f1 r J C ft- -" i PI as mm is? m v ffli m BVENlKe PUBLIC ' LBDaa3n-.T?HILADELPUlA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1919 flNtHUH i Charge Accounts Solicited Mail Orders Accepted I (p- i ' 1115 CHESTNUT ST . ( OPPOSITE KEITH 'S ) -as- eduction App i :lllll!llillinil!l!lllll!lll!lllll!IIIIIWKlHilll!IINI1IDni1llll!llllll!l!ll!llllf Australian Seal I Coal I $95.00 kmm ta (J in the unary Fur Sa is Commencing Tomorrow v Natural Squirrel Coal $375.00. 4 ' Set $49.50 AfBBw ' iliMrcyilllt Hudson Seal Coat $165.00 )y ft. I J c THIS business is not run by the calendar, but rather by great public needs and the impressive merchandising influ ences that are felt by the country from time to time. This is brief prelude to the statement that while the usual time for Clearance Sales Is January, we have decided to hold this Annual Event, commencing Tomorrow. Our Fur stocks are unusually heavy, and to reduce them to the regular levels we announce that VERY GREAT REDUCTIONS will prevail from the time that the doors open Tomorrow Morning. $200,000.00 Worth of Quality Furs rviDrfrffered' 'r'iey rePresent tIie immense stocks of rich Fur Coats and Fur pieces that have made the name of FORBES synonymous with FURS in Philadelphia. Your Savings, commencing Tomorrow will be figured as Off 14 1 13 We'll Reserve Your Purchase on Payment of a Small Deposit 362 Fox and Wolf Scarfs Lined and Solid Animal Effects 12.50 19.50 29.50 39.50 Reduced from 19.50 io 65.00 Taupe, Kamchatka, Brown, Georgette and Black.- Fir h $95 .00 46 Muffs Round and Canteen Shapes 19.50 29.50 Reduced from 35.00 to 49 0 Hudson Seal, Skunk, Beaver, Nutria, Jap Mink, Raccoon, Wolf. 63 Fine Fur Stoles 10x7212x8414x90 39.50 55.00 69.50 85.00 Reduced from 55.00 to, 125.00 Stoles of Hudson Seal, Natural Squirrel, Mole, Beaver, Jap Mink, Australian Seal. m iPL.'''' Mole Coats and Wraps Some Trimmed With Contrasting Furs 2 Smart 30-inch Models 295.00 Reduced from 395.00 1 36-inch Loose Model gfig QQ Reduced from 450.00 1 36-inch Model, Natural Squirrel Collar and Cuffs V7Z (If) Reduced from 475.00 2 Smart Model Coats, One Trimmed 450 l)f) Reduced from 595.00 """' 2 Wraps, Copy of Imported Model COC fin Reduced from 75,0.00 """"' Australian Seal Coats Very smart full flaie UO-inch model. Reduced from $135.00 Marmot Coats $J J fl.00 Sports model; self border effects,. JLJLvr Reduced from .$155.00 Australian Seal Coats $1 )l?.00 Very full model; self border. JL&O Reduced from $175.00 Natural Muskrat Coats $ 1 AK.00 Sports model; fine dark skins. - jTW Reduced from $185.00 Trimmed Australian Seal Coats $ J FZ00 Australian Opossum and Natural Squirrel JLtt collar and cuffs. Reduced from $175.00 Hudson Seal Coats $ 1 ( .00 30-inch model; fine lustrous skins. JLXJtP Reduced from $225.00 Trimmed Natural Muskrat Coats $ 1 rr r.00 Australian Seal collar, cuffs and border. JL t Reduced from $250.00 Trimmed Australian Seal Coats $ 1 QK.00 Natural