EVENING PUBLIC LEPGER PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1919 . . . ' i i r . rr r iMLP WANTED MALE ntANK-n, HALL COw INC . M HEAVER WlKr, NEW YORK CITV. want et pvrlenced marina policy examiner, could also :! Juniors with good genets! knowledco marine business; written applications only, addressed lo Mr, Arthur Hoyt, will be treat xi strictly confidential. M 12H Ledger Office. noa island shipyard want's carpenters painters, coppersmiths shipfittcn helpers CEMdNTnR.3 LABORERS rientv of work and good worklni conditions passer noTa Must be over 1A years and furnish proof of age Apply Mr Shattuck'e Office State Emnloymeit Office 1321 Arch at. OR Fmploymtnt Office Hoc Island IF TOU ARE TIRSD or MOVING ROUND FROM ONE JOfl TO ANOTHER LOSING TIME AND MONET QOODTEAR qFFTRS TOU STEADY WORK THE TEAR AROUND. EXCELLENT' WORKING CONDITIONS EDUCATIONAL s.DVANTAOL'3 and A CHANCE TO EARN RATES IN ACl'ORD ANCB WITH TOUR ABILIT T GENERAL REPAIRMEN BORING MILL ALL-AROUND MACHINISTS CARPENTERS ELECTRICIANS PIPEFITTER!" . PATTERNMAKERS SHEET METAL WORKFR3 HENCHMEN ERECTORS ACETYLENE AND ELECTRIC WELDERS i Iseeded Vopb In perscn, or write at once to FACTORY OFFICE EMPLOYMENT THE GOODYEAR TIRE A RUDDER CO. AKRON OHIO CABUKLftS wanted 300 lonn loh mZ wefk. 7 day? a week time and half r for a7urUy afterooon and Stlnd. Apnlj on leb Irwin h Lelshton Rooseelt Boulevard Ud Aaylum Pike .Take . rrankford car. transfer on No 71 to Oikland Cemetery Mai-rll'INI'.TS AND linnuiuikrua TPU.NTED RY THE CHFRPEAKL AND I OHIO" RAILROAD APPLT TO I R ' tjui-cj. oui-LKivihiMiisM- iroTIvn: I'OWfc.K. 1UI-1I.MU-II VA If 11 HROWV PHQP SUPERINTENDENT HUNTINGTON ty 1'A . OR W. P HOBSON MISTER MIJCHWIC COVIVOTON KFNTUCKY MAN-WANED. EXPERIENCED QUALITY MAN IV LARGE OUT-OF-TOWN VEST FACTORY CLT EXPFRIENCED MKV NEED APPLV V 114 LEDGER OFFICE MAN. colored, wanted for houseman ami ruccer rnun. vponca un MECHANIC einerleneed want-d on Lexers machines Address M 120. Ledger Otflee. yXtTERNMAKER S- APrltBNTK B gj.,,1 I s opportunity to learn trade thorouKhlS'. II. A $. Underwood ConKiratlon. 1021 Hamilton rHOTOORAVURE WORKERS wanted Ap- ply Superintendent, 808 Chestnut tu. Phlladeloh'a 8ALES MANAGER hlsh-K-ade man of wroved ability: one accustomed to rhnntlnp and managing a selllnc nrcantzatlon. we i offer an opportunity of $10 000 a sear to ine-man wno can qi riut at., Wednesday can qualify Apply 1417 Wal nesday from 1 lo 2 n m , from. 4 to 0 p. m , SALESMAN WVMED , ICE-MACHINE SVLES ENOI.NI.Ml ! rOR MARYLAND AND VIKC.IVIV 1 -APPLY MR E. A LRWI" I7IIS 1 N BOTrl I-T.1DAY DECE.MIIEK 2fj. BET'WEEN V AND 1J NOON SALESMAN wanted by larae manufacturer t proprietary mixed feeds hUh-class feed salesmen for Pennsylvania Mary Lend niv Jersey and Delaware men well acquainted In territory. Address Box 1397 St. Louis, Missouri "JiS-SiiV,;.1. US" .',! '!",-' B lth st See Mr Wilkinson SHOE 11UYER Mast be familiar with the shoe market and - -- ------- ...... ...w n.,Mc .... net a lit ' n.Ad managing the help of hi. n.M.n.n ' I to one wltll the nrcessarv qualldcatlona we I -- ",?. T,"'.VIJL' .M1l c;tnimunicacions trietly confldentlal Call on oi address ' THE PAMOIIS BRADDOCK. PA SMALL WARES I1LYER On of the largest department stores n western Pennsylvania outside of Plttsburgn. h.mllln nn l. j.l.. ... tvolres the services of a cipable departrnen nuyer and manager for rlhhnns laA- ,.n. ......(. ivui.i-viivau incrc-cianuise lions, slaves, toilet and art goods. th necessary experience Address in conl tene. giving full particulars, 51 127 Led gsr Office SOIJIST, soprano, In large churchTTuio salary expected end experience c 8JS Xdger Office 1 STENOQRAPHER wanted living In liurth" east; good opportunity permanent oosl Hon. Apply France Packing Co . 6512 State read. Taconr VJOLMAKFRS WANTED ON JIG AND PTXTURB WORK, EXCELLENT WORK XKG CONDITIONS! AUTOCAR CO . ARDMORE PA. KOUNO MAN In purchasing department, state ase. experience and salary required. ApIrvFletcher Worka ii and Glenwood OLD OOLD OLD cold, sliver, platinum, plated ware old style iewelrr. teeth plates bought for cash. Stat 117. J 1. Clark refiner HOT Hansom CAHK PAID for old gold silver and antique clocks. Rogers 45 E. 17th. Locust 121V. BUILDING MATERIAL AVORTIi of second-hsnd lumber, must V said by the 15th of Jan. Call or write Alex. Dolahlghsl.y, 2603 B. Philip St. WCKtam AND COINS . PACKJeT. DIMH L.DIMH8aTTB. sue ! skua. suillskrtlsl AT H. WVm HELP WANTED MALE THE EDWARD O 11LDD MFG CO has poalllona for first-class Hv?nch hands DM and Jig workers Fitting prs hands Lay-nut men Millwright worker Planer hands Template makers Al'l'i.r FD O IIITDD AIPO CO MTU AND HtS'TINO PHK AVE YOUNU MN hnndv with tools lo adjust electric washing machine Call 29 S lillb st e Mr Wllkln-on , General nREENEWAI.ti S CREDIT MAN LUIOU MHJ CORP . MUST BE i;PI) . excellent connection, good fu lure, accountant with " 1' A P cost accountant textile mill cv-p ncct and bkpr . sear-round aealioro hotel, supt targe p-ipt mill plant, aupt cmntrv hotel association, labor foreman, draftamen and engineers structural mechanical elc, trlrni men steam and mirlne engine work machinery lnvout, piping, elc strnog export dent Urge corp , strnng sales dept mfg corn sterns pat ent attornrj's office stenotr purchasing dept , stenog and private eecU, $40 stcnoK and o-ieepondfnt handle details all the above stenographic positions par excellent wages nod offer wood futures applications of both men ind nm"ll mrsl.Iered must bo experienced and well recommenuea eom good booking for the com Ins "r men and women office and factnrv executives In formation blank tnd booklet grills appli cations from loeil residents onlv no regis try lire- :vi s 11th. WANTED Men nnd ladles to learn barber Ipb, bic-nav re trade nulcl.lv learned big scarcity of larhers diy or evening class write for ratslnc- TRicin turner srnoor. 