rs " 7PT EVlSHING TOBEL'C LEDGlBfe-HirJABELPHlA',-' MOXPAY, BEOMB&R; 52, 1019 4 tr C ', -CARRASKSCOLORS - 1 that the .elt FOU LEGION POSTS III County Chairman Appeals Citizens, to Donate Standards - to I SP ilit'tlne ilif hittnorlaL exercises, will do ...... ll.l. - ,...T. - wr 11... ..... kit.. m,jm mi- rcprvriiiHinu ui uir iri'uunv otiPrnnw, the clinlrmati Inducts to hk gelt lo I In' committee ou iirroiigrmenls that thtf IccorutiQiis nc limited id the American una American region 0 American Legion lins beautiful ling with n field iind tho f,enl of the I.celoti mrintpil llinrrrm 111 rrtlil. Ah eaell (it tllO scltntj-riglll postH in the tiiit will bo' rciiresculcel lit the momoriiil crct rl, flic clinlrmnn feels tlint inch port's Legion ling should form a pait of llin elceorfltHo scheme. '.'A liumurr of llic posts luive IP t cited stands of colors consisting of the American mid the Amciicun T.crIoii lings, t The chairman liclloct tlint If thotcsidents In the neighborhood' of the vnrleuis posts were to piet-cut n sef of coiers lo the post, n gift would be appiecintcd tremeiidousl In the romtmmlty post, itud would be n lustiiiK reniliidcr of the geneious Impulse of the people of that rnmimmltt Hie mums of the donors 1011I1I be ulnced on stream ers attuclied to the ling stuff. '"the chniiman hopes tlint inasmuch no Hip time Is er short in wlilih to This cnll for eolorsl tqllip all posts with stauds of tolnis wns issued so that ns there will 1 be n genei ions if-pouc on the pan oi cue jicujiic m mmm ui t. dividual poets which innnol well usK that such n gift be made to tbcni. "The AVnr Derailment has not yet fumlshed the state organization with a list of the nun fiom riiilndelpliiu who DISTRIBUTION FEBRUARY 22 An nppcil to tho residents of tnrlnus centers in Philadelphia to donate stand ards of colors to the post of the Ameri can T.egion in Hie. fu?nX, nelghborliond was ninde toeliu bv George cnt wortli Carr, the toUnty chairman mnnr as nossiole ol me ncrenty-eight Philadelphia posts might bo cquiifpcd with such colors for the exercises in the Metropolitan Opera, jroutc, February , when n ilistribu tl. .till It., nimtn hv I in AmPriCllll I ,P - ernment as n tefitimonj of the nlor of Preemui n chnirmiin will rhlladelnhia men and an evidence of i '" "iiulp "T V "lv,. c '.""V.., , ,i rciommcuu iiuu uu-. u- ,i.,. .. . . Mmmithv for our soldier dead. Stands of colors have been presented to two American posts in Philadelphia - Post No 142, known as the State Fcncibles Post, and Post No 3lf, of which DaMcl It. Simpson Is the eliair man and which is composed principally of comrades conncited with the 100th Infantry. (oernor lo Attend The statement of Chali ninn t'ni r i e ids in part: "Although the iliiirnuin of the county committee hus been autlienied to appoint u committee cm nii.inge nicotic, the selection of this committee has been defeneel owing to the icoi cnntrnliem of the countv committee 111 "The omit chairman 1ms invited fiovernor Sproul, Mnyor elect Moore, the United States senators from Penn svhauirt, the six congressmen from Philadelphia, and 1ms leeeiveel accept nncis from the Oovciuor and Minor Senators Kuox and Penrose anil four of the six congressmen. Others who hae accepted are Hampton K. Carson, piesi dent of the American liar -soe mtiou , Abraham I lleitlrr, chancellor of the Law Association of Philadelphia. 