iysfc" t i 1 ll-'ip-'J"J( :r- 12 s. EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, .HONDAY, DECEMBER ID, 1D19 DAINTY REFRESHMENTS CHRISTMAS SUGGESTION WOMAN'S EXCHANGE CYNTHIA'S ANSWER I2 h H K- II IS! ! ft m if it i o M?S. WILSON GIVES SEVERAL SUGGESTIONS FOR SERVING TEA Fruit Sandwiches Can lie Made Quickly for Refresh ments When Unexpected Guests Arrive. By MISS. M. A. Wlt-MIN (Ocrurioht, toil), bu .Itm. M. I. Iliso.i. All rights reitrvrtt.) QOOX nfter Hie wintrr jets in llio uKc housenifo installs licr fra tabic in a Convenient position In th HviiiR room, for, jou know, the making and serving of tea on a chilly or cold winter after l)Oon brings u Rrnteful murmur of ap preciation from one's curst, whether she lie just n neighbor nho hns riii In for a few minutes' posflip or n member of oho of. tho clubi or n tewing eirele. An eipenshp equipment is not nee eesarr. A small tuble will hold tliu ten things, and if .ton have n tea enrt ,vou have no end of pleasure in rvltiK the cheerlnz cup The KnglMi housewife feels that n cosy is quitr ueressnrj to Keep the lircw hot. nnd if jou are iiMhk one of the rnrtlien pots, by all tnenns make nnc. To Malir :i Tea Cosy Auy prrtu pieee of cretonne or silk oline mav be used for the outride, hllc It may be lined with nny shade that will harmonize with the furnishings of the room. Cut n cirrle fiftren inehes In diameter then rut In half. I'laee n layer of cotton batting between Hie uilt Mdc and tlie liniug and put the two pieces together, few ins along the curved edge. Hind with ribbon or tape. How li Make si tiood Cup of Tc.k Kill the tenpot with hot wnter and aland aside to heat. ISIuse the kettle nnd fill with water. I'.riug to a boll. "When nearlv boiling dram and dr the tenpot. Place in the pot the necessary amount of tea. pour iu the boiling water. I'laee under the tea cosy and let steep for fne uiinniee. It is then ready to use For Russian tea use orange flower I'ekoe and slices of lemon. Serve with out sugar or milk. Hungarian Tea Use black tea and seive sweet, flavor ing with vanilla. Cliineso Tea Place one half tenspoon of tea In A PLAID THAT ANY ONE COULD WE Ah The skirt lor sport wear cau taU6 more liberties in color and weave than the suit or drcssj shirt. This ' Is a plaid which even a stout woman could viear on account of the suggestion of height and slim- ' ness ghen by tho oblong of (be wlors. The popular lam is well Adapted to this material, and evin tlio srarf lias a plaid edict A Dally Fashion 'J'allt b.v Floreme Roso TEIE sentiment usually Is tba' the wearing of plaids is a privilege i olusively ot the flenuer or tne tan. Ana there is considerable good sense in the sentiment Honever, it the vogue for plalde that ha beeji strong in Paris jor several months comes to this coun try and dominates spring cotumcry, as Jt UDOOUBtciilj wni, mere win ne strong temptation to depart from this rule. I But there are plaids and plaids ' In the plaid used in the skirt shown i in the sketch today you will notice that the, plaids form oblongb rather than squares- nd tho effect, if the plaid 5s used so that the length of the obloug runs up and down rather thau across i to give length of line, which should nhvaTS be affected by the woman in rlined to dumpiness or short uess. Q( Wirse, tno woman wtio is our unci out obese would do bettpr not to attempt plaids in any forms, becnuse even when fney are of tho oblong sort they are certainly striking, mid for this tjpe of woman the best clothes rule is alwa.vs 1p wear what is least conspicuous. Hut for the woman who is iust plump, or for the woman who io rliortcr than she "wishes she wats the oblong plaid is a good selection. Tlio tarn in the sketch i" of plaid. pd tbo scarf, which is held at the waistline with a narrow patent leather belt, is barred In plaid effect. College girls and young women in general have taken an .Immense fancy to tarns. Tliey are immensely comfort Rble and serviceable, and in these days of high prices they have an advantage in peing not high priced. Jf you are plan slrjg a trip to one of tbo southern re f.ort8 you will find that you can perhaps manage with only u single new hat if sou liave two or thrru tamn o wear Mitli different frocks. V block or brown MUlia tarn would be one good tselcct ion, and tlibJ could be worn with your tai lored street suit on