Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 13, 1919, Postscript Closing Stock Prices, Page 9, Image 9

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    -M - fvfrmfftMimfr v ' '"mVU
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Nancy Wynne Talks About the Doings of the Day.
She Tells of a Meeting at the Stolesburys
Next Saturday
THCRR nic several smaller pirtlcs on
for tonight. The dinncr-dnnco which
the Howard Wurts Pages will glie for
their prettj daughters: Riclvn nnd
Alary, at tlip Acorn, and the part the
Stevenson Crothcrs are gltng for Mnbcl
Held at tho Rellcvue. Uoth of them
Mill be debutante affairs
There wns to hae been n meeting of
tho committee of the dancing clnss to
night, hut It hat been postponed out
of lcppect for Mis Da Costa, who nu
know was on that committee nnd who
died on Wednpsdn. Theie were sev
eral dinners planned to be giieii before
the clar,s. too, but thej have also been
TURN tonight there will be the second
meeting of the Supper-Dinner Club
It Is and will still be called the Supper
Club you Unow. but the greater number
of the members will go to Hip dinner
nnd dancing at 8 Tt would be n pity
to miss that music, wouldn't it? Mrs.
Hnl Patton will cntertnln there touight
for Edith Wilson, who. Mill know. Is to
iT.'ftit.'O k married nert month to Dick Itolllns.
The Oeorire Tales Rakers will entertain
tonight also nnd quite a number of
THE Trcd Sti aw bridges, of German -town,
will give n might nice thea
tre partv. followed bv supper and danc
ing, nt the Rlt? 'tonight for two debu
tantes, their niece, Helen Strawbridge,
nnd OIndjs Mull"i There will be about
thltt gue'ts. And just imagine. Annt
and .lack Claghornc will chaperone the
part ! How can ou picture Anim
being an honest-to-goodness grown -tip
married lndl ' Slip is so Olinc. nnd on
account of tho war did not nctunll comp
out, you know, but was married earl
this fall. She was, as jou know Annn
Strawbridge. the Frederick Straw
hridzpR' ilmiehtor You remember, her
brother CInton mnirled Margaret I,n
Rue a couple of jenrs ago. 'Lhe are
living in Merlon, jou know, and have
the dearest uau
T HEAR that Mr. nnd Mra Stolcs-
J- bur and the Armenian committee of
the Emergency Aid are nbout to issue
invitations for the evening of December
20 in the ballroom of the Htotesouij
home, 102." Wnlnut street, to hear Mr.
Wnlter ttenrsp Smith tell of his pxpP-
rlenppi rinrimr Ins lecent trin to the
IS'eni East. He and his sister. Miss
Grace Smith, went oei last wmtpi.
tou know, with a snecial commission to
study conditions there, and he has most
Inrorestlnir thinffs to sa. He is to
speak on the 20th in behalf of the
American maudnte in Armenia, for
which he is most anxious, and for rec
mrnlrlnn nt (lip Aimotilm Government.
a subject of profound interest at the
present moment Aunthei Intel esting
sneaker that evening will be General
Toicum. nn Armenian general oi re
.,,1. ., 1,n ..on ltll tllp KI1CI CSSflll tint
1.1. !.,..: in Armpntl Tip will bp
t'e guest of the Atwatei Tsents during
his staj here.
And Colonel .lasper P.rtnton. who
married Alice MrTadden. ion know.
will speak too He lias on just i.
lurned from Armenln. T think it will
1 p prv Interesting. Some of the women
who are members of the rineplnii coin-
...!K.. .. Mm Rnhort : N. Downs.-.Il .
Mis George Tales Raker. Mrs Howard
I oncstreth. Mrs Allen Stockton. Mrs.
Uwntcr Kent. Mrs. George 11 i.oumei
ami Mrs Dnid Paul Rrown.
mim ouucer set of Chestnut Hill and
1 Germantown Ins pi inned a the
dinsnnt to be given at tne imm it-iimm
Ciiekt t Club on Tuesdaj, December .50,
l ..... J In? 'lln(.V
Tim nrnpppda of the dmsanl are to be
delated tin We benefit of the Morton
Stmnt TViv Xtirserv. nt Morton nnd
High streets, Gcrmntitown. This nurs
eri takes eaic of mam hundreds of
babies dining the eai, providing me il
eal care ns wpII as nourishment, during
the hours the arc left in its care b the
motlieis who nrp obliged to go out to
work "bv tho day.