1M ward .t. Pox, president of the Penusxl vanin liar Assoc iition "Prankliu D'Olier of I'hiUidelpliij, nationui commanelei of thr 1 egion will preside and tho Legion in the state will be represented b Uiorge V Tlcr, the ktato commander "As the American T.egion iu con the posts so that the tumllics mn uu located " Inquirj cm ltonus Question Post -') of the l.cgion. located in Mamivuuk, has passed a resolution inquiring of the countv com mlttec as to tho action which had been taken on the bonus question This question wns cousieleicd at the Minneapolis national convention and the matter of n lcadiustincnt was left en tirelv with CongitsH I" light of certaiu iKoniinenilntleiiis In the legion Two biskclbill teams have been or cnnieel bv Post 7 in the Poitieth ward and a challenge has been sent to Post In the Legion throughout thltt county An athletic committee o the count committee has been authorized anil nn effort will bo innilc through this coin mlttec to stlmulntc nitlvity In athletics. Tomorrow night there will be held In the J'ltj Hub, ;na South lliond street, an Important conference on war risk insuruncc and itn kindred subjects, The olliec r on war ilsk Insiimnie from the vnrlous posts hnve been Invited to at tend. MAN KILLED ON RAILROAD Wife Told of Death as She Awaits His Return From Errnnd .lames Kolu'ti. twentv four .veins old, 24".l South Cliadwlck stiecl. was fciiinil dead nn the I'eiiiisvlvunia nullroncl ttacks neii the Ninth Philadelphia Sta tlon rnrlv last evening while his wife wns waiting foi his letifin at a bioth cr's. where the had gone lo take Christians gifts Husband und wife hail gone to the home of the brother, .Tolm I.olnin Tvvc ntv -eighth and Uxfoicl streets. Thev usee n moleuc.vcle with side car at tnchment The husband told the others Hint he would be back bhoitlj und went out on nn , en and b.v hlinself on the motoicjcle Shnrtlv nftei 7 o'clock (lie fnmllv wns notineel tlint his bod Iind been found on the trucks The boelv wns identified bv n brother in tnvv lleihcit Ilitnon who lives with the l.eihans Alice Ledum the wife wns pinitiMtciI mid wis taken to tli llnspitnl where she N in n valfl Kter JkrTO mS ! pwmw&&&W( HCWPl'eiii-i No one hns been dlfcnvcred who snw the aiclcleiit or 'can offer a theory as to lieivv the man's death occurred. OVERSEAS DEAD SOON HERE Announcement t Itat the bodies of Hilelhrs who fell In the battles in Trance will soon be biolight hack lo this countrv was imidc b the Itev. Dr. Charles (' l'leice. nctor emeritus o7 SI Maltliew's Prolestanl Hpisiopnl fhniili. fiom his old pulpit .veste-relny. Doctor Pltrie is now colonel in ihnrge of the (linvc ltcglsttulliin Service In, Washington He Mild that the work oT ' moving the bodies would begin at onto . nnd thnt some of the bodies should rctich I this country within u month w Ready Money for CHRISTMAS 1920. Sv'rf m fib ft W K , tJlt Join Our Christmas Savings Club Which Remains Open Until January 15, 1920 The Rittenhouse Trust Company 1323 Walnut Street Member Federal Reserve System Weekly I'.ijmcnts, $1, ?2, $5 Interest Punl jwiiwiiiiiwiraiiiiMiiiiiiiiw