""I i lumpm qpnj " iiiiii -rBH.i"J" I '( pwiwiij. mini mi l'i"im )i'""li"'fill "'"lufBwnwwf"!! 'i" .u ' uiininmmifflipiniiiii mi iu . ta v IkJ K i -i. A I mx r it V I WtM. WAJT.PrA- PERSON M.L DEPAivrarEN r ASSISTANT A permanent responsible pnaltlon In an oJTio personnel department In avail a bl for a hlrh-jtrad. younjr man with experience In pironnM work! ability hi correspondent, familiarity with Job analyse, onion emclency problems and personnel record systems very desirable: must possess constructive ability, tact and a clean business record; colletm trained, are 20 to 32 preferred position requires man of flrat-clas appearance and personality and offers an opportunity to advance with one of the largest rubber manufacturing companies at Akron. Ohio: full details of experience and qualifications! may be gtven In strict confidence. M 110. Ledger Office, r- riroToouAVtmi! "workers winted Ap ply Superintendent, 000 Chestnut eL, Philadelphia ROOFERS Apply Warren-Ehrot Co , Jfltn nnd Pray. Ferry aye SALESMAN for cloak and suit line, to travel part of Pennsylvania and New Yorlc state: also one for Ohio. Indiana and Michigan on commission hards mint have a good following nnd can furnish A 1 refer ences P 838 Ledger Otflce SALESMAN who can sell misses and ladles' suits: one Yho has a pood following in the South, nono but A-l man will be considered P 834 Ledger Otflce SALESMEN for Cam 1 en city producers only, salary nnd commission Apply Mr Abrams. Eastern Telephone Co , 3d and Federal Ufa Camden N J SCHOOL HOY. 14 after school and Saturday morning office messenger, good pay C 718 Ledger Oftlce STABLE FOREMAN married to net as as sistant to manager of large hunting stab e In countrv . wife to board men steady position to right man P 329 Ledger Of fice THE PUBLIC IjEDQhll CO requires the services of an Intelligent young man In Its advertising department for checking "ads " Answer by letter only In your own hand writing stating ago and Balury desired ADimi si ri rfi i nwini orFirF. tool jig And fixture makers experienced men positions now open apply in person or ht letter, personnel depart. WENT. WINCHESTER REPEATING AnMS CO NEW HAVEN. CONN TOOLMAKFRH WANTED OV 71(1 Nr FIXTURE WORK. EXCELLENT WORK ING: CONDITIONS AUTOCAR CO , ARDMORE. PA YOUNO MAN. clean cut Intelligent, steady and ambitious to handle time and cost system for a large textile plant tn northeast section, exceptional opportunity to learn nm- grow up In a good business good salary ana advancement on merit glvo details of ex perlence age etc P 312 Ledger Off'ce YOUNO MAN wanted bright Intelligent about 20 years old familiar with eleUri cal material, to assist In superintendent's office Apply United Electric Const Co 1727 Hansom st YOUNO MAN in purchasing department state a experience and salar required Annlv Fletcher Works 2d nnd Olenv ooi General QREEVWALD H CREDIT MAN FAMILIAR WITH THE OIL ,D J,BICN? BUSINESS-Account-ants witlj u C P A experience accountant k charge cost department textile or mill experience: bookkeeper for year-round notel cashier: secretary, write shorthand man or woman: atenographeis sales purchasing salsa and traffic departments men and women: engineers nnd draftsmen electrical, mechanical, structural, machinery, las out, marina and steam engine wort, bridges conveyors, good openings for college and technical men- applications from local resi dents only: special department for placing experienced women secretaries, bookkeepers correspondents, employment women, good wages; Information blank and booklet trail no registry charges 2r0 S 11th ?J?j9.,i?Jr'SS. SFRVICE CO 111 J Land Title ACC'TS Seniors experienced men for Phlla. Public Accountants, to J3O0O CLERKS Cost, Record Ledger to $2. DRAFTSMEN S Small Machine Parts Heavy marh'y Tool designers to J20O0 ENGINEERS (INDUSTRIAL. Executives able to put concerns In good order by in stalling modern methods J3601 JilOO'l BALESMTN Auto Insurance Oen'l JIROO SITUATIONS WAMTED-MALE SECRETARY Young man under 30 expert In shorthand and typewriting, regimental adjutant with rank, of captain in France executive abll Ity, lian many Influent'! fr'ends abroad who could be of service In export business best pf refarenco aa to ability and charac ter M 112 Ledger Office ACCOUNTANT Thorourhly clean cut man ss years of age married irreornachab e character and address, a real worker 18 years' experience In cost and reneral ac counting, now located In central Pennsyl vania, desirous of locating in Philadelphia. 1 is onen iot euKnKriiiciiw jv-i. reierences M 107 Ledger Office feNOINEER Young man technical educa tion, exp. in production and efficiency en irlneennir, desires position with large manu facturing concern M 101) Ledger Office EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES DO YOU NEED A CIiAUFFFUR for private or commercial cars? We supply competent, rellablo men at reasonable wages without cost to you Apply to Mr Paxton, 614 Drown st Phone Market 230 S-LN WOMEN, rnlorta, fay, week part time Hursey 1211 S 19th Dlck3041 WANTED t Episcopal Office H2. S 12th Cooks waitresses nurses, kitchen maids B-SINESS OPPORTUNITIES YOUNO MAN. with business experience I wished to become associated In business with a reliable concern as a partner by i tn aftaltlria. niP, fUmttnl. vlllltlfl' tn n.nha.