Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 15, 1919, Night Extra Financial, Page 5, Image 5

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- - Ml
In Letter to Santa .Say Mother
Thinks Clothing Is
Greater Need
"P. 8. Our fntlicr 1m denil. so my
mother thinks wc don't iicetl dolls."
Mother thought thr-v ought to have
clothes, but Mary nntl Theresa took n
chance, nevertheless, nnd wrote Simla
Olaus about the dolls. Tliey thousht he
ought to know.
And the letter came to Mrs. M. W.
Ketchum, 30GR Frankford avenue, who
acknowledges that bIip is Santa Clans'
Wifo nnd helps to cnrry poiup nt his
frightfully heavy burdens at Christmas
time. And she finds it harder enrh
year to reach nil the little boys and
Rirls whoso implicit faith in beautiful
ideals ought mot to be broken.
The business of being Santa Clans,
gays Mrs. Ketchum, is n constantly
J rowing one and now that prices are m
ligh. it is -n real problem to try to give
the kiddies and the old folk, too.l for
tbey are much like the children in their
faith and disappointment the things
they need nnd the things they want.
''I don't know where T'll get n
Christmas from unless you help me,"
writes n mother of three childien,
whoso husband isMll.
Some of the families live in only
one room, five and six families in n
rooming house, nnd children are so
crowded together that it's not surpris
ing thnt Knntn Clnus cannot find them
But Mrs. Santn Claus 1ms a wny of
reaching thousands of them nnd she
has found 2000 dolls for 2000 children
nnd she is in great hopes that there will
he candy.
And then the Christmas baskets !
There must bo 800 bf them filled with
potatoes and cabbage and cereal and
bread nnd canned things. It's a big job.
"I just go about with a prnvcr on
my lips," says Mrs. Santn. "I have
to have faith that people will think as
T do. And we nro asking the school
children to brfng something for the
baskets, such ns n can of corn or pert
or tomatoes.
"Another thing is books nnd toys for
boys. Everything is so expensive this
year, I don't know jusj; how wc cn'n
get enough children's books. And the
poor people are worse off today thnn
they were when they were earning only
$12 n week."
It's the faith of Mrs. Santa Clnus
that will tec the woik through, .for she
b,8 a way of making other people see
lie hearts of the trusting joungstciM
and the "needing" families.
And when little rosy-cheeked Mar
garet dropped in to see Mrs. Ketchum
Rubber for the Family ,
Not to Be Duplicated Elsewhere
rJ& f:i
aw uiris
Kntlrtly Nut
Value $6,215
Sizes 3 years to 10
Rain Hat; $1.00
'Mall Orders rilled
Boys' Raincoats
15.00 Value
Made of English
Oantona; double
-texture; handsome
piaiu minis; miu- s
tary collar; tan and ,
olive shades. '
ff-.I O M!II i
ouya a uins
$1.75 & $5
flDecIal Trice on
Hoys' and Men's
Men's U. S. Government CCO
Hip Bootg. $12 value, nov i?D'ov
Men' and Women' $1A
Raincoat Special at I v
It It's Viub&er Wc Jlave It"
', v. m
gflK I
1 K'l '
TUL Boots
jtieip lor ivien . v.,
Buying Gifts for Women
Long experience has taught us just what women vill appreciate. The
amount he wishes to spend is all a man need decide questions of style and
appropriatenessihe may safely leave to us. Following are a few of the x
Hundreds of Timely Hints
Real lace collars, $6.50 to$25.00 '
Hand-embroidered Guimpes, .$2 to $9.50
Organdie and voile collar and cuff sets,
85c to $6.50.
Sacques of crepe de chine or albatross
(our make), $16,50 to $26.00
Philippine chemise, from $3.50 up
Philippine night gowns, from $4.00 up
Handkerchiefs linen, lace, mourning,
and glove handkerchiefs. Prices from
a few cents to many dollars each-Camels'-hair
couch throw's, $110.00
&4&lSwttlriV(AA4 SHVtuAWA rfukXuiv'-X'l, 4vV. V
Mrs. M. V. Ketchum
nnd told her she wanted n "doll with
long clothes" and a "stocking of
candy there was something irrcsist
Ihlo in her plea. You just could not
give Mnignret a pair of shoes nnd tell
her that she didn't need a doll.
