x EVE&JCNGr PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, skTURDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1919 . 21 ' I. a Beatlj. BAfinilTT ntrt in .1 1f T.e ave. 'olllnfswood, N, J KUA A., widow oj SftAb Rafmii . tt.l.flve. and rlenda- liivltrl' tit runiini .--tlpe-. Run . 4 . jn . rcsiaence or nun, pr, wesiey uorren, 0(J Cooper et., Camden. N. J : alto aervlces ,t residence of win, W M. Barrett. Down 'ingtown. Pa , Mon , 2 p m. Int. Hope- yU Com, Pa Train leavea Broad lit. ""liii.10 -.in. ?BAfthr foec.. 18, JOHN M. son, of rldrct A, and tote Thomao J. -tarry.vne. lunkelt), act (I 21. nMames and ft enda nvlted to funeral. Mon,, 8 30. mothcr'a residence. 11011 Wtil ave .Teiikint&wn, Pa. flolemn hlh requiem mass lmmaculato Con ception Church. .lenklntown. I'a , V 30 n, in. Jnt Holy Hepulchro Cem. BEAM. Suddenly, per 18, IsaTII-K II . widow of John A Beam. Itotatlves and "lends Invited lo services Mon , 2 p. m.. 200 RalnhHiltrn at Int. private, Fornwood Clem BERRY. Dec 10 HANNAH . ter of late chalkley and Mary aed f.. Tlet.tlv.- nA frUnrt daugh Berry. membera Sunday school class First Baptist Church lTth and Kannnm st... Phlla.. Invited 1( funeral aervleeo Whin,. 1 n in . brother' residence, rrank D Berry, 081 Haddon y Colllngawood N. .T. Int. private. ..BICKni. Dec. 19, of scarlet fever, ITAYMOND IHA, Jr.. eon of Ira and Mabel I3lckel (nee Jacobv), aged B yeart. Due notice of funeral will b given fiom parent reilflenoe. 0-0 n Sehllter at. . BnowN. Dec. in, .tiAitrtN v. n.. hits- tiand of lale.Msry M, Brown, aged ,11. R.els tlltl and Irlendo Integrity Lodge. No. ,187. F. and A M . invited to funeral serv os Tui 1 n ni . residence of daughter, S!i N. 11th, at int Mt. Mnrlah rem. Frlenda may cill Mon. aftor 7 p. m Doyleetown papers conv, , . BUCHANAN. Dee. J 9. GEORGE Cf , Br ,, husband of Harah M. Buchanan of 787 N. 9th at Anneiineement ef fnnerul later. mfNTTvri li.-. t- Tiirit-w. tiusbanrl .!'. ' Allenle L.' Bunting nelatlves ana F-e. .,( ...! . , ... . .f 1A a m . 'from 1800 Broadnay, Camden. N. J. Int. Harlelgh Ccm rtetnalno may b viewed a. ."" . A".'0 funeral. , CULHOON. Dec t ANNUS , wife of Jolifi Calhoun. Itolatlvea and fpenda In SllT.a ,a lonerel eorvlceai Mon.. t P. in. -!305i Frankfort ft. Int. private, North ',!lKiJllH 'iTni, limit flnnere . ., CAStiT. De II) rnKDRItlCIC DENT CASKT SfRvIcea Jton., 11 a m,, St Bte Jhen r. n. Church.,10tli at below Choat nul. tnb- private i-.."-'1 'O . t Wt nerlln. N, J . JUHOAHBr a', widow of John J. Cox. aied 00. jrtelari ea ami frlenue lnte'l to funeral Jjrvlccs) Tqee , 11 a, in . HI. Clement's r. E Church, 20th and Cherry eH Int. rrl vatei Jtemalna mav bo viewed flfon , 7 to 0 V m . chapel of Andrew J Ualr & Son, Arch ptndJDth ate ,. COYLE Dee 19 BA131NA,, wife of Wil liam J. Colo (ne Durkln) -nelatlves and friends. nlted, to funeral, Mon.. 8. a m . . residence ot father-ln-liw, John Coylc 4n27 Brown at fN)lemn ma-- of renulem Church cf Vie BljSaed Vlu-ln -Marv. Darby Delawaie 4couny. Pa . 10 a, m Int. Holy Cross Ccm Aulrj funeral J -.CfJNNINnHAM At riymouth Mccllnp, TJee. IN. MAttV lAMlI? avira .r .lumnri Ctltl tllnfhnm Hr . at.H nutivhta- nf fa-fhi HtlH lata Iluah Illalr. aitod fill r(eatlves and irleluls Invited to funeral. Mon 2pm lnt private Riverelde Cem ,, Norrlstown DB I.ES8 Deo IB, JAJfl58 husband of Catliarlno De I.ea- Relatives and friends Invited to funeral, Tues , 8 a. m.. Ml P"rter U .Solemn hlpli requiem mass Church of Our 'Lady of Mtl Carmel. t) 30 a. m. Int rew. Cathedral Cem Auto Bonvlce ,I3DWAiDS At lUmburir Ta . Dec. 18 TAMES aon of WlllKhi I: mirl Maruaret Kdwfirds. aced 50 Puncral servlcea Mon . S v-tn . Church of the Oond Bhepherd Roie mont. Ta. Int Old St. Davld'B Ctm rVlend may call rtnbertn and Cenestosra roads. Rosemont. Sun., after 7 p. m iyjSB Sucidenlv. Dec. 18 JOHN r ELSE, ased 07 ltelatives nnd frlc.nds In vite to funeral servlcos Sun Ram, 48(10 N. lftth st . LoraiK Int. St John's Cem . HjTeton Pa. Mon . PINLEY. Deo. . 18, WILLIAM O. FIN LEV, of Ocenn Cltv. N. J., son of late Bamutl "and Ann Flnley nelatlves and friends, alto Hiram 1-odse. No 81 F. and A. M ! Ocean City Chapter. No 48, n A. M.l Oermanlpwn Commanderj, No 82, K, T.I Wenona Count II No 03 I. O of A nd Washington Cimp No 3tB. P O. 3. nf A., Invited to funeral services, Mon., 2 r. m . residence ni hrother-ln.l&w. A. D. feNell. Ml High st , Cermantown Int Ivy run urn, uemaius may do viewea aun. in v n m . FJNNLRM N Pec 18. WtLLIAM hus- pana or .Marv rinnerman ieiames ana friends Invited, tofunenil Tues . 8 30 n. m , residence nf son-ln law Phllln Johnston. 2 Chestnut er,, C'olwvn Pa Mies of requiem Churcli of St. Clement's, 70th at. and Voodland ave , 10 a m- lnt- Holy Cross Cem FOX, Suddenly. Dec. 10, BENJAMIN J., husband of Sarah A, Fox (nee Fields) nela tlves and friends, Holy Name. Altar Society, St, dwa,rd's Beneficial Society, Court Pride. P. of A.: employes Surpass Leather Works, invited to funeral, Mon 8 30 a. m.. 2631 N. 2d pi. Hlah muss Visitation Church 10 a., m Int. Holy Sepulchre Cem rui.WBlLi:n At Wavne Pa, Dec. 18, fiAMlJEL THOMPSON FULWEILIJIt I"u- rteral services. Bt. Mary's P. K. Church. Wayne, Pa , Sun , 2 p. m. Int. private, Old St.. David jt Cem. rjEQENHEIMim Suddenly. Dec. 10, PHISCILLA OCaUNIIBIMBR nolutlves and friend- Ifivlted to services Sun 2 n m.. K. Oliver 11. Dalr Bldf , 1820 Chesinut et , Vhlln lnt Ortklatvrf "anY 'OILLbN. D-c 18 WILLIAM hunnnd nf Mare-H.net 3lllen.t)eo .nrnBh&w).. Rela. SflveaWefrfrfeodS IriVlted t3 funeral rvlres. jHon.,r p m residence or son-in-mw, u, John uafterv. Grand ave., Torresdjile. Int Fernwnod Cem, ' OnOBLINO pec. 17, WILLIAM, tiushanrt f Atrna D. Oroelinff jtneo Wlerand) nffed 1 71, HMatlvea andTYIends Humboldt Lnlite, No. 889. F. and A. M.. rhrl'thn B Prea man .Chapter. No 243, n. AM." Master riumbers' Asso. of Phlla.i TouriK Maentlir tbor, J?hlla. Scheutzen Vereln: l)th Wird CSerman KenuMlo Club, Invited 'tu funeral, Sua; J i m . Ojo w. YftrKfjt. Int. lit. Vernon Cem. '.. HAMILTON Dec. 19. DAVID T hus land of Helen Hamilton (nee llelllv). aced 28, Helatlves" and friends, members of Manufacturers' Club. Phllopatrian Literary Institute, invited to funeral. Mon,, 8 10 a Hi . 4620 Sansom st Solemn mass of re CjUlemnChurcli of St. Francis de Sales 10 W in. xn jioiy urona i.eiu HAWDKY. Dee 18.-at 'Rtonlelah Court WABBKN ALTUMUH HAWLKY. Funeral servlcos and Int. private. H15NNINQ Decu 4J'. af 80 B Willow Prove ave., Chestnut Hill. THOMAS HBW NINO ,DunotU'o of funeral will be given . Illliu Deo J7. r.DWAnD P.. Sr., hua- nana oi Earan jiiu inco .nciuaaei iieia lives and frlendd. De1 Botn Council. No. 31Ti. (k. otf.; Haislleld Bencflclal I, C. H, Urf CourHSt. Albans. No 85. V. of A.: Lodge t No. 64. L Q, O 'Hf .