Ty -Sr i rcf , ' (, rm" ' '; ' ft , t ' K - Er- p; - $ M- m'r. k K 1 i M K r ve K r S7- r r 'U i.'frjMAX. .VHKT1Hr.KNTa 'IWTA.TK OV GKOROK BORROWES. eihernlse known a DtUTonm, Mri of dmlnlttratton "n tha abova I baying been granted to tha under- i. all .persona indented to saia estate quested to ntu payment, ana mose - claim, to present tha name, without to . Mr. MARGARET UORUUWlEa. 4321 Oaage avenue. Ir attorney WRT IIUDD, ?7 Walnut street. , STATU OF ELIZA HAINES FUAN- MiMH T.Ma f ...ttvilnlatrft.lA- In lh va estate bavins been granted to the Frov. ijiia ana Trust uompany 01 x-nnaaei- an persons inaeotea to saia estate are mtA f A reave tuivmsnt. and those hav- claims to present the same, without do- . tot the nnderstsneri. IB) PROVIDENT Lira AND TRUST CO. ur uiiiMueiuriiiA asa sowing, resident. ana rrhRtnut St.. Administrators. . "Attorney. A ' h .41 Real Estate Trust Blag. XOST AND FOUND An -pin straight bar riN. ar dia monds, SET IN PLATINUM. I1ST BE- TWKEN 21BT AND WALNUT HTS. ANU ITI.riIlI.TnN HOTEL! REWARD. MER. CHANT KVAN8. 203(1 WASHINGTON AVE. PHONE DICKINSON CO. BRACELET Lost, Monday. a bracelet, pla nVntlnum with black enamel, on Chestnut r "VValnut streets, between 10th and 2kJ. jtawara. leiennon, Araraoro :., j.-. u. jf 31 iiwverrora. .-h. .ACftTVET Lout. Dlatlnum nd diamond tlx.bl bracelet between Oreene and Phll- XUena at a. and 3 2d nnd Diamond ets.i Hb ral reward. M. M. Tearlman. 1429 Land THt.e Bldg. , MONCT Lost, on car or street, about til finder klndlr return to poor owner: re- waj-n. jranK aicgincu, put ruget St., i-nna PIN -Lost. December 31. 11)10. diamond. ,. -shaped fraternity pin. tnlald with pearls, ibearlng the Initials b O. J . reward If re turned to A C . 8020 Race ft, riN- Lost, Thursday. Jan. 1, pin. design 'laay-g race; rewaro. ao . utn st. BAMPLE CASE, with working mrdel. Re- ward: no questions asked. Economy En gineering v.o v 4hi jsi. q at. BUITCAS E LosT dress suitcase, marked ."J. K. W.." from automobile, between Paoll and Havprford: $25 reward If returned t-J. K. Wllllne, 108 S. 4th St. Phone Xombard flgl. YfBAP Lost, in Broad St. Station on Mon day, at 6 p. m.. a lady's sealskin collar Wrap, Finder kindly return and receive re vs rdWrnT2Hel33S4thst "WORKBAO. Lost, near Woodlands Ceme tery, workbag, containing purse and work materials: reward. 913 Pine st. HELP WANTED FEMALE BELL TELEPHONE OPERATINO VfOITU. PAT STARTS AT ONCE AND YOU BECOME ELIGIBLE TO ALL THE BENEFITS OF THIS DIGNIFIED PROFESSION. : t ' INCREASES IN PAY ARE RAPID THERE ARE PLEASANT REST U O O M 8 CONGENIAL SUR nOUNDINQS MEALS ARE SERVED AT COST SICKNESS AND DISABILITY BENEFITS COST YOU NOTHING THE HOURS ARE SHORT NIGHT WORK FER IT IF YOU PRE- MISS STEVENSON BELL PARK WAY BLDG , 1BS1 ARCH ST.. FIRST FLOOR WILL TALK IT OVER WITH YOU ANY WEEKDAY BETWEEN 0 A. SI. AND 7 P. if. THE BELL TELEPHONE CO. OF PENNA. ACCOUNTS THE ACCOUNTING DE- j i Jtit; FAKTMK.vr Uf 1I1, I'UDWU UfjiniLin r''!-T?f-DESIRES THE SERVICES OF A R -YOUNG WO.MAN WITH AT LEAST TWO ri v YEARS OF HIGH SCHOOL TRAINING OR BOOKKEEPING AND SOME EXPERIENCE IN OFFICE WORK ARE ESSENTIAL ASK FOR MR PRICE PURLIC LEDGER CO . SIXTH AND CHESTNUT STS BOOKKEEPER, double entry, to take entire charge of office, must be conscientious and reliable: state salary and reference. y 738. Ledger Office BOOKKEEPERS. EXPERIENCED ALSO ASSISTANTS TO WCRK ON CUSTOMERS' CHARGE LEDGERS Apply bureau of employment wanamaker s CANDY WRAPPERS WANTED FOR CHOC OLATE BARS: EXPERIENCED APPLY THE J03S0N CHOCOLATE CO , 3833 LAN- CASTER AVE CHOCOLATE COATERSWANTED EXPE RIENCED. APPLY THE JORSON r-IIOC. PLATE CO 3833 LANCASTER AVE CLERK, experienced payroll, quick. and ac tmrate at flguies neat writer: progressive corporation: splendid opportunity Appl Notaseme Hosiery Co , employment office. Oxford and Mascher sts " CLERK for light offlco work In welfare de . j iorti.-nent large manufacturing concern? no lftfi&)- eaperlenca necessary, age 16 Edward G. V$? JR-dd Mfg. Co 2Sth and Hunting Park ave, l.iiV COOK, chambermaid and waitress: flrst- TiV 2C C'asa wanes; cu jnuritry or tf riaay, 10 " nj. to, 6 p. m.. N. W. cor. 10th and I r. 'g'V- 'J""' . r: - tt-.-. ' cociit ana waitress. : re labin sririn. ftr aowijBtairB worn, i-none lsocusc o or call tnyr rrorninic x .- nprucn at. COOK, also chambermaid, wanted for private family of 3 persons, references. Box 777, ! - COOK and downntstrs work white women no -wasning or pnning Apply ia tine st. FILE CLERK Wanted voung ladv rdr til Itlg oepartnieni 01 large, moaern. up-to-dat wholesale house must be neat, quick nd accurate and thoroughlv understand Library Bureau automatic filing svstenr ple.asant surroundings good opportunity tn talc full charge If capable hours 8 30 to 5 weekdays. 1 P m Saturda state experience KM sainry ,1311, a 1 ,,. i-nger Ijnice OIRL. competent, to assist with housework. washing and Ironing: family of 4; sleep In. Call Wyoming 5185 IRL For general housework in small family 1207 N 11th st QIRLS WANTED p'n GOOD PAT. EXTRA BONUS FOR CLEAN LTGHT FACTORY INSPECTING CONGENIAL. REFINED GIRLS TO WORK WITH PLEASANT SURROUNDINGS MATRON IN ATTENDANCE RECREATION ROOil NO EXPERIENCE NECESSART BUT GIRLS MUST NOT BE UNDER 10 YEARS OF AGE APPLY AT ONCE . ATLAS BALL CO 4TH ST. AND GLENWOOD AVE. OmLCAND WOMEN, NOW IS TffE TIME, TO tiUVE ir.(li' i. vJUU-'AYIMrj 5tK ASSEMBLERS AND MACHINE OP S.TOH- WBCI"!,". JVI-I'I.X 31J MT. EN .NCK Kwu.livi LfC-lAU 1IUII.DINO. Ajn ARCH STS. TAKE Er.EVATrm S-fllTH FLOOR. II, T. PAIBTE m .. 6-1 ARC1I BT. W AND WOMKK Wl hav, 1nf ln- atlsd another new lot of machines, also red our assembling departments, nn - ! Annrtrtuna time for you to secure ,t,ri 4-k with a modern, up-to-date, growing -, TTr!nhra not necessarv. rrm4 now wi peirtr-iers with rapid advancement: take svated. surface or subway car, to 32d ,. aHon. APPy factory office. II." T. Palsta SbKs- IHlJS wanted to operate cutters and sort MPr Apply rrom u a. m. io o p. m., MB ft Collins Co . Richmond and Tioga sts. LH. over IB years; steady position and -rnirai lo-livui nT-. j- in iiei- fanufacturing Co.. 4800 N. 18th St.. ayna Junction. It to 1A years of ags; continuation privilege: gooa wages: sieaqy posi- NjerRsr-Aaran juanu.