SHSTOsv?!'? EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA', MONDAY, DECEMBER 15, l'JJJJ M, - Mi ACGORDO TRA N1TTI ED1NUNZI0? La Citta' dl Fiumo Verrebbe Occupata da Forzo Rego- lari Italiano rubli.hed and Dl.trlbuted, Under PEP.MIT NO. 841. . Authoriierl by the act of October 0. 1917. on ni at the. roetoMco of, Phlla' delphla, Tn. A S TtUP.I.E'tON. , roatmaster Oeneral. Flame, 35 dtcmbre rrcparnzloni ono In corso per la evncunzlnne dl Flume tla pnrlo rlpUe fowo til Gabrlclo D'Annunxlo, n In occupazione tlr-iln rltta Adrlatlca, clio fti causa dl tnntl dlsscnsl, da parte rlcllo truppo rcgolnrl italiene al romamlo del Generate Ca cklm, ex-mlulstro delta Guerra. L'ltaltit arm' completa sovranltrT ulla citta' dl Flume e tutte lo previ- atonl del trattuto dl Lontlrn sarnnno offettuato sotto 1 termini dl tin palto firmato trn Nltti c D'Anntinzlo. Cio Ndrnnn'n. nn rnmmunieflto dttto dall'tlf- iVnln atnmnn ilel nneln. 1 nSSCrlsCO Che TrRncia, Inghllterra ed Itnlia Bono in accordo cho l'ltalla dovra' nnncttersl Fiuuie. , . TV Annnniifi lin ilirlilnrntn dl f.onSl- deraro ratrgluritf. 1 mini idcall per i quail gll occupo la citta dl Flutno c chc nel patto gtabillto con Nlttl" cgll ha nvuto pleno garnnzio per la rcalizzazione dl sat ideal!. SI ,Hcn nhn 11 fienprii1 Cavizlia sta 8ia' giucto in Trieste per proaeguire nl a voltn di Flume e prenderc pohsorso delln clttn In iiome del coverno italiano. Ln formalo coniegna dclla citta' avrn luogo probabilmcnte domanl o mcrcoldt Roma. 15 diecmbre I giornnli oggi nmninzinno chc Gubrielo D Annunzio, nccompagnato dnl Gcneralo It.idoglio, rapo dcllo Stato Maggiorn til LMa, probabilmcnte verra' domanl in llomn e' conferira' con il Prcsidente del Con niglio del Mlniatri, On. Nlttl. elio sarn rosl' in grndo dl faro alia Camera dci Dcputati, nello stesso glorno, una precisa dichiaruzione rigtiardo a Fiuine. La Camera del Deputatl lia nppro Tato la risposta nl discorso della Coro na, dopo aver rigettato con voti -SO rontro 124 un rmendtiincnto propobto dai sociilisti, con il qualo st volcvn I'lmmcdlato riconoFcimento del govcrno Soviet in Uustlu e la riprcsa dcllc rcla zloni con dettn na7ioue. IOn. Nittl disse, in una sua replica, cho cgli desiderata prima decidere Kopra una questionc interna 0 ncgavn la notizia che il goteruo itnva per couclu 1 dere ntlovr nccordi internnzioniiHoreanti frosche respotipnbilitn'. 1On. Nlttl con cio' nl rifcrlva nd una notizia sccondo la quale nclla riuuione dl Clem enceau, Lloyd George e Scialoia, in Londrn, fosse stata considerat.i unn convenzione militare. L'On. Nittl ha detto chc il govcrno sente le rcsnonbabilitn' del grave mo- mento e che le correnti dcil'opinione pubullca hnnno dimostrato che la nn ziono ha imposto il dovcro nl govcrno dl non faro nulla spiir.a la co-operazionc dei gruppl rnppresenttinti nlla Camein. EARTHQUAKE IN ALASKA Juneau and Vicinity Shaken, but Little Damage Is Reported luneati, AInshn, Dec. 15. (I3y A. 1'i) Juneau nnd vicinity were rocked at 4:10 p. in. yesterday by enc of the heaviest earthquake shocks experienced here in years. Ituildlngs were bndiy shaken, but no material damage has been reported. It is believed the shock centers about the Haemal Volcano, near Kodiak, and that the volcapo may be in eruption again. Irish Constable Killed; No Arrests Kllbrittaln. Ireland. Dec. 15. (Bv A. P.) A constable named Itolger was shot and killed in front of the police barracks hero yesterday. No arrests navo been maue. XOST AND ETJTJND OUNTAIN PEN Lost, plain, solid-gold fountain pen Wednesdayi reward. Call Baring C3I. PASSPORT Lost. Polish passport. No 103 rlnder Please return to Wlndlslaw iCav.v S. 8. Koscluszko Polish-American Steamship v,,.., .v.. iiiunmvnT .tgw lorK City. Jtewarfl BTOUK IjOBt or destrnvsd " ihnr r T R stock No 003OS0, registered in name nt George Stanley Burnfleld. Application is being made for new certificate. WATCH Lost, gold wrist watch. Thursday. between 17th t tfhd th and Chestnui gta.j name on Inside case; finder please re turn: reward. 3308 Baring at. PERSONALS Tira GOOD will, merchandise and fixtures , of the general automobile business hereto fore conducted by Geo II. Evans at 41-48 JB. .Lancaster ave , Ardmore, Pa., under the name of Lower Merlon Motor Co. or Lower Aferlon Motor Co Ino will be sold Qn Deo. IB, 1010. to w Clifford Hunter, of Wayne. Pa , and Richard M. Heckscher. of Strafford Pa HOLD, Docernber 13, my provision business to II. R. Delp, present all bills by the ,25th of December to 20th and Mount Vernon' ots HELP WANTED FEMALE ARTIST and designer, thoroughly experienced , on fine drawings, with ability to sell: short hours and good money P a0 Ledger Office BELL TELEPHONE OPERATINO 5ERMANENT POSITIONS OB'FERED TO OUNO WOMEN BETWEEN 18 AND 23 nj PER WEEK FOR FIRST 4 WEEKS' 0 ro per week; in a months i witii' RAPID ADVANCEMENT THEREAFTER. SHORT II0UR8 INEXPENSIVE HOT LUNCHES COMFORTAnLB REST ROOMS mCKNESS DISAHILITY BENEFITS t CAREFULLY CHOSEN ASSOCIATES CALL PEnBONALLT ANY WEEKrtAV RETWEEN 0 A. M AND K P M Trl f?y,S3 Jl7AN' 193 ARCH ST.. FIRST P3rx ii XLOOR, THE BELL TELEPHONE CO. OF PA. KILL. CLERK nrtght ,ounr lady exi.rl. enoed as typist for billing department of larao wholesale house: must ta Wc rlaJt and" accurate; pleasant surroundings: hourl 8 JO to o, i p, In, Saturdajai permaneJ? 'rfliTH HILLING CLERKS FAMILIAR WITII MOON-HOPKINS MACHINE: GOOD OPBNINai CIJANCB FOn ADVANCEMENT K. V, HOUGHTON A CO. Ub W, SOMERSET ST. OR ntONH KENSINGTON 710 N.sV2 uDsWataraji tharnuiitv Htui.h..4 'ifgm HELP WANTED FEMALE r.qoKKBBPEn Thorouc hly experienced dou- Dic-oniry DooKKeeper to take tun marge "t office. In mfc. plant; halt day Saturday. 