J fi o Tj to LA fe " htf bl i im m tH ft. fja. w I'm. H WAWESB Don't Sell Your Diamonds On lour Ultimate. We buy from all Urge tHDalara 4anft4mAr,t Mtnrea and Individuals Established over BO yearn. Diamonds, ;jw t, slry, brtc-a-brac, old gold and silver, f r paying the Increased price for diamonds. LICE CO TIB WALNUT ST. Estab. 1803 I. CAST-OFF CLOTHINO Ladles' clothes (rpclaltvl gentlemen's, children's olothlnir nf shoes all kinds bought: highest prices: auto service: we call anywhere, any tlms Pll, Mkt.244A W or call If. Stsrn,887 N. th. OLD CLOTHING BOUGHT My Brlew beat them all. Trr me before any one Im Write or phone Filbert B27K W. M, 8MON. 241 N, Bth at. FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD CIOODS. highest prion raid for part or entire households ret our estimate. Harry H Klnger. BOO N. 2d st Dell phone. Market f. 3024. Evenings and Sunday call Poplar 12"", Otb clothing 'bought, ladles', gentlemen's suns, overcoats, snoe, niii wo vr .- per cent more than others) send postal, ,call or phono Dickinson 01BB! we call cllr, coun try, day, eve. Friedman Ilros.. 1444 South st. ANTIQUES Furniture carpets, beds, bed ding, household iroods. etc., wanted, high, est cash prices paid, cltv or country Wiener Furniture Co.. moln office. M7 Walnut t. Phone Walnut 1088. WE WANT, at once, household furniture: t store fixtures, office furniture: pay spc Jtsh: honest value: phone us about It Locust 214. Old Church cor 12tn and Cherry sts CARPETS, furniture, entire households i wanted; will pay you your own price Call ' us. The Roufhwark rurnlture Co 530 S , ..18th st Phone Dickinson 120.1 r ANTIQUE furniture, old china, old Jewelry, add. sliver, false teeth, diamonds "An- tlnues," His Chestnut Phone Walnut .7020. tlltOKITN Jewelry antiques, pistols coins: coin book vlth prices I nay mailed 5c J H Tloss (People's Store). 200 S lllh Wal 44M Ur ANTE D Two dump bodies for" Autocar truck: state condition, price and location f ftOl. Ledger Office WRNITUHE, carpets needed badly highest prices paid 204S nidge ne Poplar HfUl SECOND-HAND clothing, shoes, etc.: send postal SNEIDMAN tIM roplar j!t BUSINESa PERSONALS BUT HEIl A HEAL XMAS VRESKT a "NEW HOME" Sewing Machine Time payments All makes repaired FRED A. BROWN 203 W Allegheny p Thone Kn PM DIAMONDS BOUGHT Foltlvely hlehet caah prices for vmi mon. any slz frftp. U to 10 earatm non I vj nf i maw u.u Kuiu, u.Biinum ana illvt)f xuuiuti fc-"iira vuutiil ".Vlivjue;, &MI, 10 YTW TheDiamondShop,",'., ' DIAMONDS PAWN TICKETS ItOUOHT FltOJt PRIVATE; PEOPLE TRAS TSACTIONrt CONFIDENTIAL FULL VALUSI PAID COtXNIAL TKUBT tIANIC BLDO.. 13TII AND MARKET HOOM 211 HOims. 11 30 A M TO 4 .10 P M DIAMONDS BOUGHT ANT SIZE PHICE NO Oltlror Pawn Tickets for Diamonds Bought KELLY & CO 1132 CHESTNUT ST Suite. 21-22, Over Chllds' Restaurant. Trlvate i NOTOINO nETTER than a pair of kryptok ' "bifocals or torlo lenses for Christmas op tlcal work while ioi wait, or phono Dickin son 823 wo call for work and deliver promptly. It W Bums & Son, ions Federal WANTED Composers of verse or music lo write me at once, brilliant opportunity for good talent Address Iturrell Van Buren, D3 ' and Opera House. Chicago DIAMONDS BOUGHT t HAnltY W. SMITH. 717 HANSOM ST. UNIFORM overcoats changed Into civilian .stjlo very reasonable also dyed Stanley Tailoring Co 10 S 17th st basement '"JJ'?' ,h.nd sprl" Oardan sts McT Mchol Paving and Construction Co.. 1023 iiiijigiuiu treatment & manicuring Tloem IPS Heed Tlldg 121H Filbert it" He "S CELESTE LA TELLE, facial scalp treat-! 10 a. m to 0 p. m closed Hun 80,'. S 11th ASHES removed from cellars, cars of coal unloaded. S18 Buttonwood st Market 4421 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES iPABLE man wanted to handle salesm In Pennsylvania state to orsanlie the d Ibutlon ol electric speelaltv mnrMn- ., CAPABLE man wanted to handle salesmen .Jj1 Pennsylvania state to orgranlie the dls. trlbutlon ot electrlo specialty machine, sue- esssfully marketed and In rrowlnr demand, through Philadelphia sales ortlce man with Selllnc experience to delicatessen and ro-1 eery line preferred salary to start J3000, I with bonus inestment of I5OO0 required!. III answerljiff state experience Address ( 101 Ledger Office A CIVIL, and mechanical engineer of long lexrerlence In responsible chares of an extensive work, is available for appraise ment, examination and report on physical condition of plants or constructive work or any service requiring engineering experience. P 807. ledger Office OVERSEER, of dyeing and bleaching wented uj . i-kh t-onveni muse navs good execu- i Jive ability and a thorough knowledge of l uj-cntB iim vicntriuiir conon SKeins: good salary to tho right man, Address M 821. ledger Office WILL BELL at reasonable, price; profitable business In machine-shop line, Including finished and unfinished parts, patterns tools printed matter etc . first-class article: good demand: unfilled orders with the business P 234 Ledger Oflce PHILADELPHIA company with 1 equipped manufacturing plant mschlnery, orera eqiportunlty to young man taking an active fnttrest who can dev-lop selling ability for ales manager. Investment $MH0. P sj2. j-eqger utnee. MANUFACTURERS 7 ant patented articles in brass or Iron ulth eoort selling nnnslMlt ties or articles that are already on market will manufacture on royaltv basis or buy outright: no experiments desired Write Siring full particulars P 2311 Ledger Office "?.."? ,.r,"lJi'1 n our mining oper- fiiuns i mbuikiiu a -very oeHuuiu ana tiihU iM.rr,.n mn-v,- -.-..i - 1.1 .., ,jj" , wouia consider! subleasing our rights to responsible party, wfto would operate It M 020 Ledger Off TOUriXJ business executive in office In fac tory management will lneBt moderate capital and his services In a permanent, profitable business onH flrst-clas proposl tlon cortsldered P 221 Idrer Office. BENTAL OFFICE 'equipped and well Walnut and mth sti Address Rll, Medlca, larae practice, fully fumUhed. located at reasons onllntervlew Arts Building PHINTING Birr Toun Christmas cards earlt Make Tour Selection From 200 Designs Price SOo to II 00 Per Dozen Printed THE CARD SHOP. 02(1 Chestnut st Phlla STAMPS AND C0IN3 BTAMPS, packets, dime sbts Albums and supplies for stamp oollectsr. PHII.A. 8TAMF CO 21 S. 1t5 tl BOOMS FOR BENT CHESTNUT ST 1024 -Attractive suite. 2 rooms and bath unfurnished newly reno- Vated: electrlo lights MARKET ST S IV .'OB, 22D Well heated furnished rooms for gentlemen PINE 1R32 , Clean, beautifully furnished rooms ftPRUCE HT 2022 Two nicely furnished rooms; with bath open fireplace, southern aposure, gentlemen only. BPRUCB 'ST 1012 Ilolmehurst. 