rift WWW "i-"-"T -T . A, J..JH. 3. rr1 .... 4?toi,, mn i r f" ' " ai". ff .1 u '. ' tfw. i . ,..i, '.i.53 S4 - 7 AEWS OF, FINANCIAL WORLDNEW ORK. AND PHILADELPHIA STOCK QUOTATIONS BffStW aw"- ,. W m M JW- fst m Its Si." 1 hH f. , s 5. - m : The Investment in Internal Bonds of Foreign Governments offer opportunities that are well worth investigation. Wo aro in n position to ex plain and quote prices of the various issues. Edward B. Smith 8TCo. BANKERS ESTABLISHED 1SD2 Uemtert NeUI York and PhltaM Mo Block Bxchanatt I'lllLADKLI'lIU 1411 Chotllut SI. SRff VORK KASTON AM.BNTOWN NKW LONDON Why Gamble The great law of Action and Re action governs both speculative and investment markets. While it is impossible for anyone to an ticipate day-to-day "ripples," the great major movements are as regular as the tides themselves. MESON'S Reports, based on fundament.'S.stat's tics, accurately forecast these major movements. They enable you to tpot the real "buys" at low tide to sell out as your holdings reach the peak and then to buy in again at bed-rock prices. Report on Requett Full details of the Babson Method of Investment and our booklet. " 200 Profit A Recital of Facts," will be sent to interested investors gratis. Merely am lor bulletin J4-J of Balson's Statistical Organization IVellesley IIIIIk. Mush Larvtst Organization ot Ha Ciarac- ttr (n !Jio World MARKET UNDER COMPLETE "ir DOMINATION OF TRADERS Attitude of Labor Organizations Toward Government Control Provoked Fresh Selling of the Rails NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE TRANSACTIONS New Yorlt. Dec. IS. Any lingering doubt as to the ultra iirofesslonal caliber ot the current stock operations wore! ..-uuijueiriy (jiijiciieu i)j- i up nervous uii'i mercurial fluctuations in today's mar ket. It wni virtually the snme glvc-nnd-tnkc nlTnlr of the immediate pre ceding sessions, with this otic exception, the swing of market pendulum was in clined to swing downward. There were, however, uo great depreciations suf fered in stock values, neither was any great amount of lone stock dislodged. On the contrary, whnt most of the traders sold they bought back again, or what others bought they Fold. Ho it was virtually n clcancut case of swap ping horses. Whereas in the preceding session everything in the way of news and tlc cIopments was seemingly in favor of the constructive side, today it was de cidedly In Wvor of the reactionists. The latter, however, were not dispo-cd to piny any stronger game than did their bullish brethren yesterday with the budget of good news which bell mi their lups. Mutters generally were most un promising from the outset as n result of the overnight news concerning the attitude of labor organisation" toward government rnntrol of the transporta tion lines, 't'o make things mote un pleasant, later in the morning came the news of another abrupt break In Iiritish exchange, which foil f cents under yesterday's finnl quotation. The Mexican news likewise was anything but reassuring, The rails were lower by fractions to 1'i points t the opening and the weakness of this division logically pro duced unsettlement in other parts if the list. The mils continued to lose We Offer City of Phila. 3's, 32's and 4s CORN CLOSES LOWER AFTER ERRATIC DAY ground as the morning wore mi, low priced Issues falling 1 to I points with the standard shares. Ueacllons ninoug the nil, motor and steel shares also In creased. The break In Texas Co.. which appeared to lack support, was extended to If! points. The shipping, equip ment, leather, tobacco and food shares fell 1 to 2 points. It was obvious, despite the gloom which seems to pervade nil quarters of market circles, that dealings were al most entirely professional, the room traders nnil the semiprofessioual ele ment offered stocks freely all nrmiml the room, but there was little outside supply. This fact served ns mi auto matic brake upon the bearish opera tions, and in the second hour there was nn appreciable lessening ot pros Mire iu nil directions. The insecurity of the bearish position wns nttestcd in the rallying Icndency which followed the reduction of the re newal rnte for call money to (1 per cent, against 7 per cent yesterday. The rally was without special vigor and wns followed by fresli recessions, which, however, resulted more because ot the extreme narrowness of the market mid complete absence of speculative interest. Metal shares were brought forward dining the dull noon hour, their nd vnne" concurring with reports of fur ther sales of copper and an advance in the price of lend. American Ziiu preferred. American Smelting nnd Ana conda. I'tali, Inspiration and Oerro D Pasco ('uppers were carried up 1 to ." points. Moderate buying of the sugar stocks and irregular rallies in oil shares were the onlv features of the listless final hour, other leaders were again inclined to move downward TRADE SLACKENS Satis .100 ft)!) ion fl "ton 2900 2S00 K00 2110 2100 J5100 100 s.00 301 .