-c.urius; v". h U. near Wayne, Junction. 4s4 in art jubliahlnir houm; light wt aurroAnvdlngsi ealarv lift. I. 1BWMWWAK j At II. -Ef-s ! irV i ?!' HEIiP WANTED FEMALE QIRLS wanted In coll winding department a Appiy uenerai .iecino CO.. izi& wasn lnton aye HOUSEKEEPER, working, In small famllv: no washing- required. Apply 218 8. 44th i, or pnone vinow urova ny n, IIOU8BWORK General housework, unite: ..r.rre.ncB "oulred: small family: wages IIP, rhonn Oermintown 2231 J. HOUSEWORK Whlto or colored alrl wanted for general housework: no wanhlna: Food wares. Call Hell phone Ijnsdowne 1491 R JAN1TRESS White or mulatto woman to Sft. lanitraaad In la-(raa vnmliktn tintA. date office : hours T:30 to S weekdays, 'l p. m. vir.UBt . aiaie salary ana experience. P. 717. Ledger Office, t LADIES Take work home spare time stamp Ine patterns Call store. M12 Market. MENDERS wanted on men's-wear worsteds Shackamaxon Mills, Allegheny avtt. and liitnvuvB, NURS1? experienced white woman: care of 2 chlHren: waaes ISO: reference required. Phone Oermnntown 2231 J QUILL WINDERS and warpers In ribbon department: learneis taken: steady work: 48 hours per week. Prle.lberger-Aaron Mfe. Co., 4000 N 18th st.( near Wayne .Junction. 1 SPOOLERS on cotton and mercerized yarn: big wages. Worth whlls to investigate: steady work B2 weeks In the year. Fried-berger-Aaron Mfg. Co., 4000 N. 18th St., near Wayne Junction. STENOGRAPHER AN OFFICE IN THE CENTER OF THE CITT RE QUIRES THE SERVICES OF A TIRST CLASS STENOGRAPHER: A HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATE 'WITH 2 OR 3 TEARS' EXPERIENCE PREFERRED: REPLY. 8TATINO EXPERIENCE AND 8AI.ARY EXPECTED. A 510, LEDUER , OFl'ICE. r STENOGRAPHER and typist, experienced" permnnent. good position, state salary and reference; employes' dining room on prem ises Kejtonn Lubrlrntlng Co., 21st and Clearfield sts. Tioga 747.1 STENOGRAPHER Permanent position! hourB. 8 10 a. m to 5 p m.: 10 o'clock Saturday. H K, Mulford Co . 42B S. 11th. STENOGRAPHER, experienced, wanted by manufacturing concern: state palsry ex pected Address P O Box 11113 Phlla STENOGRAPHER, young lady as office as sistant, one who can do t rewriting. J. E I.lmehumer Co 1720 Chestnut t STENOGRAPHER, builder's office, state age, exprlenco and salary exptcted P 733, Ledger Office STENOGRAPHER and tynlst. voung lady. one with experience preferred steady po. sltlon Apply II L Ward Co 21 S lUh st TTriST WE REQUIRE THE SERVICES Or A TYPIST. A TOUNO LADY WHO HAH HAD EXPERIENCE IN HILLING, AC CURACY. ESSENTIAL: REPLY. BTATINO EXPERIENCE AND SAL ARY EXPECTED. A 811, LEDGER OFFICE. TYPIST YOUNG LADY WANTED BY LARGE CORPORATION. PREFER ONE rAMILIAR WITH MULTIGRAPH. AL THOUGH THIS IS NOT ESSENTIAL TO OBTAINING POSITION: STEADY WORK. APPLY TO MB. FLYNN 606 CHESTNUT STREET. . TYPIST, experienced: steady position. K. Mulford Co 420 H. 13th st H WINDERS on cotton and mercerized yarn; big wages; worth while to Imestlgate, steady work 82 weeks In the year. Fried-berger-Aaron Co., 4600 N. ISth st near Wayne Junction. WOMAN wanted with initiate e and good social connection for position with Interior decorator, V 73t Ledger Office WOMEN TOR CLEANING NIGHT OR DAY WORK APPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WAVAMAKE1VS YOUNG LADY for clerical work, must be ac curate, v tlh desire concentrate Important v-ork state mo all del A 831. Ledger Off. YOUNG WOMEN AS CASHIERS AND INSPECTORS EXPERIENCE NOT NECES.SART APPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S HELP WANTED MALE ACCOUNTANT, salary $5000, the man we want must bp American about 37 ear8 of aire, of pood education possessed of brcfld practical experience mercantile and cost accountant and able tn effetlelv supers Ire a larsre force of clerks, do not reply unless ou hao earned a salary approximating that listed ahoe in duty similar to cTur require ment all replies Btrlctly confidential. P 808, Iedrer Office ACCOUNTANTS A firm of public account ants having' a number or branches require several experienced seniors and semlsvnloiM for Its Philadelphia office; state age, experi ence, salary and when available A 407, Ledger Officp ARMATURE winders, musr he experienced on bath (a) period fc) period and (a) period (c) period Apply Generul Electric Co 1223 Washington ae AHTIbT for letterhead designing and letter ing A 804 Leduer Office AUTOMOBILE MECHANICS, first class. none others need apply li u. Underwnnd Corporation 102.1 Hamilton st BOILERMAKERS AN'D MACHINISTS For railroad work, rtcidv employment, de sirable loeitlons and modern shops, free transportation Apply EMPLOYMENT BUREAU, r . M and St. !. R R . No 10 S. Canal st , Chicago BOOKKEEPER Experienced joung man wanted to take charge of perpetual stock records of a large and busv grocerj house, must understand figuring of applications of costs, excellent opportunity for soung man willing to demonstrate and proe ability Applv by letter, stating age, experience and salary expected Address L. H, W., P, o. Box 5S77 BOOKKEEPER assistant wanted by Stock Exchange house permanent position, state age, experience and salary expected A 510, Ledger Office BOY for office work: ago JiJ years or over Apply to Mra. Grler, third floor, 60B Chestnut st BOY to run errands and be useful In nu chine shop 21) N Front st BOYS wanted 1M jears old, to learn to fpp, Job and cylinder presses. Brown & Bailey Co 410 N Franklin 11C1UK MOl'OR CO . FLINT MICH ' WANTS TOOLMAKERS METAL PAT TERNMAKKRS. MACHINISTS. MACHINE REPAIRMEN MACHINE BLACKSMITHS TOOL DRESSERS, DROP FORGE DIE S1VKERS SHEET METAL DIE MAKERS ACME GRIDLEY. CLEVELAND AND BKUWN RHAltn, Ul'KKATUlCS. I. KIND ERS MOLDERS. MAI-JIIPI-. HIINOi WAGES; STEADY WORK: STATE FULL PARTICULARS IN FIRST LETTER. M 220. I.FDOER OFFICE CABINETMAKERS First-class, all-around mechanics steady work; free group life insur nnce. George W, Smyth 4 Co 40th st. below Grass Ferry road CABINETMAKERS EXPERIENCED ON FINE FURNITURE APPLY WANAMAKER'S FURNITURE WAREHOUSE N. V. COR. 22D AND WASHINGTON AVE. CABINETMAKERS and all-around machine hands, steady work: good wages light, modern plant, best conditions; group In surance Apply ready for work. Unit Con st rih2n(roB8thndA'Lave CABINETMAKERS. new model work, thorough knowledge of blue prints neces sary Apply Edward G Ifudd Mfg1. Co 25 1 h and Hunting Park ave CARPENTERS. WHITE' INSIDE WORK. APPLY CRAMPS' SHIP YARD.. RICHMOND AND NORRIS STS EMPLOYMENT DEPART MENT. ' CLERK Young man with good education, who is willing to start at the bot tom and work up. good chance for advancement Apply Public Ledger Co . Otti and Chestnut sts. ' Ask for Mr Wlest COLORED COUPLE, Protestant family, references required. Phone Bryn Uawr 9211 or write P O. Box 42(1. Bosemont, Pa DRAFTSMAN WANTED: GOOD MAN FOR MECHANICAL DETAILING APPLY CRANE DEPT,. NILES-BEMENT-POND CO? MIFFLIN AND MEADOW STS. DRAFTSMEN, mechanical, structural and plant lay-out experience; salary commen surate with ability; first-class men only need apply; bring samples of work to Employ ment Office. The Barrett Co., Margaret and Bermuda sts,. 