Squirrel and Australian Opossum - ww collar and cuffs. Reduced from $250.00 Natural Squirrel Coals $Qf'00 Sports model; fine dark skins. irt) Reduced from $325.00 Natural Nutria Coats $9-00 Finest quality skins; full-flare models. WtrtJ Reduced from $325.00 Trimmed Hudson Seal Coats $?'7.00 80-inch model; Beaver, Skunk, Natural & 4 if Squirrel collar and cuffs. Reduced from $375.00 Taupe Nutria Coats $OfJ .00 36-inch model; finest quality skins. t Reduced from $375.00 Trimmed Hudson Seal Coats $ 07 C. 00 36-inch model; Beaver, Skunk, Natural QiO Squirrel collar and cuffs. Reduced from $495.00 Natural Squirrel Coats $ 9 JR. 00 36-inch model; fine dark skins. Oft Reduced from $495.00 Trimmed Hudson Seal Coats ' $O.00 40-inch model; Beaver, Skunk collar and cuffs. jh&J Reduced frohi $550.00 Trimmed Hudson Seal Coats Ar7F0 45-inch model; Beaver, Skunk collar and cuffs, t I tJ Reduced from $595.00 124 Fashionable Fur Sets All of Fine Quality 49.50 65.00 85.00 95.00 Reduced from 65.00 to 145.00 Sets of Fox, Wolf, Beaver, Skunk, Hudson Seal, Nutria, Natural Squirrel, Jap Mink, Jap Cross Fox, Australian Seal. 97 Choker Scarfs " Very Smart and Stylish 12.50 24.50 39.50 55,00 Reduced from 19 JO to 85.00 Natural Squirrel, Stone Marten, Hudson Bny Sable, Fitch, Mole, Hudson Seal, Jap Sable, Australian Opossum. 17 Smart Coatees Loose Cape and Belted Models 89.50 110.00 145.00 175.00 Reduced from 135.00 to 250.00 Hudson Seal, Taupo Nutria, Jap Mink and Australian Seal. 8 Elaborate Fur Wraps Many Copies of Imported Models 2 Hudson Seal Trimmed AQK fit) Reduced from 650.00 a0'VV 1 Baby Caracul Trimmed Kolinsky J9C ) Rc-'uced from 775.00 V&OMV 1 Taupe Nutria and Hudson Seal ?) fifi Reduced from 735.00 VOU.VV 1 Eastern Mink . Q7Z fifi Reduced from 1350.00 V'V'W 1 Eastern Mink ons fifi Reduced from 1950.00 0 'UU ll!IIIilllJ!Illllilti:iJllilllllll!l!lil!!i;ililllJl!lllll!llllllll!lllllitllli!lllilHII Australian Seal jj Coat ' H Squirrel Collar and Cuffs p $195.00 1 nri!iii:Hjiii-u!M!nMi:siisiiVTiMiirnirMi!inti;fn?ijrininnMWfnfriiififfi'fi:fUJiinHtJ'f!ni-;irrfr??3 Jll KflfuS V iWv Jt7l Moleskin Coat Squirrel Collar and Cuffs " $375.00 11 mm ffUlf1 m awxt "mi mi a i tvJh fjfV' Kolinsky Wrap $545.00 smmm Beaver Set $65.00 Skunk Set $110.00 Australian Seal & Squirrel Set $79.50 EmuM mvm J Hudson mmJ Seal Coat '(F fikuuk tA If Collar and VV Cuffs ganiiiiiHiiiitiinriniinHiniiP'iiiiiiuuiiniiinaiTnTiimtnmuiiiiEinntitnDiiimtiiiJiiirniiiumiiH M Australian Seal S Coat m Beaver Collar and Cuffs fm $195.00 I H Hudson Seal Coat $275.00 SmMi Natural Muskrat Coat M. $im.oo Natural Squirrel Wrap $575.00 H"iiiiiNifJitT:iiiiuniuuniiinututitiruniiiPii!ii(iiiiitiinni!mmumuiiii:iiiit).nifflimunut3B 88 , $375.00 Natural Squirrel Coat $245.00 3 -L , - T- "& ' "J W ?" ' ltfif" mWWy&IWW We Accept Liherfy Bonds. and Purchasing Agents' Orders m IT i Ml . i m jSI 1 fpt i VI 41 m n m s -.-z i N- I'u i ' I . , Htfml ..-. "' - $t. ' 'V, li