- jirvlfed "f rt funerar, jtion. a ju a. m , jv ,o vvooaeiaciv ai. .boiemn requiem mos- St Afonlca's Church 10 a. ui. int. Italy Cross Cem HUMPIIUKY Suddenly, ,t P.erVln, III, ll- 18 IHIWIM nOWLAND IIIIMPlfnEY. (j Jala Dl '(ill4urii,fii, wcu oo jvviiiaivra nut. Hffrwliu ll! JONES. fee 1 EMMiW, widow of JAn.v 'i- J ones iieiaiivea ana irnnun in- .lira lu juiiviait juh , n on - tu icntiiiu of ioTfinlaw. J&ms J. Howard1 3810 HamlU n -a) dnlkmri liln-h rriu aia fit i-mllaim fit. Agathaa Church 10 a ra. Int lljr'CrOSS Cem Auto funeral KEDLKn. Ccc", lor-v" . FHANK KEIX I.BH.r-lqii of OI)v)ir uqd Ule Agnes Keller) Helfttrea ana friends. Plnson Council, No. 904 K. of C.idlrectors of St; Clemenl'a B. arjd L Abso . Bt. Clement's Catholic; Club. land employes of Philadelphia necord. lnvlted,.to funeral. Tues.. 8 30 a, m . 6313 TVnndiand ave i Solemn high mass St. I'Clejntnva Church. Faachalville. 10 a. mr inir private, noiy v,roos wm , KIKMB. Dec. Id, JULIUS W .husband of MLjtnle S, Kleme (nee Schumacker). litis tlyea and friends International Society, W. m,Mv.iiivM rt-r. io nr iv i ii-i.tr ,- kOENEMANN (ne Lanzel) Services Tues , 2 p.m.. residence of son. Henry C. Koene rrtatin. Jr.. 1348 Harrison at., I'rankford, Vn. -t rnnvenlence of family. LATCH At Berwyn, Pa ,. Dee 18, ABRAHAM LBVEniNO I-VTCH.' aged M). Kelatlve. and friends Invited to funeral, MoriL. 2 o m . Berwyn, Pa. int. Oreat YalT ly S&tlst Cem. Remains may be viewed fiun..to 9 n. m. L&fZ Dec 18. EMMA, daughter of l.tel-Je.niel and Frederleka Lents. Relat tlvea and friends members of SummsrfieliJ M. J3, Church, Invited to funeral services, Tuen, So- m . 2212 E Pauphiq t.' Int. Wlvate West Laurel IIIU Cem. LIVEZEY. At Willow Orove. Ta. Dec. 18. -IENItY "., husband of Hannah A. Live. My,jged 76 ReUtlves and fflenda. John fK'Flnner Post. No, 101, U. A. R.. Invited to funeral, Mon,S p.m. 3 Leo ave,, Wll- . s ..... Tl .Si TTn thA l -- " IDwrur-Y-.! ! 4ii.uvi.i win LLOYD Dec 19, LAVENIA T-. widow f John II. Lloyd, aged 71. nelatlves and friends Invited to funeral, Mon.. 8 n m, rasienea of ion Thomas fj. Lloyd. tU3 K. -! st. Int. Norih Cedsr II II Cem 'LpFLAND. Suddonly. Dec. 19 ISABBU widow of Isaac Lofland. Announcement of ifr-Dec. 18. PAULINE, wife of John 'L to ... nelatlves and friends, alio . . Has tlrelo. No SO, I of fl. A, n.; airfield Ixidge, No 10. S, of B., Invlled to tuner-1. Mon , 2 , p. m . 2411 Clifford ,t. (tn St, ann UDiuinuisv -v-.i ini. MOTtll wood Cem. llemilns may be viewed Sun , 7 LYONv Deo. 19. ELLA A., daughter of lata John and Abigail W, Lyons (nee Walsh) Relatives and friends. League of Sacred Heart of Tranaflguratlon Parish Invited to funeral. Tues.. 8 30 n. m. 8780 Christian at. riolenln requiem mass Church of the TraAiflguratlnn H a. m. Int. Old Cathedral Cem. Aul- fun-ral. ,.,.,,,. -lAiiuii i. vv .' y"v -i., naugnter f Margaret and lata James A. Mshoney, axed 11. nelatlves and friends Invlled fa funeral, .Mon, 7:80 a. m.. rnother'a real, dsneo 1447, N .iwrence si. Hlgh'roqulsm Siiaa St. M Chae 'j Church 9 a. m. Int. Holy Bapulch iDUlcnre Ljeni yvi" -25rif.-iSKlXINKj Suddenly Dec "18 at Atlan ichy.tit J.. 3Mia, wiow of Michael alone. Relatlvea. and friends, Court Ex- tin m'iier Prldo Circle. No, 6, L, K of A.I "quality Council. No 89, S. and D. of A.: wivoaeoe Council ited Ladles. Invited tq funeral, T" . ." Jft " daiightar'a real-ien-a -407 N, Howard st. Solsmn requiem miu Church of Visitation 10 a. m. Int, Nt) Cathedral Cem. Auto luntral. V !s t- nNnrcnTAnETtw "?Stl k & , ?rt!YLER5 ti-Athb MAIJS, Deo. 18. MARY A MALZ. wlfa of. Otto Mala (nee Hagetzans). seed 0,1 Relatives and frlcrds. Independent Waverlv i.aaies oi ine ilea uross, isrina vvasninaiu" Diif. Vereln. No, II all other societies of which she in member, Invited to funeral aorvlcis Sun , 1 30 p m . 2108 N. Lawrence ft Int. Hillside Cem. Auto funeral. Hazlolon papers copy. MANNING Suddenly, Deo. 10, OEOnaB F,, husband of Clara Olfford Manning, aged 43 nelatlves and friends Invited to funeral services, Man. 2 p. in . chapel of Andrew .T. lUle L finn. An1i onrl 10th kls. Int. private. MAnONKY. At 38 N. Dewey et.. Den 19. MAROAKKT T. MAnONHY (nee Costellol wife of Michael E. Maroney. Announcement of funerl later, ..MAimiOTT Dec. 18 DEN A (nee Ilenter) vrlfe of Jo.mh Marriott Friends may call Sun. after 8 p. m. 2307 V. York. et.. int. private, ar fonvrn ence oi nmuy. McCARH Dec. 17. JOHN J., husband of Jennie McCnbs (nee Miles) and son of Mary ;nd late William MoCabo. nelatlves and friends Invited to funeral, Mon , 8.80 a in , 132 s. Cameo st. nequlem high mass St. .tohn'a Church 10 a m, Int. Old Cathedral Cem, McCULT,ouairiDec. 18, nntDaKT Mo CULLOUQH. of County -Tyrone Ireland Itelalltea and friends, n V. jr Hodallty and Lcarua of Sacred Heart. Invited to funeral Mon , 8 80 a. m , nrnther'e resi dence. Michael MeCullougli. 8588 Ch'w at . llermaiilown. Solemn requiem masa Church of Immaculate Conception 10 a. m. Int. Holy Sepulchre Cem. AfWJOWnLL Dec 18, I. MOZKLI.A Mc DOWKLL (nee Dolby), wife of Z. J Mc Dowell aged 47. nelatlves and friends In Jlted to funeral, oervlces.s Bat , 8 P,ni, 1431 ,8. Paxon si Int Sun. Ocean View, i. j MrFAnr.Avn n. IT lilintl l,tt-hsnd ti ittargarft .vicfarianq nee i.yncni. iteia- -- .-'--'" . .-' ..... .-...-, ,.---."- ii' anu inenos invited to lunerai, won . 8 30 a m , 1720 nialr st Solemn requiem mass. St. Michael's Church 10 a in. Int. Holy Sepulchre Cem Aut funeral. . McQLYNN Dec 17, DENNIS J. bus hand of lata Jano McfJIvnn (nee Olllesple). Itelatlves and friends Invited to fun-ral. Mon. 8Jf a m, from residence of daugh ter. Mrs Nicholas Sturm 010 N 2.'d st. Solemn requiem mass Ht Francis's Church 10 a. m Int. Holy Cross Cem Mckinley Dec is. joiin r. MciciN- t.lJY husband of Marv V, McCullen (nee roxl nelatlves and friends, llitli Diet. P6llr-e Invited to funeral. Tues . 8 10 a, m 2310 Waverlv st. (23d nnd Pine sts ) Sol emn hlih mass of requiem St. Patrick's Church 10 a m lnt Holy Cross Cem Auto funeral McLEtSH Drc 18 IRAN P. McLKISlt. widow of Robert McLelsh. Relatives anil rrlends also members of Kensington Con grepal'onnl Church Indiana nvc. nnd O sf , Intlted to funeral tcrvlccs Sun 2 10 p in . 