inaiiaiiaivwHiaBiaiiaM tiMi r;srE.,la's: S'taW"" ISi5n ' W!" '- -SIM9 raynKp!rr EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, FEIDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1919 s? A wsmwrn- r w : v,. v ... J I i TOET STLL " -- ,,...- ii LAFAYETTE-LE BAR 3 ATHLETES Dumoe, Spagna and O'Hearn Ruled Ineligible by Faculty Committee PLAYED WITH PHOENIXVILLE Collorinto ntlilcloi wlio pnrtieipntoil In Hip I,linpnWvillp-OonlinlineKc,ii foot ball pimp nt Norrlstown nlinost two ppks ngo nrp pitting for It nt thr price of their nmntrur KtnutllnR. .Top Diiiiiop. tlip brilliant Tnfn-pttP fnd, who was Hplpctpi! 1 many critics us All-Aniprirnn. estpnln,v wns dp rlnrod InpliRiblp for further nctivlty In Mnroon spofts by the Knston fnculty mul HpnRun. n ri'Kiilnr tncklp"nt LpIiIkIi, toRPthpr with O'Upnrn, n mi1 lineman at thp sumo Institution, by the nthlctlc bosvos nt Hfetlilrhctn. Many Casualties The canmltv list in inpliRibilitics, not physical injuries, of thp Norrlstown in dependent club smnp followw: I'nnl I'pnrcc, hiilfbark. IVnnsjIvnnia. Tien Dprr, hnlfh.icl:. Ponnsjlvania. .Inp Dunine, I.nfiuette, end. Hnrry KpiiKiia, Lehigh, tncklp. Tim O'llrnin, Lehigh, guard. I'onrce. and Dprr werp up on othpr professional rhnrgp.s, but their piny in thp Norrlstown intlppendent club game helped convict them. Jim Npjlnn and Heiuo Miller, of Penn, anil llodie Woldon, of I.nfajette, nrc thrcp other coljn'je athletes who played with I'liocniwillc, but no nrtlon was taken on thpm liecuusc thpy already have plnved their last Ramp for thplr alma maters and will graduate in .Tune. Prof. Pianeis A. Maich, cliiiirninii of the eommittee nt Lnfnjettc, stated that Dumoe wnH declared Ineligible becaui-e he had plnjcd four jcurs of varsity football, but it was really the gawp nt Norrlstown that brought his inse up for intestigntinn. Up staled that he received only expenses for playing with the Phopnitville eleven. Previous to his entering T.nfnjetto Dumoe plajed two seasons w ith Sj rncusc and one w ith Fordham. Lafayetto Hirt This fall Dumoe was n tower of strength on the Lafayette tenm, Ills great playing at right end aiding ma terially in the nucpc-s of the team. His catching of two forward pnsses from Cnptnlu ''Bodie" Weldon, in thp dying minutes of the annual gnmc with Le high, turned the tide of victory to Lafnjette. Dumoe was the fuvorite for the enp taincy of next ypar's team. lie also was counted upon to play a regular position with the newly formed lee hockey team. Lehigh Intends; to restrict the nction of nil nthletes in regard to outside com petition, and a committee lias been ap pointed to draw up rules for future policy nlong these lines. The, commit tee consists of Prof. Palmer V. Johnson and W. OUeson. Victory for West Park West Park tioat Fifth U r. by the Bcoro of 40 to 10 In a Drntel-niddle Lenuue Kama !n the former'n hall, M ItrfGJ' 1225 M&vket Our New Store and New Plan lH r JK!. mm v 9 iWmw m W iK&i I VAW SJ JiJ was fl m M,1 IJIM M Two Big Stores Visit the Nearest 2d Floor 2d Floor 1425 Chestnut 1225 Market C4LL ITXMAS, BUT HOW I , .... , . , , ., Fred Mitchell Leads Pennsylvania Harriers Pred Mitchell, the former North east High lnd, was chosen jesterday to pilot Old Penn's cross-country tenm for 11)20. He succeeds llnlph McIIale, ft'lin captained the hnrrlcrs this last fall. Though n junior, Mc Hnle iefued to be n candidate for re-election, Mitchell is n junior in the chemical engineering course in the Tow nc Hcientine. School. lie has been n member of the uirslty hnrrier .ipintl for several jenrs, nnd is also on the truck team. Those who