The can accommodate about fortv
,-liHdrpn ditilv and. owing to increased
costs of all commodities, the resources
arc severely taxed, so it's a good Idea to
help along with the dance.
Those on the committee of the dance
are Margaret Hamilton, cnoinnnn;
Elizabeth Wayne, treasurer: Henrietta
Dunn. n. Martin George. Sarah Mc
Lean, Martha Jennings and Marion
Those who have offered their services
as patronesses include -Mrs. ,i. rriesucy
Rutton, MrB. John M. Hamilton, Mrs.
William W. McLean, Mrs. Reatty Jen
nings, Mrs. Fred M. Dunn, Mrs. W 11
Ham H. George, Mrs. Llvlngstou Jones,
Mrs. Joseph Wajne, Mrs. Francis
Strawbrldgo and Mrs. John H. McR
henny. POJJliY is two years old and she has
plenty of nice milk nnd good thinrs
to seat, so you inuy juiucmc uiumci
horror one day last week, when sho
came Into the room and found Polly on
the floor drinking tho milk out of kitty s
saucer. "Oh, baby dearest, you mustn it
do that, It isn't nice." "Ishn't kitty
nish?" said Polly. "Yes, of course,"
en Id Mother, and Polly put her head
on one side and remarked, "Kitty won't
mind, and mado anotner uive tor tne
saucer. NANCY WYN'ND.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Howard Pancoast,
2031 De Laneey street, entertained in
formally at dinner last evening.
Miss Rachel Price, debutnnte daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Kit Kirk Price
1700 Walnut street, will be the gupst of
honor at a theatre party on December
31. to be given bv Mr and .Mrs Cliniles
Price Maule, 2217 RlttPiihousp strpct,
before the ball which Mr. nnd Mrs.
Henri- Rilnton Coxe will give for their
debutante daughter. Miss Cutherine
Cme. The euests w ill im hide Miss Mil
drerl W. Loncstreth. Miss M Elizabeth
Elliolt. Miss Jnnp P Manic, Miss
Elirabeth Noics Roid, Miss Mnlsio
Rush. Miss Ulennor Tronohnrd urts,
Mr. Walter II. Rex. Mr Arthtfr U
Pen. Mr Philip Price. Mr. Clayton
McElrov, Mr. Palmer Townsend. Mr.
Renlnmln Rush. Jr.. Mr. Jnmes S.
Merrltt. Jr., Mrs Charles Price Maule
nnd Mrs. Philip S. cat son will
chaperono the part.
Mr. and Mis. Rarelas H. Waiburton.
141b Spruce street, cntertnintd nt
dinner nt their home befoie tho dance
which they gave In honor of Mlbs'Rosa
mond Lai caster, the fiancee of Mr.
Harclay II. Warburton. The guests in
cluded Mr. nnd Mrs, W Frnzier Har
risoni Mi. and Mrs. Gardner Cassatt,
Mr. and Mrsr Georce Dallas Dixon. Jr..
Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Illdguu) and
Mr. and Mrs. Henri Dlsston Mr. ard
Mm. Warburton also gave n dinner at
the Kitz-Uarlton, nt which the guests
present wero Miss Sain Jane hanford,
Mr. Benson RoBe and Mr. Stennen San-
ford, of Now York, iho aro guests of
miss wamurton, Mr. nna xurs. ivuuam
Sturgls, Miss Sheila Brjr.e, Mrs.
Angler B. Dude, Miss Lancaster, Mr.
Nelson Slater, Mr. Whitney Warren,
Jr., of New York; Mr. Waiburton,
Jr., and Mr, Rodnian Wnnamakcr. 2d.
