r,"E!ji-w!v vpfttrrjft it et ' ' 4 ,,r. BVJ3KXNG TOBLIO LEDaMiHILAl)ELPHlA, THURSDAY, r.l l)E()liJIVlBEIt IS, 1019 27 K tt fc "; pS!S :iiiS&iS """,v;r"J :,,""r " 't w.M!i!K.P.w,wV.,':,S :' ... "'. .. WVilli rfaassw.ssfm- pien Doing Business r''.1.':..v ...-.. i South Africa Wt mn It is particularly important that your banking connection be the most direct! mm tion shipments often days in advance of . .. ';i-v"a ir.'V:i;,it'Y.wfev.;.--. v:' v.'.v ..r.-iirx OVER 400 BRANCHES IN AFRICA xwjw'W'V.'jfprni ,1 rn, i HnMnnv &iiVi'!!i":;:.7.-:'.:::i.'T. IS-uVi-WiWI vrWJT S&Sifi LONDOJO ! New York Office, 10 Wall Street R. E. Saunders, Agent Total Resources Over $287,000,000 e I Main OflirjN 52 Vanderbilt Avenue, New York City. Garay 245, Buenos Aires, Argentina. English Correspondents W. H. BOWATER, Ltd., Birmingham, England. Foreign Montevideo Rio de Janeiro Caracas Guayaquil Valparaiso Madrid Vladivostok ' Domestic Offices Philadelphia Washington Norfolk Newport News Bunkering Agents at Portland Boston Providence New York Philadelphia Baltimore Hampton Roads , , . bavannah Jacksonville Charleston Mobile New Orleans fensacoia r 3.0 Years in Export Banking 23 Branches in Soath America S Offices in Spain, France and England Direct Connections With India INTIMATE KNOWLEDGE of the needs and habits of the people, acquired by years of experience and actual residence in the coun tries themselves, is essential when transacting business abroad. Anglo-South BANSCLIIVHTED New York Agency, Hesd 0(lie London F. C. Harding. A rant W. M. Dawkln, Sub-Agent International Freighting Corporation r Regular Sailings trl UNES PHILADELPHIA to SOUTH AMERICA Culllnr at rernambtico, llahln, nio,rl Janeiro and Montevideo. Huenos Aire, T-n PMtu. rti. PHILADELPHIA to FRENCH ATLANTIC PORTS llordeaux, Hairi. Ilnnklrk, etc. lfnyette Building, Philadelphia. ,i,u liruaUHur, Mrtv vorK. Fidelity Trust Company ItemVer lateral Jlescrvn HiJiiem Capital,,..,. $5,000,000 Surplu ,...,$16,000,000 ,.Mrt3ai rliit.Pl. N. JK. for. of I HI N, Knvrlh Ml. droail & Cbmtnnt Vwi ii, i ii. i, i I obtainable. Without direct representa arrive at their destination 15 shipping documents at great venience to the buyer who is unable to clear his goods quickly. Our 4.00 branches throughout the Union offer superior facili- gs 11 tor the efficient transaction of your South African huiinrtt personal reprtscnti tion in all (in nancul matters. May we confer with you on trade opportunities in South Africa? t AgcnJs Marseilles Genoa Bogota . ' Lima Galveston American 49 Broadway Capital and Reserve Over $32,000,000 Through Bills of Lading htued Telephone Lombard 3S33, 3634 Teirpuonc. cortlana 'i-v ju.m EXPORTERS OfTrr yoor llullr and ConiUused Jllllk lo tha Hoclete flenfraln des WeiteelanU en Ilourre Oeuf. t I'romim, Onpttal. Fin, 0,000,000, Registered .efflcel 10 Rae Berarer, rnrli. Cnhla Vegokianut, Paris, Cod Llrbcrv I i lit Pi!"' . . vS; - ' : V '; ; ; t '& to M incon ..".J:V. '. "In, , V. I "AYER NO VUELVE" The Key to Business in Latin America and Spain Absolutely ncrrMeirv for thu inlrlllBPnt tIcclopmcnt of any bulnrsa. CLASSIFIED Latin American Trade Directory l'J20 KD1TION (Anuario dc laAmericaLatina) Publifthcd by Baily-Baillicrc Barcelona West Indies, Mexico, Central. . South America and Philip pine Islands 2 vols. (Spanish) 3000 Paces Contains a complete- classlfiM list of merennnts. imiorttrt, mantifacturerH, commission houses, apentft, -contractors, builders, plumbers, carpenterw, archltectB, farmers, ranchers. dairies 3octorB,lentlHti, engineers, lawyers, JewelcrH.bflnki.hotela, railroflda, printers, Hhrnrlei, schools nnd collenres, periodicals, ilriictTlsta, insurancu ftBrents. amusement, Government offi cials, baiters, churchps, etc , throughout Latin Amo'lcft and Phlllpplnfy Islands, Tatest custom house tariffs of every country, s-ipara-te mans, and a com plete Index to trad In English and Span ish, statistics and general Information nn communications, population, routes, productions, etc. i"Th advance sale of this Directory will close December 15th). PRICE: $15.00 Morse International Agency American Distributors 449 Fourth Ave., New York City Also (classifications as above) Directory of Spain, 3 vols.. Directory of Cuba, 1 vol.. $15.00 0.SO Forelen markets and how to msrehan dlBO In them han been our special atudy for 20 yara.