Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 31, 1919, Night Extra Financial, Page 4, Image 4

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    r" wp.-.w" HW iyJ" 'm imp mm sjirv
VVJaoi'EfcJDAV, JJEUlSAlBlfltt JU, t10
(tsa.- iWfftairi-',ry'vy,,TW"
Present Site, With Ruins of i
Shack, Callod Eyesore j
by Architects
Pomerene Sees
' Tope or Treaty
Continued fntifl ! One
of Itfiiil)Hrnii, will lie ill'iisptl ill n
mpotlllK (Oillclit of Dpnloelutli' nli'tuln1'
(if the Hrnntc fiircldli rcliitlons ciimniil
top Mf'N'nn' U'v upi-p lirminlil 1111
by Mr. lllti'liiwk Icicltiy In lnll wild
sonnlms nf both pnrtlis
Tlif Oltv llnll (ouityniil xlimilil bo
brightened up nml mnclc iittitu'tlc nr
ronlltiR to nrcliItiot. The ulil jiavillini
of wotxl (lint 'formcflv onc-iimbd-cil It
has biirmtl down. nntJ milll tlio ruins
nrft rrmoveil the njiect will bi worse
than evrr
"The fouUMird Is baic '""Id mill
Meal;," Kind F)ft til II. HflMrtl toilny
"Why. just to lime to iift" thronuli
It ches Otic a c lilll. It 1 u Kmii uiinv
back that there cvloti In tw centrr or
Millndrlpliln thli tlolosotne plnoo.
throilRh uliicli thousands of persons
pflM tlnll , , . .
"Tt U ilimciill to .-n offhnnd Just
tthtit treatment Mtiuilil bi (tiven (ho.
rotirtnrd but stiri'lj n eir like mis
inn nffnrd to brmitlf thn spot. It
should bo pmtsl with tiles in bright
color. There bIioiiIiI be n fountain,
and potted sripns. An thine to make
the pitted n bright pol nf color Instead
rf n dull, drnb (iinoii of Mono Mich ns
It Is now ,
Oliv King fawired Hie plating of
fotte(l greens lun trees. merRieens nml
the like iniWhitiK In Rive n H'llef to Hie
Stay of the fold stones Hint Miri'uiiud
the hlnee
"I do Hot fnnr Krns. he said. a1
trim util lookw lt best ii few mouths
hi the M'lii- ami the Clt llnll nitirl
inrd is ii enr nionnd plnte, o lo
"SAnnMliliix should be done ill wire,
howeier I" KiM- n human touch to the
coiirtjnril We ntieht le the nrd .1
rhalruti mirden effect, in keeplnit with
thfc building tn a fonmil g.mleii in gilt
be laid ouf with bright colonel lilen.
tttoue benches and riillltir5
"As Hie place stands now it is. lei -Ulily
depressing "f murse. no one can
Mt Jul What shiiilld be done without
hVst MllllVlllg fllfl'fllll Hi'1 possibilities
Of the ttmrt "
Democrats in Row
Over Palmer Boost
rrmtlmieil Iniin I'iicc line
party m nulil foon illiappem As it ii.
everything wall upon Ins tiuiioiinrc
went with regmd lo hli future candi
dacy. Mneh of hli leiiiniuing niitlioritv
within Ins party in the nnllonnl nun
mittee nml in the Senate dnpeniN iiiinii
his remninni!: in the Held in n possible
Candidate. Onto he took hinnclf nut.
the Demoernlle pnlltleinns would tend
to rnuRe tlietuPlven nbout the ininliiR
man in the pint whoever he mav be.
The I'reiu'ent'i fnilure tn put bv the
"third rilp of I'nffee" on .Innunry S,
does not menu thnt he has nnj intention
of nmkliiR niintlier tlin of it for the
presidency It merely menus that he
thinks such an aniioiinreineut would be
bad polities lie is not likely to seek
a renonilnntiou. Kuujbodj i iincedes
The I'resident'i memiRi to the .link'
son diners will innrlt his re-entry into
party politics. Since his illness the
tendency of the pnrtj has been to nwiiiR
away from Ins control Hut hli slnte
incnt ot the issues nt the coiuIiir dinner
'And his failure to take himself out of
"the 1020 race will increiisp lus polltiinl
Imj)ortniice Ainoujr nil the nnes nt
the 'Jackson Day dinner, his will be
the loudest and most certain.