Mrs. Gilbert Mather, of Wynnenood.
will entertain at a small theatre naitv
thlj evenlug. Among the guests will bo
Miss Louba Ncwlfn, Miss Caroline
Stocke r Barclay, Miss M, Elizabeth El
liott, Miss Nancy Sellers, Miss Frances
Leaf, Mrs. John Brownback, Jr., and
1 jar. jawes uaver.iy ivewnn, jr.
lU. ajuI Mrs. Fracii ii,' lies
Rala. will glie a dame on December 20
for Miss Anna Moss nnd Miss Sarah
Mrs William Howell, Jr.. of 2218
St. James place, will entertain this eve-
nine nt a trcntrc party, followed bv i
......... mi t... iu..rin..ifn.. i.. i.nn- r
pui'l'vt ill mi- juiA-vaiiiiiu, in iiwum iu
her debutante granddaughter. Miss Hox
alpne How oil Dickinson, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. W Meredith Dickinson,
of Trenton
Mrs. John II. Whittnker. of Chestnut
Hill, who has been In New York for
scleral das, returned home yesttrduy.
of Bella Vista. Villanou. hnie recalled
their Invitations foi n diiiucr-dance at
the Rabbit this evening, owing to the
death of Mrs Charles DaCosta.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Richard E. Norton, of
Ardmorc. will giie n" dinner this eve
nlng at the Philadelphia Countr Club.
Mr nnd Mrs C. Stnnlc Horton. of
7207 Charlton street. Chestnut lllll.who
bale been taking a trip through New
England, nip expected to arrive home
Mr. and Sirs. Charles R. Kline, of
Melrose Pnrk, haic returned homo after
n v'slt of two weeks nt Great Neck,
Long Island, with Mr. and Mrs Erie
Mrs Charles Lithgo Klllnn, of 3310
Anh street, nnnounces the engagement
of her diuightci, Miss Glads Vivhn
Klllan. to Mr. Crank Wlllnid Coin
man, Jr , son of Mr. and Mrs Trunk
Wlllard Comman, of Rotborough.
Mrs Sarah Stelnfeldt, of 020 Per
shing nicnue, Lancaster, announces the
engagement of her daughter. Miss Pau
line Jinn Stelnfeldt, to Mi. Milton Ros
man. of this city.
The "D" class of the Germantowu
High School will glie a dance in the
Water lew Recreation Center, McMnhon
nicnue, this evening Miss Florence
Roberts, president of the girls' class,
and Mr. Robert Rufller, president of the
boys' class, with the other officers, have
tho affair in charge.
Miss Gladjs Rfennan is entertaining
nt cnids at her home this afteinoon.
Her guests include Miss Mar. Smith.
Mis I Marie Smith, Miss Constance
Harding. .Miss Dnrntlu Wilklc. Miss
Sclmn Rotteuer, Miss Ruth Tilth and
Miss Mniger Oberholt7er.
Mr and. Mrs. William E Mai tin
hnio returned from theii wedding trip
through the South nnd nre at home at
170 East Walnut lane MrH Mai tin
will be remembered ns.Miss Helen Ron
IIp Senior
At Ihp next meeting of the Tweti
tteth Centuri Club, on Tuesdn nftei -noon,
Mrs. George E. Bean, of Cj n
d, will gic a talk on oirrent events.
Mr nnd Mrs. William Turnei are
being congratulated upon the birth of
a diughter, Rirbain, on Tuesdnj, De
rcmbei 0.
Miss Olive Mason has been visiting
Miss Margaret Hunt, of Lansdowne.
The monthl entertainment of the
Pocono fripnds will be held this pip
ning nt thp home of Miss Iruie K.
Ash, 1203 North Tuent -fifth itreet.
