Vii)aHXJNjl PUBLIC LUJiJK IfHlLiKlvlPHtV.; JPBIDAY, BWEMB'JSK 19, 1U 28 HESTER PASSERS GHEGK 1AMSD0WN E tentz's Fiold Coal Docldos Excit ing Cage Tilt by 24-to-22 Scoro LOSERS START OUT WELL Xantdovrae High opened Its basket ball Reason on the homo floor yesterday, , losing to Cheater High, 21 to 22, after forty minutes of exciting play. With forty (seconds to play, Lcntz scored from the middle of the floor, winning the game. Lansdotvne led at halflime by two points, and when piny wan resumed increased this lead to six points. Here gome clever foul shootinc by I-entz cut the lead down until the H"ore stood 20 all. Livingston then raced n neat Eonl on a pass from Damon, but l.entz ngaln tied tho count by scoring twice from the foul line. A few second later he caged the goal, which gave Chester tho victory. Damon and Krall ulaved a eood came 1 for I.ansrtow ne, while Lentz, whosrored all tnc winner s points, was ine mui vldual Btar of the content. Xanadorne Chester livlngston forward . ... Smith Damon .... forward Hueno Slarkland . . cent? r kentj Marvin guard Bennett Krall guard .. .. Keare Held coals Damon. 4. Livingston. Mark- Li land, Lenta. A 1'oul goals naston 10 out dl ,; jtcnia i uui i . n-ieici iSmery. Time 20 minut halves Rejects Penn Proposal Cftmbrrtdrc. Maw., Tr if Fml "W Moore, frradunta athletln man art, lina announced that the Harvard athletic committee had dli pproved a proponed boxing meft with the I'nlvcn lt of Ionn nrlvanla. He said the lommlttee also hud disapproved participation hv Hrr' 'milr. Kra dilates in an air race from ambrldKD to New Haven and New York and rtui . us proposed by the University A rtmautira Association The commltte authorised two-year airreement with Cornell In crosA-cojntry run xnrxg and referred the question of a track meet with Cornell to the odvlaory trade committee with full power to act JUDGE LANDIS IN A RECEPTIVE MOOD Federal Jurist Tacitly Admits He Would Accept Chairmanship of National Commission CLIVEDEN BOOTERS Chicago, Dec. 10. rcdcral Judge Kcnesaw Mountain Landls has declared when told thnt he was one of tho men being considered by the committee ap pointed to select capable individuals from whom the leagues are to choose a new National Commission chairman that in view of the many years he had followed tho sport from the bleachers and dscvUicre around the parks, he could not sny "no" if properly np proarhed and conditions were suitable. Hnseball men do not need any more than that to aiaure them that if they desire a man of I.andis's national repu tation and renown for honesty and fair ness, he can be secured. Bascbnll men have rcfrnlned so far from npproaching Judge Lundis di rectly bemuse of the uncertain condl tioni in the American League, and nothing can be done until hnrmon is roKtnrprt In that organization, as the club owners of the Junior circuit mut meet and decide on the man they wish to choose in conjunction with the Na tional League. Members of the latter organization are said to be ready now to get down to business and pick a man from those chosen by the committee, and it Is believed that the majority of the senior leaguers are in lavor 01 hnvlng Landis sit at the head of the TIE CENTRAL TEAM With Only Seven Playere, Ger- mitntown Makos Good Uso of Offside Rule BACKFIELD MOVES UP Kor one solid hour yesterday after noon the soccer ttams of the Herman town and Central High Hcnools defied the frigid weather and fought, or rather kicked, to n scoreless tie in an Inter scholastic TeagiK game on Houston Field. Oerrnantown brought with It only seven players, and plaed so thnt the Crimson and Oold forwards were continually offilde, preventing severnl stores, which