The dpeakerb at this dinner will be
AV. J. Hrinn, Senator Owen, Senator
Pomerene, Senator Vnderwood, Sen
ator Hitchcoik, (iOeinni t'n, of Ohio:
Attorne fienelnl Pnlinei. Chimp
Clark and Vice President Mnishnll.
Tivery one of these men is ii ciinilldntp
for the presidencj The lejiresent di
Tergent views. nnU in smne cases minh
personal anunosit
11 Aspire In I'leiidemj
Bryan is out with a (iitn.ini of the
administration, and evidenth lneiius to
flflht to keep the Interests trom nppro
priatiiiK his belmed ji.nt. Ilitihcoclt
and Vnderwood me in the midst of
ft sharp (Qntest for Hie le lib riliip of
the Sennte rnilerwooil is ihaijil erit
Iral of Hltclieoiit's liniulliuj the tieatj
and has in effect broken witli the 1'iesi
dent on reservatymi.
Champ Clark bus am leni lumoi in
his soul. Cox mid 1'onierene me (.eekniR
to bo the fmorite son of the same stntc.
Ohio, and everj one of these men will
fifl thnt he mny make himself I'u-sidciit
if he may saj the liRht wind m the
rierre. h. I).. Pec. .".1 (lit A. I' i
Major (ienernl r.eonau' W'ooil todnv
fllpil n formnl nunoumement of his can
didacy for the Republican jiresidential
nomination with the South Dakota, sec
retary of state
The announcement mceptlnj; the
Indorsement of the Itepublhnii state
lonvention of Oct ember 2, enme on the
last dnv that cntidldateR for pieshlen
tlal indorsement mny file their accept
ances The Wood lomniunicntion was
expected, however, nR semi-official in
formation was received last week fronj
llepublienn headquarters in Chicago
that AVood would be n cnntliilate
Wood. Senator llirnin Johnson, of
California, (iovernur I.owdeu. nf Il
linois, and Senator Miles 1'ointlexter.
of WnshlURton. ore avowed cantlidates
or party indorsement at the March
Tho Democratic Mate convention in
dorsed President Wilson for a third
time "If lip decides to become a candi
date." No communication has been le
reived from tho President. James W.
Oerard of New York, former ambassa
dor to Germany, filet! his petition as an
independent cnntliilate for the Demo
cratic indorsement.
There has not been great inteiest in
tho Democratic situation because state
leader -were agreed at the convention
to awn It the natural course of events "
Thlil suggestion was made at the con
vention when a minority faction sug
CMted that William (i. McAiloo be In
dorsed if President Wilson decided not
to seek Nie oflit'o ugain.
Governor Ljnn J. Frailer. North
Dakota, who was Indorsed for President
by the nonpartisan league state con
vention, , December 2, has not filed a
iiouco ol neceptnnce
Hffitni. ftnnol-nl Wnswl nn. l.ln I
-..-...,. .v... ... .tv.u hmi- ins mime
i-fiy as Itourne, Mass., and his present
address as Chlcauo.
V :
Get Italian Red Cross Medal
Mrs. Hcujamln Miller, 137 School
4IMI-. uli uiniiiuitiif. i-iiuirnian ot xne
Italian committed of -the Kmergent-y
rtiu, jesurjiiij- rrceiveti ti jnrge silver
medal from the JtuJIan iled Cross In
lecdjruitlon qf.lier hehdech rendcVed. tn
Ituly last hiimmrr. .Mrs, .Miller left
here last August and tinteled through
KwlUerlaud. Prauci' nml itnly, di.s
Ulbuttn; food and clothing to the war
tiii;keji of lliow couutU-ji
Pails. Det III (Il.t A P I -Al
though the uirenie tomicil tnilat lled
.Intuitu V It in the date fur sinnitiK Hie
prntiiciil mid excliiiiiRlng intlllciiliiins nf
Hie Geiinati pente titntt, ctiiiiiilientlnns
are develnpiiig wlihh, II is HmiiRht In
some jierscins In count II clicles, luni
again ititi-c the Mistiniieuient of the!
leremony of iuttiiig the liiuty into.
efTecl. . '
II has deteliiped Hint Hie lieiiunti
It chlilt nl ilelcgntei hele lo m I urge I'm
the plebiMltcs tn bt held in leifllolles
whiili must decide whelher Ihev deshe
to be detnehed fitiin (lermniiv do not
appear to hne full jiower lo act.