Those who will p irtlcipate include Miss
Clara Price, Miss Katlirn Moore,
Mis Ida Hastings, Alivs Map Whilp
head, Miss Edith Simmers, Mlhs Am
Hackle, Miss Edith Behm, Miss
Mlnerin Duckworth. Miss Jnnp Smtt
Miss Lillian Skeehnu, Miss Fannie
Price, Miss Elizabeth Misson, Miss
Verna Simmers, .Mr. and Mrs. Harry
G. Behm, .Mrs. Mar A. Price, Mr.
and Mrs. William T. Mers, Mr. and
Mrs Harry Kingston, Mr. and Mrs
W. Wheatland, Mis. S A. Skeehnn
und Mr nnd Mrs. Simmers,
Mi. and Mrs. Kenton Wnrne are
occupjing their apartments at 1010
Spruce street.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Harr J. Bissinger, of
Green street, and Mi. and Mrs. Arthur
J. Bamberger will entertain nt a laige
dinncr-dnnce this eening at the Mer
cantile Club. Among the out-of-town
guests who will attend will be Mr. an'd
Mrs. Albert Wasserman, of New
York, nnd Mr. and Mrs. Laurence
Bcnann, of Baltimore.
Announcement has been made of the
engagement of Miss Mne Sklnr. daugh
ter of Mr. Hair. Sklar, of 2020 South
Seventh street, to Mr. William Ordis.
of 038 Wolf street. The wedding will
take place in the spring.
Mr. and Mrs. Amos Geiklcr gap
a dinner on Thursday evening at their
home, 1538 West Erie avenue. Their
guests, who are members of the Neigh
bors' Club included Mr. nnd Mrs
Chnrles Met, Mr and Mrs. Albert
Smith, Dr. nnd Mrs. Albert L. Roat,
Mrj and Mrs. William Roach, Mr.
and Mrs. Newton Firth Hill, nnd Mr.
and Mrs. Chnrles Cnllinnn.
Mrs Samuel C. Rrcitenbach. of -443
Green lane, has Issued invitations for
a dance in honor of her granddaughter,
Miss Helen C. Hnig, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Alfred Roland Hale to be
given at the Roborough Countr Club
on .Monday eienlng, December 21)
Mrs. James Dobson Schofield. of 545
Eust Hermitage street, entertained nt
cards on Tuesday evening at her home,
wnen tier guests included Mrs. Frnnk
S Whitcomb, Mrs. Joseph S. Cully,
Mrs. Joseph C. Henderson, Jr., Mrs.
Carl Johnson, Miss Helen De Haven,
Miss Lucy For, Miss Ruth Day, Miss
Mra Wartman, Miss Kathleen Perry
nnd Miss Mrtle Sllverwood.
Mr. and Mrs. James Hindle, of
Mannyunk avenue, will spend the week
end at 'Pitman, N. J., where they will
be the guests of Ml. and Mrs. Howard
Natlock. "
Dungan-Harrlson Wedding
The marriage of Miss Amy Elizabeth
Harrison, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Richard J. Harrison, of Baltimore, and
Mr. William D. Duncan, of this city,
chief petty oflicer nidation corps, U.
S. N., now stntloncd at Cope May,
took place nt half-past 7 o'clock on
Saturday eienlng Inst at B031 Stewart
street. The Rev. Lewis O. Wash
burn, D. D., rector of Christ Protes
tant Episcopnl Church, Second and
Mnrket streets, officiated.
Tho bride, who was attonded by
Miss Margaret J. Copeland as maid
of honor and Miss Helen Van Horn, a
niece of the bridegroom, as How or girl
and by Master Richard Drlesbach as
page, wore a gown of white satin. Her
tulle veil was caught with orange blos
soms and she can led a bouquet of
white roses nnd sweet peas.
The mnld of honor wore n frock of
snlmon-colored ben'ded georgette crepe,
trimmed with turquoise blue ribbon, a
hat to match anil carried a bouquet of
pink roses. The flower girl wore a
pink crepe de chine fiock nnd carried
a basket of pink sweet pens,
Mr. John Duncan. V. S. N.. of New
York, acted as best man for hlu brother,
After an extended wedding lourner
through tho South Mr. and Mrs, Dun-
ll$m will Wc at Cape May,
Tholo b) Ilachrach
Mrh. Howard, It will bo remejiibered, was Miss Lily Nculull. She and
her husband and children h.-iio been spending some time with Mr. and
Mrs. C. A. New lull, in Chestnut Hill
Arrnngements are being madp for a
cake, dincp nnd npron dlplnv for to
morrow eening. at 'temple lleth
Isinel Mrs. Max Itehraid is chair
man of the committee In elia-gc
and the following Indies will assist:
Mrs Arthur Colin. Mis. William M.
