.? J I II ri to i. -, i Kyswl v,r ivh :k BirM M 1 vv. f1 iin. e r Kc i f ri Ri ! kil'?! ; V' '5" ' tVJM fafJ ftfl ' " " PL vx 1 Li t$ 5-'feffi- T A WW lit V' fe. gagi- enrabi M W Ww Jq $.-. , - i, .R sur ? or ,: An . s itn i. ,hat Bcfiotfi "E1I ivag insal Hjy, fns ner, JR 'Kii1 istt: 1 z 1 tt 1 AttiR;, 1 t V 1 ri r rtrf"f I? -L: EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER-PHffiAItELPHIA, 'FRIDAY, JANUARY ft ,. 190 i V i' M 7 ' POST IS BIG FACTOR i-V,: muv. WW N LEGION GROW TH t Gtunty Committee's Activity to 1 NBe Undortakon in Interest :ii of Local Bodies I PLAN LEGAL AID BUREAU ytrTVSr ' The nost is the imnortant factor In I lie development of the American Legion. This is the slogan of the Philadel phia county committee. Vhatepr is undertaken in this city will be prim arily in the interest of the scventj -eight posts in the county. There hai been tome nnnrrhpnsion on the part of some individual members of popts as to the function of the county organization. The county officiate feel that, ns the committee is composed of representatives of the various posts, it can properly act in the best interest of the posts. And it is its intention so to Adn. .Tust ns the state and national or- " gerilzations nrc servants of tho Legion posts, so the county committee v ill seek ocly to serve them. It Is proposed to establish shortly a Jegul aid committee. This committee shpuld be of real assistance to the posts of tho clty. Each post will have a legal aid officer, nnd the committee will eo-operate with these post officers. It will enlarge the bcopo and influence of Legion work in this important field in Philadelphia. Such a committee can coordinate the efforts of the posts in this dircctiou. Its personnel will be selected carefully, so that it will be come an effective Legion agenrj. Its work will bo correlated with a similar state committee, and caturallj concern itbelf only with local matters. Pittsburgh has formed a county com- (.tnlttec silnilar to tho one which is now permanently organized in Philadelphia. In the "Smoky City" meetings are held every two weeks, instead of once a month, as is the case in Philadelphia. Permanent headquarters lmto been offered to Post 315 by Colonel Millard D. Brown, of the Pirsl Infantry, N. (J. P Thcso hcaduartcrs, according to Post Commander David 11. Slmpvon, will be located on the third llnor of the First Regiment Armory, Ilroiul and Callow hill streets. The Legion members will have nit the prhileges of a man in the nctho com mand of the regiment. The regimental swimming pool, for example, will be open to the legionaries of this post. It will be necessary onl that the post fur nish the furniture nnd equipment for thp rooms it will oceup in the nrmory. Most of the membership of Post 315 comes from the 100th Regiment. There nre now (100 members in the post, mak ing it one of the city's leadeis. Plans hmo neen completed for tlie victory dance to be ghen by Post 115 at the Second Regiment Atmory on Wednesday, Februnrv 11. The post is endeavoring tornise $5000 for the pur pose of erecting a suitable memorial to the two men in whose memory the post was turned. Herman II. Merlin is the dance finance officer. Franklin D'Oller. nntional com mander of the American Legion, who is passing the holidajs with his family at Rherton, N. .1., will address the