- Wo know theso Directories to be reliable and to slve up-to-date .In formation They are one of the indlspen. sable alda. We wilt be pleased to give additional Information on thla or any . other aetau. BRANCHES New Orleans Office 132 Gravlrr Street Paris Office 11 bis Boalevard Haoumann Madrid Ofiiee Gran Via 14 Barcelona Office lUmblado los Eatudiot-Cmuda 'i AFFILIATED BANKS COLOMBIA Banco Mercan til Americano de Colombia Borota. Barranqullla , Cartagena, Meddlln, Maulialu. Glrardot, Call, Honda, Armenia, Bocara manga PERU Banco Mercantil Americano del Peru Lima, Arequlna, ChtcUyo, CalUo, Trujillo VENEZUELA. Banco Mercantil Americano de Caracas Caracas, La (jtuyra BRAZIL American Mercantile Bank of Brazil rara.rernambcco NICARAGUA National Bank of Nicaragua Managuat Dluefitlds, Leon, Granada CUBA Banco Mercantil Americano dc Cuba Habana HONDURAS Banco Atlantida Iji CeJba, Tegucigalpa. San Pedro Sola, Puerto Coitcs Mercantile Bank of the Americas r American Bant for Foreign Trade 44 PTNB 8T, NEW YORK .xv. XILA FINANCIAL In accordance, wllh a resolution l"E,t bv (Vinmtin Council of llio City of Phl- flelpma, on Thursday, ivovemner -u. i,. iilll authorizing tho creation of a lfn or lo.tna In the sum of fifteen million tin--COO.OHO) dollars Is hereby published for pun ,c Information 'Vv Chief Cleric. AN ORDINANCE lo authorlx,- th creation cf a loan in; lo" n the. turn of fifteen million UtMiOO.iiOOi dollars, being tho unissued portion of a loan In tho sum of forty-two million rottr tiui drcd ami fifty tliuus.uid seven hundred lid ninety-eoven rj,4Ii(,7U7 dollara pro , Idcd frr bv an Oicllimnco approved tne 29lh day of June, 11)10. tlili. "r'JJ'U"!" i belli? supplementary to the said Ordinance of June 21). loin, the Mto fifteen mill on , dollars to he used toward the erection end construction of the main building or the Free Library of Philadelphia! tn pay i 'mi9 for the heretofore authorueii cpenln. vldeiilnr end chanElms of eraoe nf atresia, ronatructlon of eewer". con- i demnatloii of parka nnd other purooJel toward tho removal of Kradc rronlnira, in South Philadelphia) toward the acoulelt on of and payment for property, ereciira nnd ronatructlon or eo'vane disposal plant and aeweiage ayatem of PratiKford ereK area: toward tho aroulslllon of property ' and Improvement of tho Parkway: to pay lor property herotoft'ro token and to m . tal;eu for Kalrmount nnil other parka: j connructlon of main aewers: construction , of main t,ewers la Venanno. UlKler untt i I'acl.er etrcctai ronatructlon of branch ewera; construction of bvidses, craoina alreets. Improvement of country roada: Pavlnir IntorHectl'.ts. linpiovem.nl of the lloulevard; for cho fuitiier linprotement of the Bouth Ilroad street Boulevard.' Plain. I,onuuo lalnnd Park and Uovern. ment avenue: toward tho erection of a lonxentlon Hnlli towunl mnulsltlon of llllir). rrrnllnn Bhil r.,,.,a ( ,.,., Inn nn,l r,1UlD iiuut nf tho Philadelphia General lloipltal fcnd Nuraea' Home and other bulldlnffs under tho supervision of the IJepartment of Publlo Health end Cnailtlra. toward ihe erection nf an Art Museum, bcctlon l. Tho Select and Common Conn rlla of the city of Philadelphia do ordain: lhat tho Mhjit, Oily Sodiltur and Ulty lontroller. or nny two of ih.ni. bo and they fee hereby authorized 10 borrow nt such times and In audi prupoithma of tho t;ity demand, from llio hlzheal bldiler or bidders by advertisement, at not less than par. on Ihe faith ami credit of the City of rhlla drlphlti, a sum it suma wliloli In the aUBre Bale elmll not ence-d lUtcen million tin.. uuo.OUO) dollars, belne tho unissued portion of a loan of forty-two milllo.i four hundred ar.d rltty thousand seven hundred and nlnety-seven M3.4ritf.T0il dollars provided for by nn Urdlmince approved the 'JUth d ef June mill, tins urdluunce supplcmentlnn llio eald Ordluunco of Juno an, mill; the said flttten mlhlon US.lMi'UiOu) dulluis to bu ox P;hd'd a piovlded fur In thu aetoiid auction of this ordliiancc. i .. S-. T'.' money raise,) by (,0 loan or loans authorised by ,h nri eecllon of this Ordinance shall bo used Tor tho followlnn rurnoaes. lo wit: Toward tho erectlcn and conaiructlon of tb main bulldhiB nf tha I'rco Library of Philadelphia, two million four hundred and ilftv thousand CJ. ISy.dUi)) oollars: to pay for damases for tho here tofore authorised nieuinir. wldenlnir and cnanRlns of erade of sireeta. conairucilon of ewcre, condemiiatlun of properly for parka f,!!2."'"i.r Purpoeoa, Uilrly-lVur thousand (31, Otui) dollars: tuward the removal of itrade fioaslnea In South liiladlplilH. an per con tract iixlod .Varih S3, mil. sown million ilx hundred thouaand (7.000,1)00) dollars, toward acoulsltlon of property, erection and tonalructloii of aewaKa disposal planla and sciveraiso sjstem of Frankford creek area, ono inllllon four hundred and thlrty-elwht thousand (1,431.001)1 dollars: toward th acquisition of and piymcut for propertj la jtet. nnd Itnprntuniunt or iho Parkway, fifteen thousand (ls.uuil) dollura: In pay for propeity herotoforo taken and lo be taket lor 1-alrmount, and Mother parkH. soventy four thousand (74,000) dollars, construction f.0,,'!;;; ;"' r",lr hundred thousand I400.UUO) do nrs: rnn.iritriinn f ...n,n jowers In i Hlulor and Pa.koi streets, four h.unJrtd thousand (4u(i.uim) dmiars. and la I lHr. coriBtructlou vt brunch towers, thirty hrldsca. flyo liuudrM thnusJiid (OOO.IIOU) dol-Si",l,n,firu-nif lr,!-l twenty-four thousand (2I.U0U) dollars; linprovvinent of country roada. alxtv-aaven tliouaaud (G7.0UU) dollara; 5,o-',!'S,,",!'r,"ec";u!"- Iweiity-elEht thouaand CH.CuO) dollars: Imr loviimnt nf tho fol lowlitic branches of iho Houlevnrd; llenaalcm. Holme and I'oqueaslnE avenues, one hilnJro-1 lid sixty thousand Uuo.OUO) dollars: for the lurvher linpifwiiirat of ihe Soulh Ilroad Street Uoulevard. Plaza. I.eaKue Island I'urk aii.l Government iivenue, avo hundrrd and twenty thousand (ol'O.uoo) dollars; toward tfo construction of a Convention Hall bud Vleineiilliis liiuncv borrowed under an Ordl linii'o approved Juno 11). lull, twenty thou sand C'U.OIVD dollara; toward tho licoulsllon ot land, erfcllon. construction and ciulp ment of the Philadelphia (Icnernl llosultiii. Nurses Home and the nthr-r bulldlnea uiida ho kiiperMslon nnd direction of the Uo nailmciit of Public Health nnd Churltle. two hundred thousand U'OH.UUOI dollara: to ward tho erection of an Ait Museum, one million U.UOO.O00I dollars. """. one ace, 3. Interest on the said loan nt n rat not exceeding lour nnd una hnir M", ) per centum per annum shall ho jiald by lha City of Philadelphia half yearly, on tho drat dayi of the months of January and July, at the efllco of the fiscal aarency of Ihe City of Philadelphia. I'eitlllciitea of the a.ild loan shall bo In the usual form. In such amounti " iK lender may require In the sums of one hundred (100) dollars and Its multiples, .1 rcKistaied or coupon forms. nd It shall be exuriKsed In the said certincates that tha loan therein mentioned la payable In thirty nr after dato thcrof. and that the prln. cl.inl and Interest yn said latin a pjyablo In law'ul money of the United Stataa. fra. from all taxes, Soc. 1. Uhenever any ,n shall tn created by vlrtuo of this Ordinance, there la by torce of tills Ordinance, an annual tax levied of bIx nnd one-half (0V, ) per centurr oh the par nlno of such certlllcalea m itiued lo wji Iho Intereat. iilso tho prln ;lDal of such loan within thirty yeaTs and it ere Is thereby annually appropriated to th Lommisfca in, f ne ainKine runa. out of the taxes so crliccted. a Bum aurtlclent to pay the Interest, nn aald loan, nlso the prin cipal thereof, within thirty earn and as th same Incomes payable. Tha appropria lion lor the lhtrest to ba plUI aernlannualiy. tald Commissioners ' ?r.NlAKl CIAH KLliCTiTnj vb7" SliiUlnff rund Piirchnse Coniertlble hii Per Cent Sinking Fund (iold llonilf Pursuant to the provisions of the Collat eral Trust Agreement executed December 1. 1011, by the Standard Oaa and Electric company to tho undersigned, an Trustee, to secure an authorized issue of Thirty Million Dollars Convertible .Sinking Fund Oold honus. inaiurine ueepmuer J, llitj, the un dersigned hereby Rives notice that it now I is on hand tho num of seveir.y-four thou sand eight hundred and forty-aix dollars and iwventy-nvo cento ((7-1.810. ,5) In llio Sink lig Fund provided by said Trust Agreement, ai.d that It is Its intention to upply said ; sum. under thn provisions of aald Trust I reement, to tho purchase of said bonds. I utters ot said bonds are Invited, at a price not to exceed par, accrued Interest and five ' per cent premium. Sealed tenders should he addressed to tho Philadelphia Trust Com pany, Trustee. Sinking Fund. Stnntlard Gas and Blectrlo Company. 415 Chestnut street, i Philadelphia, drslffliallng tho denomination of lioiida tendered, and will bo received until 3 p. in., Monday, January 5. 1020. PHILADELPHIA TUU.HT COMPANY. Trus tee. Uy JOHN C. WAI.LACC. , Treasurer, i Philadelphia. lcemler 4. 