Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 01, 1920, Postscript, Page 4, Image 4

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'jWunlctpal Research Body Sug
. gasts Appointment of Succes
sors to Present Commission
Tho Appointment of n new zoning
commiK'don to Mircroil thr oommhs-lon
which ko out oT cxiMrnrc .Tannin ."
with trip dlonripd ohnrtcr vis urcnl
today by flip Rurcati of Municipal Up
Pub'io opinion is not yet rend; to ac
cept and support the onitis regulation1)
provided In the ordinance which did not
Conje up for passage bftorc the present
i;wo-chambor Councils the bureau be
What is needed, the bureau staled in
a bulletin, is to educate the public to
(he adantages of tarofulh prepared
regulations. A nt commiinn should
be named as soon as possible b the
next administration, it was dielared. -o
advantngo rould be taken of imprest
that ha been arouspd in tde miuj" t.
'Tho research bureau oommenilpi the
members of the old commission for the
results attained with thp meager np
prdprlrftion provided bj Councils
Of the proposed new commission the
bureau declared !
"This commission tliould be provided
ith funds to pub'ish the proposed on
ing regulations ind maps ami should
institute an educational campaign to
inform the public wlij the regulation
of the location, i7e Hud upc of build
injMs vill promote the public hpaltli.
safety, order and gem.al welfare INib
Jic Hearings should be held to uu-ner
questions concerning Hie proposed rer
ulations. As a result of tliec hearings
apparent discrepancies could be e mi
inated from thp regulations as thci now
exist-so that a new ordinance loulil be
passed without length hearings In the
new Council."
Original Count of Noses Was
Taken by Moses at Command
of God liefore Exodus of
Present Census Will Be Fin
ished by December, 1920,
Wlien Returns Are Given to
College Girl's Life to Be Explained
by Song and Play
-"Wav girls go to college what thei do
"when they get thire and what Iiapneps
to them after the leave will be told in
Hong and action at the I'luloniusiau Club
on Saturday atrernoon
A Vasser stunt part with tw-cutj five
Undergraduates taking part will be 'git en
frr the benefit of the Philadelphia schol
arship fund and following the enter
tainment tpa will be served.
Members iu the cast of the show will
Include Mar Hull. Margaret Fit" rl7
abeth New comet, niirnbeth Walters,
Ivouise Holcombe, Helen Ilazlett. Doro-
! Grat. Marie Quinu. Doris AVilder-
1- Nfinth. Virginia Hoodleff Doris Oilbert,
Elizabeth Moore. Dorotht Jordan,'
Helen Richardson. Margaret Wiener.
Josephine Murph . (leitrude Quick!
Hmilv Hartshorne. Caroline ter, Ruth
Herrick and Kleanor Richardson.
Counting noses is an old. old gime
And the fourteenth dicenulal census
which begins tomorrow is the most am
hltloiis In the history of the world.
I'lghh .setcn thousand enumerators,
5000 clerks and a hont of aceesson
helners will hne the population total
remlv for submittal to Congress In De
cember, 1'120, And the whole count
will cost S20.r.00.000
The first rneord of census-taking is
found In the Old Testament of the Bible
The lighting strength of the children of
Israel mst before tho exodus, which is
estimated at about 2000 Tl. C . was as
certained bv Mosps. commanded of Ooil,
1) a count of all the nviles tttentt
tears old and upward The T.ctitci.
ccmpt from mllitan spivice. wpip
counted thirtv tears and upward. Then
is no record of the cost of this census
I'.iit it Is likel that it was done out of
nccesfit and without pat ,
Solomon Took Census
Id man Solomon who wrote the
P otcrbx. subspqiienth had the census
taken It has been suggestpd that Iip
wanted lo t.ilh un his numerous whes
and lad ftiends and their birthdays
The census was "unuilMngh taken bt
loab ' at the behest of King Dald, to
determine the number of fighting meu
of Daid's realm
The first original official census is laid
at the door of Senilis Tulllus, Mtth
legendan king of ancient Ttome. and
lie decreed that ccr fifth tear the
ponulation would be eniiuieialed alone
ut'i the propert of each fainih land
livestock, slaves ami fieedmeu Hi
"tn tid lo divide the nnpulatioti iuto six
mam classes for some teason or other
posviblv for taatiou. upon a con
-ideration of combined wealth and com
bincd numbers Soon thi census took
on a rrligiou significance, and a
punfactnrv saenficp ahtn.ts preimlcd
the ofhcidl count, mid the people met
the increase in tacs more willing!