228 N nth st Philadelphia Pt. SITUATIONS WANTEtT-MALE CCOfNTNT fxner anslst for C P A noour ntpalilo tvplst c 11.1Led Off VAN OU U-4E a clean ( ut ninbltlojs voting man who has had t'i nrs' business ex perience, know ledge of accounting Plerci? School crnduate? 'Want to connect with reliable concern beet ref"ience C 811, Ledger Office EXUIXEMl liutomot f thtrn two desires position March 1 lEnltlon llcrhtlns start tnp peclsllt, cecuthe nlllU C 83J I.edjer Office FI.IPT QYMrNT AGENCIES DO YOU NKMi V UlVirriA'Il for prlxato or pnmlner!il car? Ho mtpn, tompetpnt rellabl men nt rpaonabl" Vititfe vtthout C( fit to oi pplv to Mr Paton tilt Itrown st Phont MarltPt "VH MHS HAnVHY 1010 lllttenhouso pqiirirf TftniHinrj chpfi butlerit fur hollttaj Bcneral hou-jeworKcr with child well rteora- mndfl run roolc-ftnd w lit JIKS KANi: Till S lDth roPltro'is wnntM Cliff s cook chnmbTmnldfl. wniti-pFP9, hullrr chiurfpiir housempn housework girl" nruc "Wl COLOHCD MPS vornrn da, wp-K rrt time HURSCT 1-35 S. Ulth Dick nit". FOR SALE BLANKETS FOR CHRISTMAS PI TNT Y TO SELECT IliOM l PIHCI-D TO SUIT ANY PI USE svn UFMEMlirit AT OUR PRICKS Tor live rncni rivri in crvn nnT.T.Mis A PIR COME IV AND PICK Ot T V I N'"E IAIU OR TWO OP c-OZY W MtM "'ANKKTS ' on YOURSELP OR AS O""15 HD1 IDAY APRnN5? ' WE HAVE THOl'S tnl OF , A;L, WHITE CIPT APRONS LSO AT MUCH t.rsi THAN TODAYS WHOLESALE I I.CCi.O DON'T MISS THEM W. II. SMITH & SONS 1IPV COOH-, AT V SWINU 914 WALNUT ST. OVERCOATS Nifty Suits Children's Clothing AT OLD-TIME PRICES SHORTY'S N' K C0R OriUII I O nTIr AND RAINHRIDGE Look for sIkh In front of bulldlnn . -. SHORTY s CIQ11IINCI 1IOUTJ TYPFWRITFRS RFNTFD ! 1 I rE.VIl lC.no fACUMClV NONVISIUI E 1 MONTHS. $3 OO MSIDI.E T MONTHb, $7 30 LP Factory Kcbuilt Typcwriteis American Writing Machine Co. OJ CHESTNUT hT WI11H I'tVI .MAIN 12fl PURE svet and hard countr cider made from ahscluteh sound apples dallv de I'verles by our trucks anywhere In Phlla we can furnish ou with one barrel or five hundred, phone or write our order Wood lelds Farm Wj combs Bucks countv Pa. Phni.e "Wxcomhe 30 R 11 OFFICE FURNITURE La-xe line deeds safes, flies cjbinets and i itneral off.ee furniture, store ftiturea we bin sell and r-rchanirft PVTTEN FCRNITUP.E CO IOCl-.r4070 1U7HCHST RACE 2604 RADIATORS Hot witer sncl steam new and second hand n n, laran lot. bollera and n n r-ltvnn r el. Pno t74 Main IBOI 1420 S fith st CENTRAL HOCSL-A KECKING CO R W cor 12th and Sprlnir Garden sts All kinds of office furultare nnd fixtures Bathroom outsts complete Bell phone Poplar 1 130 SLITS and oercoats men's uncalled-for I Henne'a Uptown Stores cor f.th I Thnmn.or, made to-order garments $31 & $40 alue VICTROLA VI $70 with larce cabinet, for $-'1 perfect poods suits mailn to order latest lmproed Instrument. Ijarire double from jour own goods for $20. llesstrt 0J3 serine; motor auaranteed to nlav perfectly rch st I small paTnents accepted Call or write for SELLING out 130 blcyclea. all makes and I sizes must bo Fold no reufuiTmhl.. .rr-n sizes mum no poiu no reasonable offer refused tires and supplies- uNo ialorli..J.ti I and to. I Rlchman 2023 N Front.. I i - 5.V.r.l rcl-e -ilNCLF ND nnrnu jcnool uesks good as new I CHAIR ENCH'NilF H 1- cor lllh and Vine I UAHY roaches reed Pullman $10 up reed I strollers $S up doll coaches $3 up bin se-1-etlon Auerhach 'll'l-' Olrard a Open eeg I ANTIQUE furniture arandfather'a clock lollns bass violins fuather beds 134 J I nine ave lYiI-vrjvriON" STONE FOR SAI.K About 1000 perch at North Phlla H c nille- "-"7 Old York rd Phone Tfera r..1.iO SLLL1NO Ol-T-Ilarf-alns new kodak, and fvmdav o- any time 2701 Ken.lnatnn nve JH.LIV.RD pool, comb n. 2d hand bought, anld rent, elc Keafer 32'l W Clrardavs ..Tt.rai. fireproof c'oslne nut sl.tv slightly used some with thin walls ij.ji i ourtn htaNIIS cabinets etc blr brcMilns rihif-. ileitmia i-rinc ,; ,. .h.a Supply 14 S Hlh st. Erll'EY mahogany upright little uaed $21u rill f'si jiii nip , lulling i.'in W UEAUT1FUL crocheted bed-pread all hand ni.iln price $Si HUP Staub st LADIES' fancy beaded handbags, handmade! I cMfPtdeslsns lowest prices 1U13 Wallace REAL bargains in now- and second hand I furniture: Ixive. 20.1 ralrmount ave MACHINERY AND TOOLS LEATHER BELTING Government used discontinued a tier com nt!np wsr contracts chess. Ml' PACLU8 t CO 2107-11 Potter 'Keitalugtnn ave nnd lumber! indl pi,in .iBlnhlj Pa P'lon" Kens 2101 Fast 41 VLECTR1C MOTORS MACHINE TOOLS KLLV-Itwc - FOUIPMENT iuyLS fl'nRIF.N MACHINERY CO 110 N 3D HT MACHINE shop open for contracts, dimiicj. los In quantities P 827 Ledger Offlc IIODKRN machine shop open for small r large crders, Moe A Co., 210 N Front BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES TEN WIDE-AWAKE MEN to work with us in xne rreacesi circ-inc-ni nciii oi inaay, men whe have tact. Initiative and energy wa w-lll supply knowledge, means and '"Arrange appointment with Mr, Fouden. Call wyo m I'HILADELPHIA company, with 1 equipped manufacturing plant machinery, offers opportunity to young man taking an active Interest, who can develoo selling ability, for sales manager; Investment $5000. P 820. leaser cicice. WOMAN wanted with -some capital to enter an established