1810 Market st., second floor. . CANDT DACKEIt Experienced cindy pack. rr wantcu at once. Apply air. t.oruer. isj B Iflth at. nooKKEnpnn KNOWLEDGE OK STENOOP.APIIT ritE PElUtED, HITT NOT AIISOI.UTRIjT 11" HKNTIAt.: STEADY POSITION Hilt COM, PICTENT. EXPERIENCED nKLIAHLlJ VMMW WITH PUbb A1AHY AT 1'KK' HNT-DAY llATEBi STATE AQE. EXPr.rt ENCE AND OAPAHII.ITIEfl IN DKTAII UEKKJIBNCE P.EQUI1IKD C 001. LEDUKIt ut r iul CASHlEnS AND INSPECTOIta EXpnrtrnNcn.NOT NEcnssAitr INSTRUCTION GIVEN APPLT DUIIEAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAmAKEII'8 CHAMtlEItMAID and dlnlns-room girl. 5 white glrlii for Inntltutton, Overbrook 1B31 C,.'Kn!f T,,B ArrotlNTINO DEPArtT- xtnNT or Tim LrraRit vo rjESIRBS THE SERVICUf OP A lOUNn JJ.,Y.Af WtTIC AT LEAST 2 YKAHH OV liqil SCHOOL THAININO, Oil ITS EQltlV Al;K?JT WITH OK WITHOUT KXPEIlt '??';, ASK TOR MR. PRICB, PUllLtC l.hnOBR fQ , (ITU AND CHBSTN1IT STH COOK AND CHAMUERMAID. 2 reliable women, preferably mother and daughter or 3 sisters chambermaid to assist with c"9 of Infant and do mending Call or Phone Mrs A. K. Billings 1703 Spniee St.. anv morning before 11 Phone ticust 4J19 LOOK Urst-class colored cook also girl for waiting nnd chamberwork. best reference renulreil rhono llrtn Mawr 470 COOK Iteflned .oung white woman, week Phone Wyoming 4741 10 a QDtl Automobile financing corporation do. alros young girl, with atengornphlo ability, for general work must be quick and alert; nigh school or business school training pre. f erred, excellent chance for advancement Apply after It a, m , Hare Chase. 300 Walnut 1 OIIJL'' AND WOMEN WE HAVE JEST IJIL N IWAV Pinu rr n.r, t-i. TTAl'.A?sV APJM-Y FACTORY OFTICE 111 T. I'AIhfE CO , 3201 ARCH ST. 1J0 QIRLS WANTED OVER 10 YEARS OP AQE . '?fEw DEPARTMENT no EXPr.itiEvcn necessary I.K11IT. AIRY FACTORY DESIRAllf.E. STEADY WORK r,2 WEEKS A YEAR HOP LLNCHF.S REitVED AT LESS THAN COST GOOD PAY. EXCELLENT TREATMENT LEARNERS TAID 12 WEEKLY LiaOETT MYERS TOBACCO CO 3D AND ONTARIO bTS OIRLS YVEItEQtTinn OIRI.1 TO WRAP PACK. AOES: EXPERIENCE NOT NECESSARY APPLY EMPrJYMENT BUREAU LIT BR03. OIRLS AND WOMEN Now Is the time to secure a steady KOOd-paMnK position In our new West worlls. both assemblers and machine operators needed Apply 33d st entrance, 1'lectro Dental Illdg , SJd and Arch sto i take elevator to fifth floor 11. T I'alste Co 3201 Arch st. GIRLS over 1(1 years, steady position, good wages, 48-hour week. Frledbereer-Aaron Mfg Co . 4000 N. 18th at near Wayne June tlon GIRLS, H to 10 years of age; continuation school privilege: good wages: steady posi tion Frledberger-Aaron MTtr Co , 4000 N 18th st . near Wajne Junction. GIRLS. 2. wanted, cook and chambermaid, white, downstairs work and waiting; 2 In family where man la kept. Call 233 S. 17th HOSIERY knitters and toppers experienced on Banner machines on single and double stitch troik LOOPERS on 20 and 2J point ravel work: experienced DOUBLE SOLE TRIMMERS MENDERS t white woik PAIRERS AND FOLDERS experienced on fine seamless hosiery I.OOPERS and 22 point ravel work TAIRERS AND FOLDERS to work on our bonus shift, hours 4.30 p. in. until 10 p n These are all well-paying positions steady, Emplosment Office open until 10 p. NOTASEME HOSIERY CO Oxford and Mascher sta HOUSKWORK Girl ,for general housework In modern Oermantonn home: best wages paid: family of 2 adults, an excellent place for right party. Phone today Oermantown 4437 HOUSEWORK White girl for general house. worK: pieaaam euiruuiminas i;aii Wyo ming 2481) J. 4633 York road KITCHEN MAID white, for Main Line, Rosemonf, Pa., neare station. Phone Uryn Mawr 481 MOON-HOPKINS OPERATORS FOR RILLING: GOOD OPENING; CHANCE FOR ADVANCEMEN V. E F. HOUGHTON 4 CO. 240 W. SOMERSET ST. OR PHONE KENSINOTON 7100 f MOTHER'S helper and housekeeper wanted in refined hori In Wayne. P 218, Ledger hPCORD CLURK, prominent In Insurance office: knowledge of stenography and typewriting! tto exp, .and aalary ex- Scted 1' 21B. Ledger Office. SALESWOMEN WANTED TOUNO WOMEN FOR VARIOUS DEPTH. EXPERIENCE NOT NECESSARY man wages ArTLT EMPLOYMENT BUREAU UT BROTHERS BAU5SWOUISN PAIIT OR FUhU TIMK orrOIITUNlTIEB IN SBVEItAS, DEPARTENTB AWUt SUIUBAU Q? KMMVOftMENt t.w.Vt.O.U1,!1'" .ftfUTHKR NEW LOT OP MACHINns ALSO BNLAIlUCn OtTIl AS BEMBLINO DICPaVmENTS, .NOVISTIIE 9I'l:9"lUND TIME 11)11 YOU TO SECURIJ ;"'1' """Jf..." 'Til A MODERN. UP i;4?AXU'.onow,NO CONCERN! liPE nJPT.E.NOP NECESSARY. C.OOD rAY vvcTi-'',,SiH!1:nin'..WITI1 RAPID AD XAj5Sl"JJ.I,'NJ... TAKB ELEVATED SUIt- r "wrn JHELPwAnTED FEMALE sale saint, for silk departments rood oppor tunity for tha rlint party. TimnsiIEP. 11P.08 133 Chestnut tt Y- BTENOaRAPIIi:R wanted, who underntande bookkeeping, to bo necretary to manager of eteel compnny. natary and percentage honui, no great amount of experience required but iiiui.1 uw irry rapnoie nnu nmoitiou nppiy by letter C 010. Ledger Office STEMMUIAPIinn Must know how- to nanaiu n set of doublo entry books, w.i5nVl 4nn h.iil? W:" . " l ""OS. BTCNOORAPHER and bookkeeper wantfd must have knotrledce of Yiddish Neigh, borhood Center 4S2 llalnbrldge et ' Il I TELtTPHOND OPERATOR EXPERIENCED HELL OPERATOR APPLY mmilAlT OP EMI'IiOYMENT WANAMAKER'S rrnsTs FOR HILLING! EXPERIENCE WITH MOOON-HOPK1NS HILL1NO LC1UNB DESIRAHLl:, BUT NOT NECESSARY E F HOUGHTON i CO. 210 W. SOMERSET ST. OR PHONE KENSINGTON 7 1 on AnRESS. exp white woman, for pvt family at Tirsn Mawr; near church and elation. Phono llryn Mawr 82, or write P. O Hox Hit, Rryn Mawr. WAITRESS white Orel class! wages S40 Phono 230 M HO William at.. Princeton. WEAVERS A few good silk ribbon weavers for iloiiblc-ileik speed looms, good pay euarant-ed s. L Mlgel L Co., Lehigh ave. and -2d st WINDERS Soft-silk guarnnteed a. , ne and 22d st Hinders; good pay Mlgel A. Co . Lehlxh "OMAN, ounjr. for house mother in Instl. tiitlon for children. Phone Oterbrook 18J1, WOMEN AND QIIILS .K..' 