ft' Vj 3 1 3d fiVENiyfl PUBLIC IEpGEB-PHILADELPHIA', FRIDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1919 NEWS OF FINANCIAL WORLD NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA STOCK QUOTATIONS Send for This Useful Primer For Investors To help Inexperienced in vestors wo have prepared a littlo booklet "What You Should Know About Invest ment" It is easy to read, easy to understand. It contains answers to many important questions about securities. It will be sent to you free on re quest for P.E.-269. The National Gty Company CotTfipondenl Offictt in octr 50 Cit'tti PoiUtMpnia 1421 Cbettnst St. Atlantic City CMfonte Black 1225 Boardwalk l'i The Great Wealth of American Corporations is indicated by the number of issues of securities that have been called for pay ment recently long before they were due. It would seem that the securities still out standing of these cor porations are worthy of careful considera tion, especially as the income returns con tinue to be so liberal. Write for our recommendations Hemphill, Noyes & Co. Members New York Stock Exchange Franklin Bk. Bldg., Philadelphia Nfew York Boston Scranton LIBERTY OND $50, $100, $1000 Bought Sold Recommended for Investment Newburger, Henderson & Loeb UAVKKUS 1410 CHESTNUT STREET Blcsobexs J. X. Si 1'hUtt. BtucM Ex. chance STOCK PRICES MOVE UP AS SHORTS BEAT RETREAT Oils, Motors and Other Highly Speculative Shares Led the Forward Movement New York, Doc 1!). "While rctnin iiiR its highly professional character to day's stock innrket developed n tone of decided stieiiKth. Tcehuluil conditions unquestionably accounted for tills fresh upward turn, ns there wis ccry evl deuce of fioe covering of sliottH all around the loom. News and deelop ments altogether favnied the constinc tie side, which furnished a powerful fulcrum for the pippin and pool man agers' let or in raising the market level. A smart rally in sterling exchange after a fresh opening break with the (1 per cent call inouej into Mipplled tin principal bullish ammunition Supple mentary factors were supplied in the defeat of the sugar control bill In the House jesferdnj ; the mulct standing that the President would sign the IMge bill todaj and Increasing confidence of early action ou the peace treat As the market has practically boon lunning in a circle during the cuticnt week and for some little time back, it is altogether reasonable to suppose by reason of the rather ftee selling cster diiy it reached what ma be termed nn automatic oer-sold louditiou. I'iom the Mart theie was a strong iiiilinntioii exhihitcd b the bear contingent to cover. Th"se oierations disclnscil a very limited supply of stotKs. which natur'il! incroiseel the desue to cut down the short commitments, and as this desire became more uigent that much faster weie prices maiked up, and that much bioaiW hoe nine the for ward or recovery movement The opening was of the usual mixed character Substantial advance in oil, shipping and food shares imparted n degiee of stuntth to the carlv deal ings, although this was offset bv the healnrss nf railroad and metal shares and the public utilities, lty reason of the rounding up of the shorts the nil group assumed n more commanding po sition dining the morning, especially Mexican Petroleum, Texas Oil and Cal ifornia 1'eti oleum. The spirited upbiddlng of these lilghlv spcculathe issues stimulated an net he demand for kindred slinrcs, also the equipments and the more popular steel isues. The coppers, which at the opening weie disposed to sag, nlso made appreciable impiovenient later in the inclining. The railroad shares like wise hnrdciicd, although advices from Washington indicate that the 1'iesi dent's message dealing with the trans portation piohlems would not be issued todnj. In truth, it was intimated, the 1'iesident would defer sending the mes sage to Congress until after the closing of the mnikct tomorrow. Trading became acij active nt mate rially higher in it cs during the call afternoon Oils continued to lead nt evticmc gains of : to almost 15 points, (ienernl Motors lose Ifi'A. Crucible Steed. Ill, and many other speculative Issues, b delivei licuu, weie 1 to 15 points over csteiclaj's linnl pi ices, later dealings but the llse in (all monev to IS pci cent caused etensii profit taking and moderate reactions toward the end. BETTER FEELING Philadelphia Markets TIRO MARKET Increasing Confidence Displayed by Buyers When Supply Was Found Limited TRADING WAS PROFESSIONAL HSF TOT THE TURN OF THE TIDE THE TIME TO BUY BONDS IS WHEN THE PRICE IS LOW AND THE YIELB IS HIGH. THAT TIME IS NOW. STUDY THE EVIDENCE. SEND FOH VOUR COPY OF "THE TURN OF THB JtTIDE." BAKER. AYLING & YOURS LAND TITLt BUILDIHO BOSTON PHILADELPHIA PENNSYLVANIA MUNICIPALS Fre Pennsylvania Taw &. Government Taxes Bought Sold Quoted MARTIN & CO. 1411 WALNUT ST t? ! 4 JtMC t4 The Wfli I Street JoytMJ nsyctts Dividend An?Ia-fimerican Oil Comnanv. Ltd Notice is hereby clveti that the director! t'eii larger pains CTC mailu by or me auove-namea company have resolved to par on and after the 15tli day nf Jumiarr. 1020, an Interim dividend nf three Hlillllne jer ftbure from the net earnings of the cur rent year, free of British Income tax The aame will he paid on and after the uboe named date by the National Provincial and Union Dank of England Itd , at ltu head office In Blehopa Gate, In the City of Lon don, or at any of Kb branche or bv the Guaranty Trust Co of New York, of 140 Broadway, New York city U f A , at the equivalent In U, H currency of $3 7.1 1-3 pr pound sterUn.tr (equal to 60 cents per share) io all holders of ehare warrants to bearer isued by the Company In exchange for rou Bon. No. 18 attached to audi warrants. A. II. HEWETT, Secretary. 86 Queen Anne's Oate, "Westminster. London, 3, W. Daied. December 15 1010 DUQUESNE LIGHT CO. uivimcxD ?o. so Pittsburgh. Pa , November 23. 