-'ixnimf ijj(J Aikfi'Wpitr .fTtniPV $' 'wr''jfofr iw '- ' ti- '.".i.yt,r'WBwr""y.'..wj'!Siw fWWillW55 - v EVENIKG .FUBLIO LEDGEEr-PHILADELPHlA, TUESDAY, DEC032MQBER 23, 1919 v t . KM M I r I ? i w m Ul- W 3 i ! -""., PEACE IS YEAR NOW KILE German Delegation Takes Allied Reply to Noto to Berlin for Consideration SCAPA FLOW UNSETTLED !By the Associated Press rwb, Dec. 23. Exchange of ratifi cations of the German peace treaty be fore the end of the year Is considered in French official circleb as Impossible. (This opinion was formed today when the head of the German delegation here Announced that he would be obliged to return to Berlin to consult with the government on the latest allied com munication. Paul Dutasta, secretary of the Peace Conference, handed Kurt von Lcrsner, head of tho German delegation, the al lied reply to the last German note. Von Lersner said that owing to diffi culties of communication and the im portance of tho document, he felt obliged to consult Berlin, and thnt he would leave, wtlh all his experts, for the German capital tonight. Ho em phasized that his departure was in nowise a rupture of negotiations. Secretary Dutasta, In accordance with Instructions from the Supreme Council, accompanied the allied note with a ver bal communication in which it is under stood the council assured Von Lersmt that the Allies lecoguizid the economic difficulties which might exist in Oi -many and wished to take them into ac count. If proof were given that errors had been made in the estimate of floating material now In the possession of Ger many, upon which tho Allies based their demands for reparution for the sinking of tha German ships at Scapa Flow, these demands, Dutasta is understood to havo told the German plenipoten tiary, would be reduced proportionately. Von Lersncr expressed no opinion on the document presented bj Dutasta. BRITISH TO GET THEIR BACON Mission In New York Looking After It, House of Commons Hears London, Dec 'J3. (By,. A P.) The British mission in New York has made arrangements by which Kngland is assured of securing a regular supply of bacon of good quality at prices based on the actual cost of hogs. This announcement was made in the House of Commons by George H. ilob crts, food controller, in rcpljing to a Question as to the activities of the de partment In protecting the British meat consumers from the high prices lived by American packers. Mr. Kobcrts said tho business of buying had been toncentrated in the hands of the Brit ish mission. BRITISH CURB TURKS; OCCUPY TWO CITIES AGREEM NT NEAR Russian BolshovikI Approach Poland With Olive Branch and Sword London, Dec. 23. (By A. P.) British forces bays occupied Batum and Baku to prevent the Turks from pene trating the Caucasus region, according to a Moscow wireless despatch. tBatum and Baku, on the Caspian sea, were occupied by tho British during thf war. They are In tho cen ter of n great oil rtgion. M. Trhltcherin, Bu'sian BoIhclk minister of foreign affjitrs, has offered to begin immediate peace negotiations with Poland, according to n wireless dispatch from Moscow The Polish Goverunn ill was requested to indicate the time and place it would like tho negotiations to open. Geneva, Dec. L'.T (Bv A. P.) Prennrations for a croat BoUhevik of fensive against Poland next spring is planned bj l.ron Trotsky, soviet niiu tsfpr nf nr nml iimriiir of Itiihsia. ac cording to n AVaisaw dispatch received bj the Ukrainian news bureau lieic. Hcccut fctiitoincnts liv Trotskv am quotid to the elTci t that he believes bolslicvisin in be "lirnilv rooted mid spiouting in Chiui," where a Bolshevik levolution is cxpiotou Miortlv. it is mi id Tiotsky intends to use Chinese in carrying out his invasion of western 1'urope. Ilelslnsfors. Dec. 'J.I. (P.y A. I ) The Lettish Government litlb decided to open negotiations with the sovut gov ernment of Jtussiu for an armistice, af fording to advices reccivid lu'ie fiom Itiga. IrhulsU, Dec 21 (delayed). (By A. P) The dtv of Tomsk, westetn Siben.i. 1ms boon evacuated by the Siberian troops of the iill-Itusslan Gov ernment. General evacuation of Tomsk began December 1G. I'l'omsK, uuu miles east ot umsK, rivals it as tho largest citj in Siberia. ' FRENCH PLAN RAIL INCREASE E ON TREATY, BELIEF Many Conferences Held With View to Compromise Bring Approval in Sight PLAN SHORT "WET" SPELL Big Jump In Rates for 1920 Ap proved by Cabinet Paiis, Dec. 23. (By A. P.) The cabinet today approved a bill for intro duction in the Chamber of Deputies providing for temporary increases in both pasi-cnger and freight rates with the object ot reaching un equilibrium in 1020 between leccipts and expendi tures affecting all systems and meet ing n deficit which amounts to more thnn 2.000.000,000 fruncs. The proposed increases nmount to 4T nor cent for third-class passengers. 