'ACKING AND MISCEM.A 2E2HKonK EXPERIENCE NO I' NECESSARY COOP PAY NATIONAL RISCUIT CO 1301 GLENWOOD AVE WOMEN OF FNQITES1 IOVKT) CfLTURE and refinement pleasing appearance 2T to 33 sears of age preference given to one who through misfortune or flnnnclal retersrs finds. It necessarv to enter tho business world, tho position offered does not require previous business experience or the Invest ment of nny monet as we pav saltrv and railroad fare from start 4 splendid open ings for qualified nnpll.nnts ho are unin cumbered and free to tratel extensively January IS southern territory glti, full de. tails concerning age education and cxperl '? 1rst,1'"!:er Address s J cm flllan 38 E Washington st Chicago III WOMEN TVK REQUIRE WOMEN TO WRAP PACK AGES. EXPERIENCE NOT NECER3ART APPLY EMPLOYMENT BUREAU LIT UR03. WOMEN FOR tVRAPPING EXPERIENCE NOT NECESSARY APPLY BUREAU Or EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S WOMEN, good pn light table work, ex- v ".in." not mi intiti t i r ivnu -iii,'ii'iii''iii, rledberger-Aaron . Mfg. Co. 4000 N ISth t , near Watne Junctlou YOUNG LADIES to work In finishing de partment of an engraving house: clean work good pa E A. Wright Co. Broad and Huntingdon YOUNO LADY with grammar schortl oduca-J tlon, familiar with office work and rani operate a typewriter Appiy at once. Ad- .r at i dress at once C flirt Ledger Office YOUNO WOMAN of good address inpnble of interviewing prospects and conducting work that roquircs tact and nersonallty eood snlnrv tn rl it mrty P 303, Ledger Office Genera! MILLER tt RROWN Employment service, 130 S. I6th at If I juu urn secKing a position call t no charge fnr reglsiratlon Spruce I us. 0181 tVDMEN . 18 UP waliled; 1100-J150 month nunareiis government Jobs ontn; write for list Franklin Institute, Dpt 711 w Roohester I Y, "' LARN JS yvoeklt spare time writing for nowspapers, masrnztnes enn unnec de tails free Tress .syndicate 134, St. Louis WOMEN wanted $1100 IldtlO , year, govern- ment office positions, lint r,M. u,.u. i mediately Franklin Institute Dept. 713 w Rochester N Y. HUSINE8S BERV1CE CO , i , in . ... tlTUKUU'M- A83t tO EmoiOVmsnl Mn. ttn Clerks 4 Typists Several positions HELr- WANTED TJAL- ACCOUNTANT, experienced In textile maim fjcturlng, fvir publlo accounting concern Address, stating age experlenco, .alary .nd reference, P 117 Ledger Office " ACCOUNTANT thoroughly etperienced n cost work for public accounting concern Address stating age, experience, salary and references P 110 Ledger Office ary """ , ACCOUNTANTS senior, and Junior., wanted ' by firm of public accounttatsj also seversi I tacancles for branch managers, p ng, rid. I ger Office ARCHITECTURAL draftsmen, experienced in inuumrmi uuu iimiiiuuonai work, good eaiaryi only men of experience need apply Perrot, N. W cor. 17th an. Halllnger nd Arch ASSISTANT, JIOOKKEEPER and hlllhTg clerk must be able to operate typewriter and accurate good chance for advancement Apply Penna Steel Export Co., 810 N Front st AUTO TRIMMERS ON LIMOUSIVR WORK ALSO CUSHION-MAKERS DOOR TRIM MERS AND RACK HANOERR; ItEsr WAOES PAID. EXPERIENCED MEN ONLY. APPLY LOWRY TOP AND BODY CO. OAUL AND ADAMS STS, U "l AUTO PAINTFRS. ., ON .LIMOFSINE I10DIES. Pt'TTIFRS AND FILLING nunncuH- STEAnvwfinK and pooo PAY APPLY LOWRY TOP AND BODY CO,, OAUL AND ADAMS HTS 1X)Y. office work excellent chance for ad vancement for bright boy who 1. willing tn work to let ahead Noiseless Typewriter i Co . 883 Chestnut ROY wanted for msclilne-shon office Ap ply Crune Department, Nile, llement Pond Co . Mifflin and Moodow ats U0Y wanted Intelligent, with some experi ence bn a telephone exchange Apply Pier r.1 buth Wharves Mr Shell, American Line ' nOTS WANTED We' pay our boys from 313 to US per week; easy work, steady nosl. tlon, good opportunity. Apply at 0nCeDF.CKER. SMITH PAGE Water and Snyder ave. BOY8 Wanteod. 2 errand bov. Apply nfth "jiig. nnd Chestnut st, ftiiTpKt.AYIortH 'or out of town, Ujls per hour, doubla tlino for overtime and Bun- daSe, Rf.. .iTIE'BFbtifiSr b"a ?n "" Call llfN cheap IIUICK MOTOICOTf)KLlNT, MICH. niEMAKnitB ON HHERT METAI, WOIIK D'1'51 MACHINE TtrcPAIftMEN I JiIACIIlNISTS MACHINE Itl.ACKSMITHH ACME, nrtOtVN & RIIARPI9. CLEVELAND AND OHIDI.ET OPERATORS State full particular. In fir.t lett.r. itUSHEl.MAN-k-Wanted, to rnng with a hu.helman to come to an Ideal climate. J flrst-class establishment and an up-tc-date "TBI V'r.".. .. ',.,.! . man yvhn pun il oVationi we vvanf a man who hi? repair and cut clothes If ',? if Waterman Oslnesvllle, G Dunlan ""intlr.a: Co. Juniper and Cherr STX-rtK shtoplne and'stocly clerk rry. clerk brftrirv tlonf eood .Jarf andexJelUn ODPortijn n.wr In "vriirnndverltlli eivhjr . ,. SlenM and lry ipeH. 6 l. Ladcer nELP WANTED MALE PAniNnTVAicnnt on AfTOMOttiLr. hod ..MCI- 8THADV WORK AND HOOD PAY r M, IflWRT TOP AND BODY CO I.AUL AND ADAMS 8T3 CEMENT riNIRIIERS for iut of town Me Per hour, time and hair time for over tlmo, double tlmo for Sunday; fare ad- N 12tfl t. COOKS, nAROEt COME READY TOR , WORK. 1.18 H BP, ROOM 7i COPYHOLDER There Is n tncancy tn Proofreading department of Publlo ledger Vt J oung man who ran peflrt wl!h accuracy night work, 4S-hour week salary 16 Apply toda after 7 p m . at lion Chestnut St., fifth floor. roi'VHOLDF.'lt wanted on etenlng news paper. Apply fifth floor OOo Chestnut, st DECKHANDS, DONKEY MEN, WHITE HAROES COME HEADY POR WORK. 18S H .ID ST . ROOM ,-. DRAFTSMAN One who Is experienced on textile machine work Apply employment office. L. H. Ollmer Co Kestono and Vln cent els.. 