'Frankford LEATHER STOCK CLERK Man wanted to take charge of leather stock and keep records: must hsva thorough knowledge of Uathert stata experience, ag. and f-Urr winttd. Address P. O. Box IpSl. A " EVENING3 FUBHO HELP WANTED MALE IABORERS FOR OUTSIDE AND INSIDE WORK APPLY EMPLOTMENT OFFICE GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANT - . ) ERIE, TA. LABORERS wanted: long Job: steady work. Apply on Job Sears.Roebuck operation. Irwin Lelghton. contractors. Roosevelt Boulevard, Asylum pike. Take Frankford wr. irnniifr nn in. i-aKianu l-omctery. MACHINISTS AND BOILERMAKER WANTED nT TTTE rHESAPnAKBl Awn OHIO RAILROAD APPLY TO J. R. OOULD. SUPERINTENDENT! MOTIVE POWER. RICHMOND, VA : H. M. BROWN. SHOP SUPERINTENDENT, HUNTINGTON W VA . OR W. P. HOnSON MASTER MECHANIC COVINGTON KENTUCKY MAN wanted middle aged not over 85 years, for Inside, genteel position: must be courteous and obliging, with ready smile: duties light and pleasant, salary moderate. Address A fifffl Ledger Office NIGHT WAK HJIAN WANTED FOR PRI VATE PLANT, STEADY WORK; GOOD ,.j.v..o 4l I I.. 1 1' t.tll 1 tUt I .L. TJ 1 uij.-. PIPEFITTERS Onlv first-class mechanic with marine plpeflttlng experience. Ap ply Employment Department. North Yard. New York Shipbuilding Corporation. Cam den N -.1 OPPORTUNITIES FOR THE FOLLOWING CLASSES OF HELP: HEAVY FLOOR MOLDERS For dry sand work MEDIUM FIXDOR MOLDERS For green sand work In an up-to-cate gray iron foundry ALSO BENCH MOLDERS MACHINE MOLDERS TABER MACHINE FLOOR MOLDERS FLOOR MOLDERS Who have had experience on gear case and motor frame heads For malleable Iron foundry Modern brick houses with all conveniences can be had for moderate rents, within 10 minutes' walk of the plant. Write or apply Employment Office GENERAL ELECTRIC CO Erie, Pa. PATTERNMAKERS: fltst class: steady work Apply Edwnrd O. Budd Mfg Co., 25th and Hunting Park ave PRINTING FRANKLIN PRINTING COMPANY 514-520 LUDLOW STREET PHILADELPHIA Is looking for an additional man for Its Order Department The work Involves taking the orders from members of our Salei Force, preparing them for the manufacturing de partment and following them through to completion In a systematic way. The posi tion will require a man with a thorough knowledge of the manufacture of adver tising printing Write, giving details of ex perience, age and salary expected PRINTING ESTIMATOR FRANKLIN PRINTING CO 814-120 LUDLOW ST. PHILADELPHIA requires an additional e.tlmator. man must thoroughly understand figuring line of high grade catalogue and booklet work: write fully! stating experience, age and salary expected PORTERS AND CLEANERS ArPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT Air-1 " WAN.AMAKER'S SALESMAN, thoroughly experienced In sell ing office and equipment. Is wanted bv an old-established house, this Is a ery deslr- ab e position lor in umu .; ... "" l.t experience P 804 Ledger Office. c.ou,.T Tf von Are making less than 100"p"er week and can sell securities see Mr Sherwln between 0 and 12. 218 N. Iran st, tsonn SALESMEN WANTED Vch Vvn i to sell a practical necessity a freight money rt" riVir saving service lowering selling prices In t" 5iErr creln profits and meeting competition. creiBlng prom 'his this service saved one concern mi in " weeks another rJ"oo on one smpmrni; the national freight expense Is 20 times the capital of all national banks the largest cost Item in the world, shippers not pro tected are loBlng millions monthly, tens o thousands of men responsible for directing freight sniPPinK uiiuri bu.ciiiiiiciu (chuikuvin need this service SALES OPPORTUNITY UNLIMITED Increasing production with export and Im port trade, following world's greatest war, makes Uncle Sam largest shipper on earth, this with the- new r-illroad legislation, makes the service a necessity and opens an unprecedented opportunity for an energetic, educated successful salesman or business man with financial responsibility capable of becoming a lOOri producer reeking per minent connection with profitable growing bUS'neEARN J100 to 1200 .WEEKLY Red blooded salesmeen now are earning 1171, J01 1324, etc . weekly, large commissions aro paid, assuring full earnings to pro ducers with no reserves for "has beens," "loafers" or "advance grabbers"; bonus paid nn subagent s sales, direct inquiries; protected permanent territory, successful plan of sale thorough personal training; In veetlgata this unusual opportunity; become a salesman In the largest national corpora tion of its kind In the United States; Vstab llshed 0 years, now organizing new territory; exceptional opportunity to advance as district manager Call Suite 51, Transportation nlilg 2't a i"i" Bt SALESMEN WANTED A large, high-grade manufacturing company has openings tn the sales departments for a few A-l men between the axes of 25 and S3; In replying give age, present employ ment, salary, experience: replies treated In confidence. P 728. Lodger Office. SHEET-METAL WORKERS, first-class all around mechanics. Apply Employment De partment North Yard. New York 8hlpbu!d. inglorTKjriimv SHIPPERS wanted, experienced In a oa ndy factory, rcferenie. Apply Tha Dobson Chncnlste Co 311 Lanrsster ave STEAM and board hammerman, experienced on automobile part, medium and 'heavy forging, hammers rangl from 1500 to 12,000, highest hourly rata paid: piecework basis: jrood earnings; 3 8. hour shifts; good working conditions; no labor trouble. Apply ready for work or rlte employment depart- ""SAVAOE ARMS CORP.. SHARON, PA, WANTED A man between 88 and (111 years old to represent an old and established In vestment hnusa In the following localities: Lancaster. York and Gettysburg; man must havs been resident of one of the above for a number of years: must be able to furnish tha best of references; a man with soma banking experience preferred. In" answering tat age and business experience; will pay T2- ... .,Brt, vr-1tnt chance for advance- mentt man who wlahft to earn from $8000 r has a wonderful oppor tn auw pjr tunlty. All ivr. traateo auiatly . ooa4?. Oaattau m. i SrLu"L ?