profit-sharing corporation: Dlenoio iii'p'n tmiiw .',, iiB-umii coii RESTAURANT, doing $330 weekly; can be improved Morgan & Dlekwon 2404 N adr RESTAURANT doing $250 weekly: rent $30: SBCnnce moriii fs iicnrun 'tn , aa POOS, BIRDS, ETC. I.VRGE STOCK n . ..it. MMd (ritti i-'i nltil sv-nfrlnssn miM c"oempr'e.rs "and nmchlne' tool, "se'nd fo? I The Diamond Shop " 10(h fnPfflNr'wlNTRE-riill N Front ,t ' i'am0nQ J"P 10th ah Msrkst lt- POWliR-PLANT, KqWMriNl' " T A MflNH's 1vYc,?i0l1;W)n Dynamos motors boiler... steam and II UIAIYIUIN U kJ r'an 1I0ls' lu enslnes pumps, air compressors " , ro 4 30 enJrA TflOMEY INC 1 T N cm .. urcCtlTCtifM n.n CANAIfY WiSS',,,7 ''s'rjjblei t op, cuariEteed. W3 Preatoa rt. Ptjoae, 1 USED AUTOMOBILES CL Salt earance WHITE 5-TON TRUCKS REBUILT GUARANTEED IMMEDIATE DELIVERY NEW TIRES VNY STYLE BODY SEVER ntlCED SO LOW THE WHITE CO. COTH AN'D ijrii: AVK t si i) Tiiuric DRirr Automobile Painting ili riNisn Youn caii uniTnit i: THAN WJIKV NIJW I'qunl to th finish of the new hl)i prlceil (flrn on whlih pa li coat of llnlah was lmked We bnK fm li ont ns npplir-1 y no tloini? It (lrl nulfkly without tho uso of tlrpr I'UNrunS will tPll ou how In Jurlot) drpr are In paint rfiuslnar It to c rrk nnl pppl Krlncr our car Hee our work Let ns rntlinatr or nd for par tlcular V Hao jou tlm nnl money MARTIN-ALEXANDER CO. AUTOMOHII IS HEI'INIIHER1 l'jn-128 130 REED feT nicklnann JJIH Main 170 A TIRE FREE Mn sot'ND mrsiNT.ss max IlffA i n clmnco to net a tire fnp Kerv month we frl a tire aa ViacU pur "haftr of p ttrn I nlen a rhunce to win this tire Call for full particulars Goodyear Tire & Service Station 47iivnnon t CI!T3Vnni,KT Wp hae only 1 romltpr nnd J tourlnti Wt which mut be sold before Inventor. tHklnp De ember .11 prlcei $100 $425 $1.7 tertn to suit these car aro price 1 iiupi "h f-t th" lu en hnr ouKhlj rebuilt, rep i In ted and look almost new anld with a written jruarantte, and our cuarantee mean nomethlnir 5 on take no chance; thene nre poltlelv the blffffest bar- pnin' w nave eer offered OlinniOhKT MOTOR CO ,13t N Uroad at MMrr i:X rom!Mr Bo It 1 chain drle hneclil Orccff-Roiier liolv w Ith foldlnif rent for 2 In renr new Weattnchouse fl'arter and generator rerenlU oe hnnlpd In ex cellent running ordr prim $1200 mav bo inspected at iri2" Camhrhlee t I'nlladel ?hln lor p nitulir phone Jl" Alclntre omlnrrt 2",.J AUTOPARTS SCIIOBLR. 3359 MARKET ST. CIIEVROLPT 1 bib Brands 1918 CHEVROI ET 400 Sedan CHEVROLET. 400 tourlnir 191- rORD 1017 Ml renalntcd and cuarantccd cheap for quick pale t lorralne Auto Co, IMh nnd Talrmount RADIATORS mnnufictured and repa'red, Phlladelplila'a largest sheet metal mfc , delherv anj place In the clt , alwnjs open Mcitt Sheet 'ltnl MfB Co fnctor. rear 1107 Ge-nmantowti ae Phones Germantown V1I North (IVIR A I HOLD 2 hirea of stock unLn 1 now pa- lnc me $10 a mont'i dividend I will et- thunce same for nn automobile what have 1 cou to offer- M J Kllirarrls 1000 Rhawn st H .Icewhiirr' Phone Holme-inur- 414 f PAIOF r cvllndc 1017 clellverj excellent rnl body su'table for norl-t haberdasher or na-kas. delhers. The White Co.. 20th apd T rle ae CP.Ocr Wonderful buv fo- emsl, phono. 20th and Erie axe arapec or music siorr xiic iviicce vo , - ,.-- TRUfKSIMilt . to ft top The White Co anv style 20th and bodx Reas Frl I ROWE Vi Ion chassis Reas Uhe hits Co noth and Erie aie COMMERCE 1 ton exnrefcs boct leiaon- able The White Co 20th and Erie ae M"TOCR stel dump i.oi! new tires Tbe IVhlm Co 2flth and Trie ae ' PUIc K 1017 rotdster A 1 shane, pood I t'res T'e White Co 20th nnd Erie ae IH'ICi: 1010 II 4r 0ct tourlni car drhon J10Q mllvs perf ennd Relmont .'800 W I MAKMOV I hiinmn roadster auaran like 1 new S2400 p s'i or lertns Pnn mil y . PKLRIVSS lion enprel bodl The White co join unu urie ae JHOTOROYOLES AND BICYCLE! NEW 2llnnd binaries tire, all makes I aNPRBW T llIRClirrr inj s 22d at PIANOS VT YKRS TTTNTTJG ETC. T.AnnF SHIPMENT of railroad cmMntm-,1 frciRt.t nn nff mammes inciuainr ic tors and other popular mal es jb-olutely brand new oir mschlne iruaranteed to tw sold for chsraes can be .een and demon- trated at k vstone i-urrnasinir and Sales Co 12S N "11 st aptents for railroad un claimed frelelit Open Wednesday Friday, Matuniav eeningp uncn v p m RECORDS Irlor Manv Red Real records hsa rcenll been reduced " price Now la tie t'me to nurchase thdt record hv Caruso 'letraini and other hlsh-class artists ' all or write for complete record intaloffue Heine's I ntown 'nr Cor O'h ,t Thnmn-on .,. ,nt 1100 Thl. .. - I Vlrtrola IX ' A" and cabinet finished In '"ahoaanv haNlliit automatic brak improi ed tone arm and motor Call or write for ;,.i0JUB describing Vlctrolaa from $21 to V?l."luhlir- ... - .-... ...... . 10 toon ra.h or terms I Henne e Uptown Stores Cor Bill t Thompson VICTROLV IV $31 with large cabinet. I This Instrument surpasses most machines i selling for $100 Terms as low as $1 pr I week Call or write for complete descrlp , iinn of Vlctrolaa Uenne s Uptown Stores Cor nth a Thompson . .-- ..