'lacony Philadelphia DRAFTSMAN, structural detoller. with ex. perlance on contevor matcms preferred II H Ueaumont Co alfi Artli st DRA1TSMK.N WB WNT FIRST-CLASS SHIP DRAFTSMEN WHO HAVE HAD EXPEItl KNCB ON HULL. ENGINE ELECTRICAL AND FITTING WORK. AND ARE VviLl" 1NO TO PAY THE HIHHKSr RATES TOR MEN WHO MEET OUR REQUIREMENT APPLT ROOM 108 INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS DLDO HOG I3LAND DRAFTSMEN . DETAILER3. EXPERIENCED JIG AND FIXTURE DESIGNERS. APPLY ,IN TERSON OR 11Y LETTER PER SONNEL DEPARTMENT. WINCHESTER REPEAT INO ARMS CO. NEW HAVEN CONN ELECTRICAL RUYEU Ue hate an opening for a man 23 tn 3". tears old na assistant In our purchasing department, he must hate a thorough knowledge nf the lino, be a good correspondent, nmbltlous and not afraid of hard work Reply In tontldence, giving age, Fast experience and salary expected to I W 11,, P O Dox 713 City Hall station, New York. EXECUTIVE Wanted bt a yarn mill manu facturing woolen and merino arns for the knitting trade a man having a thorough knowledge of this business anil capable of assuming responslbllltv requiring executive ability, must l,e familiar with raw mn frlnls and able to aiiHlvze samples, esti mate costs and establish modern methods of efficiency- to the right man a good salary and every opportunity to advance and t.i grow with the business Answer, stating ex perience and reference, to M 028. Ledger ortloe. (lAUCEMAKERH EEVKRAL KXPKRIBNCKD MEN CAN nB PIACKD AT ONCE. APPLY IN rCRSON OR lit LETTER. PBP.SONNKI. DF.PAlif.MENT WIlvCIIESrER REPEAT1NO ARJH COMPANY. NEW HAVKN. CONN. HOO ISLAND SHIPYARD WANTS CARPENTERS CARPENTERS' HELPERS CEMENTERS ERECTORS PIJvTE HANOERS PIPEFITTERS STAGE BUILDERS LABORERS Plentv of work and good working conditions PASSER BOYS Must bs over 1(1 years and furnish proof of as Apply I Mr 8hattuck'. Office State Employment Office 1321 Arch st. OR Employment Office Hoc Island HOSIERY FIXERS ernerlenced on Acme and Mao machines steadv position good wages E N Conkllne & Son. 1823 Bristol street HOUSEMAN Wantetl xprlennd Jipa. nese houseman, for waiting and houseivork In nrlvata family In Atlantic Ctty. must liave best references, good wages and per manent position Answer, with cople. of reference., M 031, Ledger Office LAliOliERS wanted. Drehman Paving Co .u I'urrisM ai GASOLINE ALLEY Voc hit Tito M Hotte cwiw- W( 'rLt, Havc time to ClCAU 4oMC SPACK. p-yos BEPoee svivrfi ; S m ., 7Z -trtEP-t" , kmiff'i I iMi -iK NO, SCO CAN.T ,0 ( itFy I IZ Cat OME TMfNCS LAID I I A Q.j?LCOf CWRlSTHAS iJlg&C' 1-fPOT C'fl 'Trie BED YOU MUSTNTy Vj'RpiCNTS ANSWiVfJ Jit iifii);Bl . W'- I HELP WANTED MALE JUNIOR CM7RK In mtln office Urge manu facturing concern opportunity for ad rancement 1' MS Ledger Office LAllOIlt'.RS, son white or colored laborer unnted for Irack and conatructlon work at Lakthuret, N. J , long Job and ntcjdy I work neceMary to live on Jobi flrBt-claes sleeping quarters Rnd comrnlesary Aprly i. in a n. .-vionnay morning. lrwin c Lelchton, 12th and Cherry. MACHINIarfl I ' BEVKIIAL ALL-AROUND MttN W'ANrED AT ONCE. APPLY IN TERBON OR BY LETTER. PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT ' WINCHESTER REPEATING ARM COMPANY. VEW HAVEN CONN KnsTtjrKy ' MAll. rf r.n.. - rhnnr ' ini :Bi,i' ",,c ""sistanti rxcl ent ' or IS ,?. nbItloun oung nun, about 17 ago P1U( grammar school lucatlnn Ahl renna "'"I i.nport Co ",,, n. r roni MAN ,. desire tn nn. .. ,iu I eecaJr l,.e.V,,!r' ,,.h" "'" ' stock" of ol tlclniti , " V1" i' l , of Phllsdelphla end MonnVsfI,r0d,t'IVrlghVCpH.rrtVy', """"' 301 8W.W.'s ' "s8jn nuth. 'LKES.IlAIlRi;. PA. M tle'r,'" llraslf L'i'f. Cl'y '"nlshlnr ch.nde nUho:i hrri,,llh oblle. .by new mtthOft tin V.i, ...ull'moours py r ;i:-r&i:fl.CD. eri- 'eca- N'V t.OHK MIHPRUILDINfl North Yard ' Camden, N. J CORP A I10ILER Ft.ANriER 'toerlenccd. hand and machine .. TINSMITHS chop and ship work ACETTLENE WELDERS Heavy boiler uork ftOLTERS nen who want to get a start Oood huskv aintfjTMrti irnoes .LABORERS standard shlpjnrd rale PASSERS Mojs over HI sears POlV Sl Ihn Vn,lk X-....I t. i . .. nee ,rMi,B,'s:rsnff'u- 1"JI Arch st , .. .."-"-. '"Mivjiiiviii iiuirnu Chllndelphla. Ml" YORK h'HIPRUII.UING CORP North Yard Camden, N J PVCKHRS AND WRAPPERft IlplISEHOI.D OOODS OHINt KTl APPL1 IIURIJAII OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKEIt'S PACKINO-HOUSE FOREMAN I-OR OUT-OF-TOWN CONCERN ttill pay a good salary and bonus to a prac t cat foremnn In tnlfA ihim r n... . Wi tnodern sausage department. .ip.iclt JOOtl dally, must come recommended as I u&V,U,Ji,,!TS BOII.EUSt jnii"i anii rin REPAIR.Mr.N WANTED IIT f TIIE (MIFSA A 1 EAKU AND OHIO RAII.KOAll 'iVi?& f!....1i!ii)."2' . SHOP SUPERINTENIinVT ! XAS'WJi?.: w.XA..OR W II. imfe: EP it dibUHANIC. COVINQl'ON. iin.uiK nei-eosary expirience required; will uenvv macn v iooi nesigners to I2OO0. pay the right man to Investigate opportunity ENGINEERS tIN'Dl hTRIAI.) Executives presented replies tunfldenttal Address able to put concerns In good order by ln C (Ml, Ledger Office I stalling modern methods t.1ilf0-?f,(Oil 'BALESfEN Auto Insurance Gen I JIS00 PAINT SALESMAN by Plttsiiurga manufac turer of paints tor manufacturing and spe cialty trade want expcrlencid nan for east ern Pennsylvania state fullj past eXp,rl enco. nge references and prv "xpected Ap ply h letter. Edwarcl Thompson care Thompson & to "i7 W' North ate. Pltts- rATTERNMAKElt WIKTI'li Kalbach H K cor 12th and Olive sts. PHOIOURAVUUL WUIIKERSr wanted" nly, Suoerlntendent 004 Chestnu Phllsdrlnhls Ap- t . RLAhrURERS for out of town. J1.1S per nour; OOUOIO lime lor overtime and Sun. ay, fare advinied good uuuiu Ul JOU Clieap fall ii.t N r.'th PRACIICAIf PRODUCTION MAN WANTED , . , ... Familial and experienced with iinv An r - . ,ii -..rf w.iv 11 ( !