'-. ! otw..t...i "ii.ilmmnriHi-trAi'M isvmirwrTr'T-,Tr rn,rTrx' ' ' .Bf" l, '. !-.f .lU'VWV'n!,'.l.V. "FW tytl M ,,r-r i,J " 1 ' v t I EVENING PTTKLIO LEDGERr-PHlL'ABELPHiA; FRIDAY, DECEMBER ID, 1919 1 1' W.t 1 W f m ?' no ft i. 31 Special iristmas If You Order Wo have a new and better plan of selling Grafonolas. There are advantages In buy ing here which you will not find elBewhere. procures this new model Columbia Grafonola tomor row. Delivery will be made at once. The balance may be paid in pay ments to suit your convenience, Open Evenings Grafonola Snops The btat iiliico In l'hlladclplilit tu bur Grutimul.iB uml Ki ..It 1109 Chestnut St. 19 S. 52d St. Open Evening Until Christmas rhono Walnut B89t If Ynn Cannot Cnll, Cut TliU Coupon Out nml Mull Tniilelit. WIDENEK'S nroNOUV SHOP, 1100 Chcitntit .St.. I'lillaitelulila iuu. .u wuuiiaviuii ivimicier Krapna iu uuBtripiiuiia i juur Nan Address Do Vnur Kword hhopplnff TT.r 111 w 5 ALL the difference between the sullen drip from the eaves and the flutter of leaves in a sunny patio beyond Seville. All die difference between the nionotony of a dull book and the lively creak of saddle-leather between your knees. All the difference between seven o'clock this bleak evening and a hot noon ten years ago, when palm fronds rustled in the soft trade-wind. All the difference between Number 7 Maple Street Here arc the Latest Paramount Artcraft Pictures rrJB ? T rktrwmkw fJlTd ., Columbia Ttrcorda for Mnas Terms Saturday $ I Open Every Evening I'honr llrlnmnt B.J03 on my part uena mi! pnoto miesi Jioaeis Q UrAConulus .,..! Jhls is no night to stay home " 1 What if it does snow! What's that to you? The motion picture theatre is open. Latest Paramount Artcraft Pictures Rcleaud to December ist BIltiaBurketn "Sadie I.ora' Ireno Caatle m "Tris Invisible Mond" Marguerite Clark ik "I.vck i Tawh" Ethel Clayton m "A SrOHTING (.iiakci" Cell 1). DeMUIe'a Production "Maw and Fimalr" El.la Feriuaon in "Coukttvit" Dorothy GUh in "TUINIHO TUI TASLtS" D. W. Griffith's Production. "Scahlet Days" Wm.S. Hart "Joiim Tiiticoatj" Houdlnfin ''The Cam Gaui" 4JM 'Supervision Thomas H. Ince b - i FAMOUS l tr 7 AUULfU iUrjJKi KHmZSA -C:5" i j. j oun STORE ORDERS E ARE AS GOOD AS CASH and rnablo jou to bti at th da rartmant and apeclalty atorea you firffer Our trms ar. based on th. fnsth of eradlt ar fair and mod. rt- Writ for full dtalla. MAItKIOTT DUOS, 1118 Chestnut Immediate Dclivcru of the Popular Model 11 VICTROLA $130 CHAS. E. ROBERTSON Oprn r.Trnlnii. 3M1 Lancaster A. GIFTS for MEN WTW In tirnctlrnl KlfK t lut t fxprr9 sood tnste nnd thmivht, Buu oto and avoid the last minute rush TIES LATEST PATTERNS in the Newest Silks 65c to $4.50 SILK CrcI)e dc Chine C SHIRTS Jersey silks Our early purchaso of eilks ma ken It runnible for our prices to be unusually ow alnr of $2 to St on nil our pM'k KliIrlH. Other Silk Shirts, $5 to $11.50 Tnnce nssortinrnt silk and port Iiohp, hntlirobrn, ittnlirellitff, mnfllort, etr. All rrlfts nttrartlvely boxed free, and de livered unyhere. HVUS KVKNINGS II N. 9.