2 large j-jns. ana osin siigie or communicating, pesu turn . south enn efec it , phones. J2TH ST., N , 5(118, I.OOAN- Nicely fur nisneq room on xnirn noor. next to hath. , 18T1T. n mnun 139-141 Modern, up-to-date furnished rooms electric throughout hot-water heat; dally and -weekly rates; convenient to stations good aecommo- .datlons for traveling people 10TH. N 1401 Two rooms, furn house". keeping 7.50 up single rooms 12 50 up S1BT fl, 244 2 lame com. rms ; nicely .u,.i . ripv. in,,!,, hi. ii .inici room AXAWJi? -"3 ?." .ff'C"110 D-Pun.: room Tor rent. friends or worklnc married couple room well ' .,.. , " ,,,., ruimur iui i KeniiernAn heated, use of bathroom refs etchanged. TWO MINUTES from Haverford Statioli; house, well and completely furnished' 7 bedrooms, 3 baths. P O Box 73, Haver Tord, Pa. TJfiA'R.nTTJfl tiTtt. a. 708 Handsomely furnished home! excellent tablet private family Preston 5087 J. 00PNTBY BOABDEBS WANTED MAPLE FARM HOME Akron. Lancaster county pins boms for sited people Rates reasonable I , . .-- , , XTPBIJISHEI ftPABTMENTB HINOLE ROOMS, soma prhate baths: also mail liousektrenlnsr sulteff'. several dinr ent, location In th extremely desirable RnriirA at auvr.tlnn AcdIv 1711 fliriirw at -..-. ....- -- . ..,.-.. . - " - POPl-AR. 142U Apt . attractive furn.. 2d floor. 2 or 4 room suite: electricity: modern dlnlnr rooni serylce optional. fh. Pop. -4127. 3JNR BT , I&Utt itirn NB 8T ,1600 Furn apt., '.' rooms and bath with board Phone Ixu-ust 4470 )401 N ldTH ltuom urlvata bath. 1(1 fur. msnmi ag rm aucnenetie, nrst noor, ,r."L:- .. --- ieUKN- AITS nt loc lent loc .bj-wwek if desired, Agtpuy, 22!i 8. Ilroad at. 1' ST. 2, 8 and i roomg and anrrwooQ jipt. ; CUE8TNUT ST. 2. 3 and t room. .! m' Wm, C IMiiiksrt 142J, Chestnut gt. I I APAK.MENTS APAimtnNT HEADQUARTERS , Central apartments a specialty. Sherwood Apt Agency. 223 P. llroiul st. Some very attraotlte furn. apts , some housekeeping. 81)17 PINE ST Fine neighborhood, third floors 4 rooms hath, electricity, clo.i very reasonable rent: Inspection Sunday M Hure- vns, wai rv nth at N. K. COH, 20TH AND WALLACE, new housekeeping apartments: Ideal for doctors, unlimited telerhone, electrlo light, private hath. , . 8. H. COn. J8TII AND MASTF.lt STS. Handsome 2-room apartment: modern, just completed: now vacant James A Moran, 180 Olrsrd nve . 7B.1 N. I0TH ST -Third floor 4 unfurnished rooms, private bath, furnace heat, cooking ami naming gas included 21ST ST . H kitchenette. 244 Unfurnished room and eleo light, modern. , 20T11 ST. B , 115 Beautifully furn . 2 rms and bath. $12 per month gentlemen 210 S. 10TH ST --Apart SM-floor front 2 rooms and bath, oppo s ii e Rlttenhouse Sq. WTCHT l'HILMITU.PIltA 207 S 45TH ST Third-floor apartment. 3 rooms bath and kitchenette. $1000 per year, occupancy Dec 20 TATIiCm ft SON, 2(1 fl 40th. OKRAIANTOWN $115 Wlssahlckon Apartments, Queen Lane Hiauon, uermanmwn, u rooms nnu o∈ up to the mlnuto lhom Ilelmont 4001. Cas par ti Co , 0230 Htturford AFABTMENT HOTELS THE DELMAR-M0RRIS American riarr CIIELTRN AVn. ANU MORUIS ST. GERMANT0WN 20 JIINUTK3 TO I1ROAD ST. STATION FurnlhM Anl unfurnUhd Butter. THE IIOTCTj SUSSKX 181J Walnut at. Just oppnwl A rnot churmlnK1 and per fctlj appointed hmall hotel. Inipctlon Is cordially Invited, hih) a l will oonvlnce vou thit 5 mi havo disroVTed most MitU factory answer to thn quetion of '""Where to live when stopping In I'hlladplfihla " HOTEL COLONIAL spruce AT 11TII ST Select apartment fimlly hotel; In the center of the city; operating on the American plan, our table will picas thi most exacting. C. PITMAN 1IAKEK Jr Manager. HIE LITTLE HOTEL 225 H Ilroad st" A cood place to llvo while in Philadelphia. housekeeping apartments 1VKST PHILADELPHIA 07 S. 45T1I ST Bachelor apartments sec- mill iioor l room ana nam. Jin. 3 rooms and bath 175 TAYLOIt . PON. 20 S 40th APARTMENTS WANTED I'limlshed iJo HEWAHD to person weeurlnir ripvrml.lA furnished house or ..mnrtmnnt In irnn. I... cation; occuoanov hv .Inn 1 t noo r,,i. nwi.. usql BEAL ESTATE FOK SALE CITY 1923 SPRING GARDEN ST. Solid brownctone, 17 rooms 0 baths liot watpr hat. electric llEhte, hardvood floorp hanlwooa nnUh an oleant residence Mor rell St Co t" N 17th nt 1 828 ARCH STREET LOT 22l!00 TO ll'TliriKRT ST roun-SToitY dwullinci sitk hipc FOH AN IMPItOVKXIKNT ritAS L BROWN & CO., 2n h Ilroad a vjjv "a,c. -,,-w . inn pi., aesirahlo lo-, n,l,n A l..?u P.,n,nn fins. !... .. but can give immediate possession, will sell cheap to close an estate Equltablu Realty Co . 800 Real Katato Trust Bldg Walnut 4209, FOR hALE b cstato desiring to wind up Its affairs: 2107Dauphln st. 419 and 421 H loth st Wrlta or reply 021 Commercial Trust Bldg McCORMICK & McCORMICK, Lincoln Bldg INVCSTMENT OU SPECUIATIOW n I houses In pood order, rented to whits ten- ants at $223 per month price, 121,000. loca- tlon. near llth ann uirara a'e ARTHUR BOBWEI.Ij 2.13 N 13th st. i1 6 !SSSb RENT $13 J 12,10 HUTS I 2337 to 47 N Lelthtrow. Inclosed sheds: EOod renters, white neighborhood. EMERSON' CONRAD. B3 N'. 10th st 1524 N. 21ST ST price 5fSn imon-vT oj .. . .r..' lSll Bharswoo'd st price. " '.". ""no 1933 IMlethorn st price '. ! 1700 tlEUTHKIl. "439 N 2d st tttrff 7 . , Ken, ?',, ??," room dwelllncs. Somerset t wast Kenslnaton avo half houh trnm -t- vated station at 00 per cent of cost to build ,'"."". -' 4vm r -i - KV19, INC 2051 Kensington ave 222S PAGE ST haven rooms, hardwood floors, tiled bath and kitchen, gas grates In all rooms, furnace, good, fair price and attractive terms. JOSEPH A lUnn CO . 1420 Chestnut st BARGAIN CHESTNt'T ST PROPERTY Lot 44 5tl73 ft to street Sale to kettle an estate Inquire of WILLIAM F DEAKTNE 149 S Broad st CENTRAL APARTMENT ?Sir worrei'IcT SitfTflsns: B1R W SUSQUEHANNA AVE N E cor 3d and Falrmount. 70!) N 10th st : corner stores will sell reasonable. CONNELLY, f.19 Green st 1T1R OXFORD ST Solid white stone front, 13 rooms, 2 baths, large lot. price Just reduced to S600O JAMES A MORAN lfiOS Olrard aT. ' 1722 GIRARD AVE Brownstone. 14 rooms. t s moaern Dams ioi -oxiuo to rear street. JAMES A. MONAN ISO.' Olrard ave LIST your properties with us buyers wait ing, no charge for listing SAMUEL CO HEN & CO . 301 Shubert Bldg . 250 S Broad st nd TWENTY properties Kensington ae llchpnv rooms ahd bath- rent , , tsnenv, .J roouit) ana oain. rent .,,kap tt nA m B .hi, ViM.ti. ..An. ..d V,ir,c,I- , '. ,w,.h a,,u vak... lent .,., ,Tceient for home buver. noer been turned t;;00 r-AHVET S41 n Allegheny SUSQUEHANN'A AVE E . 2843 Three- i 1 storv dweinnc. 10 rooms all convsj- will sacrifice, very little money. I.UKKXS & MONTOOMERT. 