- r n.i ml srtlp . lciv ti iiniiitiu s. iivn Industrial Alcohol Prult llaNorn Essential Oil Outni Ux tract) Cocoa Chocolate Candles No fjlesrnn. techrtkal expvrifl only desired, and who cn Juutlry reputation l.arn-n con cern. Internationally known. Address M 0S Leaner uinct ROOlcCUrt. Apply Warren-Ehret nnd ftravs lem aV0. e-oto SAl.UfiMAN etperlvnced "in toilet prepata - tlons. atiiualnt'd vtlth vvholesnle lii!, notion, "holesaio ori.ii.isi. export tr,idD. unless jou can take hold of vtrll-knonn line, produce linr.iedlnla results. nn ne.d rot app y. dravylng .itcount uiralnst com- mlssloii, replj in tonfldency (,-ivlnz full de - tails of what oj ion do I ennun Chemical VO .,1'J yvilSIIia " iituwn.,, ,,. , till KING ruttl Two Touetlier F,l Ho NO No! NcsAVHAn THG. VCUMU1TNT HANG Oiq IDEA V I , - . . - NOUR COA.T IK "WE HAIL ctoscrl i dout WAMT NOl lO UO HI TrlEP-t' ;opvtlht. 1919. by th Trlbun Co, iSelp wanted -male 8AIAS.ANTVe delre lo connect with a mrui of ability lo handle the eale of Hock or oil fecurltles In the clt of Philadelphia una Mrlnlty an cceedlnglj attrarrive propo rtion n offered to th right party D EitTrBS t. CO 301-302 rOAI, EXl'IIANUi: HI-DO WILKES HAllltr; PA yAl.PSMAN A-l slock ealesman. to act a tteadlnir '" manager, entering good proposition in rii atiri thinlty ("nil or ntMress Amerlcnn Ant,, ( lnh Cth and Cherry ets Heidlng Pa. I SALESMKN Wanted 2 eerurlt- saleemen j Will pay un tn l0 per week and commie slon Sir Sherwln 21. N. lAth st. STOCK SALESMEN .ia.i.k.I .r ... .. ..... . .... .. . .. I ""'""' iJiiiraiiij must woo own wieir t'hT? r! "'! eecurltles high class respot. siblo Pennsshanli fertiliser corpororatlon t farmera nnd A.t in rrr!iii,.r. mi. mph now earning $jr,o week and over. proiorItloii ells on eight, gool men can make big money, we would also like to hear from anv parties desirous handling high-grade ferttllrer goods AdJres 41 1. Pcm Illdg . Phlladelphln RTOi K !AI.rsMriN ho want it permanent connection selling financial slock on llbersl commission See Mr Walsh, 1101 Common- wealth mag ! TINSMITHS wanted steady work gool 7"'ns conainons, gooa pay ij i-o li'Hii st and Hatcrford ave. JIO AND I'LVTOnU MVKE11S ERIENCED MEN. POSITIONS NOW 01CN APPLY IN PERSON OR IV LETTER, PERSONNEL DEPART MENT wincucstcr rkpkatino arms co ' nhw havi:n, conn. T(KKfilAK i"'1 'KNrF.I) ON 110 AND INal5kaV?V,f,NRl!, x' w. AUTOCAR CO., ARDM0I1E. PA WAN1 ED Vttlve. ambitious vnimg man to take charge of cost and statistical work of s i os I mining company: must bo experienced, quick at figures, cn thuslftstlo nnd possess initiative and ability to lexd; acqUHtutance with gMphIo charts ileslrablo Addross WESTON DODSON it CO Bethlehem Pa. INC . TOUNO MAN WANTED HY LARGE COR PORATION WHERE C1IANTCE 1X1R AD VtN'CEMEVT IS l'N-l.nri'1'EIl II K MUST HE 13 YEARS OF ACH5. NEAT AND AM- BITIOUS. SLARY TO START JIO AND , ADVANCEMENT IF DESERVED WILL I1B wiWc'MPv'ioDtin'i!KIJiiJ-,JJ' r," 1-VTs imm n0nivA"?iriSr-nGcf,vEAv" ' oiPivitwAK onT T '" "'YNN 001. iiihiiMii m YOUNG MAN fot blue printing nnd photo-, Kritiniit- worn vvll.l.IAUS lltltJVVN fi. EARI.B Inc . 018 Chestnut st ( YOUNG MAN In purchasing department! state age experience and salarv required Apply rietrher Works, .'d andOlenwood. TOUVO MAN IN DRIED-FRUIT PACK ING DEPARTMENT APPLT 130 S, 11WNT ST i General I1FSINESS HFHVICH CO lilt Land Till.! ACC'TS Seniors experienced men for Phlla i CLERKS Cost. Record Ledger to J2.". DRAFThMEV 112) Small Marhtne Part i'uoiio Accountants, to f liiou MEN wanted betome an aeronautic expert, suctess assured grentest opportunities of recent years fortunes to those who enter this new field early train nt home In spare time send for booklet on aeronautic engineering mailed flee Chicago Tei hnlcal College. 14111 Chicago Tich Illdg, Chicago 111 EARN I11G MONEY Do Inlli- work' auto repalt ineihiiuical and lectin u nrivinj or etorigo uattLiry won. wi trn n mt u on nriicinn nms Phil id Infill Electrical S houl ill minis Hrmen t Phil iilelnhln RAILWAY traffic .nsncitors wanted. Jlto I innnth jnd mn, nses to start, .hnrl tinnro trnvel 3 mnntha home ntudy under nice, w? cei jou pnsmon no no limit task for booklet S nan Standnril llusinefla Training Inut Hn TTn lo N' Y ciiAi'rriirah imi-rovi; oin oppoii- TUNITini. hie tt thomugli knowledffp of auto construction repair limit Ion. rtc Illustrated ratnloKMir. of belpful lriAtrurtl -bonk mailed free on renufst TOy)IlII nqi:sr Pent c n cim-ii... ui o AT-W oV STISFIi:i with our poittlon nnd prospecti" If not nlmt etr 50111 ocpupntinn in entlwate uur ilmice In tro erntnont erlce lust nlt for Porm N I, 377 fre l.wrl Hnpktnw Witwhtnuton l c llN'ORKASi: YOIMl HMAUY KN'mir.IiNOW New Day Autn Cln, V to 3, his,. Men's and x.rnr.w.n. i.,in i'tu.- a un.i - tn .. " ' I liui rll a oil!" .i-i . ant I it. 11 'n r. 11 .ntiittnn iiiivimiii, . J . Onn Jan L iPUINOO MtunN'INhTITUTn I Broad and Hprlnif jlnrdeii ttn Phlla , Pa. MlLlfUU tV HllOW N Rinploiiient ct)rlt,.' iau H IMli tt if you ar i' ktnif emplojnir-nt call un uj, i-n charge fii 1 iylRtr nMnn Ppruca im, ICARN $? wwklv ,. re I linn Tra"lnRfor nertHpaiiorK iiiacaln Hxn itnrtoc de talla f-e Pr. - Hi lull" s'tl t .ouls Missouri AGENTS SIKBMl-N N carburetor for I'ord curn nlmpltr not mm lnir part lnotallf d tn 3d minutes i:ua.ra,nt ,( I to double jour inilcaKH nnd start In ru urather nlltiout hentitu; or prlmlni; l.r-dty fro iilal our fit, Ioulh man wold 3uoo tu U tnonthn, Salt Iak 'llv man mad. $1,00 in one week Writ- l I .1 Carburetor 't Jackson boulaard Chicago COUNTS rttrn hei v y raincoats fnr wlni,. wear take iiihi. of overcoats at half I price, stye piopl,. money and spII Kite Maze, i reversiviea leulheritles. all ulnil rnmicli. I lust foi yviltlni; orders nodellvei! 