3024 N nn-ehlll st Hervlr nt church 1 n m lnt Oakland Ccm Friends may call Sat pp McNUTT, Hudilenlv. Dec. 10. at 2600 Cedir st . OEORQE W . son of late Collins and Mnrgaret MtNutt Due notlco of funeral will be given v MEOAItOAI, Dec 18 ADAMtRlM J. husband of Marv Mecrirgal (nee Keely) Rrlntlves and friends. Cohockslnk neneflclal flocletv of I'enna liulted to funeral serv ices Mon , 2 p in 2440 Cnnl st lnt Clreonnood (K of P ) Ccm Remains mai bo viewed Sun., after 7 n m .Mi'RltirK flct a btt Illness; on Dec, 18 1915 RunTIIAVAUaHA-N. dabgliHr of late Thomas n and ClirKbciti M Merifrk Fdneral services jit the house of her sts ler. Mrs. Charles U Mornn. Church ,lsne Cermantown. Suit,, Dec. 2L 11 p. m. Int. private MIDDLETON. Dec 18. CLAnENCE R . husband of Florence and enn'of Thomas and Jeanette Mlddlelon, aped 34, nelatlves and friends. Athelslan Lodge, No. 482, F. and A, M., and the Tall Cedars: Corinthian 1 ndse r of A, Invited. to funeral servlos Mon,., 10,30 a. m, 2010 N, Camac st. Int. prlVRto. MORROW. Dec 10. ALEXANDER hus band of Isabelle Morrow, aaed 67. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral services, Tues , 2 p m . North Oak ave Clifton Heights, Pa Int. private. Arlington Cera Frlendi may call, Mon eve No flowers MULLEN Dec. 11. JAMHS husband of Isabella and son of late Francis and Mary .Mullen Relatives nnd friends, emolnyes ot Commercial Dent, of Dell Telephone Co . In vited to funeral. Mon. 8 10 n, m. 2333 S nosewood at. Solemn renulem mass bt Monica's Churcli 10 a. m, lnt New Cathe dral Cem OATMAN. Dec 18, .AMOS C. husband of Mary D Oatman (neo Frailer), aged 71, Relatives and friends Invited to funeral, Sun. 1 n. m v Smlthvllle, N. J Int prl va, Cedar Hill Cem , Florence. N. J Train leaves Camden Sun., o 30 a m nf Samson Preston. Relatives and friends. Peaceful Dovo Lodge No 82 O D of St. a.. Invited to funeral scrvlceo, Mnn.. 2 p m IlUSDtinu a idiurui;,;. vu ivmmur ni Wissahlckon Friends may view remains Sun., after 1 P. m, frit, private. Westmin ster Cem, mnn tpc 19. SEBASTIAN, husband of Victoria Rleg (nee Osterlag), aged 70. Rel atives and friends Invited to funeral, Mon , 7 10 a m . parlors or sener iiessinger, 11)09 H Husquehmna, ive. nequlem mass St. Bonlfarlus' Churcli 1 a m lnt Holv Redeemer Cem Remains may bo viewed Bun eve. Auto service. SAUSCLEIN. Suddenly, Dec. 18 at Pen souken N J . HEVRY SAUHCI.UIN, agetl 7(1, He'atlVes and friends Invited to funeral Hun., 1 n m . IHK K Park ave, Pcnsauken,' rJV'J. IP" Coletown',Cem;- J?rlinds-ma)' call Rat. '7 f-0 P m - SCHAEFFnn At 2010 B York st Dec. 19 cuA.nn.Nci. w s-chakkflii m d nn of John C and Margaret F Schaeffer Relatives and friends." Lodge No. B F. and A.. M: Corinthian Chapter No 210, R A, M.: Phils-. Consistory: Lulu Temple. A. A. o N M. fl.. William Tenn Lodge No 39, xe nf P.1 Dulch Co.: members Phtla Bureau r iTanlfi, Phlin... Countv Medical Society: all other societies of which hq vvaj a rnem- her. invue.o to ;",' Kev-.S.S," -V-'.Vi'.'. Oil llllver n j.t'. ii . "-- -.-... -North Cedar illll Cem Friends may -Ino Vt.n v- ) yer rl !11l ''" . lo. ijurrmui n., ,,,.' view ' -ii-Tims.nec 18. niCHAnD BniNS LEY, son of Clara B and late Owen Sherl- dan. Jr., ana R-ranu-.-n oi rttirii i ,.,,,ici. nelitlv-s and frlands Invited to funeral serv- Z' as alariAB i.9 lineal as iilnn lees ftion , p. " iHwia. -. mm,. -;" T. Miller, 808 14lh ave , Moore, Pa. Int. PrLv..';... . iimelen .... hand of Marv Rvan Shlvera. ased 87. .pels tlves and friends, emnloves of David H. Simon Readlna- Terminal Market Invited to funeral aorvlces Sun.. 3d. m 110 0J It .West Philadelphia. Int Harlelgh Ccm Friends mav call Sat .eve SLBMMEfl Dec 16 WILLIAM II. hus band of Lllllo Wood Slcmmer , Relatives slid friends Invited to funeral services. Won , 3 p m . 1223 Summerville sve., Logan, Int. private, NoTthwnod Cem nemalns may ba viewed Sun . 7to 0 p m. .-.,, SMITH Suddenly Dec 17 JOHN 15 , aon of lata Mlohael and Bridget, Smith (nee Mclfaln), Relatives and frlenda Invited to funeral lues, 8 30 a m, from residence of brother. Michael J. Smith. 2668 H York st Solemn requiem mass St.- Ann's Church 10 a. m lnt- Holy Cross Cem. SPENCER Dec. 18, at residence ofisen. HZ Spencer. 2-6 B Union ave . Havre de widow of JoKn N.Spencor, aged 70 Funeral services from above address, Mon., 2'30 p m. iSt. sAngsf Hill. Havre do Grace Md.- OTETSON. At Homeopathic Hospital, -.. rih-.iar Pa. Dec 18. REBECCA. Lwlfa of' Daniel A, Stetson.' -d 73 Rela tives ana irienua u w t ..,B ru uy". Oreen Tree.,,.Leae house 1.80. - Services Malvern na.tlst Church p. m. Int. at cem R-jJo.n.nif .-,- SUMMERS Dec 10. CHESTER R hus. band of Ida C.- Hummers. . aged- 86. Rela tives and friends Old Guard of the Id Beit.. rN. Q. P.. Invited to -funeral services, Tues., wood AK, of P.) Cem. Frlenda may call t.. ft in 1ft n. m. 8YNNAM0N Dec 17 JOHN T husband J of Jettlo Jennings synnaroo.jrormeriyj or itrilla. Pa. BoUtUeg and friends. Holy Nsnva , Society, of. Church of Jho -Corpus Chrlstl. Invited to funeral. Mon.. 8 30 a. m 8229 N. NewMrk st. Solemn requiem ms'ss Church of the Corpus Chrlstl 10 a. m. wl-. a.l-ll ff "AIT1 lnTOOMESPiiec. 107 JAMK3 husband' of Martha loomes, agea is, iteiauves. ana friends Invited to funeral services Tues . a p. m, 0520 New Queen at. J"Us of Schuylkill. Int. private. Mt Peace Cem Frlenda may view remalna Mon , after 7 "'TnOST. Deo, 17 CHRISTIAN, husband nf late Chr'stlna .'frost (nta Seeger), . aged 87. llelattves and. frlenda, Mao Merchanta Lodge No 283. I. O., O F.; Schiller, Iae - iTnt.F-tutiuntr Vereln and Hohenstafen UnterstutTUnn Vereln. No. 2 Invited to funeral. Sun, . p. m.. from ;hd Jasper - ii. flr-enmn.tnt Cem. Auto servlrn TUHTIN (nee Bastlan), Dee 19, OATH. AR1N15. widow of nichard TUstln. Rsla tlvsa and frlenda inylted to, funeral, Tuea , Services at Trln tJ'-L.ln.'ran ChurchL llh and Wclf Vt." ..(( Unu!-! nta -h:w i ."".T.iriirr." -.,,.,-: WARNf Deo. 18. ALICE C. DUNI VTTMM.'. widow 'of William Warper, Jr.. aged 717 ... .,-. anil frll -ill tiivt. ui,, ata i: friends Invited to funeral services Mon,, II a. m. aon'nr residence, 1211 otratioru uv-.y -ihvbb -nin. ini, private. LOST AND J?OUNP rOLJCY-rI)l, perpetual policy No, 2.8S4 of the Insurance Co. of North Amtrca. Issued February ,10., 1009, to Natalie V. Douredoure and liveleen .Deuredoura for ISOOO upon dwellliig altuat. No. luT,.n mora ave., Philadelphia, Pa. Application haa been made to tho company for. the Issue of a new policy. The finder will Please) return the above-described policy to Dour! dnura Bros , 103 Wa nut sf, ' Mono REWARD NO QUESTIONS ASKED Vor the return ot ewolry lost last weak In a Philadelphia hoteli If jewelry has been pawned., will payreward for tlcketa) all communications. In gtrlolest confldanc,. Ad dress J. S. Hireh.. Insurance Broker, hi Broadway, New York. Telephone 180 Hector. FISBSONALS lFnrtmi-,,?IBN''1,',,,rabouUe' MUD. """"jcfoN LAVRiB AUSTIN I-AWTHB Apply J-mea Robert Lawrla, Vendl Ilotal. filtl UIBttKTY. KNITTING I MILLS gives r notice lhat wa. JOSEPH BAItlS and ntjnif? BKTOFF. known as Liberty Knitting Mills will not do responsible for anvt dobU attar neeempsr v i-i- TO WHOM IT lAY CONCERN Any person Tfavln any elaloia against Wll lam puffy present rame at one to Samuel Kelrnn. present rams at once to Btmus Kofrnn, !jT3 N. pvr at -l.l1' "1 ' OLD, HEM? WANTED FEMAI.E TiF.LTi TELEPIIONH OPF.nATINfl P15RMANENT POSITIONS OFFERED TO rmttvn wntlir.M iir-.TWir.ieM in AMn 110 ABB. ill rF.n tvbbr ran fijist a weekr. H8JI0 rr,n wpm: in o months, wn a PAP1D ADVANCEMENT THEnEAITER. nitcmT iiouns INEXPEllRlVn HOT lunchf-i COMFORTABLE BEST nOoiia KtrKNESS DISABILITY P.ENKFIT1 CAnEFULLY CHOSICN ABSOCIAIKB CAf,L PERSONALLY .ANY WEEKDAY. BETWEEN II A, M AND 8 P. M , TO JiPlV MI03 RTAN. 1831 AHCH Si1.. Finer f"LOCR THE DE.