A t 2 "JACK" (3ERAGHTYT0 REWED IfWmer Husband of Julia French ' Will Oo Into Movies ' MtoB, Dec. 17t "HnniUomo Jurk" "OtWity is to be married again. The m6tnne biisbnnd of the one-time Miss , eTam. Bstcllo French, of Newport no- ' Cly, in now In California with his future bride, Miss Amy llltiste, former ly of Wnteriown nnd Allston. ' MIb Bluste formerly wns employed bV a motion picture dlstrlbutluc firm 8hc is pretty, and it is mid by frieudi irtl tbc couple that both will become mo 'iitm picture stars after their wedding. ' The second Gcraghty romance vies tu gntfft wltu the ouc that leu to ins settlement, when a cuauttcur. wun uic I who recently divorced him. MIhs Bluete met Mm while she and Oeraghty irwfj vboth residents of an apartment LotiBe. U. 8. Cable Line to Brazil TCIo Janeiro, Dec. 17. The Tribunal 'do. Contns has registered a contract be tween the government and the Central arid South American Cabin Co. for the laying 'of a cable from IUo Janeiro to Cuba, assuring a direct all -America line frm Brazil to the United States. 8- PARCEL POST S.MO.000 Xmas, New Year Birthday Cards "and Booklets. t.W per 1O00lwnrl.liM.lHi. fciJBBRT'S 1KIT. STORK. Bt N. Sill st. DIAMONDS BOUGHT Spring us your dlamondn It you want to realise the highest possible price for them. No matter what others tell ou they are worth, get our price before sou sell We pay $3. (H) to J10U.OO for each diamond more than others pay flee us and lie convinced. "We buy any size, shape or color Pawn tickets for diamond txiuglit HH.1.V A CO.. CAM. 932 CtlEhrMIT ST. Phone Walnut 7?H fcultr 21-22 rrlTSte office 2d flimr. over Chllds Rest. DIAMONDS BOUGHT Brlnr ui your diamonds If you want t fetlt the h.fhejt pooslble prtc for then. No matter what othen tell you thty art rtrth, set our prlo before you aeU, We ty Jfl.no to 1100.00 for each dlamoaJ feBor than others pay. See us and b convinced, We buy any p!, ahape or color. Fawn tickets fnr diamond hnuht. KEtXY & CO.. CAM 32 CHESTNUT ST. Phew Walnut 7314 21-22. fHTflt fllr 2d floor, orrr CMl-U nt. Fail Sever RtaU OaicMy Cm & Dott Tight Other make claims, butthli does the You want the New Peninsular Pipeless Furnace It ii a miracle worker, that beats tie entire aonse cbeapljr, completer, with little trouble. Coils no more than ordi nary furnace. Come in and talk it orer. We furniih plans and estimates. SAMUEL KLEIN SS5S12 N. 2nd St, Phila.; Women's Convertible Bracelet Watch VALUE $25 Etaven Jeweled Kin In movement. swlel "lAadVant. plain polished, 20-year guaran tewd rold-nlled cat. and bracelet. By de tachJnr bracelet watch cj.n be worn with diateJalne pin or rhaln . CHARLES MUTH Uptown's Leading: Jeweler HOLIDAY GOODS NOW ON DISPLAY Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Silver ware, Cut CJ la rb. French Ivory, Chime Clocks. UK,, 18IC, 22K. Weddlns Rings. Hacpert Repairing in All Jts Branches 1632 COLUMBIA AVENUE Branch, S S. Eighth Street .This Regular Price $6- D0LL,2.95 Mallimr and Tackliir. ?5o Kxtra This doll Is 35 Inches nigh; hair stuffed; Iltrfat weight; beautiful bisque hands; unbreakable head. Imported body; cheap at twice the price Wo have limited stock of manufacturers' ram pies, slightly Imperfect. We aro selling them re tail at less thau the wholesale price. See them before jou buy Prices from $1.00 to $12.00 With or Without Moving; Eyes Toll Hospital Old Dolls Made New for Xmas Dtso.ua Socket and. Shoulder Heads Separata Wlcs. Doll Accessories QUAKER DOLL CO.,Mfrs. 19 N. 5th St 304 Market St. ROACHES WATERBUGS 16 fact any known inject por- tnancntly extenulnated. By a now raetluxl that Is absolutely non-poisonous. Can be used anywhere and will not offend the most fastidious. DEMONSTRATED GRATIS. SOLD ON A MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE Write post-card or letter now for demonstration If troubled tn any way with these Insects. WILLIAM F. PLOWFIELD 5404 Ch'ester Ave. Philadelphia (At the Port of 1'hlladelphla) I7TIu3. Handsome Machinen $65 Cash Only Credit Vslue till Buull, ISO Sired This Talking Machine for 163 each Is one of the finest Talk- lng Machines In the market. It roust bo seen and heard tu have Us rich, melodious and wonderful tout appro elated. ef n In ntA l m saaranteed by the Otto Ilelnemau Mo tor Co.. the largest manufacturers In tne world. Mmos and I'larer-Flanoe, standard ssattM for less than half of Install. lent prices fer cash only. rJeelnt It BaVaaStlllS MAIfc ORDERS 11LLED WINKLEMAN PIANO CO. 1936 N. 7th St. - PKN KVKKlNasi; ft I i work. $20 s PARCEL POST Buy Him a Watch for Christ mas by Only Paying $2 Down And get Genuine Octagon 7-Jcwcl Walch & Chain Qnxr&nteed. Gold nu.a Iter, Value, Ji.0O My Price $11 Monoffrnm Kncratf d Frw Simply seod the S2 and pay the balance sn receipt or watc and oh Money refunded if rot ftatmaeterr write ron bio bargain values ISADOR NEUMANN Diamonds, Watahee and Jewelry, 72t HrriFom St.. Philn., I'enna. Leg Comfort Don't auffrr from rnrlrosr TflnP twullen IrTsWrnk Une nnd nn Ire or othr cg troubles whlca fipd ronetnnt, rrtaln nuppirt. cohmpm icrc SrOCKlMl will mn'kf jou happy and etey. Throw BWty torturing elastic r trouMpsom bandasea nn4 foryet lg troubles, Corllwi traced Stocklntfs made to tnen fl ute , without elautt wear for ninny months, Waih&blo and aanllnry. llsbt and durable. Coet only S-J.25 earh or two for the nnto limb S3. 