0 r v. S 1DYBNIN& XUULXC LEDGJEK PHIL.VlIiLl?HIA, 3IQ.OTAY. BJjJC&aJBEB IB, 1919 k T I. i Itf !" I1 I a; J , - iL-i i I,, ' ii ' ' ' inm ! I I I I I I I 1 I ui i .1' ALBRECHT APPEALS FOR WATERWAYS I mltted fact that tho railrouda and the ' highways combined arc not adequate to ' meet the demands of distribution. "It is apparent that Increased faclll- I Ilea of transportation to meet the ever- 1 enlarging demand of dlitrlbutlon cm ho provided only through tho Improve ment and utlllratlon of our water- vnjs." NO LOYALTY PLEDGE N SCHOOLS OF CITY lourse Head Declares Improve-. ' Tnc CP on l0 Corner , Thorough Course in Civics Makos This Unnecessary, Dr. Garbor Contends ment Is Only Means of End in Transportation Jam URGES MORE CO-OPERATION Solution ot the transportation ron geitlon will b? riict by improved wattr 'vayc in tin opinion of Tmil P. M brecht, head ot the ThilrtdelphH Bourse. Mr. Albrerht rcerntlv returned from a, meeting of the National RirrM and Harbors Congress In Washington He said the railroads and highwavs nre unable to nifct the problem1! of tllq tributlon and the sooner that the rraterwms arc utilised the better It will be for the commercial and indus trial conditions of the rountn "The industrial fabrir of tin- country depend unon production and distribu tion. While these two factors mi) vary 'from time to time ns th demand In creases or diminishes, still the contin ued jjrottth of the countrv rroatc tin erer-inereaslng demand upon the frwill t!cs of both production and distribution At this particular juncture thcie U a dearth of both "Kconomista nre reiterating the neoil of greater production, thereby the sup ply may be augmented and the rout of living reduced, rrom miny sections come complnjnts of inadequate facili ties of transportation bj rail "Distribution may onlv bi actopi plished through the facilities of trans portation These .igencieH nic the waterwa', tho railways and the high rays. While the Kiern and llarlior. Congrefs is committed primarily to the promotion of transportation bj water II can best effectuate its purpose through a friendly co operation, both with the railways nnd the highwnjs. We would b.ne tho public deal fairly' wun me owners ot mo ruuroius unu their securities "While they should be compelled to render equnlity of service without dis crimination against any shipper or -or tlon. they should receive a menus yielding a fair return upon investment We observo with gratification tho nation-wide nctivlty in the construction of improved highways by the states and local agencies, and we anticipate co operation with the federal government In the construction of nntional high ways connecting the teveral states and sections. "But at the same time it Is an ad ffQOMD' dlsperaf chorac-t'rs, 311 say." observes Maggie as she lnr down th' even'ng paper. "Mcanln' which," J, inquires "Thim rough-neck politicians, savn she "Listen, Mike, It says in th' headlines' Gang Counc'lmln t Cripple Moore, 'n' Vnre Slaps th' Mayor-elect Tell me, Mike, do they mean th' man bodily harm?" "Not iicclssarly," say J. "'tis a mere Jigger o' Kpcech t expo0 the double dealin's o' th' inlmlcs good governmint. Jus' Hi' same, Maggie, th' hymn o' hate belli' liumm'd be th l'mroso 'n' A'nre factions is terrible mag-lignant. Only th' other day, Harry Thrainer, n I'ln rose stal-wart, jus' excap'd bcin' sthruek be u fnllln' brick ueir 4th nn' South. He's conwiue'd 'twas the doin'f, o' a Controc'r hlrelln' "Thin Hurry Mack'y, pecrius leader o' th' lOth ward, has throw'd a dcfi into tb' rants o th' Indeplnd'nts out there owin' t' th' fact he found nn arsenic tablet in th' bottom o' bis soup platu. "Mc friend, Bob Greer, high ae iu th' IStk ward, which is riihtoun, also suspects n political thrick In th' clr-cum-stanc's of him sittin' dov,n on a fresh pulnt'd binch in Pcnn Ticaty Park Oscar Noll, who repris'nts Tin-ro-i in th' J!7tli ward likewise is huntm' th' Vare mistro'ut who heaved .1 cold storage tgg in his glnernl dt lcctlon while he was puiecfully pro rccdin' along Germantown road " '"lhis d(vcs-tatiu' feud ou speak