1135 hhackamanon st I 1920 N ORATZ 2 stv . 7 mis ; tss'd S2100 rent K0 prio 12100 Hueh F Quinn. I 1B10 Columbia. Pop. 2021 i 2225 LOCUST ST Iot 10x70, 0 rooms snd 2 bathrooms, modern plumblnc posses I slon C F SItON. 112 S lHth st. 23H-10-1S N SYDENHAM PT. Assessed , 12000 rent S22 price J2200. TAULANE 000 Walnut st , VALUABLE CENTRAL PROPERTY 22d st below Spruce. 3x?73. three street fronts I ARTHUR B03WELL 233 J.' 13th s I HALE 14S and 110 Nectarine st SnTv $1000 each clear possession Oeo L jnrker 1735 Falrmount Be 85TN 24TH ST Desirable modern" dwelT inv mu.t be sold, want offer J R itAgSCr b SON J 3thand Green 1547 PRATT New i rooms, stone porch. deep lot, near elevated stitlon and high school I'hallender. 520(1 Frankrord wr. INVESTMENT properties for sale In the northwest section attractive proposition Wm L Craien's Son; L 01p'mnbhia e 1422 N 17TII gT, S",'J-r,J, ' rooms2 baths, lot 22 IH good condition JAMES A MORAN. lg"5 n i rar.l ae . 040 N. 12TH f-T -- 0 room house, modern Apply to owner 121H filrard a-,s fh Pop 313 piunii'iitb. t'l',U,J"' ' ''.' unco 9011(10 2UirbBLANCEy PI-ACE-ExtremelFThoTcT location. ISxlOS. 11 rooms and 2 baths T.r. reasonable prlc Oayley, 1QQ9 pine st 1020 NORRIS " ' Desirable horn., acant TAULANE HOIt Walnut st. FOR SALE, with possession 10OOfwV: Ciaraen -' and dnelllntr. - ARTmnU12SJir--"5-J'!13th at NVESTMENT PROPERTIES NlnerulnT porch E. Hrlnghur.t st. near dermantoT; tkv: fv"1-". ---"I,,. P 20'.. Ledger offlr:"qwn ve I reueiM'""." f47 N 1TU i - Tnree-storv Oroom 1 hHHfc 'ntHISJrY, pnr7"? . 1 TT Se'aT-ilToad-aOxnr -i-7 ,wi' lean ',.1 -, " ;" . urn.i n,j,. Ku at 10x30 wpjmnLLtp fl,. iN. iTt, "444.48 N CLEVELAND AVE --7 . -4' . . ,nl 117. or ce t?iwi 7j.r' .. rent U7, price J2200 iJJ ' irt ()nli,mr,lo Tt.. l it F. Quum 1211 8 BROAD ST 11 rooms modernti". Aa-, ft to rear st . Immediate tia. .,.., '" jtjgnMBJB JARDELIA 153.-. rftjitXn .". , 820 S 3D : st " riow convs Immediate """ Oth. , s?0s0MF3nJrrn. Sfg' SHHWl;. cheap 1025 Harlan 20th aTTd f Miiifri. ..,"-. -- . ... ...m b( i 1Vi N IJKUAu i a nome and a good 1 3 ("vestment FIXID Broad andvnH,5,"e0na i i(M4 MONTItOSE Sir rooms and hat,," pj r'2lt00 FARRELL. 71(1 S M.?'' ilOMll BUYER. 20th and Ellsworth, .1 ,.y- ' entirely ir,.-.... ....... m.- j-t tifB. AJHffiSSiThW..A.raf1 vinivT Tn roornn and bath nonr. k.rrrr' ECIIJII i"""L '" --- . v.MuiiiuiH RVM m iflth: reasonable Wyoming r.i.,v v -' ' ' ..." ..i.a..'"TTlT. " .-. r"oii iinu ijiKiir riiiKT:u. ronv n.. fian- i.o.i -,-.( vuni,f t fiW ""re Ylon at settlement FUKKM 4 1 u n 20th MOilPARK-Pgrch ele, , "fht- fine looRtlon, YBrnii,i ,' ," ,....mvn.,...,iiwtnimi,ia jnTii'iiAINIlKlDOK underdralned, (TS; 'IreajyLJUULL'IiLH'LSI'' i st 1621 N lHTll-i'utcn nan, laundry tubs. 12 rms.; njif umiuum,, ..w, i.i( oiumtila ( fg3o NAUDAIN front 4 rear. dFalned, I Investment; pr. $3000 Fsrrell. 710 fl'i 1 aALE-r22H4 Diamond, it.,1 $5000. rjEQJ tearui 20th. 1 ...' iOUQEi ' .LTPAKKEIt. 1185 yu jr tjt 9unr ave. EVENING PUBEtO HEAL ESTATE FOK SALE CITY IMMEDIATE POSSESSION N. H. COR MARSHALL AND OnEKN STS. THOUOUOHI.T RENOVATED, llt room brick house: PHOTOORAPHIO SKY LIOHT, roomy HIDE YAIID on OUEEN ST. I SUITABLE ron BUSINESS runposEsi aliei of lot about 2BX10; Immediate posses, slon. Apply at Wunderle's Candy Fartory, 180 Pegg at (opposlto 440 N. 2d St.). SALE SMALL FIREPROOF HOTEL CENTRALLY LOCATED. POSSESSION J. A. Patterson, 130 S. I5tli St. 20OH .MADISON, 2 story, 0 rooms, 2.VM N 20th 2 story. rooms; estate. 727 N lfllh. 11 rooms, possession, 2011 block N Cecil st . 2 story, chenp, 1C11 Falrmount ave . solid brownstone N 10th st , 27 rooms. 0 hathsj 42x170 to street will sell separately. 2d st. above Market, business property. IB!" Edgely. 7 rooms $20iK: only JliOO cash 2203 Falrmount nve . store and dwir i Doss, son Htlllman, 2 story. 7 rooms. 2070 K. Arizona, fi rooms, IKKhi. 10211 Spring Garden, brownstone, hot-water heat electric lights .1 baths. 2111 Oreen. solid brownstone. combination heal. 2 baths electrbi tights, etc Cor Iflth and llrandywlne. store and dwta Win Shomokln (loth and Callowhlll). 8 rooms; cheap , ... 0O7 N Iflth brownstone, 13 rooms 2 baths Illlllllinn H WORHBLL k CO ,.Bfi N 171 -VI Valuable Central Property LTWXT T VII A 11 rT1I Iatko lot, running throuKh to rear ntreet D. B. CHAMBERS 710 COMMBHCIAI. TIIUST HLDO. BROAD ST. PROPERTIES FOR SALE 51-foot front In COO block south 51-foot front In 2100 block north, SAMUEL COHEN fr CO. Spruce MM 301 Sllllbert Bldg. SEE THESE HOMES Immediate Possession Tulip st. In 2000 block don't wait until they are all Bono Hee agent on premis today or - II WILLIAM WIUOMSV Front below Alleghenv . Excellent Assessment Properties Bargain; ! houses excellent condition, rent. i,0ussV fin.V) eajh rent 14 and ?l.r per month: n hmises. excellent ron-lltinni re". HENRY. no: S4 I'rice ii-iiii cucn ' Drnxel Bids rhono Lombard 12S3 $2700 2-Story Porch-Front I Modern, fl roomn and bath 437-3U-4. i-asi mntario Birtet n vuoa cuinmin, F. M. BR0WER il'hone Kenslnirton 2ljg 2313 B Cuml-.erlsnd POSSESSION AT ONCE tsar, e cAMimiA st ' rour s.eeplnir rooms porch larse rront and back surd best built house In cltv I.HU0 WM. l.nVIS INI' , '.'O.'l Kensjnittonae I piisSRSMON AT ONCi:- New R-rooin. Will , HbweOallivivjiliy Smith. lf.SS Pt Hre-se. 2011 HAINUHIimlV Nine rooms price I4.-,(WrAnltllI-I.. 710 JJ 20th jit, "5'JO W rillTII HT 7 rms end bath. 1mm. pne" Morean ftlcVn'4tMIVadst. I llulldlnit lots, ractsry nitcs. TH. SITES RAILROAD Penna. and Reeding: I2O00 per aero and up. according to loc: i lnoulro for terms Dleterlch. 73" Walnut st, , "0 000 SCJLAkl: Kl'.lil or lana ror saie at ,... . , ,. r ,l. , .. .k.. .....A.n ilroad and Mt Vernon, right In the alitomo. ills dlstrl. t Worrell A Co . r,r,r, N 17th st. Basinets Properties mil Stores Valuable Business Property Facing on 3 streets, about J22 feet front age, located In tho automobile district, within a few blocks of City Hall. GEORGE W. MILLER, Inc. ROOM 403 1001 CHESTNUT ST rltores and Dwellings CORNER STORE Near Kensington avo. and Cumberland st. ; V rooms una Paul; woaraovu i-w, u,n 18500 JOHN T. DOYLE 2730 Kensington ave KENSINGTON AVE. STORES We are In a position to offer a few stores .i a oU. jiidnlr rifHnn ImnniissFV mat renill AW BIU) '4M4-- svwvi cv.vuua ( JOHN T. DOYLE Kensington ave. THREE-STOllY corner property (Overbrook sectlonl. .arae store, cood for any busi ness, 15 rooms, steam heat electric lleht i ll-cnr garage elegant proposition EDW M , MOl.L Lansdowne -fre west of 03d 2027 IIIDOG AVE I-irffo store and rooms nil conveniences, prlc 0000 i r I'. rOWARD CO. '.'Othand Jfffraon t 318 N 10TH Stm ht . rented at 105. price J7S00 Huffh r Quinn, JUJfl Columbia. Pnplr 22fl 1323 N 1TT1I HT etore and t? rooms, ell convenlprri price J3S00 C P. COWA RD i'O 20th anj Jaffereon Btg VWUrlm PRICK OM.7 112 000 -Two-story utone bulldlnc. tnt ludlnc modern 2-story brick residence and other buildings lot 6(1x125 ft , above 17th ft and Hunting' Parle ave ; makp dandy Ut'le manufacturing rtivnt. hnxcaln WTCK & OLbMRR. 