- ' si business referi,t)iy atom the stationery llnai need not necessarily be In Philadelphia Htate full partlcularr in replying to U 830, jLedger Office 1"HIIjAIKLI'HIA company with 1 equipped manufacturing plant marhlnerj. offers opportunity to young man taking an active Interest who can develop selllno ability, for galea rpanager Investment $5U00 P 82H Ledger OITIce . fPECIAJ. PARTNLR with $W00 to $10 000 to Hnanco a uuerlal commodity will dl ylds prollts which urn Irge. money on loan tbsoluK'ly seour d "rospectlvo net profit 1000 rer week C 700 Ledger Offlco YOUNO business executive in olnce In fao tory. management will Invest inoderato capital and Mi sen Ices In a permanent, jirafltable business, only flrst-class proposl- llotl conswgrru jt -j iirutrr uincp tSOOD OPPORTUNITY for Jive party to se cure roptortruclc agency estab. ale an 1 ' ""dee mtm. mm. conlldentlnl r 70S 1 d Off jUTAtTLlSHbD photographer'a studio for . nt abova drvg store nd dental parlor 1 inl r,onabl Ajpply 1310 Tt Rreeie ave business rrnsoiTAt.3 BUT Htfn A 1EAL XMA9 PRESENT a "NEW HOME" Sewing Machine Time payments All make, repaired. FRED A. BROWN 183 W Allegheny ne. Phone Ken 095 DIAMONDS BOUGHT Positively highest cash prices for your dia monds, Mir sixo from 'i to 10 carats, nono gay higher: also old gold platinum and silver ought. Estates bought (private) Est IOjts The Diamond Shop ;& DIAMONDS BOUGHT any rife rmre no owner Pawn Tickets fop Dlamnnrti Bought KELLY Ic CO H12 rilFSTNUT ST Suite 21-22 Over Chllds' Restaurant Prl-,at DIAMONDS BOUGHT harry w bmith in bansqm st DUMP I'Uh and Spring Garden sts Mc Nlchol Paving and Construction Co . 11)21 Cherry st ELFCTR1C treatment A manicuring Room 101 Heed Bldg , 12in rllh-rt at Loo -)flG2 CFT.E8TE LA TBM.11 facial rrilp treat 10 n m to 0 p m closed Bun 8 ,8llt.i ASHES RFMOVFD from cellars all kinds hauling done 81 a Bilttonwood Mkt 4421 1SI.FCTRIC TREATMENT also manicuring" Office 414.! Market st second floor. OGS. BIRDS. ETC. PLYMOUTH ROCK LATINO PULLETS FOK HAI.l I'lU'l IN Hill fi i FINE BINQINO CANARIES and fancy cages for Xmas gifts 1.089 N Btt. st FOR SALE E. K WATSON FACTORY AND INDUS TRIAL BROKER WARREN R I LOOMS TOR SALE FOR IMMEDIATE DFLIVERY 20 Crompton k Knowles Worcester pattern looms. 10V between swords 41 box. some used lens than 7 months 28 Cromnton &. Knowles Providence pat tern 414 between swords 25 harness double InJex plain looms first class con 22 Htafford sutomntle looms 20 harness double Index 37 ' between swords prac tically new (a lot of supplies go with these) . . 8 Lowell 41 ' between (swords, cam looms 4 harness , FUR COATS REMODELED S10 up' I also gujranteo to save you 23 per cent on nil fur garim nts and fit them cor rectly my moilo AJI work must be done promptly and aatlsf Ktorllv K It TOR SHOP N -OTH & MASTFR STS ornr i: FtniNtTURB Large tin" desks sites flies cabinets and general office furniture store fixtures We bm s"ll nnd exchange PATTEN FURNITURE CO TOCT'ST 4070 1127AUCIIST RACE 2004 CFNTRAL HOUSEWTtrCKINO CO B W cor 12th and Spring Oarden sts Ail kinds of officii furniture and fixtures. Rathroom oufHs complete Rell phone Poplar 1110 Baby Carriage for sale cheap Pall 6131 De I ancey Street ANTIQUES PUTT. TrOFHTjjTKK 17m Poplar st HOtTSl HOI U dO IDS Hrlr a brnr Simplex Alllo bell'' 4 plom minion net bnby rnr rlato c irnti 1 ranch cabinet Apply -037 BOW SBH BaolInft pump miarant'ed tn pump cnrreftlv for sale 545 Pdiro TIlll Autn Supply Co 1,,'Icp Hill Pa Both nhoni STOCKINGS for Christmas Indies ?11K hose $i a f"oz pair sond 50c for fMrnpl" pair teln 1- 2j. st Rrooklyn N Y KOtTsDAnoV STONI3 1V1H SAIJS Vbnut l0fl perch nt North Phil II P mbler 717 Old Tork rd Phonw Tioga 15 BOO SAITH llrpprn f losln' on 00 slteMlv tmd wnin with thin ''TIN 72 N gnnrfH Bt IULI TARU pool romh'n Jii hind bouffht bhT.i rnnt fc Kenfpr -H W Olrard a STANDS riMnetJ" Ptc big harpa'ns Phil i clf'T 't I'Hnt" Sunnly 14 3 nth Bt SAPES (Ireproof clos e out CO gllchth usp-d sornw with thin walN 72 N Iourh Rt NE and ufed Slnfr ppw marh cash or enttv pBvmonm T anrltnan 710 Popular RIIAIj PAHOAINM in ppw and Retond-hand fnrnltnre T t p Jft1 Fnlrmount wv TIIOUO UaUPUPD shPtland pony cart Tad dla and harness $200 Phone Merlon 113 MACHINFKY AND TOOLS LARGEST STOCK IN PHILA. Machine tools lathe turrets shaper presses mltllnc machines etc stpam oumns heaters and air comnressori all slzpa for everv duty all n achlnery rebuilt ard Kuar untepd J ... ... bend fnT '"" "'f Hst of ofk HERMAN L. WINTERER 013S.IN IRM fcT PHIL.. P Six Penn steel concrete barroua and 2 drag ecaners new American drver nll ex tractor enffrivlng and reducing machine Kpen LucaB hot steel saw XI.0 pairs forge and hliuk"mlth tongs assorted plzes all In first class condition 3118 Chestnut st Phone Raring id's I'ljUl It PLNT rQUIPUI M Dvn imo innlors toller, sleam unil II nrlneF 1 U" ns ale c"mpressorM FRANK 1QQML INI 1S7 NlLet FOR S LE 1 Ornn nsltie for 30 1 1 P , 1 7 by JO 1- fl llywhecl Jl inch face 1J ft dla Ilamlll Solnnlng Co Chun.h lane and T-na at Oerin-intown l"LEt riUC MOTORS MACHINE TOOLS ''U pnWHl 101 1PMFNT o'Ttnirv mvhintr to un ynp st MA' MINI, slit) oncii f I ntrnrtH ,J itlh ttr, 1" i ''" P l1 Telrer Off) ETAT.TP rT COTN9 STAMPS PA(KrrS DIME SETS ms and siiinli-! for stimp collector ..irr a u eAsfr , n u it.u n. Album PHTIjA STAMP CO 21 