of throws light on (omethin 1 heard fr'm th' F.lfth ward " ppeaks up Mag gie "As 'twas pasted along t' me it seems two fiog holler statcsuiln waited behind a barrel in Little Dock s-trcet f'r u votir they lntendel murdherln' 'twas th' Intcnd'd Mc.im's habit, yc miderstuu't. t' pass that point regular Afther wnitm fi oer tin hour Hi' gint ut th' blackjack sajs t' th' one wit th' double bnrr'ld shotgun, 'Great bcott. Petc'v, dou't think Huvtliln' huppeu'U to' th' poor feller 1 ju " ' DR. A. J. GERSON CONCURS The public schools of this city nre providing a backgiound for loynlt to American Institutions and a compulsory pledge of lovaltj from the pupils is hnrdlv nccesarj This was the ieiv epresncd today by Dr. John P Garter, superintendent ot schools, in commenting on a report that tbo New York Board of Education is considering a plan to withhold diplo mas fiom high school pupils unless they KUNKEL'SACOAL The finest quality coal, plus unexcelled scrvlc- Bells Kunkel'a mid has built up tho largest In dependent ooal bui'ness In West Philadelphia without a salesman 51st & Grays 63d & Market sign a pledge of loyalty to tho govern ment. "We hope n pledge would not bo necessary in this clt," said Doctor Garber. "Wo have n very thorough course in civics. That courso furnishes the backgiound for lojalty to the gov ernment and American institutions. "Anjbody going through out course here ought to he a thorough Ameri can, It might bo n question just how much worth n compulsory pledgo would bae.' Dr. Armand .T Gcrson, supervising principal of the William Penn High School, and said to bo "slated" for associate superintendent of schools, con curred in Doctor flurbcr's views. "I nra n much firmer believer in proper Instruction than in compulsory pledges. Doctor Gerson stated. Ddwin Wolf, president of thn Board of Education, was noncommittal on the subject. Uo said If tho question of a loyalty pledg came before tho JJoird ot Education ho would state his opinion to the board. HEADS COUNTRY CLUB E. Clarence Miller Elected President of Old York Road Body E, Clarence Miller, of Melrose Tarki was re-elected president of the Old York Ilond Couutry Club on Satur day night. Tho meeting was held in tho clubhouse at Jcnkintown. Other officers Included : Vico presi dents, Frank Schoble and M. D. Ilobln son', secretary, John K, Bobcrtss treas urer, Charles MacGudln. rive members were elected to tho board of governors. The club has a membership of nenrly (100 well-known I'hlladelphians. Cuticura Soap Is Ideal for The Complexion fop,Otatit.Tfc)ffTmi ?8a iwrrwbjrn rwiisDt Give your file clerk a course in filing 11LING BOOK IREb Sfnd for 54-pir book 'Tiling s a profession lor women" which shows the benefits of study in this important subject Send one of your bright girls to our ichooI. Let us teach her the science of filing the fundamental principles which underlie all filing systems day and even ing classes. An Al file calls for an Al file clerk. Give your file clerk the opportunity to enlarge her filing education and you will be rewarded by more efficient service PHILADELPHIA SCHOOL OF FILING 910 Chestnut Street (Dopt. C) Telephone Filbert 4436 Owned and managed by Library Bureau i Charge Accounts Solicited Mail Orders Accepted tnrr ' gfrfcur TJtU rflrri P3 EEESE2 IhlSBSSEESSSa TRY THIS For flnv on sou love or 1 ke a beautiful bottle of our Gardnla Toilet Water. H and 11.65 Or a "creation" in French perfume from ffi to J3fl Ther till la a, wide cho!c left, but dlscrlmtn&t lnx folk never alt until the last minuto LLEWELLYN'S PhUadVlphlu'A Ktanilard Drue More 1518 Chestnut Street orvs KVEity kvkmng n'umMknHi'issazz st PHILADELPHIA'S ONE BIG "PET SHOP" Till ISOT MAKE THI5 CHRISTMAS t LIVE ONT AND SEPiO "lfR' CANARY BIRD & CAGE re of en a COMPLETE OUTFIT For $10.00 de Shtpmont Anytrhtr -.110 Olhe- "Flit" Suitable for Ciju Suburban 1 rea Dtlivtry n ovr rmcts Ann SEstttir Bl TODAY DEUnrt -VCHEM VOU SAT CUGLEY & MULLEN CO.y.MlU,. LARGESf EXCLUSIVE CREDIT JEWELRY HOUSE IN PlllLA. Usfe as M mrnSr. sS& Tomorrow i Don't Hesitate Come in Mako jour selection from our inexhaustible stock of the finest Jewelry in Philadelphia. All you need do is to pay a 6mall sum at the beginning and then begin payments after January 1st. Re member, ic give you immediate possession no red tape. Come In tomorrow. your Honey Refunded If You Can Bun Cheaper for Cash Credit to All Honest Folks rum uad diamond itt- (inr K Si' P 1 I ir7rc ii-Vt. uli. Cure whlt perfect dl. 37.50 mri&M turn, J 100 dt- 2 lriis. I aio.40 IE Hft GGLtfi I ELGIN CS.ITE SCARP PINS too dmitdi M.