- - - (LED'aE5PHILTAT)tej:PHIA THTJEDY, HELP WANTED MALti STEEL ENGRAVER -who can do all-around work. A 803. Ledger Offlc-s. WATCHMAN wantfl by bank uptown; day work; state age and reference, P 801, ledger Office YOUNG MAN . j -Bright young man, about 18, wanted as Information clerk. E. r. itouaiiTON & co. 240 W. Somerset st. or Phone KENSINGTON" 7100 YOUNG MAN WANTED IN STORE DE PARTMENT OF I.ARGE MANUFACTUR INC! I TOlAW SITUATED IN SOUTH PHILADELPHIA : ONE I FAMILIAR WITH STORE RECORDS rERPETUAL INVEN TORY ETC. APPLY STATING SALARY, AGE 'AND EXPERIENCE, O C3, P. O. DOX 3443. YOUNG MAN WANTED IN OFFICE OF LARGE CORPORATION: MUST BE IB TEARS OF AGE. OF GOOD rri:ARANCE AND AMBITIOUS! POSITION WILL BE STEADY AND ADVANCEMENT RAPID TO CAPABLE BOY: PARENTS SHOULD GIVE THIS CONSIDERATION ArPLY 000 CHESTNUT ST, ASK FOR MR FLYNN, YOUNG MAN Exceptional opportunltv for bright and energetic voung man, preferahlv Jn purchasing department, of a large and well-known store, state experience and sal arv expected P 724 ledger Office YOUNG MAN wanted to work Inward office or contracting nrm f n-'.-1 i't - General GREENEWALD'S SUPERINTENDENT OR rOREMAN with foundry or machine shop exp., knowledge of time, study and rate setting required: efficiency and production men factory or mfg. exp. required- engineers and drafts men with mfg, exp. mech., struct., archi tectural, elect draftsmen, time, studv and rate-setting men: time and payroll men con tracting exp, some ery attractive openings for college and technical men. BUSINESS DEPT. Accountants with C. P. A exp : cost acct and systematlzer textile mill exp; bkpr hotel (single man): bkpr Trust Co.: bkpr fire Ins office; bkpr with banking exp , asst. credit mgr., knowledge of bkpg: mercantile exp asst tnpurchaslng agent, knowledgeOf metal parts, dies, ma chinery, helpful: statistical clerk, clerk for eign dept large concern, knowledge of codes; asst bkprs., ledger clerks, time and payroll men ... STENOGRAPHER and secretary empl dept. Stenog and correspondent to emp. mgr. STENOG. IMPORTING HOUSE. STENOG ATTORNEY OFFICE. Stenog and secretary real estate Corp. Stenog sales dept large mfg. co. APPLICATIONS FOR THE ABOVE from expd. men nnd women only. Manv attract le openings now being listed. Information blank and DOOKiei grans. -o ,reKiiry charges 250 S 11th, , BUSINESS SERVICE CO . 1114 Lnjld Title. Accountants Seniors, C. P A., 40fl0 Draftsmen Mechanical; Designers; $2Bnn Engineers Industrial !500n Maintenance large steel mill J3600. Heat Vent . Time Study and Rate Setting J2400 Estimators Drop forging J2"i0O ...... Managers Gen Mfg Adding Machs , Jin 000 Prod automatic mach , J3O00; Sales $3000 Salesmen Coal: Tires; General, 12.'i00 up Stenographers Several J15B0. Supt Mach Shop Micrometer work, tlnnn MILLER BROWN TTmntnvment Service. 139 S 15tb st MACHINISTS' 4 for hench work LATHE HANL1M. 2. Mli-S11A1. wuiu.r.itrt. . only first-class men considered, best working conditions, no heavy work: good wages MILLER BROWN EMPLOYMENT SERVICE. 139 S 15th st , have a number of stenographic and other office positions open for men and women Sprues 6181. agents; WANTED Responsible men and women to handle our accident nnd health Insurance policies: liberal commissions: disability bene fits range from 120 to J100 a month, premium $1 a month upward, also limited policies at J1 and $10 a vear. all occupations. Na tional Accident Society. 320 Brcidnay. New York cltv festanusnea ,n vears. SITUATIONS WANTED-PEMALE COMPANION, refined young woman, kind and pleasant, would like to act In the capacity of companion or chaperon to party or parties, competent lady; a trip to Florida for the winter: reference. P 732, Ledger Off. SITUATIONS WANTED-MALE ACCOUNTANT, cost and general, ago 27 rs, married, desires pos A 008 L O. ASSISTANT TO EXECUTIVE PRIVATE SECRETARY Young married man energetic, with In itiative and executive abllltj. In ears' va ried general office exp. In executive and de tail rnnncltles: also stenographer. hnnl keepcr. correspondent, etc. A 802, Leg Off. CHAUFFEUR wishes position with private family: vvnue tinuiy man, private rer erence Roderick Gallagher. 203J Rcrks st CHAUFFEUR; married, wants position, 3 vears' exp . careful driver r"all or address 23 IJmeklln pike. Glenslde, Ta EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES TOR SATISFACTORY RESULTS SCOTT'S, 1208 Glrard ave Phone Pop. 20Jt Night Phone Wjomlng 5008 J MRS HAU BY. t10 Rlttenhouse sq re liable help supplied. wanted, every capacity WANTED Com, chambermaids waitresses oooKS inr. nursp; r,-. r-H J"ii, i.Hinnruige COLORED MEN. women, day, week, part time HURSBY. 1235 S, 19th. Dick. 3645. MACHINERY AND TOOLS Machinists and Millwrights Fully equipped machine shop. No con tract too large or top small Discoll Edgar Company Phone Diamond 2487 11107 N 23U STREET LARGE STOCK rebuilt and guaranteed engines pumps, air compressors and machine tools; send for complete catalogue of stock HERMAN I. WINTERER. U53 N. Front st. POWER-PLANT KOUIPMENI Dynamos motors boilers steam and oil engines pumps sir compressors FRANK TOOMEY INC 127 N 3d st COMPLETE plapt of new metal-working machinery consisting of lathes, planers, drill presses milling mschlnes etc Savage Arms uorp r.nr i.vt- nu .