ifter the mvstic rite
First I. ,S. Count in i;ao
fliev had censuses in Rabtlon and mJ
earlv China and Japan and in Kurope
And records of some of these totals are
kept in the ancient Poiucdat Hook of
I he Middle Ages and in the veiiprible
H'-eviarv of Charlemagne Put these
tallies were all made for the purpose of
taking a crack at Mr. Common People
for thp purpose of taxation aud militar
It renmurd for the'I'mted Statu
to take the enumeration for the direct
and on! purpose of ascertaining the
number of people within borders of the
land. This was done in 1700 And a
Wcm was perfected which surpassed
uiv thing that had ever gone hi fore it in
fbcicncj and extensiveuess. The Wem
Table Shoivs How Uncle
Sam's Family Has Grown
v How Uncle Sam's Family has
growu, according to the, thirteen
previous dicennhl censuses:
Per cent
Vear Population for decade
1700 . ,1,!)20.'J14
isoo . . ri.:MW,-4fs'i 'i".i
isio .. . 7.230.SS1 :m.4
ipso .. n.tt:n,S22 :w.i
1S30 12,Sti('.,020 'M.r,
lS-40 17.0fin,4.-.1 32.7
I M0 2:i.UM.S7 .T..I)
1S0O . . . 3t,l.VU21 .11.0
ls-o 3S.r.r..s,n7i 22.fi
isso no.i.Vi.-Vt no.i
lOO . ... 24,0
IflOO . 70..103.3S7 20.7
11)10 n,l.402,mi 22.4
lias since developed And today, after
1.10 ears. It is still believed to be the
pt in the world.
Financiers Expect Prosperity Under
Administration of Moore
Philadelphia, under the ndmlnlstrn
tion at Mayor -elect Moore, can expect
a prosperous new- jear, is the verdict
of the Phlladephla Honrsc In n New
Year statement issued todav.
lllgliwaj Improvements, the proposed
bridge to Jersey, continued improve
menr. of the port of Philadelphia, re-
Uuru of railroads lo private ownership
and new national merchant marine poi
icy, are cited as indications of a prom
islug future.
,lVe can look forward with great
hope for a change in the administration
of our national affnlrs whereby there
shall be n closer and more harmonious
co-operatiou between the legislative and
executive departments and under condl
tlous of peace remove all nrccssitv, un
parent 01 otherwise, for the assumption
by one branch of the government of
the legislative functions of the other,"
the statement said.
Man 8hot by New Year's Celebrant
John C'ollrt. thirty-six .ve.iri nhl
Pembertoti street above Sixth, was sho
in the left arm bv an unidentilii'
incrr ranker earl this morning. II
was taken to the Peuns.vlvanla I In
pltal. The injury is not serious.
Investigators Uphold Warden Mc
Kenty, It Is Said
1 he report of the State Ho-ird of
Ch iritirs on its Investigation into con
ditions at the Eastern Penitentlarv is
111 the hands of tJovcrnor Sproul todav
It wa taken to the Oovernor's office
here vesteidnv h Bromlev Wharton, a
member of the Hoard of Charities
Thp Invpstigitois. it was said todav.
uphold Warden McICcntv's admiuistra
tlon, but recommend important changes
William A Dunlnp. of the Hoard of
Prison Inspectors, headed the movement
for an investigation During the in
quiry 175 witiicfscs were examined.
Thp report covers twenty-three tpe
written pages
is the invention of
the most successful
leather manufac
turer of all time.