S 17th st WANTED rURNlTURE AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS highest prices paid for part or entire household get our estimates Harry H Finger 500 N 2d st Hell phone Market 4024 Evenings and Sunday call Poplar 125 CARPETS furniture entire households wanted t 111 pav vou your own price Call us Tho Kouthwark Furniture Co 630 S lflth st Phone Olckinson 1205 i. N ANT Tt once household furniture store fixtures offUe furniture pa spot cash homstvilue phone Os atani It loiust 4il4 Old Ohiin ii cor L-'th and i. htrry kIh I ANTIQLt furniture old china old Jewelry 1 gfkl silver false teeth dlimonds An tlnlies 02s Ohestnnt JM one Walnut 70.'d FURNITLIT enrp ts needid bad hithi st I prices paid -'018 Rldl,i um Poplar 1144 PIAM0S' PI AYERS TUNINO.ETC LARGE SHIPMENT, of rallroid unclaimed freight Talk ng machines Including VIl lora nnd other popular niakea absolutely brand new eer machine gjaranteed to bo sold for charges cjn bo seen and demon slrated at Keystm Purt-hasing and Sales Co 1-8 N' H at agents for tallrosd un claimed f reiThl Open A erlnesday Triday, Saturday evenings untljHp m RECORDS Victor- Manv Rod Seal records hae reit-ntlv been reduced i price Now Is tho time to purchase that record bv Caruso Tetrazzlnl and other high-class artists Call or write for completo record catalogues Hein s Uptown Stores Oor 0th ft Thompson IOT ROI-k outfit $100 This Is a beautiful ittrola IX A and cabinet finished n r"ahi anv having automatic brake Irrnroved tone arm and motor Call or writs for catalogue describing Vlctrolas from J23 to firm Cash or terms Henne s Itptown Stores Cor 0th t Thompson V1CTROIJV IV $35 with lerge cabinet This Instrument tunwsaes most machines sellltur tor $100 Terms as low as $1 per week Call or write for completo descrlp Hon of Vlctrolas Ileppe a Uptown Stores ror nth i. Thompson VICTROLA VI $70 with large riblnet" latest improved Inetrjment Largo double- nnrlnir motor ruirantecd to nlav nerfeetlv Small payments aci ented Call or write for ratalogue lleppe'w Uptown Storesror fllh ft Thompson IHONOailAI'li $7"i Fdison diamond point phonograph Including ! records Ileau tlful mahoany case -cost new $1J3 ro duccd to $"ri Henne s Ul I n Stores Cor Orb S Thompson, MC11UIU VI $Ti tlnlshccl 111 beautiful I mahogani This is an excellent Instrument at n low price Cash or rental-payment Plan. Call or write for complete details lleppe'a Urtown Stores cor fith i. Thompson COLUMBIA TALKING MACHINE'S Three nearly new with 15 records, will sell rheup to Quick 1 uur F A North Co 1813 B Allegheny ave EMERSON RF ' RUS 10 INCH M CES'TS all the latest hits Join our Xmas Club SI r II t... jib-IP Oermantown ave LES1FR players several shop-worn plavers at a redut tlon .like rw call quickly F A North to 1813 F Allegheny .aye IIAVE your plaer piano repaired by ex pprts who Buarantic work send postal or jh Market 1014 Opnido S00 Up Harden at, "TALMNQ MAtHINFS OF ALL MAKES Records In ull langu ige cjah or easy pay. men Kitty 175 Vt Olr d av Kens 07-31 CHI M- Y I'lIOTOaitAPHS easy terms, open day or evening . M jt F II AI I 2021 Oermantown ave LBlolir Pls-vo $35 good con , bal week. ly p i mm,. 211 Frankford avei open eves USED (nrjTOMOBILES OPEN EVERY EVENING STARTING DECEMER 15 DURING Special Clearance Sale Rebuilt Vim Trucks REBUILT REPAINTED GUARANTEED BY MAKER A YEAR TO PAY VIM MOTOR TRUCK CO. Broad and Huntingdon Sts. Automobile Painting WD WILL FINISH YOUR CAR RETTER THAN WHEN NEW Equal to the finish of the new high-priced cars, on which each coat of finish was baked Wo bake each coat an applied. By so doing It dries quickly without tho uso of dryers PAINTERS will toll you how In Jurlous drvers are In paint causing It to crack and peel Bring our car See our worg L.ct us estimate, or send ror par ticulars Wo save you tlmo and money MARTIN-ALEXANDER CO. AUTOMOBILE REFINTSnERS 1JO-1S8-130 REED bT. Dickinson 2201 Main 170 REPAIR PARTS 1 FOR ANY AUTOMOBILE OR TRUCK YOU CAN X'IND THEM AT SATTLER'S 1601 SPRING- GARDEN ST. SPRINGS-SPRINGS FOR ANY AUTOMOBILE NEW ONFS FOR ANY MAKE OF CAR OR SECOND HAND SPRINGS AT LESS THAN HALr.PRICE 9ATTI PR'S oi spring Ortl 1 L.CI d fjAnui ST A TIRE FREE MR SOUND nt'SINESS MAN Hero's a chanco to get n tiro free Every month we gio a tiro away Each pur chaser of a tiro Is ghen a thanco to win this tire Call tor full particulars Goodyear Tire & Service Station 4711 N RROAD HT 1920 FORD COUPE llflK Wire wne"ii uuiiT-yniiuu iuuisiiiii Bhebler carmurctor, over J30O worth of extras this car Is In wonderful condition and In all respects as good as new Insurance policies good for 10 months will go with same no dealers wanted to apply. Call Poplar IOT) W OVERLANDS all models, all years. Includ ing 101S first-class cond . some aa low as $300 get your used Overland and pvrts and service from the same firm, time payments, open ees Overland Hnrper Co 102') Arch FOR SALE lUJO rterce-Arrnw estibule -iihiirhqii jnr driven less than 1000 mlC8! Is In perfect condition beautiful Interior finish M 100 Ledger Office RIDDLE fl-passengor series K, Dusenberg motor exreiieiifc vuiiuiumi n.if itaaaon ae . Camden N J. Hell phono Camden 80jy PAIGE 0 cylinder 1017 delivery excellent panel body, su table for florist haberdasher or package delivery Tho Whlto Co , .'0th and Erie ae CROCE Wonderful buy for small phono graph or music store Tho Whlto Co . 