-ST. PHI LA. " One Door Above Market Street old nucM) or loi-its i Vivian M artln n "Ills Officiai. IACI;I Wallace Raid "Tiue LoTTtav Man Maurico Tourn.ur. Production "The I.ifeLiie Geors. Loan. Tuck.r'a Producllop "The Miaci.r Mah" Robert Warwick in "Ik Miziouia' Bryant Washburn trt "Ir Pavj to Advmttse" "The Teeth of the Tiger" With a Sttr Cast 'The Miracle ol Love" A Cosmopolitan Production Thomas H. lncc's Productions Enid Bennott in "What Evmy WoutX Leashs" Dorothy Dalton in "IApache" Douglas MacLean & Dorts May m "Ziyi Hours' Leave" Charles Hay ' "Crooked Straight" $P PLATERS - LASIaY CORPORATION - neiJtoafci - UVOl vcerm. vaA.uio.uxiauAAXii"irwruew. tticw tow - it&cuLm M9i -Jt . romnmm' 3 for $10.50 JffSSlT K1K-MI 1'. S1IIIIT Cl. 906 Chestnut St. ?', NEOLIN SOLES and O'SulHvan's $1 7C Rubber Heels 1-'J BKST MATirnUr. USHD WORK QOAKANTKED Goodyear Shoe Repairing Dot rii.nrtiv intEW Skin trouble costs many a man his job No iiinttnr how cilicient n man may be, if In- 1ms au ugly skin trouble, there- iut positions in hlrh lip cannot ho tolcintid IIo ninj know that it is not in the least contagious, but other pt'onln me afi"id, they uol him, ami ho lmi'-t make uay for a man with n clear, hcultliv skiu Why lun this lisk when Ointincnt ami Hcsinol Soap stop ilclinij; and clear uwnj the trouble und similar humois mi (pneklj and casilj V Phr'iinc had prescribed tlie IteBlnol S WJtrlLJVtiL fJ 0 1 SWfZ W 97 SV iS.A" v &? , . NY x3 kind v . -- -r- U ' Reslno! l trpntm nt f r uer JO '-oars Kery druc EiPt f!'" H'rtlnoi Ointment and Ttcslnol Soap for sample of ea h fref wrlto to Dept ,7 11 H sinol 1'aliimoro Md and the sail-shaded deck of an island schooner cream ing through the blue of the seas of the South. How far away? How near is die nearest of die better theatres, with the relaxation of its sociable chairs, its genial warmth and happy swing of music? . Paramount Artcraft Pictures are there. That is why it is a better theatre. Your kind of people, who know life and treasure romance, made Paramount Artcraft Pictures pos sible and Paramount Artcraft Pictures made that better theatre possible. Paramount f-catwrcs Comedies r.ramount-Arbuckle Comedies Kiery Other Month Paramount-Mack Sennett Comedlee Tuo I.aeli Month Paramount-AI St. John Comedies One I a- Month I'aramount.Ernest Truex Comediea One I och Month Paramount. De Haven Comediea One I'.ach Month Paramount Short Sublets Paramount Magazine issued weekly Paramount'Post Nature Pictures issued eicry other ueek Paramount.Uurton tioline3 1 ravel . Plcturea one each tteeh Pararaount.Burllngham Adventure Pictures every other ueek Faramount.Briggs Comedies one each week Wm T1 1 U 1 1 1 1 1 U W!11P KELLY'S 12 n. 9th i Open Day & Night Oysters in Every Style Me Hate nn Kirtllcnt t-oeal nnd national Reputation A CHRISTMAS SPECIAL Illouo of Ilcnti. white or navr Oorir ettp, cmbrnltlererl In a eonrentlonni de rIko with blaik amber lind groin bfadj. It baa a very EoorMocklne Plrevp. A $u.()0 Talue. l'rlced CR QD Kreclnlly at ipa.VU MONEY SAVING XMAS GIFTS I'cRgy's Blouses look like a lot more than the money they cost ou, for every other shop asks S3 to $3 more than we do. They arc all new, all cry fash ionable each in an Xmas box. Special $5 to $10 BLOUSES UPSTAIRS HERE AT $3, $3.90, $5, $5.90 The Prettiest are Roing fastest. Come NOW for youra. 