4421 Gi mantowrf a. FOUR-STORY FACTORY 80th and Master 65.000 square feet of floor, 62.200 nquarft iet of land; ."5 fronts, sldlrsr HIBBETjD B WORHELt. & CO , BB5 N.17tb INDUWm.VIj PLArTTS -warehouses, vacant land railroad and water frontage. J I,. STBVBNBON 1 hOS 822 Land Tltla f s.ioo PQ FT 2 story Immediate possession, near Jsorth Philadelphia btatlon. I Wl C HEKKERT. 1121 Chestnut st. ON 7TH ST. near Cherry, we have a large building, at J160.000 WORRELL CO.. 555 N. l'lh. Oarages SERVICE STATION 171H-20-22 WOOD ST , 3 fronts ' 45x85. no posts, 3 skylights Possession January 20, J020 J EDWARD LUTZ, 240 N, 17th St. AUTO REPAIR shop and esrsge for sale, modern shop equipment, good location, terms reasonable P 301 Ledger Office S W ('Oil Race and Van Pelt sts.; 66 stable or garage WM C. BENKERT 1421 Chestnut west rinLAnrxriHA lll-tS-10 N. 60TH IT Financed, small amount of money required Michael A. Maloney ,8t CirESTER AVE. NEAR 51ST ST. ,V hand some residence In excellent order; rent S75, prlca .7500. J. It MASSEY SON. 13th and Orsjn. 2114 S. 6STH ST. Possession guaranteed; stona porch. 8 rooms: lot 16x00; well lo cated, can be modernised for little money, CAMAC & CO . B20O Wrodland ave. TOR THE homo buyer--Over 30 houses, scat tered throughout West Philadelphia. CARPENTER & WILSON Belmont 1057 6220 Market st MAKE OFFER for 4701-07-00-1 1-1S-1S Hav erford ave, two story porch dwellings, two sre corners. 15 Flanagan, 1002 W. Le high aenue OPF.N SUNDAY 2 TO 4 0,105 Jefferson st : 2 story, porch front, Dutch hall. 4 bedrms elee. light and hdwd floors; poss . fin-loc, E J. Martin, 14B N filth st. 0215 LARCHWOOD AVE., 8 rooms, 2 sty lint. water hf-at. ulectrlclty. hardwood floors Dutch hall, enclosed porch. JAMES A MORAN, 1A05 Clrard ave. OVERBROOK SECTION Modern 2-story dry. hot-water heat, electric light, hardwood porcn-rrom noma o rooms sua Dam. laun floors througnout mx rjogewooq st. 4100 BLOCK, Westminster ave. 8 sty . 10 rms.. price $5500: terms to suit purchaser H S MILLER. 5200 Lancaster ae (f2Qnn Two-sty. brick dwg, semldetarh 3O0UU rt. rt rms. and bath: lot 3x100. LOFLAND, 7121 Woodland ave 5801 WILLOWS AVE. Store and Tfwelllng Remember CROSS Btands for all that's good, onin ana A.mu,,wu $(15ll0-tleautlful Dutch-hall house 0 nerfwt condition; owner leaving cl room a . nerfwt condition; owner leavlnr city nAKKR ft PON. 62d and Haltlmore avir 120 N MTH ST. Two nty., porrh front r and bath, laundry; In good condition, pen ; handy loratlnn. B. J, Martin. U5 N B4th. j 347 8 1JNDENWOOD (52dahd Chester aVe t'rice ' " ""J --"."u Juiiary; nowvacant KJ j-HlliJi. 4J1-1 iviirmer ftVft, - 1. .. u-n V...HT R rooms, hath, lde yard' perfect order shades, linoleum lncluuea. open m .. ".j. VACANT 5514 Paschall ave.. 2 story, porch front. 7 rooms: onlj' $300 cosh. EMPIRE TRIISTCO; 44th and Lancaster ave. 9jT" N 48TH Early poss.: 3 story 10 rrns and bath, hot-water heat. elee. light slda yard Empire Trust. 44th and I.ancaster ave. SOTli-S . 1421 (50th and Woodland ave ) Nice corner property; room for garage, now y.'jJJrrNEILL. 5724 Chester ave ril'mit Modirn. 3 story, Lansdonne avo. rnrner; rlpo for Improvements; axe value. ADOLPli II. CASPAR. 0th fc lansdowne POSSESSION at oncM 8r., newly papered "rjjgnrjjted, SMITH. 1538 Tt. Hrsese ave. N 62D ST.. 4:250 rooms ana pain; vacant. J. B. ANDEIUiOi iioi wntfinutv LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY; HEAL ESTATE FOB SALE 'VISIT I'lllTJIDnlll'IIIA IMMEDIATE POSSESSION IS OFFIinKD ON THE FOLLOWING- 221 SOUTH 44TH STHEET A large It. story porch-front home. v,lth extra largo ro -vs. main street, one squaro from Iloute No 42 cars. 7 bedrooms. 2 baths, electric lights with latest fixtures) modern plumbing, etc basement laundry with entrnnoo to yard, a wonderful heating nlant. comprising 2 large heaters that will give more than 70 per cent heat In zero weather. rmcK xin.Boo TF.nMS 0.10 FAnnAOUT Tr.IUMCE Convenient location 47th and Haiti more nve , handy to both subwnv and aurfaco cars, a large 3-atory house. with 0 rooms and bath porch, store room and laundry: lot Is 37 feet B Inches wide, thoroughly rtnovated from cellar to roof, nnlshed In ma hogany and white, electric lights, with attractive fixtures: durable pnperlngs tSA a satisfactory heating plant that will Rive wonderful re turns In the most severe weather. rittCE B,-,00. TOTMS (1114 MEDIA ST11EET Only JS00 cash required, a side, vard home on a v.lde strict In tho Overbrook section. 0 rooms and bath, porch front: laundry tubs, newly papered and painted Tor one look ing for a dandy home In tt rood neighborhood this cannot m equaled. TRICE 13100 WM T DICKSON & CO. 01 H fi2d st .fifi?'in 1900 block on raschall ml VUCJV room, anrt (,Rtn, riM-water heat apd gas, semldetnched house: porch front double brick garage In rear; lot 2.1.0x103 $4500 f'1""' b,0k, Windsor place; hardwood floors, 0 rooms and bath, porch and terrace front. 1 square north of Chester ave : beautiful location. .$3850 Same, with steam heat and Vjjki a)1 that requr to buy Is 1300. $4500 100 Mock, s Trailer st.; modern. 6 rooms and bath, porch front. . $3900 1700 block N Allison st.; 8 rooms ami bath, hot-water heat and gas: end house; porch front. $4350 "00u 1,lock on Orwnway ave.: , , 7 rooms, bath, terraco front: tiulck sale, also ono at S4G0O. Dealers and business men seeking op portunities take notlce-332 to 342 N. th st Mifl-KOS Callowhlll st . store and dwelling large stable and driveway In rear, oulck sale, 170,000, present mort gage. J3J.O0O. J. N. McMICHAEL "Realty Co. 58th i hpnngfleld ave Wdld. 600S SPRING ;ym sen a decided In- neTae In ipn.ltv va.luc fverj-whr The thouirhtfu) buyer ulll coiiRid.T the follow ine offers lm mnIUti'lj $5400 1130 S r.Bth fit An honefft-to-Ci-odnoBq honiK. with 4 beiiroomH rinlshetl In tho latest ntlf plenty of room, vacant $3800 (WIS Haybrook o. Kln 7 room home, with In rem rnomi elec . best condition; only JSX rush, vacant $4500 r. 131 Malrolm st. All modern Imnrorn't. Hh.r- Wood Bcotion financed, vacant. $4850 A 4-bedroom homo In the .Sherwood aettion. tnieafi. Kat at once. $6500 r"0.1 Warrlnitton ave ; 7 tiled bath, el6L. , lot 10,118; Ba.ra(r space, ouldn't be built for S7500: possession few dajs DEALERS fceverit opportunl- n . ,. , ties In bunchvi of ?es? MS?' "r,M " A. STANLEY EZEK1EL 1323 S B8TH hT Woodland R078, IMMEDIATE POSSESSION IN THE ELMWOOD AVE. SECTION . onvenlent to ' MUIM.