1018. A. Quarterly dividend of (INK AM) TIIKBB-FOUKTIIH I'KK CKNT lX'i.') on the 7 Cumulative Preferred Cap ital ttexk. has this day been declared, pay able Cebniarr 1st. 1920, to stockholders of record January 1st. 1UJ0, Checks will be mallel O, 3. BRAUN, Jr . Treasurer. New York, Pec. 10. 'Flip Now York I-vpnin? Sim's c'loins financinl ioiow today sas : ' Stocks advanced sufficii'iitlj today to encourage tlie vuopeinents of li iioi prices and to rnuc further belated short coveiins In thoM who lime been re luctint to admit that the hear side has been overdone. IlnwPMr, there was nothing to indicate fiat tlie market was about to move out of the trading aien in which it has been suiiiKiiiir for the last fortnight, although sentiment in the Street was much more cheerful totlaj than it has been latterly. Starting out hesitatingly, the market developed Vrogressive strength until well into the afternoon, biijers pro ceeding with increasing confidence when it was seen that the supply of stocks for sale was limited While the vol ume of business transacted was some what above the lecent average, trad ing was still largely professional. It was not until industrial shares had been pushed up 1 to S points, and in Rome cases more, that the bujing move ment showed signs of xlnckening. The better feeling toward the market was brought about in a negative waj that is, tlie bad features in the finance skies have become stale as market in fluences and no new cusi eould be found in the daj's news for selling stocks. The uncertainty of Washington poll -ticH continues a dnmper on the market, however. Advocates of the bull position hold the view that, in accordance with its usual custom, stock prices hnve al ready discounted tlie unfavorable pos sibilities of the situation, nnd that from now on the innrket should improvein anticipation of some sort of a solution of the railroad and peace tieaty tangle, which hns grown so neute there is noth ing left for Washington to do but rush through some sort of constructive legis lation. When this comes to pass, it is argued, seeuritv prices will already have made a good recover from their depressed levels. Word from Washington this after noon suggested that the Cummins rail road bill would pass in tlie Senate to night before Congress recessed for the Christmas holidavs. It did not appear probable, however, that any peace treat action would be taken. Never theless, indications that Congress was ready to put through its own peace settlement without waitiing on Presi dent Wilson, contributed to the more I hopeful feeliug in the street. Among tlie issues wuicn sioou one jii the da's dealings weie the steel stocks, for which there was an excellent de mand t'nited States Steel got up nround I0."i in the carl afternoon, and some nf the other steel shares A sidelight ou the steel situation is afforded by the nnntiuncement that various manufacture will not make the customary holiday shutdown clue to the fact that the arc s ofar behind in deliveries Although there has been no important railroad bujing. steel manufacturers see no chance of keep ing up with orders for some time to come. GRAIN AND FLOUR AMIl.AT IlerolptH 47 710 liushcls The market v,ns quiet nnd undinnKid (Juotn tlnnt. c'.ir lotw in i xcifirt rlviicor Kinern mnnt Btnndard lnpecclrjn ptnndard prlrra Nn 1 rwl winter $2 .11), No 1 northern "Iirlns 2 .Ti o 1 hard wlnl.r. JH 3:i, No 1 r'd winter frnrlpk S',17. No 1 red mmi SJ Id Nn 1 red enrllckv nnd smutlv JJ3I United HtMe drain Cnr liuiatinnR purchases of wheat are b.ced on the 'nltowlnir Hi hetlllln of dlHenunt"' No 11 Wheat 1c L.nd-. Xn 1 . No 3 uheit. I Cm under No 1 No. 4 lie it 10c under o I Ny r, wheat lie under No 1 Tor all wheat otherwise ennfnrmlnir to the cricl nratloiiB nr No 5 or bittei but denrlvit In test welffht the discount frnm the No Ti trice will ho ,'Jc per butihel for each rne pound deficient In test welk'ht Wheat Krndinir below No 5 fnr reTsons other than deflclenc In tc.it weights wilt lo boupcht on Its merits Hmutt wheat will be discounted nccnrdlnp to the decree of smut, but in no ense less thin 2c tier bushel under the corresponding regular trade COIIN lie, rims 5SI bushels Thn mir ket ruled firm under llsht IfferlnK' but trade was cjulet We cjuote old No 2 el Inw In tar lots for local trndc nt $1 73ffP 1 7.1 on spot, and new No 3 lellow ot f 1 HI ft 1 C! OATS, llecelpts 18, Hen bushels Demand was licrht lut pilcrs were well maintained Wo quote Car lots ns to location No 'J white 94rtmc No J white, V30UJM c No 4 white flJ02Wc J'r,OIH ltecel'its 1.84." 40" lbs In sscks lluslness was quiet nnd there was no chnnR-e In prh cs The follow Inir are the quotntlont. Per inn lbs picked In 140-lh Jute sacks Soft winter stralKht western Sin in BO do do nenrby S10$$10 2i, hard winter strnlcht tlL" r,n1.1, do do shnrt patent, Jl.lil.1 50. sprlnir llrst. clear. $H75in2'i, dn PRtent J13 r0(M4, do short patent, $14 21f?lr, do spring nnd city mlllb, pat ent fancv brnndu llCtft IB .15 I1Y15 Kl.OUn. was In lts-ht request but steady. Wo quote nt JS rj'1.23 per bbl In sacks, as to qualitr PROVISIONS Trade was quiet and largely of a JobblnK chiracter but prices were steadily held The follow inff were the quotations Jleef. In sets, smoked nnd alr-drled B5c; beef knuckles and tenders, smoked and alr-drted. Bflc, pork family. B4c hams 3. P. cured, loose. 272nc, do. skinned loose 2420c: do do smoked. 202Sc: hams, bnlled. boneless, 42c, picnic shoulders S P. cured loose, 2",c: do smnked 20c, bellies In pickle, loosD 2,c, breakfast bacon. 33c: lard. 27c. REFINED SUGARS StlOnlies mra .mail nnil tha mnrla. n,. unclanKed on a basis ot 0 cents for fine Granulated DAIRY PRODUCTS niTTTKR There va a fair demand for nno table trn.des but medium and low Bradis were dull Prices were unchnnsed CMota tions wer are follows lVcsh sold-njcked creameo fanes hlsh-scorlnn uoods 7414 ''H-c. cttr-js 73V4c, extra flrsls. nci71c, (lists Clclc seconds, 38(11c: cold stor ake creamery as to qujlltj 57WCl'lc sweet cream, ry. choice to fancy. 