1203 CHESTNUT STREET Over Child's Iteat'n't 'Taho KlJiator Read the theatref' newspaper advertising for dates ot showing m i A lor the Child and Miss Fur Sets $2.95 to $12.93 . nabhlt. Hit Conor unci While ffnr. loaItite nlnr. of ?.1 to $1(1.80. t l'ull line of allk iimltrtrcar, "l. Klotra, lionlfry, botrd j Imndlirrrlilrfu for liolldav nlfta. RSUXBAUEVi'S N. W. Cor. 8!h & Filbert Sts. m m Delivery Guaranteed Xmas Morning No need to lmo sour Blft lay- 1 Inir dMiiml tlin hniw vhr ho may accidentally dlscoi.r IU Surprise Him Silk Shirts, $7.50 up Cuff Links. 50c up . Handkerchiefs, 50c box up ' Bath Robes, $7.50 up. Silk Hose, $1.00 to $2.50 Neckwear, 75c to $5 Belts, $1 to $2.50 Buckles Engraved Free Umbrellas, $2 to $6 Many other ua-ful elfta that will bo appreciated, AH floods Krntly Hoxed Liberty Toggery Shops, Inc. 833 Chestnut Street Oppnulle Continental Hotel fl.ien Eicry V,ti, Until lip. m. Rubbers for the Family - iseful SIFTS Not to Be Duplicated Elsewhere Girls' aincoats Enllrely New .75 Value $6.25 bices 0 eara to Id years Rain Hats, $1.00 Mall Ordera Filled Boys' Raincoats 54.50 (S.00 Value Ji a d e of English Cantona; d o u b 1 o texture; handsome Dlaid lininc: mili tary collar; tan and f olive shades. ' . a. : W 7II( Soots $1.75 & $5 Fneclnl Trices on lioys' and Men'a ELACK ' RUBBER COATS Men'a U. S. Government Jfif? Kfl nip Boots. $12 value, now VO'ufJ Men's and Women's $ Raincoats Spoqiat at If It's ifubter Wo Have If ftfsM'l'HiNHdHasm 820 CHESTNUT STREET A SEASONABLE Christmas Gift Velour Hats Jp.50 to $1 A.OO Soft and Stiff Hats $3mto$5'00 A Large Assortment of Caps Fur Velour Cloth $lso to $3-50 Imported Hare Hat Special Price $3-00 Open Evenings United Hat Stores, inc. 1217. Market Street Do Your Xmas Shopping Now GIFT SUGGESTIONS w& lu WWSs-, tet KP4 i I m fwwu W tit ,, a airrr uu V f r7i MM I vii&-faJrVk-JfraVi V a jdfOjtMParw A Practical""" CHRISTMAS GIFT Genuine WINDSOR HAIRS Hark (Innrlered Onli. Kumpd (lunr- ?1 1.00 lered oak. ... JL JL nirrli mnlioKiiny ,. ,. A.E.SNYDER MIIItARV K OFriCIl rUUMTUIll! llnrrnlni tnVL. Cl00ltltV4.Kt Hiceptlonallr low rrle. Etmt Article Guaranteed its ReprMtnted Frldenberg's Loon Office 37 N. 11th mBf" Cor. 0th llottonwood St.. Xg after shaving; Delightfully soft, soothing and ssa??iJ L.rflOXlfj.1! lN'WlNtfi, healing, Free Sample iiiV I t1Ei,"' ft 35c a jar t your dealer's V IMS TERM1 At the Leading Stores TtJUTE rOH l'AIlTlCUIiAns FRAMBES & CLARK 1112 Chestnut St., Phila. StO Ouornntee Tr. Illdi.. Atlnnllo City SO N. Third St.. Cumdtn SAVE MEAT -SAVE MONEY With everT roast of meat, poultry and gain., .nil OTCiy vaK.'A fiih, serve lib eral araonnt of STUFFING or DRESSING fla. vorodirith. Bell's Seasoning. In- creaio me pieaa ureanddeoreue the cost. Hotel oners recom mend It. If your groeer will not sup-' ply you send 10a for sam ple package. Ask Gr&c-ers Far BELL'S SEASONING Children Don't Cry Grown-ups don't Worry after applying ATRIKEN ANODYNE OINTMENT Tho only household hrcharatlon of Its kind for cuts, burns, blte3. chafed or chapped skin. Relieves pain, soothes and cleanses At Good Druggists ATRIKEN CHEMICAL WORKS 5-lb Box $3.25 Assorted Mixtures 3-lb. Box Assorted Chocolates and $225 Bon Bons 5-lb. Fancy Christmas Box Glace Fruits 1 & 5 lb. Boxes $5-00 $1.50 l'er Full Line of Hard Candies Assorted Salted Nuts Candied Toys and Children's Novelties Walnut & Eighth Sts. riionefc Uuluut SGO Main S8 (smmmmmS) CT! Wo can