Lewis, Mrs. A Soideiiinn, Mrs M,
Scldemnn, Mis Morris Pollu, Mim N.
Lehrfeld. Mrs llermin Triedcr. 'Mrs
Fannie R Lessei, "Mis Isaac Glibcr,
Mrs Hnny Sacks, Mrs Ralph Rosen
field. .Mrs. C TiitPlbnum,Mrs Simucl
Hprbich, Mrs Lion Itlanikensie mil
Mrs, Joseph Caplan
Mrs. P Colalinii. of 3117 Monlgom
cry nveniip, entci tamed nt cards on
Thursday. Anion,; thovp prrsent were:
Mrs. Ileimin Nilintiu. Mrs llcnnettc
Stcmbcrger, Miss Bertha Sundluiinei,
Mrs. Jcanette Meis, Mrs. Han Linrf,
Mrs. H. J. Werner, Mrs Albert Cnl
kenhein, Mrs. M Drinker. Mm R
Mcrs and Mrs. George Smith
Mrs Joseph C llendeison, .li , gave
u luncheon on 'J'hursdaj nt her nei
home. 257 Rochelle nipuue. Her guens
included Mrs. (noire llannnm, Mrs
Freiknck Raker, Mrs ChnrleM Mi
Glnlp, Mrs John Welsh. Mrs. Joseph
C. Hmderson and Mis I), E. Fisher
Mr. and Mrs Jnmes Robert Hard
est. who hne bien lsltlng Mrs. llnid
estj 's brother in law nnd slstei, Mr
and .Mis. Albirt A. Deiliton, of 37.IS
Mannmnk niiutiu, haic utuined to
their home in Tokoma Park, Wattling
falls of Schuylkill
.Mrs. Rowland Huglips, of 340S Queen
lane, hns nnnounccd the mnrrlage of her
daughter, Miss .limine Huglips, and Mr,
Wilfinm J. Campbell, also of thp Falls
of Schuilkill, on Wedncda morning
in the Preb.i tprian Church on Ridge
nienuc by the Rev. Willlnni II Cooke.
Mr. nnd Mrs Campbell left for U
lantlc Citj nnd will be at homo nftir
.Tanuar. 15 at 3421 Queeu lane
Dr and Mrs E. Schneider, of 30"0
Frnnkford nienuc, will entertain n num
ber of friends nt "500" and suiiner at
their home this evening. The guests
will be Mr. nnd .Mis. John Konnei. Mi
and Mrs. M. Slack. Mr and Mrs Wnl
ter Fitzgerald and Mr. and Mrs J
Low crj .
Dr. and Mis. Dnild Wesson, of 111
South Mnuntnin aienup, .UontUnlr. :s.
J., announce the pngngement of their
daughter, Miss Elbabeth Cuiroll Wes
son, nnd Mi Lewis Bonsall Rintti, of
Cnlllneilalp. Pa
Mr. and Mis. Harrison B. Keck, of
Colllngsiiood, .1., announce the birth
of a daughter, December 11 .Mrs. Keel.
was formeilj Miss Mac Smith, 1010
West Lehigh avenue.
Mrs Sara Famous, widow of Mr.
Samuel Famous, a life long resident
of Norrlstown, ooseried the ninetv
eichth anniversary of her birth on Fii-
da. Decembei 12 Mrs. Famous liies
with her dnimhtei-in Inn, Mrs. San
Famous, of 200 Stanbiidge stieet, and
n reception to nlntiiei and friends was
held at tlie l anions Home Mrs r ninou
haR three children. Mrs Rebecca Alia
baugh, of Proiidence. R. I. ; Mr Ivins
FnmoiiH nnd .Mr. Augustus Famous
There are seiPiiteen giandclilldrin.
seventeen great-grandchildren, and two
great-gieat grandchildren. She nlo
hns a brother fig1 three ears old,
Mr. Samuel Paintci, of Phoenix llle
Mrs. Land was Miss Klolse Shep.