The day before Christmas hundreds
of families and thousands f youngsters
will gather arond the Irnnkford acmic
house to see what tho kind old gentle
man has told his wife to give to them,
nnd if evcrj thins goes riglill all will be
satisfied mid happy and will go home
with a feeling thnt there is peace on
earth nnd good -will in the henrt of men.
Breakdown Ties Up P. R. R.
Traffic on the Penny lvnnln Hail
lond between lirny's Ferry and 1'ddj
stone was tied up for four hours jes
terday by the derailing of four cars
of n freight train nt Olcnolden. The
accident was caused by a loose wheel
on the forward truck of a tank car
and occurred at noon. ,
lililHIBWIIIIlBITIIlll HIM II W 111 Ml II 1 IfflrlMI
vm iii .mi
George Allen,
1214 Chestnut Street 1214
Extraordinary Pre-Christmas
Sale Fine Millinery
Your choice of over 600 Hats suitable for any occa
sion at marvelous price concessions. Make your selection
Many Smart Hats, $5, $6, $7, $10
Give Gloves for Xmas
Women's Capeskin Gloves, wool lined $4.00 pair; S. W.
cape lined $5.25 pair.
Wool Gloves for Womcrf and Children in strap wrist,
oxford and khaki Children's, $1.75 pair; Women's,
$2.00 pair. .
Children's Gloves in kid and mocha, silk lined and wool
lined $2.50 pair.
ilfflllfflHiNI WMAI III 11,1 1 lil;?.B 1,111 Ml mi I
recommend for Christmas presents
The Dickens Circle By J. W.T. LEY. Illustrated. $6.00.
A picture of literary England that is the delight of Dickens
Art and the Great War By ALBERT E. GALLATIN.
"Just the record thut has been needed." Royal Cortissos.
AVith 100 full-p&go plates, three of them in colors. $16.00.
The Little Flowers of St. Francis
Exquisitely illustrated. S15.00.
30 plates in colors after paintings by Eugene Burnand.
An ideal book to give to any one who loves a dog.
A Doff Day By WALTER EMANjLJEL. $1.00.
With deliciously amusing "Ih'reC'Color illustrations.
Mare Nostrum By VICENTE BLASCO IBANEZ. $1.90.
"Stands supreme in contemporary fiction." Netu York Times.
Conrad in Quest of His Youth
"One can read it again and again, alwnys with fresh satis
faction." The Man Who Understood Women
And Other Stories. $1.75.
The Sun declares it: "Leonard Merrick's best book."
AChincseWonderBookBy NORMAN H. PITMAN. $2.50.
Genuine Chinese tales illustrated in color by a Chinese artist.
These boola are obtainable, in any
All prlcen Rre net.
J'ostuge extra.
IT T if
Mosaic lunch napkins, $-15.00 a dozen
Mosaic pillow slips, $25.00 pair
Filet table sets scarfs and napkins,vup
to $200.00 the set
Filet lace table covers up to $175.00 each
Italian embroidered table sets, $50.00,
i $18.00, $52.00 the set
Infants' embroidered and hand - made
' dresses, $3.85 to $32.00
Eiderdown and silk afghans,' $2.75 to
$23.00 '
Rag dolls (our special), $15.00 and $16.50
1008 Chestnut Street
Killed When Auto Strikes Her
Carriage Sister Is Hurt
in Crash
Miss Ruth Keelcr. eighteen years old,
of llurllngton. N. .T.. is dead and her
sister, Mrs. Howftrd Woolman, is seri
ously injured today as the result of an
acrlilent which brought n Christmas
shopping trip to Philadelphia to a tragic
After n trip to the city Saturday
night they were driving to their home
when their carriage was , struck by an
automobile driven by William Ulshop.
of Florence, son of Harry Uishop. The
accident occurred in Uurlington.
When young Bishop saw the carriage
ahead he tried to avoid a collision and
wrecked his ear in the attempt, but
failed to avoid striking the vehicle.