50 per cent for second-class, C5 per cent for hrst-class and 110 per cent for mer ehandise. Wy I) Ladies ! If you want to find out what he really wants for Christmas watch him when he passes our windows. Neckwear beautiful rich designs. Dressing gowns he'll stay at home to use. Silk Shirts Silk Hosiery Silk Pajamas Silk Mufflers Sweaters Gloves Handkerchiefs Canes Umbrellas Bath Robes YOU WILL ENJOY SELECTING HIS GIFT HERE t Gift order forms for those wishing to give Christmas Orders on us. ' Ferro & Co. inc. Clothtera & Outfitters Agents (or Rogers Peel Clothes Chestnut Street at Juniper. "The Engine for Every Purpose" That is how we have advertised the Novo Engine for the past ten years. During this time the engine ha3 furnished convincing proof of its right to the title. It has met a wide variety of power requirements, and in each case has shown itself able to do the required work efficiently, economically and dependably. Novo Equipment is light, compact, quickly transported, quickly set up, simple in operation, and Reliable. Outfits for Hoisting, Pumping, Air Compressing, Saiy ing, furnished! to operate on gasoline, kerosene, distillate, natural or artificial gas. 1 to IS H. P. NOVO ENGINE C Clarence ILEement.Vlce-Pret.tGcii.rljE Factory nd Mala Office! Lansing, Mich. J. JACOB SHANNON & CO. 1744 Market Street, Philadelphia By tho Associafed Tress Washington, Dec. 23. With both sides apparently uilllnR to give and take, tho effort to reach a compromise agreement for ratification of the peace treaty wai reported progressing fatis factorlly nt conference) hero between Senate lenders of both parties. Early ratification of the treaty was predicted by some senators, with proi pecti of such nction beforo January 10, which ttould give President Wilson an opportunity to lift unrthne prohibition and grant the country n wet period be foio the constitutional amendment be comes tflecthe on that date. All senator1! remaining in Washing ton during the holiiln piobnblv will be called upon to pnithipnte in the truity conference. 1'iom present itidinitions the senators arc going ahead with the compromise program without awaiting fin ther word fiom the White House. It was pointed out, however, that Pres ident AVilson might ngnin intervene in tin- tn,it fight if he did not approve roenations accepted by membeis of his parH. Notable in the ilav'n long series of conciliation conferences was n meeting between Senator Lodge, of Mnssa c huetts, the Hcpublican lender, and Senator Underwood, of Alabama, a prominent Democratic advocate of a speedy compromise. They arc said to have discussed the whole range of pos-t-lhi'ities for bringiue together on a com mon ground enough senators to insure ratification. Meantime (he Democratic leader, Senator Hitchcock, of Nebraska, coo vasscd sentiment on both sides of the controversy and arranged during the coming week to see every Republican senator who remains In Washington over the holidays. As soon as -Congress reassembtes he plans to hare a general conference of these who fator ratifica tion with or without reservations. Modifications In the language et the reservations as o greed on by the Benato majority pre understood to have been suggested by tho mild restrvsllonlsts, although it was said the question of the langungo to be adopted would bo left open for the present. Good Things for Christmas Finest Quality Chocolates and Bon Bons Russian Style Chocolates Glace Fruits and Fruits in Brandy Raisins, Nuts Figs and Dates Stuffed and Plain Nut Meats Salted and Plain Stocking and Table Novelties Fancy Baskets of Fruit Packed to Order Mince Meat Plum Pudding Fruit Cake E. Bradford Clarke Co. 1520 Chestnut St. IMPORTING GROCERS SPRUCE 295 RACE 1457 fifinFi R?r gpaMCh 6a arge Accounts Solicite Mail Orders Accepted! i; . Christmas Gifts of Gold and Silver An exceptionally large assortment of gift articles is here ready for your immediate selection. Gifts of Gold Watches Rings Brooches Bar pins Bracelets La Vallicrcs Scarf pins Lockets Link buttons Tie clasps Fountain pens Gifts of Silver Toilet sets Manicure sets Vanity cases Mesh bags Picture frames Belts Cigarette cases Military brushes Flasks Eyeglass cases Pocket knives Our catalog, illustrating thousands of gift sugges tions, will be of valuable assistance in making selections. S. Kind & Sons, mo chestnut st. DIAMOND MERCHANTS IBWELEItS SrtiVERSMITHS Business Hours 