20th and Erlo live TRUCKS Whlto "Si to 6 ton: any atylo body ucas 'J. no wnito Co, Loth and Frig avo COMMERCE i ton express bodv reason- m... . ... ...... n .,.. m, nna vr OVLRI AND sedan I'll mechanically per. feet Sipo hal m ekly 11011 f'aUlowhlll. U1IICIC 1017 roadster A 1 shupe"; good tires The Whlto Co 20th and Erie ave DODGE Sdan 10IS ran 0000 miles, rash or irrm mm mu'wnmi st tjpen aun PFFRLFSS ii ton express body Tho White Co '-0th and Frle ave lilinsi'N' "upcr blx 1017 need cash any1 feet S 100 Ml weekh l'-QO Oallowhllf AUTOCAR steel dump body new tlree i ne wimo i -uui aun t no ave ROWE 3'-y ton chassis Reas Tho White I o ul ii hiiu jt.ii ave MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES NEW A 2d hand hlcvcles tires all makes ANDREW T H1RCHETT G02 S 22d at. STORAGE AND MOVTNO TFRMTNA1 warehouse 1 i-j-uY-llli-L- AMn TWAMtiri'n r Onlnmlla nnd Sydenham st local and long dWance moving by courteous experienced men clean dust proof rooms for furniture. 't u estimate Phone Diamond 4472 BROWN STORAGE CO. Moving racking shinning Get our prist tor long distance work Tioga 4498 Park ,B12P 1" N rlh st ' VICTORY STORAGE " 210 Market Ijargest and best Phone Relmon' 1071) for an estlmat Goods paeked or hhtnnient Pierce An LJvnsforjiovlnr Dougherty 8c Sons Storage Get our special rate for moving by our roll ablo and careful men Call Poplar 41BT Keystone Park 1127 night phone Dla sss,o FIDELITY FIREPROOF WAREHOUSES 1817-10 MARKET ST. "uolM (jrnitinTortV i.,-5i samAiTb Moving pat KinK DiuiuM r- I'rtmifl rooms, Jurnl ture bought and Bold Park 4-3 Pop'ar fl-'O OLD GOLD CASH PAID for old gold, nller and antique clocks Rogers 43 S 17th. Locust 1210 ROOMS FOR RENT BROAD ST , S , 225 Most attractive rooms pil H,I, .. eg P.PIIBIH UMIB swrvicg BPRUCE ST 2022 Two nicely furnish. rooms tvlth bath, open fireplace, southern xpesure etintlemen only SFrtirtaFIELD AVJ-. 11070 Three nicely furnished sunny houspkeeplnff rooms use of bnth and laundry and ens rangre, corner houite private family no children -I ,t . bl lOU Uolmenurst ' Uras rmi and bath alitSle or communicating 1 un f)irn youth vp pIpc It phones SPIU-f r BT 1-35 Would sublet room at rpniiPTion mr t or t wfi-r rPtPrences SPRUCE ST 1127 Two slnKle and one double nkeh furnished roomi WALNUT mi 13U Very attractive rooms with prlato baths new and really beau- tlful ho.pl TPpoJMtrnpntH and sptvIcp 11TH S 21rt nrar Spruce (thn Perrln Iare-o warm front room private miito nowly furnlwhed nonhkrer Walnut 7101 111 H hi s 32J the .'arlton Atmrtments Mingle and double rooms, attractlvtly furnished alnut 7140 .3D N 11)09 J unfurnWhpd rooms second (loor $1- nr month prHato fimlly Thune riiHinnno ipff w lorn n (nunici 130-141 Modern up to date furnished rooms electric throughout hot water heat dally and weekly rates convenient to stations, good accommo dstlons for traveling people WALNUI AND 10ll STb One chcerfu room next to bath, for gentleman in ccrner home owner Phone Uelmont J704 M Reference Ti N 14lila Tno rooms furn house- n nlnr, 7 ri(l un nlntrle moms 19 Kft m ATTRACTIVE fu-i erts some housekpg Sherwood ,pt gencj. J23 H llroad st BOARDING PINE ST 4110 Sunny room, good table steajn heat hot water, reference Phone Oaring 007 HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS NEAR B2D ST L. B rooms and bath, modern James A Moran lQ-, uirarn ave 1507 N 153II ST llousekeepltig apart ment a rooms uuu waih, uu conven fpres furnlsneq If, PINE ST Moderp housekeeping npnrt ments lust finished 2 rooms kltchenett and nth $65 to $75 per month Applv ALBERT B MILLS West End Trust Uldg APAR-J-ENTS APARTMFNT IIEADQI'ARTFRH Central apartments a sneclslty Sherwnn Apt Agency, 225 S Broad st Soma very a i-acll ' im qpta so no h us )n APARTMENTS WANTED furnished $J5 REWARD to person securing desirable furnished house or apartment In good lo cation, occupancy by Jan. I, C 00D L(jg0 Office APARTMENTS WANTED YOU ARE INVITED to list your vacant or to-be vacant apartment with the Sherwood Apartment Agency J-'5 S Rroad at Thon Valnut 317 It U quite Impossible to flu the requirements of our many applicants with out -your htartv co-opratlon FtTHNISHJ-I AflAltfrMBNTS 31NQL-1, IlOOMS. swnfprtTfttB hatha I ftl. small houaekeeplntr sultesj several dlirer- nF th- eni locations in tna extremely oeRiraoiq -Tpmce st section. ApplT 1711. flprucw.nt .. PINK 8T 1B0 Fum apt., i rooms an bathj vrtth hoard rhons locusi 4470. H01 N. lflTII Itonm private bath. $0. fur niaheu larii-Q rm, kitchenette, first floor APAKTMITJMT HOTELS THE DELMAR-M0RRIS American Plan CinCLTEN AVE AND MORRIS ST. GERMANT0WN 20 MINUTES TO CHOAD ST. STATION Furnished and unfurnished suites. HOTEL COLONIAL t-nntTi--. AT tlTH ST Select apartment family hotel: In the .enter of the city, operating on the American planj .. m hU.H 4Vi mnrnt ntoiiflnv OUT it-Mi1 mil iic-f-ir-i -" ' i . vjjjiso C, PITMAN HAKWR, Jr Manager, "riin LITTLE HOTEL 223 8 Ilrosd st A ood nlaco to livo while In Philadelphia REAL ESTATE FOR SALE CITY EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY FOR LARGE FAMILY $85002549 N. 33D ST. Twelve-room homo on corner of B0 foot as phalt street racing souin aim w-i j. on-my from most beautiful section of I alrmount Park, sunlight In every room, electricity, gaa and hot wator heating thrc-Rhout, largo cheery basement with laundry, all In first- clnss condition Save ogent'a commission apply at once E RURNELL RHpADS Tioga .070 J 2.'28 W Tioga nt EXCELLENT INVESTMENT PROPERTIES CSER CSEH HENRY 0 DREXEL HUn-DINO. Phone Lombard 0283. HARD A INS n,i-41 N C3d st . 