
in Krnncla, le quali potranuo portare
un cambinmento ncl Gabinctto frau
cesc. IItalia gradira' tale allcanza. ma
senza grande entusiasmo. Qui' si
ritiene che perche' gli Stuti Unit!
facllmcnte non ratificheranuo l'accordo
chc provvedu nll'Allcanza con " la
Francia c l'lnghiltcrra, qucst'ultlma
We have some plans of
new homes at our office
that we'd he filad to
have you see. Cozy and
dainty not big houses.
Select the one you like
best we'll build it for
you along the Reading
Road, near Oak Lane or
Melrose Park. Pick your
site and your Home
we'll do the financing
all the worry and tell
you to a penny what it
will cost before a nail
is driven!
? DpaTTonU' V'
Cttv Office, Chestnut at 13th
Boulevard Office, Cor. Hi-iing Sun Ave.
Oak Lane Office, Opposite Station
No. 1 $75
No. 2 $100
No. 3 $150
38 pieces 60 pieces 67 pieces
Containing every provision which experience
has shown to be desirable for the little
stranger's protection and comfort. Daintiest
materials and exquisitely hand-made.
! Wft i t? L 1
This scientific, fireproof wall board fills
any plastering need. Instead of having to
nail on lath and then troweling, and wait
ing for your scratch coat to dry and your
finishing coats to dry, you can nail Sheet
rock to walls or ceilings and they are
ready for paint, paper or panels. Ask for
10th & Columbia Ave. Diamond co3o
nazlono rltcnga ncccssarlo tenors! arnica
i itaua.
Parlgl, 1.1 gcnnolo. II Magglorc
Giovanni Giurati, che si trova in Parlgl
come invlato speciale ill Gabriele
IVAnnunzio alia Conferenza delln
Pace, ha dctto chc 11 Prlmo Ministro
d'ltalla. On. Nitti, hn rlfiututo di
rlcervcrlo tinitaraentn al Dott. Glno
Antonl, invlato del Concilia Nnzlonale
ill Flume c rapprescntantc della dcttn
II Magglore Giurati ha detto che egll
ha scritto, sabato, al Prlmo Minis tro
Clcmcnccau perche' unitnmente al Dott.
Antonl sin rlcevuto dal Supremo Con
clllo. ma non ho rlcevuto rlsposto.
II Magglorc ha dctto dl nutrlr'e poche
speranzc in Parigl c che nttendera'
qualchc glornrt ancora c pol fara' ri
tomo in glume.
I tre prlml Miuistrl, Clemccccatl,
Idoyil George c Nitti, si noun riunltl
stamane prcsso l'ufficlo del Mlnlstro
per gli Affarl Esterl per consldcrarc
la qucstlonc Adrlntica.
Body of American Victim of U-Boat
Won't Be Exhumed
Madrid, Jou. 13. (By A. P.) San-
itary authorities have definitely refused
to grant permission for exhumation of
the remains of Corporal Ithlsmortou,
killed In 11)17 when an American vessel
was wink by a German submarine. The
law stipulates the remains must not be
taken from the grave for five years.
Au American destroyer had becu tent
hero to take the body back to the United
States December 24.
New Street Hats
Now on Special Sale!
The newest designs in All-Satin, Satin-and-Straw and All
Straw. The colors include brown, navy, taupe, black and
all the best street shades. A number of the lighter shades
for dress wear are included in this sale.
1 " Clearing All Velvet Hats 1
at Big Reduction !
iiiinmitJiiiimiimtiTVc Accept Purchasing Agents' Ordcrstiiniiiniiiiniiiimiiiig
Founded in 1&65
The House that Heppe built
C. J. Heppo & Son Downtown 1117-1119 Chentnut Street
Mason & Hamlin, Weber, Heppo Pianos, Aeolian Player-Pianos, Pianolas, Duo-Art Pianolas'
Uptown 6th and Thompson Streets
Buy your Heppe piano NOW!