-A TELEPHONE CO. OF TA. IIOOKKEEPLn Thoroughly experienced as stnlant In Isk- rh-etrn nf vn .),-.. .. able eectloni must b aulck and uri,pBt and capable of distributing: charges: state qualifications .and salary. P 409, Ledger BOIIROUOHS calculating machine operator! nn excellent opportunity offered: competent girl, state age, experience and phono nunv her p 416 ledger Office. CASHIERS AND INSPECTORS EXPERIENCE NOT NECESSARY INSTRUCTION CHVEN APrLY BUREAU OF 13MPLOYMENT WANAMAKETl'S BILLINO CLLJUvS rAJll'LlAR WITH .MOON-IIOPK'INI MACHINE, UOOD OPENINO. CHANCE roil ADVANChMENT, 15 1". HOUdHTON t CO 240 W SOMERSET ST OH rilONF. KENSINGTON 7100 CLERK T11F. ACfOUNTIMl DKPART . MENT OF Tlln PUHLIC T.EDOFR CO DESinES Tit SERVICES OF A TOUNC1 WOMAN WITH AT l.l'.UT -slnin. t ...n,k 'imrrit nn . - fc.ii..' Jt .L-'i"'"' "1 I11IU11 awiwi, iliirtllu (Jit TH KCJU1V. LaLBNT; Willi On WI1IIOUT Elni" Pence ask Fpn mii, pnicr: public mint in LEDGER CO OTH AND CHESINUT SIS. COMITOMETEll OPERATOR ,.,i i..i. thornurhly experienced, good opportunity for bright, energetic girl to advanco with a froiving concern located uptown p 408. rf-dger Office COOK and downstairs work, capable colored woman: reference required, vacs $12 Phono Oermantown 3181 ULRI, Automobile hnincini corporation de sires young girl, with stenographic abllltv for general work must ho quick nnd alert: high school or business school training pre feired: excellent chance for advancement. Apply after 11 a m. Hare Chase 309 Walnut OIRL wanted for general offtc work Apply c,u),ii,iL,iiirm - .Mile-, thih i na-tnm -t. uuti, or woman to attend counter, wages lodging nnd hoard 247 S 18th si HOSIERY Knitters wanted Tioga Hosiery Mills Dell and Luzerne sts (rear 3935 N. Broad st ) ' LAUNDIIY FOLDERS, EXPEIUCNCED IN FLAT WORK DEPAnTMENP FANCY IRONERS AND STARCHERS APPLY MAniCET ST LAUNDRY 1-08 FILBERT ST NURSE Young colored girl for 2 children -xnerlenced Call Ogonl- 1 1 8'l OPERATORS EXPERIENCED, . ON HOUSE DRESSES ' APPLY BlinKAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S SALESGIRL for silk depa'tment: good tunlty for the right party. THRESHER BROS.. 1322 Chestnut, st. S V.LESWOMEN PART OR FULL TIME OPPORTUNITIES IN SEVERAL DEPARTMENTS APPLY BUREAU OP EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S MOON-HOrKDIS OPERATORS FOR BILLING. GOOD OPENINO: CHANCE TOR ADVANCEMENT. E F. HOUGHTON CO. 240 W. SOMERSET BT. On PHONE KENSINGTON 7101 tSTENOGRAPnER wanted, who understands oooKKeeping, to n secretary to manager or ateel companv; salary and percentage bonus: no great amount of experience required, but must be very capable and ambltloua: apply by letter. C 010. Ledger Office. STENOGRAPHER: must be quick intslllgent - and capable of doing first-class work state experience and salary expected. C 781, Ledger Office TYPIST thoroughly experienced, rapid and accurate for billing department at up town mfg . good openlmr for bright blrl P 407. Ledger Office TYPISTS FOR BILLING; EXPERIENCE .WITH MOON-HOPKINS BILLING MACHINE DESIRABLE, BUT NOT NECBS3ARY. B V HOUGHTON A CO. 249 W. SOMERSET ST. OR PHONE KENSNGTQN 7100, TYPISTS experienced, to addreaa envelopes and fill In letter at our office: I j 80 per thousand- hours, 8 80 to 8, Apply the '"."rles Palst Co,. 927 Arch st . aecc-nYft ,", WAITRESSES, WHITE, FOR TBAhoOM APPLY BUREAU OF FMPLOYMENT WANAMAKEIt'S WOMEN FOR WRAPPINO EXPBRIENCD NOT NECESSARY APP1-Y BUR-AU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S WOMEN wanted for rag sorting: eiperlenea nnnsceaaaryt good hoursand,Par. i. Mil. Inn H-gy- wasts works. 83U Bwanson at yXiiN b,X.MlNBRB. axperlencedi 48-hour week! tlmo and half for overtime. Superior Thread and Yarn Co,. Howard and Norrls -Is. ,, YOUNO WOMAN of good addreaa, capable of Interviewing proepeeta and conducting work that raqulfea tact and paraonalltyi good 7ii.rv In el-l t-irtv. P 806. Ledger Office, Oeneral PIIILADB IA railway mall examinations wrjt- rnm4ltly. Vrwl sly. Frank! In Institute. Titat. Tl ri B"nef"f' " T' , 4vAKti ItnsMdl-taty. woman, 18 tw, rl '---... v v ' HELP WANTED MALE A LARCIE CORPORATION OP NEW JERSEY 13 LARGELY INCnBAS- inci irs roncE: at present IS INTERESTED IN SECURING FinST - CLASS SIIEUT - METAL MEN AND DIE DEStClNERS WRITB II. I.UM9 ST F. DAVIS. 10 WII, PUMMIT. N J ACCOUNTANTS Several seniors thoroughly experienced In public accountancy, are re quired bv a well-known firm Address, giving experience age ana salary desired, M 117 1 edtfer Office ADVERTISING SOLICITOrt on sneclsl-efll-tlon work engineering nnper splendid op-pol-funlly Room 411 132S Chestnut st BOOKKEEPER Thorouehlj experienced as sistant, to take charge nf vouchers pay sblo section: must bo quick and tspablo of distributing chargf-t state qualifications and salary D 410, T-cdger Office BOOKKEEPER, exp man , wholesale grain business: must be quick and accurate best ref reniilred. wages 14 M 116 t,ed Off BOY over 18 j ears to assist In blue print ing Williams, Brown ft Earle. Inc. 1)18 Che-lnut st BlITTEIlMAKEIl wanted at Itlrhland. O E Broullhsrk l.lnfleld Pa CADINDTMAKEr.3 r.XPEIHENCED APPLY WANAMAKER'S FUnNllURB WAREHOUSE N B COn. 22D AND WASHINGTON AVE. CARPENTER for concrete form work: state experience, salary desired and when you can report. The Krebs Pigment and Cheml cill Co . Newport. Del CHAUFFEUR wanted in Melrose Pvrk. Pa,, to drive private: willing and cipable of taking good care of rir, no Sunday work, give rcferenco and salary oxpected P 411, Irfdrer Offlc- CLERK YOUNG MAN. BF.TWEEN 10 AND tuit ui.uiiiuii, I'tiriioK IN tiir ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT OF THE PUBLIC LEDGER CO . NO L'XPEniENCF. NECESSARY. AN OPPORTUNITY won A nmaiiT and industrious young man ASK. run All! finish; i-uiii.il- LLDGliU CO 6TH AND CIIESTNUP ST1 DRAFTSMAN, mocimntcsl, first class, pref. erably one experienced on special ma chinery Apply S M Langston Co., flth and Jefferson Camden DrtAFISMKN WD W AN P T t n S T-C LARS SHIP DnAFTSMEN WHO HAVE HAD EX TEniENCn ON HULL ENGINE AND KI PTINO WORK. IND ARE WILL ING TO PAY THE HIGHEST RATES IsOll MEN WHO MEET OUR RE QUIItLMENTS. APn,Y ROOM 108 INDU.TniAL REI-ATIONS BLDG , HOG ISLAND DRAFTSMEN Two first-class hull drafts. men for general and detail work. Inquire Draso & Dovle Co . 