7BV4 rdl7"4c, fair to Bond n4'j (Tf72Mi c prints Jobblns at 81 Me for fancy and at 0bOc for fnlr to choice HGOS Strictly fine stock was kept well cleaned up and prices ruled firm The quom " were as follows Tree cases, near, by firsts xl p, r crate, nearby current re ceipts, 123 10 western extra firsts JJI. flrsts, I." r.oaCTc ii 4n. nearbv and western seconds (2ft lotcJl no cold storage eucs, as to qualln 18 8(na10 50. Inferior lots lowert fancy selected fresh ecrus Jobblnir at 0 V2r per dozen .i.FI!i:E,SI-rThero was little tradln-t and " in was uncnanited We quote New lork whole-milk flats Held, funcv. held fair to Kood. 3'3''',c. fresh il3c. Reserve Banks' Discount Rates Official discount rates at tho twelve Federal Heservc banks were as fol lows : (The first column gives rates for nil periods up to and including n fifteen day mnturit, he second for a period of sixteen to ninet clays The third and fourth columns give the rates for discounts of collateral loans secured by government bonds or notes.) Com'! paper Gov't paper 1U to (10 111 to 00 . IS days davs id days ua 4 "I 4 NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE TRANSACTIONS rjwri.ES trust comiwny or i-iiila. DKLI'IIIA December 17 1010 At regular meeting of the Hoard of Directors, held this day, a eemlannual divi dend of 2 per cent wan declared, payable January 2. 1930, to stockholders of record December 20; 1010 Chicks will be mailed v WILLIAM B. VriOOMAN. Becretarv. Boston . New York Philadelphia Klchmond . . . t'leveland Atlanta . . Chicago Kt Louis . . ?!lnneapplls Kansas City I)iill.is ban Francisco 4Vi 4W B B 4'4 !? 11 A 4i 05 B B B iV 4 ity-i-i i l. lays 414 4'i vt e f Aflree on French Army Training I'aris, jwec, J". uy a. r.i Technicul ofliccrs who have been con ulilering inodllicationH of the mililary tav to be submitted to the goernment JiBVe agreed upon a bill fixing thcMura hpn of military service at two years, according to the Kclalr. ' Maflor Car Extra Dividend New York. Dec. 10. The Magor Cr Cof has declared nn extra dividend bf I lu addition to the regulur ciuar- terlr dlvidencl ot $1 ou the common and teimlr .tuurlrlv dividend of 1 per j-rafc on the preferred Btoclc. nil payable ojwbiri5l to stodrof m-ord Decern - MONEY-LENDING RATES NEW "VOIIK Money on call, both mixed collateral and nil industrial col lateral, opened today nt 0 per cent for lending nnd renewing. Time money today was unchanged from jesterdnj'B quotations, nil mixed collateral Inaus being quoted at 0V3 per cent and all industrials 7V4 per cent. Only a moderate nmount of money was brought out at these quotations. Acceptance bills ranged at from 17s to r'j per cent, PHILADELPHIA Call, 0 percent; time, 0 per cent; commercial paper, three to six months, IVJi per cent, and six months, 594 A P'r cent. LONDON- Money Is yjuoted at 2 macie best .1..1J4i , do fair to noocl. .11 .11 Vic VVIsconsln, wholcmllk flats Held. "vCJ J-4 Wc, held, fair to good, 31W HP POULTRY nnft1YEV,pp,i's w.ere falrl' hoeral. but only a small proportion of the offerlnss was . T iviy.nn?y,?lock ttn 'his description was steadily held Ordlnac arrivals were rat welehlns .1 lbs. and over apiece. 32U Jic. funis medium size, erood quality IKj ?,',' p.00,r -2"-le. brolline chickens, fancy bo, ""'.''""'J. welthlnu AUZ pounds npiece. '..'"y -JPr'ni.- chickens, averuEe soft-meat- -V.'S; Ao Inferior, SiiTL'ilc. old roost- T-'P--e ducks, white. 1'ekln, 3JTi)34c. S, .,.5,lll,n Kunner. 2S(J30c. do. Muscovy, CJIe treese 24C32C1C; turkeys, 4.)(i4Sc. exceptional lots higher pigeons old per pa r .J.'ttMir do ounB. per p,Ur, 283(lc, guineas yountr ner nalr welffToti,- w..,n,iu ft.n,s0ileX.Aplec'' n'ump J2 1.1S :.'.. weleh ne Wfta pounds apiece. 1 7Sv2 welsh ln; ISM'i pounds apiece Jotpl Bi), E",'!,,?H.suo !'','' p"r palr l 2,11 30- ijul.hsl.1j was in small supply and firm, Willi a good demand Taney turkejB In particular were wanted We quote' Tur ,.iH . necrbj fancy 53-iSo, exceptional lets burlier, do do fair to mood. 50 M i' , do western, spring fancy. r.L'B.lti. ilo do fnlr to good 4SS0c do old toma 47c. fowls fresh killed dry picked, in boxes weighing Hi pounds and over apiece ,Hr,c; X?? ! .nK 4 P",V"da', ;l5r weighing Ai pounds, ,,,, ,J. maller sizes. L'SKiJBc. fowls fresti klllcd In barrels dr picked weighing 4'4 pounds and over apiece 3.1c. weighing 4 pounds. ,ll weighing 3'4 pounds, SSI.lOt vn?,lfr ,.5,,e". -,lsI-7c. old rooslers, dry picked 2oa. broilers Jersey, drj-packed 43 W4sc. do. ordinary nearby, dry-pneked 3.1 ?,r.roller,, we'ern dry-oacked, weighing l'i H poundl aplete . 3Sc40c. roattlng chlikens western dr-packed. In barrels weigh ns I pounds and over apiece 33tft34c, welshing i'i pounds apiece, 30W.sac weigh ing J'i tfjs pounds apiece 27'Jilc, western corn fed chickens. 12 to box. 17 pounds and under to dozen per pound 4(WlT,c. is to .'4 pounds to dozen, per pound. 43!i)44c 'jn to JO pounds to dozen per pound .SliscSOc, ill to 3il pounds to dozen per pound. 314i34c , 37 to 4.1 iwunds to dozen, per pound. ?,'2Gi ; ' 'I to 47 pounds to doen ner pound -!J34c 48 pounds and over to dozen, SCfiV .Itic ducks, western fancy. 3HJJ4U, geese, Ai" n""-. auii.i;, uo uo, lair to good, 25027c FRESH FRUITS The stormy, cold weather checked busi ness. We quote Apples, per barrels, as to quality, J4sr.0, do. per box, tJcQ.i 7."i v-rannernes, per barrel, I7CU10, do, average good, per crate J2B2 BO, do, extra fancy Urge, per crate. s 7A63 mi lemons, per uox, i loupj oranges, craitiornia. per bcx, II 405, do Florida, per box, J2 15CSB io Tangerines, Florida, per half box. J24 SB Orapefruit, I'lorlda. per box. $1.753 VEGETABLES The market was oulet and largelv nnm. Inal because of cold weather. We quote' White potatoes Pennsylvania, per cwt , 3 3BCt3 00 do N'ew York, per cwt, J3 30cfJ 3 BO do Maryland Ilooslers, per cwt . 