-too 50U 200 too 200O 100 100 U00 2CC0 5200 too tooo loo 2700 loflO MOO 0700 loo 200 (100 200 C.0II MOO 7110 too too .'1100 1.100 70ft MI0 :isoo ami Biddle & Henry 104 SOUTH FIFTH STREET Periods of Weakness and Firm ness, With Price Move ments Feverish Portland Ity.. l.t. & IV Bs, 1012 t.'nitrd Has A I'lrc. (i. loir, Market Kt. i;irv. 1'ni.s. Hj. 4s. 1035 I'. O. I. (Ik. 1020 Trillin. Eire. ITs. 1020 LiiTcm County tins T.ler. Ss, 1018 Halo & Kilburn S, 1039 Tons, Tract. (V. J.) fls. 1933 1'lillH. Co. Cons. 5s (Mumped), 1951 HENRY l,. BOENNING & CO, STOCK EXCHANGE DUIIJHNO Illrrt liivati Telephone to New York Members I'htla, Htot'k Kxchnnca FINANCIAL PIvMfniU EAST COAST FISHERIES PRODUCTS CO. J Wall Strcrt. Xfw York DTfmber 10. 1919. TJlYinEND No. 1 The Board of. Director!! of this Company has declared n. quarterly dividend of X1 rr crnt on, tho Preferred Stock, payabln .lamiRrr 1st. 1950. to stockholders of record Pccember 2T. 1819. MARK W. NOJtMAN. Trraarfr. EAST COAST FISHERIES CO. WU Strert. Ntrr Tork November IB, Jl. DIVIDirND NO. 1 Tb Board of Director! of thl Comoanj bi declared a quarterly dividend of 1 par ent on tbe Common Stock, payab'a Jan nary lit to atockholders of record Decern tr 27. 1019. HARK IV. NORMAN. Treaanrer. EAST COAST FISHERIES CO. 7 1Vn.ll Street, New Tork November 18. 191. DIVIDEND NO. 8 Tbe Board of Directors of tbla Company b declared the regular quarterly dividend ' ef 1 per cent on the Preferred Stock. payable January 1. 1920. to atockholdara of record December 27th. 1919. MAUK w. NORMAN. Treasurer. ortAis nKLT AvriATHnn FOttnCAsi"" Clilrniro, Dec. 1S. Illtnola Fair Roulh. unsettled north tunlht and Friday, prob ably light snow, warmer south tonight. Missouri Fair tonlRht ard Friday; warmer eaat tonleht. colder Friday. Wisconsin and Minnesota t'naettleil tonlitht and Friday with llKht enow, e-ilder. Iowa Fair weaf. light tnow aet tonlsht: Friday prohnblv fair. North I).-;kota. Montana amlVyo mlnit Fair tonight and Friday, except rnlr: or -nw west. South Dnkota. Nebraska and ICansaa Fair tonltrht and Friday: colder. Chicago, Doc. 1S. T'rico movements in the corn market were feverish to day with periods of weakness nnd firm ness. The start wns lower, under fairly general selliup:. Later there were frequent rallies, 'which failed' to hold when Inlying oeased. A short while before the close, ex tensive covering by shorts, liroiiRlit nhnni- liv hids for vvp from the sea board, with more thnu 1,000,000 bush els of that grain sold for export before the close, promoted n good rally. Thereafter to tne end me ciianKi-n wtre mixed, but the clop wns lower. December nipeared to be tight at times, RB KCT Dealings in Comparatively Few Issues, and These Move Irregularly ASPHALT MAKES GOOD GAIN New York. Dec. IS. The market on the lli'ond Street Curb showed a con siderable fulling off in volume of busi ness today, only n comparatively few issues being actively traded in. nnd thee moving in1 an irregular mnuner. Ocnernl Asphalt was the most pnnn ireit feature, moving up more thnn 5 points to above 112. There was n good demand for Simnis Petroleum, which sold early in the day at (i.lii. Indian Packing was fuirl active, first advancing to 1!1 Vi and then dropping to -0'i- (Jenerul Motors was firm, telling at ::i to :utu. International retroletim wu again in demand, moving up from (il)i, to (1'J. Texas Co. was heavy in unison with the 2j,'l,s,m',c,m ,1p exchange, selling at (jOr,s Jo fiS. Carib Syndicate ranged from .n to fiO. in supply. Aetna. Kxnlosivcs was Jan May Oats Mev . . . S.",i Julv .. 77' Pork Jan. ...37.00 May ...atl.H.-, Lard Jan. . . .22.0.1 Hay ...23.70 Itlba Jan May ...10.00 tAsked T.ow Close 1.1(1' 1.47 i.to 1.43 i.ati'4 i anjj I.Rll'i 1.-18 l.B5't l.BS'i Test. ClOBl, 1.471 78S, s:i 774 SI'.i 3I1.8S 3n.4.ri 2.1.20 21.00 is.r.0 10.10 22. SO 2;i.r;o 18. so, 18.85 a-.oo t:i7.io BII.II2 taii.o.'i 2a.on t2-i.it) 23.S7 23.80 1S.47 18.M 18.97 tlB.lt) u,iieayy, laiimg from jinuTican nitlelj Haze lVO.s to 1 15', to 143;. tinged Iroin ";s. I.oews showed u stron owing to small stocks and fears of eon-I yielding to Sn. and Submarine lioat tinned light receipts. Onts, generally, were weaker, al though the list at one time made a fair rally. The market was under pressure of realizing sale. It was reported that exporters had withdrawn their bids, which, together with larger offerings to arrive, the drop in foreign exchange, and the embargo bythe Grand Trunk, favored the bears. Leading futures ranged as tonows Corn (new delivery Open Hltfh rec. ... 1.47 i.4iii ;;, cr tone, moving up from UO'i to !1. INDL'STUIAI.S HlBh Low Aetna, Coal Acnia Cnjil T, Aetna Hxiilos ......'.'.'