2 story apartments: rent S120 por house will sell $8000 each ".houses excellent condition, rent. J70. will sell for $0100 terms arranged 8 houses $1350 each, rent $14 and $15 per month BROAD ST. PROPERTIES FOR SALE HI foot front In TOO bl( ck south Bl foot front In 240O block north BAMUEL COHl'N & CO Bprnce Bare 801 Shubert Bldg $1?700 2-Story Porch-Front Modern. 0 rooms and bath ,417 39-48 East Ontario street In good condition. F. M. BR0WER Phone Kcneinrton 2448 2313 E Cumberland, SQUARE DEAL If you are In tho market for buying a property the aboo motto is the first con sideration shown you. and a wiuare talk can bo had nnv evening from 4 to . nEESFR 2201 N 7TH 9T , THE ONLY VACANT PROPERTY on the Park Boulevard 1513 N. S3d st , at tractive 3 story, 14-room dwell IK jnjj papered and painted gas and electric and ail conveniences terms of sale can b ar ranged to suit Purchaser PEMRFRTON IHlAILi J1HII aun mu- MERIT SQUARE HpiTSFS Alrdrlost. at Kensington and f eagiey aves brick and stone construction all comen lenc?s including electric lights L small amount of cash required Ask for R n5T7aFR 3733 Olendale st , It B SMITH. 7-4 W. Ilrle He 1 15 t N 21st street prlco 1020 N 'Ihlrd street price 1811 sharswoftd street prico 1033 Tal thorp street Price. -Ullir imi .3100 00 '.-00 00 1700 00 r I J 1 n r-ii - m - - 13 IWFSTMFNT HOUSES FOR DETAII S APPLY M 113. LEDOLR OFFICIO DAUPHIN 1030 Twn-storv modern aweii lng i rooms bwu ""! i .-.x '7!" S1JO0 easy terms mmcaiT.iepas-eBuii now acnnt 8TRATTON DOS cnesmut ai PHone l ommra usi MB W SUSQUEHANNA AVE , N E cor in and Falrmount 701 N 10th st.; corner stores will ell reasonaoio fill! Oreen st l.Wli.t uu". TWPNfY properties Kensington avo and i'.fiti,n n moms and bath: rent S10 .reel ont for ho-o buyer never been turned eci-'iw" , ,.. o.o p, Alleffbenv S'lVIIII VjJ.-" ... . t friT vour properties with us buyers wait-tng- no charge for listing SAMUEL co- HFN CO, 3U1 -nuoen jJiag . u o Brosd at ntMEDIATE POSSESSION' J28DO, 3058 jasper nc --n-wij-. !..-. "-" rlv bath tile? vestimiie oniy one i..t unapm LlrnMAiN ooii i-fcciin..iis.ii -. ATTRNTIONI Three-story brownstone dwelling; fine, order. prico $4roo terms arranged " REFSFR 2201 N 7th st OARAOK privilege, attractive corner 8 rooms porcn an ihvi-iu icmuicb iubl class con nulck noss , can ne inspecieo. Mil' 'I YIJV'J-.J, . -' '" ano 3018 WATER Open tmmed posa : 2 story porcn newiv iiai-it-u am, uunij wnue nlumblne ISFN 8th and Diamond J4O0O Stone porch 4 bed-ooms, large yard, E Thompson and Alleghony ave Apply KLINOEL 27-1 N Bth st iv OUR 2-story houses near 10th and Dau Phln rent .$14 prlco $1150 -1 isi N 8th nnd Diamond jiTwfZTrtfmedlito possession porch front-4 bedrooms vlclnltv Oerniantown nnd In j Anoly KLINOLD 2724 N Bth lB-'U ALrilK hi iwo-siory uweillng ( ADAM1! 1118 Walnut st 40 - STY pch homes rent $111 to $J0. mlr $1800 Prion linn Tsen 8th ft Diamond Vnri orl oa FACTORIES AND FACTORY falTES Everywhere In Philadelphia LOUIS S OINSIIURO. 1201 Chestnut at. RUSINFSS TjOCATIONS WATERFRONTS WARFt'O'-HP-S FACTfWT SITES JOSEPH H. BARBER n2R rilFSTNUT ST 2007-2018 N 2D 8T 8-story fauildlnv, 21 000 feet floor rpace, suitable for factory open for Inspection, write or call for details, OUS SPIESS 8fl and N'orrls streets INDUSTRIAL PLANTS warenouses vacant land railroad and water frontage J I STFVFNSOV ft SON 82J Land Title Rnlldlng Iota. raotory Hltca. rto. 42 IIUILDIN- LOTS Close to the Rooseelt RouleAord and Sears Roebuck s new plant one-half square from trolley, two street fronts price $15 000 KLMA tV J,UVjjJH 5th nnd Rockland sts FACTORY SITE and building 7164 ft to rear street, central section, aiding can be obtained O C SEIDEL & CO INC 4th and CallowhlU sts TACTORY SITrS AND RUII DINGS O C SEIPPL CO , INC 4th and Callowhill sts SITFS RAILROAD j Pcnna and Reading, $2000 per aero and up. according to loc , inquire for terms Dleterlch 737 Walnut st GASOLINE ALLEY Atlviro Sav wmj, if You wEee rMweiep, WHAT WOULX voo Oct Your, wire fios. CHRISTMAS? fM UP AGAINST I IT! I DON'T KNM WHAT ON CACTri -(' lb BUV AM1 Mi s WALT, fo Peres Axe iaihat'h I HAND (wy WcB pOP CHRISTMAS'! SHe WANTS A SEALSKIN COAT BUT CAH T SEP IT. Co AHEAD - Suggest ,oMEit-tiricj.i JUSAli EST ACT SAL- OB RKNT CITY FOR SALE OR RENT GARAGE AND SALESROOM 3430 Chestnut Street 40 feet on Chestnut St., widening to 55 feet; 220 feet deep to Sanson." St. Two-story building having 20,600 sq. feet of space. Automobile elevator steam heat. JESSE JAY SCHAMBERG Real Estate Empire Building N. E. Cor. 1 3th & Walnut Sts. Walnut 3204 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE C1TV Riislneas Properties nnd Stores 230 ARCH ST., 0-story building, to bo Bold to settle estate. 123 123 N 3d st 144-140 N. 3d at.: Immediate possession. 