12 75 3 10 Swett potatoes Houthern No. 1, per barrel 14 '-Beit 4 7B do, No 2, per barrel, J2 70(33. do. per hamper, (1 1001.80. Jer sey per basket $1 lBitl 40. Cabbage, New York, Danish per ton, IBQfiXlS. Onions, per 100-pound sacks Yellow No. 1. B3 BO, do No 2 and "plcklers, ' 2.7B Bales .100 800 100 2300 1100 1)00 300 400 200 2300 2400 1200 noo soo 2200 1.100 200 100 losoo (100 soon 300 4000 4300 300 200 1100 100 800 9000 .1100 9200 100 0 2400 400 800 200 4000 300 800 200 100 .1800 2800 1200 400 1700 4S30 52000 100 C100 2o00 100 200 SD0 700 100 18100 S00 15C0 400 1200 100 200 400 290 700 1100 (100 800 2400 1400 100 1900 700 1210 200 100 100 too 0700 SOOO (,000 100 200 2000 1100 1000 4330 1G0O 700 800 200 200 7550 6000 1000 1500 1239 030 4100 7090 4100 .130 400 200 1000 2130 400 100 1400 1030 1100 1230 2900 2330 1130 330 7100 400 1030 400 7530 500 200 1100 300 1100 3400 1100 1G00 200 500 200 5200 5130 (.130 2G10 1200 000 100 700 200 500 U400 Dlr In I High .. Adams express 3H . . Ailvanco llumely .... 43 8 Advanco Kumcly pt .. 71!4 .. Alaskn Gold Mines... 1?J . Alaska Juneau G M... 2J . Allls-Chnlmcrs Mfe .. 47 8 Am Agrlo Chem 04 8 Am Beet Sugar 00 8 Am Iiosch Magneto .,12,1 ,, Am Can 55z 7 Am Can pf flO'S 12 Am Car & Fdy ....130 4 Am Cotton OU 46,4 .80 Am Druggist Syn .... 1214 .. Am Hide & Leather .. U 7 Am Illdo & Lcath pf.117 . . Am Ico 48 C American Ico pf 08 0 Am Intemat Corp ...110H 3 Am I.lnseed B8H 0 Am Locomotive 90 7 Am Locomotive pf ..10354 .. Am Ship & Commerco. 20 4 Am Smelt ft Kef t9's 7 Am Smelt & Itef pf... 00V4 Am Smelt Sea A . . .80 ,1 Am Steel Foundries .. 451J 7 Am Steel Fclrlea pf .. 91J4 7 Am Sugar Itef 138J4 10 Am Sumatra Tobao .. OS'A (Am Tel & Tel 9K . Am Tob Seo temp ctfs. . 07 y4 0 Am Tobacco pf new . . Ofa 7 Am Woolen 19 . Am Writing Paper pf. 60 . Am ZIno Lead & Urn.. 17 Am Zinc L & S pf . . . . Hi 4 AnaconcU Copper ... 58V4 .. Assets Realization ... 7 . . Asso Dry Gooeli lt 7 Ahso Dry GcIh 2d pt. . 141,4 li Associated OU 118 Atch Top & Santa Fe. 83 5 Atch Top & S V pf... 18 .. Atlanta Ulrm & Alt... 9!4 7'Atlantlo Coast Linn .. 91 10 All Gulf & W I S S...175 . Auto Sain C tern ctfs. 20 H 1.50 Baldwin Loco 1H?A 7 Baldwin Loco pf ....101C4 .. Haltlmoro & Ohio ... 31 4 Baltimore! & Ohio p . 44 8 Barrett B.itopllns Mining . . . Bethlehem Motori . . . Bethlelitm Motor rts.. 7 Bethlehem Steel 5 Bethlehem Steel B . . . . Booth Fisheries . . . . Bklvn Banld Transit Bklyn It T ctfs of dep. 10 U C Brooklvn Union Gas. 4394 Buff Koch c Pitts 60 10 Burns Bros 119 .60 Butto Copper & Zinc. 9H .. Butto & Sup Copper.. 207 .. Butterlck Co . Caddo Central O Si R 4 California Packing . . California Petroleum 10 Canadian Paoldo 134 6 Central Leather 95 7 Central Leather pf ..108 4 Cerro do Pasco Cop . . 50 8 Chandler Motors ....1W4 4 Chesapeake & Ohio .. 63VS r'hl & Kast Illinois 414 .. Chi & K I pf L'Tctfs. 4!4 .. Chicago Gt Western,, 794 1 Chi Gt Western pt ... Wz .. iil Mil & St Paul ... f8' . Chi Jill & St Paul pf. 1312 7 Chi & Northwestern . 87 H 8 Chi & Northwest pf 118 OtCht Pneumatfo Tool .107 . Chi Rock Isl & Pao.. C Chi R I & Pao C pf. 7 Chi R I & Pao 7 pf . .. Chlla Copper 3 Chlno Copper 6 Cluett Peabody 3 Colorado Fuel & Iron. .. Colo & Southern 4 Columb Gas & Eleo .. 1 Col Graphophone. . . . . 7 Consolidated Gas . . Consolidated Textile . . . Con Textile rts . . Continental Candy . . .. Con Interstate Cat M. 19U .. Corn Products Ret... e 12 Crucible Steel , . . Cuba Cano Sugar . . 7 Cuba Cano Sugar pf 0 Delawara & Hudson 10 Del Lack & Western Denver & Rio Grande .122 . 194 . so . . 80 . 9912 . 1394 in H 28 21 Vz 17(4 44i "MVi 58 71 19 30 04 41 2094 13 '2 ri'A El 3194 34 131 .S1894 . 62 A . 84s . 80 Vi .186 C Denver & Rio G Df . . 13 Hi Kmerson-Brantlng ... 27(4 7 Endioott-Johnbon pf..l04 .. Krlo .. i:rle 1st pf 10 H 8 Famous Players-L ... 87 'A .. Flsk Rubber 42 2 Frecport Texas 30 'J 3 Gaston Wms & Wig.. 1894 0 General Cigar 80 8 Genera Dlectrlo 160 IS General Motors 1'40 0 General Motors deb .. 8094 1 Goodrich B F fOTi .. Granby Consol M & S. 49 '6 Great Northern pf . . . 'Vi Gt Northern Oro ctfs. 37 H Greeno Cananea Cop . 34', 2 Gulf States Steel .... I OK; Hartman Corp 93 Illinois Central 88 inspiration Con Cop . 53Hi Interbor Con Corp ... 4 Inter Con Corp pf ... 13S4 Int Agrlcul Corp pf . . . 80 Jnt Harvester 133 !2 Int Ilarv pf new 11314 Int Mer Marina 495'B Int Mer Marine pf ...108 international Nickel . 31 W International Paper. . 70 Iron Products Corp .. 39',i Jewel Tea 1614 Jewel Tea pf 43 Kan City Southern ... 1594 Kansas City So pf ... 44 Kelly-Sng Tiro 138 Kennecott Copper .... 28 li 1S30 1.20 Kevstona Tira & Rub. ll'e 5330 0 Lackawanna Steel .. 8814 5500 . Leo Rubber & Tire .. 3814 1000 3.50 Lehigh Valley 414 100 7 Liggett & Myers Pt 10914 3700 . Loft Corp -094 201) 13 Ixrlifard P Tobacco 185 700 7 Louisville & Nashville, 110 -. 100 1.75 Manhattan Shirt . ... 31 800 7 Manhattan Elev guar. 40J4 Huntington Heads C. and O. Board New Yorli, Dec. 10. II. fi. Hunt lugton, n nephew of the Into Collin I Huntington, was elected chairman of the board of directors of tlie Chesa peake mid Ohio Itallroad Co. today to succeed Frank Trumbull, Mr. Trum bull remaliiK a director, but resigned per cent PIf count rrttc3, rhort and the chair in order o give more time to three mouths' bills, 6 fier cent, jiertonal and trustee intercuts, iie said, FOREIGN EXCHANGE New Yoih, Dec. 111. Foreign ex nlinnirf, fiimriiK (his mornlnc hhovved II very vseak opening. Demand sterling wns quoted down to 3.72V4 and cables to a V.'t. Trnne checks were '11.42 nud cables 11.40 Lire held fairly steady at ia.32 for checks nnd 13.30 for ca ble1). Other quotations were : Swiss checks 5.58. cables 5.50; guilder checks 307., cables 37; Spanish cheeks 111.20, cables 111.30; Stockholm cheeks. 20.05, cnnles 20.80 j Christlanla checks ln.