240 W. Somerset Street .Philadelphia
s3$)OTH Oriental Pearls and Tecla
Pearls are so ineffably beautiful
that it seems a pity to drag in the
sordid consideration or price.
And yet it is only fair to state that Ori
ental Pearls are prohibitive, whereas
Tccla Pearls are not.
398 Fifth Avenue, New York 10 Rue de U Taix, TatU
Sole Philadelphia Agents Walnut St. at 16th St.
1J' . w o
a 'Ufimon a v
Gtric tS'faaet'
J r fn'.
S KSsr &ss
Jtift&fr J,
It ''dSa If
SB. Wr nm
On this first day of the New Vear we wish to thank you for 1919 and to
say a little something about our plans for 1920.
We thank you for 1919 because it was by far
the greatest year in our history, both in volume of
sales and in number of people served and re
member we have been right here in Philadelphia
since 1837. For YOUR share of the patronage
.which made such a business possible we are deeply
As to 1920 !
Darlington's always has been and will con
tinue to be run for the hundreds of thousands of
city and suburban people who want "good goods,"
not necessarily expensive goods, but really worth
while merchandise.
We are not a high-price, exclusive establish
ment. Our aim is to have in the many lines we
carry, the staples as well as the distinctive, un
usual things for which the store has long been
noted; to sell such merchandise at fair prices; to
give prompt, courteous, intelligent service.
We wish to have an active store constantly
building good will by the regular values it gives,
not one which must attract trade only through the
daily advertising of bargains (so called).
This does not mean that we cannot from time
to time offer special values and have sales. "A
sale when it is a sale" is entirely legitimate. Every
store obtains now and then reduced-price lots from
its wholesale sources of supply and is glad to pass
such savings along to its customers, both as an in
ducement for more business and in appreciation
of patronage given. Then, too, every merchant
who wants to keep his stocks new, fresh and "turn
ing" must be steadily clearing away all discon
tinued and broken lines and there 'is no better
way for this than to offer such lots to his clientele
at lowered prices.
For 1920 our policy shall be to cany larger
and more complete stocks than ever before; to be
foremost in the presentation of authentic fashions;
to mark all merchandise at the lowest prices con
sistent with sound store-keeping and present-day
costs of doing business ; to merit a continuance of
the patronage which has come to us in 1919 and
the years before, and to win new trade by having
at all times the most desirable of merchandise
backed up by thoroughly efficient store service in
all its phases.
New Things for the New Year
Special displays of White Goods, including Lingerie, White Cotton
Dress Fabrics, Linens and Towels.
New Silks, such as Fan-ta-si and others which will be in high favor for
the coming season.
New Hats a charming collection assembled particularly for those
who will soon be leaving for Palm Beach and other southern climes, but of
interest as well to every woman as authentic fashion forecasts of spring
millinery styles.
New Apparel for women, misses and girls advance models fresh from
the foremost designers.
jgp jffy & B jHk
A A-PJUi. .&'' VfJL KJl, T,XV - .7 r St
c blarted with a humble little
ftore at 923 Market Street.
Though the store was small,'
its ideals were high. Honest
dealing and Service to our
Customers were inbedded in
'n the minds of those who
nade up our little organiza
' ion.
With these ideals ever be
'ore us, our organization has
iron n from a mere handful
of coworkers lo a great, big,
happy family of nearly two
hundred, and our business has
long since outgrown the old
home in which it was born.
Sifts! s ''Rswcr 'it; ?l?ipi
the opening of this spacious
store (fully four times as
large as the old one), where
our fiiends and their friends
may shop with greater com
fort and convenience.
Our entire Third Floor, de
voted to Outer Apparel, has
the advantage of natural day
light. And a large well-ventilated
Bargain Basement will
be used for the sale of good
quality , fashionable wearing
apparel at lower prices.
Be our guest for a day. To
morrow we shall be "at home."
L'lea&e consider this a per
gonal invitation to you.