The sinning nf the prnlntnl on .Inn
mirj II. Ilierefiue. mht depend upiin
whether Hie (leinnus etui secure llinn' I
jiowen iiuinetlinlelt , in nnler lo com
jilele the nriatijjeinents In iiecede the
exchange of rntlfit iitlnn. I
InlerniUlonnllriltlnii nf Cfllistnnlltinple
and the Sttnlls nf Dnnlnnelles has been I
decided muni alniiR the lines laid itottni
bv Premier Until (lenrge. of (lietit
Ilrilnlii. In ii iccetil speech, according i
to the Atnllti. I
It seems ceitniu. Hie newspaper nts,
llrit Hie sent nf the Turkish (invert)
incut will be tinnsfeired In Alll Mtnoi
mid he Inented either ill tiiusti nt
Knnieh. Detnlls of the fnrtn nf liileiiin
tloiilll inntiol which will be eslllblislied
nrer Coiistnntinnple linte nnl ns je be
come known.
The Sliptenie Cniniell ngteeil llnll
Oermanj should b" iiifnimed (h.il Ml.lllil)
Uermnii tump" In I'pper Silesia hai
better be wlthiliniVU." '
II is ptnpnsed lo semi ii mlvlloir In
supeitise the withdrawal nf lltiiiRUtinii
troops shll occuptltiR ti pail nf Hcsf
ern Iluugni.t which was Riten In Aus
tria The louneil am t etl In mfni in Kwil
rerlmid thai the ciiimell tcgaids lite
appliinlinti for iidtnissititi In Hie leiitue
nf nnlintis wilh reserintlutlH ns a ipii'S
lioti fnr I lie letiRiie Itself tn pass upon.
Dr. Witmer Doubts
Spirit Pfwiographu
( niillnnril (rotii Pnur One
leader demonstrate his pnttcis hv
drivini: u enrringe nml pnlr fiom Ihi
iieiglibnrhniid of lirmd and Cheslniit
streets ItMlie I'nlvcriltt of Pemistlvn
nia while he wns blindfolded. It Is
possible, but tint probable, that lie
guliHl the horses telej.athlcaily, as he
i Indued, but when I oltcied to gite him
MOO if lie would diite the same enneh
oter the same road after I hail blind
folded him the offer was not accepted.
I tin not claim from this that he was
looking under tho liantlkcrthlet he him
self had tied over his ejes. I only
claim that no reasonable man could be
expected to beliete in liU powers of
mind tending unless he jiuts those
powers lo in atleipinte test.
"Coinn Dojlc bclietcs William Hope
has n uimeia with which lie has phnto
Kittphcil a disembodied spirit I hclictc
thnt Mr. Ilopoeould not obtain a photo
giaph of a spitit, if the cnmcia and
plate sue silicted In home one whn
knints (iinugh abiitil phntngrnpht and
liieillums tn make sure that nnbod.t but
the spiilt bus tut ess tn the plate after it
has been selrt tetl and examined. The
truth nf a lejiolt should be jmlgid fiom
n knnw ledge nf all the attending ctr
cumstnntes nnd tliest; we seldom know.
Must Hate Ktldeuce
"However, I do not want tn be a
'jov-iillltr.' If It Is a satisfaction to
nnj one to beliete m telepatht , or thnt
the sjiuits nf those whom thet have
1.. ....! 1.1.. ... ......ii n,..il. ... ....!!.
IIIYI'II 111." Ill'M (' IlkUilt ,,1,111 L, l.lllli
,nud llianlfcst, their presence bv means of
a imntogrnpii, or tit gitiug iniormatinn,
tiitial in Impoitntit. let him bv all
means hate the cnmtnrt nf his beliefs.