(K), cables 20.05 ; Copenhagen checks 17.M), cables 17.05; llelgian 'checks 10.03, cables 10.01, and mark checks 2.02. About midnfternoon there v ns a mod -crate, rally. Demand sterling was quoted at 3.71 nnd cables nt 3.74. Franc checks were 11.05 nnd cnbles 11.0.1. Proportionate changes were shown elsewhere throughout the list. BUTTER, EGGS AND CHEESE Nw York. Deo IB. IIUTTER Itecelpts 1U tubs. Market Arm Creamery, higher than extra.. V394 4074c. extra, tti score. 73e flrit, OIW j72ci packing slock, current make, NOEOG34 Kecelpt. 3017 tHBea Iar!cet iteady Frenh-iMthered extras. H4B85r: do ixtra Arsis 8JW83C do llrsts ,f081c. state. 1-ennsylvanla and nearby western hen n.rv whites first to extra, 85Hioc, uo, browns 888 do uathered browns and mCHKK3iinetpSt1.? 761 boxes Market lr regular State whole-mllk flats, current make specials. 32SfJV4c. do. average run, SlwllSTcf slate. wholSmllk. current make, specials! 81a2V.c; do. average run. 81c. BAR' SILVER Commercial bar silver was quoted in New York today at $1,33 an ounce, down 1 rent, lit Lofidou the price wuh Zmw .10 421'. 71 V 2 40K 93 951j 121 HVA 98 M 130 y2 m 12 23 115H 47' 08 107H 08 94 10114 2914 08 Va 00 80 4414 91 n 137 Vt 90 085s 60 94 V 127 55 1014 64 6014 fll2 OOI2 74 Vk 118 82'2 70J4 90'2 172?4 10M 108 V 10112 29 403,4 122 l?4 28 ', 90 H 0114 13 1312 10 'A 4214 50 119 9', 2014 2714 21 H 7014 43?4 131 93 li 108 12194 C294 4', 414 794 .-iy2 3094 G0 8S14 118 100 2414 6094 OS 1814 3514 92 1094 2094 3 SO 79 Vz to'4 1314 18 H 8S 209 1 81 09 18514 5 'a 12 fa 27 104 12 '4 1914 8014 41 H 35 18 70 lCSTs 320 80?s 80 481s 7-14 3714 3394 rcii 03 8714 61 31a 1214 S0 13214 11314 4914 10014 JO'a 74' 3794 15 4114 1614 4394 13714 2814 43 H 8514 3714 42 100 14 2014 18134 10914 31 la 42 14 " V, 14 114 H 114 H 1 14 "'A 94 14 1 2 14 Vi 14 14 214 394 1 294 Today's Net Close, Chge, 3094 43 7114 1H , 214 4 47 94 9514 123 - 5414 9914 138 4094 12 2414 11594 48 08 10094 0814- 0514 114 10.114- 214 2894 94 09 114 9014 94 80 4514 9114- 14 13814 1? 9014 . . 08 94 14 CC'a 1M 91 14- Va 12714 94 50 14 10 14- 14 614 214 8 H 14 014 14 00 94. 94 74 14 94 l'B 1- 3 8174 94 78-" 14 7!4- 94 9014 173 - 1994 llo 10114 3194 44 122 14 19 90 9o 03 4 13 4.194 SO 119944 94 014 14 20Ja 94 2714- 14 2114 14 7714 114 44 It 13414 114 95 114 108 - Va 5094 114 IW2 14 5314 14 414- 94 414 114 794- M 22 14 94 E814 194 5314 3 8714 214 118 100 2514 i!4 58 7014 1J4 1894- 14 301 tl 2 4094 114 2094 14 1314 1- 1 59 - 214 8014-1 1094- 14 4 . 1314 1014 94 8514 4- 215 5114- 8414- 09J4 180 5 -94 1314 94 2714- 294 104 1 13 14 1994 14 8014- 14 4114- 14 BO - 14 1894 94 73 105J4 J3094 1294 8094 14 F0 94 - 14 4914 7814 114 3714 14 34 14 14 1,914 314 93 114 18 14 fi2's 14 3J4- 9s 1294- 'A 8094- 14 13314 . 11314 214 1914- 1 108 314 21 7514 1 S814 A 1514 14 43-1 1594 114 4394 94 13714 114 2814 'A 44 94 80 94 38 42 10014- 2054 18194 4 110 31'. 43 - 814 14 94 14 Va Dlv. Sales In I 000 .. Martin Parry Corp 600 .. Maxwell Motor 3414 630 .. Maxwell Motor ctfs. . . 3414 2200 7 May Dcpt Stores ..'.117 500 7 May Kept Stores pf,.10fl!4 40400 19 Mexican Petroleum ..22414 1400 2 Miami Copper 2214 Today's Net High Txiw Close Chcte, 3514 25 H 2514 3 'A A 14 14 14 94 414 0200 1.20 Middle Stntes Corp 0400 400 400 100 1000 100 3100 1500 2000 300 1100 1290 1400 200 1200 100 100 0414 Mldvalo Steel & Ord,. 4914 . Minn & St I, new.... 1294 7 Minn St P & S St M.. 73 7 M St P & S St M pf.. 9114 . Missouri Kan & Tex.. 9 14 . Mo Kan & Tex pf .... 1314 . Missouri Paclfla .... 20 . Missouri Pacific pf... 4094 3 Montana Power 69 3 Mulllns Body 504 . Nat Anlllno & Chem.. 0994 7Nat Anlllno & Ch pf.. 8994 Nat Conduit & Cable.. 1014 0 Nat Knam & Stamp . . 8014 6 National Lead 8114 7 National Lead pf .. .10914 . Nat It It of Mcx 2d pf . 4?4 300 1.50 Nevada Con Copper .. 14 900 10 New York Air Brake. .11194 5200 5 Now York Central ... C994 100 . . New York C & St h . . 2714 400 5 N Y Chi & St li 2d pf. 45 400 2.60 New York Dock 4114 000 1 New York Ont & W .. 1094 13100 .. New York N It & II.. 2094 1390 7 Norfolk & Western ... 9814 290 4 Norfolk & Western pf . 07 900 5 North American .... 60 54 200 6 Nova. Scotln S & C .. 73 7310 7 Northern Paclfla .... 81 3190 4 Ohio Cities Gas 48 4000 .60 OkLi Prod & Itef .... 994 100 . Ontario Silver Mln... 0J4 00 5 Otis Elevator 140 600 . Otis Steel 35 200 3 Owens Bottling Mach. 6894 100 1 I'.idfla Mall 3594 32000 0 Pan-Amcr Petrol & T.109 11300 . Pan-Amer (B) 10414 7900 Pan-Amer Pet rts ... . 9a 1400 3 Parish & Bingham .. 40 100 . Pacific Tel & Tel 3014 17300 3 Pennsylvania II It ... 419s 1100 Penn Seaboard Steel . ?4!4 2000 Peoples Gas Chicago . 3394 4990 Pero Marquette s7'-4 300 I'eio Marquette pf . 1914 300 . Pero Marei prior pf . 00 1230 3 Philadelphia Co 35H 15210 . . Plerce-Arrow Motor . . 7854 2090 . Pierce Oil V Va 2J0 4 Pitt C C & St Ij 60 700 6 Pittsburgh Coal of Pa. 02 5090 . Pittsburgh & W Va .. 2014 100 0 Pitts & W Va pf .. .7514 100 1 Pond Creek Coal .... 2694 81)0 8 Pressed Steel Car ...10094 200 . Pub Serv Corp N J , . 05 1000 8 Pullman 113 1800 6 Punta Alegro Suijar .. 94 2390 2 Hay Consolidated Cop. 2014 200 8 Railway Steel Spring. 9fl!4 J 7.110 4 Reading 17 100 2 Reading 1st pf 33 100 . Remington Typewrit.. 87 090 .. Reploglo Steel 19 41490 0 nepubllo Iron & Steel. 115 100 7 Rep Iron & Steel pt.,100 00 4 Repub Motor Truck. . 8 12100 8.70 Royal Dutch N Y 1800 200 1400 600 700 100 600 100 COO 1500 10090 1300 22800 3200 2000 700 13800 290 400 400 800 0200 6400 5700 400 6700 19090 100 200 2300 100 7100 400 200 000 500 100 1290 100 1150O 100 2000 7300 7900 400 500 10014 . 1714 . 24 . 13 25 St Ij San Francisco.. St li San Fran pt.. .. St li Southwestern.. . St Ij Southwest pf.. . , Saxon Motor 145s . . Seaboard Air Line ... 7 Seaboard Air Lino pf. 12 8 Sears-Roebuck . . ..227 1 Shattuck Ariz Cop ... 11 14 .. Shell Trans Trading... 7814 .. Sinclair Consol OU .. 14 6 Sloss Sheff S & I ... 7314 6 Southern Paclfla ....10514 . . Southern Railway ... 2214 6 Southern Railway pf . S7 4 Stromberg Carb 7494 7 Studebaker 10594 7 Studebaker pf 10014 5 Stutz Motor 114 3 Superior Steel 4094 .. Tenn Cop & Chem ... 10 .. Texas Co 23314 .. Texas Co rts 0294 ,. Texas & Pacific .... 