-.epviva st KLECTRIC MOTORS' MACHINE TOOLS r' POWER EQUIPMENT rVBRIEN MACHINERY CO. 119 N 3D ST MODERN machine shop open for small or Isrte orders Mne To 210 N Front .1 MILLWORK fix . quick delivers EnternrlsK Sash Fac . Bristol Il Ph Bristol 33U W STAMPS AND COINS BTAMPS. PACKETS. DIME SElS Albums and supplies for stamp collectors i-HII-V. STAMP CO., 21 S. 17th St. GASOLINE ALLEY Balku - f . . r S ll - IV USED AUTOMOBILES WHITE 5-T0N TRUCKS Rsbullt and guaranteed! any style body: new tires all around; wonderful bargains; never priced so low, THE WHITE CO , 20th and Erie ave. I HOLD 2 shares of stock which Is now pay. Ing me S10 a month dividend; I will ex change same for an automobile: what have jou to offer? M. J. Klljarrls, 8009 Rhawn hi.., iinimespurg. mono uoimeaburg 414 .T, AUTO RADIATORS, hfldv and r,nn,H man. ufactured and repaired; frozen radiators and smashupa our specialty: work called for and delivered. Keystone Auto Radiator Co.. 2428-27 N. Broad st. Phone Diamond 441. AUTO TOP SLIP COVERS. CURTAINS. I.tGHTS PUT IN WHILE YOU WAIT. AMERICAN AUTO CAR TOP. 1431 FAIR MOUNT AVE POPLAR ll2n, WINTON, model 21-A, 7 passenger: ran be bought cheap. The Winlon Co.. 1404 N. Broad st. FOR HALE 1017 Dodge truck, In good cona ; demonstration will be given; make offer. M, Abel, 1417 Falrmount ave. WINSTON model 22, 5-passenger; good me chanically: at a bargain price. The Win ton Co , 1404 N, I'rosd. PEERLESS. 1017: thoroughly overhauled: won. car mcchan., and for looks: can be bought right. The Winston Co , 14(14 N.Hroad WINTON. MODEL chantcally right. N, Broad st. 22: 7 passenger; me Tha Wlnton Co., 1404 FORD nnd Vim trucks, open and closed bodies: chesp terms, tnofl Callowhlll st. WINSTON model 2J. 7-pass . mechanically right. The Winston Co . 1404 N. Broad, WINSTON model 22, limousine: perfect con. dltion. The Winston Co., 1404 N. Broad. BUSINESS PERSONALS DIAMONDS BOUGHT Positively highest cash prices for jour dia monds, any size, from H to 10 carats: none pay higher: also old gold, platinum and silver bought. Estates bought (private). Est. 10 yrs. The Diamond Shop 1h10, DIAMONDS BOUGHT ANY SIZE PRICE NO ODJECT. ?"" ,?';'?, 'or Diamonds Bought, KELLY & CO.. 932 CHESTNUT ST. Suite 21-.'2. Over Chllds' Restaurant. Private DIAMONDS PAY 60 TO 11800 each; hrs. 10 to 4.30 A. McCUTCHEN 10 DlT T1 LIT nl Estate Trust Bldg. Broad and Chestnut sts inono walnut iuhi DIAMONDS BOUGHT HARRY W. SMITH. 717 HANSOM ST BRASS and enamel beds reflnlshed like new! estimate free- Keenin' 3101 Ludlnw St. ELECTRIC TREATMENT, also manicuring. Office, 4142 Market st.. second floor. ELECTRIC treatment & manicuring, jtnom 105 Heed Bldg 1215 Filbert st. Lnc. 3902 RUBBER goods of all descriptions repaired. Andrew T, Blrchett. 503 8, 22d at, CELESTE LA TELLE, facial, scalp treat.! 10 a.m. to fl p.m : closed Sun. 305 S. 11th. ASHES removed from cellars, nil kinds haul ing done. 818 Buttonwood. Market 4421. FOB SALE RAILS 150 Tons OF Thiity-five PourcIs Relaying Rails I'lrst-clas Condition; a Bargain Western Pipe & Machinery Co. Locust 4387 1414 S Penn Square IJhlla , T. OFFICE FURNITURE Large line desks, safes. fllM. cabtuets and general office furnlmr store fixtures. We luiv, sell nnd exrhange PATTEN FURNITURE CO , IOCUST4070 1127 ARCH ST RACE 2B04 IRON TENCES. window guards, cellar doors, galvnl? hand rails; repairs prompt niienneo in vv m v tarKson. hii i; Thaver BABY cmches reed PuKm-in, $10 up' reed strollers. $8 up; big selection. Auerbach. 40H4-30 Glrnrd ave Opn evenings BILLIARD, sold rent pool comb'n. 2d-hand bought. pic ipiier. ,ij w. uiraro av SArES, fireproof closing out, 00 slightly used: sonrc with thin walls 72 N. 4th. flANOS.PLAYEBS.TUNINQ.BTC LARGE SHIPMENT of railroad unclaimed freight Talking machines Including Vic tor and other popular makes; absolutely brand new: every machine guaranteed to bi sold for charges: can be seen and demon strated at Kevstone Purchasing nnd Sales Co. 12S N. 3d st. agents for railroad un claltned frelghi .VICTOR Vlctrolj. $125 and 15 records. slightly used, 575 complete, V A North K Co. 1S13 E Allegheny ave TALKING MACHINES OF ALL MAKES Recmds In till lung. , cash or easy navm't 7 Kltt", 17r. W Glrard nve Kens 117-34 " LESTIJR-made plnver Ns note, good con $440; with 12 rolls, come quick: bargain" F A North Co 1811 B Allegheny.". ' WE' REPAIR plnver-piinos and do tuning lllipi'm " ' -'" "- L.i.i,-ii .lll ,1111-1 STOBAGE AND MOVING TERMINAL WAREHOUSE AN'D TRANSFER CO Columbia and Sydenham st local and long distance moving by courteous experienced men: clean dust-proof rooms for furniture let us estimate Phone Diamond 4472 VICTORY STORAGE 5215 Market. Largest nd best. Phone Belmont 1670 for an estimate. Goods packed for shipment Plerce-Arrow vans formovlrur Dougherty & Sons, Storage Get our special rate for moving for our reli able and careful men Call Poplar 4503; Kevstone Park, 1127, night phone. Pla. 5M2. FIDELITY riREPROOF WAREHOUSES 1817-10 MARKET ST. l"ui3Jja WANTED WANTED GRAND PIANO TROMINENT MAKE: GOOD CONDITION, PRICE LOW- SH. DEALERS NEED NOT APPLY' "ill l.EDOKR OFFI'-K ' ' ljl1' a'it. wAXf at once, household fnmi,,,... store fixtures, olflce furniture; Piy spot cash: honest value, phone us about it. Locust 4il4. Old Church cor 12th and Cherry sts. cisT.opP CLOTHING lioumrr We call an where, any time Ph. Dick (jl,, -Itlr-i'-M.-. j .111 Domn at FURNITURE BOUGHT Highest Price Pa, s"ulh""i' Irurnltuns rn I'tion- jvi.r. - " n, juui 1 PAY best prices for old clothes shoes: . 1 Uu-lnvild bfli fv ,ll.. t.ill sena pouu j -.iu-.i-, wi t.itinnuiiu sc BUSINESS OPFOBTUNITIES BUSINESS MEN Five men desiring to enter an established fVslness will kindly give telephone number for Interview; salary nnd commission for part or whole time, must be willing to co-operate for mutual advantage, unless sou mean busi ness please save your time, an Investment of fioon is requireo. i -'. i.roKr wnice RESTAURANTS for sale, all size, and prices Morgan - Dickson 2404 N. 3d Wanted WE CAN SELL sour bus.; no chge. till sold Morgan & Dickson, 2401 N. 3d.' By KING Copjrtebt. 1919, by tha Tribuney C - JAmTBY 8, 1920 BOOMS IFOR BENT BROAD ST., S.. 22,1 Most attractive rooms, prlv. bath If des I . excellent hotel service, CREIGHTON ST.. 1727 (between olst arm 62d, Parkslde ave.) 2 furn. rooms on 8d floor for light hkpg I modern conveniences, . WALNUT ST., 1812 Very attractive rooms with private baths' new and really beau- tlful notei appninimnne hum rri.im, 1ITH. 8.. 