When, howetei, he jmblishes his con
tictiolis and lejinrls Ins cxpenenies hh
evidence, fnr the puipuse nf convincing
others thnt what he believes to be a fact
is reullt a fin t, he must' submit all of
tho attending Intts and cin iimstnuces
to. the .mi.i of public or scieulilii opin
ion So far the si leutllic tenlict is the
Scotch tenlict, 'Not piuven ' and this
also is the public vcidlil. because the
histor.t nf tfvlljatiuu shows that while
these spititls-ttciucdlumistii clairvoyant
and tilcpatluc pheiiouuna are icjiorted
nt certain titnes more fieciuentlt thiin
nt othtls, the geneial tentlenc) dis
plated bj man ns lie i limbs to higher
levels nf exact knowledge is lo discredit
all leports of the Influence of sjiiiits
living or dead, in the alTairs of man
nnd to thiow the burden of proof on
those making the lepoils "
Executive Committee Is Urged
to Plnn for Big World Fair
to Boost City
The giealel of nil woild's fads In
Philadelphia In lll.'ll!
Indications lotlnj me thai .Inlili Wnu
nmnkei's plan for n splendid exposl
lion In celebration of Hie lilltti milliter
ai.t of Amei lean liideiiendence will be
ttitimphmitlt cnriiid out.
lliislitess men me gununt; eulhtisini
tie on the subject.
Ill nest T Trigg, ptesiilenl of the
f'lininbei of Ciuumene, h(i) h toiiinill
tee of that iitganlntlon is nt wink on
cspnsltimi plans.
Alfied K, Iltnk, jiresident of the
Mnnufnctuicis' Club, iirnposcs that nil
business (igiinlzations here name tep
leseutalite.s in an executite coinmltlce
to push Ihe world's fair project.
Tliiiiuns Devlin, teteinn inunttfnc
tuier, now past eighty, who saw tho
preparations for the Centennial llx
positlnn hele. Is enthusiastic. lie says
tin1 Cenletmlnl rxpnsillnti did grent
things foi Philadelphia mid looks for
greater things lo icsiilt from the Inter
national fnir in 10211.
Iliiih I'litnis lllg Fail
Mr. liiirh. of the Mauufacluiers'
Club siiid;
"I mn heat lily in fnvm of hnlding a
grent einsitinn here in 102II In cele
liralinn nf Hie IfiOlh minlveisirv of
Aineilcnn liitlepeiiileni e. The bitslni'ss
oigntiiatioiis of Hie illy slmuld llitil
some wa.t for united act Ion.
"One wa.t is for the nignniratinlis lo
pass lesnlnlintis itiiloisllig the expnsi
linn prolecl, fnllnwct) bv the appoint
ini'lit of leprcseutnlltes tn an ejtectllltc
coimiilllce. c Itixeti In take iliatge nf Ibe
at titc wmk nf mi r.t itig nnl the jiiolecl,
Mr Detlln said: "The Idea is a
splendid one. Plillnde(ililn really owes
its gteat liitliistritil beginning to tin cv
pnsiliun the Centennial exposition of
"That slm led us. It did Ihe cdlv n
In iiiendiiiiK lot of giind mid furnished
us wilh ideas fiom all pails of the
world "
.Inlin 1'isler. ticc piosldelil of the
Mntiiifiii liners' Club, saltl : "The c
linstlinii jiiiijecl, if II promises In blllig
leal, beuelll to Pliilailelphla, will lime
the snpiinil nf Hie entire ineinbctshlp nt
Ihe Manufacluieis' Club. We will siip
jiurt it lo the limit."
Doctor Wilson, direitor of the (Jom
nietcial .Museum, is also In Tutor of u
gi cat woild's fair here In 11)20. He wtis
one of the tisitms utti acted lo Philadel
phia bt the Centennial DxiuslU(in In
1h70, and knows the jiowei of gieat
fairs to adt.ince a ( it).
AVmianinlicr Gets Cicdlt
Mr. Tilgg suid: "Crullt tor lintlut
Ing Hie inoteinenl to hold a scsipti
ccnteunial celebration in Philadelphia
belongs to John Wnnmnnker, who, in
August ol l'.llli, made public a state
mint that mi exposition should be held
in 11)2(1 tor this purpose.
"The following jear the Philadelphia
Chamber nt Coininene iudoiscd anil
npjuoved Mr. Wapiiuinkei s suggestloii
and iiainvd u special iiimmittec to con
sider the piojiu-id celehintlon, The cu
lt nni'e nf the I'liilcd Stites into the
world t.ni c iitseil all nctite luepara
tinns on the part of the Chamber of
Coiuiihilo to ctase for the time being.