1019. I TO THE HTOCKIIOI.lHJItS OP TUB KITTKXIIOUrii: TIIUHT CO. Phllttdelplila VaMcm Is hereby clven tlut a Sneclat Mcellm; ot the Htockholdera of the Itltten house Trust Co., pursuant to a resolution of tho Hoard of Director, adopted at a regu lar meetlnc on November ID. 191U, will be held on Monday. January 19, lD'-'l), nt noon, at 1323 Walnut at.. Phlla., Pa., for tho purpose of approving or disapproving a pro posed Increaso of the capital stock from two hundred and fifty thousand dollars ItSSO.oOO), consisting of five thousand shares of tho par value of fifty dollars each, to five hundred thousand dollars (J500.000). con listing of five thousand shares of the par vsiiim ?r one- hundred dollara each. 8. W. WATERMAN. Secretary. iiri'irr. ok tub commissiomcks 111" KMKiMOD.NT PAIIK 127 City Hull. I'lillndrlphiit December 18, 1D10 Sealed proposals will bo received at tins nllico until 11 a. m.. Monday, Dfceinbir 2. 1019. for the following supplies Bnd works for the year 18-0 for the parks under the control of tho Commlsslonera of Palrmount ''"coal, lumber, hrlcka. cement, travel, hardware," paints, alasa, cut Iron, plumbers siiDPlles, stores, tin setlees, plcnlo tables border IronB, terra cotla pipe, flower pots. Dor"' ,,, hnv. riihhnr irnnl. Tk.,.1.,.- aeeos, "-. ,-; m-r;""",.','1V,",';" brooms. ,...'', t . , ---.. v, ,C, l.llJ-. B, nrln"".Uns woKons, uroiten trap rock and ;?reenlnK. broken slac, carrlace and auto ?nobll hire, aundrlea .and elerlrio napli- woBons, uroaen trap rock and Ilia llahta. irra b-uaiuo. iop sou and nursery "'aiVo for the followlne; works: Pavlner, cm aranfte cur) Inn. vitrified and alaz blocks, fleanlns wells, fenclne Branolllhlo and uanhalr pavements. i Fill partlcu nra a to form and oery re nurement ot the propoaal. with the ncces-1 SoL"d0"iflfh0H0S?nc?.r"1 blankS- m "'! No Wd will bo considered unless comlnc from those reeularly- enaaned In tho mami-' factire or alo ot lbs various auppllea do-1 ,lrNo bid the apsregate amount of which I exceeds WOO will be cons dered unlesa ac "mpanleil br a certified cUqua or bond in I the sum of ImH). n:.." ,-,-.,om asionera reserve ih. ii,. . Ilia - " "-- -ii k,- v ,. ,U ec, any r all olds. bv order of tha Commlaslonen ot Pair mount Park. ALAN COrtSON, Chief Engineer. orricr, oi' .'"nstkuci to.v Abrrdren Provluc Vir'oiinila. .Mil. Sealed proposals will bo received at this office until 1" 'V "? llecembcr 29lli, 1010, and then opened, or rov dlnir fouiidatlona and re-ereclln. wllh slight alterations, Steal machine yhop bulldlnir. 104x310 feet St the Abordeeir Provlnn around, Md Plan" and apeolneatloni; mny be obtained it tha office ot the Construction Officer "Verdeen Trovlng Ground, tld. faol-OSAXS FOB 8EIIV10R ' IIATS.-OrOca of the Quartermaster Oeneral. Clothing nd aquipMfc "-, v,i,u"iiioiiB uuuaing. Vanhlngton. P. C. Healed propoaaia la UPllcaie wi'i I'nth w "oil) unm s p, m.. v -.. no lnin .. i.li :.. -- - iiar of 6650 Bervlce Hats, InlormaUon oa tfcoueat FOREIGN EXCHANGE ? VEXING FROBLEI i Donrociation of Eurooean Cur ' l' n lo n-l.:u!4.:., i rencies Putting Pronibitive Cost on American Goods CRISIS BELIEVED PAST Then- U tin inotor in tlic Ri-nrral sit" Minn Riving Rrfntcr ronrrrn nr ia l"'inK slmllcil more illllEondy liy flosr Mnili-ntH or rcnnomii'S llinn Hie inn-iRii rni mnrkpt. It sromt lo ln tin' iiinsotisuri of npinlon, linwpvrr, tliat tin- worst lia" liccii wen, mill with ciirrful lllivn jliK H n-iisonnlilf' state ot i-niillilirliilii will lif i'i'V'lnblllit'(l. Tho pirliniiRi' sllimlinn wnt nn liroiii'hitiK it point whrrn rotiiplftP jle mnnili.atinn wai iiievlliilili' iinlfM tinliirnl or nrtluYlnl iiilluriu'Cit wcrr hrnnislit into play. Tho ilpprenntj'tl lnniiiR pnttor of tho riin-rnr-icM of Hie Kiinipon rotinliic.M. which is 1ml. nnnthrr wnv of KttitiiiK tin- full In cxrliniiKP, lins nlmndj rnisnl the 'ovt ot Aint'ricun RnniK In Iliiriippiui piirrlinipr to n point wlili'h is prohiliilivo in tin- ense of nil lint Dip mont iipppjwnry rnmmmlitii"4. Tin- rhilnilclplila Cominprt'iiil M ""iini. in dlmiRsliiK thii .niiRlo ot Hip foroiun sitnntlon, sitys : "'1',. loitwIlnnTi nn nvllfirl llllSlllPMS impnsi'il by the prcKdil PXt'lmiiRf1 rati't is iinviiiR (in iniurpi't i'iiitl wmcu -,u,-nnt ho ilUiPgiirdril. Tim vnlijp of tho .L.tl.t. I,n ,,,,i'i,tiil,il1 In hliph 1111 CX- tout in every Hurnpenn rountry Hint it k iiriviiis Hip i.iiropi'nn nmniii '" ili'iil mnip unit more ninonc Hipmsplvi's. In Ilic pxcJiiHinn 01 turn roiuurj, mm "" Hip i-i'ii-nn Hint with their pn-.