Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 02, 1920, Night Extra Financial, Page 17, Image 17

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' v mm USHfll
Ik : : : n r ' '- .
Jr. Yanel Jlifkm is lold by a
biactor that she has only a year to
I lite ltc "'"' 'ltT sister-in-law,
I Zet'ln Illkin, Keep the litter secret
io tho inches. Yancl wants to lor
' tow $2000 in order to insure the sue-
cess of her hutland, a tailor, lejoro
tier tlcath. , one pocj losco ucrry
WHEN' It opined ntfnln Immediately
after nml Mfh. nncl Itlfkin 'en-
twiui- iiuasar iu
a white mill
tiny tog to
her chin nnd
n small white
toque with n
bold stick-
up, pressing
the copper
colored curls
(low n close
about her
face. I1 h c y
held the pic
ture for the
moment, gaz
ing with ris
ing expres
sion one nt
Tannic hubst mighty," he
said, "little
Tanci Jolfic!" and brought his hands
together in n loose clap,
"If it nin't the same old Jerry," she
laid slowly, breaking into n smile first,
"awl It you niu't as hard to see as the
president I"
"Gauamighty, girl, if I'd 'a' knowed
It was you kept-cnllin' today, I'd 'a'
come tearing up here fiom the Forty -teconil
Street Country Club double
Quick. Little Yancl Joflie, b'gad, and
i.fi-i. sue was
I'to seen too many of these girls like
you get what they call respectnblllty,
like some people get religion, and then
go dragging it through life like a tin
can tied to n dog. Never knew a girl
was easier to look ut than you, Yancl,
and I nlu't kidding you,"
"Things are nil right with mo, Jerry,
but "
He laid a finger alongside his nose,
"He he's all rights too, Jerry,
but "
lie edged farther along the dlvau.
"I'm on," he said.
"You you're, a wise onp, all right,
"I'm the best little forclver nnd for-
gctter In twenty states, too, If that's
w'iiat's catin' you. Bjgones is always
bjgnnes, I sav, every time."
She withdrew from his ncaring
"Jerry, I I need a lend. Money!"
"Sure you do. Your uncle Pansy
ain't such an old fool he thinks it's his
raving beauty has brought you back.
At that such a flush ran under her
whiteness that she turned her face away
to blink her eyes of the stlue.
"I I thought, Jerry, maybe you
you was tho only old friend I got could
could advance me a lend of of say,
two thousand, nnd not feel It!"
lie whacked at his thigh. "Whew!
I cot to hand it to sou again, you little
red-head, you ! Nothing small about
ou ! Two thousand, she says, just like
that! Hut I line you lor your ncre,
jou little devil, you!"
She arched a shoulder at him, glanc
inz over it.
"Two thousand, Jerry, would make
a a pack of things I got in my head
i darn sight easier."
"What have jou got in your head,
You have to read the
At fust glance you wonder what tho title means.
itory to find out. But that will be no hardship for
tie author,, knows how to get your Interest nnd then hold it for six dajs.
You will bo rewarded by a surprise if you start this Etory on Monday, Jan
narj 5, and read it all the way through.
not a day older in how many years is
it? Eighteen?"
"You, neither, Jerry."
She opened her collar and sat down
on a leather divan, riding tho bprings
with a Keiise of depth.
"This is so-some place! Got to hand
It to you, Jerry, so-ome place!"
They were immediately en rapport.
"Same little red-headed queen,
Vjad! Same little something about
jou, kiddo, that can get me going any
time of (lav. And say,, duds ! Always
could near"'ew and getaway 'with 'era.
couldn't .ou, ctcn if jou grabbed 'cm
from a misfit parlor?"
"Seems like yesterday, don't it,
Jerry, that us girls was dressed up in
our Easter Sunday hand-m"-downs,
cuttin? up and playing bean-bag out on
the tand at Coney, and jou came along
in that little wire-wheeled runabout,
(lot to hand it to you, Jerry, jou never
was a piker."