would have decided the contest Central posieed the advantage In piny over the weakened Cliveden ag gregation, but was always frustrated In Its attempts at piercing the goal line. Time after time MrtiiU, Murnhv mid OPEN SUNDAY & EVERY NIGHT r commission, which undergo n revision probably w ill soon Atglen High Girls Win Uuicnster, Bf lit In an lvr flt nc well balanced same the g'r s of the Atglen High School defeated th alrls of the Parke ilijrjr Hlirh by a 7-to-fl rcore Line-up Atelen Parkcsburs It S Tounit . forward . Ebv l'eminrtn . . forward Smith Ifrown . tenter . Tyson I Markev . guard fonmei i Sylvtater . guard Itambo rleWl goals Ferguson TSb 1 H'ou TouriK nefere CAM11RIA C nurni 4 Teener, Mum. henttliigton Ae. mid Htpnternet nt i nr.t idth AMv nritvvi ,, nun' i"is K)l?R OT1IEII STAR nOUT" 5? : .ay 45-flTppyg ,V rc msm I .A AUTO ROBES Made to sell for $15, $18, $20; some are slight seconds; all are brand new, and the imper fections are hardly noticeable. MILITARY SHOP, 708 MARKET lj0J?7&JVJ?A;V&MWSJA7&sfrSZ3i BERWICK-2Kn. GORDON-2tfn. N? Of tmutA HI m'".P vuiei are airoe cut to fit the neck and shoulders perfectly Arrow F O RM -FIT COLLARS Ctuirr, Pbasody &? Co., Inc., Makers, Troy, N. Y, agg3vrrv3 a CIGAR SHOP Get "His" Xmas 61GARETTES Here We Save You Money! Tur jour Hoi War apply lluy Standard Ilraudi with rar of quality bark of them. You won't fo wroni. r Iwve, hoxra of 25 for lifts In nil SHjndurd Ilrucda made. 1'J. 1'ItnitLCIO, 10o alie, 8J l( p for Site, lloieit of 60. VV EI, ruoiivcTO. for Ule. Iloxev of J "i. "Sf- "4.85 M, I-nonuCTU. 16o alxe, ? no S for 25c. Iloira of 60 "" Have you imokcd our Madame Butterfly yet? (IIIHIIU. 10c site, A nn 8 for 2.1c. Iloe of SO "" noii n manuihjj, ion tA ton idre, 3 for 26c. Ilnir of SO "w 11.011 IUJ MANUELH. Jg,, KA rPT Ijc llote of 50 a 1.1. ItOYAM. 30 in 10c aire Holes of 26 --V The T.;t IVord In SmnVetlom. ..M1,,":fTrKiiri.Y TOMC Il'unU or rerfecto. A (f .10o le Ilniea of 60 '-VrV iv ;n, 10c ie. p r llotea of Mir S".UU The famoua STKATFORH, yA (ft I-oree alte. Hairs of 50 v" iir.nrH a snap EV.XUTA?' ". ,or so' -! J'eTfecto Itoyal. SA ff Doje of Co ... . 'U Come in and See Madame butterfly ISr ize, Boiw orco -OmW AI1WIUA1IO.N. lOo alio, A rLr Uoies of 60 . . tlU .VUMlltAllON, lao bUc. ftr srn Uoiea of 60 "U AUM1I1A1IO.N. 20c lie. r,l on lloie of 26 I'"" LOKI) IIALTIMOUK flize. Uoxea Af XQ. HOLDS, 0 Bile. flAxew of 60 HAVANA ItlllllO.NM. iioie or no 41 lane I.OMinrtM, Itoxes of 50 rillLA. HAND MAI1K. Iloxetl of 60 . . . noii.s f.arce. Ilmea of 100 I.nrae I"4AIlKI,n MA MIA LONDIIIC1. Ionic tiller, clean and healthy. Ilmtea of J K( 100 . '"" 'ho severnl other nrnnds of the flnet of Manilas (( packed. Hoim of 60 'VFVf 100 4.00 3.00 3.00 '3.00 3.75 5.50 IllNQUET rEUFlXTOS Quality rlrara of hlaheat trade tflhacco and workmanahln. Gen uine 10a Talue. Only on rX rtra Hole here. Hole of 00 " isu HP1. ,v Startling That expresses in one word the importance of this BIG SHOE v-a-l-u: 1 K i You'll Have to Act Quickly Get Here To day or Saturday. You'll co ft long- way to Una auch phe nomenal vftloea and you may never have auch an opportunity again, it la only a chance In a lifetime, o eet here quickly. They are S10 values In cenulne COIIIIO CAI.F, Ionr vamp, pointed too, custom built throughout, (looilyear rubber heel and rubber Blip soles that assure dry feet In wet weather. Men' Felt Slippers All Colorai C3.S0 alue, $1.95 .OO WortbAi S&N"' THE SI ra Open Evenings $10 3 R. & L. Stores 1538 Market St. 728 Market St. 44 JN. 8th St. MA IMPORTED CIGARS TCOMKO A JUI.IKT Ter- srj Kf ?G.50 '6.50 Your frcto. lloiea of 26 roRONA Perfecto. lloxea of 26 . CXUOI.INA Perfecto, Itoxea of 26 And