73. and you'd vladly pay much more for the support and cane. Call and be measured frcp. or write for telf mea8tirment blank No. ft 1-ton re 9 to 5 dally. Pat. 0, to 3-30 We also make abdominal belts (elai tic and tmn nlastlc) to order rpnnn.OorlNnr.lmb Specialty Cn, ltll-13 15 Filbert Ht..rhlla..ra. TOYS TOYS l.lnnrl Il. trln Trilln firU. . In StO I AUnd-Up Tniln het, $1.00 up Triiinformcrs. $2. "ill i:VEKYTlll'(l KL.l:CTUIC Al acuum Clcaiit-rs. Toabtcm Orllls llratlns 1'adn uud Coffe reri-ulatorn MnnU Xniun Tree Outlltn, S2.50 net 8 Mghts and Socket Lone bilk Cold 10 IJghlB Outfit MIS 2t LIeIiU (llltllt S7.IMI 32 I.lchN Oullll $3.25 Extra .Masda Lamps, HO volta. 20c cjcli. $'2 dox &e 13ay Motartt, for Sculnc Maclilnes, ?to !tall-I)earlnff Counter nriiim No 0 It BO No. S J8.00 No. l so.no No. !i J7 00 Klddlo Cars, all elies Jt.00 Vc Phono Your Order Wo Dellir Anywhere. H. A. MACALLISTER 4939 KOBTIf linotll T LOdAN IIPKN KVKNINflS cam. wojiiN(i 43i run scnvicn , Every thiug on Wheels For Children rp rp m ioys ioys loys SPECIAL $4.00 Punchinj; Hags $2.50 S8.00 Soccer Balls $5.50 The Tot Store tliat la not cuellcd by anr in I'hJIadelphla. The Tot Store (hat requires lo entire floors to display thein. Tlio Toy Store Mhero you can buy all your Toys under oue root without bcbic cronded or hurried. The Toy Store tluit carries nil the worth while Tojs, from 25c (o $50.00. The Toy btore that ts open eiery cvenluc. tSportlnc Goods, Utricles, Ico bajles. Hoffman Cycle Co. 3010 Kenslnctou Ate. 3015 T bt. PaiK to those Battering? with tooth trochlea are assured If yon come her and 1st oi exam io juux teem without coat. Ann zuy iongT ezBerlanea tn 'nnflern math- . odi to test of mat rials and up-to-date appuauce it la nlaln to ha eaen why X 11&H avnfiT. lea's roremost Dentist. Crown : Briae worx is to n DR. BYMAN 9th & Market Sts. and Branches rrnti 9 A- Si. to 8 r. M. ouuuaii to to s TWO OLD RELIABLES Old Rtliabh Malont behind bicycle he sells. O 1 1 lteiiatue St. Nicholas knows tho quick path di rect to your b o y's heart, and ho recom mends a bicy cle. Groat slaughter in prices of all sundries for the holidays. GEO. C. MALONE 1203-05 Cirard Ave. OPEN KFENINOS Si to" "AH HB 5&f PWlMMr dwJQKXMOffsiOT we&" v a u igjiufcsj Between tbem provides happiness for many Fnlladelpbla boya. Old Keliablo g'f. ., Malone gUinda tl'?'f S5?K every a','',c -r-. Jn fiH"' $ EVENING PUBLIC LEDGE1V-PHILADELPHIA WEDNESpAX " -. .I 1'"'''' ' : PARCEX POST Talking Machine Repairing Motot$t Ton, Atnxt and $ouit BotrJ vf AH Mokvi, el Lotctit Prici CABINETS IN WHITE . win, n, With Pouhte Hprlnr Molo 5K.S.S l.nmnlPiP "nhcrsnl Tons An", and nai i one rm. a uud Hound Hot, Twwf vw.....-.w very 1.1 49 N. 10TH ST. Basement Sugar Bags for Purer napkins, typewriter paper, emrloite. nil ftlirs. turner linen nnd twine, toilet paper, paper Restaurants "!;; inKSltf """" u,,d fiZRA LE VINSON so ?LV l.onihuril .IJTlt Alain ft'ST l BOBBY-BOY DOLLS 4ut thr tlilm for thi I.lltli. Tola. Can In ifi'd an ti t'l.V CISIIIO.N. wn.i, mxr ni.i, The Christmas Stocking llniti:AK.Ht.K. -Mr HACII OH M nat i.. roMTi'Ain r kxtiia. 1123 V. (IIKAUII AVi:. OLD PARLOR SUITS MADE EOUAfi TO NEW Keconstrncted Upholstered and Polished sin anu -r - - Ul- rirnt.riaas Hork (!u.i ratified Slip CoTers ts Order SI Each pt carry larso Kelccted titock of Upholatery Goods fceimt a i wuoiosai Pf'J AMERICAN UPHOLSTERY CO. Oldest nnd Largest IIouho of lt Kind inK Afrit ?t Wrltn or Thon T.K(lf. AIIKKTISKMKNTH t,iSr o. v. o. -. Dixiainut TUn.M, iSf 191(1. No. 2011. Starr Ksther flncr n Ktrn (illhert Slaver, otlcc of llnal Itiitrln lllioree A. V. M. To l"rra (lllbert blnpter, Ardinori". I'a. Iiear Sir You arc herebv niillllrd thnt a final rulo In dlorco A. V. M lias been rrunted ngaluic vou at fhe f.ijlt of Mary Kstlir Staser, ur wife, which lll bo hranl In the Court of Common riens No. 1!. on Monday, .Tun inn Oth, V.I20, at 1U o'clock a m, in . ourt itooni l , eecono noor, south corrldar. City Hall. IlroaU and Jitar- let streets, Philadelphia, upon which day ou raav appear and snow tausn, ir any you liae why such divorce A. V 11. thould nut bo fronted Hpnlnst ou Attorney for Llbellaut. nnn StnlK1!! tllrard Ttlilg , rhlln., Ts. 1ZS2 tjM'd Letters teslamentary on the pfltato oi Aima. u. -u- upcpubi-u, iiu.vinr lKn frrantPd to Fidelity Truat Co. all TrsotiH Indebted to the bald ret ale aro rfl'iuented to mako p.isinent. and thosg hav tnc claims analnst tho same In presfnt them, without dela at the otf'co of tho s.ild com wany Nos 3-331 riietntil ft Phlla. Prptt1tnt. .irTSF-XITlCK 11 HliKBUY (lit KN THAT iJiSJ an application will be made to the uoemor ot tnc innimon'iin oi i fiiiayi wnla on tho Mh day of Jnnnorv, two. nt 10 i7 in., by Donald McCrelclit. A. M. Todd and others, under the act of Antjembly of the Commonwealth of PennsUvanta en titled "An act to provide for tho Incorpora tion and regulation of certain corporations, " approied April -!) 1871, amttln! supplements thereto for the charter of mi Intended cor poration to be called "American Trjn-ixir-t n Hon Senile," the character and object whereof In the establishing end maintaining ff im nri nlfi tlnn in Hft. nv trnffli. man- ucrs minufacturers. Import pnd e.jiort agents foreign department managers, aim for the performance of personal service Ben- eralh to ehlppers and recehers of luer chandlse and rmnts incidental una necessary thereto and for theso purposes to ha e possess and enjoy nil the rights, benefits and privileges of the said act. uf Assembly and its supplements louis r,. boyi:u. Solicitor LOST AND 'FOUNTt BAR P.IN Lost, December 15. In center of city, platinum bar pin. set with 10 or 11 ilAmnnjR and '2 neurls: $25 reward. Return cashier. Kellevnc-Stratford Hotel. KOB Lost or stolen Dc IB. In New Tork or Philadelphia, a