1 W"t"IiarJ"i?V;!,,"navfnn "o" . Co S10K Htv st pawonju ranter aire. I XVANTl;iv. Aftll for i-him, .,,,Ih und vl clnl yl i.-.. .1 nnnmsltlun previous exrvr el.wunm Pessary free sthnol of Inttruf h.i vWr.i vaVJIirhiisett. Itiiiidltic nnd tn.,.. ,' O. Ac eld t and Ileal th lielart tnei.t' iW,;' MichVi'pii n 81 v'iiiKI'1 i kllSHA'PlilNAl. riLl.LElt new lnvAiiilnn Chrletmt" lieie.Uw r-lU on slirht ncents malilni,- Ids mine) itituulai free write tiu cl. Morris i-1 i.Lim tiulcl. Xlorrls Title Ilulldins, Philadelphia, I AfjliNtH vvit.ifis uinoreiias, I'll pay hustlers U an hour tu take orders for this nevtest Invention no Inv.sttnent Write fur ,1-stl outfH Parker Mf. i o 700S Wnll st , Pat tun, o 15AI.USMICN Imsperlennd or experlenocd, .III or truv.lliiJ in I. fm l l.i ol i'ji"iIiil and full puru, ulars tddrina Null Htlu ""i!l"'lr fn ' ''' i5i ljL'!tJll AOENl" "J.VI In Tf -i eik l .pTNantlntf our splendid Hi"- of nun i. guaranteed tilloied netkniar putlt'Ulsra fret I) I. Ivelser t.n l-sun r ih'i i.i iron Vllcn a!a:hm,i:n lo lundie a toilet pfpnmtinn of merit a i nlde line, Illiernl coiumls sion Address i.jvvnvlett Druar ft ChemUal t o Permanent ni iu vieenuiuy CUAI. shortsge ineatlH hill liturley fir lrTl- tory salesmen, tolleit nnd keep all inotiej ca. tires in stoves frt in kerosene If S Mfg Co., Dept Jit olunihiut J ' Volllt IvfAMlf brln. cupy Money Makinc Idea. The krnt .l.'-iiaui- n.enfs HhiI mull denler'a inagailm A II Kraus Kraus I IlldijJinvviiuUee Wis . AOUNrS Make $1 nn hour nil Slendets. a palont patch instantly mends leaks In oil lltensllel Bmlle free Jlendet Ci. Am.ter liam S Y. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES 1 MllH KAHVEV, IDlli nittenhouae square desire, positions chefs won m oiniueiiditd cook., butlerB, chaulfcure liouenin house keepers, wanted Monday nit-cluj,M 1'rot estaut t-oouk., city and couiiuy soteral kitchen maids, ladles maids city and pam lleach, waitresses larur maids city und Palm lleach chambermaids, laundresses, nurses, couples dv w. rkers Tin'vnit Nllisn A CIIAUI'iei'irri for private or commercial cars? Wo supply tompeloiit. relluhlo tnen ut rea.onnble ware. wltliiHit co.t tu vou Apply to Mr Taiton, 6li mown t. PhonsMurkctj;,'13tl. MIlX ItANE. Oil 8 10th st - Posltiuns 1 vv.nted. cooks, rhamhermaldji, butle- 'chauffeurs, liousevvotkntlrln. with reference. pirline mill filiM WOMENTcolored, fay, wh pnrt , ' tma, Hursey, 1 2i5r tt ' 1 jth ' plclt ," 8M. ' COOKH.' cha'mh'dfc lutcwork irirl. sv anted, "JiiMlltm JMrtr. iai Olr,-d v., i item SITUATIONS WANTED MALE ACOnt'NTANT Thoroughly olenn-tut man !H jears of age married Irreproachable rhararter and address a real worker, IS tears' experleme in cost -tnd general ae ' minting now im-ated In untral Pennsyl nnn desirous of locating In Philadelphia l i ujmn for enraki rnent A 1 references M " l!J l-derOrtlie ItOllhKEBI'LR I K Young man capable of taliiiift i-harcp of nffUe S ont exp mfp roet occountaiii and public sert,"" t t-ars with present emp!o,'rs nut -of town rnejtjim loneldred c 027, LedgT offlc1 CHU'lTi:! It and mechanic white with or without wife its cook, both thoroughly ox-1 perlenced, best lef chiuffeur l.ln.1 Pnrrlih , MAN . loune; Pelreo School graduate. I enily employed hut iteslres to chani nres- - ....:.. . .. .T. s--.. w ge and rnniiiri wun a rename concern, exncrUnc.,1 as assistant to manager knmvledgo of .V. cmntlng, beat references L Bis I (?., mti n - looser illtl SUEDISH-AMEH'-W wou d like ft butler's ' pine In private fsmllv Is not afrn Id of i worll would work for 100 per to stnrt was the bast In Wnshlnglm , f, Writ, or rin oe,rJ.n,son3liN .M "phu TOI'Vft tllTV Tl, .... . .-"- able afternoon. .."Vommsne, "ii".;"1' irgetlr Intelligent adapiabl'" ,a vfl c, '" iwper and g.-i,-rnl office -iperl. nee ViSJ. it, common good education and their .," mnrlu I Ml Inxllliln tlalin. I. ' "VTIHI nppclltlffl include- MrMionT'.niii tsprnrldnc i ir run i Hiuj iiurury work ami Hii Hrcppi wnrx tpparet .lv or an u tcmn I h . .1 houra Ocor8. IlayaMn ftftl Pine m USED AUTOMOBILES 1920 FORD COUPE" " line Hire u heels hnecnmh rndtalnr hhnidsr enrtnuretor over linn worth of ' j?' "''" r"r '" ln wonderful nndllloil anj1 . n" resttls us good as new Insurmne policies good for 10 months will go with fMtne, no dealrra wanted to nppb tall Poplar K..IH w RAUSCH l.AS'il electric coupe. 3 ptssen- ' ger, double drive wire wheels, batteries, tires and car In fine condition 122J W Lrle ave Phone Ttogi r.227 ARE YOU Infer in automobile const re pairing etc sen I for free Hllus latnog or new, instruct tun ks Hook Department - AtomobDigeit Clnclnnntl i ciIEVROLEr tuo Sedan, mm. on dlsplaj In our showrooms new paint over hauled uiarnniird I-onMlne Auto Co. 13th and 1 nlrmount nvr. CHEVROLET 11)10 touring bargain for quick sale nnl run toon miles excellent rondltlon extrno Mr Duff Nnsa Mntor Co 31. N llroad st Phou loiust 0120 LIMOUSINE limit for sale In good cnndi tlon prlci. 