When Miss Keelcr was taken from
the wreckage it was found that her skull
was fractured. She died soon nftcr she
was taken to a I'liilaucipma nospuai.
The Modern Method or
Painless Extraction of
One to 20 teeth extracted
Jimt the thln for nervous people
no 111 rffecte follow Its use.
S. E. Cor. 7th & Market St.
Formerly m alaff of prominent fTnapitM
liookslore or may be ordered from
681 Fifth Ar.
Xew York,
Mrs. Woolmnn was severely 5nt and
bruisied and is suffering from shock,
Doctor Grecnwald and Abraham Le
vin, chauffeur, were injured last night
when an ambulance from Alt. Sinai Hos
pital ran into a northbound Thirteenth
street trolley car at Jackson street.
No one In the car was injured, nl
though some of the pnsse-igers were'
knocked from their seats and a few of
the windows were broken.
William McKcnna, forty enrs old,
was killed yesterday in a fall while al ,
work repairing a hatchway on the
British steamship Winchester V,
A Most Remarkable Offer
The Brockway ton and a half, model S costs only
-$2 100.00. There is not another high grade truck
ofits class that even approximates this exceedingly
low figure. The famous Brockway standard of
excellence is built into every part of this truck. Its
remarkably low price is simply another anfl dis
tinctive triumph of Brockway's superior engineer
ing. Come and see it, you will save money.
Brockway Motor Truck Co. oPPhiladelphia
2324-26-28 Market Street
i1 - . i
AivcnTisr,Mr,xT ahvi.ktisemilnt
..Opinions on tho subject of Christinas gifts are divided into two classes,
those which approve the gift that is practical and useful and those which
favor the kind of gift that is just a bit extravagant something that we
wouldn't buy for ourselves. But no matter what the class in which your
opinion falls, you will find that you cannot spend your money to better
advantage than in the Chestnut Street Shops.
CHRISTMAS gift-baskets of
fruit! At tho store of Henry 1
R. Hallowrll & Son, Broad
Street below Chestnut, the fruits
surpass any they have had hereto-1
fore at Christmas time, and the j
hand-painted gift baskets, no .two j
lt1rM fmi.rt. 4-l.n wirlacf ftnnftrt tinifv I
unite, Kc ns- """" v,"-----,
for expression of individual taste.
There ore immense clusters of those
marvelously beautiful and delicious
TTnf.VimKo flrnnna from Belcrium.
each cluster weighing from one tcy
ish Almeria and California "Red Em
peror Grapes and large sweet
Oranges. They will be appreciated
by friends in town, as well as by
those living in other cities, where
Hallowell's.fruits are not obtainable.
Hallowell's name on a gift-basket of
fruit stamps it as the acme of per
fection. It is like the "sterling"
mark on silver.
ONE of the most useful things
that I've seen for some time is
a folding ironing board. .It has
an aluminum top and a sturdy frame
of wood. A padded cover, easily
slipped on, comes with it, and the
whole thing fits into a khaki bag".
It would make a most acceptable
gift for the friend who travels, or
the girl at boarding school or col
lege, or for the friend who lives in
an apartment, where all things must
be as compact as possible. The
ironing board and the three-pound
electric, iron with a removable
handle vould be an ideal combina
tion. The electric iron fits into a
small velvet bag and can easily be
carried in trunk or suitcase. You
I Will IIHU DUlli Llieai: diutics mo
store of J. Franklin Miller, 1G12
Chestnut Street.
UTHAT' is tlle Phonos'11 I
' I want," she said, and there
was decision in her tone. "I
have heard five talking machines,
but the New Edison is moro than a
mere machine. That is the voice of
Hempel herself," referring to the
re-creation which she had asked to
hear. The New Edison is the choice
of those who appreciate good music.
of those who realize that the chief
merit of a phonograph lies in its
power to reproduce exactly to re
create, as the New Edison does
the sound of the human voico or of
musical instruments. Don't fail to
hear it at the Steinway Warerooms,
1111 Chestnut'Stroet, before decid
ing 'upon the phonograph you will
purchase, and this is all the more
(important if the phonograph is to
j be a Christmas gift.