81 Hank st, 430 Race st , B-story building O C Scldol Co . Inc , 4th & CallowhlU aU. Sterna and Dwelling- CORNER STORE Near Kensington avo and Cumberland st.: 0 rooms and bath, assessed $4200. price 53100 0HN T, DOYLE 2780 Kenslngton ave KENSINGTON AVE. STORES We are In a position to offer a few stores that remain for sale, quick action necessary, JOHN T. DOYLE Kp 2780 pnslnjrton ave 3055 QERMANTOWN AVE 10 rooms and store, all comenlonees . Immediate possession O C Heidel & Co Inc , 4th and CallowhlU GIN AVE near Norrls 2 stores dwgs , good for any business Isen 8th & Dlam d vi-ST rmr,ADKT rm lUMi.nrATM irts.Mi .-icnnM IS OFFKRKD OV THR 1 OMnVINO' 221 HOUTH 44TH hlRCHT A lirgo 8 etory porch-front hom with f-xtra large rooms main street ono squaro from Route No 42 cats 7 bedrooms 2 baths, electric lights with latest ftxturen modern plumbing etc basement laundry with entrance to yard a wonderful hcatlnc plant, comprlslne 2 larrn heaters that will rive more than 70 per cent heat In zero weatl er PR1CH HIO W)0 TTIIMR 080 FARRAOUT TTRRACE , Convenient location 47th and Balti more ave ; handy to both subway and surfare cars, a large 3 story house with 0 rooms and bath torch store room and laundrv; lot Is 37 feet fi Inches wide, thorouKhly renovated from collar to roof, finished in ma hogany nnd white, electric Hchts, with attractive fixtures durable paperlnss iid a satisfactory heatlne plant that will pive wonderful re turns In the most severe weather. PRICI- $8100 TERMS 6134 MEDIA STREET Only $500 cash required, a sloe yard home on a wide street In the Overbrook section; fi rooms and bath porch front; laundry tubs, newly papered and painted For one look InB for a dandy home In a cood neighborhood, this cannot be equaled. rv rnTCK $3soo Vft.1 T DICKSON k CO. ;ni s - r(t st &&1Zf 00 block on Paachatl ave , CpOJU o rooms and bath hot-wate--eat and eras ne ml detached house; porch front double brick earagu in roar, lot 3 0xlfl3 fclC.On 8800 block Windsor place CpfJUU Rteam heat, jelectrlo Hsht hardwood floors U rooms and bath porch and terrace front 1 squaro north of Chester avo , beautiful location 2QCn Same, with steam heat and CpJOU gaa, all that requires to buy Is S'iOO tt(tnn 1000 block. S Frazler ft , Cpn.VU mexJern, 0 rooms and bath, porch front OiQOnn J700 block N Allison nt I 8 pj"KJJ roomH and bnth. hot-wator hoat and cas, end houso, porch front (tACtCn W0 block on Greenway ave , 4'l2JJ 7 rooms bith terrace front, quick salo also ono at $4500 Dcalera and buslnea mpn neeklnjc op- Sortunltles take notice 33J to 4J N th nt. 800 808 CallowhlU at,, storo and dwell In tr larsre Btanio ana driveway in rear; quick sale, 575 00U, present mort- case, $32,000 J. N. McMICHAEL Realty Co. IRth St Sorlngflold ave Wdld. 860R 2 LFFT OUT OF 54 $300' CAB1I Nw T-room homes, "A bride-an-groom paradise " Inclosed porchea. liarduAiod flooring, beautiful bath with showers every feature found in a hlcher-prlccd home, price $4000, monthly expense $23 and small addi tional payment to reduce second mort gage, Allman st , 0500 block, between Chester and Klngsesslng aes . tmme- !a e occupancy simple honne 054J All man Bt Take Car 13 on Walnut st to tnd of lino wulk 1 block west Open da lv nnd tvenlni-s 7-0 o clock YAOLE t I1URNS on premises Storesaml Duellings COR Arch and Milltck Moro ond dwg , pos a real bargain SHl.RWOOD 225 H Droad CIiRMMOn N 45.11 MORRIS S3' lo st porch 3 bed- rms tiled bath shower hardw'd through out, h -w, heat elec lights open fireplace, garage, over Fern Hill Park ocant THOMAS II FVOI 4BQI Wivne ave 6000 KNOX BT porch. 22x110 Hot-water heat ULENN. 1517 el llbhts, Columbia Wanted By KING EVeRSTUMG- SO BtAiMEB HICVl WAIT S You camt touch ir.wirn a ten rot POt-C, ( W15M 1 tOULO THINrt OF kSoMETHI'&---To CfeT W VVIFS THAT DIPNT COST A uHove lot op 5fvJ couch 1 '. Y5 O BABy! oo I Know when I'm W-U-i of- 1-j.u cM , Doj t- grUllt4 1U1W 'iriijune fa bv ipe KKAL BSTATE BALK OX -U-IT- 6rrY REAL ESTATE POR SALE IPMII l Vacant Immediate Possession 810 N. 10TH STREET n . Semidetached - ry. porch front, eleetrlo lights, n w. heat, hardwood floors! $7200. 7 N. 8Tir ST -rni OARAGE Z .Jor5r' Porch front, 0 roo.ns and bath, eleetrlo llghtt, h w. heat; laundry in basement Agent on prem '".'"' . HK' FRIT55 4003 N. 0th street Wyoming 6738 W. . . 8038 N Z1ST STREET 3 story, porch, 10 rooms, 2 baths, eleetrlo lights eteam heat: $0700 Key at 8039 N. Zlat L C. HARRY 1420 CHESTNUT STREET jl Phones Spruce 4406-4460. Race 2987 B ME-VIBEn OF PHILADELPHIA REAL ESTATE BOARD J'0"AN TOOAN w,iniiiiiiiiiiB.iji.ii34ii,iii i wmmm mmm i iiimmimm I "REES SEVEN-ROOM MANSION" J WITH BUILT-IN GARAGE 5 1 NORTH NINTH STREET 1 g BOOO BLOCK Si I SAMPLE H00SE NOW OPEN a P AGENT ON PREMISES " S I MAURICE LICHTMAN I H BROAD AND LOUDEN H P AUTO SERVICE FROM OFFICE! SI EmiiiiinTiiiiiiiiw OFRMANTOWN DETACHED COLONIAL HOMES AT SEDGWICK We are offering several desirable detached dwellings for aalo in beauti ful residential eoctlon. The prices are reasonable Theuo tirtlstlo HOMES are built of atone, with slato roofs copper metal work and located on ory high land. Tho Interiors; are finished In white, parquetry floors, electricity, hot-water heated, open fireplaces and Inclosed heated porchoe Modern stone garages for 2 cars The country club, stores, Sedgwick station and Oermantown ave are close by. The tlmo to purchase a HOME is now, S. C. T0URIS0N 7014 BOYBR 8T OTN. Gtn. 609 Phones , Ota, 4431 FOX C1IASE OVER HALF ACRE Sixteen room house stable shade fruit; few minutes walk from station and trolley. C P l'LTFRS & SON 608 CHESTNUT ST IOOAN RESUHS SERVICE DALLAS & HARTLEY. INC. 4700-N RROAD STt WYOMING 871-872 1JTH S3 3 sty Mlllett house; 11 rms , 2 baths all modern Improvement!). CIIAMHERS 4013 N Broad st 8100 ULOCIC N mil ST 3-story Rodley hoose. all mod Improvements Chambers 4033 N Broad 4020 CAMAC ST. 3 story house, all modern Improvements Chambers 4933 N Broad 1 4LOUI) Large "corner mod , best section, of 'an APPIV KLINOEL 2724 N Bth st. 0K LA.NE 6317 CAMAC ST. 3 story, twin, 8 rooms, 2 baths electricity, fireplace, nowly papered immedlato possession, $1500 DETACHED STONE rooms, bath, elec tricity hot water heat. $11000. CORNFR TWIN. 0 rooms bath, electricity, excelltnt condition lot 42x130. $11000 HTONE AND S3UCCO 8 rooms 2 baths ellctVlcltv hot water heat, fireplace $11,800 DETACHED STONE. 