many occasions. Another tain of some bright hue to wear (Die a change, and another plaid tarn like Ue an tnown here vwuld make jup AlMt, m. ) f hiifi''7iir ' 1 ItA I x. J Vf'II j4,1fs.f f ' IS I ink i j$I!Ia I y ALyiMu RVmn ! Ash Mrs. Wilson If jou liavo auy cookery prob lems, bring them to Mrs. AVIlson. She will In glad to answer jou through thefcP columns. No per sonal replies, however, can be given. Address questions to Mrs. M. A. AVilson. Kvi:ntmj Vunxiu IjEUOIJI, Philadelphia. each cup mid till with tolling water. I'laee ii saucer tner the cup and let steep for the miuiltes. Nerve little tea cakes, fcones of fancy sandwiches with the tea. Sprend thin ginger wafers with marshinallow whip nnd cover with either coeoanut or finely ihopped nuts. 1'Vtilt Sandwiches Chop fine tinr-half cup of seeded raisins. One-hull vup of figs, stoned prunes or njn'roft, One tubleipoan of sump, One tnblcipoon of lemon juice. Mix to blend thoroughly, then spread upon tlio butter-thin crackers. Cover with a second cracker and serve. I.um (lum Gun Spread sultine crackers thickly with niarshnmllow whip. .Vow spread with jelly and top oft" with moro marr.hmnl low. Coer with finely chopped nuts. 1 lace in hot oen to brown slightly. Century Clircso Sandwiches One-half cup of cottage cheese,' lien plmcnlocs, chopped fine. One union y intra", One-half cup of finely chopped pur lieu, I'our tablerpoom 'of mayonnaise drming. One teaspoon of salt. One teaspoon of papiil.a. .Mix mid spread mi thin slices of buttered bread. Place a crisp leaf of lettuce between bread crumbs. Cut diagonally across the sandwich. frm!ug into tnnngles. Place a slice of pickle on top and serve. Toasted Cliccso Sandwiches Cut bread into strips the width of a linger, loast them, place n thin blice or cheese on the toast and toast again. Dust with paprika. v Tnrn-Tiddlo Gingerbread Place in, n mixing bowl One cup of molasses. One-half cup of broien sugar, One-half cap of shortening, Ono tablespoon of cinnamon, One teaspoon of ginger. One teaspoon of allspiee. Mix nnd then add One cup of cold coffee, Four cup of sifted flour. Three level tablespoons of baking ponder. Beat to mix. Pour into greased and floured baking pan, cover with prepared crumbs and bake in a modcrato oven for forty minutes. Crumb for the Gingerbread Place In a mining bowl One-half cup of flour, IHva tablespoons of broien sugar, Three tablespoons of shortening, One teaspoon of cinnamon. Rub between the hatvls until crumbly nnd then spread evenly over the top of the cake. When the cako is cool cut into oblong pieces nnd split to make threo layers. Spread ono lavcr with jelly and then the ccond with The Question Corner Today's Inquiries 1 What tjpo of shoo is becoming popular in this country? 2 How should white silks be pro pared for pressing? 3. Whnt method should be used In denning wooden spoons used for cooking? I. Describe a popular style of over skirt for afternoon frocks 5. In removing basting threads from silk or velvet what should be avoided? 0 Ts it correct to abbreviate title, ns Prof . Dr . etc.. in address ing the owner of it in n letter? Saturday's Answers 1 When a party is given In a Dutch hall living room, accomodations for fating the guosta can b bo mode by placing list cushions on the lerocst steps of the stair way. -'. A pretty pair of pajamas for tbo schoolgirl Is made of silk muslin with bands of embroidery at wrists, onklcs and to form the pockets o. Uemore the jhine made by press ing liv gleaming and brushing the cloth. 1 When ironing boards are not in use they should be covered with a cae made like u pillowcase to prevent dust from gathering. 5. Old stains of chocolate or cocoa should be moistened with cold water, left covered with borai and allowed to stand a few min utes Rinse with boiling water. I". (irav is a popular shade iu dress shoes. SSIEIEEJiMsra! i?i .H50.00 ,1 radiant stone - rquisitcly mounted and hai -ing itijlit eatel ttte diamond!. Mitchell's Diamond Store Vslabltshed ltns 37 South gtcjjsisi&sjsysii! 