1832 Commercial Trust I Building ELEUTllICAIi DRAFTSMEN, experienced In power station tavnut, for Immediate cm- plovment. Stone & Webster. 916 Chestnut st. FINISHER Practical foreman to take chareo of finishing department of a first. class furniture manufacturing company. I- -iin, i-fngcr uiiicfl. FOREMAN on re-enforced concretebuldlng vm iBirutiii.ii, ovm. cAveiiPiiL-p, paiarv ne sired nnd when you can report The Krebs Pigment and Chemical Co . Newport Del FnUIGHT TRUCKERS and shoct writers wanted Apply J, P. Solon American Railway Express Co 24th and Sansom -Is IF YOU ARE TIRKD OF MOVING AP.OUND FROM ONE JOB TO ANOTHER LOSINO TIME AND MONEY GOODYEAR OeFEIlS YOU STEADY WOnK THE YEAR AnOUND. EXCELLENT WOnKI.SO CONDITIONS. EDUCATIONAL ADVANTAGES A CHANCE TO EARN RATES IN ACl ORD ANCB WITH YOUR ABILITY GENERAL REPAIRMEN BORINO MILL ALL-AIIOUND MACHINISTS CARPENTERS ELECTnlClANS PIPEFITTKnS PATTEnNMAKEnS SHEET METAL WORKERS BENCHMEN, BRECIOns ACETYLENE AND ELECTRIC WELDBnS Needed Apply In persrn, or write at once to FACTORY OFFICE EMPLOYMENT 1HB GOODYEAR TIRE RUDBBR CO. AKRON, OHIO LABORERS wanted, 800; long Job: steady work! 7 days a weak; time and half for Saturday afternoon and Sunday. Apply nn job Irwin Lelghton. Rooeevelt Boulevard and Aaylum pike Take Frankford car, transfer on No. 78 to Oakland Cemetery. GASOLINE ALLEY What a . PIUL I.U 'SaJAFfNe TH- HOlT flye COT A T STATG OF AFFAte s! LAR. Cuf IN I LITTte -W0 fjoc's Tre BIRD , tH 0Ul I to SPARE IF HE CAN'T WRITE '' A-Jnet AttrVl COOPNlCHT.' M 18 fY:J- -B A tiK y!v y fclft 1? i FTPfJv1 !3E!s-: I -r-F.KV-.x- fStTxi , iHlv k-MlLr3o' yMKF iilw5 a?tf i ' i ml Si--r-M'3(ltffi?Ms u v&lg - W77SiS6Zttfm. a lSie 'JMhr -4llillliliH 0&k lpMi9PSi M - !4jiRS M SI .S- y,lrfT5N,x . S&W A-mz x atv - -i in HELP WANTED MALE ENGINEERS AND DF-SIONERS Hxperlenced designers far steam power riant, designers for elec trical power plant and substation layout, designers of ventilating sirs terns: engineers experienced on con veyor heating and ventilating sys tems steam power plant, unlimited field for advancement, a permanent connection with a growing; organi sation. FACTORY OFFICE EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT THE GOODYEAR TtRE AND RUBBER COMPANY AKRON, OHIO, HOG ISLAND SHIPYARD WANTS CARPENTERS PAINTEI19 COPPEIISM1.HS SHIPFITTER HELPERS CBMUNTBRB LABORERS Plenty of work and good workinc conditions PASSER HOYS Vutt be over 16 veara and furnish proof of age Apply Mr. Sh-ttuek's Office Slate Employment Office 1821 Arch st. on Employment Office Hoc Island LAmilERB 100 WANTED FOR TRACK AND L-tl.-VCItfcil U VVIIIIK AT LAKE HURST. N J . WHITE On COLORED NisrERSAnr -rn livk on job, firht- CLARS SI.FEPINO QHAnTCRSi COMMIS SAIIY M'PI.Y MONDAY MORNING UK FORE 7 10 TO CATCH TRAIN: SHIPMENT !.- ON M'EhDAY VORNINO IRWIN A I.MUHTU1 l.TH AWII I'llKIUlT HTH LINOTYPE OPERATORS night work Dun- isp I'riniing fo juniper snd Cheyryf MACHINISTS AND BOILEIUIAKEns WVNTED BY THE CHESAPEAKE AND OHIO nAII-nOAD APPLY TO J R GOULD, SUPEllINTENDENT MOTIVE POWER. niCHMO.ND VA i H M BROWN, SHOP SUPERINTENDENT Htl.NTINOTON W VA OR W P HOUSON, MASTER MECHANIC -COVINOTON. KENTUCKY MECHANIC experienced wanted on levers machines. Address M 120 Ledger Offlco MAN WANED. EXPERIENCED QUALITY VAN IN LABOB OUT-OF-TOWN VEST FACTC-nY: OM.Y EXPERIENCED MEN NFED APPLY M 114 LEDGEn OFFICE MEN (ELDERLY) TO DELIVEn PACKAGES! OUTSIDE WORK APPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S NEW YORK SHIPBUILDING CORPORA- North Yard CAMDEN, N. J. BOILF.R FLANGERS Experienced band and machine BOLTERS Good husky men who want to get a start in shipyard trades. LABORERS Standard shipyard rats, PAssena Bo) a over 18 jeara 4-PPlr at the North. Yard Employment Office or at the State Employment Bureau. 4 1831 Arch It., l-niiaoeipnia. NEW YORK SHIPBUILDING CORPORA- North -Tard . Camden N. J PACKERS AND WRAPPERS HOUSEHOLD GOODS. CHXNA. ETC. APPL.T BUREAU Or EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S PATTERNMAKER'S APPRENTICE: good opportunity to learn trade thoroughly. H. tj Underwood Corporation 1Q2B Hamilton PHOTOGRAVURE WORKERS wanted Ap ply Superintendent, 60S Chestnut at, Philadelphia, Dusty Cliristmas! By KING HELP WANTED MALE I f P a- f I TT F IT 1 PIPEFITTERS WANTED AT ONCE: MUST HAYhJiahine experience on fa miliar. WITH IIKJ HYDIIAULIC WORK! OOOD WORKING CONDITIONS: PLENTY T..jyUK Hn OVERTIME) TRANS PflKTATION PAIDl BOARD AND IIOOM ARnANOED FOR APPLY AT ONCE, S 15 2.u SECOND FUXlIt 181H AND RACE STS , PHILADELPHIA. ask. ron mii couuter LABORERS SUN PIllPntTILDlNO CO. CHESTER, PA. SALESMAN for cloak ana suit line, to travel part of Pennsylvania and New York state: also one for Ohio, Indiana and Michigan on commission basis must have a wood following and con furnish A-l refer rnrea P 838, Ledger Office SALESMAN wanted by large manufacturer of proprietary mixed feeds: high-class f-ed salesmen for Pennsylvania Maryland Now Jersey and Delaware men well acquainted In territory Address Box 1397 St. Louis, Missouri , SALESMAN who can sll misses' and ladles' eulls: one who has a good followlngln the South, none but A-t man will bo considered P 314 ledger Office SALESMAN to cill rn homes selling elec- trio washing machines on commission Call 28 B 1 6lh st See Mr Wilkinson , SALESMEN for Camden city; producers onlK salary and commission Applv Mr, Abruins, Eastern Telephone Co., 3d and Federal sts , Camden N J STENOGRAPHER, male, flret class- one who rnn Inlr- r-nM fllrtatlnn Annly l.m- plnymcnt Department. North Yard, New York Mlilnhnltillni; Cnrooratlon. Camden. New Jersey , B-rL'VOORAPIinR Must 1 quick. Intel I- gent and capable of doing first-class work Rtale experience and salary expected C 782 I-edger Office TOOf.MAKERP WANTED OV 110 AND nxTUftB vtiiiii: iij.ui,u,i'.. t yi- 1NQ CONDITIONS AUTOCAR CO . ARDMORB PA s-tr,v. .hi t. B,mrnlWTrvnp;VT Wanted bv a yarn mill manufacturing woolen and merino yarns for the knitting trade, a man having a thorough knowledge of this busi ness nnd capable of assuming responsibility requiring executive ability, must be familiar with raw materials and able to analyze snm pies estimate losta and establish modern methods of efficiency, to the right man n good salary and every opportunity to ad vance and to grow with the business Answer stating experience and reference, to M 928 Ledger Office YOUNG MAN l.i purchasing department, state ase exp-rlence end salary required Anr.lv Wtrher Works 2d nnd Glenwnod YOUNG MAN handy with tools to adjust electric washing machine. Call 28 S 18th st See Mr Wilkinson . General NOTICE TO EMPLOYERS MILLER BROWN Employment Service, 119 s nm st. Jiavo on ne applicants inr the follow Intr position" ACCOUNTANTS, nnoKKr.rpnni clerks, connESPON- DENTS EI.ECi'RICfANS maintenance work EN'GINEEnS, FOREMAN construction labor electrlo work MEN OF HVFCUTIVn ABM - ITT ESTIMATOllS. liXl'ORTEllS. IN VESTIGATORS accident Insurance Pm VATE SECRETAnY. SALESMEN SUPHK- liv i ii.