-HES SCHOOLS .STORES PARKS MONTHLY EXPENSES l.ESS THAN RENT . .mj nouses were bul t, and prices ara based on contract closed for In 1917 S4000 S,.I.KrPs ST rsix "on. and fUUU thBljiundry and electrlo llffht; "n55OO,0(1T,J ST Six rooms and bath, $33AJ laundry hot-water heat, electrlo llsht. hardwood floors, cas logs, . nftA Inclosed porches lot 10x107 ft $6000 -X'ft0?. A,VE- HOUSES Just llko HOth st, houses and a so In clude frararos: lot 10rR4 ff SAMPLE HOUSE, NO 7 2S25 s (OTH ST TAKE NO. 80 CAR ON WALNUT STi Only .,0 minutes to center of city. Alexander rerguson BUILDER AND OWNER, on PREMISE S ATTRACTIVE HIGH-GRADE HOMES, With Garage CLIFFORD St BETWEEN V,UI ' V-'IL' J i GOTH AND 01ST OVERBROOK First street above Columbia ave Moderate-sized dwellings in an esclu- slie nolehborhood. THESE HOMES WILL APPEAL TO REl'-I.N'ED TAMILIES. With features and conveniences that lend to eliminate the servant question, I.. W. innrmnn uo' ana Owner lOu rreniissZ BEAUTIFUL MODERN HOMES In the Overbrook Section rom $3000 to $20,0C0 WE CAN FINANCE ANT PROPER f WE SELL EDW. M. MOLL LAN8DOWNE AVE WEST OF fi.ln Phone Belmont 8B70 OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 9 O'CLOCK 702 MARLYN ROAD A WONDERFUL OPPORTUNITY FOR A MOSS & TAYIiOR BUIL1 HOME EDW. M. MOLL .TOr Thon TWmont Pft'O pPCV POP. lNSPFCTTON flUND K T "early possession 5009 upland street tRnn Hot-rrater heat; largo lot coa )JUUV venlent to school and trolley. W. Earl Yonker' tia-e "modern home" " Eight rooms, bath; In vicinity of 601h and ("hestnut sts . poss. at settlem't: price JSOOO P. F. RYAN MARKET ST 30 Houses CROO Bl. Walton 8 Houses 700 Bl. S. Ithnn MICHAEL A MALONEY 1021 S. OOTH ST 2107 SO. 72D STREET Six rooms lot 17x100 Hrmldetachvd. barffaln for quick n.il ?210ft. flnap thlH up! XPUAtiT 7121 Woodland ave C318 7tASTEH ST A denlrablff 0-room-antl bath porrh-frnnt home that can 1a pup chaned for $750 canh: the prlco Is 4J7,ri fey modern conenlt-nce. including uteam nai. nLwiiric mrnis, taunary, oir- , owner WssesYlon ' Co, 14"S. . js.u lirtB J UOt tuiiliiri.i:iv CI1U vt Vl i at nncfl If df! red Koehlpr Se. rh'itnut y Keys at 210 Mwter et ftVTH BEL Thomas ate . twin: mod Iscrto1 1232 H Mllllck modern vacant Moo 5557 Walton o rms . mm. possession haoa I ''or Regent and Edgewood. modern. 450(ii454 WINONA ae -five minutes from t.o'i (n ynua.i v momi ,ih(o nirill uin'v-. vji,n(v limn t,esvssion 5400 (jvi.r.r i-i rv outn st. uel 5R42:J VACANT aizo and 2184 H. Both st 8 rooms, semidetached houses: newlv 'n.. pered and mahogany and white painting throughout contract for painting outside has been given, price $4200, inclosed porch and shed Ilelmont 143 W a ID3S CHANCELLOR fT THREE-STORY SIDE-YARD HOUSE II ROOMS DUTCH HALL. HOT-WATER HEAT ELECTRIC LIOHT, RESTRICTED SECTION. PRICE tc.OOO OWNER PHONE SPRUCE 6785 WHAT IS OFFERED? 0 porch-front properties. 1200 blpck South Peach, ss'd $2200.lrent $22: mortgage $2200 IRA F THOMAS. 2315 West Lehigh avenue 3832 UROWN ST Semidetached 8-story brick slda yard. 0 rooms and bath mod ern In everv respect, low price ror quick buyer. EQUITAIII.E REALTY CO.. BOO Heal Estate Trust llulldlng. Walnut 4200 PAIUCSIDl! SECTION Three story, porch front. 1033 N. B2d st.- 12 rooms: $7500 II S. MILLER 52d st and I.aneaster ave. THE ABILITY to do some one tnlng Veil creates a market for a man's services In real estate, remember CROSS stnnds for all that's good. BOtli end Larchwood ave 021 N. MB- ,Mnl V 13000: 0 rooms and hath, nn,.,, WM. J. DICKSON. 1000 MorflD nulldlng, 1421 Chustnut st. 68 N, 8THT-One block from elev. sia.: 10 rms.j mou. J. -u. s(uiia(i4su VBtl(t8. BEAI, ESTATE FOR SALE OICItMANTOWN $7350.00 $900.00 Cash Equipped with the CLOW "DUPLEX" HEATING SYSTEM using either gas or coal for fuel. iBalance Monthly Payments 319 Apsley St. ifn-PB-fi-5mrS,J';?,0..hls...h0,S0.tolay nnd experience tho pleasure of. HOT-WATER HEAT WITHOUT A BOILER Tii2HveSintI? B'tuatod near tho Wayne Junction Station of the ;irtia..IS. Ry' ,. laB fnraKe, heated with the Clow "GASTEAM" l?I,: J"Lrcfi' Areplaoe for rent logs, Ras water heater, tiled bath i. ..K1 .""J""1" tb with shower bath and pedestal washstand. loor.outlets for lamps or vacuum cleaner, ,,t,?i,e..Clo,J.-1iupI'3t "OASWATEn" system Installed In thla house ibSnt8Ji0? INDEPBNDBNT OP THE COAI. SITUATION. The J..nP.'lnfftan1 ,b,ath rooms are provided with Glow "QASWATEK" l, h,?' "'" which Vou can havo heat whether you have coal or i. .L BimPly llffhtlng the fc-as in tho radiators. The same radiator vn Wb heatl.nf i" "le coal-fired boiler. This system saves v,. ,frinK '.'J1 ihe boller o"o-half of tho heating; season and jacs yon one-half tho cost. Immediate possession. Owner on premises. Take, train to Wayne, Junction Street, or take Car 03 on S. lAOAX m "REES SEVEN-ROOM MANSION" 8 I EH WITH BUILT NORTH NINTH STRBET S000 4, SAMPLE HOUSE NOW OPEN AGENT ON PBEMISES MAURICE LICHTMAN ill ? BltOAD AND LOUDEN AUTO SERVICE FROM OFrlCE j iiigiiAiiMJiiiiininiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiittiiiiiiiiii'it WEST rilHlllKl.rillA. OKBMAKTnXirw n LEFT OUT OF B4 UOO NEW HEVEN- CASH BOOM HOUSES ALLMAN ST. CS00 block, between KlnseaInis and Chester aves. Inc!osd porches, hardwood floorintr. beautiful baths with showers. Every feature found In a hleher-prlced home. MONTHlTeXPENSES ONLY 123 PLUS a small additional payment to reduce second mcTUtape. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Sample house. 8342 Allman street, open dally and everilnes. 7-u p. m. Car 13 on Walnut st. to end ot line. Walk 1 block west. YAGLE & BURNS, on Premises. CHEAPEST HOMES IN WEST FHILA. HADFIELD STREET . 2 squares from S2d and Baltimore ae. ONLY $500 CASH iLTX Z( CARRTINO CHARGES QLj.jyj PER MONTH Plus a monthly payment of 9 to reduce the escond mortg-aBe. modern house. with electrlo liBhts. hardwood floors, to.; samplo house open. E. & T. DOYLE CO. 5815 MASTEK ST. C.KRMANTWVV SEDGWICK OUR LIST OF MODERN HOMES IN THE MT. AIRY AND hEDOWICK SECTION WILL INTEREST TOU. DO NOT DELAT MAKING AN INSPEC TION'. 35 B. MT. AIRY. 10 RMS , BATH 129 E. MT. PLEASANT, RMS,, BATH 7201 EOYEIl ST., 10 IIMS BATHS 7147 P.OYER ST.. 12 RMS BATHS.-QARAGE .tt ir MT. PLEASANT. J0509 0500 0500 14.500 10 14 UMS., 3 I1ATHS. OAR . 28 '.no -ono TUiVKIl 10 RMS . 2 I1TI1H 6500 Send for descriptive list or phone our onice, oin. iw . ,.. 