George 1214 Chestnut Street 3ah9iSlhSiShi9i3Sai Tlie Post 7 teim ulnvs at tin kinrsrssinir lleereation t elite i Its manager is AV A" Klaus the post ud jutnnt. and it is ope n foi gnmes. Ineidentallv athletics will be fostered A M ERICA' S highest priced auto mobile is equipped with a VI M Leather-covered clutch. E. r. HOUGHTON & CO 240 W. Somerset Street Philsdelpb- Alleii. inc. 114 SPECIAL MILLINERY SALE5 100 Fine Velvet Hats Ostrich Trimmed ' Values to $25.00-Now $10.00 100 Extra Fine Quality Sports Vclour Hats for Women and Misses Special .$5.00. Xmas Tie Ribbons Pink, Blue and While Satjn Ribbons No. 1 and V 18c and 22c piece-r-lu yd. piece. Plain Red Satin Ribbons No. 1 and V2 38c and , -15c piece 10 yd. pieces. l'i-inch Red Satin Ribbon $5.75 piece of 10 yards. Gift Hosiery Women's Woolen Sports Hose Heather shades $1.75 'pair. v Women's Black Silk Hosiery S2.00, $2.75, $,'J.50 pair. Women's White Silk Hosiery $1.75 and $2.75 pair. Women's Fine Lisle Hose Full fashioned Black and White $1.25 pair. Women's Full-Fashioned Cotton Hose 65c, 85c, $1.00 pair. Imuran nun nimii mi n i ran r m:i i inn' iiinm iininii mam iniiniinig SSSMJiCharge Purchases Tomorrow Rendered on Bills February 1st, 1920'? Galvanized Boat Pumps JfaBBfeffry'iu'ii''1'"'11"'"-''-' """UceiMJBI I I-D.llertfr C0..8I . Set t Slain 1000. JIOHKI mi WE RECOMMEND Rock Island, Ark. & I La. R. R. I 1st 4 1-2 Gold Bonds Due March, 1934 Guaranteed principal and interest by Chicago, Rock Island und Pacific Rwy. Co., by endorsement. Direct first mortgage on important , mjjeagc. Price range: high, 96 loiv 54. Selling on New York Stock Ex change at about 60 to jield about 8.607o. Orders executed at the market. Carstairs & Co. Members Philadelphia and New urk. Muck Kuluuiern 1410 Walnut Street 71 Broadway, N. Y. E35ia,ai5!3iSiaJSJ5IHSI5I5IHSSIi3i'HSiaJ5IEI9 1 Cliristmas Gifts 1 I Diamond Jewelry 1 I Everybody agrees that dia- a monds are unexcelled as a m Id gift. Conhult your remain- H S ing shopping list. Isn't there a M someone for whom you want id S diamond jewelry? Hosts of S S beautiful things prices from U S10 to 52,000. Id B diamond bar i. Seim bnl tJ M Or m)soY 1215 Ckestnut Farmers and Trappers! Anniversary Sale of Furs t ' La -gr mil i i irmiiii tm limn W i H Ytn n c Cli f q m ! I that men like 1 ( S&!?0oSl - j I Neckwear . . 1.00-3.50 H P t IEl I ' M Scarfs .... 2.OO-6.OOJB ED 7 blF30 Mh)4 I , g P LT CHRISTMAS T SPECIALS 4 1 I I "Comfy" Slippers . RICHELIEU PEARLTia'llest'elgin SVC G t Mi ,i''V U O .ID-lml, nrelclncpt wonderful I i- WRIST WATCH ... . t)Q S fe mm M 'iSC ler unci eleinilillll. ?10 .. , , . . . t' J 5S Ban o fin 1 C Cn EM f" snrclnl siiVF A Tfry eooel usKorlniMit ?1 & Sz2 Q 1 M Ira jamas .. Z.UU to b.50 SM ' onion si i smn or oti.rr ii,t utnicH '' fr I Shirts ... 2.00 to 5.00 i No I. MAYER JH?m. rfr I H ouuii, t..uuiuo.uu i,T?vA- 1732 MARKET ST., PHILA. Ji P I Silk Shirts 8.50 to 12.00'i Jflu kirviSr I C .. "v.; ..I.' ... HH-c' ' : -1--.,,-.- -.- r . m raaiiuiniiiBHiiiiiB 3 ni'diuii mi! nuxen m z - ; I PAUEIS!'