ThiB year the shortage of pianos will be greater than ever. With a scarcity
of workmen, with strikes, with a shortage of raw materials and with difficulties in
transportation, the production- of pianos is far below normal. In addition to this
the demand for pianos is greater than it has ever been in the history of our business.
There will not be half enough pianos to supply the demand. It behooves you
to buy your piano NOW!
Heppe Pianos are the best value in Philadelphia!
Heppe Pianos are unsurpassed for tone
quality. They have three sounding boards,
whereas other pianos have only one. In
design they are rich and artistic.
Settlement" may be made by cash or
charge account or by the Heppe Rental
Payment Plan, which applies all rent to
ward the purchafee price.
Price, $395 and upward
Call, phone or write for catalog. ,
1117-1119 Chestnut Street
Fo'inded In 18GB
One Price System' adopted In 1881
6th and Thompson Streets
Km Office Mascn: If ya htrent tlm
to rtid thli now tear It ot and read It later.
As Has. Been Our Custom
HILE the assortment is not so large as in former sea
sons, we are sure. that those who are acquainted with
the wholly dependable nature of the Wilton Rugs and
Carpets "FROM OUR OWN LOOMS" will agree that we
have made
Most Interesting Reductions
During this Sale a special number of
Wilton Rugs have been marked as follows:
Bundhar Vilton
Durable as Iron
Reduced to $110.00
Hardwick Wilton
Perfection in Weavery
Reduced to $122.00
Filing Individualized To Your Business
Gives Instant Reference to Your Records'
1 he Ambe
a Clearing
an Waives
House for Records
Oakdale Wilton
9x12 Rugs
Reduced to
A limited number of smaller and
larger sizes at similar reductions;
also Bundhar and Rego Wilton Carpets
': Oriental Em,
i Rugs siSillifew
tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinimi'" (in i jiii
At Reduced
Hardwick & Magee Co,
1220 Market Street
"7C7HILE all files are supposed to find, ex-
" perience and analysis prove that they
don't. Because:
files too complicated, cause misfiling
files dependent on memory, cause mistakes
files requiring needless coding, lose time
files run by red tape, cause lost motion.
Many office managers suspect their file service could
be improved but fear a change means a revolution of
office routine and a sacrifice of present equipment. It
doesn't with the Amberg Plan.
Adaptability of the Amberg Plan
A law of correspondence proved 99i perfect is the
basis of the Amberg Plan. This and other basic rules of
filing are adapted to your organization. There is no
convulsion of your office routine. Your files are just
simplified, so that in any emergency, anyone who knows
the A, B, C's can find a filed record. The Amberg Plan
gives but one logical place to file, therefore but one
logical place to look and find. ,
How Amberg Discovered
The Law of Correspondence
Practically every existing indexing invention, in
some form, was tried by the Amberg Company to secure
accurate distribution, the vital thing in filing. In
ventions failed. Some law of probabilities govern
ing the occurence of names in business had to be
found. The Amberg Company found it in the Law
of Correspondence.
It is based on a master list of 205,920 business names
arrived at after analyzing millions of names to see how
often they occurred in correspondence. And also from
experience in over 75,000 Amberg installations.
Why The Amberg Plan
Will Solve Your Problems
Your business absolutely governs the application of
the Amberg Plan. The individualizing factors of your
business are the first thing provided for. Your volume
of fileable matter resulting from letter writing, your chief
accounts, agencies, branches and sources of supply are
the clues to the proper application of the law of corres
pondence to your files.
How to Learn the Value of
The Amberg Plan to You
A personal explanation of how the Amberg
Plan would solve your riling problems costs you
nothing and puts you under no obligation to buy
anything or disclose private information. An Am
berg representative will be glad of the chance to
tell you all you ask to know. Knowledge of how
to make files work is the principal commodity of
the Amberg Organization.
And putting correct filing principles into
practice costs much , less than getting along
without them. Frequently the .only cost is for
indexing materials especially where modern fur
niture is in use. You can adopt the Amberg Plan
now with no disturbance of routine.
Amberg File (, index Company Widener Building, Philadelphia
- Telephone Walnut 4674 I
Chicago Boston Cleveland Pittsburgh Detroit New York