chose Mitchell wcic Ham Klvint, 11111 Cummings, Larry llrown, Irwin, Shields nnd Mcllnlc. CARDINGTONF.C.TO PLAY BETHLEHEM Strong Sunday Schedule Ar ranged for Winter Pastime. Want Game for Christmas Sunday soccer proved to be o popu lar out Cnnllngton way. that Manager Dave Wolfenden has arranged another gnme for Sunday with one of Philadel phia's crack amateur teams, the ,T, & .1. Dobson eleven, from the big carpet wnrlts at the Falls of the Schuylkill. The klekoff will takp place at I? p. in. Cardlngton V. C have been grentlv strengthened" since they have obtained the services of Lefty Nolan and Jlinmv Wilson, which gives them two of the best dribblers around this section. In addition to Sunday's gamp, Cnnllngton will opposp the world's champion Pii'thlphem team on Sunday, December as, with New York Ship as their opponents on the following Sunday. It is Wolfendcn's idea to book only the strongest attractions possible, and the visiting teams will be given u fair guarontce. Cnnllngton also desires to meet a good first-class team on Christinas af ternoon. Clubs desiring games will plense communicate with Dave Wolfen den, care Wolfenden Shore Co. nt Card lngton, or by telephone Lansdowne KOIi-J. TIGERS VS. HARVARD HERE Will Play Hockey Twice at Ice Pal ace In Case of Tie The ciyitains of the Princeton nnd Harvard hockey teams hne gotten to gether nt last and definitely settled on their dates for the Philadelphia Ice Palace, These teams will meet first nt Cambridge on .Tnnunry 31. The first Philadelphia game will be on Februnry .8. If ench wins n game the deciding match will be plajed nt the Philadel phia Ice Pnlncc on March C. Princeton now has all her Intercol legiate dates fixed except those with Ynlc. The Philadelphia Ice Palace will be their home rink. To date they will piny in Philadelphia as follows January 10, Princeton vs. Quaker City Hockey Club; 17, Princeton s. Dart mouth; -0, Princeton . Pennsjlva nia: February 21, Princeton vs. Penn- sWunia; 28, Piinceton vs. Ilurvard; jMnich 0, Prlneiton vs. IInrard, in tyisc of tie PHILADELPHIA INDIANAPOLIS OOPTON BT. LOUIS aroerstm 2nd. Floor Save YOU the difference - HetlVeeil '"Shi first-floor rents and low, second-floor rents. Between expensive free delivery and no f r c e delivery. Between csly charge accounts and no credits or bad i debts. Between extravagant business methods and no un necessary expense. Opening Specials Following the wonderful opening of our second successful store in Philadelphia, we will continue our extraordinary value giving offer. Selected from our regular higher-priced stock, these are usual $40 and $35 Values Suits and Overcoats Here Are a Few of Our Special Fur-Collar Overcoats Silk-Lined Full Dress Suits Silk-Lined Flannel Suits Men's Conservative Suits $40 & $35 Quality, for Open Saturday Evening Until YALE FIVE STARTS DAY GAMES Blue Basketball Squad Leaves on Trip Including Nine Battles PLAY ST. JOHN'S TONIGHT New Haven, Conn,, Dec. 10. Yale "tnrted today on Hip longpst and most exacting basketball Christmas trip ever attempted by thp univpisitv. It will stnrt its formal plaing spn son tonight on thp lloor of St. ,Tohn' Collpgp, Brooklyn, nnd will travel to the College of the City of New York tomorrow night. After a holiday, until December 2!l, the team will meet nt drove City, Pa., and will piny nine gnmes in western Pennsjlvnnin nnd West Virginia. The trip will culminate in Pittsburgh when the diversity of Pittsburgh and Princeton nrc plnjcd there .Tanuaiy 2 and a. Dr. Al Shnrpo, Yule's new athletic dlieetnr. Is supervising the tiip nnd will accompany thp