lloola of Others That Heart May Ilmlre Tohaccos 1.10 'nisfn Ai.nniT. tux- V1)0 4. VKI.VKT. 1A trt. tlnd All other Ilrnmla In 1-lh. and K-ll, C"t equallv MADAME BUTTERFLY pninr: or the iiay 10o (.lie $0 rt Iloica of BO . . '" Doich of 60 J,UU .Tery Clear In the Hot A PKIiriXT JtU S1IOKE MtiKso would take the ball up by splen did dribbles, onl to have n foul called. The rules read that three member of the defending team must be be tween the player with the ball and the goal posts, in order to legally execute n pass to an attacking player in a bet ter position to score. Germantown's backfield would move up rapidly on such occasions as Its line vas threatened, and only the goal keeper would be ahead of the Central players. Coach Davidson, of Central, will pro test the game on the grounds that the referee called the fouls too often at the wrong time. The protest will be made at the next meeting of the super vliory committee. Central High Petri Hone be rK Webater lAlbowltz Tolnatcln Hanson Hauer . . Maril . Murphy . Miller . Musso Ift tullbark. Oerrnantown Lewis Taylor rlnht fullback left halfback llobion .center halfback , KInc rlsht halfback Weber .outside left Inelde left center forward. . rrnnk Inutile right Schn er outside right rtefere Oatea. of Pennsylvania. Time 30-mlnuto halveo. Football Promoter Out of Jail Chleaco, Dec 16 P. J. Parduhn. for merly president of the Hammond (Ino j pro. feaslonal football team Is now at Jlbert after lwlng held In Jail since Monday charircd with vlolat'r.v a "bad-check" law. Membors of his team who swore out warrants for his arrent aliening checks with which he paid them were returned marked no funds ' refused to prosecute. ANOTHER GOOD SHOW Saturday Night NATIONAL A. A. nicmi: smr, MITCHELL vs. COOGAN Charley Parker vs. George Brown Battling Leonard vs. Mickey Russell ",M Jaek Ilrown Mike f'astle ts V alter Kennle Tickets at Donnelly's. Zi Mouth lltli St, mmy Kane s. t'nstle Most Healthful Xmas Gift Phila. Jack O'Brien's d r Vl& 3 Mths. Boxing Course el HARVARD PLAYERS REST Crimson Refrains From Drill, Pre parlno for Tomorrow's Start Cambridge, Mass., Dec, 10. Tho Harvard football team, which wilt play the University of Oregon at Pasadena, Calif,, on New Ycar'fi Day, refrained from practice today and prepared for its westward Journey tomorrow. The official football party will con sist of twenty-three players, ten coaches, trainers and physicians and several newspaper men. A special send-off will be given the team when it boards the Wolverine express nt 2 o'clock In the South citation. Kvery member of the tenm saw serv ice in the war. All of the first-string men enlisted Immediately war was de clared. The younger members of the squad were in the students' training corps. Five coaches were In foreign service. The team will stop over In Chicago four hours on Hunday, At Han Fran cisco the players vll be the guests of the local Harvard w"ub on Christmas Day. They nro expected to arrive at Los Angeles on the morning of De cember 20. Severnl times each day of the journey where train stops permit the team will have setting-up exercises and brief signal practice. Football Awards at P. I. D. At a banauet tendered to the football t-nm of the Pennayivanla Institution for the Deaf laat ntgnt. the following were awarded their letters: Captain Turoskl. I.lbby, Wolfe. Klrby. Mlawa. nelaara, nonateiil. Lcape, Smith. Kllnan Rnd Rmery. That only eleven tetters should be awarded came a a distinct surprise to the Mudents. Amois those thoujmt deserving of It. but who were not honored, were McMnmis a former cap tain In football: Carr and Miller Details Yellow Para 2S1 Phone llnnb I9th and enrstnut. 