1 WHERE YOU MOST WISH TO PLEASE, GIVE Conrad in Quest of His Youth By LEONARD MERRICK, whoso books, says the New York Times, "assure him a position in authordom similar to that held by Maude Adams in the theatre as the author of charm." Now obtainable in any Bookstore, or may be ordered ' direct from Cloth, l.7fi 1'oiUro Extra P. E. BUTTON & CO, Tom Tiddlc Gingerbread Has All Kinds 'of Spices and ElaVors in It to Malic It, Delicious. marshinallow whip. Onrnish with maraschino cherry. I.aro Cooldes Plnce in n mixing bowl f)ao cm;i of firup, I'our tablespoons of shortening, One egg. One and our half cups of oatmeal, Three-quarters cup of flour. Ono level tablespoon of baiting poicder. One teaspoon of vanilta. Ttent just enough to nAv. then form into rouuil balls mid set threo inches npart on well-greased baking sheet, llako for fifteen minutes in moderate oven. Plnen one-half teaspoon of marshinallow on each cookie. Mrs. Wilson Answers Queries No. 10 My Dear Mrs. AVilson : T have jour recipes compiled in a looselenf book, but. I have lost the number of. snow pudding. Will you kindly publish it ngnin and greatly oblige ine? Will you also publish recipe for pastry, used In fancy tavts? Thanking jou. T remain, 11. N. 1 ii in unable to givo you the exact dale of this recipe, but you can obtain it from the back files at the news paper office. Also see August 5, for the pastry recipes. Xo. 1C My Dear Mrs. WHsou : Some time ago I wrote to jou ask ing for il recipe for maple fudge, which 'you very kindly gave. It called for evaporated milk. Ilavn you not a recipe for the samo made of sweet milk? Thnnking jou in advauce, I nm. MRS. A. 15. . L'sing evaporated milk for making fudge eliminates the use of butter, and it also reduces the timn of cooking ncc cssaiy to evaporate the moisture content of tho milk. Please Tell. Me What to Do Ry CYNTHIA What Is K. U. H. C? Dear Cynthia What is the K. V. H. 0.? I would love to know. EMMA Tl. K. U. II. 0. means Keeping Up Uopo Club. Wt Iters to the column, at the suggestion of liieulcnant B., enroll themselves in the club, which is theo retical rather than material. They often write to each other in this column. Lieutenant T5. lias written recently. Broken Rlossoms It jou really feel jou have been injured, consult a floc ior. No one else would know. She Has a Brother, Too Dear Cvnthia Just a few lines to "In Despair." Tho kid brother prob lem also confronts me. 1 have a kid brother, eleven years old, who is a pest in every respecf. If I had my waj, when I have com pany. I would chain hiin or put him in the yard in the dog kennel. Rut T wold not let any ono else do that or even say that about him. So I guess I bavo snoiled him, too. One nlcht when I had company he came in nnd Btarted to show off. Mother and father were not at home, so he took advantage of his freedom. ( ordered him out of the parlor and he did not mind me, eo I gave him a good talking to and a shaking. He got excited and cried "Help! Murder' Police!" till I thought the neighbors would think he was being killed. , , , Well, I finally succeeded In sending him to bed. All was well until tho same young mau called again and then he carried on just the samo way. I hope some one will answer onr let ters nnd help us. .,r ters and help us. CUPED. Stands Up for Philadelphia Girls Dear Cvnthia I am answering "A Yaukeo Girl." ....... You call vourself "A Real Yankee Girl," mil. in leahty, jou are very far from being a real one. Real Yankee girls do not knock other girls und boost themselves. You show that jou have an extremely narrow outlook by judging hundreds of thousands of Philadelphia girls by the very small number who nro the "ex treme kind " Furthermore, New England girls are not nil angels The absenco of rouge and powder and knowing how to bake IH N Christmas morning, when gaiety and J cheer abound and greetings ana gut3 'are exchanged, let your present be a lianiond. Nothing seems so fitting to the occasion as the 3parkle of a brilliant, well-mounted alone. And nothing, as the years wear on, will be so constant a source of pleasure. 