Penn sjhnniu State Rankers' Association at the licucvue btrattoril net Tuesday night. Tho Cop on the Corner (CViTniA,, Mike," snys Maggie ns she W riscues Hi' cat fr'm little Tor renre, "vc nre now prop'rly indlx'd V catalogg'd V y'r innermos sicrlts iu possession r th' government." "Has th' Clum Shoo Squad been here?" asks I, n bit scary. "Worse thin that," says she, "we've been vislt'd be th' census enumera-toor. Things l'p been coucealin' fr'm th' neichbors f'r ears is now writ in black V white be this Human Question Mark fr'm th Postoffice linildlu' " "Ye talk'd too much, as usual Maggie," ajs I. "No need t' leak fam'ly sicrlts." "Shure I had t' answer th' man's quirzin'," sajsMngglc. "there') fine 'n' imprisonmlut r reiusin'. Among ither things th' governmlnt has th' nunib'r o' y'r watch V rcvolv'r. fire, life V nccldint instirlnce, y'r bust measure, weight, Height n age n cenoi-snun o servitude. Also it known whin Ter- rence bad his first tooth 'tr ins lav rite colic rlmidv V whlth'r his vnccanl shun took." "I'm n Inw nbldln' cit-zen. Maggie mind je," says 1, "but I'm agin thi' snoopin' 'n' prylir into n man s private life. Of what brnltU h it V th' gov cruinlnt t' know I have mlx'd gray hair, ingiowiu' fingernails V a fondniss f'r scrapple?" "Th law privlnts th' enumcra-loors under plnaltj. f'm dlsclosln' eny stcrit or private informa-shun they may git in th course o' their travlls," pays Maggie. "1 hope 'tis true," says I, "be cause if th' gang in th station bouse Iver learn'd me middle name 1b Alosius Xavler I might as well move out o' th' district." VIM LEATHER the best leather, made from the best hides, by the best process. E. F. HOUGHTON & CO. 240 W. Someret Street Philadelphia Our Annual Sale is ONi Men's i I ' 1 l I " n l V b SSiK V. f Nk Shoes and Boys' Shoes are featured in a won derful variety of styles and leathers; and, they're priced for immediate distribution. Our JANUARY REDUCTIONS make early choosing advisable. All leathers; all toes; HALLAJHAN quality ii every pair. Men's Shoes, actually j-,85 7.95 Q.85 worth 7.50 to 17.00, are O ? Jtummage Lots of Men's Shoes, with Q, 85 choice pickings in working shoes J Boys Shoes, actually C.85 fi.85 worth 7.50 to 10.50, are. . . 0,w" v Roys' Rummage Lots, actually worth 0,85 up to 7.60 a pair & 60th and Chestnut Sis. 4028-30 Lancaster Ave. .GOOD SHOES k- 2746-48 Germantown Ave. 919-21 Market St. 5604-06 Germantown Ave. 'Iraiicli Stores Open Every Evening All Stores Saturday Eveninu arge Accounts Opene ason 12 15 Ch L J Manj) estnut Street p I ' 7o &s .Co '11 01; I ' - I pain )'j; ." i J1 ' W Farmers and Trappers! Attention! Raw Skins Purchased for Cash ' ' Come Tomorrow to the Great January Fur Sale Our Entire Stock Slated for Clearance; No Reserve! The splendid 1919 business that came as a result of this organization's efforts to supply the wonderful popular demand for fine Mawson & DeMany Furs has brought thousands of Fur Coats and Fur Piecesto the front for the Great January Fur Clearance. This announce- inent tells in detail of the really stupendous values that are the magnificent attraction. The Values are Extraordinary and beyond the Extraordinary! They are the greatest in Furs that even we have ever offered. They are remarkable alike for their intense j individual value, on a rising market, and for the beautiful variety of choice, which privilege has S always been a feature of this establishment. The important fact of our Manufacturing Direct and E Retailing Direct is in large measure responsible for many of these advantages. jj Come Tomorrow to The Great January Fur Sale ! A Small Deposit Will Reserve Your Purchase Until Desired 1 ill Sets Fur Coats Hernlarly 125.00 Russian I'onj Coats. 