ard Heathle, of this city. She
was married last month In Wil
mington, N. C.
t W? 1 'tew v ,
Musical Events
Past and Future
The Vhlladrlphln Orchestra concerts will be
reumcd nt (ho AcadcnH of Mulo on Krlilay
nftprnmin ami SHItirdai vicnlnK next. There
will if no cilnlst nnd the orchntra will nidi
the 6hphlrdll Pn.iorile fiom the Christmas
niitnrlo of Haih the fourth symphony of
HmhmH iinl the sornnd llunzarlan rhapsody
of i.lszt Tmo Amerlciin noieltles riirure In
the uroitr-im Henrj Iladlev u b lepre
sented b his ov rtuie Othello' hioh Is
dedicated lo Mr stokoKskl t harlpn arlffes
has a croup of four numbers entitled Not
turno The While I'racock Clouds' nnd
1 niter I)nnirosc-i- and the Now Tor':
Symphon Orchestra will appear at tho
Arjdem of Musir next Thursday een!nj:
There are only three numbers on the pro
Krnm the flrnt presctitntlon In i'hllndelphla
of Incent d Ind s new war smphon Trll.
Krelsler. th soloist of Iho evenlns ivlll pi
the 11-cthoven Mnlln concerto, and tho pro
Brim will close with the Inteimeiro and I'er
peiuum MODiie iroin fioszKowsKls lulte Op
Cirollna I.aznrl one of the chief contra!
tOS Of the fhlrjiffn llnero Cnmmnv null
Iludolpli Hans the pianist, .who has not
iM.Mi ii.kki nore in n numner or vears win
make their nppearnnce st the M indaj morn
Iiik miislcnles lit the Ilelleiue Stnitfoxd on
Monany nioi-ni b next
The first concert bv the Philadelphia Or
chestra compllmcntan to the endowment
fund aubirrlhcrs throuslt the blrthdnj Klft
nnpenl nin be Riven nt the Metropolitan
Openi House on Mnndo eienlnir December
11 Triddaua Itlch will bo the soloist In the
leuxtemps concerto In I minor The sun
Phonic suite ''Hcheheraznde. of Illmskfc
Knrsakow and the third "I.onore" oiorture
of Ileethoven will complete the proieram
The Matinee Musical s annual prize of $100
sHvsn in competition for tho most suitable
three part cantata tor women s loices wnicn
has leen awarded to ar llusch of Kansas
City wilt bo presented by the Matinee Musi
cal nub chorus on me evenlnir or Aorl Jil
In the Itellevue Stratford under the direction
of Helen Pulaski Innes
The choir of Olr St Peters Thurch Rave
nn interesting- recital of snered music at the
Memorial Church of nt I'aul Klfteinth and
rorter streets lint "ednesdav eenlnir un
der me difecuon oi Hernia wens unpen,
the orirnnlst and choirmaster The pro
urnm Included numbers by llsndil Mozart,
Vohle Mendelssorn Stnlner Naylor Tschal
kowslo An anirelsky nnd M'esle
Miss Janet Vlelnsteln coloratura soprano
Kale an excellent recital In IVItherspoon Hall
Inst Wednesday evenlntr assisted b) Alfred
lennartz cellist Miss Aelnsteln sanir the
Cam Nome ' from ' Illcoletto ' Qunndo
Unplta In Fstasl " from "Luela ' "Ah. non
l r, da ' rrom ' Sonnambula and the len
sonff Irom ' Lalimr ' besides sever.il shorter
numbers Mr Iennartz plajed the Hun
vnrlnn rhapsody of Popper and numbers by
Snlnt Salna and Hecks-
Next Tuesdas December ill Is Hose Oar
den Iay for the Matinee Musltil Club
Mne nrosrnm has been prepared bv chili lal.