sWd military watch fob. with tho Inscription.5 Capt J. A. A. Brown, reward: no questions abked Return to Dr E it drainm, BIS Peiry Bids. Chebtnut and 16th sts. SlOflO KKWAHD NO QUKbTIONS ASKHP For ths return of Jewelry lost last week In a PhlladelDhla hotel- If Jewelry has been pawned, will Day reward for tickets: all communications In strictest confident. Ad dress J. o jiirsu, insuranco isroaer. ixa Broadway, rew lone. Telephone lau Hector. blX Ni:V SB BILLS lost. .Route 12. Wed nesday: tlO reward Return to fl. A. redrlck. Room 1000. l'ranklln Bank Bids. PERSONALS BOLD. December lf5 my prinlslon business to Tt U. DelD. Present all bills hv th ':uh of December to 20th and Mount Vernon sts. HETP WANTED FEMALE ARTIST and designer, thoroughly experienced on fine drawings with ability to sell, short hours and good money. P 310, Ledger Office. BELL TELEPHONIC OPERATING PERMANENT POSITIONR OFFERED TO TOUNO WOMEN BETWEEN 18 AND 25 fEARS. Sit PER WEEK FOR FIRST 4 WEEICH: J15B0 PER WEEK IN 6 MONTHS WITli RAPID ADVANCEMENT THEREAFTER. SHORT HOURS INEXPENSIVE HOT LUNCHES COMFORTABLE REST ROOMS SICKNESS DISABILITY RENEFIT3 CAREFULLY CHOSEN ASSOCIATES TALL PERSONALLT ANT WEEKDAY. I:TWKEN 0 A. M AND B P. a.. TO SEV MISS 115TAN. 1631 ARCU ST.. FbtST THE bl;.l TELEPHONE CO. OF PA. BINDERY HANDS Blank-book bindery: ex perlenced sewers, also girls to run num ?,;rln'ri. perforating or punching machines. Wm O Bechtel & Co . 420 Sansom st. BONNAZ OPERATORS, thoroughly experl enced. or with some knowledge of Bonnaz machines, to learn on fine work: half day V.?.t,'?rway, w,th paJ" steady employment. 1040 Market st . sacond floor. BOOKKEEPER and accountant, lady or man Large clothing factory desires expert bookkteper, one with knowledge of cutting t-P trade preferred, must be nbla to handle double entry with controlling accounts and have best of reference. Reply In own hand wfl'l"e with all particulars Write care of GOtn floor. Larltln Bldg . "2d ami Arch hIb uuukksefer exporlenced In arcounts payables quick and accurate at figures: conclentlou worker Apply Employment Office. Notascrao Hosiery Co., Oxford and Mascher. B(5PKJ5EEPEI1 Thoroughly experienced double-entry bookkeeper to take full charge VktV. . I" m,e- Want: hair day Saturday. . m .lihci st. secona noor. BOOKKEEPER, experienced familiar with adding machine and typewriter; splendid Opportunity stato age and salary expected. P 323 Ledirer Office. BOOKKEEPER, double entry, assistant ex perienced, for manufacturing concern; quick, accurate and neat. P 815. Ledgtr Office CASHIERS AND INSPECTORS EXPERIENCE NOT NECESSARY INSTRUCTION GIVEN APPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S CHILDNURSE experienced, for 2r children, aires 3 and 5 years. 8121 Mldvale ale.. yneeii Lano Manor. Phono Uermantown CLERK THE ACCOUNTINO DEPART ALI5NI0F' TIIR PUBLIC LEDGER CO. JJgS IRES THE SERVICEH OF A YOUNO W,9,V,AN.W-.rr"AT LEAHT 3 YEARS OF HJOH SCHOOL TRAININO. OR ITS EQUIV. AI'.SHT WITH OR WITHOUT EXPEIH. KNCE ASK FOR MR. PRICE. PUBLIC LEDGER CO.. HTIf AND CHESTNUT BT8. COOK AND CHAMBERMAID. U reliable women, preferably mother and daughter or J sisters; chambermaid to assist with care of Infant and do mending. Call or ,u!,c ..Kb A, rjt uiiiiuss. iiuj rjpruce St., any morning before 11. Phone Ixicu.t 451). COOK Ranned young white woman; tlO wb.ic. i-nnn. vyomlng 4T4Q. COOKING. doVnctalrs work: capable col orea woman; reference required; wages .... j-nune UBrm B n town mtij, GLRL.Automoblle financing corporation de sires young girl, with stenographic ability. s.ia,a,i wuriti must lie quicK ana aierti high school or business school training pre ferred; excellent chance tor advancement. Apply after 11 a. m- Hare & Chast. 301) Walnut. A Jilnfffffn HELP WANTED FEIUALE DirTAntONC operator, experienced tn salesworlt. rlth manufacturing concerni fonenleut to Oeriiiantnwu and Chestnut Hill. P flat. Ledger Office GIRL wanted with stenographic enperlencr. to do flllne nnd Indexing splendid opiwr. tunity for the right person Apply Welfare Jjept.. IMwMrd tl iludd Jtfs, tV. 25th and Hunting I'srk ae. too OIRIl WANTED OVER 10 YEARS OF AOB IN NHW DEIWRTMENT no Rxrr.tiniNca necessary I.KIIIT. AIRY rAITORT DESIRAHLK STEADY WORK 52 WEEKS A YCAR HOT LUNCHES SERVED AT LESS THAN COST OOOP PAY IWEI.LUNT TREATMENT LEARNERS PAID J12 WEEKLY IJUOKTr S1YKHM TOBACCO CO. 8D AND ONTAUIO STS. OIRLH over IB years: steady position; sood wages. i-nour weea. j' rieoDerger-Aaron Mfr. Co . 4000 N. 181U St., near Wayne Junc tion. GIRLS, 14 to 10 years of age! continuation school privilege; goon wages; sieany post lion. Frlcdberger-Aaron Mfg. Co., 4000 N. I8th el . near wayno junction. UIRLS wanted, helpers and punch und drill press operators. Apply Edward O. Budd Mfg. Co.. 25th and Hunting Park aye. UIRLS, ago 10. for offlcu work U. O. I, Kmnloment ueimrnnent, .m n. 22d st. 1IOSIERT knitters and toppers experienced on Banner machines on slngto and doublo stitch work LOOPERS on 20 und 22 point tat el work: experienced DOUBLE SOLU TRIMMERS MENDERS i whlto work TAIRURS AND FOLDER3 experienced on flue seamless hosiery LOOPERS on 20 and 22 point raiel work PAIRERS AND FOLDERS to work on our bonus shift: hours 4. .10 p. in. until 10 v. in. These are all steady, well-palrur positions Employment Oftlce open until 10 p. in. NOTASEME 1I031ERT CO. Oxford and Mascber sts. HOUSEWORK Girl for generat housework In modprii Uermantown home: best wages paid: family of 2 adults; an excellent place for rtfilit party. Phone today (Jermaiitow n 442T. MOTHER'S helper and housekeeper wanted In reQned liouis lit Wasne. I 218, Ledger Office. PAYROLL CLERK, night, competent, mar- .riea wornan. Keen mino; quicK and accu rate at figures for payroll of 200 employes und registering workers: hours. 