4394 . Third Avenuo 1294 0 Tobacco 'Products ... 92 .. Transcontinental Oil . 4014 5 Transuo & Wm Steel. . 6214 1 Twin City R T 3594 .. Union Oil 3014 Union Bag & Paper ., v'A Union Paclflo 124 Union Paclflo pf 0014 50 z 202 0 10 4 4 United Alloy Steel . . 10 United Fruit .50 United Drug 1st pf . .. Un Ry Investment .. . . Un Rv Invest pf . . . . DSCIP4 Fdry.. .. United Retail Storei . U S Express 2 U S Kood Prod 8 U S Ind Alcohol ... 8 U S Rubber 8 U S Rubber 1st pf . . 0 U S Smelt It & M., 5194 1014 2114 34 34 115 10014 209 2114 0294 4894 1394 70 9114 9 1314 2194 3994 67)4 60 94 6894 88 10 80 8014 10914 4 14 10014 68 27 45 4014 1014 2514 97 07 SO 71 7894 489s 9 014 135 3554 5S 3594 104 101 14 4014 3014 40 3314 31 209a 49 d0 35 7014 1914 58 0114 2514 7 J 14 20 94 0914 05 113 94 19 9514 75 94 33 87 49 109 J4 100 5414 97 10 24 11 2494 1414 7 13 327 11 7014 1314 71 :o2i4 21 65 7414 104 10014 113 45 9 228 H 00 4114 1114 9014 3894 (.214 3594 3594 9914 123 CO 50 200 6194 1014 2394 14 100 3.50 U S Smelt R & M pf.. 47 7O700 5 U S Steel , 990 7 U S Steel pf ., 4800 0 Utah Copper 700 . . Utah Seo 33J0 .. Vanadium Corp 300 6 Va Iron Coal & Coke., 200 4 Va-Carollna Chem . . 1100 .. Wabash 38 . Wabash pf A 309 . . Wabash pf B 800 .. Wheeling Sc. U Erie . 1600 .. Wheel & L Erie pf.. 200 . . Wells Fargo Exp . . . 20JJ . Western Maryland .. COO . West Maryland 2d pf 100 . . Western Pacific .... 100 4 Western Paclflo pf . 100 7 Western Union Tel . 800 7 Wostlnghouso A Br. . lOUtt Westlnghouse E & M 5200 1 White Motor 4100 . White Motor rta .... 2900 5 Wilson & Co 100 7 Wilson & Co pf 440H 1 Wlllya-Overland .... 100 8 Woolworth V W 1200 . . Worthlugton Pump . 900 0 Worth Pump pr a . 1214 90 . 2314 2314 . 7894 7714 .100 103 12014 124 ,113 11214 . 7514 75 . 47 47 .10514 10394 .113 11214 . 1494 71 . 10 954 , ('994 67 . 80 7994 . i.r.J2 6614 . 8 794 . 22 2114 . 15 1414 . 13J4 1114 . 1814 17 . 53 5314 . 11 10 . 1754 1054 . 3114 2114 . 50 ,50 . 8714 8714 .11314 113 . 63 3 . 6014 5914 . 24 3 . 8214 8094 . 9714 0714 . '.8 54 28 .12.154 12394 . fc7!4 S014 . 73 14 7314 3114 14 34 14 14 11094- V 100 - 14 220141214 2114- 1J 6314- 14 1994 y 1214 73 0114 1 914 14 1314 14 20 114 4094 114 692 6054 114 6894 Va 8 10 80 81 h 114 10914 14 4 .. 14- 14 11194- 314 6914 19s 27 1 454 4114 ' 10- 2094 1 0754 14 07 - 14 6014 Va 73 114 8 154 18 54 914 9 .. 140 3594- 5854 35 H 94 107 25s 10412 394 94 -14 4094 H 3014- 54 4014 4 14 3314 H ?7 -t 14 '014 l'2 lili - !4 359s 94 78 314 11114 14 69 394 02 - 1 2014 114 75- 9s 2094 ?4 10094 1'A 65 5 113 9414 3.) 87 40 11314 394 100 14 65 - 99 294 17 I- a4 24 394 13 I 25 1 1454 .. 7 12 54 327 1 1114- 14 77 4454 72 10454 394 vt 1 6014 1 7494 m 104 1 10014- 114 113 4054 394 10 23014 2 6014 . 4.1- 1 1294 94 9194 3914 94 (.214 114 3554 . 30 9914 54 124 154 to 14 14 6014 14 201 254 5194.. 1014- 2414 91 2314 78 -1- 10414 12514 154 113 14 94 14 114 1 114 14 1 54 54 14 94 394 47 - Vz 10594 154 Kx-divldend. t Ex-rlshts. 113 1314 10 f8H 80 (1014 8 Vi 15 1214 1814 154 53 1154 94 17 94 14 21 14 14 50 8714 14 11314 114 f.3 14 60 94 94 294 14 8114 97J4 28 54 12394 014 4 73J4 114 TONE OF LOCAL MARKET WAS SOMEWHAT IMPROVED Same Insistent Selling of High-Grade Investment SlocJts anJ Bonds Price Variations Very Limited There vvns a better demand for most 1 t'10. 10cal Htoclts nnd nt tho name time thcro wag evidence of continued llquldntion in the high-grade Invest ment stocks nnd bonds. As the demand about equaled tho supply price varia tion were slight. In stocks tho nver age vvns higher, while In bonds the nverngp was lower. The trading in both departments was fairly active and fnirlv well distributed, but in tlie majoritv of enses was mostly odd lot transactions. Pennsylvania Ilnilrond was sold freely jet was well nbsorbcr, ns indicnted in the relative stability of the quotation nt d0'4. In the bond division the heaviest offerings were in Heading general -Is, and in the Illectrie nnd People's Js, tho former viclding to TS't and the latter to ruTft. lichigh Valley general -Is were also on tap, declining to (i!), while the 4V2 jiclded to 77. Pennsjlvanla Hailroad general 4s sold nt S0V4 a slight con cession from tlie previous sale. At the snmo time nil tlie Liberty lionds were bold freely. Tlie conspicuous heaviness of such an nrrav of what mny be safely designated ns the vciy oicntii of investment secu lities would be expected to give n chill to the strongest of htrong markets. It did put n damper on innrket interest, but otherwise vvns without influence. On tlie contrary, the market, ns n whole, while having it tired appearance was inclined to do better, nnd did so to tt relatively small degree. Tlu impioved tone of the market pos sibly came in for 11101 e attention because of these 1 ire iimstances nud because of the absence of nnv stimulating develop ment of i local character. Tlie animated recovery in tho New York mnrket, ol course, had n good effect scntimentnllj nnd possibly Influenced adjustment oj professional speculative accounts. Thcro was not much to be said coni cerning nny of the individual movc ments. Advnnces from to werl scored by Philadelphia Co. cumulntirl preferred, Philadelphia Traction. Uniot) Traction, Lnlte Superior Corporation! Lehigh Navigation unci Lehigh Vnllcy, Philadelphia Klertric, American Stores, American (?ns, ,T. (!. Hrill, Huntingdon and Ilrond Top common nnd prcfcrredi Insurance Company of North America nnd Keystone Telephone were un changed. Declines of t30c were sustained by Philadelphia Co, nnd Pennsylvania Salt. Lehigh Navigation in the lat trading" extended its gain to $1.25 to 01. Philadelphia, Germanlown and Norristovvn Hailroad on small sales de clined 51 to 115. Close tabs on both the railroad nnd foreign exchnngo situations nrc being kept by the local financinl intcrestsi This not only includes the bankers, but the big insurnucc companies "and othci financial and semi-llnnncial instltiK tlons. Ilccnuse of the tremendous in vestments which have been made iri railrond bonds, the outcome of the ad ministration's attitude on tho trans'" pnrtation problem is awaited with in tense interest. Koituniitely there np pcars to prevail a, hopeful feeling that wnjs and means will Imnlly be found ta settle tills highly important question, In nil events, there is a growing confi dence that nothing will be done to cfJ feet the investment value of the railroad securities. COVERING MOVEMENT STRENGTHENS COTTON March Contracts Lead Rise, With Advances Throughout List of 30 to 45 Points cotton rsnir wnATimn condition's New York, Dec 10 The followlnc tcm Tioratures were recorded in the cotton belt thl mornlnjr Oklahoma nnd Afiho vllle, 32' Wllmlnnton. 