ent Arnonc those who will take part are
uiixnoein uesi. .-unr .iiiner Mount viola
Ilrodbeck Nina I'rettymun Itowell I.aura
K uernaro Anna .Marsnall tlrn Florence
Allele ii imnmnii unit i.inei w natezell
The first In a series of chamber mtisl
concerts by the Hchmldt Quartet will bi
iven in vtimcrnpoon Mall next Friday nve
nlnir under the auspices of the trniverKi
Uxtmslhn Society The proirram will be
marie up of quartets bj Illumenfeld Wolf
anu loiinnui
Eaih year the Orpheus Mixed Quartet
(rjdna Harwnori naunher t.oreltR Strebl
Philip Warren 'Cook and Donald Iteddlnc)
Klies an evenlns- of music is Its donation
lo some chartt Th a er It will be for
the Influenza orphans in a 1 trslan Gar
den " In costume -Lnd aialsted hi the Schmidt
Quartot will be slvcn next Monday eienlnv
In the llellevue Htratroril ballroom followed
by a dance
Lewis Jnmeu Howell baritone assisted by
Nina prettyman Howell ilolliilst with MI
llam Hllvano Thunder at the piano will be
hearo in reciiai ai Association nan uer
mnntown. Tuesday eicnlnc December ill
under the huspIccb of the Unlierslt Kxten
slon Society
Ihe comlnjc convention of the Music Teach
ers National Association to be held in this
city on December 2-1 SO and SI will brine
a larse number of the moit representative
musicians irom all parm or tne country
At the lnlf hour of music which opens ihe
resulnr evcnlnir senlce nt nt l aui s r.pis
copal Church, of Oiirbrook Dorithi John-
Inn. llnseler. harnlst nnd Cmll Tolffmnnn
cellist, will assist tomorrow ivcnlnv Thev
will play works of Massenet Max 1 uch and
A specl feature of the feienth concert of
the university tixtonsion nmypuony ftnr
tra to be irlven next Thursday menlntf In
'iii...iMnH TTsll uill I... (he sole work
of Miss Aunes Itelfanyder contralto This
Is the last concert by the orchestra Derora
the innsimaa nouoays
The soloists at the free concert at 3 p m
tonorrow in tho Academy of the Fine Arts
will t Viola Ilroddeck. soprano and Or'sna.
Monaaeiltch Mollnlit Joseph Clark at tne
piano .
The Philadelphia Operatic Soclcti an
MiMinrea n MrformnnK. nf "Mflrlhn at tile
Metropolitan Opera House on TueBdsy eic-
IlinK januarj .1
Tomorrow eienlnr, at 9 II o clock there
will be at the Musical Art I'luli duos
for two pianos by Miss Etalyn Tison win
ner of tho Btokowskl medal nnd Stl" Doro
thea Noebe winner of the Pennsilvnnla
state prlxe of National Federation of Music
Clubs They will play ft suite bv Aronsky
"Dne Macabre" of Salnt-Haena nnd
"hspana " by Cham-ter Mlsj Mlna Dcturea
will sins two groups of sonnii
At tne e,unuay eveninir musical services m
the Second Presbyterian Church ihe choir
Is assisted bv Vincent I'Bnelll harpist and
nt I
Frederic Cook violin
bath 6f the Phils
rielphls Orchestra. The program for to
preludes for onran, harp and violin a cap
pella numbers and cborol numbers with In
i-nrmw r.rniiia will inciuoe iniirumia li
Next ThtJrsdny evenlns at tho Musical
Art Cub the choir of .the Second Presbv.
terlan Church, under the direction of N
IJndaey Nofden will lve a program of
acred music for th Philadelphia Musi.
..i. k - l . ' '
Weekly Comment on Things
Musical in Discriminating
THE size of the audiences nt the vari
ous Sunday concerts nnd the ntten
' Hon which they give to the serious
music offered Indlcntc that there is a
reasonablp dpmand for music of the bet
ter class on the Sabbath. Last Sundn,
for example, there eie three concerts,
all of high-class music, under organ-
I Ustlou auspices, thnt Is. onl members
ndtnltted, given In I'hllndelphla The
free Sunday afternoon concert nt the
Academ.) of the Fine Arts attracted
1100 persons, the Chamber Music As
sociation at the Rpllpup-Strntford nn
hour Inter completelj filled the big bnll
loom of the hotel and the Phllhni motile
concert nt the Shubert Theatre In the
evening hnd from fifty to 100 peisous
standing In the rear of the auditorium
after all the seats had been taken
IITin do violinists, especially the
' lounger ones, almost aluars plav
n Handel sonntn nt the beginning of
their programs' The custom has uer-
slsted for a number of years, nnd. uliile
II shons iinmlstnknblp signs of dting
out. theie nre still manv ho vet do it.