deliver any of tho following models to your home today: Viclrola IV $25.00 Viclrola VI 35.00 Victrola VIII 50.00 Victrola IX 70.00 Victrola X 110.00 Viclrola XI 130.00 Victrola XVI 250.00 These nrc genuine Victrolus, the uiuuuct ot the Victor Tnlk-lii-hine Company. H. R0YER SMITH COMPANY WALNUT at TENTH ST. Slore Open Evenings Till Chrifi)nu8, $13.00 SlU-Sifl Walnut HI. Lombard 2074 WJJW I mMmm ' ItVa!VSJIBa.a.lE EtssSBSSuMimatmsESaaL. i- f&"W M. O. JvntLL Cd7Bl I New Brunswick, N. J. p V& WiM.BdGtfSffiSrUaW - I m WdW Chttstituis wkss.?i. 7 t4 t f-i a (J . a'amllv al any itore rou M OjrSil TV j. VWVT Vv ""f"- lotlilns. foml- Ofi2; a s llHHrtal 33 I' "'" ""l central mer-V Mi" ky.li R&P y 720 ' '"""l1"- Pnv ine at jour V , k ff w" 'Wy Vr yr - yji jl i-oinmUmc. Been nt It R k. ""'liin I! llulit him on Chestnut Bt. V U.ssJ HyLjfifc3 rcEra GALVANIZED, COPPER AND ZINC SHEETS ' L. D. Bcrgcr Co., 59 N. 2d St. nil), Jlarhet C34. Keystone. Main 4000. pLL.M!HGHEAT? f Wm 1 1 Mavrrnv r V 524 Walnut St. Jq, J OBBJMG A SPECIAL! I MALIA Metal Wealher Stripping and Porch Inciosures 141 Wend St.. Fhlla. rhon. tyro, last Cuticura Talcum is.Fragrant and' Very. Healthful Sample free of Cuticura .UWator!e, Dept X, Maiden, Mut, 25c. eTcrywhere. KUNKEUSACQAl, The finest quality coal, plug unexcelled service, aells Kunkel'g and has built' up the largest la- . dependent coat business In West Philadelphia without a salesman. " 51st & Grays 63d & Market TOYS X s . LIONEL ELECTRIC TRAINS TOVQ SPECIAL PRICES Triiiilrfl kstltftl.as Tiihh.1. HI. ffi TH. i asm.-"i I'niiimni ass iti7ir( nifo p.s( Stations, 16c uni Mmiala. 65r upi Trre IJchtH Ilnttrry, (1.08 Brf of 8i for current. I S'i.tl). All goods llrst uunlltj. Kicry et- iMl'll, We aiil I.ocomothrs uid Cam aeparut. uprn i.irniiiKH. iiiiniisurfi rt jrnrs. BECKERS, SO N. Eleventh St. 200 SAMPLES I.AROIJ hKLlICTIO.V AL1, 8IZ1JS, Beautiful Patternx Feinstein Storage Co. S. E. cor. 9th & Spring Garden Offer Extraordinary Life membership $1. All the newest bookt of fiction. The book you want what you want it. Gift books, 3 for 51. B00KL0VERS' LIBRARY 1619Sansom Street Safe Milk For Infants & Invalids No Cooklai" A Nutritious Diet for All Age3 Quick Lunch at Home or Office Avoid Imitations and Substitutes pmm mtmw 'n iiiiesiii ie'BbiiijsiI'jbiii I for the Xmas Tree 1 8-Light Battery Outfit Inrludim.' hwltrh nnd 3 ited llntterles. $3.03 Om .V t;iertrlr 1 Bowl. $4.75 (n:.artly ll'te cut) FLOOR LAMP SHADES l,ar?4 ataort' ment at attrac tivo prices. .am Oil finAvSnt . tin TCL Siegel Light Supply Co. 231 MARKET ST, Orn Fvfnlit"rM i pa ,10. t ii rsi m wmswmi mmw iiibrbiib THERE'S genuine lun in mulling pictures, .and there is growing pleasure in the pictures themselves. It isn't looking back at old times, it's looking at them. For a Merry Christmas Kodaiu is the very thing John Haworth Company Euslman Kodak Co. 1020 Chestnut St, RUGS !! i 0 ' l'j Jl" l llJlUi JeajQiiJ'SBnlBWsmL ' rWsfeH3JSOjtJBoalB iBIIVBBBBnlilaiXlXAtXlakLQX-BBBlV . rpEcR3l Wl fTI I i. zj BB M 1 1 1 iSgw R 1 tV v''jBs?BaaMlBaaWy jfitlif j$jBg&-vW ovi-r Wo u.iitf. V III Cull. Plmne or Write V If 1112 Chestnut St.rvrF.lT?i?rj eal is llllftSIl sS IE 1 in Bl I iiiih m m . ! n- u5 Vn' VLfaaaaaaBPaaBSBaaaaaVssasSnMaak I I I 'i .- ix ..t iky '? ,ioi r t.