-Niii-; 1 DUliaing cnnsTructinn Hnfln ment office building. STENOOnAPHEn. time study man. THAFFIC MANAOEn. CMPfOTVinNT MANAGER. WELFARE WORKERS. Spruce 0181. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE CHAUrFEUR English mechanic 12 jears1 exn nn hlfrh-irrndw mm: rnrfnl driver; wllllnc, obliging, ref Chauffeur, 1303 Parrlsh EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES COLORED MEN women, dav. week port time. iiunaur. ii s. nun luck -uid FOR SALE OVERCOATS Nifty Suits Children's Clothing AT OLD-TIME PRICES SHORTY'S N- E con -nU-M 1 O BTH AND UAINBRIDGB Look for elan In front of building SHORTY'S CLOTHING HOCSB TUXEDO In glass Jars, 08c. SPURS, 15c a packige VELVET, It 01 full pound TUXEDO SI 01 full pound PRINCE ALBERT 11.01 full pound LOUD SAI.ISBUnY. 100's. H8c, In tins. HAnMONY a 12 package for $1. CHEHTEIIFIELDS. 1.1a a package LUCKY STRIKE lBo a package SCVnf.ETTS, 1310 ArCh OVERCOATS $3.00 UP Nifty Suits. Fur Coats, 83 up Diamond Rings, $5 up Mackinaw s. $3 up Bevolvers all prices LEVY'S PAWN SHOP N E cor 12th and Ilalnbrldge Open ev'gs until 8 o'clock before Christmas PURE, sweet and hard country cider made from absolutely sound apples, dally de liveries by our trucks anywhere in Phlla : we can furnish you with one barrel or five hundred, phone or write vour order Wood nelds Farm Wjenmbe Bucks county. Pa, Phone Wv combe 80 n 11 OFFICE FURNITURE Large line desks, safes, riles, cabinets and general oT-ce furniture, store fixtures, We buv, sell and exchange PATTEN FURNITURE CO LOCUST 4070 1127 ARCH ST RACE 2604 Baby Carriage for sale cheap Call 6131 De Lancey Street HORSE polo pony. fast, handy, stylish and absolutely tearltss; excellent hack pony ror gentleman or may; price ?-u jvppjy a. M Collins Bryn Mawr. Pa HOU8LHOLD GOODS Bric-a-brac Simplex Mllo bells 4-plece mission set, baby car riage, carpets, French cabinet. Apply 2037 N. Cleveland sve OLD VIOLIN first-class tone, price J180, call Sundav any time D V Baroha, Chaple and Princeton ave , Merchantvllle, N.J, STOCKINGS for Christmas Ladles' silk hose $1 a doz. pair ; send 80o for sample pair. Stein 803 S 2d st . Brooklyn N Y. FOIIN'OATION STONE FOn SALE About lono perch ot North Phlla It C Ambler 3717 Old York rd Phone Tioga 8108 RBFltlUBRATORR and fixtures for grocers ana meat msreisiierrs .u uesireq. RANDALL CO . 831 N 2d at. SBLLING OUT Bargains new kodaks and cameras- also photo hue. for Bale Call Sundav or any time 2780 Kensington ave BUFFALO ROUE for sale, fine large lined robe. In -ood condition price 12.10 w V Leedom 820 Bath Bt nrlstnl Pa IIILI.IAHD pool, comb'n, 2d hand, bought, soltl. rent eic iveaier, o-i. v cjirarq ave CHRISTMAS house good design, also oak library table 8811 N nth st SAFES, fireproof, clos'g out no slightly used some with thin walls 72 N Fourth st THOROUGHBRED Shetland pony cart. sad. die and harness 1200 Phone Merlon 413 ESTEY mahogany upright llttlo used 1210 cash 4048 Gtn nve Wvomlna 2008 W FIXTURES sldo wall, floor cases counter cash register 3418 Oermantown ave 128 ivnan solid walnut ward. nwrni, i.v,,.', ..!.-'.-- ..... .,,,,i PEIISIAN KITTENS for sale 214 W Oar- neia ave., jNorwooa, i-a ST0RAOE AND MOVINO XJUlMVlXllAL. AND TRANSFER CO. Columbia and Sydenham st local Bnd long distance moving -y quurisuua, cxpsriencia men: clean, dust-proof rooms for furniture) let us estimate. Phone Diamond 4472 BROWN STORAGE CO. Moving, packing, ahlnplng Get our pries for long.ai-tsnrn wnnt iioss st-o. 1'arX 1812 D 3884 N. Bth st VICTORY STORAGE 1218 Market, Largest and best. Phone Pelmen'. 1870 for an estimate, aooda pneked lor shipment, Pierce-Arrow vsns for moving riDBLITT FinEPROOF WAREHOUSES 1817-10 MARKET ST. WATSON'S BTORAGB Let ua astlmata on your city moving: en vironment, or long distance from 1 to S truck or wagon loada tlltl N 17th St. WANTED FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS: lilghaat prices paid for . part or entire houeahol-t get our esumatea Harry If ringer. Bo N. 2d at ueu pnono. Market 02 Eveeilnga and Sunday call Tonlar 1288, -.!.- K.ll N VI. ANT1' TIQ'UB furniture, allvcr rtln;.. firearm." I Wil WAN) at once, rousenoia furniture: store flxturest office furniture; pay apot cash; honaat valua; phone us about It. locust 1214 oio i nurcn, corr i.tn ana tjierry ats, I.NTIQUB furniture, .old t&Tnx. old Jewelry; gold, silver, falsa, feeth. dlamoiida "An, lintf.aV 8-8 Cneatnut. Phone Wa nut.TOid USED AUTOMOBILEB Automobile Painting Wr. WILL FINISH TOUR CAR BETTER THAN WHEN NEW , Equal to thn finish of the new high priced cars, on which each coat of finish viae baked Y bake earn cost as applied By so dolne It dries quickly without the use of dryers PAlNTF.ItS will tell you how. In jurious dryers are In paint, causing It to crack and peel Bring sour car Sea our work Let us estimate or send for par Oculars We save jou tmo and money MARTIN-ALEXANDER CO. AUTOMOBILE HEKIVISHKRS .,,,, 126 128 180 ItEtJD ST. " , , Dickinson 2 JO I Ms In 170 CHEVROLET We have only 1 roadster and 2 tourings left, which must be sold before Imentorv taking December 81; prices S800 1423 1678 terms to suit! these cars are priced awav below cost, they havo been thoroughly rebuilt repainted and look almost new sold with n, written guarantee means something ou toko no chances these are Positively the. biggest bargains wo have ever otTcred Chovrolet Motor Co. 331 N Broad s I reel . I HOLD 2 shares of stock which Is now pay ing me 110 a month dlvld-nd l will ex chango pem for an automobile what have sou to offer? M J Kllgsrrls .1001 Rhawn et Uolmeshunr Phone llolnieshurg 111 1 . FOR rULE 19.0 Plcrce-Arrow vestibule suburban rir driven less than 3000 miles. Is In perfect condition beautiful Interior Onlsh M 108 Ledger Office PAIGE 0 cylinder 1017 delivery, excellent panel body suitable for florist, haberdasher or package delivery. The White Co., 20th and Erie ave FORDS Three late model tnilrtne- cars In first class condition, reasonable. 4310 Brown at. cnoCL Wonderful huv for smsll phono graph or muslo store. The Whito Co , 50th and Erie ave MACK TRUCK 2 ton with van body. 1 ear old bargain Apply I.onibard Garage, 0.11 Lombnrd at , Tnui'KS White t to 8 ton: snv style body. HeaB The Whlto Co , 20th and Krloave noWE, 8',4-ton chassis, neas. Co 20th and Erie ave Tho White COMMLW E 1 ton express body reason able The Willie Co 20th and Erie avo AUTOCAR, steel dump body new tires The White Co . 