..' .' si; Lmr Hatety Itaior IT. Annual Mpetlnga t fK"SITIIE ANNUAL 5IEI7TINO OF THE "-t stockholders of the Cambria and In diana riallroad Company will be held at the. office of th Company, I .and Title llulldlne, Philadelphia. Fa., on Tuvsdar. January SO. 1920, at 11 o"clock a. m.. for tho election of a President and six Direc tors, and for the transaction of any other builnese which may properly be broucht be fore eald meetings. . J,, a. BAM,, Secretary. KS5TIIK riUlVJDKNT I.IFK AND TKUHT UaS? COMPANY OF rHILAlEI.PIIIV The Firty-flfth Annual Meetlmr of The Provident Life and Trust Company of Phila delphia will bfl held at Its oftlre. Fourth and Chestnut streets. tbe on Kfconjl Day (Monday), of I Irst Month (January)! h 'lu'eiiTii imt or irnr lnnti. r.r.,,. ,' ,-r . ..,: ... : ",iui,rj;. ivav hi in o riut-H , in. An election of five Directors to serve for thren years will b held between the hours of 10 a; m. and " "' m' MMXAItD C. ASHTOV. Secretary. iI-SCOUNTV FIP.i: INSIR.WCF, COM. PANY OF PHII,DF,r.PIIIV The Annual Jleetinir of the Hockholder. will be held at the home office of the company on Slonday, January m. ino ? IS m.. for the election of directors and' the transaction of auch other business SS ma. coma before the meeting. "" nIa F- C. MARTIN. Secretary T1IK ANNUAL JIEKTINO OFTiTr stockholdera of the Olrard Life in' e Company win be held on Tli,.e.j.'.Q January 22. IDSU. nt s n. m at tho nffTce rf the company. 629 Cheftnnt street. Phlia! delphla. for the purpose of electlm- a Hoard of Director" and for the transaction of. eueh other business as may properly come before the meetl''"- . ALBERT SHORT. Secretary. .'t-SS.TlIK ANNUAL JIP.lSTINd ni Till" iiSf? Policy Holders of the Jlanlon litn,Ii rtr Insurance Company will be held it 1 hi 5mee of th- Company, 414 Wlrtener Mufldlni on Wednesday. January 20. 1020. at Si - m.. to elect dlrectoroto serve for the ensutn. lr and transact a;y other buslnesa tha? nay legally come before jhetr,. " '" "'1. mYA. Secretary. L. . ,t-",E AS,'Ai'P Smwk ; . '' r ....i:-ys5,"aiss -.? io, .-jlfectori ofthla Bank will b..cV ,g f- Lever ns, st.. ,,m Tuesday, January is j jeSQ. between tlio hour, of 11 , , njj f A m EUdBNE J. JtOItRIB. THE OUAKKl'i CITV NlTir,v., HANK OF PHILADELPHIA, pa . , .. "-"cember 12, imu The Annual Election, of Dlfrtorn f in. bank will "if ,",?,, 5, . 5nkln(r house on iieaday. the 13tli ajy of January. 1020. , tetween the hours of 12 end I p. m. V, r; HAND. Cashier. 'inu rmLADELpjjiA national TiftBetn),tll. Tl..ml... 19 nn .,." ---,-"""-.. "( JV1V. rh Annual jviecnon xor Directors -will L v.aI.1 nt the banklnr hnnM nn ,..j-.' t3tairrj.iy. 1020. between the houra of la tf a,ia X V- mb. HOWARD WOLFB , , Caahler. .fjP2' , ' Artjentlna xportep of Linseed Jweos Aires. Dec. 18. Out of a ;4io4l of 000.000 tons of llntwed ei. ,, $&iM by Argentina this yenr, .tr.0,000 jSqili yerts uhlpppd to the United States, jwwreing to custom house figures. Ar- BhHi.' oxporU of linseed to the United States in 1013 amounted to 'vfetween Philadelphia Slocks Net (.'lne chire. sni. y. iri -fl " s .. Illah Low 240 Am Strs. M)-H .IO'j fiO Am Oas. -jri 45 88 Am Mill. 8 S 100 tAsso Dry Goods.. 00 C.0 CO -1- lit 00 I'rill J G 47 47 47 . . 400 El Stor.. 132V4 lf!ii 132,4 14 10 I C N A. 35 35 ."..! . . 1215 r.k H Cor 21 20 20 . . 372 Leh Nav. 02 (i(Vs (iO'i Ji', 82(5 l.eh Vnl. 42V4 -! i -H'Ji 3j 1 N Penna SO 80 SO 1 232.8 Pa rt n. 401a -io ' 40is 115 Pa Salt.. 75 7-1 ',4 75 .. 521 Phila Co cum pf. 32 32 32 1 847 Phil F.lec 2H 24', 24 i... 340 P R T tc 27 2(1 27 Vi 2t;! Ph Trnc- 50 50 5!) , . 500 Ton I5el. 2'i 2,V 2 lOOTonMin. 2 2 2.. 410 TJn Trnc. 31 34 31 .. 10 tUn Itys Inv ... 10H 10',.'. 101, aj 1210 11 Ol.. 52 5t?i "- 3 tj C NT .1.102 102 102 . . tNfct chanso made bv comtiarlnon with last eato on New York Stock Kxihanse. Total sates. 10.0S7 shares, compared with 15,41):' shares yesterday Thus far this week, .t-'.0!H shares. Same period last ureek. f.l !)()(). Hales 111 . IIOXIIS $10i)0 High Loif Close J.Z Alaska uoiu Mine t!s. . 1ft '5 Eleo & Peo Tr 4s . . . am 1 7 l.eh Val gen 4s 00'H 0 Leh Val ann 41jb .... 78 77 77 '.& 0 l.eh V cons 4,s 2003 77 77 77.. 24 Lib Honds 3d 4is.. 03.00 03.52 03.00 .20 7 4th 44s. 01,38 1)1.51 01.58 .22 1 Vic is... 08.02 08.02 0S.02 .10 Heaver lin-ini ntn Mrit-Alnpl 'IVit emiMni" Car Lleht "..'...:. t'olumbla Kmerald Uafoe Kustice Oen Asphalt Oen Motors Havana Tobacco Hl.jden Chem Hupp .Motors ' Indian Packing: ..... . liew'H -Inc Mercer Motors Mont Ward '. Nat Firenroof Nor Am Taper Perfection Tire New , . Republic Tire Rub Solar Light Knows Mountains Hpleer Mfcr . Submarine llnar 1 Triangle Film u m steam United Retail Candy . United ProlU Sharlns . United Plct Plod ... . V Vtvladou Inc Warren Hros Wayne Coal STANDARI1 OILS Ansln-Am Oil 30 H Oil of Cal 3 S Oil of N J ...... .T'tl , H Oil of N Y .. .. 43' 15', 1G 50 y, . . (50-Ji-f 77 Net chgd. ' 50)J 00-J't 801. 711 78 -1 13 Pa gen 5s. 80 SO SO V4 11 Pa gen 4M.-S N)V! S" ()'.. a. 1 I'eo I' t c 4s u (ii 1 Phila Co cons 5s . . 78 7S 13 Phila Hlec 1st 5s.... SS 87 S7 1 30 Head gen 4 s 78 78 78 H 4 Bonds, Slsn.OOO, compared with ;ilin,:.0(i yesterday, Thus far this week, lOSJ.C.'u. Uame period last week. 1339,70(1 Extra by American Shipbuilding Cleveland. O., Dec. 18. The Ameri can Shipbuilding Co. declared the regu lar quarter dividend of 1 per cent on the common stock and thu usual extra dividend of 2V4 per cent on the common stock, payable February 2 to stock, of. record January 10, BAR SILVER Commercial bar ".liver was quoted in New York today ut $1.31 an ounce, nn advance of e. In London the price wns d higher, at 78d . now . .'l'i . II'm .ll.-i . 341$ '? 34h :& 8?i . 4 . . II'.' . 