3 to 10 pm,; hour for lunch Apply Emploment Office, Notnseme Honlerv Cn Oxford and Mascher. SALESGIRL for silk departiflent; pood tunity for tho rlsht party. THRESHER BROS.. 1322 Chestnut st. SALESWOMEN TART OR FULL TIME OPPORTUNITIES IN SEVERAL DEPARTMENTS ArPLT BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANMAKKR'a STENOGRAPHER-i-Must bo experienced, ac curate and neat: must relieve telephone operator when necessary: permanent posi tion, pleasant surroundings; an exceptional opportunity for a girl with ambition. Call and ask for office manager. Ulrard Auto mobile Co. i 23H Chestnut st. STENOGRAPHER wanted, who understands bookkeeping, to be secretary to manager of st(Hl company, salary and percentage bonus: no great amount of experience required, but must be ery capable and ambitious; apply by letter. C 610, Ledger Office. STENOGRAPHER and clerical work: nroml- nent Insurance office Hntklns & Howell Co S E cor fith and Walnut sts. , hTE.N'OUI'.AniER. experienced in saleswork. with manufacturing concern; convanlent to Germantown and Chestnut 11111. P 321 Ledger Office. STENOGRAPHER and bookkeeper wanted: must hae knowledge of Yiddish. Neluh- borhood Center 422 Ralnbrldge st. STENOGRAPHERS We have an opening for 2 experienced stenographers: cood oppor tunity Apply by mall or In person. Whlt-akar-Olassner Co . 1234 Hamilton st TELEPHONE OPERATOR EXPERIENCED BELL OPERATOR APPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT VANAMAKER'S WANTED Whlto woman or girl to h!p with Itsht duties In smill family; a fine opportunity for a good clrl looking for a home: location Cynwyd: advise wages and nrrange for lPterlew. P 320. Ledger Office. WEAVERS A few good silk ribbon weavers for double-deck speed looms: good pay guaranteed. B. L. Mlcel . Co., Lehigh ava. and 22d st WINDERS Soft-ellk guaranteed. S. L ave and 22d st. winders; good pay Mlcel & Co., Lehtsn WOMEN AND GIRI.3 FOR PACKINO AND MISCELLANEOUS WORK; EXPERIENCE NOT NECES SARY. COOD PAY. NATIONAL BISCUIT CO. 1301 OLENWOOD AVE. WOMEN FOR WRAPPING EXPERIENCE NOT NECESSARY APPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S. WOMEN, good pay. light table work: ex perience not necessary; steady employment. Frledberger-Aarou Mfg. Co., 4000 N, 18th St., near Wayne junctloa WOMb'N. 2. cook, chambermaid and wait, reas: colored: references, Apply after noons 2210 Da L.ancev St. YOUNG WOMAN of good address, capable of Interviewing prospects and rnndurtlnir work that requires tact and personality: good "Trtv f HUH. l,eqger umee YOUNG LADY with grammar school edu cation, xamiuar with omce work and ran operate typewriter. Apply at once. C 635, I.edgar Offlpa General BUSINESS SERVICE CO.. 1118 Land Title. hTENOG'H Asst to Employment Mer. 3C. Clerks & Tvnis" Savarai positions. HELP WANTED MALE ACCOUNTANT, experienced in textile manu. facturlng for publto accouutlnr concern. Address, stating age. experience, salary and reference. P 11T. Leger Office. ACCOUNTANT, thoroughly experienced in cost wotk, iur puuiiv accounting- concern. Address, stating age. experience salary and references V 11H. Ledger Office ACCOUNTANTS, senior and Juniors, wanted by firm of public accountants; also several vacancies for branch managers, I' lis. I.edger Office AUTO TRIMMERS ON LIMOUSINE WORK; ALSO CUHHIONMAKERH. DOOR TRIM. MERM AND BACK HANGERS: BKHT WAGES PAID; EXPERIENCED ' MEN ONLY- Ari'i.1 lAiwiir Tur anu liUDY CO., QAUL AND ADAMS STB. BILL CLERK One familiar with Iron p'pe and fittings preferred: good chance for advancement. P 3itt. Ledger Office. BOOKKEEPER, experienced In accounts pay. able, aulck and accurate at figures: con sctentloua worker. Apply Employment Office, KijUkuh Hcjkry Cy,, Oiford and ilssclnr. HELP WANTED KALE AUTO PAINTERS ON LIMOUBtNF! . BODIES. PUTTIERS AND FILtJNO itUnBEUB! STEADY WORK AND OOOD PAY. APPLY LOWRY TOP AND BODr CO., QAUL AND ADAMB BTS. BOYS. 10, for orllre, shop and messenger service. U. O. I. Employment Depart ment 24 N. 22d st. BRICKLAYERS for out of town: 11.15 per hour; double time for overtlmo and Sun day; fare advanced: good board on Job cheap Call 115 N, 12th st. BUSHELMAN Wanted, to arrange with a bushelman to come to an Ideal climate, a first-class establishment and an up-to-dats oration; we want a man who can altar, chango, repair and cut clothes If necessary. If, H. Waterman. Oalnesvllle. Oa. CABINETMAKERS ON AUTOMOniI.E BOD. IES STEADY WORK- AND OOOD PAY. APPLY IXNVRY TOP AND BODY CO., GAUL AND ADAMS ST3. CABINETMAKERS and all-around machine nanus; steady work: good wages; ugoi modern plant; best conditional group In surance. Apply ready for work, Unit Con. structlon Co.. B8th and Prays ae. CABINETMAKER, experienced, on small. accurate work. I' M7. Ledger OfTlce. CARPENTER for concreto form work; Blats experience, salary desired and when you can report. Tho Krebs Pigment and Chemi cal Co., Newport, Del. CEMENT FINISHERS for out of town: SOe per nour: time ana nair time ror over- limn rtmihtn time fne Hiinrlnv' far ad. anced; good board on Job cheap. Call 115 N. 12th st, noLi.Krrroii Catholic, good, dependable, steady position, with brains and lnlttatlve; permanent: $40 to 100 weekly. See Mr. Costcllo. Room "03, 008 Chestnut st. CLERK Shipping and stock clerk by larg manufacturers of textiles In northeast sec tion; good salary and excellent opportunity. Answer In own handwriting, giving age. ex perience