20th and Erie sip tlUICK. 1017 roadster A-l shape good tires The Whits Co 201h and Erie nve FORD brand new body, for s.ile. complete 784 S Broad st pnr.IlLV.SS, r, ton express bodv The White co -tun ana rjrio ave MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLE- NEW 2d hand hlcjcle tires, all makes ANDREW T HIRCIIETT. 802 S 22d st BUSINESS PERSONALS DIAMONDS BOUGHT Positively highest cash prices for sour dia monds any size from 'i to 10 caiats, none pay higher, also old gold platinum and sliver bought Estates bought (prlt ate) Est lojro The Diamond Shop 1"lN-,, "' ' 10th ah Marks t DIAMONDS BOUGHT ANY SIZE PRICE NO OBJECT Pawn Tickets for Diamonds Bought KELLY L CO 012 PHESINUT ST. Bait 21 22 Over Cbllds' Tt-stnurnnt Prlvat- YOUn old typewriter ribbons re-lpkcd, new way, as good as nw 35c each or 8 for 81 Pleano mall ribbons and state color desired Jos ni-flnlsher 2117 Edgemont st. NOTHING BbTTLIl than a pair of krptnk iiiiuiim ui I'u.u ii'iio-tb iur iiristmns op tical work while jou wait or phono Dickin son 021 We call for woik unit deliver promptly It W Burns & Son HIPS Federal DIAMONDS BOUGHT HARRY W SMITH 717 SANSOM ST DUMP 21th nnd Snrlnc Garden sts Nlchol Pavlne and Construction Co , Cherry st Mc 19.3 NOTAHY PUBLIC PUDI.IC STENOanAPHER Continental Hotel EI.KCTIUC treatment tr mtnlcurlng nnom 10', Heed Bldg. 1211 Tllhert st Lor 8082 CELESTE LA TELLIIi facial scilp treat , 10 n m to 0 p m . closed Bun 301 s nth ASHES REMOVED from cellars all kinds hauling done 818 Buttonwood Mkt 4421 ELErrillc TREATMFNT, also manicuring Office 4142 Market st second floor BRASS and enamel heds reflnlshed like new; estlni-tes free Keenan .1101 Ludlow BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES MOTION-PICTURE HOUSE Splendid Opportunity and Invest ment; Best Paying Proposition in West Phila. I HAVE TOR SALE THIS HOUSE WHICH VT PRESENT SHOWS A Clear Net Profit of $450 to $500 a Week Will do more Will lake SS0 000 cash to swing Bear most tnorough investigation Owner has splendid reasons for Relllmr For Interview write 47. Ledger Ilronch. .117 W Glrard ave - BRICKYARD. iq .,. fine, clean deen clav soil 2 kilns 110 000 and 150,000 re-pcctlvely: drylmi i racks for u tiuu urn ks unvit mnaing ma chine. 40,000 capacity dally 20 horbepower motor low rat-s for current carts trucks, wheelbirrows fully equipped everjthlnir In llrst-class condition. In Penna oun T.cio population, close to train trollej, .10 miles Phlla , onlv I4S30 on easy terms a wonder ful tnoncl maker for some wide awnke man Box 100. Perkasle or Boll phone 71 3 Ter- kasie BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Tor a man who has had Insurance real ' estate or brokeruse experience we nave an exceptional opportunity no Investment re quired, we want a high grado man of In tegrity VI ho is competent to Bell und manage a sales organization we can fully Instruct you if you possess the above qualifications In a week or ten dav a so ou can produce 14000 to JBOOO per annum kindly clo brief outline of previous experience Address C. 7JH imager tjnice TOUNQ MAN with business experience, wishes to become associated In busln-so with a reliable concern es a. partner by Investing part capital, wllllnc to purchase a business prefen.My aloni, the stationery line: need not necessarily bo in Philadelphia. Rtate full particulars In replylns to II 8J8. Leoger -mice REPRESENTATIVE business man desire, agencies for Australia best banking- and commercial connections in nntipodes auto mohlle accessories novelties, household goods, toys, merchandise Alexander Oaden ... !!...., V 1. Hon l.an I. j r-iie kjfi SUlie ,0. 111-aiD, I, tub ...... , .(.,--,ai.. Philadelphia company with l equipped manufacturing- .plant machlners offers opportunity to soung man taklns an actlvs interest, who can develop selling ability, for sales manager. Investment J3000. P 828. Ledger ,.nn-" RESTAURANT doing Silo weeku con bo ' .nrnved Morgan H Dickson 2104 N 8d. RESTAURANT doing IJ10 weeklv rent JKi sacrifice Monan & D'rkson 24(11 ' 31 PI ANOS.PLAYERS. TUNING. ETC. LARGE bHIPMENT of railroad unclaimed frelgnt i Biaili iu-iiiur- inciuaing le tors and other popular makes absolutel brand nowl every machine guaranteed to be sold for charges: ran ba seen and demon otrated at Keyatono Purchasing and Rales Co 128 N .Id et agents for railroad un claimed freight Open Wednesday Friday. Saturday evenings until 0pm nUCOUDS Victor Manv lied Seal records havo recently been reduced price Now is the time to purchase that record by Caruso Tetraxzlnl and other high-class artists Call or wrlto for completo record ratftloKUf Henna's Unlnwn Stores Cor dill & Thomnsnn VICTnO!.A outfit .1100 This Is n beautiful Vlctrola IX "A" and cabinet finished in mahogany having automatic brake Improved tone arm and motor ( all or write for catalogue describing Vlclrolas from SJ3 to S100 Cash or terms llenne'sxlntown Stores Cor 0th fr Thomn.nn VICTROLA IV J55 vylth large cabinet Thla Instrument surpasses most mnchlnes selling for 100 Terms as low as l por week Call or write for complete descrlp- it -e Vielrntas llenne's Uptown Stores ror Olh Thompson VMctMini.- VI 170 with lariro ruhtti.i latest tniyiw.cu ,,.,, .,.L,,., ,,niB uuuuiw- sprlng motor, guaranteed to ptav perfectly Small payments accepted Call or write for i atalogue Heppa'a Uptown Stores Cnr 8lh A: Thompvin . . .. ..li..., .,,...., i .. rnONOaRAPH. .75., Edison diamond point pnonOgraP" ...v.--,- ,tw, uo jjeay. tlful inahosany tase, Cost new 1123: re- llenne's Uptown Stores Cor 8th ft Thompson vnvrnn.A VI. S85. finished In b-niitlfm mahogany. This Is an escellent Instrument at a low price. ,Cah or rental-paiment plan. Call or writs for complote details lleppe'a Uptown Stores, cor flth Thompson MAHOGANY cabinet talking machine, with "-".. unrlh 1110: (hean for cititelr ..I. rail Fildoy evening, Saturday or Sunday ...nrnlng H.U Pine at Apartment A ii.c-.fi.t.n,-rt tilavfr 8H note snnil , ., ' 1440, with 12 rolls, vome oulck. bargain,' I' A North fc Co, 1813 v. Allegheny aw VICTOll viciroi. el-., ana in records, slightly used, 75 coniplelo F A NUJtTH f!Q . lain rtiir.iiriiy ,te, UPRIGHT PIANO. $8.1: good uon.j bal. waek- ly pmnla .41- i ransinrn ave: open avea PRINTING BUT VOUR CHRI8tUB CARDS BARLT Vaka your selections from 290 dealcna, frlce 60e to llpor dosen. pruited. jhS &UIO WOT.