THE gift o,f jewelry appeals to
our love of beauty. It is the
i gift, which, at Christmas time
more .than at any other, expresses
J our 'regard for those nearest, and
dearest to us.. There is evidence of
this in the crowds which throng the
(store of Bailey, Banks & Biddle
i Company these days. And here I
must say a few words concerning
1 the advantages of shopping early in
the morning. One feature of the
i service which you may expect at
i Bailey's is the individual attention
of the salesman who attends to your
wishes. It is possible to give this
, attention much more effectively in
the morning, before the store be
I comes crowded, and then, too, you"
1 will have a much better opportunity
of viewing the wonderful collection
I of articles suitable for gifts.
FOUR-DN-HAND Scarfs come in for a great deal of consideration as
GiftsCat Christmas time. There is no G.ft Lhat a man appreciates
more than the kind of Neckwear he likes and none that he abhors
more than that which does not meet with approval. I have found out two
, things about the kinds of Scarfs men like, and so I am going to pass the
gooa newo on u you. yuanvy is most important, men use ues inai wear
well. A hand-knitted loomed scarf, for instance, which holds its -shape
indefinitely, is a good choice. Jacob Reed's Sons, 1424-20 Chestnut Street,
have them in plain colors, heather mixtures and stripes. Bright colored
Jacquard figured Scarfs and tho French Silks in Moire effects are also
good selections. The above store has n very good selection of Italian
hand-loomed Grenadine Scarfs, which arc not only unusual, but very
desirable from, a wear yiewpoint.
change, at Tioga street. He lived nt
Westvllle, N. ,T.
It. W. Holomnn, .'MKiO Market street,
an emplojc of the Pennsylvania nail
road, amis instantly killed by n train
last night while work In tho railroad
yards at Fifty-second street nnd Lnn
caster avenue.
1 Employes Want New Postotfice
Pnstoflice cmplojrs, in n communica
tion to the Central Labor T'nion yes
terday, declared tho present postolliee
building was unfit to work in and should
be replaced by a modern structure.
COMFOIIT, cheer and hygienic'
conditions are the chief factors
to be considered when it comes
to tho planning of a nursery. Given a
room where sunlight and fresh air
are frequent visitors, the next thing
to consider is the furniture. You
will be wise if you purchase it at tho
store of H. D. Dougherty & Co.,
1632 Chestnut Street, for they have
a department that is particularly
well stocked with "baby things."
There are cribs and bassinets and
kiddie-koops and wardrobes, both
round and square, and pretty little
blue and white chairs. You will find
at Dougherty's many attractive lit
tle articles which would make most
appropriate gifts for baby. There
are clothes-trees and hangers and
baskets, for which you can find so
many uses in the nursery.
ONE thing that wc have begun
to realize of recent years is
the wisdom of giving gifts that
arc useful. And it is possible for
a gift to possess both practicality
and beauty. 0 gift combines
these two qualities more effectively
than the Oriental rug. The won
derfully blended pastel colors in a
KermaiijShah, or the soft blue or
mulberry tones of the Chines rugs
mean a great deal in the furnishing
of a room. A beautiful Oriental rug
is truly a precious possession, and
it is a gift that gives pleasure not
only for a day or a month, but
thiough many years. Fritz & La
Rue, 1124 Chestnut Street, have a
mosjt complete stock of Oriental
rugs, and you will find them in sizes
to fit the floors of Philadelphia's
suburban houses.
CHRISTMAS is a most appropri
ate occasion for the presenta
tion of a diamond solitaire, and
if you are contemplating such a pur
chase you will find some very lovely
rings at the store of I. Press & Sons,
Eighth and Chestnut Streets, 1017
Market Streot and 900 Market
Street. One that I saw was of
platinum. The diamond was sur
rounded by a lacy filigree work,
which adds much to the beauty of
the ring. There are diamonds set in
gold, too, for those who prefer that
the engagement ring match the tra
ditional gold wecTding rings and
there are rings, also, of white gold.
It is possible, now, you know, to
have your diamond solitaire set In
various new and interesting ways,
and you will be delighted with the
rings nt the Press stores.