1 flmaft drpoMt null rcaerte anyatoii you select Open 'i 4 V to 00 I M i $ Eighth Street Only Ono More ll B1 TIVTU AVE., NEW 1'OIiK A LAST-MINUTE GIFT v y j K"' Two designs wnlrli could rasliy ho transferred ami mado up In llio llmo thai icm.iiiis before Christinas, Tlio brrad I ray cover, of which one half isgiveu. Is vtorltcd lit solid or eyelet stilcli. The handkerchief case Is blanket stltrlied around (he tiirned-ln hem of llio flap. The rest of llio design is dono in solid Krcnch limits and lazy. daisy work CINDERELLA'S DAUGHTER Uy IIAZtiL DUVO HATCH15LOR. Cui'iiriaM, 10t, bu I'uWIo Ledger Co. SYNOPSIS Virginia AVesl enters boarding school n shy child, but at the Christ mas holidays her mother realizes that the girl has become n woman. Vir ginia takes her closest fnend, Kath leen Poster, home with her. Kath leen is eager for mlrcnluro nnd not too scrupulous about how sho enjoys life. Tho difference between Kath leen nnd Virginia is just beginning tu bo shown in their attitude townrd men. Vorty-sK and Eighteen MRS. WEST was in bed the next morning, conscious of the fact thnt she was never at her best until sho-had bathed, eaten a leisurely breakfast, hnd a face massage mid dressed, when Vir ginia came into the room like a fresh Ilreeze. She Hew to the window nnd pulled up the shade, letting a stream of pale vellow sunshine tlood into (lie mom. Mrs. West blinked in the strong Wght nnd said pettishly : 'Tor heaven's sake. Virginia-, pull thnt shade down ngnio! Don't bo such n tomboy." ' "I'm sorry. Mother, dear: have you a headache?" the girl returned, pulling the shade down halfway nnd then coming around to sit on the edge of tho bed. "I wanted -to tell you how wonderful it is to be home and I wnnt to ask jou a favor." Mrs. West vanned -prettily nnd view ed her daughter over the edge of the rose-colored comfortable. "Have you had your breakfast?" "Long ago " "Where's Kathleen?" "Oh, she's somewhere about. Did jolt have a good timo last night?" "Pretty fair. Hand me my slippers, will you, Virginia? Yes, and thnt negli gee the one on tho chair. What time is it, anyway?'' "ITnlf-pnst 0 nnd the loveliest day. Mother, I want to have a party while I'm home. May I?" "I suppose you nnd Kathleen think you're grown up now nnd must have regular affairs. Of course, you want to invite boys." She said boys with a little emphasis on the word that was unmistakable. Soothing sirup and nursing bottles wore definitely implied. Virginia laughed. "I want you to meet Jimmy," she said softly. "Who is Jimmy?" "A man from Grant College. T want ed to tell you about him last night. I like him." Virginia sat watching her mother bread are not tho only requirements to mnko a real girl. There is such a thing as having n regard for other people and having some reserve. There nro thou sands nnd thnusnnds of Philadelphia gills who would hold their places when compared to any New England girl. Just because a discussion of this col umn Is centeicd on all the faults of somo Philadelphia girls, It gives you the impression thut to bo a Philadelphia girl must be a tcrriblo thing! Tere's not the least doubt that if discussion ot girls' faults were taken up among New England girls there would bo the samo faults and accusations that you read of in this column. Some of the worst accusations made are just to provoke und prolong discus sion on that particular subject. There are alwavs a few out of the many that discredit nil. And, let me tell you. "Real Yankee Girl" (which is doubtful), the girls of Philadelphia are just as good as if not better than the girls from nny other section of the world. A MALE DEFENDER OF PHILA DELPHIA GIRLS. Good for you, Tony; tha girls must appreciate your defense of them. $10,000 Tempts Her Dear Cvnthia I am a ,girl nineteen years old and I met a fellow of thirtj one years who asked me to marry him He tells me that he has 510,000. What do you think, is it the best to marrj for money or for love? If I would marry him more for money do you think that I will live happily? Don't Remove the Yellow Tinge from Your Skin, Leaving it Beau tifully Pink and White. Every skin needs constant watch ing, because of tho tendency to grow darker each year. Even a day or so of exposure will often result In a sallow, muddv condition that adda years to the appearance. To correct this condition and to bleach out the tiny surface freckles, exper- ments were necessary in moro than 3500 Beauty Shops. Resulting in this recommendation use 003A Whitening Cream Applied each night after gentle manipulation, this cream is absorbed into the deeper tissues, thus bleach ing the skin back to Its former beau ty without the slightest irritation. At Drag and Department Storm K&iP-' JHHH OTaH . la brush out her honey-colored hair before the dressing table, but Mrs. West, viow ing her daughter iu tbo glass, realized that there was not tho absorption in Virginia's eyes that hod been there once. Sho