and salary expected. C 620. Ledger Office DRAFTSMEN WB WANT FIRST-CLASS SHIP DRAFTSMEN WHO HAVE HAD EX PERIENCE ON HULL. ENGINE AND FITTINO WORK. AND ARE WILL ING TO PAY THE HIGHEST RATES TOR MEN WHO MEET OUR RE QUIKEX1ENTS. " APPLT .ROOM 108 INDUblRIAL RELATIONS BLDG., HOO ISLAND. DRAFTSMEN DETAILERS, EXPERIENCED JIO AND FIXTURE DESIGNERS. APPLY IN PERfcON OR "BY LETTER. PER SONNEL DEPARTMENT. WINCHESTER REPEATING ARMS CO. NEW HAVEN, CONN. DRAFTSMEN Seeral good draftsmen on filptng layout, bIiop layout, tool and ma nerv designing and electrical work. Apply Immediately at Frankford Arsenal, Brides burg DRAFTSMEN, experienced In detail work; excellent opportunity for Uie right men. Apply Ildttard O Budd Mfs. Co.. 25th and Hunting Park ae DRAFTSMEN Have several permanent posi tions for men with tomo experience on die work. Address. llnc full particulars. A 23, P O. Box B484. , ni.FCTRICAI. miYTIR W have an open lng for a man. 25 to 35 sears old. as assistant In our purchasing department: he must have a thorough knowledge of tho line, be a good correspondent, ambitious and not afraid of hard work. Address In confi dence gltlng age. past experience and sal ary expected, to 11. W H.. P. O. Box 743, Cltv Hall Station. New York. , ELECTRICAL DRAFTSMEN, experienced in power station layout, for lmmed'ate em ployment. Stone &. Webster. TM0 Chestnut st. EXECUTIVE Wanted by a yarn mill man ufacturing woolen and merino yarns for the knitting trade a man having u thor nnch knowledge of this business iind capable of assuming responsibility requiring execu tive ability; muse oe xamiuar wun raw ma terials and able to anabze samples, esti mate costs and establish modern methods of efficiency to the right man a good salary and everv opportunity to advance and to grow with the buslenss. Answer, slating ex perience and references, tu M 928, Ledger Office. FOREMAN on re-enforced conerete-bu'Idlng construction; state experience, salary de sired and when jou can report. The Krebs Pigment and Chemical Co . Newport, Del. FOUNDRY CH1PPERS. 15, wanted. James liaruer. inc., inn ana Layuga sts. GAUGEMAKER3 ' SEVERAL EXPERIENCED MEN CAN BE PLACED AT ONCE. ArrLY IN PERSON OR BY LETTER, PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT. WINCHESTER REPEATING ARMS COMPANY. NEW HAVEN. CONN. HOG ISLAND SHIPYARD WANTS CARPENTERS BRICKLAYERS Must have tools COPPERSMITHS KHIPFITTER HELPERS CEMENTERS LABORERS ' Plenty of work and good working- conditions PASSER BOYS " Must be over 16 years and furnish proof of age Apply Mr. Shattuck's Office State Employment Office 1621 Arch st. Employment Oftlce Hoc Island 1I08IERT FIXERS, experienced on Acme and n.vn marhlnesl stearfv nnju... wages, street. E. N. Conkllng It Son. 1825 Bristol JUNIOR CLERK tn main office large manu-lecturing- concern: opportunity for ad' yancginwi.fc. ... wu..r miicn LABORERS Thirty able-bodied men on laboring work. Apply immadiatelv Bt Frankford Arsenal. Hrldesburg. LABORERS , wantt 2622 Parrish st. ted. Drehman Pavln Co., MACHINIBT Experienced operator on Ols. noil macmuo, iwii vfsses; steaay wora. Mpply Cann Saul. 610 Commerce st.. i-riiia.s or w- """'i jmirnmru, ia. MAN We desire to connect with a man of ability to handle the sale of stock of oil securities In the city of Philadelphia and vicinity; an isxcesdlngly attractive proposi tion Is offered to the right party. D. E8TBE8 ft CO. 801-802 COAL EXCIIANOB BLDG WIUUCS-IIAKKH l'A, DECEMBER' lY, 1919 T - : - HELP WANTED MALE HACIIINIBT3 BHVERAL ALL-AROUND MEN WANTED AT ONCE, . Aprr-T in rnnsoN or bt'letter, PERSONNEL .DEPARTMENT WINCHESTER HEPEATINO XRM COMPANY. NEW HAVEN. CONN. "fciLiyi? WIFE In .modern Oermantown homa: best warea Plli family of 2 adult!. S?.f..cellTK' J !iomA.B.ndl PJ 'P.r right couplQi . .miin n,,,, urrnmniuwii Sfjlf. MECHANIC -Young man with experience on mall, accurate bench work. P aiB. Ledger Offloe. NEW YORK SHIPBUILDING CORPORA. TION North Yard CAMDIjN, N. J. BOILER FTiANaERS Lxperlencod band and machine, Tinr.TiRtin pood husky men who want to ret a start In shlpjard trades. "'" LABORERS Standard shipyard rale. PASSERS Boys over 10 years, s. APDly at IIim UnrtU V..JI ... NEW TORIC SHIPBUILDING CORPORA- Norlh Yard Camdrn, N. J, HO.,P8EHKOLDSGAo'SDs7?r5SnETr APPLY HKJlS PACKINO-HOUBE FOREMAN FOR OUT-OF-TOWN CONCERN Will pay a good salary and bonus to a prao llcaj foreman to take charge of our new PKJli "Ifn"1 tau"a department; capacity hSunt'iii..1.131 com.a recommended as hainir necessary experience required: will pay the right man to Investigate opportunity crC6"3TdgerrPo'n"lce.COnfldC!'llal; A,5)" PATTERNMAKERS TEN WOOD TAT. TERNMAKERS. 2 METAL PT-nftN MAKERS: GOOD WORKING CONDmONS AND WAGES; PERMANENT WORK. AP PLY INDUSTRIAL SERVICE DEPVRT MENT. GENERAL ELECTRIC CO bCHENECTADY, N. Y. J'1"1"u- LO PHOTOGRAVURE WORKERS wanted Apl ypermtendent. 600 Chestnut T. PLASTERERS for out of town: 11.16 per hour: double time for overtlmo and Sun- oay; laxe aqvancea: good board on nih cheap. Call 115 N. 12th st, ROOFERS. Apply Warren-Ebret Co.. and Grays Ferry aye 86th SALfcSJIEN Wanted, security; young men possessed of the necssary qualifications of real salesmen, coupled with education and refinement, can make a highly remuneratlvo connection on a salary and commission basis, "i, a f!JtuK,i."mltS my by their own efforts and ability. Troy & Co., 230 South Broad st. bALKSMEN Wanted. 1! security salesmen: will pay un tn 5o pr week and commla slon. Mr. Bherwln. 