600 S. C. T0URIS0N 7014 Boyer St.. Gtn. FOR RESULTS IN EITHER BUYING OR SELLINO CALL MY OFFICE, QERMANTOWN 410 WE HAVE THIS WEEK THREE ESPECIALLY ATTRACTIVE. NEW LY LISTED MODERN HOUSES, READY TO MOVE INTO. AND MANY FOR DELIVERY IN THE SPRING. GLYND0N PRIESTMAN 5607 QERSIANTOWN AVE . MEMBER PII1LA REAL ESTATE BOARD. If you are seeking a house In this deBlrable section of the city send for particulars of the modern houses w are offering. MAURAN. DOLMAN & CO. ,- E Cor. Broad 4 Chestnut Sts. I'MCE only 10000-Hr., a-storycorner porch residence, 20.4 Ollh wf , only 800 h renutred. hot-watei heat, .irio. heat, electricity. i r....v. hnll. laundry, etc . room for garage; v...-t(n. vacant. I wick ft VOLLME;!, 421 Oermantown ave - ' "'"" TT. Queen Lane station tho iluapest houso in Oermantown. . stor j porch front, 8 rooms and bath, Dutch hall hot-water heat: lot 10x100; varan t, i"" Sunday 1 to 5 p.m. E, J MARTIN, 145 N 5tth at. 800 BLOCK E Church road. 2 story, 13300. 6527 Morton si . 3 slory, porch, $3500 5081 Stanton .ave , 2 story, room for garage. WICK A VOLLMEK 4421 Qtrmantovyn ate. 35 HIOH ST Must be sold to dose estate; handsome, mod-rn. semidetached stone residence; excel. ent location, possessslon: price $10,000. J. R. MA83EY A SON. 13lh snd Oreen. 4521 MORRIS ST Two sty., porch 3 bed: rms, tiled hath, shower, hardw'd through out, h.-w. heat. elee. lights, open fireplace; iraruce; over Fern Illl) Park: vacant. THOMAS II. BVOY, 48QI Wayne ave. lOfi Mnnheim St. !"-. a.. a mod. V. nt.iail feet tl,. rriVS,.,l,,eeLtll,?,", ,?iA8VEN?H HON8r,201B' rSS.-. ' U 0503 STBNTON AVE 2 story, 7 rooms. bath, laundrj-. not-wster heat; immediate possession, Perfect conffltlon. price $4800. QUO. W. DEANB. 5014 Oermantown avo! 4002 WAYNE- AVE -Handsome, modern, semidetached residence, n excellent con dition: must be told, want offer, j. R. MASSEY a SON. 13th and Oreen. anitMANTOWN 4000 Wakefield Ml. S mykue w-autm mage va iind 10th. aaa Tvxrrs-v ut - tl'a ."": .., i'l' B0O0 KNOX ST. Hot-watr heat. el. lthts, W(lli 22xl$. OLENN. jujt' CiliiStoi DECEMBER 15, 19X9 REAI. ESTATE FOR SALE flKKMANTOWN 15 Minutes From Reading Terminal 200 Trains a Day and walk to Pulaski and Apaley 13th Street to Apsley Street. IX)OAN m mimiEiiiiiiti'iiiiiMiiiiiOTiiiiii KiniMiuip - IN OARAGE BLOCK ''mmrnmaaaumm DETACHED COLONIAL HOMES AT SEDGWICK Wo are offering several desirable detached dwellings for sale in beauti ful residential section. Tho prices aro reasonable Theeo artistic HOMES are built of stone, with elate roofs, copper metal work and located on very high land The Interiors are nnlshed In white, parquetry floors, electricity, hot-warer heated, open fireplaces and Inclosed heated porches. Modern stone garage's for 2 cars. Tho country club, stores, Sedgwick station and Oermantown ,avo. are cioso by. The time, to purchase a HOME is now. S. C. T0URIS0N 7014 500 BOTER ST , Phones GTN. Otn. 4431 Qtn W'AYNK JUNCTIOV 10Tnl.ftEVWnS ST-- rorch M200 oi2."no"an " 3 sty., .porch 8500 ; Oayuga tt . 2 sty., porct 2700 1i?JS,ratz, Bl ' s-y dwelling 2050 445" Cleveland ave., 2-tv. dwelllffb .. "000 WICK A VOI.LMnn.44gV Oermantown ave THIS IS vour oppor. to get the cheapest n-room. porch-front hows In Philadelphia; good con 4(45 V 20th at ; price $4500. Ap ply owner. (122 Chestnut st . second floor. HISSINQMlvn PORCH FRONT 0 rooms and plastorod shed. ..'J.'trl' "team heat, semldetnched. price $5O0O J Clayton, 3153 Franliford ave. rox QUA HE SEMIDETACHED brick houses, (1 rooms and , batV; .hardwood finish, hot-water heat, elee light, laundry in basement, combina tion coat and gas range; largs lots; 1110 F.1.b,bi2". "' rox Chase trolley. HARRY F. HARTWIO. 710,1 Illrghsm St.. Fox Chase OLNET WHEN TOU TIHNK OF OLNET TOU MUST THINK OF INSLET STRICTLY UP TO DATE: DOUBLE lrR,9IiS'rOIU' AND DWELLING OLNET. Suitable for any huslnessl good location, six rooms, bath, hotwater heat, electric lights; the prlco Is right: telms to suit. INCIDENTALLT a good home at a bar gain price is mighty hard to find, but INSLET has two. Both modern, all con veniences For more InformaU-m on these and other choice homes call Wyom ing 172 or write INSLET. 110 W TAHOR ROAD I.OdAN PRICE ONLY $8000 Fine 2-story porch resi dence 5035 N lfith st, hot-water hent, electricity, hardwood floors, Dutch hall, laun dry, etc., plenty of room for garage: open for Inspection, Owners on premises or WICK & VOLLMER, 4421 Oermantown ave. 712 ANNSRURY ST.. M sq. from N. V. Boulevard Six rooms, bath, porch, elee- trie, laundry, h -W. heat, hardwood flnnrn, $4550. Apply 2002 N '-'1st. Ph. Dla. 1710 J. " ' PRICE $4100 Elegant 2-story porch resl. dence, 4134 N 10th st.i Dutch hall, porce. lain bath, etc , open for Inspection. Owner on prem. or Wick t Vollmer. 4421 fltn ae. OAK T.ANF. OAK LANE 7218 Oak ave,. near City Line 3 blocks from railroad station, 0 blocks from York road trolley: lot 21x75 ft,: semi detached: sldo jard porch front 7 rooms and attic, open fireplace, hot-natrr heat, electric light only $4800; can b seen Sunday. 11 a. m. to 4:30 p. m. J. C. FULLER. 10 B. 18th st. Roxnnnnur.H NICE modern dwelling. 0 rooms and bath, front porch, terraced front yard; immn- dlate possession; $3500; cor. 2 sts. John J Furan. 4416 Cresson st. Ph. Manayunk 070 PF.NNSYI.VAMA SUIUmHAN ORAEME PARK FARM of 101 acres, in Horsham township, Montgomery county; 18 miles from Phlla.; con. Keith mansion, built J722, with wainscoted walls and open fireplaces; large fsrmhouse; also tenant house, 2 large harna snd other buildings, all of stone: 47 acres timber land; stream. j.1 i'j.-'.ut'rm. luuouro, u. r. u., i'a. GENTLEMAN'S COUNTRY ESTATE 10 miles from city; contains 50 acres and 7 buildings in best condition; 30 years' collec tion of rare plants, trees, etc; from all parts of the world in the 10 acres of garden. JEROME II. JARDELLA 1533 Christian st. 1H ACRES. 10-room frame dwelling, gas. hot-air heat, slate roof: garage, poultry house, fruit, near Southampton School, church, stores. 15 minutes' walk to station on state highway; price $4800. W. FORREST MAOEE. Southampton, Pa TWO minutes from 08th St, Terminal: stucco and frame dwelling. 0 rooms, hot-water heat, gas and electric: lot 50x160: $0250. ' OEO L. IIARNES. 1201 Chestnut st. LANBDALK $6000 4 a. H mils stalloni 10-r. stone dwg,: h.-w. heat: rare opportV. Chester Oshorns. 