was different. "How old Is ho?" "Why, I don't know, but lfo's a sen ior." "Ilns he money?" "I don't know, Mother. Rut whnt does it matter?" Virginia flushed at tho question it seemed so disloyal to Jimmy. "Don't marry a poor mau, Virginia. I'll wager jour friend Kathleen hns soino sensp about such things " "I haven't thought of mnrrylng any oue, not for ages," Virginia retorted. "And Kathleen's engaged to a man at college, and he's poor." She strung her words all together. Sho was childishly hurt at her mother's half-bautcriug, lialf-sarcastic nttilude. "So Kathleen is engaged." Mrs. West's tone was even. "To some boy?" Again thnt slur nt the word "boy." It made Virginia suddenly angry. "Yes. but she thinks Mr. Allen is wonderful," she flnshed. Mary West did not start, but a sud den little flame burned iu her eyes nnd she was instantly angry with herself. Was she araid of the power that this girl might have? Was sho willing to iidmlt herself jealous of one ot Vir ginia's friends? I low small, bow ut terly Ill-bred, and jet that little feeling was there in spite of her effort to crush it out. Theie had been something wist ful in Dick Allen's voice last night when lie bad spoken of Kathleen, nnd there was something in that girl's eyes, some thing alluring, something witch -like, Hint, plus her youth, must bo irresistible to nny man. "Of course you can have a party," she said after a moment's silence.- "And I think I'll give n little dinner for you and Kathleen. You must invite this wonderful Jimmy and Kathleen's fiance. I might ask Dick Allen ; that would make iut six of us. Would you ltKc thnt?" "Oh. Mother, that would be wonder ful. You're sure jou won't bo bored?" "Oh, I'll bo very ulce to this Jimmy." And Mrs. West laughed. She hnd put herself into n good humor with the idea of this dinner. Altogether it was quite a nice little plan. Tomorrow What happened at the dinner. ' you think that n fellow of thirty-one is too old for a girl of nineteen.' V. M. F. Do not marry for money, dear. Re sure you love (he man you marrj (eu thousand dollars would not lake you verj far these dajs. Things to Buy A leather desk set in rose, blue, brown, gray, purple or green, to match the color 6eheme of any room, makes an attractive holiday gift. For tho desk, hall or boudoir, a lamp of mahogany, with a border of scarlet berries on its parchment shnde. nud looking as if it belonged with a Christ mas card, is a good idea. When beginning on a new sheet of postage Etamps use from the center nnd save thoso on the outside which have tho extra strip of paper. Then when enclosing ono or more in n letter, at tach by pasting the little strip onto the letter- paper. -Woman's Magazine. ASK FOR and GET tforlick's The Original For Infants and Invalids Avoid Imllotiano and Substitute M hr Jacob Broj., lots cbulait Siu- aMttumuHMtaim,' nmk (Pbmpfexion I I iWW S t peul' a ret 1 V Wy1 eompltrioa aUd fcy w - h&uuic race J OTTUW Vfl , This delleeto btaotttM' Imparts a IntftaatMa ohtrm a charm whtrti, u3,rs ,a tb nuaory. 1 ifti ootli tartar of m Nattoe adbarat ootll I JUh6d ott It rxareat yuuaru or tns return oo L lUtcoSoraUon. I bZT !?' aQ4 caunet ban 1 rna tb tendarstt lUa. ' I n u Hllnt V... DJm I fcaautlnwmniionaofceB. ' 1 miii pUalon today. Wby-aot m votir I fialA Im. . e A-t- IE MaTinuif . mrr .. The Woman's Exchange Election Returns To th EdUor of Woman's Pane! Dear Madam I'lcaso glvo the elec toral and popular votciof 1012 and 1110. Plensc statu If Mr. Wilson was a minority camfidato on cither ocensiou, A. CONSTANT READER, 'ho back files ot the newspaper will give you this Information. You can "'Wl. bllUlll l.vi'L IU IIIU 1 I'lCI ,'IJIU 1UU1II of the PunLio Ledueu Rulldlng, COO uncsinui sircci. Christmas Gift Ideas To the Editor ot WomaWp raaci Dear Mndam Back ugaln for some moro hclpB. Wo are ever striving for that "gift personal" und when our knowledge of whore to purchase these greatly wlshed-for articles is. so small we come to you. I have a cousin who Is very fond of story writing. IIo has written two scenarios nnd is fond of thnt work. But it is not his daily occupation, nor does he very frequently do It. Just the snmc I feel that he would appreciate some thing having to do with writing. Ho hns lots of nice desk sets nnd paper. I must send him something because he has been so kind to me when