-Piil tli'prei'inti'tl cun'riiPii'S Hie.v ran liny ni cneli ntlipv inoii' cheaply thiin they (can i . i il.l.. -..,. IHIV n l ins riiiiin i . . Anuthrr Inairrrt vitrei nf l!m Pi ... ...wi.iUi.i.i lit thn Inlnrtiul tnntll PX - chniiRe.i which cnnnnl he disreRnnleil is tlic ruel thnl in oilier jmrii in mi wnrhl -in Soiitli Anierien. in Australia nnil South Africa the imrelinwr can Imv a Riven cnininnility at n uninlier cost from a Kuropcan rountry Ihan the identical article can he iimelmsrd in Hi Inilril Slates. "in nn elToil to correct Ihe exchniiRe nr lnlhi'i- lo prevent its. kcIHiik worse, many exporters have lieen selliiiR Roods on open iircoiinl, which meiely posl -pnues the day of reckonlnR. Others linvp been RiantiiiR loiiR-tprin crpilils. I5ul il is open in tpiestion If export merchants have not Roue as far ns Hicj are nlile to ro in tills extension of credit. The banks have been co-operating with the merchnnls in the RrnntiuR of lliese credits, hut they, too, are lingm niiiR lo curtail their accommodations or to require n different kind of collateral fnr their loans. There has been snine liquidations of American securities held in Ibis cnunlry for account of Kiiriipc, and Europe bus been sellinR some of the (securities, mobilized here ilurini; flie war as I'oilnternl for loans, which have been freed by Hie maturity of the loans. "It inis been proposed, as n further enrrci'tive measure, Hint the United Kingdom in parliciilar, and other Kuro penn countries as well, transfer some nf their Inrge South American and other investinents to this country." Prices Steady on Paris Bourse I'arls. Dec. IS. Prices were steady nn the ISnurae today. Three per cent rentes were quoted at (Klf l."e: ." per cent loan, SSf l.'c; exchniige on Lon don, l-f IVic The dollar was quoted nt 1lf i!7Vjf. SSSPSH H iiMmfw. 8mr8smi HBr508BB 5M iKs' & r. . j" -a,- v && rioneenna d rerreeuri an( Today Penco Motel Product round out a half cenlurj's us. In modest cottage and mighty factory insoething city and country lone are everywhere in acrvicc-Btrcngtlieninc M itrucmrci, rwnioranff toaUwaya. protect 1 ing property, cuthntf conatructlon conti Fj endBUtcEUordins me. Metul Lath Metal Koofinz Metal Sidinu Metal CeUinff Metal Culvert MetelReinforceme.it Fire Dotfr "Hampton" ShotU I nnd all the forrnt of sheet metnl atampeJ, tormed and tvelded arc nnlft etonea io the 3U years proreaa ot thia the larsrcat institution of its kind in the world PENN METAL CO., Lid 25th and Wharton Sts. PHILADELPHIA p.lalrra isr n FmiMi tKW, I'ENCU Metal Uth. m&t, EMzs!2!wwwjm."j!igxm&$E3e3mm 1BOI LEE Banish the Menace Of Faulty Heating This scientific boiler solves your heating problems for all time. Every part has been scientifically designed and co ordinated, so that the whole boiler operates as smoothly and efficiently as the human body, giving an abundance of evenly distributed, easily con trolled heat. Scientific com bustion reduces waste to a minimum, cutting fuel bills materially. If'rila today for copy of pur neio Scientific Coweuirlcm tloobltt er rait and tie JAcis boiltrt oi ttliptav, zecxBzos, Co. Henting & Plumbing Supplies DISPLAY ItOOMS 44 to SO N. 5th 506 Arch St 130-141 Federal St., Camden, N. J mm lilfrv7K M wtarJS. "iSCR-flV Kffi l-lCTJiKS-K. K k Kooliaa. Ceilios. s. v-1TS.r."A K rire ijoou, Jy&v -S 'fTATr ti HKirvr ww&wi n bvwq mv i.r.fiAt, AnvnnTisnir.NTi (fr"H,1TATK fll PAl'ti"" R. KINO, dc e""" eeaaed j letter lepfnmentary unon tl,e estate nf Paul H, Klnc. rtteeased. havlnit oeen Krnnien to ndellly Truit Co. .11. 1. UI.31, ITWBlUllll. Or in lis altornevs. VAV HI'MKN A .inilxaoM. inig Htephn fllrard nnlMlng , itts'. r.iT,TK or I1I.I7.A IIA1MH Ill.- . , -. fieeeaaeil Letters I""1 !n ':"' above esiate havlni to The provin, UfC nnd a of Philadelphia, all persons Ir ii, (leeeaaeit I.elters of administra te neen Krnm-u persons Indebted to said AU U 1,1, MM nM.MMll J0) Ch'eslniil Ktreet, ADMINlSTUATOnS. ATrnnvi.-r Daniel K. flenl J Ken fM.,i Trust Tilda- i35ri:sT,Tn or (ir.nuoi: iioruowin, 1- , nlliernlHo UnniMl lis llorrnns, de-rr-flsnl l,el(er. nf ndmlnltratlon on the alioie rslalo haMiis Imeti urnnled to th tinderslRiied. nil persons Indebted In said etnte are requested, to mako payment, and those hai lie claims lo present the same, without delsy to MIIS MAMlATtRT rninnowKS. 121 J"aBe ave Or to lter nttprpey. HI-NIIV llt'lip "S" Walnut st XOST AND FOUND llll,I.S-l,ot. n new J,-, hills, rntltn 4V, Wed. nosdav. $10 reward. Ilrturn fl. A. Pedrlck. Jlonni icon Frnnlilln ttsnk Hldg fi:ftTlKH'ATlP-lnt or mlsilil. tcriinrlle No. 1S07. ralrniount Ave. llulldlng nnd Loan Asito . in the nnine of Charles 11. lntle. f, shares atoek .11th series. Appli cation made for new certificate Tleturn llnx r,M. y M. C A. UldR., Philadelphia. I a. K.vVllliPi: -Iist. In Ihe vicinity of City Hall, red envelope, containing stock and olher papers; reward. 