1.1 . IIS 1 .". : it HI? l'i s1. s 17 !)0 Ml .1 JO , bi .I7',a 110 11 II III 34 (I llli M'i llll'i JS',4 4"li P. 11,1 17i I?" 1 I 11 111 111 ',i 14 f, .II, 41 s; 1.1 t IS 30 rt 11 1 .111 .11111 1(14 11 .; i; INDKI'ENDIINT OILS Alliance Allen I . Allied Oil Arltes Oil Hell Pet Uoaton .Mexico tioston wj-omine . Ilrazos Oil Ilurknett Van t'lcuvi Carlb Hvn . Cities Seiv II ctfs.. Unmlnlon i:ik 11.1 R I II Pel I'amcrdlda oil icuerai ui ii lllanr Ulenrock Oil 35; 3 Us :ii 4-J 31 o in vi i! on -'11 33 HI fit Nj on . . oil (iufrey (Jlllesple .... Homo Oil iiuaton oil Houston Oil Int Petrol Island Oil lndlalinmj lief Livingston Magna Maracatbn Mcrrltt Oil Metropolitan Pet 1'ennoK Ull Prod & Itetlneia. . v, Hlckard Texaa ..?. Ityan Oil Halt Creek Prod . . . Sequoyah Oil (4kelly Oil Holar Light ISiinins Pet Spencer Pet Texas Cn w 1 Trinity Oil Vacuum tlas Victoria. Oil new . . . Whilo fill White Uaale Western states . . . . . Woodhurn . 3D 7 illlll . at. !! . n . L'7 . Ill . 3 . Id't . Wi !,V- mi'. m 0llhi I i 1 ill?. ni r, IK 3!4 3.-14 7V-J 1 l.-.s litii'j o'.i 10 a' , 211 4 isi JM ii Ki'i ill 11 15 ill 1074 ns 1 iii 41l HIU 3 mi ji s 4S 3.-.W 111 on '!!u t 'JU'i IS 14 3 111 10U s'.i S" il..H Hi"i so 1 U 1-i 114 4L' .'in! jt.-'i Hi l'i MINING .S'KICKH Alarka-Urltlsh Col Atlanta Helcher l)llde ... Helcher Extension Pooth Poston & Mont. ... Caled Mlnlnc Cunada Copper . . . cons vlrKlniu Cons Cop M t'reK&on Gold , . Divide Bxtenalun 1 Salvador Kureka Croesus , , It) Mining Gold Cons ;.,. Gold Kewanas . Gold Merger t . . . Gold silver Plik Great iiend Gold Zone llecla Mining Knux Divide Louisiana Co t McNamara Marsh Mining Mother Lode KfniViar l.nrla Ttu .... ... National Tin !.,. Niolsslne North Star (I Onondago ... . 1114 Ohio Copper A Ilex Cut's " Rochester Mines ...i 23 Jlopc Group vV Han Tpy . 7 tiei'ji. Ponoer ........... 14 Silver Klnr pf Arl...... rV ..'' 21 34 n 75 32 !4 11 O'i r 3 3 S '.'Ii 211 if 44''4 JS 6.1 1ST. IX 31! .', 71 32 fill :V" 3? 18 33 . 7S 1 .'. 21) 0! ,! 2B 2S 03, 53 1H4 5i .1114 0i law 124 7'' 14 23 7 14 Dlv. '" ' a 1 HlBh . Adams Kxpress 31 . . Advance numely .... 4SyJ 0 Advance Ttumcly pf .. Ufa 1 Ajax Ttubber svt AlitBlta Clold Mines... lj-i, . Alnslta Juneau Oil,., a1, .. Allls-Chalmers Mtg .. ia 8 Am Agrlo Chcm oti 8 Am Beet Sugar ISS-i . . Am Can 5IH 7 Am Can nf nM 1 Am Car & Kdy ....1.18i 4 Am Cotton Oil 41J4 .80 Am Druggist Syn .... 1? . . Am Hldo At Leather . . S.tJi ' Am Hldo & Leath pt.UHb .. Am Ico 47'4 Am Intemnt Corp ...108U 3 Am Unseed 08H 7 Am Linseed pf Wi l Am, Locomotive 94 .. Am Ship & Commerce. 28 4 Am Smelt & Itef 09 1 Am Smelt & rtcf pf... 95 3 Atn Steel Foundries .. 45 7 Am Steel Fdrles pf . . t4 7 Am Sugar Ref 130 lo Am Sumatra Tobaa . . 0094 5 Am Tel & Tel 100J4 Am Toil Sco temp ctfs. . (16"8 Am Tobacco ,20 Am Tobacvo pf now . . 9S'4 7 Am Woolen 17 14 Am 'Writing Paper pf . 5594 .. Am Zlno Lead St Sm.. 17 4 Anaconda, Copper ... SH .. Asso Dry Goods C0 Af-so Dry Gt1n 1st pf . . 12 7 Asso Drv C!1h 2d pf.. 3J4 II Atcli Top & Santa Fe. f3V4 H Atcll Top & S F pf... 7714 -J'Allantlo Coast Lino .. 04 10 All Gulf SWI8 S...173I8 20 (1 Auto Sales (' tern ctfs. 2094 3 Auto S (' leni ctfs nf. 3494 2301)0 :i,30 Baldwin Loco 3500 2,0II 100 (i'JO HOO 7000 too 00 100 2.500 MO 1700 1(10 (id II HOO 3.M0 HiOO 100 100 1000 300 200 2000 10O 2300 01) .00 200 400 2.70O 2 100 4100 (J0II ."00 3300 2100 200 1400 800 400 200 2 tOO I0O 2700 1100 2000 201) S01 .0(l 200 ) 3310 too 7410 SOO 300 100 290 300 200 300 l.iOO 1200 300 700 100 3100 1000 200 1200 400 300 33110 300 1200 400 4(1011 SOO 500 1(11) 300 100 10(1(1 K00 31011 700 1400 400 100 4000 3!)00 5000 100 2800 1100 700 200 700 100 31)0 200 10 100 I too 8'JO . Baltimore & Olilo . 4 Baltimore & Ohio pf S'Barrett .., . . Bethlehem Motors . . . Bethlehem Motor its. Bethlehem Steel II 109 Vi . 30', . 4094 .121 . 2014 . . Ca 94 I! Bethlehem Stl 8 pf .111 . Booth Fisheries 1394 8 Brooklyn ICdlson .... 85 .. Bklyn Rapid Transit. 14H . . Bklyn R T ctin of dcp. It 9i li. Brooklyn Union Gas. 42 7 Brown Slfon pf 100 III Burns Bios 119 .30 Butlo Copper & Zlno.. 994 .. Butto & Sup Copper.. 27 H .. ButlerkU Co 28 Vz .. California Petroleum . l.T4 2 Calumet & Arizona .. (094 10 Canadian Paclflo 13478 7 C.nBO J I Thresh M pf. 0894 4 Certaln-tced Prod ... 55 5 Central Leather Bl'a 7 Central Leather pf ..10894 4 t'erro tie Pasco Cop .. 5(!J4 8 Chandler Motors 12294 I CliesapenltH & Ohio .. 534 . Chicago Clt vcstern. . 714 1 Chi Gt Western pf . . . 314 . Jill Mil & S Paul ... 27 Mj . . Chi Mil & St Paul pf . 51 'A 7 Chi St Northwestern. 80 . . Chi Rock Isl & I'ao. . 25 7 Chi R I & I'ao 7 pf. 09 y2 . Chtlii Copper 1094 3 Chlno Copper 30 Clnctt Peabody 92 Coca-Cola 30 54 3 Colorado Fuel & Iron. 39 Vz Colo & Southern 20 54 i Coliimb Gas & Eleo .. I ".Vi 1 Col Craphopliono .... 12 7 Consolidated Cigar ... (1394 7 Consolidated Gas 8194 .. Consolidated Textile . tl!4 Con Textile its 94 7 Continental Can . ... 90 Continental Candy .. 1 '5 7i .. Con Interstate Cal M. 19 Corn Products Ref... K's 12 Crucible Steel 210 7 Cruclblo Steel pf . . 100 . . Cuba, Cano Sugar .... 52 i 7 Cuba Cano Sugar pf.. 14J4 !) Delaware & Hudson : 1!'A .. Denver & Rio Grande. I .. Denver & Rio G pf .. 