4th Floor Our Annual Xmas Offer to Our Patrons and to thoee who caro to come In an? jet acquainted with Emerson quality and perfected footwear, wo aro offering our , "Sterling" and "Supreme" Brands at 25 Reductions f'ome In Today or Tomorrow Sure1 31 North 13th Street Open Eveninga Below Filbert . sy.-.S' si "tj:'. St. Cartha&e Trounced Southwest tlranch Y M CJ, A. defeated It Cartharo. 62 to IB. at Boutfmcst Ilranch. Southwest Ilranch flt. Catrhauo Claxton ......... forward A. Thomas Campbell forward Uulmi.i Thomas center Herkee Fulchon ...,,...,ruard Lyons Ynncy ......guard Dorn Vield roals Claxton. Si CampbeJI, 4 Cook, 3 Troy, 8j Kulchon, Crawford. Yancy, 11 tlulnan 2: Hooker B. Lyons. Foul goals Claxton, 4; Decker. 41 Lyons. Triangular Regatta at Princeton Ithaca, N. Y.Dec. 10, The annual tri angular regatta l.ween Cornell. Tale and Princeton will be rowed neit spring on Iiks Carneglo, at Princeton, N. J., on May 18. This will he the second contest of thu scries to be held on Lake Carneglo, Four triangular races between thcoe collcgen hive been rowed In the past, three of which haNo tieen wok by Cornell Special Scout for Chicago Chlcntb, Dee. 10, Tho Chicago (NatlonaJ Leaguel ciub plans to send a apectai scout to look over youngsters trying out for posi tions on other trams when tho snr nr season starts It has become known Patsy Dono van, veteran baseball man, haa been chosen for Hint uut, lionovan wilt Hiiumph to obtain aufllclont Information regird'nt younir plasers at the major league camps to permit the Chicago Nationals to claim the most promising ones when they are turned adrift later la the season by tho waiver process. Date for Triangular Regatta Ithaca, N. Y, Dec. 10, Tho annual trian gular nuatta betwten Cornell, Yale and Princeton will bo rowed next spring on ku t n ni'gie at l'rmi ton N J in Ma-u IB This will be tho necond content of tho series to bo hel' on like Cam 1e Knur triangular races between these colleges hav hr n towed In he mat. thno of which hava len won bv Cornell Cigarettes by the Carton or SO's und 100's, at 20 Savings to You RAZORS &. RAZOR BLADES'TH fs.oo sq ne complete outllt . . '"- (.11.1.1. I'll: eO.O) Gold fA oir (mnplete outllt, cut to " AtTO-STItOP 83.00 com A (( plete outfit, cut to . w (IIU.irrTK 10.O) (lold t( QC .omntete otHt SJ.CTO TWIM'I.BX 6.00 10-jear SA K K I.H-ltKADY aud dem comolete otttllt. cut to 111 IUIAM Dl'I'I.KX, coiii- t1ete outflt. cot to GII.M".TTK & AUIO STIlOl Uazor Hladea ner doz OKM and IIDRIIAM DC I'l.RX Ilh'des 60c nka I.M'.n-Rn.DY Hludrs, 40o IKtiftnge cut to frnH1lSr7r Shnlug. ti-..T. It,e SI On Lle.l Thermos Hottles, I.nnch Kits. Mani curing hrts. l'lnea In cases. In fact, anything you may desire at money-saiin-: prices. "See us first," that's the slogan lfr IStlt and ARCH STS. 89c 80c 80c 40c 30c 75 c WmmWBL, WJm'M Monday Evenii if. 22 Jack Perry y. Al Moore Ray O'Malley yi. Marty Kane Joe Nelson V(. Bobby McCann Anay Schmader v. Splke MeFadden IIAltllY CUV GREB va. TURNER Christmas Afternoon, Dec 25 Jo nnr Itelslrr vs. Joe Htauley JIMMY JOHNNY MURPHY vi. CLINTON JOK YOHNO TIPLITZ v. SOCCO r.DDIIt YOIINO JQK FITZS1MM0NS v. BORRELL K. O. niLL BAILOR BRENNAN vs. PETROSKY BENJAMEN v. WEUJNG of the VaT SA f.carf 1038 1225 1305 1518 Street Street Street Street Market Market Market Market 1430 Chestnut Street 27 South 15th Street 1416 South Penn Sq. Broad & Girard Ave. 3647 Woodland Ave. 2436 N. Front Street Guilford's For Men's Gifts That's all there is to be said, for the qual ity and the moderate prices have established the reputation of this institution. Neckwear 65c to $5.00 Silk Shirts $8.50 to 15.00 Madras Shirts 2.50 to 6.00 Mufflers 1.00 to 15.00 Gloves 1 .50 to 