J," 1 " K.w -v Raw , (A iW nro tor date at -"MSemMHvssfm, on. ITSVVBecnrrtOofi Notes fr'F'h.Mby gfv"n that rennijrlvMjU llrt i 1CI. Si.etcd to pay and redeem IS ""'"'jufy 1. 10 18. maturing J" J n 4:.,dt A & rasa1 tf BT r" SaiWrdaneawllh such SW'ffi'sflSTsg sw.!pffr,Ki."Ssa m l5 '.Tholders of ..Id notes S3; .ft". . nresent the tame t?r..".qd Redemption, on jam a iJtcot 'M ".V must ha furnished. SSued '"'" ,hm?'xccutlve Committee. Kr Mr "' theT. A WOO" Secretary . '-TsALBS CORPORATION r.T.raJ;sra :rsi?wA!fn?sii.lis n-nWmbe at S. "nice of the mSw. ..clock P.'?:' ,tl Philadelphia, upon the 1105 CM"luiBroval of a proposed in " .Mo to 2P0.OOp. !,"" nossEWi ""gij-y. EDOAH BABNr&lor! jjfJESlERVICE COMPANY BANKERS SHARES "UwiMV Distribution No. 11. -, 1 Doherty & Company announce BB1V -in monthly distribution on Mat tne eiev" - . , O" ... ,. n.nv rttnVirs Sharon rtnv- o" Winiary 2n t0 "ankers Shares of Jjjrt January l5th wlU b8 45'8 C6nts on rhBtMr "-" Financial Brief g KS?r"nK ITIB PENNSYLVANIA SALT fiujrrACTnnrNo company - 1 .. .tlne of tHe Board of Directors. JXu"ty" a Quarterly Dividend of tun K'jSSialf per cent was declared payable j wf-SfJL Wo. to stockholders of record wn2tar Im 191. Check, will bo mailed. yK,,.-. -.njuuR e, kiwu, Treasurer, pyiiajlpnii. DfCtmlur 22 J. 1910. sniv .1 i-klin & CO.. Inc. , '" Philadelphia Jan. B. 1020. U. directors of John J. Fella & Co., Inc.. ..h.i. meeting neiu nwo u.w navn ucmurra at ttS dlWend of 10 per cent on the ..ttiftn BLUvrv w v.- -. - - ..mi - r-wiirterly dmaena or i per cent on JflSSUred stock pavable January 13 to "... f rrroril January HI. Chnnlra jvnniaera fc -- -- - . w-rjnon KK S treferred nV"'.i!. Wl "iVVim n REII,t.Y Hrr.lnro -nAMTor KAT FAILS lildce and morale atps.. rWIadslphla, Pa.. Jan. 7. . n.artnrd hae this day declared nn h-itSSvWend of 2, payable semiannually fill and September 15), to stockhold- VUW . .. cioae 0f business lebriiftrv ''-',.: lll k mallod. RATMOI-D S STEVENSON, Cashier. -wTlil.NAL SECUKITY DANK Philadelphia, Jan. n. 1020. .L. At..rnr have tilts dav dpclarp,. '.ii'imual dividend of twelve (12) per cent. RZl ... . $230,000.00 Svlded'frofiU ...... 1D8'.48T:87 i' w m iiicii.jii, t-asmer. ChnrlcB Wheeler nnd Herbert TJ. Clark hnve been elected members of tho Phila delphia Stock ExchntiRC. Mr. Wheeler Is n member of the firm of Wheeler, Billot h Mann and tho scat was trans ferred from tho namo of Richard M. Elliott, nnothcr member of the firm. Herbert Ii. Clark Is a member of the firm of E. W. Clnrk & Co. nnd thin transfer was mario from the name of O. Howard Clark, Jr., deceased. Tho annual mcctlne of the stock holders of the Pennsylvania Railroad Co. will be held Mnrch 0. Stockholdpm of record January 23 will be .entitled to vote. Application has been mndoto tho New York Stock Exchange to list: Montgomery Ward & Co., temporary certificates for $8,000,000 7 per cent cu mulative preferred stock ; Republic Iron and Steel Co., .$2,0-18,000 additional common stock ; Dominion of Canada. $in,000.000 two-year 0V4 per cent gold notes, due August 1. 1021. and SfiO.- 000,000 ten -year 5V4 per cent gold notes duo August 1. 