1524 Chestnut. locust 5037. Suburban Txtt LANSDOWNE Dldg. site! 60xl25 In SIS 000 neighborhood: $wou, C, Obon, i&Sf .y III "M Chtjtnut t. k i- HEAL ESTATE FOR SALE ritNNBvr.vANiA mtunnAN BUY YOUR HOME BEFORE THE SPRING RUSH The demand will be great and the supply limited, so why not let me show you now the most deslrabls homes offered In Merlon, Narberth, Wynnswood, Ardmore, Haverford or at any other suburban station? ALSO Have, number of err M tract. va bulldln njr it for your conatdera JOHN W. KLEMM lots for your consideration. Opposite P, n. It. Station. Phone 1308, Ardmore, Ta, HP1UIOI.MK SEMIDETACHED suburban home, 3 story, brick, electricity, modern conveniences, spacious porches front and sides; shade trees; beautiful surroundings; lot 20x1110. Carney. 84" E. Allegheny ave. COIXINODAT.K WIAND.NKW SUnUItlJAN HOMES, located convenient to 00th st. trolley lint: 14330 up to 17000: we sunrest purchaslnr now while the prices are low: lance sals list mailed on request. II. niAIR COOKE CO.. 833 Torker ave. Colllnirdsle. Phone Aharon Hill I DARflV UNUSUAL opportunity: 8-story detached brlcls home. 0 bedrooms, water heat. porcelain bath: caraire: fruit: lot 25x172 to St.: I5BOO Bwope Hon, fllfl Main. Darby. KDD1NOTON EDDINQTOV, ntlCKH CO rA 14-ROOM FRAME DWELLING SUITABLE FOR BOARDING HOUSE All modern Improvements: ground I40x 200 feet. This property offers an excel lent boardlnir-houso opportunity. It Is within 10 minutes' walk from Baden hausen IJolIer Works and Traylor Ship bulldlnir Corporntlon. It can b pur chased on very liberal terms by upplylnr EUGENE F. CREYAUFMILLER EDDINOTON. PA. Bell phone Cornwells 127 TEiix nocK TWO STORY brick, semidetached, porch fronts excellent condition: Immediate pos session; prlco $3900. H. HOPE 5001 YORK RD. OI.KNSIDE MUST BE SOLD Modern 10-room house, possession HO days; near train and trolley, lot 75150. Phone D. H. Wilson, 108 Lynne wood ave T.ANBDOWNB LANSDOWNE Removing to N. Y.: will sac rifice: lot 85X.100; Colonial dwg. Tor Inspec tlon phone Lansdowne 1205, Chester Osborne MEDIA MEDIA I18.00O 2 acres, large stone house A garage. Chester Osborne, 1524 Chohtnut. STONE, Colonial,; beautifully located: S baths; hot-water heat, electrlo light. O. M. Handle, 21 3. 12th St. OVERnitOOK Overbrook 902 N. 64th Possession Dee. 15; Colonial all-stons Moss s Taylor built home: central heating plant marble shower, billiard room, etc.: new shades, screens and awnings: sacrifice to lm. mediate buyer. Owner. Call or phone Owrbrookj ; 423. NORWOOD NORWOOD 14000 t'ramo dwg , 8-r.. elee , IWJM.CBaiui,, v urnier vj.,,riio. IjOQUSE flU37 SHARON HILL I81(X) Eight-room home. bath, steam he; Immediate possession: semidetached: lt ZQglou. AAji'j.arxu. ii'i woodland ava VYNCOTB COLONIAL HOUSE Ten rooms. 2 baths: In perfect ordr; sur rounded by old shade; hot-water heat, white woodwork, hardwood floors, cts and elec tricity. HERKNESS & STETSON- - LAND TITLE BUILDING WKW JERSITT UHURI1AN RIVERTON. N. J. Comer 12-room house, elee. lights, convs. : lot 7il60; near coun- try club; tOOOO. C 007. tedger Office. nr.vKiiLT $40(10 Ten-room house: improvements: lot ISOilOfl: corner property: renting S40 monthly 2 building lots. 40x100, J B ELLIOTT, 47 S Kront st. CAMDEN WE HAVE for sale an up-to-date ware I houso containing CO.OOO sq ft. of floor space; It is 4 stories high and has a base ment; It is equipped with 4 electric elevators I to all floors and faces on 3 streets; there are . 2 railroad sidings direct ta the platform. If Interested come and see us I STARR & -BUCKLE ! Bonds. Insurance, Real Estato 3i4 .Market st. Camden. N J TWO squares New York Shipyard: 7 rooms and bnth: porch front: toilet, laundry: lot 18x100 to back at.; room for garage; act nulcl: flrlscom. 2100 Catharine St.. Phlla. MKn.rilANTVlI.1,11 THE most benutlful homo In this exclusive suburb located In the best section, cpntain lug 15 rooms and every modern convenience, has a Isrgo garage, magnlncent grounds, with well-placed trees and shrubbery: the consideration Is $30,000. STARR A BUCKLE Bonds, Insurance, Real Estate 304 Market st. Camden, N. J TfOODIICET MODERN lo-room house, hardwood floors: best location in Woodbury N J,; 4 min utes from station. 2 minutes from country club; price $0000; lot 76x200. M 410, Ledger Offlf JTEW SJKnSKV SKASHOBT! ATLANTIC CITY FOR SALE Cottage in Atlantic city: large I lot: near beach and select neighborhood Apply Equitable Rsalty Co,, 000 Real Estate (rust rung. OCEAN CITY OCEAN CITY GARDENS Choice lots on easy terms: sidewalks, curb ing. Improved streets, sewer and electricity extensions. It you want a cottage site at the shore these lots offer a high-class invest ment. E7. O. Holloway, Wenonah. N. J., or 411 Walnut St.. Philadelphia 4 wiuwonp FOR SALE Choice building lots, rlpsrlan rights, In Wlldwood, JJ. J. Equitable Realty Co , 000 Real Est Tr. Dldg Ph Ws.1. 4200 FLoninA A FLORIDA HOME for 10 monthly, near Jacksonville, biggest cash market Tih I productive soli, high land, adaptable fo'i irucK, rruil, poultry; over ouu satlsnsd homi owners on our land; write for special "easy-to-pay" home-owning plan tpday. JACK SONVILLE HEIGHTS CO., Jacksonville. Fla. FLORIDA HOME I Attractive, well-situated house. 0 rooms. I l,ath pltv wafer, electric Itch oil ,-. j vcnlencee. rarage; 0 acres citrus grove, $2000 4nitt rn insi pnAI t rt Ttni-nVisi - p. .$ $12 500: terms: prompt possession. iiuii " . i'w viiaarji ; ,( $UC Owner. c (1211 Leorer umce. PENNSYLVANIA FARMS HIGH-GRADE STOCK FARM '128 acres, on Newtown dUlslon of P. and R. near station, within 22 miles of City Halh Philadelphia: good soil: southern' slope: fl acres old timber: stream, 10-room stone house, bath, open fireplaces, laundry, all buildings lighted bv electricity: barn with tlo-up for SO head; full set of outbuildings In A-l shape; fully equipped. & W. FORREST MAGEE SOUTHAMPTON, PA, NEAR S0MERT0N 8T ecrem i mile from etntlon on stone road: 12 acres timber: is t ream, 8-r"om fttone dwelllmr, 4-room tenant house, full set of outbuildings; ell located, about 800 fet from tho road, old shade srood Iew; price J200 per acre to settle estate FoniiEST MAOEB, Southampton. Pa. A BARGAIN 52 acres near Langhorne.' on stone road: 10. room dwelling, hot-water heat. bath, open fireplaces, mcessary outbuildings, fruit old shade, woods and stream; Including nlock, crops and mnehlnery. Price $10 ooo for prompt sale. W FORREST MAOEE. Southampton. I'a 90 ACRES Choice location, on state high way near Southampton, 8-room stone dwelling, hot-water heat, electricity avail able; complete set outbuildings, fruit, woods and stream: price $15 000. " W. FORREST MAOEE Southampton. Pa. VKW JERSEY FARMS FOR SALE 120-acre farm In first-class con dition, on slate road, 20 miles from Cam den: 45 miles from Atlantic City; fine lo cation; 000 peach trees, 18 acres In berries, 25 acres rye, and Is worth your