34, Tort Smith. 4ft; Aiuruata. 42, Savannah, 4(1, Charles ton ThomppvlllP, Atlanta Muron, Mem phis and I.lltlo nock 48 Meridian, Knox villej and Nashville 00 Vlckubure. Tamn". and Jacluonvlllo, r,2. Corpus Chriiti and Montgomery, W, Phreveport, Ran Antonio aHrt Penaacola, 00, New Orleans, r,8. and Oalveston. 02 There was 01 inch of precipitation at Knoxvlllo nnd Nanh vllle. 0: -nt Meridian and Uttle Tlock; 12 nt Vlcksburs. 18 at Corpus Chrlstl and Atlanta, 20 at Galveston, 02 at Shreveport, and .pel at San Antonio. New York, Pec. 10. The cotton market developed a strong tone today on Wall sticet nnd western short cov ering, and local nnd New Iilcans bujing. One Wall street broker took about 15.000 hales of Jnnunry, March nnd Mov, believed to lepresent the cover ing" of a single line of shorts. I'nces sold up to n net advance of nbout 30 to -45 points, with March contracts leading tlie rihe. Aside froni leports of an active southwestern spot demand, there ap peared to be no change in tho news, nnd the tineling did not suggest any mnterinl broadening of speculative operations. Vest Dec. Jan March Mny . .it. y Oct ., Today's close open SS 49 3M SO an 71 :in sr. si r,j .11 08 aj :io 'U.40 an r,o .iii.cn 28 13 28 25 11 00 a. m .18 43 ,14.41 32 21 1 30 2.30 p m p. m. ! siVsii . . 81. h0 32.07 SO 73 28.21 . .. Philadelphia Stochs Hlch Low 50 Am ritrs. .'!!) ."in'j :tri() Am C.as. 45 45 ".0 tAm D S liMj VJij 10 tAtohiion 83 83 200 Tl eS. S T C pf... 40 40 100 Itrill J (J 47 4c 305 131 St7r. 13314 132 NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET New Yorli, Dec 10. Rather disap pointing cnbles caused the local coffee niurkct to open at declines of ti to 15 points with most of the offerings coming from a broker said to be closely identified with a lower all street im porting concern. The coffee market continues to as sume a waiting attitude. There is no activity in tlie local contract matket. The local spot market is reported dull and there is no evidence of nny real picssure to sell on the part of Rrnzil shippers, although some Mattered firm offers reach here from clay to clay, but nrlec-s arc very irregular, YeBt Todaj , cinse In (ilfotr, 15 10P 20 open j,;nrch in IU(I5 14 111 May . 15 10P2O 1.1JI July 15 40041 ir,uJ'i September 15 111 4f 20 10 U3 Hid. 11.00 14 90 15.10 GOVERNMENT BONDS Panama cerupon 2j. 1M,,,,, Panama registered 2" linn . Panama coupon 2, 1U3J Panama registered 2,. 38 Panama coupon 8s, 11)01 Panama registered 3s 1(101 Philippine 4s, 1034 Philippine 4s, 11133 rhlilpnlnn. 1030 U 8 Oovt coupon 2 1030 U R Oovt reulatereel 2s 1030 V H Oovt coupon 4, 1925 U H Govt registered 4s. 1H25. Dlst ot Columbia 3.01s, ltijl Hid Ask my, loo'.i 0014 lOftii (101! looii flo( 100'i HH',5 DOVt R8V4 B0V4 02 nn 02 no J DO 100 lootj 100 iooh 105V4 lOttii lO.VVi lOflVi 07 3 II & U T. 4 31 do pf S 50 I (' N A. 35 20 tlvpn Cop 28's Cm K TI Co. VI 400 I.k S Cor 20y. 125 I.eh Nnv llltf 78S I,eh Vul. 42V4 100 tMidvoIe. 48 125 tNev Cns 15 3201 I'a R R. 40", 30 l'i Salt, 74Vj 5 V 0&N.115 200 Phila Co 35 t4 8 Net Clne chire 30.. 12 V-2 83 40 .. 47 .. 132 4 8 .. 28- 13 20 (illV4 42 Vx 48 Vi 15 .. 40.. 74 115 4 35 CORN TRADE IS LIGHT IN ERRATIC MARKET Support on Dips, Resulting in Rallies, When Sellers Try to Cover Gain in Oats Lo3t CiHAlN BELT WEATHrjIl rORECAST CliiriiKO. Dec 10 Illinois Cloudy and unsettled tonlKht Wisconsin Unsettled tonight, Saturday fair and warmer Mls eourl Minnesota, Iowa and Kansas Fair tonlKht and Saturday, warmer. North and South Dakota, Montana and IVyomlnff Fair tonight and Saturday colder Satur day. Nebraska Pair tonight and Satur day, uarmer tonight east, colder Saturday west, Chicago, Dec 10. Dealings in coin ' weie light today and the market was enatie. Local opeiators opposed ad vances, but there was support on dips, which resulted in rallies when sellcis tried to cover. It was reported that Canada nnd New England buyers were reselling the cash article, the demand for which showed less snnp. Offerings from tho country were freer nnd this was token as an indication that primary holdcis were more anxious to sell. Cars remain scarce, however, and the mcagerness of the supplies thnt nic available for delivery on December con tracts continued to militate against the bearr TlV latter had the help of an un favorable foreign exchange mnrket and sales of 500,000 bushels of Argentina corn in the United States, Oats also were erratic. The stait vvns easier under selling by wire houses and pit traders, influenced by the posi tion of foreign exchnngo nnd the indif ference of exporters. t Later there was n rally with a. good clabs of buying noted, houses with sen bonrd connections and locnl bulls fur nishing support. Gains were not main tained. Offerings from the country were a little moie libeinl. Leading futures ranged as follows. Corn (new delivery) Open, High Low 12'30 ijer ... i.-wx) i.-inii 1 my, 1 471 J. Ill 1 11 1.30A I "2 40 34 01 2 - 's . . 