-. .. ' r ..v-r-t? can ?r. i-rtlrm i.mnn , . IHONOC.RAril Jo Ldlson diamond D0l.it phonoir.rapii incmuina ij recorasHeau iif,.i monmranv r'ii mt lifnl mahoaany case Cost new $123. re. duced to $7B Hepne'w I'Ptown morrs c or inn it I nompson PIANO-PLAYER RH note worth $610, will sell for $2'iB This Instrument la In flrat class condition rare ban? must be Been to be appreciated a beautiful Instrument. For particulars c-ill or write 313B Kensington ICTROLA VI. $31 finished In beautiful mahogany This Is an excellent instrument at a low price Cash or rental-payment plan. Call or write for complete details Heppe's Uptown Stores cor 0th A Thompson CHRISTMAS UARGAINS Fine violins from $5 up cellos from $33 up all slxea, Lib erty bonds nciented Campbell Studio 3110 O st lhll'vdeltihta Phone Kens ngtno 4ill'l HAK our plascr-piano repaired bj ex perts who guarantee work vvo do tuning Writ or phone Market 3014 Oppldo. boj snrlng Qardent . CEH rER-made player, tva note good cond 1440 with 12 rolls, come quick, bargain r A North & Co , 1B13 E Allegheny ave $J PIANO TUNING repairing a specialty 20 years' experience J Mitchell 3122 N Mil st Hell phone Ivena 040 VICTOR Vlctrola $12.1. and IIS records' I sllchtly used. $7." complete, r A NOH1H , CO 1813 H Allegheny ave I TAI.KINO MACHINES OF ALL MAKES Records ln all languages: cash or easy pay ment 7. Kitty, 175 W Glrard av. Kens U7J4 ! BUSINESS PERaONALS DIAMONDS BOUGHT PosPively highest cash prices for your dla monds sny alxe from 'fc to 10 carats i one pav lugher also old gold, platinum and silver bought Entates bought (private) Eat lOyrs BOUGHT mi ESTATE TRUhT JiltciALJ AND HT ST.S Ph.. ?'"' . nl AMDNDS PAWN TICICFT? LH' 1WINUO rrt YH 1 li-r.r. I i nrTnil1 1-Ftnf l'RIVATB PrflRir TRANSACTIONS CONFIDENTIAL FULL VALUE PAID COLONIAL TRUST HANK nLDO 13TH AND MARICET nOOM Jll IIOITRH 11 0 A M TO 4-30 P M DIAMONDS BOUGHT ANY SIZE PRICE .NO ORJECT Pawn Tickets for Diamonds Rought KELLY. CO 012 CHESTNUT ST. Suite 21-22. Over Chllds' Restaurant Prlv NOTIIINO BETTER than a pair of kryptok bifocals or torlo lenses for Christmas; optl- cal wnrK wnne you wui or Boons JJIcklnson 028; we cnll for work and deliver promptly. Robert W. Burns A Son. 1608 Federal' DIAMONDS BOUGHT TTARnY W SMITH 717 SANSOM RT ELECTRIC trenfthent manicuring rtno-n lOcVHeed Bldg . I21B Filbert st Loc 800? r.v.'I.ll'ls CM I.A TRLLU. facial, main t- 7 111 a in lei n p m , c-iosu run airy h Jlth VW. i'VI"vJVi 2,V"Vl'?"i."'! kinds nsunng wins o.n ......,...... mm sszi ELKCTRIO TREATMENT, also manicuring. Urclce, si-a j.ijiti.1. m , og-.-mm iioor. BRAB3 and enamel beds rejnlshed ILk. nswt gittrafite free. Oteenan, 10l Ludlovf. , STORAGE AND MOVINQ TERMINAL aniA ,. Columbia s.nc) fljclenham st , local nnd long, dlstnnre. movlnff hy courteovls, erperlenced mem clesn, dust-proof rooms for furniture! iejus estimate. Phone nismond 4472 BROWN STORAGE CO. toInir, riaefclnir, shlpplnfr Get our price for lontt dlstanen siorlt. Tlosa 411)0 Park ni2 n ns'-t n niii at VICTORY STORAGE '.21 Market Lamest nnd best riione nelmont 1070 for an estimate floods packed for shipment Plerce-Arrow vana for moving Dougherty & Sons Storage Get our special rato for moWnp by our rell able and careful men. Call Toplar 4.111 Keystone Pnrlt 1127 night phone Ilia fiHIj FIDELITY riREPflOOr WAREHOUSES 1817-10 MARKET ST, WAT HON M HTOUAfll let us esllmnle on jour clu tnolner, en--Ironmenta or lona-illslance from ono to five trucks or wnKon load (140 N 1711c st. OIIlAltl) STOItAOK IllS UIRAllt) Movlnir. pad Inn etorlnt separate rooms; furni ture baURllt and sold Park 4J1 I'oplar 5J01 WANTED DON'T SELL YOUR DIAMONDS net our esdmnte Wo bu from nil larire jewelets department stores and Individuals rstabllshed over no sears Dlimonds, Jew c lr brlc a-brnc old Bold and alhxr Wo are iv"lm the Increased price for diamonds LIT. CO 7JJWALNl'rTI"tai JMis, ruiiviTURi: and ;.idi'si:noLD acwrT-r. hlRhct prlcca paid for part or entire household pet our estimates Harry H rim-cr ROO N 2d st Hell phone. Market 4024 n-entngs anclHunday callPoplar12r5 vT' VANT at once. liounenoUl furniture More n-tures office furniture, na -pot caish honest value' phone us alioul It Locust 4'H Old Church cor 12th and Cherry at- CARPIITS. furniture entire households vrancea, vim v un .uuc ,nvu inic iail us Tho Southwark rurnlturo Co. 330 S 1 0 4hs Jt Ph one. Dick Inson 1 20j TntIQL1!' furniture oil chlti'ii old Jcwelrj, cold fller false teeth dlimnnds 4 "An tiques ' 1.28 flie-lnut Phone Walnut 7Q2rt OPHN to buv irrosj-nln ribbon all widths ctate quantlt number- and price Write X Y JO'i c 'a hie Hldg Ne lork cltv iiROICirN'1ewelr nntlciues plrtole, coins, Aiti hnnk with price I pav mailed Jftc J Jt Ros (P.onleji Store) 200 S llthst. Wal 44SO ANIIQCH furniture eller china flivirms prints enmoes boucrht ft sold Illustrated coin hook 10c NAQY insiath at MILLINERY elct wanted, state quality quantln colore nnd price Writo X EOT abl Hrlr , New Inrk clU rrRNITURP carpets needed badlv hitrhpit prices paid 204S Rldsnae, Ppplar3144 SECOND It NO clothlnr shoes etc send po-tal SNEIDMAV 02' Poplar st ROOMS FPU RENT CATHERINE ST, M3S Nlcelv furn. room, prhato fimllv allconvs electrlc light. bPRTCE st 202 Two nicely furnished rooms v Ith huh open fireplace, southern exposure gentlemen onlv WALNUT ST 1.112 Verv nttractue rooms with prl its baths, nen nnd really beau- tlful hot ' appointments nnd serxlce 11TH F 110 near Spruce (the Perrln) Liren warm front roon, private aulte. nen furnished nonhkpg Walnut c.18 1 11TH ST S 322 th Carlton Aparimenis Single and double rooms attractively fu-n l-hcd Walnut 7140 13TH S 247 T o rooms communlcatlns. kitchenette and hath' furn also rooms mile t en n n t c 110-141 Mode-n up to-clate furnished rooms , electrjo irrouEhout hot-water heat daily and weekly ' rites con. enieni TO aiacinro, kuuu nv.i,uiiiw ditlnn fi"- 1raellnc people BIST s 221 rum rms for Bentieman or couple emplojedt adult famlls llel. 2884 ATTRACTIVE furn apis some nouseapg Sherwood Apt Agencv 221 UrcMu st ATLVNTir CITY , ATLANTIC CITY N .1 Miller Campbell cottaBe desirable cozy rooms, near Roardwalk reasonable BOARDING PINF ST 4119 Sunn room good table ..team heat hot water reference reono Rai'ncr 117 APATtTMfiNTS 1809-11 SPRUCE hT lUlnit room bedroom bath combination dlnln room and kitchen $110 ur month rLl. ALRFRT R MILLS ni i rsr I'ND trust ntiii.piNO APARTMENT HEADQUARTERS Central apartments a specialty Sherwood Ant Aaencv 221 S Broad st. Poma iery attractHe furn apts some housekeeping 10" PINE sr Modern apartment" Just finished -' rooms and hath $01 to low; month AppIj Albert u -Mill" nest i-nu TriV-t nMcT cTcpivc sr Third floor 4 rboins bath .,. ... . --. r..Rnnjn' lent i hci hi nrrmle. or nhim Mr l'l 'ltel I om' anl J2" 101 SPRUCE (Holmehurs'l Two ante . ... . ...II. fii.ti .h.ri rooms ana nmn urnuuiuii) .u......., " it"r" e- tmi-ht' eirciric irjiu - n - . .Hoi- r.iom sullabla foi business nil' VJvita J E Llmeburncr Co 1720Clicst- nut at r.FUMANTOV.N OFPMAN1 OWN sublet beautlfullv furnlsh U apartment larse reception hall be 1 room liInB room tile bath flue meala In ma dlnlna ro.-m Immediate possessloii. ref erence" required Call Apartment 4 E, Pel bam Court , lTo n -WALNUT LNE 1 mom apartment Mi-iaiN iinair co 4044 n Hroad APARTMENTS WANTED WANTLD Furnished apartment 2 bed rooms dining room kitchen b.ith 1est Philadelphia preferred C 833 Ledger Office I TrnTIsr.lfnEPING APABTMKNTS. f'yW.lliitHllJiiliHlI'llXilllilllliilllliKiiill'illlilliailllilllll'iJIliBill'iilSilIVy FINEST IN PHILA. J I 1817 PINE STREET E WITH ALL THE I.ATE3T B g CONVENIENCES g S One large living room with a. beautl- p fully designed open fireplace to burn H aS Ions furnished by the owner. g fg One bedroom with large closet apace, a j Ono bathroom with built-in tub, H ra shower and beautiful accessories, t shower and beautiful accessories M I One large kitchenette complete to ths S last drta'l Rental StlD per month. s.rPLY A. B. MILLS EST END TRUST BLDG gi'h'r li i'ii nmm APARTMENT HOTELS HfiTRL COLONIAL SPRUl E AT 11TH ST he,e,t apartment family hotel In the center1 h:nn'" f g"A ,""'"" '"' of the city operating on the American plan I 60 W SHARPNACK .si Elghi our table will please the most exacting c ri I jinn j. .vi.fc .J i . ..lunager THE DELMAR-M0RRIS " American plan CHELTEN AVE AND MORRIS AT OEHMANTOWN J HE LI1TLE HO TEL. 220 8 Broad st A good place to live while In Philadelphia. GASOLINE ALLEY Dill's Foot Slips BILL. ITS FICfiCe To SHOP now. Trie Crowds are awful And PRices ace iMPoiSieiel Yoo "&MT C.rt ANTIHN6 FOR TOOK MONIX ' ANWUA"! I S"i Misgi r'Etlirtl-" " "i - ALL 1 DO SZ-. ' ToOAXl 'h 'J. f SAY! "VltAT PtCHT HME Vou foT "fc etr snooping abound wro TKINOS 7 WHO TOLD VO0 TO Wok is that eot? your Such a , JOWC! ArttllAV. BACh ITCOCSI .- i- '' -L - . .1 (M QOtNC 'O St"P A tAty rue i OWJ ssiiVrlOWl .aeessss. iej"sjfc - HbmV. FURNISHED APAHTMENTS 18TH HT.. B., 1 27 (Ths flenevaV-AUractlyjlv oom-and-bath aulta: excellunt lurmsncu service BPItUCK ST.. lnio lleautlfully furnished rooms, some privates bathsi one housoaeep ln aulle, transient ratea If desired, I'INH sr inoo Kurn apt 2 rooms and bath, with board. Phono locust 4470 HEAL ESTATE TOR SALE CITY TIOOA HOMES. ")000. $3000 porches, 8 rooms summer kitchens. 1021-1011 .On tario 1I10-1S Rmedleyl excellent section, unusual possibilities, at tho prices IVOn TI'.H, 11004 Ormantown ne AUKRNnTIIY. 13.'X Chestnut sm. , J3 IVVr.lTMHVT IfOt'lKS FOR DErAIL"' APPLY M lis, Mioaun omen U.2I N 2IST ST, price 20O0 in.'fl N ad st . prlco . '00 tstl Miaisood St. price 2200 1033 Palethorp t prlco . . 1700 oi:i;thi:r, .mti n, 2cicit UIMIIDIATH possession, 4200 Porch-front dwellings 4 bedrooms flth aboo Indiana Alllinvr.THY 1328 Chestnut st i MORS- THIt 3004 Oermantown ave . WM.Nt'T IIHI.OW 2D Rapldh Increaslne: In atue price rlcht for quick Bale, P 411 Ledner Office BAUOA1V lmmetl possession Inspect 3350 N I'miip, eieciricll stone porcn made CANriHLD, 1.12S Chestnut Phone 1501114 T3 Moamenslnff. modern heat, corner rear (raraire itev 1.110 CANTIP.I.D, 1.128 Chestnut st iao ipinxa OAunrv .t '-'x-i' iriM, dnir 17 rooms, 2 baths lot 22x10.1 to rear rt M II Mutineer Hi.nl I l t. r li u IMlrHDlATH poss . 3313 N Suienfiam st , nel painted and renov 0 rms and bath T II lAKUliLLA Ir 14-'ll t hestnut st 2111 CAHPHNTIIP. ST To tor. 7-room dwelling recenth Tenonted, possession. T NT.IJ.QS7 DICK 018 Iind Title llldB. 204 4 i: WILLARD ST 0 rms and bath porch prlco 2000 WlllIRL 1212 Pkcl. nv LIST properties for snle or rent MORflAN & DICKSON 2404 N 3d llulldlnct Tola, ractorv sites Ktc. SITrs RAILROAD Tenna and Reading; J2000 per acre and up, according to loc i Inquire foi terms Dleterioh 7.17 Walnut at FACTORIES AND TfCTORY SITBS Eervwhere In Philadelphia LOUIS S OINSIIURO. 1201 Chestnut aL MANUFACTURERS In the i.n pear fu ture owlnr tn scnrclt of factories and warehouses It will be neoessm to nurchase Bround to erect same. Ret bus and buv j,our alto at once before rround prices boom, we lime the hlaacst nnd het list PATTOV A TOMLINiiON Lincoln llldg WE HXNDLE factory sites and warehouses ccclushelv from an enalneerlnB and manu- facturlni standpoint Phone Walnut 2403 J ALAN MIDDLFTON racton Sneclnllst and rrnluctlon Engineer , Wldener Hldg Philadelphia EUSINFSS LOCATIONS WATER FRONTS. WAREHOUSES, TACTORY SITES JOSEPH H. BARBER 1.12S CHESTNUT ST MILL const factory. 8S00 so ft corner properts near 11th and Allegheny price SHI 000 easy terms. Immediate possession E Malsel 1421 Chestnut at MILL corner 2 streets, northeast .1 stories 10 ono so ft floor spice, power nutt heavy or llaht manufacturer nosieesion at once , f. , .7 - u. ... .i ui..u . i ,ii.