Hirsch's New Larger Women's,
(bJi C
And with the opening oi the doors of this new "Home
O wi -,t'iw " WV.WHUUIJ d 1IS.W CXd UL M. I mill (UIICOO III
Advertising" is bom a new era in "Service to Our
Customers' a new era of "Merchandising" and
"Value-Giving" to our customers. A new era in our
dealings with coworkers. A better, bigger, finer plan
all arranged so that you our customer will gladly
call this "Your Own Store."
A Store that will display Fashions newest modes m
Clothing for Mother, Sister, Daughter and Babv.
We want you to come and visit this big new store ol
which we are so proud! lo see all the new Spring
Fashions, the large, new display windows and the
comforts of shopping that have been arranged for our
patrons. And tomorrow will be a good time io open
a Personal Charge Account. It is an easy matter at
So That Your Visit Will Be
esting We Have Arranged These Great
JVc have listed only a few of these values; be assured the
prices are considerably lower than regular,
Fur -Trimmed Coats
65 handsome- Winter Coat specially purchased for this
occasion A dozen stunning: atjles in wool velour
and silvcrtone Third Floor
Exclusive D resses
lam of these stunning Frocks are just half price
Sea uti fully beaded Georgettes, sillc tricolettes, wool
icothies and fur trimmed elets Third Flooi
New Georgette Waists 75
ur entire stock of pretty $5 00 Georgette Waists reduced Tg
u treat Opening Special Scoies of loely styles xJL
"S n plentv Street Floor
Coney Fur Coats
X orth fully a third more Stunning, fullrUring sports
lodels with huge collars and deep borders All with
me linings Third Floor
Girls' Serge Dresses . . .
A wonderful purchase of nay serge dresses, for 6 to 14
year girls will make a fine 'Opening Special
Second Floor
Serge Skirts
Women fine wool erge
and wool pUU Skirt. In
the newest ityles and
colors Street Floor
Union Suits
Mtornen'e fine medium
weight Union Suite, madi
to .ell at a much hishe
price Street Floor
r J.
Silk Chemise
Beautiful tatin or crepe
dr. chine Envelope Chem
lie in dainty pjik
Second Floor
Women's Corsets
A very fine low butt. j -
lons-eklrted Cortet A ZLM
remarkable ' Opening" I
value Second Floor
Fur-Trimmed Coats
Nearly half saving on each of these warm elot.r pom
pon Coats Many with huge fur trimmings and all
lined Bargain Casement
V elvet& Serge Dresses
A good $5 00 saving on every one of these loe' serge,
velvet, e!our, tricotine
Opening Special '
natm Ureases A great
Bargain Basement
Spring-time Millinery .
300 charming satin and straw Hats make a wonderful
Opening" value These delightful Hats would be priced
$7 JO regularly Second Floor
Skunk Fur Sets . . . .
20 of these beautiful Fur Seta aa an "Opening Special '
Handsome perfect sklna In large animal stjle
Third Floor
Girls' Winter Coat's .
These Coats woufd regularly sell for $8 50 oncl $10 00 Warn
elours eleteens and mixtures Some fur trimmed
Second Floor
: 6'90
Infants' Coats
Good worm vshlt
roy Coats for bal
cut sizes Second
;e cordu S C
by Full. .JJ
nl Floor
Chamoisette Gloves
Women's fine Chamois
ette Gloves at this spe
cial 'Opening" price All
shades Street Flooi
Infants' Dresses
Babies lovely embrold- r -
ered MW Dresses In 1 (III
the daintiest styles J.
Second Floor
Silk Hosiery
Very fire pute Silk Hose r
U rail favort0 colors, 1 Ail
with p!,iy of black I J J
Street Floor ""
Women's Fashionable Brown Kid 9-inch Boots
At great "Opening Special" and to inaugurate the opening of our new Women's and Children's Shoe Dpm.
mem. I rtese oooia are or Drown ma wiiu nciu-inuuso iwu iups, rusu paicm icainer oooio vmn gray K1Q lpi )ri
(lie Sale. street vloor
, Hirsch's Opening Day TonxorroAVj
sn 1
g&!foruAW.Jfo &,
tJ -i&iXiteMMiySSSm? &
H i -- - L- a--Mmrja,M'te,'M''