attention; please make Inspection, LoulsR, Leddon, Clayton, N. J. troll SALE 127-acie farm on state road from Camden to Atlantlo City: vry ds slrablsi price and terms reasonable: please rnii-snn.iMtioiiriWmmwsiii.si tmtmtiutJmtmm REAB ESTATE BALE OR SJIK3?, CITY CIIBHTNUT llltb Very Desirable Residences for Sale and for Rent JOSEPH M. JENNINGS , CHESTNUT HILL. THILA. Rell Telephone. Chestnut Hill 17 FURNISHED HEAL ESTATE WANTED SMMinnra WANTED LARGE ACREAGES For Speculation Principals Only PHILA., DEL. & MONT. COS. ONLY E. C. von Helfenstein 1781-5 REAL ESTATE TRUST CO. FILBHRT 3711 WllltlllllH WE DESIRE specifications of factories, site and warehouses, which we handle exclu sively from an engineering and manufac turing standpoint: wo do not wsnt exclusive agency. J AI.AN MIDDLETON, factory specialist and Industrial engineer, Wldener HI'lg , Philadelphia. Phone Walnut 2403. . FOIt a square deal and prompt settlement list your houses for sals and rent.wlth ust: low rates for collecting rents and interest. Morgan & Dickson. 2404 N. 8d st. ark qJ getting full value for your real estate? We have n largo list of buysrg; list, vours with us. u. I,. CUHKNTIIY. 727 R. 58th tt. REAL ESTTE sold on commission; morf ges negotiated: rents collected. ""'" noJIWCI.I,. Z33 N. lBtn St. WE HAVE buyers for West Phlln, properties TS.lV!tJ't"k,t " WE T.rHILA. REAL ESTATE CO , 6O0O Raltlmore ave. 1IA,XS.bi,1,era for. homes. 8. and W. Killa. .-.,. ,i.,e your garren, 710 s 2(ltn, LAROB tract for development: close to cttyj Morgan & Dickson, 2404 N. Bd st. FBctorles, Manufacturing noor WANTED TO HENT with option of purchase, yard with siding and building suit able for office. Th. Uar 1084. BEAL ESTATE FOB, BENT CITY '14 PINE ST. rour story. 0 rooms and bath: all modern conv. : $80 per month. WHITESIDE & McLANAItAN. 13th ft Tine Dnslness Properties nnrt Stores ENTIRE I1UILDINO, 2011 Market st or will rent separately; also desirable second floor office space and floors, TERWILI.IOER 2013 Market ft. Faetciriea. Manufacturing FlrMsrs WILL ERECT DUILDINO, 80.000 to 100.000 squaro feet, for responsible tenant on long lease. DIETERICH, 787 Walnut st. . Oarages SPACB for rent, private garage, near luth and Sansom sts : only for cars run by cwners: no chauffeurs C 02" Ledger Office. oinrw, nusrNBa.i rooms. ii?ro. FURNISHED offices apd business roomg. in. eluding heat and light, telephone and stenographer in building to take charge of calle. etc.: rent $5 to J15 per month. N. XT. cor. 7th and Spring Oarden sts. WILL HELL lease and new furniture of 8 well-located offices, fully equipped for the slock and bond business, M 106. Ledger Office. OREIILE HLDO.. HOS-IO1 Chestnut Dsslr. studios .tnt J H. Jnrdella. 1535 Christian. 1708-10 CHESTNUT ST. Room. 20x05, J. R. JARDELI.A, 1635 Christian st. Offlcex Wanted WANTED ofOce In desirable building; will PAY $50 REWARD TO nny one furnishing information leading to securing of such space. Phone Old Colonr Club. v- Desk Room Wanted WANTED Desk room, with uso cf phorts and stenographer, in bldg. east of Broad. bet. Arch and Walnut sts. Ph. Tioga 4408 W. Warehons. roUR-STORY warehouse for light mfg.. 345 Race. S. II. Anderson. 017 Welghlman Hldg.. Spruce 4584. WEST PHILADELPHIA OFFICES, suitable ror any business or pro fessional purposes; finest location; corner 52d and Chancellor sts.; nlll rent one or more' yearly lease Riven. QUAKER REALTY CO . 6033 Christian st. Woodlsnd 7582 W. " f OERMANTOWN 121 E. CORGAS LANE Eight rooms tnt bath, porch front: rent $55: 1mm. poss. ZACHARIAS & WALLACE 1430 S rETW SQUARE PENNSYLVANIA ScnURBAN MEI.HOSE PARK DETACHED HOUSE, 8 rooms, eleotrltl large lot; handy to train, $00 monthly. H. HOPE Tolg FOB BENT FURNISHED OKUMANTOWN PART or whole ot house. Improvements; near train and trollty. Wjornlng 2078 J. MORTGAGES $100 TO $5000 TO LOAN I real eitatt owners; note or mortgage; In- 1 etallment or Ions term: oulck eettlement. i ARTHUR J. LEUP0LD 805 Bsllev Bldg, 1218 Chestnut at- Ce NOTE UN MORTGAGE Iramedlato settlements To Unsettled estate loans FJutldlng association funds 10I0 DKMPBEY (s CO.. s 27 3 15th St. WE DESIRE TO .SELL 1100,000 mortgaas for 5 years ot 8 J( , naiable not less than $20,000 per year: title clear: assessed st tmo.000: property, at Kensington and Alls. netiy aves. jvvvninu j,oidij -uiiis, oan rA-.a,n(n,i a Vff SIX PER CENT gilt-edge redeemable ground rents In amounts or sutou. i4tiuo snd $4609 for sale on operation of 02 houses at Chester nouses ac ur.este rs furnished upoj ave. ana oovn si, in utu.arn turnisnea upon aDollcatloti to Hurton C, Smou. Paesyun S. ave. ano loin ri $50 Real estato security, tmmt dlata settlement. Interest In TO estates bought Cash at once. $ZUW bUW. M. MULL j, B WANTED Private funds for gllt-edss 3 pr cent first mortgages. SAMUEL COHEN t CO. 301 Bhubert Pldg.. 250 S Broad st: LOANS. REAL ESTATE AND ESTATaUl ANY BUM IffiUKT. 84 S Hroad (West Bnd Bldg. 'R1VATE party has money to loan on 0 per cent 1st mortgages: 2 per cent commission: mention location and amount req. C 0I0.L.O. W. H. HAl.r, ft ROM 438 LAND T1TLK BLDO. TRIIt-T FUNDS for first mortgages. J. n. JARDELLA. 1535 Christian, p,. AND L. money for 2d mtges. : no Initial fees. 039 Ileal Estate Trust, Walnut 49887 MONEY TO LOAN CHRISTMAS RUSH HAS STARTED Why not take out that loan now? You wtib then have ready money to do your shopping; early while the stores hae a complete stock' thereby enabling jou to moku u better solectlon of your gifts. INVESTIGATE OUR 20 PAYMENT PLAN Interest at 8'4 per cont on monthly bal ance (no other tnarges). Tlther amount up to $300 In the same proportion. Our plan given you 20 months for repayment. If de sired we will make you a loan tho same dsy J,We'Pfoan on furniture, pianos: victrolas. etc.. without removal. CalJ, ivrlta or phon for full particulars. . PROVIDfcNl LOAN COMPANY 1033 Chestnut st 'Walnut 3013 702 WatWIns Did. JJBTBJIUOJ YOU CAN BORROW MONEY ON DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY $25 AND UP.. ..2 PER CENT 476 AND UP.,.. IK PER CENT $200 AND Ph.ufcln,a PER CENT 12B MARKET ST. nlDOB AVE. AND OXFORD ST. 22D AND SOVTH STB. READY MONEY DIAMONDS WATCHES t JEWKUir United States Loan Society 117 NORTH II ROAD 20 MarKet st. vnis (lermsntown ave. I CASH MONEY AT ONOB en jewelry, nonag, aatnmooii. siU"r j Mna. a' $40 CAN BE REPAID 12 MONTHLY B0 CAN HE REPAID $8 MONT1ILT MOO CAN UK REPAID $5 MONTHLY 100 CAN RE REPAID $10 MONTHLY iaoo CAN RE REPAID $15 MONTHLY . rt V :,l . ' I wi VStkI m .it M ."3 n ! n i'4l make an .Inspection. LOUIS R. LlflDDON, flayt. Ni J., , if - ' f ' r j f Oft "1 s tt - ,1 J " X it r-