12H 3 Kile Horn Coal 2714 5 Lndicott-.Tohnson 131 7 KndlcoU-Johnson pf..l01 . . Krlo 13 .. KrlH lfct pf ia?h .. ICrl 2d pf ll'z fe Famous Players-L ... 872 . . Federal Mlu & Smelt. 10 .. Flsl: Rubber U',i 2 Freeport Texas 37 Ja .. Fisher Body 130 3 Gaston Wins & Wig.. 1894 0 General Cigar "0 8 General Klectrlo 100 13 General Motors MS 4 Goodrich B F 81 . . Gronby Consol M & S. 409a . . Gray Ss Davis 40 y2 7 Great Northern pf ... 77 54 4 Gt Northern Oro ctfs. 37H .. Greenu Cananea Cop . 34 14 .. Gulf Mob Si North pf. 30 Gulf States Steel 714 5 liartman Corp 9 1 54 4 Haskell & Barker Car. 58 7 Illinois Central .... (I Inspiration Con Cop . . Interbor Con Corp . . . . Inter Con Corp pf . . 5 lnt Agrleul Corp pf . . lnt Harvester . 87(4 . 5194 . 4'4 . 14 . SO 94 .13312 . . lnt Mer Marino 504 lnt Mer Marine pf ...10714 .. International Nickel . 2194 (l Inter Nleltel pf 93 .. International Paper.. 75 H . . Iron Products Corp . . 39' .. Jewel Tea 13'4 3 Jones Bros Tea 25 .. Kan City Southern .. . HT-i 4 Kansas City So pt ... 43 4 Kclly-Spg Tiro 137 8 Kelly-Spring T 8 pf.llllH 3 Kcnnecott Copper .... 3s94 .30 leyslona Tlra St Rub. 4414 0 Lackawanna Steel . . S3J4 Low 30 H 4114 7014 83 194 J 4(1 92 93 53?4 9894 137 47 12 2394 115 7', 107 8 94 t2 93 (4 28 MH 95 Ks 44.14 93 13094 9(1 9994 C5J4 200 93 120 6594 10 50&4 00 73 73 8294 77 93 14 17214 1994 3l!4 10714 29 IS 401-4 121 2894 V f3!'s 1109b 13 S3 1314 10J4 41 100 11814 814 25 20 'A 1314 CO 94 1S214 97 54 t.1,4 10894 5514 123 3 14 79b 21 81114 60'4 S514 2414 C8 94 18 94 35 92 1814 39 94 1974 1314 ( I (13 9a .so 14 to?4 9s M94 13 1814 .S5H 20094 100 5014 fc39i 19 (i 1214 27 134 103 1294 19 (4 11 87 111 4114 30 123 H 1814 70 lOli 8014 48 14 48 7o?4 37 3394 30 (if. 14 9114 is 14 CJa 5014 1 1314 so 94 13314 1854 10614 2094 93 7114 3814 13 14 2174 1414 43 13(1 10114 27 54 4394 V414 Today Net Close Clige. 30?4 4214- Va 7014-3(4 83-14 194- k 2-14 40 - 94 9314 14 95'4-t 114 54 - !4 9894 , . 137 - 3 47 -12 - 2394- 115144- 4! Vi - 107 94- 0894-0214-D314-28 - (I7J4 1 0594 4414- 14 93 1374 1 9014- 14 10014 195 oon .. 2M - 5 9.1 120 - 3594- 17 5794 (10 72 13H E3 -7714- 9314 173 Fa 2014 3114- 107 94 3014 4014 121 -2894 - 1 1 !4 1 14 14 1's 3 'a 14 14 'J4 214 9s 1 14 1 194 14 I !4 94 C3 - 111 -f 139H- 85 14 -1194 41 - 100 119 994 S014- 3714 4314-G094- 13314- 98 55 94 5514 12214 I 53I4 14 794- 54 31 - 1 37 14 -5014-85 Vi 3414 -C894-1914 35 - VA 154 'A 1 19a 94 V, 1 9a 92 f- rM4 3914 20 94 80 14 H1-4 54 90 -13 - 1814 S514- 50714 1W 10(1 1 ' 5154 84 54 9914 fl - 1354- 37 -134 - 103 1294 -1014-1414-1 S7 -10 4114 014- 12314- 1894 70 - 16S -32494- 8014- 4914 114 94 .. " .- 54 3714 '4 34 ' - 14 30 - 414 1014 214 9114 114 50 14 - 14 8714- 14 5154 414 14 80 94- 13314 49 - 10614 20 94 93 -7114-?814-1514-25 1414 43 137 - 10114 28 14 94 14 134 114 14 94 14 1 194 A A 14 314 1'B 14 1 114 H 14 14 194 94 14 H4 'il4 tli Dlv. Sales In t 4100 .. Leo Rubber & Tiro 1700 3.50 Lehigh Valley 4294 100 7 Liggett Ss Myera pf .10814 1100 .. Loft Corp 2014 12 Lorlllard P Tobacco 184 14 7 Manhattan Kiev guar, 474 .. Maxwell Motor ...... 34 . . Maxwell Motor ctfs. . . 3394 . . Maxwell Mot 2d pf.. 31 . . Max Mot 2d pf ctfs 3094 7 May Dept Stores ..,.117 10 Mexican Petroleum ..209 Miami Copper 200 900 500 400 100' 200 300 114200 1300 8900 120 Middle States Corp 229 C494 4014 12 7194 4000 4 Mid vale. Steel & Ord. 200 .. Minn St St L new... 100 7 Minn St V & S St M. 100 7 M St P & S St M nf . . 91 400 .. Missouri Kan & Tex.. O'i 1400 .. Missouri Paclflo .... 29 700 .. Missouri PaclRo pf... 3954 400 3 Montana Power 5714 1300 3 Mulllna Body 5014 300 3 National Acme 37 500 7 National Biscuit H 200 7 National Biscuit pf...H4 2000 Nat Anlllno & Chcm.. 09J4 2200 .. Nat Conduit & Cable 1014 400 5 National Lead 80 100 .. Nat R Rot Mex 2d pf. 454 300 1.60 Nevada Con Copper .. 16 600 10 New York Air Brake.. 11014 4100 6 New Yorlt Central ... 1814 600 . . Now York c & St It .. 2594 800 ANY Chi & St Ii 2d pf. 46 100 2.50 New York Dock 3194 100 2.50 New Yrk Dock pt . . . 60 100 3100 1690 100 1100 5000 100 23J0 4600 100 300 3600 200 200 200 8300 2000 3000 COO 6000 600 1 100 300 10J0 200 15011 9000 700 200 5500 100 600 600 100 200 11)0 4090 7000 3200 3U600 700 200 6100 8 6110 200 300 590 1000 18010 10800 3500 300 101) 3J0 1!)00 100 51)0 13700 300 1800 6000 230(1 1110 200 7300 14800 100 3100 700 300 10600 1700 300 15110 800 3500 500 too 5800 300 4300 I New York Ont &W .. 1654 . . New York N H & II. . 2014 7 Norfolk & Western ... 97 14 4 Norfolk & Western pf. 6714 5 North American 7 Northern Paclflo . . 3 Nova Scotia S & C 4 Ohio Cities Gas ... .50 Okla Prod & Ref .. Ontario Silver Min. 6 Otis Elevator . Oils Steel 3 Owens Bottling Maeh. 6894 5 Paclflo Gas & Eleo ... 00 Paclflo Tel & Tel 37 6 Pan-Amcr Petrol & T.106U Pan-Amer (B) 10194 . . 93 . . 60 ..11394 .. 9514 8 7 S 8 6 300 3.50 Pan-Amer Pet rts 3 Parish & Bingham 3 Pennsylvania R It . . . Penn Seaboard Steel . . Peoples Gas Chicago Peoria St Eastern . Pero Marauette 5 Poro Marq prior pf.. 6514 3 Philadelphia Co 3314 . . Plerco-Arrow Motor , . 37 .. Pierce Oil 114 4 Pitt C C & St L 6714 . . Pittsburgh & W Va . . 2514 fl Pitts St W Va pf .... 7514 I Pond Creek Coal .... 