79.50 36-inch flare models, largo shawl collar and cuffs of Natural Nutria. 135.00 Australian Seal Coats 89.50 Smart sport coat with larjra shawl collar ..juhJ wide cutis. iod.uu murmui uaia A III UU Smart sport models with shawl collar and culls of Marmot. 135.00 Taupe Coney Coats 98.50 Smart sport designs with large rolling shawl collar and cuffs 185.00 Australian Seal Coats 125.00 36-lncli flaro models with wide border and large shawl collar and cuffs. 195.00 Nutria Coats 145.00 Chic sport model with large shawl collar and cuffs of Nutria. 183.00 Natural Muskrat Coats.. l.tQf) Smart sport model with large shawl collar, cuffs and border of Muskrat. 225.00 Hudson Seal Coats 150.00 Smart sport model with lange rolling shawl collar and cuffs 225.00 Australian Seal Coats 155,00 Smart sport model: large shawl collar and cuffs of Natural Squirrel. 230.00 Australian Seal Coats 175,00 36-Inch flare model: larse shawl collar and cuffs of Natural Squirrel, Beaer or Skunk 275.00 Natural Raccoon Coats.... JQfj QQ 30-, 38-, 42- and 45-inch flaro models with large rolling shawl collar and deep cuffs 345.00 Natural Squirrel Coats.... 225.00 Smart sport models with rolllnff shawl col lar and cuffs, 395.00 Hudson Seal Coats 95 00 36-tnch full model ; lare rolling shawl collar and cuffs of Hudson Seal 475.00 Hudson Seal Coats 375,00 36-lnch flare models; large rolling shawl collar and cuffs of Beaver or Skunk 493.00 Hudson Seal Coats 395,00 40-lrtoh models with large rolling shawl collar und cuffs of Beaver or Skunk 545.00 Hudson Seal Coats 425.00 45-inch flare models with lanje Skunlc or Beaver shaw! collar and cuffs. 645.00 Scotch Moleskin Coats... -495,00 45-Inch full model : with large shawl collar and curts of finest Skunk. Extra Size Coats, upto 50 Bust Hb r.rjtularl.T Arm 49.50 Taupe Wolf 24.50 49 50 Black Wolf 24.50 65.00 Taupe Fo 3 i.30 05.00 Brown Vox 31.50 60.00 Nutria 38.50 75.00 Hudson Seal 18.30 75.00 Natural Raccoon 18.30 75.00 Black Lynx 19.50 82.50 Black Fox 53.30 110.00 Beaver 74.50 120.00 Natural Squirrel 79.00 125.00 Mink 83.50 130.00 Skunk Raccoon 88.50 Muffs Itrculurl.T ow 19.50 Australian Seal 12.50 25.00 Taupe Fox 14.50 'Jo.00 Brown Fox 1 1,50 29.50 Jap Kolinsky 1 ,-,n 29.50 Hudson Seal 19.50 J 1.50 Dyed Raccoon 19.50 140.00 Jap Cross Fox.. 145.00 Kolinsky . . 180.00 Mole 185.00 Skunk .. . 365.00 Fisher 550.00 Blue Fox . , 075.00 Silver Fox . 97.50 . 99.00 ,.119.00 ..125.00 ,.213.00 .393.00 175.00 Scarfs necularlr Now 20.00 Taupe Wolf Scarfs . . . .12.50 20.00 Brown Wolf Scarfs 12.50 20.00 Black Wolf Scarfs 12.50 22.50 Natural Squirrel Scarfs 12.50 22.50 Australian Seal Scarfs 14.50 29.50 Taupe Conty Scarfs 14.50 25.00 Taupe Fox Scarfs 16.50 25.00 Brown Fox Scarfs 16.50 23.00 Black Fox Scarfs 16.50 29.50 Taupe Lynx Scarfs 19.50 30.00 Taupe Wolf Scarfs 23.50 35.00 Brown Wolf Scarfs 23.50 37.50 Black Lynx Scarfs 24.50 37.50 Red Fox Scarfs 24.50 44.50 Hudson Seal Scarfs 29.50 52.50 Taupe Fox Scarfs 