310 (near Spruco) (Perrin Newly furnished suite, nonhousekteplng. walnut laoo. - ti m inn in n t to T, R IT n I CI UMo-da'te furn. rooms, electric, h.-w. heat: dally and wkly. . rates: conv. to stations: good seen mmodatloni for traveling people, FURNISHED room for rent; all convenl ences. Thone Belmont 8T40 W.I good car nnd elevated connections, ATTRACTIVE furn. apts., some housekpg. Kherwood API, Agency, 225 S. Broad St.. StJBURnAN 12TII ST., N,, 8018 (Logan) Business man or woman can hava nicely furn. room. BOOMS WANTED WANT 2 unfurnished rooms, second-floor front: elderly couple: light housekeeping: neighborhood 10th to 21st. Susquehanna to Somerset. Address 2180 N. Lambert at. APABTMENTS APARTMENT HEADQUARTERS Central apartments a specialty, Sherwood Apt. Agensy, 25 S. Broad st. Some Tery attractive furn apts , some bnusekeeplng. . BROAD AND SPRUCE. VICINITY Will share well-furnished apartment with couple or business women Call Locust 1078 CHESTNUT ST., 1033 Two large unfurn, .nn.a kitchenette and bath! VSPOr heat. elec ; first-floor rear: all outside rooms: rean, .u. . tin.il UT Mtlv furnished! second floor: steam heat, electric light, tiled bathj also i rooms ann nam on miru mmr. THREE rooms and bath housekeeping apartment: second' floo: modern, so in 34th st. Phono Baring 8102 SPRUCE ST., SOl'l 2 furn. rooms, bath, flrrnlwcc. southern exposure: gentleman, germantown' APT., fum.. 3 rm . bath and porch: no kitchenette. 8802 Oreeno st Germantown, EUBNISHED APABTMENTS SINGLE ROOMS: also smalt housekeeping suite: severnl different locations in the extremely desirable Spruco st. section. Ap ply 1711 Spruce St. APABTMENTS WANTED YOU ARE INVITED to list your vacant or to-be-vacant apartment with tho Sherwood Apartment Agency, 228 S. Broad st. Phone Walnut 317. It is quite Impossible to fill the requirements of our many applicants with out jour hearty .co-operation. APARTMENT HOTELS THE DELMAR-M0RRIS American Plan CHELTEN AVE. AND MORRIS ST. GERMANTOWN 20 MINUTES TO UTtOAD ST. STATION Fnrnlnhd and unfurnished nuke-. BARTRAM APARTMENTS 33D AND CHESTNUT STS A few apartments, large rooms with bath, for rent, either for tho winter or year; dining-room service unexcelled. HOTEL COLONIAL AT8.riFlr Select apartment family hotel: In the center of the city, operating on the American plan: mir table will please tho most exacting C PITMAN BAKER, Jr. Manager. THE LITTLE HOTEL. 225 S Broad st A good place to live while In Philadelphia. BEAL ESTATE FOB SALE CITY IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 2020 Somerset st. '8 rooms porch... $4900 2748 Seltzer st. (corner 28th St.). 0 rooms, porch 3800 WALTER V. ASHBY 2040 N 20TH ST I nran 1010-18-20 Wlugohocklnc st.: 0 rooms and bath. Gprmaninwn 13' Tulpehocken st , 3 ermaniOWIl yM 12 rooms and bath What am 1 orrerear u. . jii;.-nkx, uuft Drexel Bldg. Phone Lombard 5281 BARGAINS FOR SALE 18th st. north of Mt. Vernon $0500 18th st. south of Wallace st 0000 Spring Oardcn west of 17th st 15,000 202J Tioga. 118x210 ,..20 000 OKH 1. i'akim;u. 1 f-ti l-airmount ave. 1524 N. '.'1ST ST , prlco $2000 1020 N 3d at.: price 300 1811 Sharswood st,; price 2200 1033 Palethorp st . price 1700 OEVTHER 2410 N 2d St 1513 N. 31D STREET On tho Park front and In a delightful loca tion: 14 rooms porch, all conveniences and most attractive, price $0000, terms of sale are very easv. PEMBERTON ESTATES Harrison Bldg 3AT.K Sorur st. west of 1'Jth Kt . -1 Oxli.0 Hroarl st aboe Jerferson at, ."0jt2nn. Juniper st.. 20n blnok t-iuth; 34x70 c;t;o ii I'iaM.t. in w i neunut st. 1526 Alter St.. 2-Story Dwg. B C ADAMS. 1418 WALNUT ST 2001 E YORK ST. Thtee story, all conve niences: large vard. $3400 E 1. GRUBB. 1014 E Daunhln st Both phones POSSESSION at settlement 2241 N Front St. $12000, neir proposed elevated 1011 E Dauphin st. IMMEDIATE pose. 3M3 N Svd.-nham st ; newlv painted nnd rrnov 0 ims and b J Tl JARDELLA. Jr 1420 Chestnut st. 301) HOUSES for sale, all sections, down bilmce same as rent KENNEDY. 400 S. Von Pelt at $100 TWO 3-stury buildings. .",7x100. 1528 and 131 Vlnv st, for snlo or exchange. Call Walnut 1514 PORCH FRONT 0 rooms and plastered shed, electric, steam heat, semidetached: price $5000 I W Clayton 3151 Iankford nve. COLORED tenants can buy homes, all sec tions tinn down bafance same as rent. KENNEDY. 400 S Van Pelt st 220 MARKET ST Desirable 4-sty. connect ing with I Ft raw berry st. prompt po"s. K B Lush 328 Drexel Bldg Lombard .1227, IMMEDIATE POS.. nar 23d & Lehigh. Moore. Somerset A Bons-vll st. $4000 2224 N. 4TH ST. 1 story, brown stone E J GRUBB 1014 E Dauphin. Building Lots. Factory Sllrs. Etc. TWO DESIRABLE LOTS, with railroad frontage, N. W corner 4th snd Ontario sts ; 14.400 sq ft.. N. E corner N. P It. R. and Indiana ave. 22.500 sq ft.; suitable for stone yard coal yard, storage or Ice plant, J. W, m'OADa, 185 S 5th st KITES RAILROAD 1 enna ana Reading; lyOflfl n1 arra anr tin tuienrlnif t.i 1-j Inquire for terms Dleterlcli 737 Walnut at Business Prispecta nnd Stores KENSINGTON AVE. STORES W art In a roe It ion to offer a few stores that remain for sale; quick action necessary. TOWN T nnVF P 73u f t',' a-i-1 KenshiK ton ave Fftftorles. Mannfncturlng Floor FACTORIES AND FACTORY SITES Evervwhere In Philadelphia LOUIS S GINSBURG 1201 Chrstnut St. $1500 CASH Tvro-btory mill property with power plant: larco lot. near Ilrldeetoti. N J, GEO. W. MILLER. Inc. nOOM 40H 1001 CHBflTNUT 8T. fi-tSIOUY bull'Jinff, heavy brick and iron con Htructlon floor doulfle, nj-cnfnrced, plaa terpri rnfiT freleht ekttor, 'jonvenlent to freight etatlona and wharf, central; bar srnln P 71H Ledger Office 1NI.US1 JtlAI 1M.ANTM warehofltsea. vacant land railroad and water front a Re, J 1. KTKVKVOV A SON. R"2 .TA Title. "MIII Llood power plant low Inaurance, nearh 100,000 square feet, occupancy within nrlff period A 007 Kedger Offlce. Garn?e SALE Oarage, V4 etiuare from Broad and Race; 500o sq ft , Immediate possession; easv terms W BRUCE BARROW. 