0 rooms bath, elec trlcltv hot-water heat. 2 car garage, large MODERN stone house 0 rooms 2 baths, electricity hot-witer heat b Hard room, fit 78 ft front on Broad st., 2 car garage, DESIRABLE building sites lltinWFRT HOPE r.1101 York road MUILUINll IjO'IS 13th at below Chelten HUlUUll.i' lanalnn fllf nnPMltlnn 0 CAMAC ST north of 05th ave.! 6 lots, each 20x84 For elo cheap Beautiful lot, 8th st, north of Chelten ave , 71x1110 old shade YORK ROADJ ulte for large garage or moving picture theatre Oood site for automobile showroom on Rroad street -.... .. . . . HERBERT HOPE, 5901 York Rd. FOR SPECULATION Four desirable Oak Lane houses Particu lars upon request. HERBERT HOPE. 5901 York Rd. nfiviwiuwflii NICE modern dwelling, 0 rms and bath; rront porcn lerracca iront i,,'''1"" no-messlon. $8100. cor. -' ats JOHN J. IYiRAN 4410 Cresson st Phone. Many 1)71) IIIjNKY Wn HAVE Boveral houses for aalo from $3000 B102N 'iimiu to (jouu, come iuuiv muni w.n Bth st Stores and Dwellings NEW STORES AND DWELLINGS 812, 10. 21. 23 25 27 WEST OLNKY AVE. nfnitArn .in-tn-datn. every convenience, sult- hl. tn Vinlfarv ceneral irrocefles. confec tionery, hardware, dry goods store and flrst- ciasa electric nnop Sea OLNEY REALTY CO B5U NORTH BTH STREET 1WA jtl-iTta-JMl'i j-BMI CITY Race 813 REAL ESTATE POR SALE CITY 4801 CHESTER AVENUE 8 atory, aeml-detached, porch-front dwelling; $8000 0022 REGENT BTREET 3 etory, porch front, 6 rooms and bath, eleetrlo light, eteam heat, hard wood floors; $3400 1008 N. 17TH BTREET S story, brick, brownstone trimmed 8 rooms and bath; -43300 JOHNSON ng rrnnira wiiisju 1 " "-"J U Ulf 3300 BLOCK McKINLEy" wnrOH0T5"1 ' and electricuS-Tard' ST . $4600. 6 lareo ota." Apply .fJSnoi5anj: whltei HW,B ' nlBln" sJnClivne,eLd"co.rr man st Fox Chase 4M) ?' ana Cott" -?ImrumnAN YORK ROAD SECTION HERBERT HOPE. 5901 Ynrl- Rd anilTa1 dlffi" SKjo'SS'V, "'u0 AlfHLKIt SshadnsI':! i'i,6, inoden' Colonial buildings" SSilSikiS- nmtnoTjMM SEMlDErAjCHED suburban home 3 storv pSssSi p,oec3ityfrosodaennd sirS; fiikn nocit FERN ROCK heS:$$oZ- twln' room- . hot--.ter rooWnn. h'..K? , 'gg? HERBERT HOPE, 5901 YoTm 59UO-U2-04-06 Y0RKRD Thr-.tonr .tore, and apartment, for Vai0 HERBERT HOPE, 5901 Yorlf Rd. S5&a.(- H. HOPE IV " nri waxt- - rr sun you." $4800 and "S l "e" US' we can RRUNTRAOER BrSsI losing 8u . , "ninan st Fox Chase 450 ' MIOPIA , iiJ!P.01t HOUSE Pjinlt tT i0a3lll TO REAR ST Ei7Entaf- ""ui n- MER1QN aTb: bco?iZ'?';- fcWftri55ru3: 3 mediate nosaesslnn n" "-S'." .""' O M. Randle. dl s jj;iii ni NARIIIERTn NARBERTH The Year-Round Home Town A real suburb with all the city's , ven ences and none of Its disadvantages" Sixteen minutes from llroad ??! tlon. excellent train sorvlce, low Z" mutat on fare. ' w torn- Jteal nomea for salo. prices -ani from $0000 ot JH7.B00 " rane'g All of these DroDertUs B- - some brand new " All haw hot ?i A".4- lr,e ''c"t. large lota aniW"&r lots and coS vciueni io Biaiion Nearby suburban residence property good invesfment. Tho trend imebuyer la toward the suburbi 11 Is .v.- there Is always a ready market for ?? property Investlgate.f you pit y.r off until the pr ng there w?I be 'fewij available properties nnd higher prices ROBERT J. NASH ' 1001 CHESTNUT ST.. PHILADLLriHA or residence telephone Narborth iins Member Phlla. Ileal Estate Ilgard MSMIAMIM FALIS REMODELM) stone Colonial house and .,;T to date two story bungalow. BO0O m!' 17 miles from Cty Hall. Ideal plS"o fp?atho! children: secure your summer home ,iS? stop wasting time, money and health coin. to d atant reaorta KnilOIIHnM ."' Flng to distant resorts lork .,, ,nl an(j NOKR1STOW.N 1 OR SALE Desirable country home on Oermantown turnpike, 2 milee from Nor. rlstown, 2 square from trolley; 10 rooms and bath -.team heat electric lights: good never-falling water, barn, chicken houses 4 acres of ground, shade- all kind, of fruit trees; Immediate possession. N, D, MATTHIAS, Attorney 500 Swede st Norristown Pa NORTH OI.KNbll.K FEROUSON'S tracts, opening 10 00 more lot. $BB to $260. guaranteed title. Liberty bonds taHen, buy now before the spring rustii send for booklet Ferguson, Front and York 901 YORK RD. Tj,TsTnATti' JMALWte-.