1020; Bush Terminal, $152,300 additional common Btock. James Beggs. a member of Chlcnirn Board 'of Trade, hai purchased a mem bership in imcw lorK atocK Exchange for $108,000, which Is $2000 under last previous sale. Tho average price of twenty active Industrial stocks advanced .10 ner cent yesterday to 107.55, while twenty rail- roaus advanced .01 per cent to 75,00. Deposits of $073,844,807 and re sources of $050,550,007.80 are shown In the statement of the Guaranty Trust Co. of New York, as of December 31, 1010. Deposits increased $00,058,715 during the lust year, while resources increased $184,057,130. After making deductions for the distribution to em ployes under tho profit-shaving plan Inaugurated by the Guaranty a year ago, nnd for nil other Charges, approx imately $3,000,000 was added to the company's undivided profits account for tho jcur 1010. The New York Subtreasury gained $534,000 from the banks yesterday, making a cash net gain since Friday of $3,044,000. Liverpool Cotton Liverpool, Jan. 8. There, was a fair demand for spot cotrjn today with prices steady on the basis of an ndvanco of 13 points for middling at 28.74d. The sales wero 3000 bales. There wcro no receipts. Futures wcro quiet In the early dealings. Spot prices were: American, middling fair, 84.40d: good middllug, 31.24d; fully middling, 20.00d J middling. 28.74d : low middling, 20.10dj good ordinary, 23.24d, and or dinary, 22.24d. THE INDUSTRIAL TRUSTJITLEAND SAVINGS CO. 1950-52 N. Front St. 57th Semi Annual Dividend The Board of Directors has this day declared a semi-annual Dividend of SEVEN (7) per cent, and an EXTRA Divi dend of ONE (1) per cent out of tho earnings of tho past six months, payable January 15th, 1920, to Stockholders of record this date, and has added $35,037.70 to UNDIVIDED PROFITS. Capital $500,000.00 Surplus and Profits.. 1,273,979.26 II January 8th, 1920. - gORAT Close of Business Decemboj- 31, 1919. RESOURCES Loans and Investments'. $6,853,395.15 United States Bonds .... 437,350.00 United States Bonds to Secure Circulation... 150,000.00 U. S. Treasury Certificates 450,000.00 Duo from Banks 378,369.34 Cash and Reserve 1,100,490.47 $9,369,604.96 LIABILITIES Capital Stock $280,000.00 Surplus and Neb Profits 782,011.16 Circulation 144,800.00 U. S. Certificates of Indebt. Borrowed ... 200,000.00 Bills Payable With Federa) Reserve Bank 350,000.00 Reserved for Taxes and Interest 46,944.37 Reserved for Deprecia tion of Securities.... 25.000.00 Deposits 7,640,849.43 $9,369,604.96 FRANK ADSHEAD, Cashier. iDist ' iiff ymw-u Citizens Banr Will open for business January 12. Your ac count, whether large or mall, vrlll be rreatly ap preciated. 22-24 South Third St. Philadelphia Free from State Taxes, and Compulsory Declaration under Massachusetts Income Tax Law; also exempt from State and Local Taxes in Connecticut, Vermont and New Hampshire. Exempt from Federal Normal Tax. $1500,000 A. L. Sayles & Sons Company (MASSACHUSETTS COIirOItATION) Annual Meetings PK5pi BEl'LUliIU 1UU3I LUJU'Aft 1 2? January J5, 1020. Tie Annual Meeting or tno stocicnoiares or (nil enmtfany will bo held at the temporary office of the company, 40 8. Broad et. (Lin coln Bid? ), Philadelphia, Pa., on Thursday. January id. iuiv ueiween mo nourtt or ij M. and 1 P M , for the election of four directors to Bene for three years, and for too truniactlon of such other business as nj bit brought before the meptlns. Secretary. ft5ffTHK ANM7AL MKBTINO OF Till", K" Btockhold of The Colonial Trust ComBflny v. Ill be held at the otflcn of the tomptny, Market and 13th tfl., I'hlladel pill a, jra iironcutii ununuij Att ivtiii Hi noon, ior me election oi aireciora ana me trinsictlon of such other business ea may .fce brought bforp th meeting. i u uAviiiuw. m . Hecretary. (KS3 JOHN 4. rKMN & CO., Inc. - Philadelphia. January 6th. lftO. Thi annual rnrjetinrr of thu utorkhnlrt era nf jonn j rem & id inc u nn hem ii tii ;i cfflco of the mpin 4152 Germantown ave., en uonaar, January 12. at 10 a. m.t for tha election of directors to eerie for tha enaulnir k Jtr, WILiLIAAI I) UCIL.IiT, secretary. HSFrRANKLIN NATIONAL HANK 1 t Chutnut Street est of Ilrund i-uwrtuptpnia ueccmDer 3. luin. Th Annual Mpetlntr nf thn iaVat.nirfi el thi. banlt fnr Ihi. nlrttnn- nf ril..M... .. line durlne the ensuinc year will be held at lhi bjnklne house on Tuesday. January 13. 1K0, letiteen the hours nf 12 o'clock noon JS THK RKAI, ESTATE TKUST COM- l'ANV or niiiDiixrniA M . . . January 6. 1020. Tl. Annual Tati.. -. i, ' ..-.V " ' . U wir l l5 held""t Tllbul 5 inV BniheiBt corner Broad and Chentnut streets! tftTunxUy. Jantiiirv l. l?n .. ti A.t . ...V.w.h.lc,!JJl"BI.'?n election for till -i " '"uac uiretigra wnose terms S5i?plI RJld suc? other buslneas will be WILLIAM n. PHILLER. Secret a ry. THE ANNUA I.. MKMTivr. nu rrrtn jitaiVKW." .?' 'fe..??". Kyrlmng. 12''clSnooTnUe6d',:r- "",UatS' " 1MU' win lli be open unlll 1 p. m. N. W. CORSON. - Cashier. tSn.liffi? ,:NU. SINflHi WOMEN 5? MeeUnVfUMard, ofa Si 1 k.H .. .u" ;"ut""H and subscribers will I irr'.".r'p nl8"110",, Thursday?' Jaui iki. i.-SiA " Election Of nrtlr-.r a. -" (uccung, " - - SUSIE A. BOUCHER. Ai?HPnKirSrSiK !tloa .lb h.i , X".,' "of?? Amo- 10 SO All r,",te..,J.lil'n,n,r. Jiuary 13. ...,wo ttrB mvited to attend. MIIS. EDQAU SCOTT wfcretsrv. '", ' V l .' -OHTH AMKUICA ..n?. Asiiaiasa'a1. WLffl!... yt van Bank uin ,! v ' . "CKnoiaers 12- S5We.ua1. JS." .",JWnB lu..i 0k .noon and 1 o'clock ti" m 'lection of directors tose'rv. for the nKn i2 0Vin;i"v:a?H,5r: i? rth ,mi;X"i"S!. "nu fmax ytir. u'rc B. g, KROMEU. J"THl: IIADuTNofON TITII "a ' m the't'SS, ,'.",, 'Se.:ltJ'' St direct. If"" may li ir...i . -ug" al"er bus . S"d st the ofr??a of thht -be,ore " wI" e " m 2 p. m ' between the houra of 12 JAMES Vf MacBUHNET. necretarv. tellll, ANNUA. ,. ; BinrM,ii" .r": i-n-i HI" Till! S !. 8il' Co. win Kr. i.. lf -Ya'.'ey W J. BUUTON. .WbTSSSI r?'i Mirtyt 8CowVm 1 "a. at No liifio'. "B,ll,ury 1. at 11 MnaM.,.0'.il3r..deral st. for i,iiiJ II nK!.tll"l,i"" JIAIUiy M. MacBunNET. cuurcmry, ppeelal Mtir BjwiCBosa( "H.1.". .Walnut S.l. . . II L.flFf Dm"""'" fWHf. mmmsf'm 'mstm OT XV. to sub- . na nrei.nt a..i -. T." OI eac W and 1 us of th Jltiiit. m " Present Surpl m&asm ref'to ," "V ," ..An ..lotion pi ru ,8sv .rr, N atiOTial B aixlc, "ltere rci Sfree Crosses Third" A Commercial Convenience in a Commercial Community STATEMENT OF DECEMBER 31, 1919 Resources Loans and Investments , $19,947,335.03 Due from Banks 2,473,798.51 Exchanges for the Clearing House 958,504.80 Customers' Liability on Account of "Acceptances" Executed by this Bank 2G3.056.28 Cash and Reserve 2,020,197.83 $25,662,892.45 Liabilities Capital . . . . 500,000.00 Surplus and Net Profits. $685,605.64 Unearned Discount 111,140.11 796,745.75 Amount Reserved for Taxes Accrued 46,280.39 Amount Reserved for Interest Accrued 3,329.20 Circulation 460,097.50 Acceptances Executed for Customers 263,056.28 Bills Payable with Federal Reserve Bank Secured by U. S. Liberty Bonds and Certificates of Indebtedness 4,990,000.00 Bills Payable with Federal Reserve Bank .... 