2694 8 Pressed Steel Car ...10114 7 Plttshuri-h Steel pf Pub Scrv Corp N J 8 Pullman 6 Punta Alegre Sugar 2 Ray Consolidated Cop. 2014 4 Rending 7614 fi Repuhllo Iron & Steel. 11114 4 Hcpuli Motor Truck.. 50 . Remington Typewrit. 70 Royal Dutch NY.. . . Saxon Motor 6 Savage Arms . . Seaboard Air Line . . 1 Sluttuek Ariz Cop . . . Shell Trans Trading. . . Sinclair Consol Oil . 6 Southern Paclflo . . . . . Southern Railway . . 5 Southern Railway pt JOSoutb P R Sugar .. St L San Francisco.. St L Southwestern.. 1 Ht Joseph Lend . . . . 4 Stromberg Carb . . , , 7 Studcbakcr 3 Superior Steel . . Tenn Cop St Chem . . . t Texas Co . , Texas Co rls . . Texas & Pacific . . . . . . Third Avenue (I Tobacco Products . . . . Transcontinental Oil 4 United Alloy Steel . . 10 Union Paclflo 4 Union Paclflo pf 10 United Fruit . . United Retail Stores . . . Union Oil .. U S C I P & Fdry... 2 U S Food Prod . . Un Ry Investment . . . Un Rv Invest pt ... U S Ind Alcohol . . . . U S Ind Alcohol pf. . U S Rubber U S Rubber 1st pf lllah Low :814 37 4194 1081J, 20 183 4614 34 3394 3094 3094 117 20114 2214 0294 4894 1194 7194 91 !l 54 J4 3914 67 4914 3814 116 114 68 10 7094 454 1494 10914 0714 24(4 41 2194 60 1694 2554 9614 6714 60 184 1114 18 914 914 134 35 6S94 60 3614 10114 10014 14 46 40 33 1-i 33 13, 2614 6114 34 54 7654 19 57 2494 7514 26 99 14 93 60 11354 03 20 7594 109 CS'e 8694 9514 14 54 7414 714 11 76 434 :oi94 ' 2094 65 310 1614 K 10 54 1314 7314 1033s 4354 54 50 . 7014 . 7114 . 4894 . 994 . 914 .135 3554 It 47 40 94 3414 3394 13 265s . 8(1 . 1714 . 145a . 75 . 734 . 1114 . 7714 . 4454 .10254 . 2114 . 55 14 .240 . 1694 . 11 . 13 J4 . M4 .10494 . 44 . U14 .231 . til!4 4194 . 13 . 9194 , 40 . 50 !4 .123 . C6 14 .203 . 9114 3014 2190O 1200 3300 300 600 too 36ll 510 13 " 200 200 900 100 300 100 tJ'i 300 300 100 1400 1900 10090 3500 335 koo too 100 100 100 U S Smelt R & M. U S Smelt R & M pf., 5 U S Steel 7 U S Steel pt , 0 Utah Copper . . Utah Seo 0 Va Iron Coal & Coke. , 4 Va-Carollna Chem . . Vanadium Corp . . Wabash . . Wabash pt A . . .'. . . . . Wabash pt B . . Wells Fargo Exp . . . . . Wheeling & L Erie . . . Wheel & L Erie pf . . . . Western Pacific 4 Western Paclflo pf . . . Western Maryland . . . . West Maryland 2d pf 7 Western Union Tel . 7 Westinghouse A Br. Westlnchouse E & M i White- Motor White Motor rts . . . , 1 Willys-Overland . . . . 7 Willys-Overland pf . 5 Wilson & Co 8 Woolwotth F W .... 7 AVoolworlh pt . . Worthlngton Pump . (I Worth Pump pf 15 771-i . 1094 . 24 94 .10314 .102 12314 .11314 . 75 94 . 4714 . 104 14 .1125. . '.514 . 10 . 8314 . 60 54 . ! . 794 . 11 14 . 15 63 . 13 . 1714 . 21 . 56 . 1114 1714 !914 .113 . 5354 . con . 294 . Z854 . 90 . 8014 . 123 .114 . 1514 . 75 59 41 12 994 854 6014 123 t6 20014 8 9 J', 36 3114 1694 1014 2214 10314 103 123J4 113 74 14 47 94 1C354 H314 7214 9(4 7914 (.6 54 Hi 114 2t 14 56 5254 1154 1714 21 66 1054 16 89 112 63 ii 5D94 2J4 3814 89 7914 123 1 4 tw-,!4 75 Today's Net Close cnae. S7!4 4194 108)4- 3014 18414- 47J4- 31 3394 31 X 3094 v 117 208 t 2294 j W 14 3!4 R 14 14 34 It 94 114 14 14 14 14 14 A 6394 1894- 1194 71 94 - 91 24J4 3914 67' - SO 14 37 118 114 6894 10 - 80 454 1414 . . 10914 ... 0714- 54 2594- 314 40 - 3 3194 60 14 1094- 94 2594- 14 9794- St 0714 14 CO 1854- S4 7114- 'a 4894 914-914-134 3554 58-4- 60 37 st- 40 -4014-3314-33 J4 12 -2094-6514-3496 10 19 14 6714 3514 75)4 20 14 60 - 1135a 335s 114 30 - 7394 - look ed 8654 - t6?6 1156- 7414 714- 1114 ,694- 114 1114- 96 1031a- 1 21 - 1-a 5514- 94 340 13 1694 11 - 1314 7314-10354- 14 - 10 S2814- o!4-1114-13 - CO 1-4 123 -(614 303 . S0 94 lO -22 r 11 14 ,1094 S494 102)4 - 103 1J354- 113 - 16 4794 1C39.1 - 11354- 7394- 914- 79)4- (654 n - 794- 21 - U54- 53 1156- 1714- 21 56 1054- 17 -80 112 53 54- 59)4- 314- 2894- 8914 80 133 114 - 1551 14 "h 194 14 It l'4 St 1 14 14 !4 "S4 114 9 56 I'B 96 14 1 14 14 14 14 !4 14 396 (4 114 94 Vz 8 314 54 t 1 94 lit 14 114 14 14 4 96 14 154 94 t l'4 94 14 LOCALTRADING EXTREMELY LIMITED AND COLORLESS Continued Absence of Liquidation in Leading Investment Shares an Encouraging Development todays local stock market wis n pjlorlMs affair with extremely llSlit 1! . ""d mhp' lmt nltOKftlier tin important price clmnfjes. The tlav'H op. orntlonK only served to emphasize the vnltliifc attitude of the local trodiuK contlii'-ent, nnd the complete absence of any initiative. One of the more encouraging features VJfui " toi-oetibl lessening of the It ,"".? nn1 nttont Houiiiatlon In the leading investment shares. This was more noticeable because of the rather RIoomy nspect of the railroad (dtuation. Most of these stocks, however, have unquestionably renclieda level of unmis takable attractiveness from nn invest ment viewpoint. As a matter of fact, the recent picking up pf these shares is tq be regarded In n much more Import ant light than the irritating persistent liquidation. It means in the outright buying these stocks are being gradually taking nway from the street and finding a lengthy lodging in strong boxes. If the greater part of the recent liqui dation, was, as stated, for the purposes of establishing losses in making Income tax statement, it