215 N. 15th st. bTABLE FOREMAN, married, to act as as slstant to manager of large hunting stable In country: wife to hoard men: steady posi tion to right man. P 327, Ledger Office PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT ASSISTANT A permanent, responsible position In an office personnel department Is available for a high-grade young man with experience In personnel work; ability as correspondent, familiarity with Job analyses, office efficiency problems and personnel record systems ery desirable; must possess constructive ability, tact and a clean business record; college trained, age 26 to 82. preferred: position requires man of first-class appearance and personality and offers an opportunity to advance with one of the largest rubber manufacturing companies at Akron, Ohio: full details of experience and qualifications may be given In strict confidence. M 110, Ledger Office, '-ft- V:ir" Ausr THE PUBLIC LEDGER CO. requires the services of an Intelligent young man In Its advertising department for checking "ads." Answer by letter only in your own hand writing, stating age and salary desired. ADDRESS C 03ft. LEDGER OFFIOW . TOOL. JIO AND FIXTURE MAKERS. EXPERIENCED MEN. POSITIONS 'NOW OPEN APPLT IN PERSON OR DT LETTER. PERSONNEL DEPART MENT. WINCHESTER REPEATING) ARMS CO. NEW HAVEN. CONN. 1 S TOOLMAKERS WANTED ON JIG AND FIXTURE WORK; EXCELLENT WORK INO CONDITIONS. . AUTOCAR CO., ARDMORB, PA, TOUNO MAN. clean cut. intelligent, steady and ambitious, to handle time and cost system for a large textile plant In northeast section; exceptional opportunity to learn ana grow up In a good business; good salary ana advancement on merit: give details of ex- perlence. age eie. r ma. Logger un'ce TOUNO MAN tn purchasing department, state age, experience and .salary required. APP1V listener vvoraa. g(l aaa uienwooq, TOUNO MAN, financial lna 1. t ,0 VASPL Af aA t,UU,M.', ,.-, fV ,-.-. -"' 'Ulni it( nnanctai ipsutuiion in Kensington; satary , expected, I' SSI,- Ledger 0t, HELP WANTED KALE WANTED Active, ambitious young man to take charge of cost and statistical work of a cost ralnlmr property: must be experienced, quick at figures, en thusiastic and possess Initiative and ability to leadi acquaintance with craphlo charts desirable. Address WESTON DODSON & CO., INC., Bethlehem. Pa. TCU1!P MAN WANTED BT LARGE COK t.E3AT,N'. WHERE CHANCE FOR AD VANCEMENT IS UNLIMITED: HE MUST 5KLlP..YEAns OF AGE. NEAT AND AM sJvMUSi. BAIAnr TO START 110 AND ADVANCEMENT IF DESERVED WILL BE CA'.I? .SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY FOR YOONO MAN TO LEARN BUSINESS. PAR. KS5? ei!.ULD ,VB """"IB CONSIDERA. flenernt CSEDIT.VAN FAMILIAR WITH THE OIL AD ?!UIJJ.yc4N? BUSINESS Account, ants with a C. P. A. experience; accountant take charge cost department, txtll or mill experience: bookkeeper for year-round hotel cashier: secretary, writs shorthand, man or woman! stenographers, sales purchasing saiea and traffic departments, men and women: engineers nnd draftsmen, electrical, mechanical, structural, machinery, layout, marine and steam engine work, bridges, conveyors: good upenlngs for college and technical men: applications from local resi dents only: special department for placing experienced women secretaries, bookkeepers, correspondents: employment women: good wages: Information blank and booklet sratla: no registry chara 250 H. 11th. ?SS.1N-ESS SERVICE CO.. 1114 Land Title ACC'TS Seniors, experienced men for Phlla. Public Accountants, to $31011. CLERKS Cost, Record. Ledger to 125. DRAFTSMEN (12) Small Machine Parts. Heavy mach'y. Tool designers to $2000. ENGINEERS (INDUSTRIAL) Executives able to put concerns In rood order by In stalling modern methods. $3600-10000. SALESMEN Auto Insurance Oen'l. 11800. LEARN AUTO AND TRACTOR BUSINESS In 0 to 8 weeks; opportunities everywhero offering $150 to $400 a month: twice more equipment and tloor space used In dally practice training than any auto school In America: mister mechanlo Instructors, and same method we used to train thousands of soldier mechanics in 00-day courses: write now for free catalog Rahe Auto and Trac tor School, 213S Oak pt.. Kansas City. Mo. MILLER fc BROWN EMPLOYMENT SERVICE. 139 S. 1BTH ST. Opportunities for tlmo clerk, assistant pro duction man. assistant stockkeeper. experi ence metal parts: we have frequent calls for all kind of office help; no chargo.for registration. Spruce 0181. EARN BIO MONEY Do lathe work, siutn Minnlr tT,1ift,l.;,1 and electrical driving or storage battery work; we train men on practical lines. Philadelphia Mechanical Electrical School Call B14-0I8 Brown St.. Philadelphia, INCREASE YOUR SAl,ARl ENROLLNOW New Day Auto Class, 0 to 3; also Men's and Women's Auto Classes. 3 and 7:30 p in. OponJan. 2. SPRINGGARDENINSTITUTE. Broad and Spring Garden sts.. Phlla., Pa. SITUATIONS WANTED-MALE SECRETARY Young- man, under thirty, oxpert In ehort. baud and tvnewrltlnir: reelmental urilutanf. with rank of captain. In France: executive anility; nas many influential friends abroad who could be of service In export business; oesi ot reierenco as to aDiuiy ana cnaracter, M 112, Ledger Office. ACCOUNTANT Thoroughly clean-cut man. 88 years of ape, married; Irreproachable character and address; a real worker; 18 years' experience In cost and general ac counting'; now located In central Pennsyl anla, desirous of locating In Philadelphia; Is open for engagement. A-l references. M 107. Tdgr Of nee. ENGINEER Youn man. technical eduoa- tlee AVn In virkf(aaf Inn a 1 affleilstiHp ait glneerlne, desires position with large manu- racturing concern, m iw, .ieager unice. MAN, young Pelrco School craduato, pres ently employee, dui desires to cnange ana connect with a reliable concern; experienced as assistant to manager: knowledge of ac counting; best references. C 518. Ledger Office. SALESMAN, traveling; high-grade man, age 20. n yearn' selllncr eiDerience. reltahln nnd ambitious, well acquainted with manufac turers m wesiern I'ennsy.vania territory, seeks connection' with progressive Ann; at present employed. C 701. Ledger Office. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES MOM. irANE. fill f. IDTir Sltnatlnn want. ed first-class cooks, chambermaids, wait resses, butlers, housemen, chauffeurs, house work glrlH. help wanted for all capacities. Spruce 3401. MISS IIARKINS, (.04 Balnbrldre Excel lent cooks, waitress, chamb's, lady's maids, nurses. laundreBes. Spruce 3B27. MUN. WOMEN, coloreo,, Cay, week, part time. Hursey. 1235 B Hth. Dick. 8845. WANTED at Episcopal Office. 312vS. 12th-r Cooks waitresses, nurses, kitchen maids COOKS, chamb'ds, htusework irlrls wanted Miss Rose Douehrty 1313 Qlrard ave. AGENTS WANTED Agents for Philadelphia and vl ' clntty, good proposition: previous experi ence unnecessary: free school of Instruction. Address Massachusetts Bonding und Insur ance Co., Accident and Health Department. Saginaw. Mich. Capital $1,600,000 BUSINESS PERSONALS DIAMONDS BOUGHT Positively highest casb prices for your dls mondj, any size from H to 10 carats: nono Eay higher; also old gold, platinum and silver ought. Estates bought (private). Est 10 yrs The Diamond Shop ,?, DIAMONDS PAWN TICKETS BOUGHT FROM PRIVATE? PEOPLE: TRANSACTIONS CONFIDENTIAL: FULL VALI53 PAID. COLONIAL TRUST BANK BLDG.. 13TII AND MARKET. ROOM 211 HOURH. H'30 A M TO 4:30 P. M. -i- DIAM0NDS BOUGHT ANT SIZE PRICE NO OBJECT Pawn Tickets for Diamonds Bought KELLY, ti CO;. 032 CHESTNUT ST. Suite 21-22. Over Chllds' Restaurant. Prlvat. NOTHING BETTER than a pair of Iiryptoi bifocals or torlo lenses for Christmas: od tlca.1 work while you wait, or phone Dlckln. son 023. We call for work and deliver promptly. R. W. Burn & Son, 1608 Federal WANTED Composers of verse or muslo to write tne at once: brilliant opportunity for good talent. Address Burrell Van Buren D1 ,, .. rkn.s linn f.kl.. .-&,,, WJ, m-IIU VJI-7. ...unq, Hla. o. TOUR old typewriter ribbons re-Inked, new way, as good as new; 85o. each or 0 for $1. Please mall ribbons and state color ntwiBu nun. ..tiim.Nci, .o,i r,qgemont sx. DIAMONDS 130UGHT HARRY W. SMITH. 717 SANSOM BT. UNIFORM overcoats changed Into rluiiia.. style, very reasonable; also dyed. Stanley Tailoring Co.. HI S. 17th at., barernent dump, sntnana soring uaraen sts. Mo Nlchol Paving and Construction Co., 1023 ,hpiij .. ELECTRIC treatment & manicuring Room 105 Heed Bldg.. 1215 Filbert Et. Loo. 3002: CELESTE LA TELLE, facial, scalp treat. 10 a.m. to a p. m. : closed Bun. 305 s 11th ASHES REMOVED from cellars; all kinds naunnK umiw. ojn miimiiwuiiii iuKt. 441 ELECTRIC TREATMENT, also manicuring tlUUT, -ia-M fiainici. rn... ccyuuu slUOT, STOnAQE AND MOVINO TERMINAL WAREHOUSE AND TRANSFER CO. Columbia and Sydenham st. local and long distance moving by courteous, experienced men: clesn. dust-proof rooms for furniture; let us estimate. Phone Diamond 4472. BROWN STORAGE CO. MovlngA packing, shipping, for long-distance work. flet mn n.l.k Tioga 4100. Park 4012 D. BRB4 N. Bth St. VICTORY STORAGE MIS Markst. Largest and best. Phone Belmont 1670 for an estimate. Goods paeksd lor shipment Plerne-Arrow vans for moving Dougherty & Sons Storage Get our special rate for mnvlngby our rell. able and careful men. Call Poplar 456B; Keystone. Park 1127. night phone. Dla. Bafig Miller N. Broad Storage Co. Broad above Lehigh Phone Diamond 7i Moving Brick & Fireproof Storage Pack FIDELITY FIREimoOF WAREHOUSES 1817-10 MARKET BT. mth CRNTURY Sorare Warehouse. ,. lutely fireproof, spec, vlano. palnt'g & rug nnl. nrnn-ftiiiiw .nm u.ru. niH IMaraei MONARCH STORAGE CO . 8807 LANCAH. TER AVE. AUTO SERVICEl STORAGE, PACKINQ LONG-DISTANCE MOVINO. ETAMrS AND COINS STAMPS. PACKETS. DIME SETS Albums and ?mvtfvmiT.T"- rw HILA, BTA -i-4 ,r'- FOX sAjtJb K. WATSON FACTOnT AND INDUtK mpv LOOMS FOll HALE!. POn iSUEPLVTH illlAU ilHUllll.ll. WAIUUIM, D15L1VJ5HX 0 Cromplon & Knowles, Worcester pattern looms, 105" between swords, 4x1 ton soma used less than T months., SO Cromctpn A Knowles. Providence pat tern. 41Me" between swords. 25 harness, double Index plain looms! flrst-clasg coo dltlon. 22 Stafford automatic looms. 0 harness, double Index, 87" between swordsi prac tically now (a lot ot supplies go with these). 8 Lowell, 43" between swords, cam looms, 4 harness. . Wo Make and Sell National Cash Registers . and Credit Files Lowest prices; smalt monthly pay ments no Interest charges: written guarantee) old registers repaired, rebuilt, bought, sold and exchanged. JOHN T. WATSON Tho llutlonal Cash Register Co. 730 CHESTNUT BTHEBT Phone Walnut 405. Wain 7 OVERCOATS Nifty Suits Children's Clothing AT 0L6-TIME PRICES QHPiRTV; n. te. con. Look for elan In front of building HHOUTY 'B UIAJUIIFH liuuarj. TYPEWRITERS RENTED NONVlBtDLlS a MONTHS. $5.00 VISIBLE f) MONTHS. .7.60 VF Factory Rebuilt Typewriters American Writing Machino Co. 802 CHESTNUT ST. WALNUT 24511 MAIN 028 urriv,u ruiu.iiu.". - Large line desks, safes, files, cabinets and general ofllca furniture, store fixtures. We buv. eell and exchange PATTEN FUnNITUIlE CO. T.OCUST4n70 llg7AnCHST. HACB 0 RADIATORS Hot water and steam, new and second ban J flpe, lnrge lot: boilers and plpo cheap. Dick nnon S74: Main nSO.I. 14 TO ti. 8th st. Baby Carriage for sale cheap Call 61 3 1 De Lancey Street RUGS Wlttall, Anglo-rerslan: nearly new will sacrifice for quick tale. Apply Slier, wood Apartment Iteming Agency, Srt B. tlrnnd et. BABY coaches, reed, Pullman. 