6.00 Silver Belt Buckles 2.00 to 10.00 All Gift 8 Handsomely Boxed MniMArruA smianii nwiPM attilllllBJIlaW All Ten Stores Open Evenings Tlw Largest Exclusive Haberdashers in the State The Liveliest Biography of the Year Recollections of Men, Women nnd Events During Eight Decdc of American History nry Watterson SO Year Editor of the Louisville Courier-Journal a "Never has he failed to do the fear less thing; never has he failed to do the great hearted thing." Booth Tarkington. Two volumes. Octavo, boxed. Net, $10.00 (fffl&f) r WINDSOR ROOM 1204 Cheatnut St. 11 SOUTH 15th ST. For Men Seeking Style And Comfort During These Cold Days 1 Superb Greatco'ats TAILORED FOR US BY THE KIRSCHBAUM SHOPS H5 t0 v 5 You -will find in these coats the real type of overgarment for out-of-doors. You will find the smartest of styles and the staunchest of tailoring coming from die Kirschbaum shops. You will find the richest of fabrics Cheshires, friezes, plaid-backs and other warm fleecy weaves. , ,. nrTr r ' USEFUL GIFTS FOR MEN Silk Shire, - ffcr to 15 Gloves, - t 104.50 Lined Gloves, 3 to 16.50 Initial Handkerchiefs, - 35c to 85c Neckwear, - fi to 5 Bath Robes, 7.50 to jo Umbrellas, ffa.30 to Walking sticks, $2 to $(20 Mufflers, 3 to 13.50 Sweaters, - J5.J0 to 18 Silk Hose, - 8jc to JJ3.50 Knitted all-wool waist coats to 10 Full dres waist coats, 6.50 to jfia OUR SHOW WINDOWS i SEE JijttMmbA ' Ik mm- TjaPieffcr5 aJgc8agT3gs?T-3g IB -1- ''jate EaRl x-e ' WJEK I fed II '' J"-V -til 111. -! s J.J-Jst If't' ' U" "then visit her Pacific Coast neighbors. linjoy VICTORIA, Lasl.ins in the soft atmosphere of tho Japanese current; flowcra in full liloom, coif links, the Drive, aleo a man clous hotel, thu Kniprcss to welcome jou. Include VANCOUVER, of bustling western enter prise, offering tho metropolitan otundard Vanci uver Hotel for rcat, relaxation and vistai of mountains and sea. .hxccllent golf courses. .Make jour trip to 'Winler'u Summerland or return in luununs roinfoit through tlio Canadian Pact! icockses A Christmas rairylaml ofjk " Fifty Sintzcrlands in One" "V f Unexceller) Sleeping nnr! CIning Car Service Round Trip Tickets 1111 Diverse Routes on sale throughout the jcar. Liberal ttop-over priWlcgcs. Splendid hotels also at Calgar), 'Winnipeg, Montreal. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY TlKiWorii'o Greatest Highway Atk tor Daceiimic Tour ,Vo. 1S2-.I. 1U C. CLAYTON, City I'assenjer Agent Chestnut Street Philadelphia 1', It. rKRlil, Oenern! Agent, Passenger Dcpt. "it llroadwa New York City Winter Land of Summer Pleasures See Florida this Winter. Yield to tho spell of mag nolias adrift vith blossoms, ro3'al palms arching cathedral aisles, orange groves ablaze vith color. - Tang of ocean, aroma of pines. The outdoor world at its best. Great hotels thronged wiih happy people. Dancing and social entertainments. De lightful companionship. Days full to overflowing with the holiday spirit. Sail, fish, hunt, swim, golf, motor, play tennis. Whatever it is you seek, whether sport and gaiety or rest and recuperation, Florida's endless variety offers diversion for all. Attractive Winter Excursion Fares to Resorts in the South are offered by the United States Railroad Administra tion. For Fares, schedules, Service, Maps or Book let, "Florida and Southern Winter Resorts," apply to or write nearest Consolidated Ticket Office or 1539 Chestnut St.-, Phila., Pa. Phone Locust 5800, UNrreD-STATES lnilQAJDrADMINISTlJriON Travel Oursao MS Transportation Building Chicago Trsvel Durtsu 143 Llb.rty 6treet N.wYork Travel Bureau (03 Healer Building Atlanta a W f s 1 mi i i1 . o l lll!IIIiaUllllllIIIBIlll!llI!llllIIBlllItBIlllIIIlllilllIlllt (l p " t