is reasonably certain the same sellers must sooner or, later be compelled to buy u great mnny(of the shares thus disposed of back again. There is a prevailing impression they can bo bought at much lower prices, The history of the street has invariably shown when any opinion becomes vir tually unanimous it is essentially wrong. Perhaps some of these tux dodgers may have to pay dear for their lukewarm patriotism. There was some little selling in both 1'enus.vlvnnin ttiillrnnd nnd t'nlled (ins Improvement, cnnulim both to fall '.ffl within a shadow of the low prices, but the (Icmnntl nt most times equaled the supply. Lehigh Navigation, after reaching til!, yielded 51, to (11. liecaust; of the growing nnrrowne" of the current trading nnd the extreme low ebb of market interest, the greater part of the list naturally was Inclined to droop. Price recession', however, were slight, seldom extending beyond the smallest fractional limits. Phila delphia Hupid Transit, wns n conspicu ous exception, showitte striking strength, 11 ml made a mibstnntial gain ut 27. Union Traction nt the same time held nt 31 and Philadelphia Tinc tion ,nt no. Little of interest wns to be snid con cerning the dealings in the other local shnres. Electric Storage Battery de clined 'Si cents to V,V2Vx on smnll busi ness. Lake Superior shaded to 'JO',4. hut rallied later to JI. Pennsylvania Salt broke through the 75 peg to 7J'j and then recovered the lost ground. American Stores yielded under the -1(1 mnrlt, while small sales carried Amer ican (!ns up SI to ),. Philadelphia Electric was noticeably firmer at "MV6, Which wits partly at tributable to the understand!!!!; that negotiations bnvc been completed by tbe company with its bankers for the pay ment or exchange nt the S7,fi00,0()0 two year 7 per cent notes which inntilre Kchiuitry 1. It is understood arrange ments have also been concluded by thn I'nitcd (ins Improvement. Co. for the notes w'llch mature about the same time. :l : "PENNSY'S" TAXATION Figures for 1918 Show Increase of 33 Per Cent In Two Years The extremely rapid increase in the burden of taxation imposed on railroad companies is shown by the final tax figures of 101S for the Pennsylvania Hailroad system, which have now been compiled, in full for nil the properties involved. The Pennsylvania system lust year contributed to the support of the federal und state governments, in round figures, ,fl!"i,500,000 In taxes. Three years previously the taxes had amounted, to a little over $1(5,000,000. The increase in three years was, there fore, approximately .t',1,500,000, or very nearly GO per rent. The exact payments each year com pare ns follows: TEAR I'NDKD DKCE-MHRn 31 1915 1,028, 321. Oil l.nn m. isl. iti!i.!)2 101" 22.P31.snO.lll 1018 ". . 25,41111, 51)4. 31 In the single year's interval be tween 11117 und 1018, there witb un in crease of 11 per cent, and in two years more thnn "It per cent in tbe taxation burden imposed on the properties com prising the Pennsylvania system. BUTTER, EGGS AND CHEESE New York. Dee. 18. HUTTEU ritratiy. rtocelpts. 20S1 tubi. Creamery hlg-her than extras 73 W (ifl74c; cxtrn (!)2 'core), 73c; firsts, al'4f?72c; packing stock, cur rent niiiKe, No. 2, inc. KOtlS Steady. Uecelnts. 4032 cases. Kresh-eatlierecl extras, 84R5c: i!o. extra firsts. S2(i?83ci .do. firsts, ROOSlc; state Pennsylvania intl nearliv western hennery whites, firsts to extras, 8."ti(ici do, browns. Si!fP8Hc: do. gathered browns and mixed col ore, S4i)sr,c. ("HEKPB Irrosular. Heeelpts, 8410 boxes, (at. whole milk. Mats, current make, specials. 32Hr3214c: do. average run. 31 fi.'lllai Btate, whole milk, twlna, cunent ir,ake, speclah, UltflSS't: do, averaffe run. 310 PRICES HOLD STEADY ON COTTON EXCHANGE Southern Advices at Odds Con cerning Basis, but Agree on Lack of Demand New York, Dec, 18. In the early afternoon the cotton market continued quiet and steady, prices holding around lUi.iH) for January contracts. Advices from the South were conllicting as to "basis," but ngieed on 11 lack of de mand. In the case of (Ireensboio, N. 0 It wns stated that mills had bought little cotton since the coal strike, anil might be expected to re-enter the market with the turn of the new year. There was nothing in (lie lnte news to attract fresh market interest. The exports of cotton for the .lav were ISI.O.in hales, including 21,.iri8 bales to France end 1GJV5 bales to the' rest of the continent. Clearances for the season to date to tided '.,.42i),182 bales, compared with 1 ,."il0,M)n bales in the corresponding period last. year. Previous close, Open llltrli Low Close 38.50 a.s.7(i .iu.no as. 10 ss. 10 3(1.11!) 37.0(1 :'.7.(I7 ."III 5rian,73 111.8(1 34.87 .(."..III) n4'.S2 .It.rafJW.BO 32.811 32.85 IK.H1 :12..1I) 32..1IIP32 40 31.12 31.20 31.22 311.(11 30.110030.02 .... 2U.II8 28.HS 28.13 28 13(028.20 Dec. . . Jan. . . March. May.., July. . . Oct Uld. New York Metal Market New York, Dec. 18. Copper Spot and De cember, lNW1Nci January. 19i euiom; February and March. 18?i 010 He. Market nulct. '.ead. all months, 7.20IS7 3l)r. Mar- ket firm. Kpelter. Kast St. I,ouls Spot and December, .s.KiR 30c; January, February and .March. 