33.50 52.50 Brown Fox Scarfs 33.50 52.50 Black Lynx Scarfs 33.50 52.50 Black Fox Scarfs 33.50 49.50 Jap Cross Fox Scarfs 3 1.50 Exclusive Wraps Wraps JQZlin Very smart designs w 1th collar and cuffs of Hudson Seal or contrasting Furs 795.00 Natural Squirrel Wraps... Q4QQ HxclusHe dcsrns of the very choicest Siberian pelts 1350.00 Broadtail Wraps 975 00 B0-lrtch models of very fine moire skins with large shawl collar and cuffs of Hudson Bay Sable. Choker Scarfs nesularlj- 22.50 Natural Squirrel 12.50 27.50 Stone Opossum ... . nj,o 29.50 Australian Opossum 19.50 31.50 Natuj.il Mink 19J50 39.50 Russian Kolinsky 21.50 55.00 Blended Sable 29.50 14.50 2-skin Stone Opossum.. . 32.50 Stoles ricctiliirU (m 34.50 Taupe Coney 19.50 49.50 Australian Seal 29.30 79.50 Hudson Seal 49.50 79.50 Mole 19,59 85.00 Russian Kolinsky jg.no 98.50 Natural Nutria 659 98.50 Natural Nutria 69.50 110.00 Jap Mink 69.50 115.00 Skunk 759 125.00 Jap Kolinsky 79,59 Hegalarly 650.00 Hudson Seal 1330.00 Natural Mink Wraps 40-Inch modelk: joke effect at back rolling bHawl collar and cuffs. 975.00 largo Coatees negiilarlv Suvi 85.00 Taupe Coney 19,59 98.50 Australian Seal 59.59 135.00 Australian Seal 89.50 145.00 Hudson Seal 98.59 145.00 Jap Mink 98.59 175.00 Mole 110.00 195.00 Nutria 125.00 275.00 NatQi-al Squirrel 175.00 275.00 Russian Kolinsky 175.00 325.00 Hudson Seal 223.00 "The Home of Style and Economy" HV y'jeorc I January Cl 'yTIrV jrj Vtr A 923-2S-27 MARKET STREET Qur New Jj&rer Today and Tomorrow Are "Welcom ing DayS we invite all our friends lo come and visit us, To see this big, bright new "Home of Style and Economy." To see the new Spring fashions just budding to see these big, spacious floors where you can shop leisurely; where you can enjoy the comforts and conveniences that have been so carefully planned for our friends. Come, today or tomorrow, or any other day; there's u cheery welcome awaiting I earance Coats In addition lo the big annual coat reductions, weve marked many lots of goods even lower than usual as an additional inducement to visit our new Home. ii Cloth Coats Reduced! $25 A saving of $10, $15 or $20 on any of the 300 coats reducedl The fabrics, styles nnd fur trim mings are beautiful. Every model lined throughout. Splendid se lection of favorite colors. DAYLIGHT THIRD FLOOR 1 Fur Coats Reduced! Coney Fur Coals, $C7.50 Real $75 full-flaring - sports coats. deep border. Large shawl collar arid Coney Fur Coats, $77.50 Beautiful $100 coney fur coat, full 36 inches long Re markable value. Seal Fur Coats, $1 9Q.75 Australian seal coats X todts with deep borders nnd cuffs Seal Fur Coats, $OQE.OO Stunning Australian && seal coats with huge collars, border and cuffs of Australian opossum DAYLIGHT THIRD FLOOR Advance Display Charming Springtime Frocks, $39.75 A hpecial "Opening Display" and a special value. New and authentic Spring modes in beaded Georgette, elaborately wool embroidered tricotines, serges and Poiiot twills. Handsome steel-beaded Di esses of Georgette and taffeta are also very popular. DAYLIGHT THIRD FLOOR ill Hiuiiy Rtlvo lour ' oat Greatly lleduced . t '. no jxiinl'tcly llcailcd Gioiucttc t'loclc ") .S'jrnir; Australian .Seal inr( Opossum Ti immtng ft98 75 1st k ""y rUIPftA ' A I rJStell !''"''y-'''i'-i,Riafl Wm 1 M VL I m 7 Special "Opening Value Georgette $ ) Blouses An exceptional