-,,in c.mg INDUSTRIAL PLANTS warnhoese,, acant land railroad nnd wnler fiontaBo T L STEVENSON SON H2J Land Title, FACTORY near North Phlla Station .1(1.000 so ft of floor apace 1 eeators elcctrl" llBhts steam heat hlrh celllncs pood cond PATTOV k TOMLINSON, Lincoln lllds SCHUYLKILL AVE' and Christian 24 000 sn ft Bround 2-storv smalt bide- price llrht Pitton fc Tomlinson Lincoln Itldg llnwlness Properllea -ncl Stores KENSINGTON AVE. STORES Wo aro In a nosltlnn in Tffr a Cow clnr that remain for sale, quick action necessary, JOHN T. DOYLE 273-1 Kensington ne MI.sT PIIILADELPHIV 2 LEFT OUT OF 34 $300 CASH New 7-room homes "A bride. and-rroom paradise " lnr!od porches hardvrood flooring, "beautiful bath with showers. eery feature found ln a hleher-priced home: piice $4000: monthly expenae $21 and small addi tional pasment to reduce second mon tage Allman st . fl'OO block, between Cheater and Klnesesalne; aes imme dlato occupeno aamule home "4J All man st Take Car 13 on Walnut at to end of line, walk 1 block west. Open dallv and cenlnas 7-n o'clock. TAULE & BURNS, on premises 'Vacant Immediate Poss. 1711 N. Aberdeen at . $3000 12'i S 4tlth at . 3000 U018 Chew st 4500 S. FERNSTEIN & SON 703 s r.TH sr UJli MASTER .IT A dslrable (l-room-and hath porch-front home that can be pur chased for $7BO cash, tho price Is $47211 -erj modern convenience lncluJlncr atram heat electric lights, laundn, etc : owner has Just complete renovated, possession at once if desired KOEHI.ER . CO , 1420 Chestnut st Keys at 0210 Master at. 4721 KINOSESS1SG AVE 3210 CHESTNUT ST. 422.1 MANTl's. AVE 404.1 ASPEN ST 1HE LAND TITLE AND TRUST CO Mr Walker Rroad and Chestnut sis WHAT IS OFFERED? Six porch-front properties, 1200 block, South Peach: assessed $22U0 rent $JJ mtge. $2200. Ht. r. THOMAS 231.1 W I-hlgh ave 12H2 N. 05TH ST Three storv. hot-water h't- terms A K. Rrown 310 Lincoln Bide. Stores nnd Hnelllnga COR. Arch and MUllck store and dwg. pos : a, real bargain .SHERWOOD 22S S Hroad flr.KMANTOUX SIDE-YARD IIOML'S unusual prices: Itoss st below Tulpehocken. steam heat 4 bed- rooms. $4200. Lenson below Tulpehocken. $3000, terms arranges AUERNE1HY. 1328 Chestnut WORSTER. 3004 Oermantown av e COZY homes near Germantown and Clielten aves ; U rooms bath, porch, conveniences. near Germanloc n R R atatlon una con venient lo an car uues iquij eacn CHAS J SCHAErLR Vonion nldg Hermantovyn L Chelten aves SIONE DWELLING ntwlv papered and painieu: imiuwumi nuurs eieccric ngnt and gas 0 chambers 2 baths, poss immedtatelv. 18300; also detachfd house same price. II. aht-room inirch- frnnt liouse. 4 rooms on Jci floor; immedi ate -possession, $3000 I rick 'Judsun li Indiana- ave ATTR.KCT1VE porch 7 room homes, bloc from trolleys' C773-.1 Musgrave, 4 bed rooms Wo' II make buying easy. Abernethy. jazft i neaccuic UEEC1IWO0D HT 6U30 to 40 Six rooms, bath p.; desirable section bargain for quick sale. KU1NEH BJ3 R E Trust. By KING TS THIS IT- THIS PAG 7 YE CcDS AND LITTLC 5ABDtives!j THE TiCKCT SWS 10 BiXIS! I SHOO LP 'saw vou can-rite i MUCH R3R VOUR. HONCil WMmm TfiVJ USTCH. AMY I I DIDN'T f AtEAM THMi VS A NICE UTTLC THINKS HAVf CONC CPSO HW- NOT THAT H WRiNT wurl n IT, YOO UrfPCKSTAMP l m Cosyrlffht. 1010 by th Trlbuu Co. HEAL ESTATE FOH SALE PKNNHM.VAMA HllllllllllAN WM. H. WILSON & CO. SUBURBAN REALTORS AN IDEA OP SOME OP TUB EXCLUSIVE SUDURBAN HOMES ON OUR LARGE LIST WYNNEFIELD Immediate TwtsseBston can b had of this all-Btons renldenc and ita lace, larfro lot. on one of the belt corner, with southern exposure. MERION , Thl la a true Colonial with 8 chambers a baths: 1st oer '1 acre, electric. Ilaht. hot-water heat. Thla Is an Ideal home, with lanre. at tiactle and vtell-arranired rooms, at a moderate price. PBLHAM You should Inspect this all-stnna dwelllna:. located In the best section of Oermantown It has 7 cham htra, 2 baths and a lot oier 100 feet front, with old ahada and shrubbery. Let us taka jou for an Inspection. YOII NEVI-R CAN TIE REALLY HAPPY IN A RENTED HOME IXTlfl HELP TOE CHOOSE THE ltlOHT PROPERTY AND YOU WILL PROFIT HY OUR 17 YEARS' EXPERIENCE IN SUDUUHAN REAL ESTATE WM. H. WILSON & CO. 700-01-02 Morris Building MEMBERS PHILADELPHIA REA.L ESTATE BOARD niBiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiium ONLY A FEW DAYS loft in which to' fully oRj'oy the spiiit of Xmas, by knowing that your home problem has been definitely settled. You can surely be suited with something from our "Complete List of Attractive Suburban Homes" covering all sections, and allowing a wide range in price. A Number of Exclusive Listings for Your Consideration SMULLEN & BARRY Broad and Chestnut Liberty Building Our Brokerage Service Will Please You if UN iriiMiiiini CiFltllANTOWN Exceptional Stone Residence Garage & 1 Ji Acres on west elde. near Penna. R. R elation, beautiful erounds. thla property, complote In "?.': tall contains a spacious, first floor with lame library. IMm room, dlnlnc room, pantry .MJfhen rji retrlaerator room entirely tiled, on the second floor there la a master a suite containing cham bcr dretslnsr room and all-tiled bath with marble shower, to cether with 4 additional chambers and 2 additional bathes on the third floor arc the eer-anta' quar ters, electricity, hot-water heat: Baraeo for J cars: stable and complete living quarters f cjiatif fcur: th Is Is a rare opportunity Further particulars can be ob tained from WM. H. WILSON &C0. SUHURBAN REALTORS 700 01-02 MORRIS BLDO Members Phlla Real Estate Boaid Before You Buy Call my office Gtn. 410 We have several very attractive -hofises for sale. 