I STOPPED to look in the window
at the store of Frank J. Curry,
812 Chestnut Street, and noted
a sign bearing the legend, "Gifts' for
Every One," Once inside, I discov- L
cruu uiai inu ai&u uau niauc mi ,vuiu
claim, for the store is just filled with
articles that held, each one, a gift
suggestion. There ware cameras
and photograph albums and if you
have never owned a photograph
album you cannot imagine what a
source of pleasure a collection of
snapshots really is framed pic
tures by Nutting, Davidson and
Thompson, boxed stationery,' many
articles of leather, including wal
lets, brief-cases and writing-cases,
and as for Christmas cards well, I
think Curry's is the most wonderful
collection 1 have ever seen.
DECEMBER 15, 1919
traiuhrtb-gie 8c ClotJfti?r
Christmas Music
by the Chorus
' at 9:30 A. M.
2. Sing, O Heavens,
Hcrlhold Tours
'P.ibloau Vrophecv
2. The First Christmas,
Gcrrit Smith
Tableau- Tho Annunciation
'. The Shepherds' Story,
Clarence Dickinson
Tableau Tho ShrphcrriB
i. Wo Have Seen His Star in
the East, Ralph Kinder
Tableau Tho MhrI
C. Slumber Song of the Infant
.Icsus-, '. A. Getacrt
TUbleau Tho Miuikpi
G. Hallelujah Chorus from
"Thu Messiah,"
Frederic Handel
TablcRU-rThe New Day
Incidental Solos
Elsie Lyons Cook Soprano
John Owens Tenor
John W. Vandcrsloot llass
William S. Thunder,
al the Piano
Printed Silks
For 1920 Here '
terns as rambling and unre
strained as one could imagine, or
as prim nnd precise as the quaint
est of old prints, showing quite
n sprinkling of light grounds with
dark figures $4.50 to .$5.00.
Satins nnd soft Radium taffetas
several lovely patterns, 40
inches wide, $5.50 to .$7.00.
LARD SILKS, patterns suitable
for linincs nnd dresses $3.00 to
GETTE, in the newest white and
colored printings. 40 inches wide.
OTHERS. MiMwhr tlit S. riolhlr
Alsla 0, Cenlre
Consult These Prices
for the Christmas
You will find them unusual
less than wo ask regularly, in
fact. They are just as wholesome
and as delicious as ever only
unusual' merchandising is respon
sibleatythe savings:
Toasted Cocoanut Nut Rolls
70c 11).
Rich Chocolate Nonpareils
GOc lb.
Chocolate-covered Almonds
80c lb.
Chocolate Notigatincs 70c lb.
Candy Toys, of pare sugar
GOc lb.
AND FAVORS should be se
lected while our extensive collec
tion is at its best. Prices aver
age f lorn 2c to $7.50.
Straubrdee &. riolhlr llnsemn
, l npK
Nearly 200 Women's Fine Dresses.
One-Third to One-Half Under Price
Some arc new Dresses just purchased at special prices, others are Dresses from
our regular stock marked for immediate disposal. They include AFTERNOON
DRESSES of tricolette, Paulette, Sylvanette, crepe Georgette and crepe meteor com
binations, satin, crepe Georgette and taffeta, made in blouse, tunic, straight-line and
draped styles, elaborately beaded and embroidered. Also DANCE FROCKS of soft
taffeta and metal brocaded taffeta, in pastel shades, cherry, white and black, some in
two-tone effects double skirts and draped models, one model finished with wide irosp
quillings. Prices .$47.50 and $57:50. ,
Smart Serge Dresses, Special at $23.75
In all fashionable dark shades; made with .stylish little fi co-swinging side peplums, and trimmed
with braid and bone buttons. Some with squaic collarlcss neckline, others with shawl collai.
- b i-wh'ldg-. . C'olhler second floor, Jarkt Street
You Can Buy
MEN'S Fine Shirts
I Here for Only $2.00
And there's a wonderful variety
to select from.
Of various excellent shirting
Carefully made throughout
with soft cuffs and neckband 01
, staiched cuffs with neckband.
Also of outing flannel and white
i striped poplin, . with collar at
I tached.