tenm. Chnrley Taft, son of the fonnpr President of the United States, will nceompnnj it part of the way. He was the last Yale basketball captain of n five that won the Intercollegiate title The mnnnger of the team Is Tom Sawyer, the base ball laptain. Fear that the railroad and fuel ad ministration regulations will hamper the team's plans was felt toda.v when the I squad left here. At first it wns plnn- rned to disband the tenm till after thp Clnistmns vacation, abandoning the trip, but permission wns finally given for the trip to be lakpn, on condition thnt no special car demands were mnde. Paul Crnne, the football hnlfback, has been jumptd over the heads of Joe Morse and Sheldon into the berth of first -string right forward. All three will be tiled out the coming week. Stanton will be given a tiy at center nnd Jameson nt gunid. Of the freshman nve last year Cap tnin It. J. Lanier. C. J. Hume, T. F. Keck and A. C. Melleni.v nre membeis of the sipiad, which is the most formid able J ale lias possessed in several sea sons. Patsy Donovan to Scout ChlcfiKo, Dec 13 The C'hlcieo National Lentrue Club plunH to send a ppeclul acout to look over ountrtt?rn trylnK out for ponl tlon on other team when the Hprlnff sen pon starts. Patsy Donoa.n. eternnt bisc ball mnn. has been chosen for that dut. Catholic League to Meet A meetlnft of tho Wet Philadelphia. Tilth ollc l.pHsue will Ik held this eenlnir at S'n r.itlTt Vine street. Tho follow inir clubs nre requested to bo present Papchatl. St GreRorv, est atapnaei, .i JKmiiuc, viririx and Archbishop Hynn Plana will bo made to lorm a basketball league Hershey Olivets Beat Armstrong T mirxi tit. ripr 10 Thn Armstrnnrr A I A tenm met defeat at the hands nf tho Hershey Olivets by a 31-to-28 score It wns hard fought throughout and decidedly spec tacular. KANSAS CITY CINCINNATI & Values 9 p CAN A GUY - ... ,--. PENN'S HOCKEYISTS WORK IN THE OPEN Candidates for Red and Bluo Team Practice on Lake Out at Haverford Penn ire hockcits jesterday took their first real practice of the year on the lakp at HaPtford. While the skaters hap been busy in informnl drill, jesterday was the first formal workout wihcli Dr. fleorge Orion's sportsmen hnc indulged in. No less than fifty men are in the squad wilful Coach Paries is drilling into shape with the idea of picking a tpam to represent the Ited and lllue nt Ice hocki't. Hrjan Ilarah, n sophomore In the Wharton School, is the laptain of the team, and he has quite a group of veterans at the game from which to pick his'varslU seven. The men were glad of the opportunity to get some real work on the ice. Only two vetPians arc back for (lie team in addition to Captain Pnrah. They aie P Steiner nnd L. H. Moirpnu. llesides this pair there are C. It Jeffreys, who plajed goal on the St. Paul School team, and O. II. Frailer, another St. Paul Sdiool star, yuong the other men trjing for the team who have shown mm-uinl promise are J Kearns, A. C. Pringle, A. M. Clnugh, M. Smith, W. II. Iluzle ton nnd Yi. J. Mntthewson. Pelrce School by a Point PMrcc School Jumped Into thn lead in th baMietlnlll Kutni- with rrleni!n' Select Prhonl e-irly In the first half nml therein won the Fame m me eiect KMnnasmm, eslerl .-, m : jein.1.' pi,icra leu wi mm 111 lime. IT to 11 Delaney Beats Burns CbMfliuul, Dei IP Cal Hrlanei of Cleveland was alven the newspaper le rMon ner Pidd llurnft of HrookKn In i ten-round bout last nlirht They welshed 11". poim'i Just to sell our stock liefer1 Xmas. Wonderful alues' 'Won derful coats. Scores of various styles for men and joune men In meltons and plaid Backs, doublo and single breasted, some with belts and some without. Made to Sell for $45, $40, $35 TOO, AT In corresponding styles of the Overcoats a veritable palaxy of blues, ways, pin stripes and fancy tweeds, all specially priced for this Inventory Event, Open Saturday Night WAX AflCHST. 