1008 Lincoln Hide. Walnut I17S4. jtnna nnwAnt) xo ouhrtions Asicnn I-'or th return ot Jewelry lost last week In a Philadelphia hotel; If Jewelrv has been tuwned. will nay reward for tickets: all communication In strictest confidence. Ad dress J. H Hlrsli. Insurance llroker. 115 llrnndwnv. New York. Telephone 1.10 Hei tor. rnnsoNALS SVil.l) I"cemher in ll n Ileln. mv provision huslnesn Present all bills hy the 2.1th of nccenlher to 'Jllth and Mount Vernon fits. HELP WANTED FEMALE Rril.l. TF.i.npiioMR oprcriATtHri rKnMANISNT PoaiTlnNS OKKKIlKn TO TOI'.NH WOMEN IlBTWKKN 18 AND 23 lUAP.3. sit rF.n ivki'.k pon kiiist wkrkhi J1.1M PKTt WI'.Kk" IN 0 MONTHS. WITH 1IAP1D AUVANCKMKNT THKllKAKTBK. sitonT nouns 1NKXPKHR1VK HOT HINCIItr.g COMFOHTAI1LI1 HKHT lirxlMSI KIClvNKHH DIHAltll.lTV HIINRFITH CAlir.KULLY CHOSEN ASSOCIATES CALL PKItRONALLY ANY WRKKDAT. Itl.'TWRr.N P A. M. AND S P. jr.. TO ZKV. MIS3 11YAN. 1031 AltCII ST., FIItST thr nw,i, Ti:r,ErnoNB co. oir pa. iftMilNO CLERKS i FAMILIAR WITH MOON-HOPKINS MACiliNlii C,001 OPllNINO: CHANCE roil ADVANCEMENT. E. F. ItOUOinON' l CO. 210 W. SOMERSET ST. )lt PirDNE KENSINGTON 7100 IilNlUinY HANDS lllank-boolc bindery: ex perienced sewers, also clrls to run num herlnc. perfnrntln? i-r punrlilnc machines. Win 11 llechtel f, Co.. 2I) Pansom st. lSOOKKKRPHIt nnd accoiminnt. lady or man l.nrBe clothlnjr factory desires expert linokkcener, ono with knowledge of cutllnc imi trade proferredi must be able lo handle double entry with controlling accounts and haw best of reference. Iteply In own hand writing with all particulars. Write care of n nih tlnor. I.nrkln m.lg.. 2gil and Arch ats r.noKKKKI'KH. double entry, assistant ex- l-ri"iiced. for manufactiirlmr concern nulcU. in curate and neat, p 3115. I.ediLr Offl'-e CASIIIEltS AND INSPECTORS KXPUniKXCK NOT NflCESSAUY INSTRUCTION QtVE.V y APPLY lllTHEAU OP ESinJYAIENT WANAMAKF.'11'S j Clll unNUIl.SIC experienced, fur 2 children. r aBes :l ami f, years. III21 llldvale ae.. Ou I. sue Manor. Phone Germanlown 1 r,n Cl.KItK T1IH ACCOUNTING DEPART MENT OP TIIK PUIIl.tC I.KDfllllt CO. tiESinns Tin: seiivicem ok a youno WOMAN WITH AT I.BAHT 2 YHAItS OV IllOlI SCI10OI, TIIAININO, Olt ITS EQUIV. AI.IINT; WITH OH WITHOUT EXPIIIII. KNCIJ. ASli POIl Mli. PIIICM. PUBLIC l.EOOEU CO.. IITH AND Cll KSWUI8U COOIC AND ClIAMUEKMAfD. 2 reliable women, preferably mother and daushter or 2 fillers: chambermaid to assist wtth raro of infant nnd do mending. call or phone Mrs A K. llilllncH. 1703 Spruce st., any morning before 11. Phone txirust -I.M). COOIC and butler, while: references: small family. Phone or call before 10 m.. or after II l. in Phone Oermnnlown It 1 1 1 . Hesi denre ,119 W. Johnson nt . derma ntown. COOlvlNll, doLllhtnirs work, ilipnhlc col ored woman reference renuired; wages J 1 .' Phono tleriniinlnwn .llSn DK'TAPHONK opeialor: experienced in sales work with iiLinufui tui inir concern, con venient lo Oerinantown and t'heMnut 1 III t 1' !I24 Ij'dacr nj,.e (Hit!. Automobile rinancliiv corporation de bit n uimK lrl, with i-tenographle ability for general work, must be iiulck nnd nlerl; high school or business school training pre ferred, excellent chance for advancement. pplv after 11 a. m. Hare t Chase 1103 Wnliiiil Y mo oiru? WANTED OVEIl 10 YISAns 01" AGE IV NEW DEPAHTMEXT NO EXPIIIUENPi: NKCEKSAIIY I.I01IT. AIRY FACTOItY DESmAllI.E. STEADY WOHIv r,2 WEEKS A YEAR HOT LUNCHES SERVED AT LESS THAN COST GOOD PAY: EXCELLENT TREATMENT LEARNERS PAID J12 WEEKLY LIGGETT MYERS TOBACCO CO. 3D AND ONTARIOSTS. 3IRLH. age HI. for office work. V. a. I, Employment Department, 21 V. 22d St. HOSIERY Knitters wanted. Tioga H""lery Mills. l'lt anu L,uzcrne sis near ,i,o, ,-,. Tlrnnd st.). . LAUNDRY POLDERS. EXPERIENCED IN FIAT WORK DEPARTMENT FANCY 1RONERS AND RTARCHERS APPLY MARKET ST. LAUNDRY ; 1308 FILBERT ST. MOTHER'S helper and housekeeper wanted In refined noma In Wayne. P 218, Ledgsr Office. SALESGIRL for silk department: good tunlty for the right party. THRESHER RROS.. 1322 Chestnut st. SALESWOMEN PAIIT OR FULL TIME OPPORTUNITIES IN SEVERAL PF.rAUTlIENTS APPLY 11UREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAWAKEJVS an per- aona Indebted to the enld rotate are renuest"d lo rnali-. pament and thoso liavlns: claim' natlmi the same to present them, without , ikt";;.."' " nfflco of the said company. 