20n Unlit fnr car with alnut 120 wheel base Chii he woi ct parnge f I M 1 rooks Morris av e llrvn Mawr OVERtANIl Sed in purchased Derembtl IPIS onlv run linno miles wire wheels J extra wire wheels and 11 good tires owner leaving city Phone Walnut 2000 TOR HALE IDJfl Fieri e Arrow Teal I huh suburban car driven less than 3000 miles Is In perfect mndltlnn beautiful Interior .fnlsli M in-, la-dger Office CHEVROLET babv grind 1'im new top, nnd paint guarantied cheap for quick! rale I,orriine Auto Co. 13th nnd P.t I rmount PAIGE M1IMN Ills model, nvchunii nllv perfect Corrl tir-s bargnln Call or tile- plione,vv inqiTniT' llitel Uroad A. Tyicust CHALMERS Rn.l.t.i FM7 newlv over hauled, good rubber A I "million See Monday 210 s 7th st OVUM, WD 00 roadster iierfei t condition mnnv niirssnries Phone Loinbsrd 447" A R W acner 34'i Drcxel Uulldlng Hl'ICK 7 pnss.nger Orvtlnder i xcetlent ion dlllon Phnne Merchantvllle ml Autn Sutundles Kemlrlng AUTO tons sell covers curtains cushions 1027 Oermantown nte Pell Diamond 3371 MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES NEW :d-hnl bkveles tires all makes ANDREW T IIIIICHETT 301 H 22d st - PTATvTOS PT.AVF.TIS TUTITNG ETC. r "-t"ua- r L A. . hltli, 1U.JUJVJV.T j. PIANOS Owing to tho unsettled l.hnr con-I dlllo,ls Hn'1 "tr 'a November husl- , Pianos everywhere We have a few at the present, time tmt wl'h the Inrge dally snl-s the stock Is growing smsller evcr day , "'n iiuits nrr ui ihfu lu i-nii nr wrllo Immediately Illustrated and de scriptive lists will be milled anywhere upon request I'rlccs rnnipv fronk $100 upwnrd Fiich plnno Is rebuilt nnd sold with a guar antee of free exchange within six months if not sitlsfaitorv Itivments are arranged to suit the customers from 10 monthly upward. Uenpc's Uptown Stores tor flth it Thomp"OQ PLATER-PI N'OS At the present time ww have vi very few ued rill cr-Plnnos The fnllnwlng are two speclnls Weberfleld for '3.' tost SViO new Cunninghim for $421 cost 18. ill new t.nrgn illustrated catalogues ef nt?tv Plater-Pianos nnllrd to any nd dress Reusnnnble imjments in cetited Call of write Uenpe'a Uptnyyn Sto res tor flth & Thompson NEW PIANOS The great Heppe Pianos with .1 Sounding Hoards nnd a moit won nerful tone nro In nitistant ilemstid It Is dlfrlmlt to kep the supply nhend of the demand Chrlstnias ouvith are ndvlsed to c-ill Immedi-Uelv or to write for large de scriptive tntnlogues Iteasonublo payments s, c-ented U-PPO's Uptown Stores vor0th .. Thompson LRGE SHIPMENT of rnlllosd unclaimed freight talking machines Including 'lctors and other popular absolutely brnnd new evert mai bine guirunleid, tu b i Id for chnrges can be neen and demonstrated et ivevstone Purchaslnr and Sales Co I2S N 31 st agentd for railtoad unci timed freight l l ,,i Mm hi unrietht inbnjranv bcp( mn- dltiou or talUliur uuchlirt. bpst On lumbla ietordn llttlo ucd ovncr muat pII a t oncp linn N 7th fct IIM.LMUIA TAl.KINtl MAi'HINIiS Thiet iiparlv now with 11 records will .ell th"n 10 quick buver V A North Co 1513 K Allecheuv ar; 1 NRW t'UUkcrlnx half ciand plaer plann I vulue SJlfiO will sacttfltu for quick s.Ut Apl Sirutmd vVpartnifiil Ueiitlni; Atfenci 'JJ Jhi'Mul Pl-Yi:R PIANO hlh crMil- new hint vear. lot finest t.iuhh rullH im nii iniui hpII this month uh oiUvCkU Hft rrinon ll'.bl V "th HAV13 sour plair plnim rfptuied by experts h KHMiiiiiUi wtirlc wend potital or phono Marltet .101 1 opphlu m Snrlnc 'Unlpn st IJIMl'KIt nil i nt (nil Hhop norn plftern lit II iimii'i.oii iiiti nt Ltll (1UMK V A North n isn 1 Allt'ithoin ne STOHAGE AND -MOVING TFR1V1TNAI wAiii.icouslT- liliViill-L ) TRVNHPRp. CO "olumbl inl dfnliirm t mal und lon diKtanc" iiiOMirr b , iwrtmiH oxitfilouotd i nien cloan uun i roi r nmum for furniture, let im Hsunr' !. -iii ii iidinniij htj. BROWN STORAGE CO. " n for lon dtslancf Kit N nnrl, mil -1 Tinea VICTORY STORAGE MIS Market Larsesl nnd hest riiom llelinnnt 1 1170 fnr n estinitte Ooods panted lur shltiment PMr-e rnivv vunsfor inovhix Dougherty & Sons Storage Cist our BpeclHl rate for tnotlnir hv our rsll iihle and inreful nien Crfl Pnpiitr Itll'i Kej.ton I 'arjt JUIJtlBht pnnne Dhi HHV' Miller N. Broad StoragtTCo. I'rvnl ah. i Ihlh Phon. Diamond 71110 MovlPC Hi I'k t Klreproof Stora,.-!. -Parkin,- rinnuTY PinrPRnoP w.tiiEiiousEs 10T11 (TNirilV Sraffi Warehou nhta- lutelv fireproof p(p pi ino paint c Jt rue ,mF I" rf Arrow Vntn mrd .llgn Murkst MIlNAlU'H HTMIUUI' n Miu7 T.AWAfl. li j i .v ii- t-.i in i i, n i ii CAUL. I'Al KIM1 I tlM. I'ls'lAM-r. MOVI.VC ! MAOHINr.KY AND TOOLS LARGEST STOCK IN PHILA. Mnililn. '"Jl" liiih. luin-ts shnui-is presatu tnllllne inaihlnea etc , steam inimns lienKra nnd air tnninrf ssoi nil slzrs, for every duty ,ill niaihliieiy lehullt m d KUiT. anteed bend for .oiupleie h i of slo 1, HERMAN L. WINTERER ni3-:.a n riuNT s-i pm pv r:i'rini-ATiirHrl-MnVih I l.K TIUC MOIOItH IlEPAIIirn' DELTA EQUIPMENT COMPANY i to n an sr POWEIt.ri.ANT EQUIPMENT Dynamos motors boiler., steam and .11 'BS.Sr2LMj tCTIlICMOTonfi MACHINE TOOU rvrmtRN MACHINERY CO llll N. ipsr r, M.E Double en.i pup. h and .hear henvt rapacity,, "liorao IVIrbank. ea enrlrie Dtli Wnnkfonljsve Kenslnicton aj(l2 " . . ." lint' titnr rtsitri fnw ACti. se..rt ...... il li I I 11 ii siiuu " iv. "iiitui ,. II U It llf1 k. tiirm!ni"U J' "21. '.edtterJVtlM fNtllNEH" boiler, pumps tank. i,inok,. I.tiiiy .. , .... i.B.t . r.iT....L.,?Ke- in i 1 fc.Y 'run tmod and .teri , hHnd, 1 ,,r!..J . Vi '"' K. 'Il Tm 1N id" ..vrViAxitis motor, nnd maihlnerv v i,,,.. romv3L1-n, 'Sltl-i1 ''HlN Sd Al.'TBnNATINq itntl .direct current motor., -'i.w and uwd Mliik it 50 25T N 4th , YACliuirtT1?'' 5,, '"- driven ' t)5 (tllowhlll t- vj v Oil SALE Bargains in Diamonds S3 amJ tin Ladies and Gent a Solid I Gold Rings Plain or with Ulrth Stones S10 Diamond anifHolldOoId LaVal "ere. Value J23 00. 510 "racelei atch1 4-kt Gold Filled VaJueJ2800 $10 "a nleies Rogers SiTvTr In Ms. hogany t hest. now mndltlon value UH r,n S15 Diamond LaValllere, set'wllh Pure Whim Diamonds Solid Gold nlue 30 00 S18 "rai elet Vtth lTkt Solid Gold r talue 10 00 Sl!3 'd s DlHimind Tiffany Fig Z , .Rilf r'ure White and V tl r Value 130 00 S85 Diamond Ring ATiarguln SI 00 Diamond Earrings. Pure White v"'us 1223 00 S125 enp Diamond Soarf Pin Value ?