I Equal money cannot .secure bet
ter Value - i-hrilP.o rintMer -1'ani
sum T3clitb tftre-l
In the Basement
Are Many Gifts
MEN Appreciate
Shoe-polishing cases.
! good, serviceable ones, mado of
, oak, with caipet or leatherette
I top's $3.00 to 50.C0.
! pearl handle 75c to ?6.00.
I SAFETY RAZORS, all the pop
ular makes $1.00 to $10.00.
Straight Razors, at 76c to $3.00.
PIPES, of Ftcnch briar, 50c to
S2.00. In cases, at $1.75 to $6.00,
very atti active plated ones, at
i $1,25 to $3.00. Leather Cases, 50c
i to $1.00.
t . HUMIDORS, mahogany, some
glnss-lined $6 00 to $13.00
Aim Avili T I' II VM KmitVlnn
Stands, Smoking hots, nnd the
like, in wide variety, and at mod
crate prices. Slra.ir'(lKe Clothier
Payment I
$l0mmmm MW n ' " fc A
Santa Claus is as Wise
as He is Jolly and Kind
He sees eight very busy days ahead of him, and he
knows there are thousands of his very best friends and
helpers whose intentions are the best in the world, but
who do not seem to realize how short the time is for
Christmas preparations. And so he advises these good
friends and lovers of little children to
Come to the Toy Store
To-morrow", while the collection of Toys and Dolls is
practically as varied as ever. And if any children for
whose happiness you are responsible have not yet met
Santa Claus, why not plan this delightful experience for
them to-morrow .'
Boys' Serviceable
Blouse Waists
At S1.00 Blouse Waists with
soft attached collar. Of white
ground percale striped in pretty
patterns; also of madras in dark
giounds with woven stripes.
At S1.25 Blouse Waists of
fancy-striped madras with neck
band. Of all-white madras and
cheviot with neck-band or collar
attached. , .
At S1.65 Boys' Blouses of
fancy woven-stripe madras with
turn-back cuffs and separate col
lar. Also, of fine white mercer
ized pongee with attached or scp
arato collar.
At $2.00 Of very fine woven
stripe madras and all-white
checked madras, with tuin-bacl;
cuffs and attached collar with
button-down points.
At S2.25 Of woven - stripe
crepe madras with fibie silk
stripes; attached or separate col
lar. Sranuriluo C'lothlor-Hpi-Ond
riooi, Vnn
The Sale of Boys'
Mackinaws at
All sizes fiom 7 to 18 yjara
and a most extensive selection of
patterns are still available in
this great undcr-price collection.
Warm, svrait-looking Coats that
anv boy will be proud of now
Give Him a Haincoat
Of black rubbei $B.G0.
Tan rubberised- -$S.50.
Sires 6 to 1G years.
tHrawhrldrn l'lotlilr
SouoihI Vlpor filbert Street, Hast
Strawbridse A- Clothier Fourth Floor
The Gift Superb j
Scaifs, Muffs and Matched Sets
are being selected every day here i
from such a collection as one sel- '
dom sees, and it is a real pleasure '
to watch the evident satisfaction 1
in these selections. Many of the
most beautiful pieces are in singlo
exrlushe styles not duplicated.
Strawbrldue Clothier
8 cond rioor Filbert Street
Women's Coats
Now Reduced
A clearance of Winter Coats,
from our own stocks, consisting
of discontinued lines and broken
.sizes. However, there is a good
lange of sizes in the lot, which
includes Coats of the fashionable
plain and silvertone velours, many
lined thioughout and some with
deep collars of plush now $20.00
rHraiv&r'dEB tluthler -Second
rioor Centre
Gossard Corsets
Give Smooth-fitting
Youthful Figure Lines
The easy adjustment of Gos
.sard Front-lacing Corsets appeals
to a host of women. The smooth.
fitting back, the modish lines'
connvend them to women who
pride themselves on being well
groomed. .Models designed fat
young .. girlsj slender women,
those of average figure arid very
stout women. Fabrics include
pink or white, plain or brocade
materials, also satins $3.50 tp
SirawbrdKH C'ldlhler
Third Tlour MsrKci Htret WmI
A .. tr
' X,'