--tCJ t,.". l-klW, M-lOHINE-f-r AND TOOL DYNAMOS AND MOTORS We carry Iho largest and beat stock ef electrlo dynamoa and motors In Philadel phia. To have a. thoroughly equipped aTeo trla repair shop and wafetiouaa wlUi electrlo crane eto , so that all our apparatus le rightly overhauled. It will pay you to In spect our stock nnd secure our prloeg. GEORGE SACHSENMAIER CO. OFFICP1 028 H 8d at,. Philadelphia WAREHOUSE Sr SHOP. 926 to P32 N .Id at. LARGEST STOCK IN PHILA. Machine tools, lathee, turrets, ahapar. presses milling machines, etn. steam pumps, heaters and lr compressors: alt sizes, tor every duty: all machinery rebuilt and guar anteed bend for complete Hat of Block. HERMAN L. WINTERER 043 83 N FRONT ST , nilLA,. TA. Contractors' & Shop Equipment fl Tenn steel concrete barrowa and 3 drag scrapers new, American dryer oil extrac tor engraving and reducing machine) Eapen 7,uchs hot steel saw, 180 pairs forge and 1 larksnilth tongsj assorted alzeal all in llrst-'lass eo.idltloii. 3118 Chestnut ot, Mi. Baring 1684 , LEATHER BELTINt? Government used; discontinued after com pitting war contracts: cheap TOS C PAULUS . CO , 2107-11 Potter at. (Kensington ave nnd Cumberland) Phils ilelphlft Pa Phone Kens. 2861 East 41 pnwrn.i'f.AKT r.oninp,MT. Dvnsmos motors, bolters, steam and ell enslnes pumps air compressors. FRANK TOIIMBY, INC . 127 N 8d st KLLlTIttC MOTCRH MACHINE TOOil POWER EQUIPMENT -"--' O'nrtlEN MATHINF-nY CO.IJ19 H gp HTr MACHINE shop open for contracts; dupllea- m, - in giiiiiiuuB, , o.i IOWt UniCI MODERN machine shop open for small er large orders Moo & Co . 210 N. Front STAMPS AND COINS STAMPS PACKETS. DIME SETS A""g8.it-.d staTco0,1" 3yg ,7?g".,t:targ OLD GOLD CASH TAID for old gold ellver and antique clocks. Rogers 45 H. 17th. Locust 1219, ROOMS FOR RENT SPRUCB ST , 2022 Two nicely furnished rooms: with bath: open firoplacel aoutne-n exposure, gentlemen only. SPRUCB 81' 101 J Holmehurst: 3 large rms and bath single or communicating, beoil furn south exp eleo It , phones. WALNUT HT. 1112 Very attractive rooms with private baths: new and really beau- tlfut. hotel appointments and aervlce 11 ni S, 310 near Spruce (the PerrlnV Large warm front room, private suite! newly furnished, nonhkpg Walnut 7368. 11 Til ST. S, 3J2, the Carlton Apartments Slnglo nnd double rooms, attractively furnished Walnut 7140 10TH, N (Rtln I CI 189-141. Modern up to-dtta furnished rooms: eleotrlo throughout, hot-water heat: dally and weekly ratrs convenient to stations: good accomme- datlons for traveling people. iuTH N , 1401 Two rooms, furn house keeping 17 50 up- single rooms. 12 80 up. 23D N , 1009 2 unfurnished rooms, aecond floor, 112 per month: prlvata family. Phono Diamond 6177 W ATTRACTIVE furn npts . some houieU-p Sh-TWind Apt Atf-encv. 226 S Brosd st- CATHARINB ST. 0418 Nicely furn. rm.: prl family: all convs.: electrlo tight. ROOMS WANTED WANTED 2 or 3 unfurn. rms . bath and kltrhenfclte sub . price etc. C 720.Led.Off BOARDING PINE ST 4110 Sunny room: good table, steam heat, hot water; reference, Thone Baring 11T . 3STH ST S 108 Hand furn. room excel lent table, prlv faml.y. Ph. Prs 8897 J APAR-MENTS 1800-lt SPRUCE ST. I Ivlng room bedroom bath, combination dining room and kitchen' 8110 per month CALL ALBERT B MILLS 401 WEST END TRUST BUILDING APAKTMB.N T HEADQUARTF.nS Central apartments a epeclalty. Sherwood Apt Agency. 221 S Broad st. Some very attractive furn apta . snme housekeeping 3017 PINE HI Third floor 4 rooms bath. elec etc very reasonable rent. Call st premises or phone Mr Flnkel f.omhard 428 lul" SPntlCE (Holmehurst Two large rooms and bath, beautifully furnished; -outhern exposure- electrlo light; phones ATLANTIC CITY BOARDWALK Seven rooms bath and porch overlooking ocean- handsomely fur ntsht-d, extremely desirable location; season cr 5 carls learo rental reasonable. Call or telephone fill) Boardwalk. ATLANTIC CITY N1 J Miller Campbell lottage desirable cozy rooms, near Boardwalk reasonable s FURNISHED APARTMENTB SINGLTl ROOMS eemlprlvato baths; also small housekeeping suites, several differ ent locations In the extremelv desirable Spruce, pt section Apply 1711 Spruce st SPRUCE hi , 1010 Beautirully furnished rooms some prhate baths, one house keeping suite transient rates If desired. 10 TH ST S 127 (Ths Geneva) Attractive!) furnished J room-and bath suite excellent service PINE ST 1500 Furn apt., !t rooms and bath wtth board Phone Locust 4470 1401 N IbTlI noom. private bath. (6, fur nished largo rni kitchenette, first floor. APARTMENTS WANTED rumlshed S21 nEWAnD to person securlne desirable furnished house or .apartment In good lo cation, occupancy by Jan, 1. C 009. Ledger Office HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS .iillillllllillllllllllMIIlM 1 TINEST IN PHILA. 1817 PINE STREET g WITH ALL THE LATEST S CONVENIENCES One large living room with a beautl- i fully designed open Oreplacs to burn li logs furnished by the owner. jf One bedroom with large closet apace. H Ono bathroom with built-in tub, 1 shower and beautiful accessories, m One large kitchenette complete ta the m last detail E Rental 1116 per month. S APPLY I A. B. MILLS j WEST END TRUST BLDG. jjlTOMIIlliipiIIIMIlM Two Desirable Apartments t KNTRAL I OCATION THE LATHAM r con 17TK L WALNITI STS. One contalnlna ll'Inc room dlnliue room kit hen pantry 2 bedronmi i. btj'hs and maid a room and bath. Tli other contalninar 3 rooms, bath and kitchen. Applv to SupTlntendfnt on premises It liST PHILIHKI.PHIA S714 LOCUST I'urn housekesnlng apart- ments nrst poor s rooms ann pain, inn: third floor B roomj and bath 1125 Premises or Taylor A Son 20 3. 40, or telephone Hiring siu APARTMENT HOTBI-. "HOTEL COLONIAL at'BV elect apartment family hotel; In the center of the city, operating on tha American plant our table will pleas the most eiactlrur. C PITMAN BAKER. Jr. Msnagsr. THE DELMAR-M0RRIS American plan CHELTEN0AVB AADwMORR,a T TJIF. LITTLB HOTEL 225 8. Broad at A good placo to live while In Philadelphia. REAL ESTATE FOR SAM CITY "1NVI5HTMBNT propertlea for eala lu the northwest set tlon, attractive proposition Wm 1' frsyen'M Suns 2010. Columbia in 18"iT"N, GRATZ Two etorv. J.rooma. as- eae.l 82100! rent 120, price J2100. ll3Qn V Q." innJUIB Columbia Poplar 2828 BARGAIN -limned ppaaeaslon. Inspect 8350 N. rhlllpreleitrlclty tone, porch: terms rp..iiJANteiELD. 1828 Chestnut" Phones niAKli OFFER iO'I "t 'Taylor st i 6 rooms and h"th FARIIBlU 710 B jothat i7."uALTBR ST, 2 aty dwelling HO ADAMM, 1418 Walnut at "M H USD Klclit rooms convs t possession "it getllenWlt FAUHEI.L. TQ H fjt" -".T. " V ". I ia ! "" ' ". -wHc.RTyv,vaWTWUrt'iii' &" m n ti j n j-'s-......, -.s-m ITjlTO. A W ?l 111 A 1 'J fll 1 1 1 I ff v.. '4 I ! II ! k X H1 .-4 I A wL Vh' iwmm cwfUr-t, int. w m ytiim c. r 'I lY i .sir . . i" t -j"- tr I-