&o Cp Elgin Oe Line watches to tar Gold Flllr f i -jewel jutted. in in AbftolDtALr SOe week model rnsranteri aa1 Open Evenings rertect too per nUt li U cld mocnUnr. BO. rek .. Vox whll perli dlfunsad. 1 - K noantlnx. f3A val oe. SO $27.6' Vanrr HUna Hints, lilt A sort .BO . up ment 8Unet Hints. JW I'mtterne, g.sS up A rjp ELGIN WATCH JLADl'S ELOLN VTUIST TTATCB UVt. cold-flllwl 0-7Mr ease. Excel, lent time keeper nd fuHjoQ tin naranteed. B0 a week a.vu VCaSg&tZtl neanttfnl eetUar. rerxect dUme&o. Ilandsem fUlrree raeantiBs; fQC,s0 BOsk week. ' 2-etoae Uyper. pure white Perfect i'lv. saenda. fsiir sealer iIbss, week... Broodies, Knives, Scarf Pins, Watches, Cuff Buttons, Bracelets, Toilet Sets, Finger Rings, Toilet Sets, Clocks LARGEST EXCLUSIVE CREDIT JEWbLRY HOUSb IN fHlLA. mms.ca ,$& 39 N. ISmSr. SSk MS 1115 CHESTNUT ST. (OPPOSITE KEITH'S) Farmers and Trappers cue invited to bring " us their Rate Skins. We buy them for Cash! isfi5wilif wvlffSSMSn&Wy $ mm ylff I M WW 1 jl L I UllM'ft.TLV - " ' . il ill 1W4 P nkX!n"imet Auslra-' - iLJi). Han Seal Coal, Wrap, y:. '-'MMKsr-- Trimmed Hudson Seal Coat, fSOS.OO Marmot Coal, $110.00 ISJpHllli'' mm Direct la We Sell Fire for nufacturers o o o If there ia one good reason why you should come here for your Furs it should be for the very substantial one of "saving money," while at the same time you guar antee to yourself the utmost in quality. Being Direct Manufacturers of Furs, we arc enabled to sell for less. We elim inate the middleman and save the profits that would otherwise go to him we pass these advantages on to you! Well Reserve Your Purchase on Payment of a Small Deposit wait Australian Seal tftV110.00 model, full furred skins. Natural Muskrat J145.00 skins, well matched. Hudson Seal Coats .$17Q (Xfl Wrap effect- ' &OV in sports length, fine skins. Natural Squirrel cs$,d245.00 model. Fine dark blue skins. Trimmed Hudson 1sJ295.00 Largo shawl collar and cuffs of Beaver or Natural Squirrel. Muffs Hudson Seal.. $14.50 ncaer 21.50 Skunk 29.50 Moleskin .... 35.00 Squirrel 39.50 Scarfs Wolf (all col ors) $1G.50 Taupo Nutria. 22.50 Brown Fox... 24.50 1iupc Fox... 24.50 Beavor 21.50 Moleskin .... 35.00 tjit snma Special Tomorrow Only! 32 Fox and Wolf Sets mmm Large Animal Scarf and Muff trimmed with Head and Tail, Taupe, Brown, Kamchatka and Black. mmmmEmmmammmMmmmmmti Taupe Nutria CV?275.00 quarter length models. Finest qunlity skins. Natural Beaver cs7t-d475.00 model. Made of finest matched skins. Trimmed Hudson Seal Coats and EST. 1550 .00 imported models. Con trasting collars and cuffs. Dolmans 650,00 Beautiful model. Perfectly matched pelts. Baby Caracul WZJ675.00 curled skins. Kolinsky collar and cuffs. We Accept Liberty Bonds and Purchasing Agents' Orders ! gfcj When the Packages Are Opened Christmas Morning thousands of people, big and little, will be made happy by the presents which were purchased at Darlington's. IJANDKERCHIEFS Wo have been told many times that for variety and value wo havo tho best Hand kerchiefs in town and will sell this month nearly 100,000 Handkorchiefs for gifts rang ing in price from 25e to $50.00. If ypu havo not already pur chased yours, get them tomor row Ccrtnin lines aro suro to bo sold out before Christmas Eve. SILK HOSIERY McCallum and other good makes men's and women's. For men, $1.00 to $3.50; for women, $2.25 to $0.50. NECKWEAR In addition to our very com plete line of Women's Ncck woar wo have added for the Holiday time n handsome as sortment of Mon's Scarfs. This Section can solve many gift problems. TOILET GOODS French Perfumes and Bou doir Accessories. But wo cannot enumerate all ot tho gift suggestions there is somothing of interest in overy department. Visit every floor. 