1,130,000.00 6,120,000.00 War Loan Deposit 438,000.00 Deposits 17,035,383.33 17,473,883.33 $25,662,892.45 J. S. McCULLOCH, President IGNATIUS J. DOIIAN, Vice President LOUIS N. SPIKLIIEIIOKR, O. STUAnT WHITE, Vlee Pres. and Cashier Assistant Cashier SAMUEL CAMPBELL. FREDERICK FAIRLAMB Assistant Cashier Assistant Cashier DIRECTORS W. II. CARPENTER, Chairman of the Board Ignatius J. Dohaa John C. Martin Wm. D. Oelbermann Horace T. Potts i.oun n. npiriDera-er Jonathan Jenkx Henry V. MltcheU nenry ji. llarton. jr. Charles J. Clark H. S. Marrln Nathan T. Kolwrll Henry M. MoAdoo J. 8. McOullorli ouinuei js. i.unuis r. Ii. condermun muter iiotiner ESSff-E I nvestment Securities NewYork; . Chicago Announce the Opening of v their Offices at Numbr32;ANGEL COURT. THROG.MORTON STREET, LONDON, E.C.2 WUrfacii&ldrfjic (P$fa,at&Jri&U& vZtatalgft hr "K t- 8 Cumulative Preferred Stock Preferred as to Assets and Dividends Dividends Payable 2 Quarterly, February 1, May 1, August 1, November I. CAPITALIZATION ff Authorized 8 Cumulative Preferred Stock (Par $50 $2,500,000 Common Stock (Par $25) $2,500,000 The Corporation has no mortgage or funded debt AMERICAN TRUST COMPANY, BOSTON, Transfer Agent Outstanding Including this issue $i ,500,000 $1,328,000 From a letter, on file with us, written by Mr. Albert H. Sayles, Treasurer of A. 1. Sayles & Sons Company, we summarize as follows: BUSINESS A. L. Sayles & Sons Company has succeeded to the long-established and well- known businesses of A. L. Sayles & Sons, Inc., and Fred L. Sayles Company, of Pascoag, Rhode Island; and Sayles & Jenks Manufacturing Company, of Warren, Mas sachusetts. The Company is a large manufacturer of woolens, worsteds and cotton worsteds, with an annual capacity of 2,700,000 yards of finished goods. This Company is the direct outgrowth of one of the first woolen mills established in the United States, by Daniel Sayles in 1814. ASSETS The Company has Net Working Capital alone of $921,330.53, equivalent to 61 on the Preferred stock outstanding; while Total Net Assets, after deducting all Liabilities, are $3,371,615.57, equal to 224 on the outstanding Preferred stock. After deducting the outstanding Preferred stock, remaining' Net Assets are $1,871,615.57, equivalent to 140 for the Common stock outstanding. Although the Company is the successor of a business which has maintained an unbroken and highly successful record for 105 years, it carries no value upon its books for Good Will, or its valuable Trade Names. SALES AND For the three years ending December 31, 1919 (two months estimated), total sales EARNINGS amount to $10,047,438.55, or an annual average of $3,349,146.00. Net Earnings for the same period total $1,221,004.94, or an average of $407,201.00 annually. Net Earnings for the four months ended October 31, 1919, were at the annual rate of $669,000.00. " , It is conservatively estimated sales volume for the coming year will aggregate $4,500,000, with Net Earnings of $700,000, equal to more than five times Preferred divi dend requirements, with a balance of approximately $580,000, or 43 for the outstand ings Common stock. The charter of the Company provides that after the payment of 2 quarterly divi dends upon the Preferred and the Common stocks outstanding, beginning February 1, 1921, 20 of the remaining Net Profits each quarter shall be used to retire the Pre ferred stock at $55 a share. SINKING FUND We own and offer A. L. .Sayles & Sons Company 8 Cumu lative