130 N Igth st, WEST I'llll-ADI-.l.l'IIIA OUR NEWEST OPERATION 1EAUTIFUL 7 AND- 8 BOOM HOMES Intlu.ird Mjrches, hardwood floors, com- liiallon gas and electric fixtures com- .Ination gas kitchen handsomely up. minted bath, shuwer baths; large front, racing on an 80-foot street Convenient transit to center of city learness to markets, schools and hurches a feature IMPI.E HOUSE 11531 PASniAI.T. !,. Route 11 and 87 In Sulivvay or 12 on pine st to 05th and Woodland ave I walk one block south tn operation. YAULfc, & OPEN EVENINQB ON PREMISES LOOK THIS OVER Store and dwellings for sale, 8104 Lans dovvne ave. In the greatest business center nt West Philadelphia; Immediate possession: mil irt nulclr. SEVERAL PROPERTIES 9n Market it. wast of 60th at. CABFaNTBR WIL30N, .6IJ9 Warket BEAL ESTATE FOB SALE west rniLADKt.rniA. $500 ttQCnft ft7-0-00 Cash 'P-J.'UU Monthly Only $8 additional monthly re quired to reduco 2d mtg. SAMPLE HOUSE 6042 UPLAND ST. 01ST AND KINGSESSINO Larger, rooms than lha average $4250 house, complete In every detail, shower bath, electric lights, etc. Take No. 13 car on Walnut st,, No. 11 car In Subway or No, 12 car on Pine st. to 61st st. Owner on premises or Samuel Stem. 210 North American Building. Member Phlla. Beat Estate Board. 5 MORE DAYS TO BUY One of our "little beauty" homes In the 1B00 block, S. Ithan st. (50th at Chester ave.). at the .old price of J8500, and with only 1850 cash; warm and coxy, these little homes aro giving absolute satisfaction these cold days. Electric light, beautifully papered and painted and placed In first-class condition throughout. The advnnced cost of labor and material compels us to advance the prlco con siderably the end of tho week, so act now BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE Where can you buy a home like this for as little amount of cash? Vrherg can you duplicate them at this prlcer Come out today and be convinced. Agent on premises, or Realty Finance Co., 1420 Chestnut st. Locust C703. lAQ C HATH QT Nine-room modern I Jt7 i. JOin tl. main-street homo; only $5400 rw ntilck: little cash, A 9 F7FrnRI 185 S. B8TH ST. rt. J. -.,tM, WOODLAND 8078 WE HAVE a large list of modern houses in West Phlla for the home buyer. CARPENTER & WILSON, Bell 1057, 0221) Market st Ol-tMANTOWN iiIIII!ll!llllli'Ullin!li:i!!l!IIUIll!l!III SEDGWICK 9 EXAMINE THESE MODERN HOMES H JJ,IXn?UT DELAY. WE CAN OF- g FER YOU EXCEPTIONAL VALUE j IN THE FOLLOWING LIST: g 35 E MT. AIRY AVE.... $0,500 g 7147 BOYER ST 14,750 g 7200 BOYER ST 8,750 H 127 E. SIT. PLEASANT AV. 10.750 H 7010 BOYER ST . 12,000 H 7201 BOYER ST 0,750 m Send for descriptive list or phone S B our office. j 1 S. C. T0URIS0N I B 7014 BOYER ST , GTN m iammmmmummmmmmwmmammmMMm 51 Manheim Street Two stnrv 4 bedrooms; modern j vacant 329 W. Logan Street Two stnrv, 3 bedroom1', moern 5047 Greene Street Two stor 4 bedrooms; vacant 263-257 Zeralda Street Two htrrv ., bedroorn- aint THOMAS H. EV0Y 4800 WAYNE AVE IMMEDIATE possession: 547 E. Tulpehocken atV, 2-.8tor; modern twin, V, block from AnBhlngtnn Lane -tition on tho Heading Dav Id L. Hoggs. .-,22 and 325 North American Building Walnut 8450. GTN. Beautiful home. M0) block E. Rltten house st 8 r., porch exc cond, : Immed pnss Ira F Thomna 2115 W lhlgh ave WAE jiiNCTinv TIIIS Is your pppor. to get the cheapest D-room porvh-front house In Philadelphia, good con.; 4441 N 20th St.: price $5000. Ap ply owner, 022 Chestnut st, second floor. TIOGA VACANT 3412 N 17TH ST. in rooms and bath: per feci condition Buxbaum 8510 N 17th OrjvIKY OIiJiKiYe naNB houses from $3000 to $7500, Olney. Logan and vltlnltv; do you ?.tS1.,'i.hom'-7 C'B" w 45211 Come sec us. UNDLEY REALTY CO, 5102 N. Sill st LOG N 4528 N. 13th Street Two slorj. 3 bedrooms, modern throughout possession Marih 1 THOMAS If EVOY 4on Wavne avn VACANT 4560 N 13TH ST. 8 rooms and bath, hot- -... i ..t-Jlt, --ii-..- nuAiiHiiin .Lin, rv i7th niSbUl.lH OPDVI-W DALLAS i HARTLEY. INC 4709 N Iroad st Wyoming 871-872 ' i.mm. ross,, near Broail 1111,1 T.,.,,Hn . porch front. (I rooms, bath and shed J W CLAYTON ,1151 Frankford gve. iiio.-v.i,unsT-nq from 3 trol HnTii, 7r b pnntrv thor mod : fine outlook EDWARD H BUCKLEY Wvn 1 1 ill W 0K 1,WR B317 CAMAC ST. Three-storv. twin 8 rooms. 3 baths elec . fireplace, rie-iC papered: Immediate possession. $11500 De. tnched utone, 0 rooms bath, elec : hot.watJr heat, 2-car garage; large lot. $15,700, Mod ern stone house, n rooms 2 luiths Jiilr. hot water heat; billiard room; lot 78 ft' te.ViS.'-.B.inS'-;!," CdraBe- '30u: Herbert Hope. 5901 York Road FOR SPECULATION ibl Oak I,ano housa. nr luest. 4 desirable Oak Lane houses, particular. Herbert Hope. 5901 York Rd. Building Ixita C'to'xA8V; r SSTT'. "tSVo'S' JS slli'dl.'' "rth l Ch Herbert Hope. 590 1 York Rd. FKNNHil.VAMA HUllunti f r- Y-.. W-4 M.' . I?.. i . niuii a m.c ,mie Place in the Country? Five-room house and U acre grounrt ,1800 on easy terms located ! In De"awfrl 5 minutes to railroad station. APV' Ledger Office A "-0. two minutes rrom iitith at r.rn,i r stucco and frnme dwelling 0 room. 51 water heat, gas and elettrlc: lot kA .l ,1)250, Gi:6 L BARNES l.jf,' figl J'S. ... i.'iju rAl7l? ,ia i -isi EI.KINS PARK, line home con train and trolley, u bargain, i ?is ntr l" 1.111 ' Ofn llillN HOCK FERN ROCK 2 stv twin 0 rms,, bath, h -w hear t-o DETACHED. 2W sty , alnn. u1,h JJ', """ rooto.n,i5Son.d bath' "-w-""" " .'".n"i,-r: Herbert Hope. 5901 YorkJU TWO STY. BRICK, semldet., nor,-!, froT7 ex, cond,; (mm. posse., price isaoo,1, H HOPE pi n. IB-rt-. YnilK ROAD 5000 BLOCK BROAD ST. Desirable 3-atriry porch-front dwg., hot-vvMter heat, etc Inclosed porch; deep lot; 18800, "" HERBERT HOPE. 5901 York Rd, ni.KNSim; J7H0O, SINGLE 7-room dwg., every conv'" js-rfect cond , lot 50x150. RENNINOEn' RENNINOER, Glenslde, Pa,, onn .i. I.ANdllORNE IVi-ACRE MORE IF WANTED 16room stone house, 2 modern baths, h.-w heat, all convenience., hardwood finish: stable and garage, with help's quarters Old shade, elevated yet near station PETERS - SON 808 CHESTNUT BT . Phlla. MKRION 8TONB COLONIAJ- beautifully located; S patts hot-watar heat; Jctrlo tight, a. M. BAND!,-. at;..i. BEAL ESTATE FOB HAt. I'KRKABirc - GENTLEMAN'S rESTAT?" on 8, Walnut st. 1'a.i,-.i. ot'-i distance of Philadelphia and i!WMni contnlna 03 acres, small Wooolann-, ,elni' and running stream: harn ami '. !?'' In good condition; "with hay 0.u,.bu"ln farming Imn imuiin .i... .'." straw ... 