5?y LINENS Handsome Mosaic and Ma deira Fancy Linens, Real Linen Damask Cloths and Napkins, Oil Cloth Sets and many other novelties. SEWING NOVELTIES Scissors in neat leather cases, Needle Books, Sowing Sets and many other practical and inex pensive things will bo found in the Notion Department. LEATHER GOODS Men's Wallets, Traveling Bags, Suit Cases, Hand Bng3 of all kinds, including tho beautiful Beaded and Duvetyne Bags; hero also nro Fans, French Novelties, Objets d'Art and many other things for which this store has longvbcen famous. UMBRELLAS Let us hope it won't bo a rainy Christmas, but neverthe less a fino Umbrella is always a welcome present Wo havo been many months getting our collection together and havo an unusually fine assortment of linndsomo handles. Women's Silk Umbrellas $0.00 to $22.50 ; Men's Umbrellas $5.00 to $20.00; Children's Um brellas $3.25 to $8.50. GLOVES For more than half a century wo have been one of Philadel phia's largest distributors of tho famous Trofousao French Gloves, and wo havo an amplo stock now. Also Lined Gloves, Fabric Gloves and all other ' styles men's, women's, chil dren's. SILK UNDERWEAR Prices range from $3.25 for Vesta to $6.00 for Combination Suits; Bloomers aro $4.00, $1.50 nnd $5.50. SWEATERS Women's Woolen and Silk Sweaters Mufflers, Scarfs in wonderful variety and at a wido rango of prices. ttfcli Our Most Popular Models in Silk Lingerie $8. .jNjSiUWij x imSPm&timZmnih ifnw mwimiM $1375 Crepe de Chine Gowns, lace trimmed, some with touches of hand embroidery, others in the smart tailored, sleeveless style $6.95, $7.50 and up to $14.50. Crepe de Chine Envelope Chemise-, lace trimmed, finished with rose buds and ribbons, or the more conservative tailored styles $3.50, $3.75, $3.95 and un to $11.50. . Washable Satin Bloomers, heavy quality, cut full and reinforced, straight or pointed ruffles $3.50, $5.00 and $7.50. Camisoles in washable satin or crepe de chine, wide assortment of styles $1 25 $1.50, $1.95 and up to $4.50. ' ' French Hand-made Lingerie Gowns $31.50, $45.50, and up to $70.00. Envelope Chemise $ 19.50, $30.50 and up to $75.00. Straight Chemiso $12.95, $18.00, $24.75 and $32.50. Drawers $16.25, $19.50, $22.50, $28.50. French Crepo do Chino Hand-Mado Gowns $30.00. French Crcpo do Chino Combinations, trimmed with not and ribbons $43.50. French Hand - Made' Lace Slip for evening gown, an ex quisite garment $95.00. Popular Philippine Lingerie Many very attractive models of Night Gowns and Chemise at $3.50, $4.25, $4.50 and up to $8.95. Sets to match of Gown and Chemiso can be made up attractively boxed theso Sets mako a wonderfully handsome present. . .. SECOND FLOOTt American-made Nainsook Gowns Trimmed with lace and. rib bon; prices are $2.50, $3.00, $3.50 and up to $7.50, Smart Voile Lingerie Chic, yet serviceable made of soft, fino voile in pink, French bluo nnd orchid; Gowna $5.95; Chemise $3.96. Furniture Gift Room If you arc planning to make some one happy with a handsome piece of Furniture or Lamp, this is the place to get it. We specialize on DISTINCTIVE ODD PIECES OF FURNITURE Tea Wagons, Tilt-Top Tables, Sofas, Easy Chairs, Writing Desks, Fernerie3, Mirrors, Four-Post Bedsteads and the like. Furniture orders should be placed at once, so there may b'e ample time for delivery, FOURTH FLOOR New Silks Printed Foulards Which Are Particularly Appro priate for Christmas Gifts Firm, serviceable weaves and tho most popular color ings, designs which aro con servative and designs which aro ultra and extreme. Price $3.50 yard for the 36 inch width and $3.75 for tho 40 inch. Wo alkali be glad to give any help wanted as to quantities required for gar ments and see that the pur chase is appropriately boxed. FIRST FLOOR For Little Folks In the "Baby's Corner" you can find just the suitable pres ent you aro looking fordolls and novelties or apparel for -tiny tots, for girls up to G and for boys up to 8 and 10. SECOND FLOOR yi '..I $ i . i I 5 J