-B ro ,$ NtCW JWHSKY 9CTICTMIAW ' WATCH CAT JUMP WHEN DELAWARE RIVER BRIDGE IS COMPLETED merchXntville oaks annex BEAT THE CAT TO IT COME OUT TODAY AND BEH HOMES. $250 DOWN Plots, $10 Down; $5 Monthly Take Merchantvllle or Mooreeto n trol 1?.y .r ,?.ut0..bu" l0 Springfield ave . Mer chantvllle N I, Follow Red Arrow., CUMMINGS BROS. Philadelphia Office 646 Drexel Bldg., Phila. rtootmuBT MODERN 10-room house, hardwood floor.! beet location, tn Woodbury N J.; 4 min utes from station, 2 minute, from country olub: price $9000; lot 78x200, II 419, Ledger V Office 4-il -i1! pennhvt.Vania farmb ir YOU should be thinking of having a farm next summer this would be the best time to make your selection before farms are again tied up under leases, thla usually la none In January, I have a good list of farms erveclaliy south of Paoll Wllles UOTV0..1 20.,LacIM flne mil 45 .minutes r,hll?Vhla $00 000: 105 acres soil woods, electrl.lty. 80 minutes Philadelphia. $33,000: 200 acres. 70 acres meadow, fine stream, best of buildings eleetrlo power. $80,000. A L HALTEMAN, West Chester. Pa FRUIT AMI! niinv rlnu 288 ACRES 80 ACRES FRUIT Pronounced cno of tho best orchards in the state. 31 miles from Philadelphia C P PETERS fe SON. 008 CHESTNUT ST. KKW JlJtliKY TAHMS ( CtnNI?n! ,W ftp''"' "ily $225 $5 monthly; In village ELY. 700 Federal Camden.' REAL ESTATE SALE OB KENT CITY flarngpa J CENTRAL OARAOre SAIjE OR RENT VJ - nijaUi-JIj Ac uo. inc: 4th and CallowhlU sts ntAMtrnnn F?iS...BIjn OR KENT One of the finest t Ji ed. PfSPefH" , In. 1 rnnkford. 4723 ,T?I3erj. st.! 3J't''.Ty brick, detached, largo yard, front and side porches: electricity: lm-m!?,l?,to..I,-0?s?."alPnl flno condition J IC, S?111!. 1134 rou'krod it . or 230 Market St. jieii pnone BEAL ESTATE WANTED llst8your8 wYt'hhua,V,! R ,arB0 "8t ot buy"1! O L COREVTRY 727 S BOth at rOR TENANTS YOU CAN RELY ON LIST v... . m.i.oun sm ill au T DWELLINOH for colored renters! any loca tlon or Blze Write 2404 N 3d st ractorlea. Mannfartnrlng Fleer. WANTED TO RENT "I'h option of purchase, yard with siding and building Bult ablo for offico Ph Bar. 1084. BEAL ESTATH FOR BENT WE LOCATE store or dwelling you wish to rent: charges $5 Office 24(14 N. 3d Bt, jFactorlea. Mannfartnrlng Floor. FLOORS Large Small nrTi-trn n n-n- Established 1880 actorlea a apoclVltr fl n rar pa HAVE rant BPACE for a few cars or will DENNIS.--i)40 N Tgth'.t. 7r 873 11 nth! v.i.i.c ua.ii.Kc: an conveniences. OFFICES. nUSINBSS ROtlMS. FTC. FURNISHED offices and business mom., in. eluding heat and llt-hf. ,alj-,l.nH. --. v. w tenographer in bulidlna- to tk ih.. '"' milla. aitn . m. I. , tn a .. . cor 7th and Spring Oarden sts .--.V ili1, V' " lif vvr naontn, . Vf, DESK SPACE for telephone graphlo service Call 022 Bldg and eteno . Welghtman Desk Room DESK ROOM and part of office for rent: a"' " a.t-.i, ., mniw uu. KJ 113 tjeO UlT. Desk Room Wanted OFFICE or desk room wanted In center et nm a, uiimu-rn uso iviaster St NF.W JERSKV KF.SIIORE ATLANTIC CITY FOR RENT until Juno 1 Nicely furnisher" cottage in tho best part of Chelsea, 7 bed rooms, s baths 100 S Kingston ave . Choi- ?a,T?f.iJJ iA,p,ply r' "vv- "'tor. 43 Letltla st , Philadelphia MORTGAGES $100 TO $5000 TO LOAN real ostato owners, note or mortgage: In stallment or long term quick settlement. ARTHUR J. LEUP0LD 801 Bailey Bldg 1218 Chestnut . WE REPRESENT nine of the largest buli lng and loan associations, and desire ii. plications for first, second and split mort. gage, tn any section of the city or ralnrrtijT private funds for good first morta-uea-money loaned o- Judgment note and Interest, in estates bought. William Jame. &o Land Title Building. """ $S3 NOTE ON MORTGAGE Immediate settlement. To Unsettled estate loan. Building association fund. $1000 DEMPSEY & CO., 27 S 15th et WE DESIRE TO. SELL $100 UU0 mort . J. for 8 years at Bif payable not "sTflXr! $20 000 per year: title clear- assessed at $100 000. property at Ke-isngtonr and All.; gheny aves Rockland Hosiery Mill, sin Kensington ave ' "" $50 TO Real estate security; ImmedhTtl ...v. ...., ......ow ul eaiarsjj - $5000 LEWIS & CO. o-v.,. VAN1 hiD Private funda for cllt edso $gd " SAMUEL COHEN & CO snt Bhubert Bldg . J50 8 Broad .1 FIRST MORTGAGES I OR SALE In various amounts bearing 0 Interest, Are and 'pKMPnLRTONrLSTATES Harrison Bldg LOANS. REAL EHTATE AND ESTATES) -t-t,VNY 34 S Broad (West End BldtQi-jV MONEY FOR KlKS-r MUKTUAQJSS WILLIS-WINCHESTER CO. 25 S 18th at itoNEY for 1st or 2d mtges cltv or couii SI?rv 4 n Tavlor Mlddlefn 703 Walnut st. MONEY TO LOAN ' YOU NEED MONEY? We make loans from $24 to $300 (In Phlla. and Camden), on furniture, pianos vlctrolaa Sutomoblles, etc . without removal RUtom0 20 MONTHS TO REPAY , Interest at 3H por cent on unpaid monthly i,lances (no other charges) Ual CALL WRllK OR TELEPHONE Walnut 30 S3 Race 80 08 for fult particulars PROVIDENT LOAN COMPANY- 702 watuina Bldg, 1033 Chestnut Bt YOU CAN BORROW MONDaY ON DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY !25 AMD UP. .. .2, PER I'hVT 7.1 AND UP.... 114 PI K CENT 00 AND HftED-IVS PEH CUNT 128 MARKET ST RIDGE AVE. AND OXFORD ST 22D AND SOUTH STS, NEED MONEY? We will loon money on snlary or furniture to reliable people Io honest employe re. ,.sd Couitenus treatment to all. D. D. DRAKE WOOD BLDO. 400 CHESTNUT BT. READY MONEY DIAMONDS WATCHES J. JEWELRT United States Loan Society 117 NORTH RROAD 2H0 Market st 2B4K Oermantown ava. CASH MONEY AT ONCB n Jewelry, bond, automobiles good, of ear na ,'rqtji m nvmu w..m. ,.u. is -g p.. WILL loan on Jir buy any personui pronertt-, mcrtgs. stocks or bonds good. In ..toraaf, autos. estates Preaton U Lee, 183 S t;m J f. - 1 ' as. J fa t ,1 ' ' ., O lii . A jcr Ic.J.