58 & 60 N. 13th St. Location Saves You Money llllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllillllil P mf- HPSSHH I 1007-9-11 Market St. Take theElevator - One of the Many jS InnrnnnnTfi WSw featured in this ' jfe'MVSp WWmB'' :7Wi INVENTORY M'PB tWH ifill $45, $40, $35 Values JflPl ''' ?' WKwm B . Kfci,!!! 1,1! i jr iflw8twfJ13SSg mWKmflMx v Lamm -J JTI'l n WLW 4 W A'JU-WW' GET BY ON A -- - - SYDNEYSHARWOOD REPORTED INJURED Prominent Morion Golfer Seri ously Hurt While Practicing Shots in Cellar MAY NOT PLAY' NEXT YEAR According to n report, nn injuij mis tnlned by n Philadelphia golfpr may Keep him out of competition npxt spnson. Sydnpj Sharwood, one of the Merlon stars, was testing out several new clubs In the cellar of his residence n few das ago. While attempting to swing with n new drier he struck .- box with the club, nnd in the attempt to iecoer his equilibrium he stumbled and fell. The fnll resulted in n serious injury to Mr. Shnnvood's spine. The Merion man's physic-Inn has advised Mr. Shacwood that he should not piny golf for nt least another jenr If the Merlon man will not be able to get into the game npt senson his ab sence will be n keen disappointment to mnny followers of the sport in tills dis trict. Mr. Sharwood Is a real lover of the game, and his deep interest in the sport is shown by the fact that he tested out clubs nt honip, whpr. the space would make the ptnrtlce hazardous. Heal Again Defeats Ellis rttlNhurxh. Hc 10 Tlunb Heal of To lrdo ur.tln defeated CharH Hills lant nlplit in thn Intrritittn Thrr cuwlilon lUUtirl Uonpun niiitrli by tho ncor of "n to Id in flft-Mv tnnlncM Kllln had n hltrli run f Mx uhil Hon I'M bent run wnn fln Hon cfr ho wan the more consistent o r r and Hilled er few uhotH ... mrrjvi, ..s. 6'!f!ffli,'K-,-?5Si! i We Can -We Do Save You Money! The man who turns hi back on the advan tage of this Up-slalrs Coicj Shop, denies him self clothing economy that it expresed in better clothes for leu money. If you can save $10 to $15 on your clothes without slighting either style or quality, don t you think it's your duty to eome up here? We can we WILL save you money if you will give us the chance. ' P0 Clothes are the greatest money's worth in America. They are acclaimed by 500,000 men in 32 cities as such, because They are sold from the makers direct In our low-rent Upstairs Shops In enormous volume. 2nd Floor ffWcGivelheValues AidGetTheBusmess YmmmsMaWMrm A AT I PBkI SEXSBBBBBBI? BB&?'ibAj- BBBlBBHBBHBVr I IBBBH i w BBv 'j&Mmwpl,lBMHml&ilmmMMli 1 vMw Jr LMmgW 1007-9-1 1 Market St WJK; i W TEN-SPOT WITH PRESENT H. C. OF L. ! . .. Carpcntier May Try for Chamber Seat Paris, Dec. 10. It is reported that Ocorges Carpcntier, Kuropean heavyweight champion, will be n pundldnte for the seat in the Cham ber of Dppntips caused by the tesig nntlon of Cnptaln Vernier. Car pcntier was born in the north of Prance, nnd lived there for several j cars. The conqueror of Joe Heckett wns raised still higher in European opin ion when news wns received here from London that a new fur lint railed the "Carpcntier'' had been placed on the market there. SPEEDBOYS WIN IN . SWIMMING CONTEST! West Philadelphia Tank Stars1 Triumph by 34 to 19 Over Girard i The West Philndelphla Hlffh nwimmlnfc tenm defeated the Olriird CoIIpko nwlmmera at the Vt Jlranch Y M C A