He rat down beside her, hands on
his round, tight-spanned knees.
"You was always the p'uer, you
touch little icd -head, jou! Necr
(jen let a fellow get real fiiends with
jou. And whatever happened to that
ytlkra -headed little friend of jours
worked up on Rif kin's place with jou?"
"Doll l.itskyv lou ougntta Know
Jerry, ion was the first one showed her
low to drink bubbles without wanting
to sneeze."
"You don't tell mo." he said, shift
ing;. "But I always told her not to
Iw her pretty little head. 'lliu !
Thu! Thu! That's what I nlwass said
aVmtjou, though, Uddo. Sense! Good
enrnmon tenso! And they tell me you
jot a girl such a dead ringer of her ma
they might be sisters. Whatta jou
how about that! Little Yanci Joffie,
that I knew when she was one little
"I I guess, Jerry, you you1 won
der why I'm looking you un. nfter all
these ears since fainee I been settled
"Thev all come back to old Pansy."
he said. "Nearly nil."
Si ence. nnd she sat regarding her
klored palms.
, "Things ain't so smooth with me,
wild have told you they wouldn t
becichteen jears ago when jou thought
your old I'apsy didn't mean the best in
the world by jou. Did "
"I married, Jerry, what you'd call
good old schnookle that"
"Kid like you tying up with the first
little kjke tailor that comes along!
"Jerry, jou make mo laugh. If
there's anybody iu the world don't need
a uncle House to tail on mm, it s. you.
"Gad," he said, "and to think you
stuck it out eighteen jears with him!"
"I I want to just get 'em out of
that hole down theie, Jerry, If I
could just make that note up -town,
Jerry, like like all the other firms,
and get my gin married oin to a
straicht voune man that s wanting her.
and feel that Henry after all he he's
a good old schnookle, Jerry was fixed
up there so the business could run
along without me, well, it it would
make a whole lot of things I got in
my head. Jerrj, a darn sight easier."
She was constantly avcrtins her bead
from Ins constantly nearing brenth.
sucking her lips inward and regarding
the palms of her gloves, tic slid a bit
along the slipppry leather.
"Why nin't yoii out nnd plain with
vour Uncle Papsy? You want money
for some kind of a break; is that it,
"I welt, I "
"Is it or ain't it that's what I want
to know first of all."
"That's more like it."
"Lemme have it on a year's note,
Jcrrv, that'll be "
"Come now, little one, can't jou stick
on the level with me? That ain't no
way to get favors out of me, is it?
Don't make things no easier for jou,
neither. I nin't sold woolen goods to
your kind of little kyke firm for over
thirty jears not to know what jou can
do and jou can't do. But that ain't
what's bothering me, kiddo, and jou
know it ain't. It's just I wnnt jou to
be on the lcel with jour old uncle
"I am, Jerry, I am. And X tell you
we ain't no little firm anv more; won't
Will not chatter or glaze.
Made to last and outlast
Industrial Requirements Co.
136 Chestnut St.
Miittn uc3unnnnnc3iiiiniiiiiir jiiiiiMiinc3iMiiiitiiticjii!iiiiiiic3tuiiiiMiiC3iiii:iitiiic3iiiiMiiti!iriiiiriiirnc3riiri!i!iijicjrnTrrniiJiC3j
One- Third Off
On All Fur Hats
Hudson Sen), Squirrel, Mole and Nutria Hats and
S!l?s' e smartest models for wear with your fur
t or set. The original' prices start at $12.50.
Closing'Out All Velvet Hats
. vames to $zu.uu , i
.zr our smartest velvet hats are included in !
uus saie. $oth large and small shapes in all
iKvl,ic wanted colors.
itacjpii We Accept Purchasing Agents? Ordersmmmmemg
bo If wo can once cot un-town nnii In
one year , we "
"It ran't bo done, 1 tell yon. 1 know
too many Httlo shyster firms havo
Made the break for the avenue, nnd
got away with It, -too. Look nt Bond
and Rankin. Dut it took them five
yenrs and two extensions to meet their
first note, nnd here you come, little
one, with a twelvemonth proposition
on that "
"But, Jerry"
I'Can't be done, baby doll."