2 baths, hot.water'hearelectrlo'iL'Sl luvntiuui d-uihk lo SeillP MfnU i "'UTI w. ..v.... ..I..,.. ouuucriDn. Ia 0f . NKWJKRSF.Y-siliiimrM . HADnONFIEl.ll HADDONF1ELD Attractlve'SnTl ; In hall and, living roorn? Obe11 baths, pantry, laundry. storcroonTf;V,!,. wood floors, gas, elect lot linI5nnc',hM. Tims, n nitwM ,V'i WM hm. " '"" " "" -t PfcilL" MoonnsTowji " J ftTTiiitnn'i: ji.hai.i.1 h EXCEPTIONALLY WELL LOCaW """" P".,BUH CHESTNUT ht j-rjf" WOODBUKV muukhn 10. room house, hardwn.j . - best location In Woodbury. NT? .n,0"l ttes from station, 2 minutes frnl'' "rti' lubprlca 10000: lot 73x20of il 4. JJV PENNSYLVANIA FARIta PUBLIU SAI SALE OF REAL Fmi'it- PERSONAL PRnPriS&Jn AND Will be sold nt public ,,. ' nr,ml... In l-..t xn .ui' ... 'e OH IV. ........w ... aD. .iMciih lownanin l..'.'' cooniv. i-a,, one mne west of 8nrt."J.'" on the state road, on Thursday Ja K c ' personal property. late of Horace' n" A".4 shaw deceased, to wit: "." u. Lit. a xarm connning is acres, more . 1 under high state of cultivation, W"'', modern conveniences. wlll U Modern stone house containing 10 . with toilet, bath and plpelcss h?5ter n$Si one largo barn with running water SiSS" for 20 cows and 8 horses: 2 wagon h 2 garages, silo. Ice house. 3 chl?k?n ff'"- and other buildings: 225 fruit trtb"A various kinds, one acre of strowbefrl.i 'i acres of raspberries, about M IStM asparagus "" t The location of this property I, unexceluj anrmCa0rnkVee,ent " SChls- St0"8' "SSSf, Also 2 small wood lots of 214 . .. acreH each, na ' All tne rarming Implements will be nM Sale to commence at 12-30 p rn e!Si tlons to bo made known at sale con4li WALTER L. LATSHAW . . LYDIA K. LATSHAWW' ClW F r.A-atrAw Executor. 1 Phoenlxvllle Pq NEW JF.RSI-.V FARAS o yv. jicr vii eooq nign land: ha f hniii i r do nn e ertrlc lino- ni,,.!."u ."""' 1 t L0.0,- w"2'a tjn?nth, "meSi.'S'S: session ELY 700 Federal st. Camden REAL ESTATE BALE OR Eixt CITY rOR SALE 1418 Melon-at.: suitable fofl shop: rear entrance for automobile: rent I $31 a montht price $1-,oo. "', rent W. JIHUUIJ 1IAH1IUW, 330 N, 12th It, B. E. SALE OB EXCHANGE TWO 3-story buildings, 37x100. I5;g ,.. I 1530 Vine st., for sale or exchange calf I BEAL ESTATE WANTED jiESfUN-iULt; manuracturlng companf 1 wrlshen to rent a large rrwpieri l,&j ..I buildings suitable for storage. Incited on j American st. between Berks and Allegheny I ave. or northeastern section nt Phlla , wttb. I I, 1 -1.11.... AA ,1' M r, n n.-'-il.S nuiruau nimiiis, .uu. -o., j-, j xiux, Jim WOULD like to Know or a good '-'-ilorjl house price not inuaiea: wou d nrefr . house not execo ling $8000: will conMder any j location ii pr-ce is nam; pieaso aescrlb House luny. ji --.' --ukpt vjihcc WANTED to buv or rent. 7-room modern I houe, MerchanUIHo or other suburb, statu j price tmfrovpments, lot and when built; J bungalow preierrea I .rtger Office no agents. M Hi, I HAVE purchasers for properties In am section of tho city; send particulars and I I will give the matter immeqiate attention, WAl.Tl.ll v Aariin. -ihii . -'Hin st WILL PURCHASE about tl small houses M Investment. ,M 222, ledger iirnce Warehouses FLOOR SPACE In warehouse wanted bj largo corporation: on tracks: must bi rentrally located: would also consider an entire warehouse with floor space of 20.000 square feet. P 727, Ledger Office BEAL ESTATE FOB BENT CITY RENT. 480 N. Otll at 140 1 n47 x Lawrence st 18 210S Harlan st . 11 j 2114 E Mercer st ... 31) j i-t-w ii ii iiii,ik Mil i i ii i riiinuii i iivr SIX rooms and bith. excellent condition S30 . Apply Geo. D. Kllnsler, 4420 N Sth. Tlow WR I-OCATI. store or dwelling .ou wish ta rent. charges ?5. 2404 N. 3d et TiiC fortes, M tmifnrturlng rioors FLOORS Large Small W. BRUCE BVRROW. 110 N 12TII ST Established 1880 Factories a specialty- Garages LARGE garage. West Philadelphia, good 1 1 cation Kenneilv -tnd 8 Van peltst Stores nnd Dwellings FOR RENT Store and 3 upper floors Uta above Market: new bulk window will be 1 put In: possession during January W. BRl' WCK BARROW, 130 N12lhsl OKl'lCKI. Ill'SINIisS ROOM, ETC LARGE sfcond-story front room, suitable for I business purposes. J, E. Ltmeburner Co. 1720 Chestnut st: FOR KENT Prlvute office room and 202 Franklin Bldg . Ill Apply Wl l.'in ii. PENNSYLVANIA SUBURB W M Kf.HOHK l'AKK DETACHED house. 8 rooms, clectrlcltfi large lot, handv to train. $00 monthly. H HOPE. 5001 YQTk road , NEW JERSKV SKASUOBE ATIA NT1C CITY FOR RENT until June 1. nicely furnlsMj cottage In the best part of Chelsea: I r'l,lea. N. J Add y F. W. Walter, Letltla st , Phlla. FOR BENT FURNISHED CHESTNUT HILL Very desirable stone detached house, about 'ii acre of ground, living mora, dining room, pantry, kitchen, second and third floors contain 8 bedrooms and 3 back rooms; garagx and basement rtntal J300 per month. JOSEPH M. JENNINGS 8812 QERMANTOWN AVE iiavkkfokh TWO MINUTES from Haverford bMlDni J house well and completely furn : 7 ' I rooms, 3 baths r (.'. uox la, ii-veriui-. - MORTGAGES $100 TO $5000 TO LOAN real estate owners : note or mortirart; 1"J' ii.llmani nr Inntr trm milrk MtlrneD. ARTHUR J. LEUP0LD 80'. Bnllev Bldg 1218 Chestnut at- NOTE ON MORTaAOB Immediate aettlements Unsettled estate loans Building association funds DEMPSEY CO., 27 S 15th st. WE DESIRE TO SELL $100,000 rnortyail for 5 years at 8, pasable nit less tluit $20 000 per year, title clear, neaessed at $100,000: property at Kensington and All :.IL ves. Rockland Hosiery Mlila. M" Kensington ave $50 Real estate security; Imm'dlatl settlement: Interest In eatattl TO bought: cash at onte. . . i pivnn a nr I527W, Sb-HJU LCWIO CX. t-U. oirsflfva fMRSTldORTOAaES for sale. $2 WO '.tW. JIIOOO earn; J'J n '"'''' Vit-liiiirnTOS iiM.a with each mortgage PLMUhllTU-i KtiTP.B. Harrison Building ,-7.. REAL KrjTATK A.NU --lAl-B ANY tlllij. , . nMrl DELANY .14 S Broad (M'e't End RUtl MONEY TO LOAN I YC)U CAN BORROW MONEY I -xi ntAMONDS AND JEWEI.BY iW'DVip-.'.lH?.' ederVEKC,W 128 MARKET 8T -.-r. ST. RIDGE Avia.oftMgn-Iyf,-,fiij -READY MONEY- DIAMONDS. WATCHES - JBWBI.BT United States Loan Society 117 NORTH RRCA.D, SIM Market st m nermntn.W- wiLi; .c-n'on-or buy al jn-i P!H72j "ara 150 TO $1000 & ,-l- ti i , f i I , l 4fi T -' UfcW Hu-t . -- L . -V . ' " -HHfetr (