3S..-331 Chestnut et . Philadelphia. . ..-...,., .,i.- rroiieeietl 10 maae payment, mm thojo haj-ln elalms tn nreaent tha same, S,!;!,0r.,..??l"y '" " underslimed. tub niovihRNT urn and thiist com- 1'ANV OP riltt,ADRl,P1ltA. HEIP WANTEDjTEMAL MOO.SMlorKLN'fl OPI IIIATOUH t'HANCi; l'0H AIJVANCBMCNT, K. f. H0U0ttT0f CO. 510 V. SOMEnspT ST. Oil I'llOXK KUKStN-CrON TIOJ STJIXOCinAPItEll , ('atiahl sttnnRraphfr hn wAnls pennaii'nt position i wllh advancement: silary and bonus. Apply Personnel Department, floor s',4. fil bert et. STiiAwnnirmE a cirnuKR STKNOanAPIinp. Must be erperlenfed. nc. curftlo and neat: must relieve telephone eperator when necessary: permanent posi tion, pleasant surroundings: an exceptional opportunity ror a cirl with ambition, can and nsk for elTIre manaacr. Olrord Auto mqbllo Co.. 2311 Chestnut st. STCNOOnAPlinn wanled, who understands bookkeeplnir, to be secretary tn rnananer ot steel company; salary nnd percentage bonus: Ito rrreat amount of experience required, but must bo very rnvabln nnd nmbilious; apply by teller. C 010, t.cdcer Office. STHNOOIlAPItEIl; experienced In sales work wllh manufacturing concern; convenient to Oermnnlown and Chestnut still. P .12.1. Led- per Office STIINOCillAPHEIt and clerical work: nroml nent Insurance office, ltoskln.i A Howell Co.. S. II. ror. ,1lh and Wnlnut l rYTKNOdUAPIIKIlH We havo an openlmr for 2 experienced elenoaraphers: nood oppor tunity. Apply hy mall or In person, Whit-aker-tllessner Co.. I'.'nl Hamilton st, TYPISTS TOR ntLI.INO; EXPEUIKNCK W1TJI MOON-HOPKINS niLLINO MACHINE DBSIlUntiE. UUT NOT NECESSARY. K. V. HOUfitlTO.N- k CO. 210 W. SOMERSET ST. OR ritO.S'K KENa.VOTON 7ino. WOMEN AND OntL9 ron PACKiNO and Miscnr.LANEnit.i WORK; EXPERIENCE NOT" NECKS SAIlTl GOOD PAY. -.r-a NATIONAL tllSCtllT CO. 1301 GLENWOOD AVE. WOMEN POR WTtArPINO EXPERIENCE NOT NECES9ATIY APPLY I1UREAU OP EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKETPS WOMLN. 2. cook, chambermaid .,, ,. ress; colored: references. Apply after. noons. 221 n Do Lancev at. " YOUNG WOMAN of. good address, capable of Intervlewlnsr prospects and conducting work that requires tact nnd personality: rood ..iiii-v io rlxhl pjrty. P 30(1, Ledaer Office General IIUSINESS SERVICE CO.. 1110 Land Title STENOO'S Asst. tn Employment Mgr 131) Clerks k Tvplsls Several positions. ' HELP WANTED MALE A LARGE CORPORATION IN NEW JERSEY IS LARGELY INCREASING ITS? FORCE AT PRESENT IS INTERESTED IN SECURING FIRST-CLASS SIIEET-METAL MEN AND DYE DESIGNERS SEE MR. JENKINS. HOTEL VBNDIG. TR1DAY. 3 P. if. TO nr. JL SUNDAY, ! A. M. TO 3 P. M. U'COL'NTANT. experienced In (extlle manu facturing for public acrouutlng concern. Address, ttating age, experience, salary anil reference. P 117. Ledger Office. ACCOUNTANT, thornushiy experienced In cost work, for public accounting concern Address, aUtlnc age. experience salary and references. P till. Ledger Office ACCOUNTANTS, senior and juniors, wanted by firm of public accountants: also aeveral vacanclea for blanch managers, p us Ledger Office "' HILL CLERK One familiar wltn Iron p'r, and fittings preferred: good chancs ror advancement. V 31 II. Ledger Offjce.JJ" BOYS. 10. for office, shop nnd messenger service. l';0. I. Employment Depart. I nent 21 N. J2d a t . I1UTLKI1 and rnoliwlilte: references; small family. Phone or call before 10 a. m or after o. m. .Phono Germantown (tin Residence, 311) A. Johnson st.. Gerinaii town. CABINETMAKERS EXPERIENCED APPLY WANAMAKE1VS FURNITURE WAREIIOUSB N. E COR. 22D AND WASHINGTON AVE. CAIIINETMAKKRS and all-around machine hands; steady work: good wages: light moaern piani; neei conuiiions: group in surance. Apply ready fnr work. Unit Con structlon Co.. fioth and Qrnya ave. CABINETMAKER, experienced, on smalt, accurate work, v :u. i.eMger Office. caIiPENTER for concrete form work; state experience, salary desired and when you can report. The Krebs Pigment and Cheml cal Co Newport. Del COLLECTOR Catholic, good, dependable, steady position, with brains and initiative: permanent: M0 to JflO weekly. See Mr. Costclto. Room 703, HOW Chestnut at. DECK HANDS. WHITE: MARGES: ABLE TO STEER. 13S H, 3D ST.. ROOM IS. DONKEY MEN WHITE; HAItOES: ABLE TO STEER. 