( , $135 Leds s Diamond Clusmr Ring, , , ...."", w,ln ''"fe While Diamonds t IllUC tm ill 0(1 S150 $250 17" or $250 Diamond Ring. Puis White Value J27'i on Irfldi s niamTinlTlffanv Ring Pure White and Perfect Value Platinum Bracelet Wnteh set with 1(1 Pure White Diamonds 1400 $350 Diamond Earrings nlue White and Perfect a bargain $450 $450 7no no $700 Diamond Ring Blue Whit value moo no Platinum iTnr Pin sei vvllh 41 Pure White Dlntnonds Value Diamond Earrings Pure White, VulU" 11000 Dlulnnn 1 1,a Hllllefs set Hi 3 $700 l iino on rure tvtitle Uinmnnos value SROO Gent's 3-.SInne IHamnnd i:yps ' Rlnt; Value 11200 00 R1000 Lnrfv s 3 Stone Ulamond Ring v Itlu. White nnd P rf i A 'rsiln $1200 DlamoniT"lllnriilisnliilely nr " fc, t weighing close to 4 kl bnrgaln RlfiOO IimTi Lxv7rnrr. ci Vluuu wiih S2 Pure White and Per feet Diamond Value 12VI0 00 DAnclAIVS IN t M)ICS AND UF-vTS FFIt COATS Rieder's Loan Office 128 MARKET STREET Roof Paint, $1 Gallon Uronn nnd black cmcnl' lirt-pHTc for wln trr by nivlnc nur roof a roat of jpalntt ir'-tida mi II look inanufarlurd hy u uriiier tlie osly formulap nnd hi th tmi-v Hi' thnil ihhli hmUo thf bent roof "paint tlit f.iunl nnd fnr bcttrt than timet roof nulnt .!() thr-.Hicl.nuf tht tnt nt SI II IZAU Ion, tho black it rnppclall ri nmirn n 1m. for sins and rubberlzfd roofs und v 111 Hst for yenrs Save the surface and you save all WILLIAM E. HINCH 1706 Market Street 1706 We Make and Sell National Qash Registers and Ciedit Files I.owrsl nrlfin nmall montblv imv. mnri no tntTfxt rharccfl wrli'rn RuarantM old rfeiMeri lepnlrfd tt built bought nld nnd nxihanRMl JOHN T. WATSON Atjcnt The National Cash Uesister Co. 730 CHICSTN'HT STREET I hone Walnut Main 207.' li K WAThOV TAi rORY AND IVlCS TRIAL UKOlCnit WAIIRRN R I LOOMS IX)R HAU: lOR IMMCUHTK ni:uvKiiY jo Cromnton & KnowlPH. Wor.piipr paltrrn Inointt 10 V bet n swords Wl bot aotno ueM Ip than 7 months -1 (Vomptnn Knowles rroMdnc pat trn l " lift cm nord -." harnpn double Index plain looms. HrM-dasn con- .lltlnn JJ StHfforfl nutnmHtln lotin.s 20 IfurnraJ. iloublo 1ml x 37' between Hworiln prar- t U ally new (vi lot of buppIIph tao wtth ttlPHt) S Low el I 13 ' bptwepn suoriln cam looms, t hnrnpi-R LUMnnu rirtv Mill tt000 00fl to 1 nno f)0f fit short If nf fllow nlnp timber nnd uP'h'pb on as rnurh mor ha" wpM-pouIppM 2",00 raparllv Bawmllln und rlnnlns mill uuM rontrnpt nntlrr nupiit liojrdw oi i 'fpr, tn rellahlo mnrprn whirl) rii HdmnP S71 O0ft to hn paid baiK na lumber 1 nhlnpfd ui rntt , of 1 or morr cars ofrt div uhlnrnpnts to bPRln Jnnunr, 1 onp quartpr .ullllnn ffPt now on tlkR dm t nnmr unlJi ynu it.".!. business AddresK r O lto n ti-or Oa, OVERCOATS Nifty Suits Children's Clothings AT OLD-TIME PRICES pfjripTY'C n i; i nit onuiM 1 o nTf AN1) liAivnuiunR Iook for bIkij in front of bulldln,. siimiTva f'H'Tinvfl iifjT'w FLORIDA PECANS Ittg delirious full mealed thin sh, II pecans: tine for cnndles and pnstrv ln iiiilons, post paid 1 pound M ,ri pounds $1 M TASKII.I, I NI) l 1 1 liel'PNIAK hl'RINliS I'l V FURS Big Reductions FURS 110 mm orth of fine hlch (Tr.ub fur all tho Iatt atylen fur i-citfs Jto un fur tolen $10 up conteen md lad'en fur eoiH I.11 uo pxt-eptlnnat blc b.irjmlnM Walter' lotn Oflb( Hi; cor 1HU rch. onTCB rmtNiTunn I nrite lln" denk Fnfes fll? calnne s ana General office furniture torn rtxtnrea AS b'i wll cml exchsira pvrrcN kprnituht: rn liOrrpT n7n it.7 aucii st n r "ooi FF IR l,"t" mmndMcd $10 up I al- guar 1 W4X inteo ti aM pu 21 pr c on all fnr RarrirtPti hp.1 flt tb-m "rfjiv Mv n ottn all work immt be done piofiiMj -and aatlnfactorlls HulUi a Tui Slu.i - h and ' Mavtt r tij t ?tt?. (ten rCC win 111 of Uliiedtemi-t diitiuonds $JU,UUU yyatch hrnielt yynt. lies all Kinds ot fine Ir'yecv nt 1 .i tli, II lulu, Wn if, r s I ,oan OfH. - B 1 r 1 1 1 h v rc1t fTNTnAIV IlllflltlMtte.CKIM. i'1 s W cor 12'h sod Hprlim (.ml o sis All kinds of nffli. furniture nn 1 ilsiurcs Thithroom outrtts intnn'ei, ' illji nhnne Poplar 11.T1 . HaHenforder perfect cond'i i h- so utely r-enri oi r"i.n,'- - '- n, hue deep Snt, Itn.hes wide ''j " 1 Im hes i un V 11 Annlv HI I UnalHliert I (li.or, , ,r llh nd rheslnui OLD CLOTHING B0UGHT My prlie. heit them all Try m. tK-f ire inr . ,, j- Wrtie ,ii nhon- Villi, ii - i W $5.00"Up Overcoats $5.00 Ui . . I, l.iln nt I n nfllU H II IIP t lllM mid." a vronderfu, "jnrtm-nt tu --ieet ff'm Walter's Uian Office 11th and Arch n rilK -Wlltall An.lo-Per.lnn nearly nciy ntU "'""" , ,,,,lnl( iuil, Slur iiri JvpurYt'Senriterunt.- Afc.t -'1 ituiaa m , nnv oonthee ied Pullniuii .in ui reed ' HUoller. IS up. dollco.;.hej 1 ip bli s l i "nl" Aueriwch 311 W Olriird it "nen -ve. I-OITN PAT ION STONE V IP HAI.E l(10ner( at JChrth Ph.) II P tln'der S717 Old Vor" r" J!,ni"0. (IIOI iiiJIV carrlaeea. complete VHP I urs c; -tilt Tattles nil colors see o ir n, II Miller fin4niUd . i"i cmIii? ,i"nnorTiti nisi itAO' st;q ''Mr values yvardrolio nun' J2.1 up W A SnULlil TJ J 1 " a n.l A "h tsirtlKHU. pool comb'n. 2d rand boutrtit. Void, rent g!Jenfer -12!i W Olrar.1 .v., i ,.tTj nvtl pr us 12xlK lliildlnt. n dialer, 1 ll!.Wi 13 Stella ave Kenslnition (1771 .T-vriinn beitlnf It In douht nly tan u,rt,ri"nK, "Pper k tile -.J N hie st, Jit -L" " "lAi ' . f. Kastiln. 'T.UII-. CrtjLrinl "'' "'""'lv H s ,lh " - i3Tiii" ftrenroof olos'B out llll alia, illy used M"'. V,i i thin wnll. 7S N luiirMi si wpvf ond ued Plnyer sew ins i h it cash or ea.ylaiErill '-'"--" T' Popular , yfiTTE riarler iryslal cnaudell, r fcr sjT, ''cheap t"s" U,M"" " -, 1)0GS, BIKDS, ETC. -- - ,rtf PUPPIEB perfect specimens Howell ' ,.U nth st . N W Waahlnilon, J) W "" . ANAHY HlftU-A nurohir rr n siraolei 1 specimen., te v r, -isonabl" 3 " It aion r Phone OLD OQL- I TrT gnid, .llv-ir, pUHnum. plated wars pltV .trie, Jewelry .lh plate, botwh fur , B.V U f V;,Urk' rnn''f B"7.?'l"ii ICASHVPAID. tor old Kold, .liter ftreAirnlPiw" dueka, Vpm: 3 3. iT)i- LotJuAt Wi, ! i & ,w 1 , Sri fil l l . t I y i , ' v ' ,1! enfe'iS,: u kbsi