But, Jerry, you understand me,
you " . '
"That's the talk." '
1 ! .' '
"You know it can't be done, nnd I
know it can't bo done; but we're witl
ing to talk business just the same. Am
I riRht?"
"What'll you gimme it it can bo
'"Jerry, if you'll let me have It secret
like, depositing it iu the Third Avenue
Bank with with Selig, like it was n
lend from the bank Itself qu a year's
nptc with without Henry my hus
bahd knowing different you know
Selig, nnd he'll fix It for us if you'll
do that Jerry, and and it ain't paid
back in Sellg's hand one jcar from
date, then then I I'm game to fix it
up with you any way you want, Jerry.
I I'll be ready then to let jou mako
jour own terms, Jerry."
"If I done the right thing. I'd say
lay your head on your bed, little girl,
jou made it; now, wouldn't I?"
"I what what's the use cryln',
Jerry, over spilt milk?"
He reached over to cover her re
cumbent hand, but she withdrew it un
ostensibly. "Well, kiddo. suppose your uncle
I'apsy does fork over the two thou.
Shall we celebrate by taking a little
ride up the road in the slickest little
eight-cylinder roadster you ever seen
pound the dust? Got a night key, I
mean morning?"
"No. no. Jerrj No, no. Jerry, you
wouldn't push things now nt the last
minute nnd spoil 'em. I I got my girl
to, think of jet. Jerry. Gimme this
jenr, Jerry, these few last months to
get straight. After eighteen years.
Jcrrv. what's n cnr more or less?
Lemme llay hafe. Jerry,"
"Gee," he said, "but you're some
little Stop, Look nnd Listener," and
sat back, making a chirring noise
through moist lips.
"Quit!" she cried ; "I hate that noise
jou always make."
"Nothing, Jerry, nothiug. Onlv I
you -can see for yourself, Jerry, that a
year "
"Say. how do I know in that jear
you mightn't be out for a airing one
fine day and get run down by a uuto
mobilc or "
"So much the surer for you, Jerry.
I got a two-thousand-dollar insurance
policy waiting for thnt little thing to
happen. You you know Henry well
enough to know how he'd use that
money. Jerry; you know tho first thing
he'd do with it would be to pay off
"Bah, quit mourning at your own
futtCrnl If there's one line of talk I
like bettcr'n another, It's morgtio talk.
I don't think. Bah. elves me tho
shivers. Hanged if I know your game."
"If I had a game, Jerry, would I
give my signaturo? Ain't jou got It
nil over mo if I had a game, Jerry?
Whv, if Henry wns to know "
"You red-headed Utile devil you," ho
said, suddenly sententious sliding to
ward her nloug the leather from whore
she had receded and receded. Bho held
quiet, letting his breath approach her.
"Jerry, is it a go! Not a sight of
me for a year, and then. th6 sky's my
limit!" ,
"If I done the right llilug, I'd say,
'Lay your head on your bed, jou
made ' "
"Gawamlghty, yes, but take them
eyes nwny."
(Covvrlaht 1919, bu Wheeler StomUate)
rain r.inKfav
vlli& A Wlu UWriJA
Jl 51. btlowCbcstmitMW
Cuticura Soap
Clears the Skin
and Keeps it Clear
Soap, Ointment. Tt!cum t5c mrtrjwhtn fianplaf
frt of Oaticmr LktrttrUi,Dpt. X. If tlB,tfMa.
O'Sullivan'8 $1 7C
Rubber Heels l'ti3 W
Goodyear Shoe Repairing
Ml mjlKRT TBirCT
All 1
20 In
15c J
3 for
crppMF pin l LBS.
KELLY'S 12 n. 9th
Open Day & Night
Oysters in Every Stylt
We IIatp nn Rxrttlrnt tatal ftni
NoHl BranteMoa
OFFICE SPACE wanted in Land
Title or Widener Buildings.