most young men arc so taken up with their girls or wives. Ho has helped mo write stories, as it is ulso oue o my pleas ures, and has seemed to be as interested as a child ; so you see I feel extremely indebted to him. Then, thero is another, n marricl man, who, with bis wife, entertained me so cordially at his homo this last season, and ho took such mi in terest In showing mo all his books nnd plans of nrchitecturc. Collect ings pictures of homes and plan ning houses is another ono of my hob bies. So many married men grt so busi ness and important-like, nud don't bother about speaking to a little four teen -year-old girl, except to ofTcr her something to eat at their tables, much less sit down and talk to her; but this friend did talk to me and entertain me splendidly, so I want to give him some thing pertaining to architecture because he. takes to that. When I send his wife a gift, E-i like lo enclose one for him. M. W. If your cousin writes scenarios, why don't you send him a subscription to a ""movio' magazine? Some of them are very good, you know, and they arc al ways Interesting to any ono who is fond of the movies. I think it would bo nicer for you just to send an especially pretty Chrlst mns card to the other man. and write In few words on jt, "in appreciation of your kindness to a lourtecn-ycar-om, or something of the kind. If you sent anything else you might make a mis tako and send something that would bo neither useful nor ornamental, nnd I am sure he would appreciate your thought much moro If it were expressed in a simple way. Adventures With a Purse I DROPPED In to have, a chat, and to ask him If he had nny nice music for motto tell you about. "Here's n little waltz," he said. "I'm sort of interested iu it because I had a hand iu it mvself." OE course I asked to hear It and I liked It. It's a light little waltz song, with a lilting air that you will find yourself humming ns you go about your work. I urn quite sure that you will like it. He wrote the chorus, It appears, and so you will have the advantage of hearing the composer Inmsell play tho waltz lor you. Peter and I were shopping. That is, to say, 1 was shopping nnd Peter was trailing along dutifully, and trying EAST TERMS At the Leading Stores WBITE TOB rABTICHLABS FRAMBES & CLARK 1112 Chestnut St., Phila. MO Guarantee Tr. Bide., AtlanUo Cltr SO H. Third St.. Camdeu CHARGE ACCOUNTS Wr Surprise and delight the little ones on Christmas morning with 2& NEW EDISON "The Phonograph with a Soul" AVake them from their happy dreams with music. And how your wife will welcome such a splendid gift.I Be a real Santa Claua this year. We'll Keep Your Secret Choose your instrument now we'll hold it for Christmas delivery. s 'r THE MAN WHO WAS SPURNED IS THROUGH WITH ALL WOMEN He Thinks Ho Is Satisfying Himself by Being Ill-Naturcd and Sullen Hell Get Tired of That After Awhile A CERTAIN old bachelor has been ( proudly claiming that he Is through with women. Whilo he was overseas the girl to whom ho was engaged and with whom he was very much in love married nnothcr man. His heart was broken, nnd now he refuses all the plendings of his friends to forget thnt one girl and remember that there are others in tho world, lie detests women and will do nil that he can to make them uncomfortable. Incidentally, there Is another point that he does not real ize and would bato to confess. I nm golug to show you up", "Oidl Bachelor." and tell the truth about you. Your spirit is broken. You have let n mere woman, ono of those things that you despise so, break you down nnd make you tako rcfugo behind thjs wnR of brutality. "Never again." you protest valiant' lr. "Does a burnt child play with fire?" No. n child doesn't, but you are not a child. You'ro just a grown man behaving like n child. It hurt terribly. I didn't It. having the only girl breuk faith with yoti like that.' And nil you wnnt to 'do now is lo console yourself nnd hurt her hurt her deeply, ns she hurt you. Well, do you think it will hurt- her to know that you havo given up all women just because you loved her and she "threw you over"? That would just please her woman s vanity, to think thnt losing her had that much effect on you. Arid docs it console you to push your under lip out and sulk all 'the rest of your life? It will get tire some after a while, just as it used to