having on each and cery one of these pretty Georgette Blouses. The very prettiest beaded and embroideied styles, and all the favoiite shades among selections. Other Blouses, $7.50 Up to $24.98 niRSCH'S STREET FLOOR Spring Millinery $5.00-7.98 -10.98 to 19.75 And now they come forth the drat drtfnty Millinery Huddlncs of SDrinatime Tirst. the satins, thtn the straws rn.it .1 nnrl their nrettv combinations. And even Ijil-c ilnnn i Gconjcttc Georgette nnd Maline Hats come peeping out Come ltt ut tomorrow and see these new hats and the big Millinery So.Ofl Salon on the Second Floor fj$$ Special "Opening Sale" RcrGirls' Coats & bilk Dresses Our $10 & $12 Slacks Reduced! Moiiiera und kiddies I com? br our quests in the new i nldrt i'a Store on the 9rnid I lour We have at r&uged this wonderful tale . of fine tillv dresses tind velour coats as j inducement Sizes 0 to 14 years 7.50 special ISA New Department C U Women's & Children's cJill: Another step towards making this a complete store of "Clothes lor the Family.' A large, spacious section devoted to Shoes for women and children. Good Shoes ,r warranted materials and popular Styles, at sensible prices. 13ooits will see E J that youcare propeily fitted. STREET FLOOR Telling About Our New Infants' Store on the Second Floor V hrrc ou cm bring ' Darling Babv lo be fitted fiom 'tip to toe" in all the prettiest t'liud that babies wen Coin' toiioiu l t ant juu to see this dainty little bhup Infants' Coats, 2.98 Infants' Dresses, .$1.00 -:,A;i.-iT?! ntet"' ss - ,xrz "jnli' v-r r' Tx s . it Kid Gloves 1.69 upeclal "Optlllllg Pur Uiaae" of French Ktd Ulovt In black, white jnd popular shades All Ijm Street Tloor fiilk Hosiery 1.69 Kesulur $2 50 and $3 00 "Onvx" Silk How in black, navy and colors Very alight tmperfei. tions Street Floor f'orsets 1.49 Medium bust, long skilled corbels an exceptional 'Opening Value " Seionr1 'no- ('amisoies 1.00 Lovely njshable satin CdinlsoleB daintih frim me J with 'me -ei oiitl 1 'on S'lk Chemise Deli jluful e ii v elope cheiiiid of pi'iu ciepe e chine ur wusluble shI' i Second rtooJ tjiiiou Suits 1.79 I hit- vliltc ilbbcd umo: suits, nil flrecr III ed Kejulni $2 50 values Stieet Tlooi "HCffliH'W ikT- si '"k'in'ii -&k.x.m . - "r. 2-- Xi.jLi.-- .. .,. - wii,ii. mi, vuu wive nireci tram nw sir eel ;v; i?k. ikki irk i m m a owzwswmrm ismwikt ctwanEw a v o v' . . ,- s.v x m mrn hwuh ht. ih a h mi tn aati m. - m i m m im in m sm . bi na n mew. ru iru nni, t&i - nw .vS. V v.Vtis. N. . -A V S. . . V S.S. SM J ir.oo f is.oo V4 AX bale S Mew PRESSES Serges Saliiia Velours tegular $20 Values I'ully a dozen charming new styles in wool serge, velour, vel vet, satin and wool tricotine. Also Bomo beautiful Georgettes included. The newest colors and sizes for all women and misses. learaiice Sate; f& ig M H Qjp Regular $25 Slocks All out finer fur t mmed wool C Hir coats re duced to S I ? 7 1 lleiet h pie ndi d opportunltv Wool Poplin Suits Tliey nre In wanted navy thudet in c o ii . e r vptlve styles BppropiUtu for spring Size. for women nd misses. Itfei!) llllll!lllill!lllllllllllllllllllllllllLiberty Bonds and Purchasing Agents' Orders Accepted !ilfjg rsr,,OOC,Home of Style and EconomyrrOri,f aBWMer ff C-Il -IK l ( I i L i 'T tJtL,J mto&&s& &ssssSs&i!Si U? if mia hfajiMiifaiJtyi &U.MJU ' ti. .j" i..i..jjV,- j2k4HSKtvi2iUJu