8:45 to 5:45 m to gj I Annual u HP m la D Si W 1115 CHESTNUT ST. (OPPOSITE KEITH'S) Farmers and Trappers Are Invited to Bring Us Their Raw Skins. We Pay Cash for Them! January of Firs MRU Kg w tria - . - ' -1 fSfe WIMI II I 1 UlPM-JWMsWWBIfllMSWpWBfMflBlsJ JJ ' ' ' '" ",'"," , .,r , a A I tf&2; TODAY 4' Kr K& U 0 H ijTM Reductions of Va to Vz THIS business is not run by the calendar, but rather by great public needs and the impressive merchandising influences that are felt by the country from time to time. This is brief prelude to the statement that while the usual time for Clearance Sales is January, we are holding this Annual Event NOW. Our Fur stocks are unusually heavy, and to reduce them to the regu lar levels we have made VERY GREAT REDUCTIONS. $200,000.00 Worth of Quality Furs are offered. They represent the immense stocks of rich Fur Coats and Fur pieces that have made the name of FORBES synonymous with FURS in Philadelphia. We'll Reserve Your Purchase on Payment of a Small Deposit 124 Fur Sets All of Fine Quality $49.50 $65.00 $85.00 $95.00 Reduced from 65.00 to 145.00 Sets of Fox, Wolf, Beaver, Skunk, Hud son Seal, Nutria, Natural Squirrel, Jap Mink, Jap Cross Fox, Australian Seal. 97 Choker Scarfs Very Smart and Stylish $12.50 $24.50. $39.50 $55.00 Reduced from $19J0 to $85.00 Natural Squirrel, Stone Marten, Hudson Bay Sable, Fitch, Mole, Hudson Seal, Jap Sable, Australian Opossum. fl KM lllllll Australian Seal Coats $Q.00 Very smart full flaro 30-inch model. iftM Reduced from $135.00 Marmot Coats t $7 If'00 Sports model ; r elf border effec'ts. J.J.f Reduced from $155.00 Australian Seal Coats $79 '00 Very full model ; self border. J.&tJ Reduced from $175.00 Natural Muskrat Coats $JJK00 Sports modal; fine dark skins. ttf Reduced from $185.00 Hudson Seal Coats $1f Z.Q0 30-inch model; fine lustrous skins. JLxJfJ Reduced from $225.00 Trimmed Australian Seal $J QK.00 Ks0ats Natural Squirrel and Australian Opossum collar and cuffs. Reduced from $250.00 Natural Squirrel Coats $9d'00 Sports model; fine dark skins. W Reduced from $325.00 Trimmed Hudson Seal Coats $pr? F.00 30-inch model; Beaver, Skunk, &i t 9 Natural Squirrel collar and cuffs. Reduced from $375.00 Taupe Nutria Coats $07.00 36-inch model; finest duality skins. & I J Reduced from $375j00 Trimmed Hudson Seal Coats $ OVZ.OO 36-inch model; Beaver, Skunk, tf I tJ Natural Squirrel collar and cuffs. Reduced from $495.00 Trimmed Hudson Seal Coats $AOZ.0Q 40-inch model; Beaver, Skunk :t' collar and cutrs. ccaucca rrom anujju IWe Accept Liberty Bonds and Purchasing Agents' Orders, iraiimiiiraiHiimiiiiaMiiiiramBiir.iniiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil Australian Seal Coats $95.00 H SJvfl. B$?,IJi4 nurin. w h 'i TOD A Y For These Sensible GIFTS Make the Heart Happy and the Feet Glad THE perplexing question of what to givo solves itself this season when the trend is greater than ever toward useful gifts. No other remembrance will bring an all-year 'round benefit equal to these Dalslmer foot comforts, which possess also an attractive appearance and excellent quality. Select from this list and do your Christmas shopping at Tho Big Shoe Store without disappointment or delay. Dalsimer Foot Comforts for Every Member of the Family Are Useful, Appreciated and Inexpensive Gifts. 13.00 WBSSIlILLUSTRATDeiS9M3S Hoy' anil Ctrl' Indian W .Mocrnnlns SI.S0 to SZ.25 f'j CIiIM'm Picture Cnmfv. Itcd. Ill do or Hroun S1.S5 to O 0 omen reit wmir, junnon- Trlmmed, I'lnk, Olno or Hone SS.25 D Fa-ln-Iloot In 1II, lied or Blue JK.OO to 12.25 i K A Fine Pstln Mole, In colors S5.50 ft r yi nby Wh'tn Fur. Trimmed H Juliet, Illue or Fink S1.00 a k n'amen'n Felt Jullete, Fur-Trimmed. 'A Red, Mnroon, dray, nark Blue, niack.S2.00 ), K M naby'n Combination Set, White Stork- M Initu and While Mcecanlnn, trim- med In Uluo or Fink (1.75 . ... ? . , - fi ..aval'. ufc niii.prrn, II, l)KH inn or Fancy Leathers S4.73 .1 ruby's fiatln Carrlase Hoot, Jl.liO and $2.00 f'j MenV Fautt Slipper that III draught- i proor, Kldnkin In Tnn, Bed, Green, "" " .. ... .,. BEAUTIFUL HUCKLES ri Superior Cut Steel 13.00 and np ; BhlnestoP" " detlcns S2.00andup l' SPAT.S Finfe Rrnadclnlli Arceplahle and Smart. Chulce of rmrn, C.tnv and Black S3.0A HOSIERY j In Dalntu Gift Boxes FOB HOMES Thread Silk, euper-fanliloned, pair, SI. 50 Quality Silk, full fu.liloned. pair, a.00 All Colors Clox Fmbroldered and Fancy silks, S3, ISO 'fm&uxmz&mxizi i y- -va'- 1 'fl if!' -d'- ''- 7: 1 lliiilaSl i iMmKMjm&.WAXMmaM3MM.&.iii-e:ex . mmmmmmm (ir;'!iJA..fu.' 4 mmmmmmm I " ' i ' mmmpmmmmmmmmHmmemwmmmtmmmmmmmmmmMmmmmmmmmiMMHr W rl j ft,