"The pieliminary plans for the in
tc national expositlnli in l!l2l! contem
plate mi exhibition of nit, medical
silence inanufactuies nnd the prm eases
of the boil and the mines In view of
the fact Hint the late war has denied
and stimulated I Merest In the doctrine!
of anipllripd human rights mid liberties. I
the Chamber ot Coluineire, In stating I
the reasons wny a sestiui-cpuietinini ex
position should be held, has emphasized
Philadelphia's claims ns tliti logical pintle
to celebrate the IfiOth ntnilvcisnry of
the signing ot the Declaration ot Iride
Ildidcnic "
"Any exposition thnt will show the
Yt that Is' rather than the 'city Hint
ttas' will be n great thing for Phllndel
jihla. mid it Is something that should
engage tho em nest efforts of every busi
ness mail mid eterj mnntifactuier."
I said 1 1 tt li it i ti A. 1'olcy. advertising mini.
1 former president of the Poor Illchnrd '
.iiiii- - I
Formally Declines to Be Candidate
for Vice President
llosliui, Dec. 111. (Ht A. P.) Let
lers In which GoveriiiiV Cnolldge dec lines
to be a candidate for the Uepublicdli
nominal Ion for Vice Piesldent at the
Mm eh plimnij elect Inns In South Da
koln weie iiuule public lit the Stale
llniise today.
The first lettei was sent tn Senc
tan of Slate C. A. tliuklinit. of Soiiiti
Dnkoti. on December 1(1, nfter Gov
prnor Coolldge had been untitled t!in
the llepublienn stnte cnilventlnn Pi
Soiilh Daknlii hail piopnsed his mime
for Vice Piesldent. It said in paiti
"It is not tut clesiio to npiiiar us a
cnntliilate for the nffico of Vice Pres j
iilent of the I'lilted Slates. 1 shall pot. I
therefore, make the declaration wblih
your laws icipine frnm u rnntllilnlc.
The second letter was written ves
tertlat lo Secrelarv Ilurkhnrl in con
fiiliiiilinti of a teleglam lo the same
&4fafBtW 9&&&JmM m teCKSmi
"Home of Style and Economy"
iirojQKtfii M,?iMKarji!rj8si
The Value of a
Coal Mane
Coal mining is a business
unto itself it involves more
than the usual risks and
problems of manufacturing.
Therefore ordinary apprais
als by engineers alone or
by auditors alone cannot
give full report of values or
The Peabody Coal Company
knows coal and coal mining
both from the marketing as
well as the operating end.
We are one of the largest
producers of bituminous coal
in the country operating 28
mines, with thirteen million
tons capacity.
With our organization and 36
years' experience we furnish
banks, bond houses, trustees
or others with practical
appraisals and reports on
coal properties that are more
than mere theoryand figures.
We also undertake the man
agement of property where
? mt mi 'WraC0MOMY''Pnlilf l
SgBltn FaMrargiFSgijgiaigmraTjJrigM litLSil tWHW BMWl
the Opening
Friday, January
Second, 1920
of this Modern 5-Story
Building, with Spacious
Bargain Basement
Displaying complete stocks of
new, fashionable, moderately
"Clothes for the
Feminine Family55
We would be very much pleased
to have you as one of our guests
on the Opening Day. Please
consider this a personal invita
tion to you.
Roast Turkey Dinner
I ""-" $ioo H:
P II A. M. TO i3 I'. M '
I titnif a (load limner 2
' uoked hy n (lood Chef
I .iii mints ui;siiuANr g
iii!ii!iiuii721 Walnut StreetiNiitiitnuiir.
Wilson's Commission Will Not Visit
Mining Csnters
Washington, Dec Ml (Jit A I i
After paving the wny foi its inteti
gutlou into the hltumiuniis roil mcliii
tit, I'reaiclcnt WiHon's comml.nm ail
jotirneil toclnj Hemhrnnilt I'eale. rep
resenting the operntori, anil John I'
White, representing the minei'H, left
for their homes, hut Ilenrt M Itobin-
son, reprei-nting the puhlic, lemainetl
to gilltle the prelimlniiiy work
Ihe Mnfl or iisslstantH nlrcailv liatl
begun nosemhling data, hot public hearings-
will not begin until .Inniiarv 1L'
Tentntlvel.t the coiiunlsslon htm ilecitjeil
not to v'IhU the jirinclpnl inul milling
centers lnstetul ii will senil nut formal
inqulrieH to leprescntntive conl mining
415 Real Estate Trust Building
B. R. Cor. liroaa and Cheitnnt
By Meant of Muscle Strappini
(Dy Gicwrti)
kind Poliiti-J
$10 AN"
Slip CoTtri t
Order $1 Etch
U c rarry a larce HiIeLlpd Stock of
lTplioistery Goods eelllnff at wholeial
"American upholstery co.