!) v I r ? ---- 3 & . gLy clx is! L P w n... - H .V DeMan-v I , JP v? s n a a , (.," ,wK btreet g i (te 1 1 V) 1 1 M 1 ' ?AU Attention! Raw Shins Purchased for Cash D The giealebl Fur Eenl that Philadelphia cer cperieiiccd is rapidly (Iran in? lo a close. The Last Two Days arc hercb announced which means (hat the Last Two Days of Savings of 25 to 35 Per Cent are also announced. Cclebiating Our Anniversaiy has been a splendid time, for liun- dieds of new clients have come to icalie the advantages of shopping bete- lor Furs and shopping here First for it stands to reason that Manufacturing Dirccfand Sell ing to you Direct cuts out the unnecessary middleman's profits and brings desirable lovely Furs to you always at a saving. As usual' A Small Deposit Will Reserve Your Purchase m - m i- nli Iloufi in a plat- L. inuvtUnn ifl- irfj tint) nlitiqxtMle M uorvmwnait IB M& AIOS.UU P&TLF m ? I mf l?J Pi' P-i ff&V S Mil. Bfir f I Hints for Late Shoppers rOR MENs Diamond Scarf Pint $10 to $200 Rlnj $ZS to $1100 Diamond Cuff s SIS to 575 rOR LADIES: Diamond Brooches, in cold or platinum $15 to S2S0 allieres bcautllul de signs $10 to $1000 Solitaire Engagement Rings Platlnum mounted $Zr to $1250 A small deposit resents any article Open 9 A it. to S P it. Mitchell's Diamond Store Fox, Wolf and Lynx Scarfs 1450 29'50 l alue :0.(id IViic 4' 50 19s" 39so Value 50.00 1 afne 59.50 In Taupe Brown, Black, Poiiel Kane ihatkd, Ueorgette Stoles in Various Sizes 39 Value SO 53 ",n .50 Value 79.50 Australian Feal bfiuinel, illnlc l't(?tte? 115.00 Value J.10.00 llucl-,oii Seal Natural Mole- unci bUunK lllilllll'!',lll1llinilll!!ni!lllin'l!l!llll,l'lll!!( 30-in, Marmot Coats Snorts Model Value 14SOO. "Wltli ions rollirm "iliawl i ollar .mil doeri cuffH of marmot 36-in. Flare Model 155. Valuo 210 00. Of so lected nualitv slclns In an ummuull am.ntnri model 36-in. Smart Model Valun 245.00. A n unusual stjlc of dlstlncthe grar? pn deep shawl collar and cuffs of natural laccoon Australian Seal Coats 30-in. Sportw Model . f Q SfTh valna 135 00 I arBe. QoOU h h a w 1 colKr anil wide cuffs of Austialian seal .16-in. .Iaurt Model VtlUO 135 00. 1 ii ossv s li a ' 1 colUi and" deep cuff' of usir.illan seal .'Itt-in. Klaro Model IBNIIIIIIIIIIIlinW IliiiliU Value 230OO, With larce S n u I r r e 1," Ile,icr or Skunt shavl CllffB 'iiiiuiiniiiiniin collar Established IS7S rji 37 South 8th ( iaieJ3J!i Only One Store Eisiaiaiauirarajsjaiaiai-i-isias After all, Flowers always appeal to Women. Send a. Flonergram. Delivered ih any City. . $10.00 CHARLES IIElKY FOX 221 South Uroad St. p. Nutria Coats 30-in. Jaunty Model U45. Value 195.00. A offeitho sports coat ni noMi dosign 36-in. Sports Model Value 25OX0. In natural or taupe nutrls e arefu!I s"lrciiil vi optional qimlilv 4'5-in. Piare Model e Pk ns of 225.00 Value 295.00. Lone lolllnc slml nnd 'Jocp niffn of Nun id n raiiiiBniiiiiiiBniuimi'niri miHimiii raiwii m ishiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiImmiS Muskrat Coats 30-in. Sports Model collar Value $195.00. A loose Jaunty model -,1th lonR rolling shanl deep cuffs 36-in. Flare Model Value 245 00. Kffec tlvely trimmed with" larRe ahawl collar and cuffs nf Miiqk-rat 45-in. Smart Model Value 865.00. Grace ful .shawl collar and deep cuffs of Muskrat via iiHMiiiiiinniiiuauiiiiraiFiiiiiiiiii'iiiM t Mi!mi!jiujjiiiii 185.00 md cuffs c,f Muak- 195.00 Hudson Seal Coats 30-in. Sports Model ? fifk & Value 220 00. 