when you were a dilld and had to stay in the house because it was raining. You wouldn't play with any of your toys then; you wouldn't be pleased with any lovely story that Mother told jou, very hard to be polite nnd not look bored. It. was not until- we saw the tumblers that ho began to perk up and tako an interest. "Oh, I say," ho ex claimed, they'd be nice for " (I mustn't tell you who it's too near Christmas.) Which all goes to prove that Peter is not slow to recognize vnl ues. The tumblers nrc quite plain nnd of n medium-weight glass. Their great bcautv lies in their initinls, for you can have ono initial put on each turn bcr in any .ono of several styles of lettering for ?2. That is, the total price, including the. glasses and ini tinls, is only $2 for the dozen. The ones we bought havo n monogram in plain, heavy striped block letters nnd were only 13.150 for a dozen. I'd like to have you stop and seo these tumblers, for they would probably prove tho very thing you will need for some one's Christmas. Here's a nice Christmas gift for the engaged girl with n hopo chest. It is a box containing n kitchen set. The set includes a hatchet for chopping bones, a cooking fork with long handle, a bread knife nnd n spatula. They are of good quality with black wooden han dles. The price ot the set is ?,1, The treatment Is a simple effective remedy for sufferers from itching;, burning, skin troubles. Try today, bathing that uncomfortable, irritated surface with RESINOL SOAP and warm water. After you have dried it gently with a soft cloth, apply RESINOL OINTMENT with the finger tips. Then see if you are not surprised at the prompt and blessed relief. This Ad is for You, Dad Columbia , Cheney ' Phonographs rBLAKE and BUKKAKT The Phonograph Shops 1100-1102 Walnut Street 204 South- 11th Street and nfter everybody had left you to jour owii'disagrcrqblo self you kept up the frown until you discovered that no body cared whether you were sullen or not. Then it got tiresome, didn't it? You didn't seo bow you could ever make peace with honor.' So ytvu kept on being hostile until you got so lonely that you just had lo go get n forgiving smile from Mother. , That's the wav it will be with tills nfter u while. Youth hns no time, you know, for it iniili with u perpetual "grouch." "What's the matter with John?" ono of j-our friends will say. "He's so bet ter about everything, and if you men tion girls he goes into a frenzy." "Oh, he's fctlirpitylng himself nbout thnt one girl that threw him over," the other will answer In deep disgust. "You might suppose lie was tho only man who ever had the experience, or thnt. she was the last remaining girl in the world. I'm genlng sick of (he way he . bohnves." And they will begin lo leave you out of festivities. BETTER begin to try that smile out now, Old Hachelor, beforo the long-drawn-out cynical lines get so deep that they craek when you try to sprend them the other way. And don't forget that if you do give up to this desolate, feeling, you're virtually giving that ono girl the satisfaction of knowing thnt she meant, bo much to j-ou thnt your whole life is spoiled with out her. Remember that your frowns nnd glooms nnd threats don't bother anybody but j-our own self and wav; down deep, thev really don't satisfy you, do they? Wouldn't you just lov tu'inake a "pretty speech" to n girl and then' laugh iu the good old foolish way.? Christmas Gift A practical gift for the young mother to keep a record of baby's feeding hours would bo a piece of cardboard cut bell shape and covered with figured cre tonne, as a foundation for a tiny tab let; an Ivory ring at thn lop and n bead to match tho handle nu.l bell. Tho pencil is securely nttached to (he ribbou which is run through the head. Office Hints Remove the jnk spots from your fin ger by rubbing with the end of a sul phur match which has been dipped in water. MARY A. WILSON School of Cooking 241 South 23d St. . ( T7. fl, TtATAl Commissary Nrhenl f..rr,. i Dorawtlo Scienr Sum. School Instructor j uiureraltr of Virginia Fbono Spruce 783 noclKtratton now 'open clasiet start Jan. Bth. 1020. RESINOL SHAVING STICK gives a rich lather, full of sooth ing, healing properties which leave thcskincomfortableand refreshed, All druggists carry the Resinol products. Franklin "iinf78"5 2 "A -VI ' 1 I ,. I ,i, sV i 13 , -t v j"li