OlriAGt nnd Larcrejit Housa of It Kind
nc; Arrh St. "riorlin
If m Htnmmcr, stutter or havo ant
Hpeei '1 clofeets you nre handlcappltiK
i'ou can be curtd if yoti want to be ctlred
New nftemoon and evening classes for
stammerers corntnenco January 5. Write
or call for particulars Intertlctts
elten cltilv from 0 A. M to 9 P. JI '
Central Branch, 1421 Arch St.
Increases efficiency of a truss 50
ffi'. J 9 sDE4iv
Mnrkit 1B03.
"A Heart-to-Heart Talk"
with the many thousands of women who have made f&firfgeffe their
"Home of Shopping' and also with the thousands of
MEN and women who will make &8p$cf&
"Their Own Store" in the Future.
foundation of INTEGRITY.
by being' truthful in our advertising'.
by selling" merchandise of warranted character and
g"ood style always at the most moderate price.
by rendering' service that has been appreciated by our
by living" up to every promise and trying" to be always
fair and just to YOU, our patrons.
ing ourselves with a competent organization of faithful
co-workers, who have played a very large part in the
success of this store.
The arlr-.iiljcitlni; features of this I'ml
mike- it rKt to wcur, and the lliuinb
hcrrw lleKiilutnr nllottH uf altering iires
iirr at III. Mot matures Brow hlouly
jturjco Imcuiinp trciNNeN that seemed rliclit
in tho lieBinnlnE Mere not. Our Improved
iniiillumrs and acltuneed metlioda Insure
iniiirnteinent for every use mill cure
I B. SEELEY, 1027 Walnut St.
i i ' lit out mid keea fur referf m p,
Invest Your Surplus
We leeommend tho purchase of
'W INDOW and door
frames shrink: awav
Am. Gas & Elec, CoJfirJ)rickandmo,lt?1, ,
mat inuiuih air iuitKS mat
multiply your heating costs 20
to 40.
We can "stop 'em-' perma
nently. Ash for our book Have vs estimate
Preferred Sic:
at $43 per share
Pays $3 dividend annually
This is lc'c on the Investment
Carstairs & Co.
Member I'hltailelphla and
?ietv York 'Stock Kicliances
1410 Walnut Street
71 Broadway. N. Y.
IS S. Seventh St
KELLY'S 12 n. oth
Open Day & Night
Oysters in Every Stylt
Te llftre mi Usetltnt Ttectl m4
NsMmiI HnuUU
X 230HS2MidW
ttfrPrleam , toJl4S
Eat Your
New Year's
Table d'llote 75c & $1
There will be it plate on for you
1232 market St. 029 Market St.
.-.2d & Market 1705 Clientnut St.
m 1332 Walnut St. M
M jjsstf.
Ir. ad
M WisJ
man was
Baron von Raea-
stein and which'
was Sir Everard $
t. DnminPiv ?
Their nmaiing resemblance
i the basis of
The Best Story Oppenhtim
Ever Wrote
(Coming Jan. 3)
Order our copy from your
booluelUr today!
E ARE AWARE that heretofore we were unable to
give our patrons trie conveniences and comforts we would1
have liked them to have. But in this big' spacious new
"Home of Style and Economy1 there will be every convenience that
could possibly be desired. One of the most important of these
will be the liberal Personal Charge Account service opened to all
responsible persons. It will be an easy matter to open an account at
always he our guiding Light rigid Truthfulness in every
thinp? we sav or do. If we quote a value in our daily offer
ings to you, be assured it is absolutely truthful; if we tell
you our goods are absolutely new and priced as low as
possible, be assured they are. If we display a garment in
our windows IT IS FOR SALE, and you can have it for the
asking. We shall be grateful to those who will call our atten
tion to mistakes or discrepancies in anything we do or say.
Thank you for being an attentive listener to our "Heart-to-Heart Talk"
7lT .
'f.f W t J'" in" I t -r
Opening Day
Friday, January 2, 1920 ?,
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