1 li (jf OiQ fP B shAl rolWi and""- vc-r" v v side cuffs of Hudson Seal 36-in. .launh Mmlcl Value 375 CO tircny. 5 1 a w I tollai und deep cuffa of Hudson seal 3f-in. 1'lare Model Value 425.00. With h n a i en i ia i ana ; deep cuffs of skunk or nea.ei K iu u i imiHii oiniiu iiiiriii'wiiiiiiiiiuiuii'uiiii'iii'iiniiiiaiiiu mm i Squirrel Coats Smnrt Snorts Model O P Jfaf 4 Vain. 345.C0. WlthS j Q UU larife s'mw I i ollar v and 6?v uffs W.ll matched nVlna 36-ln. Smart Model Value 4C0 00 I, a ice rolllnc shawl collar and cuffs 45-in. Hare Model O those who still have much of their gift buying lo do, the Darlington Stpre can he of real service tomorrow, yes, and right up to closing time at 5:30, Christmas Eve. MERCHANDISE one can find here a wide variety oi' merchandise not only the liner, more' exclusive things Cor which this store has long been noted, but of inexpensive articles as well. The modest purtsais as' welcome at 1126-28 Chestnut Street as the plethoric one. And no matter whether the cost be small or great, the goods lu-q the best of their kind 82 years of honest, straight - forward store - keening" right here in Philadelphia lias t made our wares a synonym foi quality and desirability and for that rea-,' son THE GIFT WHICH COMES FROM DARLtNGTON'S IS DOUBLY APPRECIATED. SERVICE we can give you better sales, inspection, delivery, credit und accounting service than most stores, and while no organization is in fallible particularly in the Holiday rush one will find here a minimum oL: inconvenience, 'delay or error. Tomorrow will be a good time to loUis )r prove this statement to you. i J $t 1 iLi- 3 i U45.00 Value 635.00. I.ariro ills n I .nlliT ami i rilTa and wldo border of Squirrel IIIAIHMiIM Fur Sets Taupe Fox Brown Wolf Brown Fox Black Fox Taupe Lynx Raccoon Hudson Seal Nutria Black Wolf Australian Seal Taupe Wolf Mink Values S5.00 to 08.50 AiiHivcrtarji Sale Price 64e 'Minh Beaver Jap Cross Fox Taupe Fox Shunh Hudson Seal Fur Sets Natural Squirrel Kolinsky Scotch Mclcshin Brown Fox Natural Raccoon Skunk Raccoon Values 1 15.00 to 125.00 Anniversary Sale Price 84-00 mamNssm mwmsmtmvxmw MmummnwmmmK.ibzTty Bonds and Purchaatng Agents' Orders Acceptediwmmmmii 'a i n Over-night Bags Beaded Bags Velvet Bags Traveling Bags Wallets , , Fans Perfumes Sachets' Men's Scarfs" . Women's Collars and Sets Ribbons Hair Bows Boutonnieres -Hosie'ry Silk .Underwear ' Sveaters Scarfs Umbrellas Gloves Lamps and Shades i , . 0 Y i ZZ700C Handkerchiefs ' Candy Boxes Quill Pens Telephone Covers Door Stoi)s Desk Sets Linens Sewing Sets Scissor Sets Manicure Cases Silks ' Oilcloth Sets Nec)hices vBar'Pins Chains Fancy Combs Purses' Smoking Stands VZSC" AVAVJ Ash Trays e Particular attention is directed to the gift possibilities forwom.en and children on the Second Floor Negligees,' Silk Petticoats. Breakfast Coats, Aprons, Bath Robes, Camisoles, Bloomers, Night Gowns,' Chemise; for girls of 6 to 14 years, MARY ELLEN FROCKS and JACK TAR TOGS; for little folks, dolls and novelties as well as a complete line of garments. Many of these are marked at reduced prices. , On the Third Floor are Furs and Blouses. nM6 . a tirawl '-, i .rM v -p " tV"-" " Jh ,j r K -. Kjp, - - ' -a j" ' Ui "