'Glyndon Priestman 5607 GerRianiown Ave. Phlla. Real Estate Board MT. AIRY 1 IVE ATTRACTIVE HOMES AT PRICES TROM $0000 TO $14 300. WE CAN ARRANGE I OR IMMEDIATE POSSES SION AND MAKE TERMS TO SUIT, LET US TAKE TOLT FOR AN INSPECTION. WILSON & CHADWICK 700 MORRIS BLDO CII F.STM1T HILL Desirable and Attractive Corner Residence & Garage Immediate Possession Located In beet Btxtlon of Chestnut Hill, cor.taln Ing 16 rooms, of vrhtch 8 are chambers and 3 are baths Lot over 1 acre, with many fine old shade trees. Thla will " make a fine home for jour family. WILL SACRIFICE FOR QUICK SALE We shall be Blad to tpke cu for p inspection. WM.H. WILSON & CO. sununBAN rtRALTorts 700-oi-os Monnia hldu. Members. Fhl)"-, ItcoJ Ewtate Bd. iJ .! UEAL ESTATE FOR SALE rrNNMvi vania srntmnAN OVERBROOK A moderate-priced homa In le rant condition! Bteam hetLirom central iolanti 0 chambem. 3 baths Arrange to sea It befora told. HAVERFORD Overlooking the Merlon rolf course, a new stona and plastered residence, spacious porches on flrat and second floors. 0. chambers, 3 baths: lanre lot and sarane A beautiful location. MT. AIRY This la a rare chance to buv a fine Colonial home finished In white throughout. Contains 7 chambers. 3 baths: narage, Immediate pos session can be obtained. Very rea sonable price for auch a home. WAYNE JUNCTION lHIS IS your oppor to get the cheapest 0-room, porch-rront hciuse In Philadelphia. good con . 4445 N 20th at., price $4500. Ap ... . .....ii, .,,M .IIBIICnUC Blf second floor. TIOOA TIOGA $6100 3000 N. Smedley at. Thor. I,luur1"' icaent on premises Tnura A Frl e : open dally L Cohen 1113 Lincoln Hldg ritANKFORD DE.nACifI?P b,;lck dwellliiBs. on car line 2032 Urldgo, 1mm possesion; $300(1. We'll arrange terms Abernethy. 1828 Chestnut . I.OGAN WFnAJJ orT,En - semidetached dwellings llllh above Ruscomb close to Fishers Ma-il?n'ii50t'"-!,,!cr,htat' 3800.jcss than cost of buildings Walk east from Germantown avo on iigan st or not from Old York road to Ruscomb. AHLRNETltr. 1328 Chestnut ULSULTS SERVICE DALLAS L HARTLEY, INC 4700 N Hroad st Wyoming 871-87: LOGAN 3442 N. 11th at .2 sU . porch. 0 rooms and bath hardwood floora through out. hat.WntPI hunt alan 111.. Ik. Ii.. H Matslnger. Real Estate Trust Bldg 5100 BLOCK N. 11th st . 3 stv. Hadley house. an mod Imp Chambers 4038 N. Hroad 1100 LINDLEY AVE 2 story corner house; i mi cunva ciiA.vint-;it. spas iv Broad. 4020 CAMAO hT. 3-storj house all modern Improvements Chambers 4033 N Broad ? 12TH ST. Threo-storv Millet house. 11 rooms 2 baths nil modern Improvements CHAMBERS 4033 N Hroad pf.nnsyi.vani sum nn w TWO MINUTLS from r.ntliin Terminal: stucco and frame dwelling li rooms hot water heat gas and electric, lot 50x150 $0210 GEO. L BARNES 1201 Chestnut."' LOOAN Benutiful corner property. 8 rooms. llal!1.,v2r'u:e- Prlco interesting J. VnK ner 521 Real Estate Trust Bldg nnooHLiNn $7250 SEMIDETACHED stone and frame: at trolley. 2tt-story, large lot. hot-water heat, stone fireplace, gas and electricity. 5 herlrnom InimprllatA T.nu---uiA " ' v . ... -.-.-. ........ u. .. yiarnatvil ii ii o ui i. icroouiine. 1'a I.lanerch 201 CYNU1I) g Stucco Residence 1 I 1 1 Rooms and 2 Baths 1 g Electrlcltv. hot-water heat, elegant 8 g shrubbery and fruit "c-'"" 2-car girage. ag m Lot lfi027n e3 WM. A. McCREA 8 Phone 270 Ardmore, Pa hi .11 11 j hi i H tin m li mi i n n mui i n u i j i m i u tr i mi 1 11 u k j , iti 'iij t ri ft i JiiimujH jjh j i huij iid n t jjibiS DREXET. 1IIIX EIGHT-ROOM mpdern home, conveniently lo. rated; lot 23x100; southern exposure: owner desires to sell at once and will give Immediate possession; price $11,000. ApdIv only to "y" LIPPINC0TT.& K0VATS Be,, Phone-0"021' BLD0' ni.F.Nsinii: OlLL SACRIFICE lfso!d at race modern ju-room nouse, TOxino, trains and trolley Phone or write C. E. Wilson loo Lvltnwood ave. Olenslde: Ogontz 1)73 w JEXHINTOWy FOR SALE Suburban house, 14 rooms with r,baf.hs and modem Improvements, lot 75 X200, 2 car garage: all In first-class con dition: 11 miles from Philadelphia "Jock from railroad station: excellent train sari. Ice P 420. Ledger Office een MERION STONE, Colonial,: beautifully located:? baths, hot-vvnter heat, electric light: Im. mediate possession, O. JI. Handle "la MOORE PINE STONE and frame detached dwelling: 11 rooms and modern conveniences porch Inclosed on 2 Bides, lot 150 deep; convenient to both trains and troIles; nne location f2J saMl! !aTJeUV7V200OWA9prpf,y!'ra!? ?."' LIPPINCOTT & K0VATS 805-00 CROZER BLDQ. B-ll phone Cheater 1774 yORKIHTOM I OR HALE Desirable country Home, en Germantown turnpike, 2 miles from Nor rlslown. 2 square from trolley: lo rooms and bath steam heat electric lights; good never-falling water, barn, chicken house; A acres of ground, shade- all kinds ot fruit trees:. Immediate possession, N. D MATTHIAS, Attorney 500 Suede rt. Norrlstown Pa OVKnilROOK OVERBROOK THREE VERY DESIRABLE RESIDENCES WITH STEAM HEAT FROM CEN TRAL PLANT. ONE AT $21,000 AND TWO AT $10,600 EACH ALL READY FOR IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY. WE MAKE TERMS TO SUIT. Wilson & Chad wick 700 MORRIS HLDG. BEAI, ESTATE 70R SALB rENNBTf.TANIA SUnPRIUrT NAHIIKRTII If You Are Thinking of a Suburban Home coma to NARBERTH W have on. for eiery buyer JOHN A. CALDWELL at Tour aervlee 7 days a week. Thone 1087 Narberth, Ta. nf.w .irnsKV siTHmiiAV $500 WILL BUY On acre ground art Interest in suburban development alonr Electric line, 14 miles from Philadelphia. THIS PROPOSITION OPEN TO LIMITED NIIJinEn. Liberty Bonds Considered C. H. BIHLMAIER 400 ntll.LETIN 13 LDO TWO aauares New York Shipyards 7 rooms . .an.