40 1 31 'I'Xi. Vt BANK CLEARINGS nank clearings today compared with cor responding; day last two years! J010 101S 101T Phlla .,$83,010,027 180,772.248 57,88S,748 Hoston 73,337,321 58,(1111,(1(18 40,408.133 Flaltlinore lfl,n4,475 14 700,300 , ";n 1011 370.832 02.421.110 . ... N York BS8.4BS.jioa 731.0117.790 046,000,935 higher: Others steady. LIVESTOCK QUOTATIONS Chicago, Dec 10 HOOS rteeelpts, 35,000 head Market higher Hulk, J13 U0B14 10, top M4.10. heavy J13 uotfl14 IB; medium 13 0,'iBl-l 1.1. light. $13 7S14 IS, light lights. $13 00(3113 00; heavy packing Bows, smooth. $13 2ac$13 7H, packing sows, rough, $1J 7,r.13 L'S. pigs. $11' 713 75 CATTM3 llecelpts, 8000 head. Market steady lleef steers, medium and heavy, choice and prime $18 40d:?0; medium and rood, $10 75018 40, common, $8, 'J 5 10 75; light v,elght good and choice. $13 l&(i(lll 'JOe common and medium $7 &0W13, butcher cattle, helters, $0 UtiCtfM 25, cow a J0W1.1. canners and cutters, $5d0, -veal calves, $15 1:3(3 1(1, feeder steers, $0 75012; stocker steers $tlP10 'JO hHECP Receipts 7000 head Market firm IJambs. $15317 10, cullo and common. $lltyi 14 75: ewes, medium and gooel, $7 7510, culls and common $4507 50, Kust St. I,ou!n. Dec 10 Receipts r, 000 head Market lower Hulk. $130C14 15 heavy $18J0i314 IB, medium, $13.8014 1B! lcht $13 50C3)14 15, light lights . fia-sW lei 75, heavy packing sows, smooth, ii" jkiJs YhRV-Kl" B0W'' rouh. $11.70012 50, pigs, $lavrl3 75 . CATTLE llecelpts, 3100 head Market steady; veals lower lleef steers, medium and heavy, choice and prime, $17 23010 75 medium and good, $10.780171 common 18 i 0(10 60 light, good and choice, $18 200 20 75, common and medium. $7 75 10 butcher cattle, heifers, $n 2501(1. cows' Sll.25012: canners and cnttpra 11 inifim ' veal calves natit uuu naneiyweignt 14, ceener sieero, to.outu'i III "5012 50 SHCUP Uecelpts 1800 head Slarket steady lAmlis. $13 50010 601 culls and common $7W13 earlng wethers $11 500 14 cv.es medium and 1 holce, $0,2300, culls and common, y$3 5005.50 '. tuns Hast IliilTulo, Dec 10 CATTLE Re ceipts. 1000 head. Market steady CAJ.Vns Receipts lloo head. Market $1 higher $(1(912 HOUS Receipts. 4800 head. Market good 25a lower Heavy and mixed, $14 75; jorki trs, $14 76015; lldht workers and pics. $151 roughs $13013 23; stags $8012 '' SHEEP AND I.AMOS Receipts, 4(100 head. Lambs 50c higher. Lambs, $10010, others unchanged. Mlj C0 Vi 09 0914 Vs 77 77.. OS OS 1 100 100 in nnifii stocker steers, South Omaha, Dec. 10, -Hoas Receipts, 8500 head 10c to 20c higher Ton. $13 80. CATTLE Receipts 2100 head TWf steers, good and, choice butchers, 15025e bead, Steady, , 2S IK 20 00 12 48 in 40 74 115 35 33 do em pf 32 3& 32 Ml.l t'llll 1.1CC -i2 -IVi -12.. 110 P It T to 127 20 20 215 Phil Trc 50 59 50 Vi 10 Philn Xat Hank ..478 -177 477 .. 300tS. Ilwy 21 21 21 770 Ton llel, B 250 Ton Miu 1! 50 U (' Oil 40 1150 l'n True. 31 103!) IJ (', I.. 52 400 tlT S Stl.105 104 105 100 tWestUM 52 52 52 tNet change made by comparison with last sale on New York Stock Exchange Sales In IIONDS Net $11100 High Low Close chsro. 1 Illlld I.oco 1st 5s ...100 100 100 28 Klce & Pro Tr Is ... 00 0 Lch Vul gen 4s 09 11 Lch Val gen 4s .... 80 5 I.eh V C 5s 98 1 Leh V Coal cons Os.,,100 Lib Ponds 2d 4s. 01.40 01.40 01.401.10 1 3d 4i4s.. 03.54 03.54 93.51 .0(1 0 4th 4s. 91.52 01.50 01.50 .10 2Vic4B... 08.88 08.88 08.8S .01 3 Pa con 5s.. 8!)l. 89 89 4- -- ' ... -. ,....;' sv " 1 ra gen iyas buj tl Peo P to 4s 70 G Phila Co cons 5s.. . 77 42 1-5 Hi Elec 1st 5s ... 02 44 Head gen Is 78 5 Head-Jersey Cent 4s.. 78 1 Un Hy Inv 0s 71 ' 1 WN Y &P geu 4s... 01 1 LONDON METAL MARKET New York, Dec. 10 Cable advices re ceived at the New York Metal Exchange this morning quoted prices in London as follows. Tin Spot 322 7s eld, an advance of 4 7s (Id, futures, 323. a gain of 8 10s; straits 322 Ills an upturn of 4 0s; sales, spot (10 tons; futures, 760 tons. Singapore 321, a. rise of 4. sales, 400 tons, stan dard copper Spot, 104, an advanca of 6s, futures, 105 IBs a gain of 10s; sales, spot 150 tons; futures. 300 tons Elec trolytic Spot 116 futures 1118, both un. changed. Lead Spot, 41 10s, an advance of 1 7s 0d; futures, 41 10s, an upturn ot 1 Oil. Spelter Spot, 53 Bs; futures, 54, both up IBs, New York Metal Market New York, Dec 10 Topper Spot and December, 18K 18'oi January. 18H 0 lftV4c; February and Mnreh I8?imvir. mnrkit nuiet T.tad All months. 7 300 I ,V,;W IMU..VCV . .,""1,,S, l.n, S1. AJ..U1M ,ntu mowm- o.vwb.vqi &fKai. Jan. Oati Dec. ... 82 May . 83 Pork Jin ...80 75 May ...30.25 I.ard Jan , . ?3 OT May ...2d, 85 Ribs Jan ...18 21 May ,. 18.85 82. 83 88 47H . 40i 81'4 83?4 30 75 30 35 23 10 24.00 18.40 19 05 30.75 30 IB 23 05 23 73 18.25 18 80 30 75 30.35 23 10 23.00 18 40 10 05 Yeft close 1.47 1.40's 821, 8JS 37 00 S0.0J 21.0V 23.00 18.47 18.07 Paris Bourse Prices Barely Steady Paris, Dec. 10. Pi ices were barelv steady on the Bourse today. Three per cent rentes were quoted nt 59 francs S5 centimes; 5 per cent loan, 88 francs 15 centimes; exchange on London, 41 francs 50 centimes. The dollar was quoted nt 11 francs 18 centimes. 80 80.. 70 70 .. 77 77 1 80 80 78 78 78' 78 70 71 1 01 01.. r.nUfATIONAT. llotli Sexes Our graduates are la constant demand for good-paying positions, Gregg Shorthand, (he easy, speedy system. Complete buutnen and secretarial courses. Day and Night Iviagsvi. imcmivs ir&Jmcr. Knrotl any time. Call or writs (or full iWf I'llJLA. HUStNESS COIXBOB and cuollece of ccvorameree 1017 Chestnut St. l'hlladelphl t Strayer's Business Colleges Philadelphia's Greatest Ruslnesa School. I0S chestnut St Phono Walnat SS4. STBAMM1I1' NOTICES Philadelphia Mediterranean Service SAILINGS l To Maneille and Barcelona SS VANADA d. 28, i9i9 To Piraeus and Salonica SS E. A. MORSE n. is, -20 United States TransportCo. Incorporated rl.om0.ird 3771 Telephones vinln 8105 006 DUKXKT. IIUIMHNO I'HII,Al)Kl.riII, New York Onlcr 30 Ilrond St. Telephone! llroocl 3047 EARN-LINE Incorporated 1801 U. S. Shipping Board Steel Steamers General Cargo Regular Service Philadelphia Manchester SS "West Celina". . . .Dec. 20 Philadelphia Havana SS "Lake Foxboro" Sailed SS "Coquina" .Dec, 20 For rates and particulars apply ta Eanrime Steamship Co , tt- ' A '' -x.