1S H 3D ST., ROOM f. DRAFTSMAN, mechanical, first class; pref. erabty one experienced on special ma. rblnery. Applv fl. M. Langston Co.., 8th and Jefferson, Camden. DRAFTSMEN WE WANT find T-C LASS SHIP DRAFTSMEN WHO HAVE HAD EX PERIENCE ON HULL. ENGINE AND FITTING WORK, AND ARE WILL ING TO PAY THE HIGHEST RATES FOR MEN WHO MEET OUR RE Q.U1REMENT8. APPLY JIOOM 10S INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS BLDG., HOG ISLAND. DRAFTSMEN Several good draftsmen on p'plns layout, ahop layout, tool and ma chinery designing and electrical work. Apply Immediately at Frank ford Arsenal, Brldes- burg, DRAFTSMEN, experienced in detail work; excellent opportunity for tha riant men. Apply Edward O. Budd ilfl. Co.. 231b. and llunllna Part XIS. Jluntlna Park a'a, . rj.i !t HELP WANTEbStAtH DRAFTSMKM UETAlUStlS, BXPEntENCKD J10 and riXTunn designers, appii IN TEIISON OR BT LETTER, PER SONNEL DEPARTMENT. WrNCHnSTER REPEATrNO ARMS tio, NEW HAVEN. CONN. DTtAFTHMEN Have several permanent posN tlons for mon -with some eiperlsnce on dt work. Address, tlvlnz full particulars, A 23, P. o. nor 344, DP.AFTSMEN Two Aral-class hull drafts men for arensral and detail work. Inquire Draso k Doyle Co.. 1832 Commercial Trust lliilldlnir. . KLKCTIltCAt. DRAFTSMEN, eipsrlenced In power station layout, for Immediate -m ploymnt. Htone. (z Wehster, Bin Chestnut st EXECUTIVE Wanted by a larn mill man. ufaetur na woolen and merino yarns for the hnlttlng trade a man having a thor ough knowledge of this business and capable r.f nssumlr.g responsibility requiring eecu tlvo ability: must be. familiar wllh raw ma terlals and able lo analyze samples, esti mate costs and establish modern methods of efficiency: to the rlglit man a gooa salary nnd everv ODoortunitv to advance and to crow with tho bitslenss. Answer, stating ex perience nnd references, to M u-s, Leader Office. FOREMAN on re-enforced concrete-building construction: atate experience, salary de sired and when you can report. The Krsbs Pigment and Chemical ("o.. Newport. Del FOUNDRY CHIPPBR8. IB. wanted. JanTea Itarker, Inc.. Illh nnd Cayuga ats. GAUGEMAKERS SEVERAL EXPERIENCED MEN CAN ME TLACED AT ONCE. APPLY IN PERSON OR BY LETTER. PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT. WINCHESTER REPEATING ARMS COMPANY, NEW HAVEN, CONN. HfXl ISLAND SHIPYARD WANTS CARPENTERS BRtCKLAYKRS Must bavo tools COPPERSinTHS SHIPFITTER HELTERS CEMENTER3 LABORERS rienty of work and good working conditions TASSER HOTS Must be over 10 years and furnish proof ot age Apply Mr, Shattuck'a Office Stats' Employment Office 1521 Arch st. Employment Office Hoc Island JUNIOR CLERIv In main office large manu facturing concern: opportunity for ad. vancement. P 235. Ledger Office LABORERS Thirty able-bodied men on laboring work. Apply Immediately at Frankford Arsenal. Brldesburg. LABORERS wanted. 300: Ions Job! iteady work: 7 daya a week; time and half for Saturday afternoon and Sunday. Apply on lob. Irwin & Lelghton. Roosevelt Boulevard and Asylurn pike. Take Frankford car. transfer on No. 7K to Oakland Cemetery, UABORERB wanted, Drehman Paving Co., 2022 Parrlsh at. MACHINIST Experienced operator on Ola. holt machine; good wages: fltoady xrork. Apply Cann & Saul. R16 Commarre at,, Phlla- or at works. Royersford. Pa. MACHINISTS BHVERAL ALL-AROUND MEN WANTBD AT ONCE. APPLY IN TERSON OR BY LETTER, PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT WINCHESTER REPEATING ARM .TlfJI , COMPANY, NEW HAVEN. CONN. MAN AND WIFE In modern Germantown home: best wages paid: family of 2 adults: an excellent homo and good place for right cnuple. Phone today. Oerinantown 4427. MECHANIC Young man with experience on small, accurate bench work. P sis. ledger Office. MEN (ELDERLY) TO DELIVER PACKAGES, OUTSIDE WORK APPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S PATTERNMAKERS TEN WOOD PAT. TERNMAKERS. 2 METAL PATTERN. MAKERS: GOOD WORKINO CONDITIONS AND WAGES: PERMANENT WORK. AP PLY INDUSTRIAL SERVICE DEPART MENT. GENERAL ELECTRIC CO.. SCHENECTADY, N, T, NEW YORK SHIPBUILDING CORPORA. TION North Yard CAMDEN, N. J. BOILER FLANGERS Experienced hand and machtna. BOLTURS Good huskv men who want to get a start In shipyard trades. LABORERS Standard shipyard rata. rASSERS Roya over IS years. Apply at the North Yard EmploymnttW8 Office or at the ErtaU Employment Bureau. V "a 1K21 Arch at.. Philadelphia. . ' IS ii NEW YORK SHIPBUILDrNa CORPORA. TION North Yard Camden, N. J. PACKERS AND -WRAPPERS liCUSEJiPLD GOODS. CIUNA, ETC. ATPLT BUREAmgF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S i M -& ' XSf . A? b I '"H! ill 1 VI.1 m 21 .a a ;S m ''Ii si! m "M :' M -m i -1 m 4-:; tt 6 ,ir I, .. ll , , V . K - .,- nJjtfl