Will rent or ,&ub-lease 2 or "3
rooms. Apply A 235, Public Led
ger Office.
Special Offer to
Service Men
Vour Army Overcoat Dyed
Blue, Black or V ftA
Brown 0W
Send by parrrt post It" ont of lawn.
We call arid Gtllver. rfaonei Poplar 7660
1113 Clirstnnt St.
8. W. Cor. 52d A
tfttansom Btn.
6517 flermantown
"'".?" 1616-28 N.21tt Street
"There Go All My
Wash-day Troubles"
Many, many women all over Philadelphia, who
once virtually detested the very thought of wash
day, now know what it means to be scot-free from
all wash-day troubles and discouragements. They
know what this freedom means to their comfort,
their happiness, their health.
You too can be numbered among these women
if you, like them, will take advantage of Family
Laundry Service. The cost of family laundry serv
ice is much lower than you think and the way every
piece is spotlessly laundered will satisfy you. Your
present laundryman will call promptly at a specified
time and return the washing in the same manner,
as follows
All flat pieces, including bed linen, table linen
and towels', washed, smoothly ironed, evenly folded
'and ready for use.
Wearirtg apparel, all underclothing, dresses,
children's garments, etc., carefully washed and
dried (and starched where necessary) ready to be
dampened and ironed.
Many undergarments may be worn without
ironing, due to the method of drying. This will
save a great deal of your ivork in finishing that
portion of your wash.
The hardships of home laundering is done
away with in modern laundries by systematic
methods, correct organization, proper apportion
ment of labor, and the aid of appliances that do bet
ter work than hands and with less effort.
The conditions which make laundries good
places to work, make them also the place to have
your laundering done.
Men's collars end shirts last longer when
done by dependable laundries. Try the shirt
and collar service of your present laundry.
Ask Your Present Laundruman About
Family Laundry
Ser vice
For t fie Whole Family Laundry
Eleventh and Market Streets
Extraordinary Saturday Sale!
. 684 Famous "Salt's" Fabricated Silk Plush Coats at
practically 50 cents on the dollar. Every Coat in the
entire collection reduced to below its wholesale valua
tion! An opportunity we advise every woman or Miss,
' contemplating the possession of one of these handsome
garments, not to miss. Sale on our First Floor, Market
Street, Front.
r ti y i
Salt's Fur Fabric
Never Before at This Low Price
Worth Up to $100
In This
Saturday Sale at
mi I m
Every Stylish
Miss In
Will Appreciate
One of These
Luxurious Fur Trimmed Long Coats and Short
Coats and Coatees! At the Astonishing Low
Price of Only $49.50
Is An Institution
Three generations of manufacturing
experience stand behind Salt's
plushes and textile fur products.
'Way back in 1836 Sir Titus Salt
began this industry and today five
huge plants in this country and
Europe produce fabrics of such
surpassing quality that they have
all the beauty, the density of pile
and the rich luster of fine furs.
Every Fur Fabric coat in this sale
is guaranteed to be made of these
renowned SALT'S FABRICS and
the SALT'S LABEL is found in each
We quote values up to $100.00 for
these beautiful coats because they
are worth it and when you are
"able to'buy them for $49.50 you are
getting a real bargain.
The Salts
Protects You
Fur Fabric Garments
Salt's Esquimette Plush Coats
One of the most widely kiiown and
most admired of seal-liko fur fabric
Salfs Peco Seal Plash Coatees
Its beauty has gained this Salt's Fur
Fabric a nation-wide popularity.
Salt's Sealskinette Coats' and Coatees
Rich and luxurious; one that only
experts could distinguish from gen
uine seal.
Salt's Hadson Seal Cnnf nnA rnr.iS
A wonderful reproduction ; can
scarcely be distinguished from real
Hudson seal.
Salt's Bearing Seal Coats and Coatees
Beautiful high pile plush garments
vi excellent wearing1 quality.
I 4
- .-si
u. . Is
' ;
i A
t,' m