!ES5E2Z325B "W" vxp PHITii kit ( p' t r il Be" gv , ir IKK I fr. ' -. K' - m- Suentng $lufiKc Kedsr ST ' " '..' l" tJ. PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY DECEMBER 18, 1919 Figures in Doylestown Trial : Mine Hole in Steamship,: Eton's Wall Game : Time for Sleds town, Pa., accused of killing her father ifiltkf 0II1 ''cgod the young gij'l 'shotL" fathw wLn th gap was r0I)aircd- la, 'A? . ? 1 J&.V ' H I 'OBMIWf 'i with a shotgun last August at their " S$feh, . ' f IpltSffil ' fCaml n nBnlte? hC" 1"0thCr AmSlf' A "ZT 'vW3HKmk JJP''';";-:itsv I- $ v. .-., -g . ' t:!!,,?' I THE BEAUTY CORNER I 1 lllW.', .' J';-' '' ''''!"i: WliiS THE.LITTLE red sled gets its initial try-out of the season Youth mobilized swiftly at the "first Teal snowfall of I --. v- " " -- jf$7&'-' ' "? -V. " ' '' SfSiV the winter. . , (0) Kadtl & Herbcr FASHION DESIGNERS work apace. This smart vestee is a new note in spring neckwear. It is fashioned in white net and baby Irish laco and Trjsh crochet buttons. IJow.s and girdle are of b.lack sKtin, HOLDING THE BALL against the wall is the great feature of the well-known Eton College wall game. The contest is witnessed by the spectators from the top of the structure. MISS CATHERINE BUCK, 1C33 North Eighteenth street, Philadelphia. Photographs for this back-page feature should be submitted through thk L' inatf, addressed to the Beauty Corner, Evening Pubuo Ledger, ' y 4 . ta JL LJta lJl ;