8. 20 8.30c Total soles, 3.11,17,2110. 091.000 shares, compared wlthl.00l.U0ii shares yesterday Cxdlvldend. Thus far this t Bx-rlshta. week. 3.7(13.400. 1 The Price of French Francs in this country makes it possible for Ameri cans to invest in the 5 French Victory Loan on a basis which is over 100 more attractive than offered to investors in Prance. On the return of exchange to normal, without any increase in market prices, American buyers of the 5 French Victory Loan would, if coupons were with held, receive a profit on their principal and interest in excess of 100. , For details, ask for Circular Letter 'No. E-54. ..Chandler & Company INCORPORATED Franklin Bank Bldg. Philadelphia Xcw York Floston Same period labt week, NEW YORK CURB (Continued) H SIHcr Lead A A Tonop.ih Helmont 2 A 2 A 2 A Tonopah L'aMi Hoy nVa il'i HVj Tonopah Divide o'b 2'h 3 Tonopah Kxtennlon 2 Ml 2 Touopah-JIm II ..20 20 2(1 Tonopah Midway 10 IB in Tonopah Mining -U B'.S 2'i Tonopiih Mlzpah 7 fi 5 Tonopah Montana 11 111 11 Tonopah lleecuo Eula..., 17 17 17 Victory 10, 1 18 Wen Knd (J Hi l'i Hi White Caps 11 11 11 Whllo Caps KM J 2 2 WilbTt Mi llli Mi YerrlnBtoti 4 4 4 llONIlij Allied 1'acKera Us 7f) 78 78 ATT (Is, 1H22 'I "I !IH Can (iovt r.'4R 1U20 ! 4 111 Copenhaaen 514 s WW ;,- 82 I R, T 78 7114 711 7(1 ltu8lan Sl, 2JW 23W Mla swim r.Ws ;,' SJ Si Swedish. ss NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET New York, Deo. IS. Tlicro wns re newed selling In tie coffee market this inornitiK and opening prices showed de clines of 10 to - points. Disappoint ment over tlio showing of the llrn .ilinn markets and renewed weakness of sterling exchange led to .scattering commission lioiifce liquidation, which ac counted for the opening decline. Ilusiness was very nniet after the call, however, nnd prices showed little further change, fresh business being re stricted by the approach ot the holidays, while there doc not appear to have been any great extension of speculative accounts on rccpnt advances. lest. German Bank Statement Ilcrlin, Dec. IS. Tho statement of the Imperial IJaiin. ot Gcrmuny for the period ending December 0 dhows the following clinnsss Total gold and bul lion increased 7."0,0Q0 marks: gold de creased l!2:i,000; treasury notes in creased 183,15,000; notes ot other banks decreased 8411.000: bills dis counted decreased l.'D'!,074.000; ud vnnecs decreased l,77-,00(l ; investment increased 11,200,000; other securities decreased 05,101,000; notes in circu lation increased r54.rnu,000 ; deposits decreased 1 ,418.8011.000 ; other liabili ties decreased 502,0.18,000: total gold holdings, 1,000,200,000 marks. BANK CLEARINGS Kink clearings today compared with the, corresponding nav iani iwo eari lUll) 1018 11)17 Phila, tO.'i.flOl.lsn J7n,21n,n!)'. (I2,507.303 TUltlmoro 17.217,11X7 id,iz.j.-u .September (Mober . . . December January . . 1-Vbruary . .March ... April .May June July AUtruat . . Uld. Open Illuh 1av Clo- .lfi.2!) 15.2!) 15.25 1,V1 I "ill ' 1,1 111 l.i fill 1 I 11.1 14 II" 14.711 15.0S .lKwiJiiuibioi.iaiiii-js ,V.-,;, ,- , . I". 11 1!37 .1,1.21) 15.26 1,1.20 1.1.10 15.45 - ;. , 15.211 15.5.1 .15.45 15.1,1 15.40 1.1.10 15.(1.1 '. 15.21) 15.57 Botn., 78,072!l71 00,078,841 12.H70.SbI) six months, B( per cent. MONEY-LENDING RATES NUN YOKK Money on call both mixed collnterial anil all Industrial collateral, opened at 0 per cent; high, u; low. i; last, ii; closed, 0(0,11; ruling rate, 5 ',4 per cent. Time money today w.s quiet with rates unchanged from yesterday's quotations. The rate for mixed col lateral, wns 0'i per cent and for all industrials, 7'jS8 per rent. There was very little money brought out at these quotations. Acceptance bills were quoted nt from 1 to fi'i per rent with quiet tone throughout the sessions. PIWA!lI'XI'HIA.-Cal!, 0 per cent; time. 0 ner cent : commerclnl nuner. Hireo to Ms months, n per cent, aud USLmJZR jLI fCAPITAL$50Q,000.00 ff S0RPLUS (EARNED) We Sell iyioney Orders and Drafts Payable in Austria Belgium Bulgaria Denmark Germany Holland Jugo-Slavia Luxemburg Norway Poland Roumania Serbia Sweden ' Switzerland at Lowest Rates Apply to Our Foreign Department m 1$ . A1- -i4l v: Credit Losses The primary function of the American's Unlimited Policy of Credit Insurance is to provide absolute protection against abnormal, unforeseen credit losses. But so thorough and complete is the service we render that very frequently a client's normal credit loss is reduced, und he is saved many times the moderate premium paid for the policy. If you are a manufacturer or wholesaler, we can tell you precisely 'the normal insol vency loss resulting from sales of any volume for your particular line of business. Surely it is to your every interest to get such valuable statistics! An inquiry will bring them to you without any obligation. AMERICAN CREDIT-INDEMNITY CO. or NEW YORK E.M. TREAT, president VV. J. Morphy, Manager J. F. McFadden, Gen. Act. Mutual Life of N. Y. Bldg. Phone Filbert BS03 Philadelphia, Fa. m St . '? '4.- .''.!) "M ,.'.'.f ' 1 . I ;' l .i . - , ''" s.. f-uf- 4V.S." i- ' .'i; a v itif :-f ?.: iJ frfi" 'i,;. a .-r. '11 . for.- a