- ?5lhi- pokH front: toilet: laundry; lot 18x100 tc back at.; room for rarace; act quick. Grlecom. 210O Catharine St.. Phlla, MOORKSTOWN POSSESSION OWNER WILL VACATE 1S?.'!!J3L house Barare, both with conva, OVER AN ACRE. OLD SHADE. Fruit WMDipit MODERN 10 room house, hardwood floors: best location In Woodbury. N. J.; 4 min utes from station, 2 minutes from country chih lprlce 10000: lot 73x200. M 41,.Ledger new JKnsr.v sEAsnortK VENTNOB Fnrnlahwl VENTNOR For sale, furn'shed (barraln). 105 S Sacramento: 8 rooms 2 bath, h -w. heat, aouthern expoaure: 20" foet from Doardwalk: possession at once: easy terms. WM. II CARROLL A CO f Portland and Atlantlo aves PKNXSVT.VANIV FAttMS 25 ACRES PAOLI $0500 Stone house, barn, etc., sprlnc and fine stream1 commanding view oer Chester Val. C T PETERS & SON 003 CHESTNUT t! ymv jEitRTiY rAitug $330 HUTS 13 acres unimproved peach land, nicely located, close new state road. Ham- monton N J MILLER, 1108 Green "t. ,, $100 CASH or Liberty lond buys B acres at Hammonton. N .1 great fruit, poultry. truck: snap. MILLER, 1108 Green, BEAIi ESTATE WANTED REAL ESTATE cold on commission, mort gages negotiated rents collected ARTHUR IfOSWEI.L 533 N 13th at. DWELLINGS for colored renters; any loea Hon or size. Write 2404 N 3d st. LIST PROPERTIES for sale and rent with MORGAN, & DICKSON. 2404 K 3d st. HOME buyers waiting; list your properties with mo Lewla Cohen. HIS Lincoln Bldg. REAL ESTATH FOR REHT crrv ENTIRE BUILDING roit RENT 33 S 15TH ST JAMES A. TISDALL 1238 LAND TITLE BLDG. 2 H'B IOCATE Btore or dwelling you wish to rent; charges $5 Office 2404 N 3d st. Business Properties and Stores t LARGE second-floor front room, bay win dows 111x20 suitable business nurnntie'. Sherwood Apartment Agency. 225 S Broad Fnclnrles. Mnnnf icturlng floors 50,000 Sq. Feet New, rtt.forced concreto mill; C5 feet Hid-v 160 feet Ions: 5 stories; about 10 noo rnunro feet on each floor rroltrht and DasnKer elevatora. T,owrtt rate of insurance. Klectrlo power; rlectrlc llffht. On lino of new Tranltford elevated. Station 1 block eat. Atlefflien ave car lines 2 blocks south. Route No 3 and No 4 Kensington avo , 1 block east. I ocatlon. Ontario. T and Hstaush sts Property nurrounded entirely by new modern dwellings. Itpady for orrupaney about July 1, 1P20. Plan of bulldinn can bo men by apply lntf to MODEL MILLS CO . Ontario and I sts FLOORS Large Small W. BRUCE RARROW. 130 N. 12TH BT. Established 1888. Factories a specialty Warehousea FOUR-STORT warehouse for light mfg . 241 Race S H Anderson 017 Welghtman Rldg , Spruce 4r,R1 oneiric. ni'sivriq Rnnvti. rm. rURNISHED offices and business rooms, In eluding heat nnd light, telephone and stenographer ln building to take charge ot calls etc.: rent $5 to $15 per month. N. W. cor 7th and Spring Garden sis PENNSYLVANIA simiinnAN ST BAVIDI DESIRABLE -BUNGALOW 3 blocks from station: fully furnished: every convemenee possession about January 1; very desirable brick and frame dwelling of 10 rooms,and 3 baths rardwood floors, steam heat central Plant, fully furnished; excellent location: possession January 1. CIIARLD.S M. DAVIS. Wayne. Pa, MORTGAGES $100 TO $5000 TO LOAN real estate owners note or mortgage- In stallment or long term oulck aeltlemcnt. AK1HUK J. LhUPOLD ,!) Hellev nidg 121S Chestnut .t WE REPRESENT nine of the largest build, lng and loan associations, and desire ai pllcatlona for first, second and epllt mortl gages In any section of the city or suburbs: private funds for good first mortgages ironey loaned or. judgment note and inters". In estates bought. William Jarass K.oiV Land Title Bulfdlng. " ". $50 NOTE ON MORTGAGE Immediate settlements To Unsettled estate loans Building association funds $1000 DEMPSEY A CO., " 27 8. 15th St. WE DESIRE TO SELL $100,000 mortis. ..for a jears at 6'A . paiable not less than J20,uuo per year; ruie clear: assessed at 100,000: property at Ke-islngton and All" KUDU sc. aiuvuiBim AAVaitJcy inn dills, a: ill lkcuinm,un wvw $50 TO Real estate security. Imme diate settlement. Interest In TO estates bought. Cash at onoe. $2000 EDW. M. MOLL j'. at. $50 Real estate security; Immediate settlement: Interest In estates TO DDimaii casn at once. $5000 LEWIS & CO, 1227 W. Glrard ave. LOANS, REAL ESTATE AND ESTATES': DELANT. 34 8 Hroad (West End Bidg ' MONEY FOR FIRHl' MORTOAGES ' ' WILL1S-WINCHEST ER CO. 21 S.'lSTH ST. MORTGAGES negotiated real estate sold on commission rents collected ARTHUR BQ3WELL. 283 N. 18th st. MONET rOR 1ST OR 2D MTQEH . city or country jv. m?iui ftiiuuigioii, t V J walnut. want nrlvate funds for good flnt nn.i. gages. LEWIS COHEN. 1113 Lincoln Bldr MONEY TO LOAN YOU CAN BORROW MONEY ON DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY $25 AND UP.,.1,2 PER CENT $75 AND UP 1 PER CENT $200 AND UP 1 PER CENT RIEDER'B a 128 MARKET ST. ' RIDGE AVE, AND OXFORD ST. 22D AND SOUTH OT3. NEED MONEY? We will loan money on salary or furnltnr to reliable people. No honest employ re fused. Courteous treatment to ll. Dn nPAJcfP WOOD BLDO. . U. UIAttrvLj 41)0 CHESTNUT ST. READY MONEY- DIAMONDS. WATCHES A JEWELRY United States Loan society 1JT NORTH BJcOAD WB VarVet st. SS48 aarmantewrt ave raiw iiMjBt at oMca nany n. v jS?' 1' y-. a , , it Hirsi' '''ji e-r - , )&- sfss-s, r- -- '---e 9 11 l iuw" tjs.iBfc .ijptiil'i,iji, ,-initf iWri,lVScatWto4