10 up: reed btrollers. $8 up; doll coaches. $3 up: blr se- hctlon. Auerbach. Snf.2 Qlrard av. Open evca. BOWSER gasoline pump, guaranteed in pump correctly for sale, $45. Edge Hill Aulo Supply Co., Edge Hill, Pa. Both phones. FOUNDATION STONE FOn HALJ3 About 1000 perch at North Phlla. H. c. Ambler. 8717 Old Tork rd. Phone Tioga B8B0 BAnT carriages, complete 1010 lines, over Kin styles, all colors: see our $19 special. B Miller. 604-08 B. 2d st. Open evenings. nEFItlOErtATORS and fixtures for grocer and meat markets: terms If desired. . RANDALL ft CO". 831 N- 2d St. IIESTAUIIANT and Ice cream chair ane tablos, new and used: low prices Chair Exchange, B, E. cor, ffth and Vine sla PIUNTINO press. 12x1 Ooldlng: no dealer. 2074 K. Stella ave Kensington C774. STAND8, cabinets, etc.: big bargains. Phll delphla Printers' Supply. 14 fl, Bth st. SAFES, fireproof, closlns: out 60 slightly used, some with thin woll. 72 N. Fourrh si. BILLIARD, pool, comb'n. Id-hand, bought, sold. rent. etc. Keafer. 820 W, Olrard av. MACHINERY AND TOOL! MACH INERT ENGINES. Corliss Autcmatie, and Slide Valve. BOILERS. PUMPS, Holstln Engines. Gas and Gasoline Engines. MACHINE TOOLS, Lathes. Planes. Shapets, Drill Presses, etc, WOODWORKING Planers, Molders. Band Saws, etc. ELECTRIC, Machlntry. Dynamos and Motors. AND SUPPLIES OF ALL IUNDB FRANK OOO.MET, INC, 127-120 N, 8D ST. LARGEST STOCK IN PHILA. Machine tools, lathes, turrets, shaperrt, presses. milling machines, etc.; steam pump, heaters and air compressors: all sizes, for every duty; all machinery rebuilt and guar- Send for complete list of stock. HERMAN L. WINltKtK 013-53 N. FRONT ST.. PHILA.. PA. CONTENTS largo woodworking plant Joint- r. nlni.r. handsaws. 6. 7. 8. 0. 12 tn. four-side molders. Jig 'saws, New Britain chain mortises, noiiow cuisei moriises, uur lng machines, panel raisers, tenoning ma chines, auto planers, knife grinders, double BUrfoces. J NUTTALL. 1748 N. Bth st. One 200-H. P. Helno water tube, bult for 180 lbs. prosssure, buttt Btrapped, double riveted: 2.00x10 t. Coatesvllle H. R. T., L-O IDS, yrfBHUlOi uun. nuafyw, '' riveted. Seyfert'a, 437 N. 3d at. POWER-PLANT EQUIPMENT " Dynamos, motors, boilers, steam ana ell enR'nes. nunB. Blr comprcssora. rltAIMrv lyjyjjirji i.. ii ,-. wu p.. FOR SALE 1 Oreen engine for 80 II, P , IT by 80. 12-ft flywheel. 24-inch face. 12 ft. dla. Hamlll Spinning Co.. Church lane and Lena nt.. Germantown , ELECTRIC MOTORS MACHINE TOOLS O-BRIEN MACHINERY CO 110 N. 8D ST. 100 MACHINIBT vises irom xovernmem ale. J. fiuiiMJU. imp -." "" '. MACHINE shop open for contracts: duplies- tlO- in quaiiui'.'. . ..-,. "u.. .....o DYNAMOS, motors and machinery: we bur complete Plants. Tearsley Co.. 224 N. 8d. nv 2D-IIAND pipe cut and threaaoJ to sketchi large ouan. : an inr.. .iii.....v-v wwtm ton POWER presses, dlff. makes and sizes. irood run, order. J. Nuttall. 1748 N. Bth. ENGINES, boilers, pumps, tanks, smoke. stacks. M.J.Hunt. Beach & E. Columbia a BUSINESS OPPOBTTJNIXIES .STOP! LOOK! LISTEN! I havo Just completed another operation of stores adjoining the No. 3 Emergency Fleet Operation at 70th and Elmwood ave.. which contains a block of stores and a movlng-plcture theatre and has a neighborhood containing a population ot between 8000 and 10,000 people to draw from and who are local buyers. There Is a wonderful opportunity here or all lines of business, such as Grocery, Bakery, Drugs, Dry Goods, Shoe Store, Barber Cigar and Poolroom. Butcher, Hardware and, in .fact, any line of busi ness one would pare to undertake. Would suggest your inspection of the neighborhood, also a look at the business being done In the group of stores I have tinlshod and sold, opposite the No. 1 Emergency Fleet Housing Operation at 67th and Elmwood ave. This operation la completely sold out and several of the purchasers have al ready sold out at an enormous profit within six months ot their original ven ture. These stores are for sale only, and offer tne best opportunity of the year. DANIEL E.-lIOOAN. Builder A Owner, on premises, or O. PERCY FOX, 007 N. 40th st. Phone Preston 4005, MOTION-PICTURE HOUSE Splendid Opportunity and Invest ment; Best1 Paying Proposition in West Phila. I HAVE FOR SALF.-THIS HOUSE. WHICH AT l'US.i 1 BtlUWB A Clear Net Profit of $450 to $500 a Week Will do more. Will take 150.000 cash' ta swing. Bear most thorough Investigation. Owner has splendid reasons for selling. For Interview wnte 47, Ledger Branch, 017 W, Qlrard ave. PHILADELPHIA company, with 1 equipped manufacturing plant machinery, offers opportunity to young man taking an active -Interest, who can develop selling ability, for sales manager; Investment fSOOv. P 328, Ledger Office. OWNER, wishing to retire, will sell sub urban grocery and provision property, doing S35.00O yearly. 8 small dwellings: store. 0-rojm dwelling, S small dwellings, garage; In live town: 26O00, Wm, t. 11, Roberts & Bon. Olenslde. Pa. SPECIAL PARTNER wltb 15000 to $10,000 to finance a Boeclal commodity; will di vide profits, which are large; money on loan absolutely secured: nrospectiva nst profit tlOOO per week. O 70B. Ledger Offloe. SMALL GROCERY STORE la the , northeast section) stock, good will and fixtures, XBOO. MAKN. Q anl Allegheny ave. OOOD OPPORTUNITY Tor live party W s. cure motortruck agency; estab. galea iaal service ta.; Inq, confldenital, 0 708, Led,Ofv r VV ?:- : W -t .J' n (AT - y ' "" h' J If' J ifti, ..