Preferred stock, subject to prior sale, and reserving the right to allot a smaller amount than applied for, at $50 a share, to yield 8 Hollister,White&Co. iNcoasoaATCB North American Building PHILADELPHIA SO Congress Street BOSTON Third National Bank Butldins SPRINGFIELD, MASS. 10 Weyboset Street PROVIDENCE, R. I. AH statements contained In this offering-, while not guaranteed, are secured from sources which we renard as nccurate and reliable and upon which we have acted in the purchase of this Issue. J PEOPLES TRUST COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA N. E. Cor. 12th and Arch Streets Condensed Statement Showing Condition as of Close of Business December 31, 1919 ASSETS Loans and Invest ments ., ?2,762,809.45 U. S. Treasury Cer tificates of Indebt edness and U. S. Liberty Bonds... 685,253.80 Real Estate, Furni ture and Fixtures (12th and Arch Streets) 410,690.22 Cash and Reserve.. 453.490.34 $4,212,243.81 LIABILITIES Capital Stock $634,450.00 Surplus Undivided Profits., Bills Payable Dividend No. 19 75,000.00 26,000.00 563,500.00 12,689.00 Deposits 2,900,604.81 $4,212,243.81 Me hereby certify that we hare verified the foreiolne statement by an exami nation of the books and accounts of the Conipanr, and found it t be correct! nnd tlint all of the securities, either the nroiert.v of the company, or held bv It as "ollatrrul. were In the possession of the Company, and were as caUed for by the We ofira'coiinted the cash on hand at the close of business December 31, 1010. and found It as called for by the books of account. JOHN HEINS & COMPANY Accountants and Auditors 915-917 Real Estate Trust Buildinc PHILADELPHIA. PA. Free of Pennsylvania Personal Property Tax We Own and Offer, Subject to Prior Sale $100,000 Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis Rwy. Co. Consolidated Mortgage 4s Due 1945-1967 and 1960 Price 86 and Interest Guaranteed Principal and Interest by Pennsylvania Company Sinking Fund, under this mortgage, now retires over $1,000,000 of bonds annually Detailed DsscripHon Upon Bequest Graham. Parsons & Co. 435 Chestnut Street Philadelphia An Endorser -For Every 1920 Debtor That is what the American's Unlimited Policy of Credit Insurance becomes when applied to your business. Think of the worry saved, the credit losses prevented, the profits protected. Such a broad service will start your New Year right. You can buy the American's Credit In surance Policy on an absolutely economic basis. If you are a manufacturer or whole saler, we will guarantee to prevent, else pay, your bad debt losses beyond the normal loss inherent in your business, whatever the ag k gregate amount of such covered losses. An inquiry will bring you interesting and valuable statistics without any obligation upon your part. Let us hear from you. AMERICAN CREDIT-INDEMNITY, CO or NEW YORK EM. TREAT. pes!Dht VV. J. Morphy, Manager J. F. McFadden, Gen. Aft. Mutual Life of N. Y. Bid. Phone Filbert 5S03 Philadelphia, Pa. 1812 THE 1920 PENNSYLVANIA COMPANY for Insurances on Lives and Granting Annuities TRUST AND SAFE DEPOSIT COMPANY Capital and Surplus DBOAD BTBEET OITOCK Chestnut and Juniper Street - $7,ooo,ooa 1 ' $ Member Federal Reserve Syatem if 3-X ' "Ah: Sf iV ? &J li a J r H 517 ChegtiiuJLBtmt ft. - i ' 1 7 ;ftfoiffiiii r-' i- nil . r' M Ht, -"w a Awcnw: eianMssy Ji ',7 J V ST? " 2, f - f, - J',. -Jorr J ' J " V '- '.. t, iVfKkj., V v a hi . JJKJjar.vtia.