pool lart evenlnff by n eenre nf 3 to 10 The Spprlbn b cot off tn nn ntinplclmiB ntiirt by MlnnltiK the relaj Funk, fiheprard Conell Holt? wwlmmlnc in the order nimefl for Went Philadelphia, defented Glrard' team, composed of Hall. Ianc. Conoer and Jloppon lOOonM rclti Won by Went Philadelphia TItBh (Punk Sheppard. ConeM and Holtz); Glrard rolleo (HhII I-nne, Conoer. Hop son) Kechnd Time. 1 2T 2-5 10-yard daph Won hv Holtr WeM Phila delphia. Conoer Olnrd neennd, ITopon, fllrHrd third Time 20 2 i"n Pnncv lhe Won bj Ileddancs. Wet Philadelphia Uovle Girard. second: McAl llter. Glrard third inn ard nlm Won liv Hnlt7 West Phlla dphla Tonell Wet Philadelphia, second; ITopPon Glrard third nssi'no i jr AtAjv my AMATEUR BOXERS RETURN j American Champions Successful In i European Tour , New York, Dec. in The thrcp vic torious American amateur boxers who toured the Scandinavian countries Inst month competing In boxing contests ri" turned home pslpnlnv nn In. lli.nmn. fjord from Christfnnla. The party con sisted of Ashton Donzp, of New Or leans, national bantamweight cham pion J Frank Cassidj , of New York, national lightweight champion; John Ilurke, of Pittsburgh, one of the best light heavjweight boxers in the coun try nt the present time, and llenjamln Iievlne, of the Metropolitan A. A. U., who was mannger of the team. Tamaqua, 25; Coaldale, 17 Tumaqtiu, l'a Dec. 10 -The TAhiflnni Shamrock Mlllnlet rlefeateil the Milo A r leam ii iiaj.iHie. in u lASl corneal by a eore of 25 to 17 15th and Chestnut f m i Friday & Saturday Only Two-Score Famous Nationally Advertised Brands of Clothes For Men and Young Men at 312 Suits . 285 Overcoats - At a Clear Saving to You of at Least $20 The object of this re markable special offer is to emphasize to strangers to this big exclusive clothes shop the advantages of choosing their clothes from scores of famous nationally advertised brands displayed here, and the extraordinary economies that we arc able to effect as a result of our vast volume of business through our chain of stores. These Suits and Overcoats 377 in all were culled from our stock of 11,000 garments. Every one is a celebrated make. Only one, two and three of a kind. Full range of sizes repre sented, in all styles (from the conservative to the very extreme), and in all fabrics. This event for today and tomorrow j only. Don't miss it It j means a clear saving to' you of at least $20! Qinfa rtnati Tlfitl, Till B1 gr muw ijivh "ii j.t 2nd jT M&k & Floor I 9mm jfiMr SmmmlimJeikUmlomtitrJiS WaaUtithSLssssm n TWO SHOOTS TOMORROW! . I JS Clearvlew and Fort Side Clubt Lj PlfUnla ttm MsaMla Ui , ivi iTiemuurs i' Two gunning events nro listed oroun this section tomorrow. Tim 'Clonrvlirf Run Club will hold Its rcffiilar month? target competition at Fourth and Elftj .tvciiut-s, v uiwyn, nun up rc lY'llts inmsh, like Knowles will stage a ah, Club. l Secretary D. X. Klwell, of the Cleat view, has arranged n nice program fftj me n;niicr-Biioi cian anil a Dig crawfc is expecieu to lire away In the shooa ing. -iiie I'ort side events will bo fifteen white fliers. S. P. H. A. Downs Glrard In a hard foUKht came the 8. P. M. downed Qlrard Alumni. 2 to 22. In Amefl can Txnirue came lat nljrht. Klots fe&tarl i hv I ball nv nis iienKaiionai piayinir, twice neiiinc tn n jump-on near ino caiKew The House of Famous Clothes for Men and Young Men r m bA. Special Announcement ft! ii WT h III & m Ril iBHr y J mmw fc I iP J pn I nt INF MffBBra k I 7 II IS 1 i 'I 15th and I Chestnut 1 C I f C.l.,.Jn. frill 1A H V u ti in, omuiun; aiii aw i 4 at ?tSBl m a V - A, r f ?' I! Cl fti a ,i. ( s n