Peelinna tiin trlon ia thnt .t to .....11 tn
, nhv some unnttractie number earlr .o
j lint the audience miv nil get in before
I the renll interestiiig selections nre per
The Idea probahlv lind its origin in
the revival of old Italiin vto-ls nhuli
l"rit7 ICrfislpr stnrtpd somp enrH ago
Conpcrt iolinistH watch each other's
programs er closel nnd thev nic
exceedinglv apt to copv nnvthiug
"nett " nhether it v meritorious or
not Thts does not relief t on the met it
of tlu Itnlhn compositions transcribed
hi Mr Krplsler. hecnii'c he has mod
ernlred them suflielentlt to mike them
verv ittrictlc both in eTPcution snd
musical thought, but thp fdpn linmedi
atclv led to n mass of old compositions
for the violin being dragged fiom their
n ell -di served oblivion nnd put on neir
Iv eer program. Among these nere
thp sonatas of Handel, which for man
liars hnd lieen gathering dust
As n violin composer Handel neier
took ver high rank, nnd his works for
this Instrument have been prettv well
forgotten, ns, indeed, have virtually all
his Inetrumpntnl compositions Handel
will lle for a good mnnv jeirs to come,
but it will be through his ocnl works,
cspei Inll the choral ones, and not by
reason of his instrumental compositions
HIS violin sonatas for the greater
pnrt sound llkp exercise in coun
terpoint nnd nre hipppssli antiquated
in musical thought, ns iudgpil from
nrpscnt dny stondnrds At the same
lime thev do not lend themsehes to
modern transcription, ns do thnp of the
older Italian composers, Handel mote
for his own div probnhl more than
miv other grent compeer, and there
fore his works hnc not thp perennial
freshness of the solo iol!n sonatas of
Rich Rut. then, Unndel, while a
great mister of counterpoint nnd tech
nlcnl composition, wns neither the liar
n onlst nor the mplodist that Rnch wis
It is true that Oeorgps Long, first
nlinist of the Ronton Svmphonv Or
chetra, some years ngo plaed a con-
el to for oboe nnd orchestra bv Handel,
nnd with his gient musicianship nnd
wonderful tone made it pound ns in
ten sting is such a work inn lie made
to sound Rut eien nt that, it was a
most unattractive concerto nnd wns
probabli fliospn by Mr. Lnngy becius"
It is almost thp onli obop concerto ex
tant. Iwiidentnlli. this concerto must
hne sounded horrible In Handel's di.
w Ik n the obop uns n rehtliel i rude
itibtriimeut with n tone like n bagpipe.
It is not hard to beliee also thnt
Ixingjs were scarce in thoe turns.
IT IS seldom thnt any living composer
is necoided the reception thnt was
glen Charles Martin Loefiler nt the
onclusion of his simphonlc poem. "A
Pagan Poem,' bj the Philadelphia
Orchestra list Hiturda eienlng, Out
ide of the grent merit of the composi
tion itself, and the element of personal
tribute from those who knpw Mi.
I.oefHer and hence esteem him hlirlil
both ns a composer and as a man, there
wns n most slgnificint musical side to
the demonstration
There can be no question as to the
beaut of the lompositlon, although,
owing to its length, it was perhaps
unfortunateh placed on a program nl
readv long The great, music il point
is thnt the audience rose immedlateli
to thp worth of flip composition, which
jr eiceedlngli modern in its tendencies
nud workmanship There was none of
the bewlldemiput that thp audlpncc ex
hiblted after the unique Maliplprn
simphonlc poem a few weeks ngo, al
though Mr Lopfller's composition is
just -ns modern in thought ns ins
Hint of the Italian composer, but is bv
no means so ircentric in Its orchestra
tion nnd linrmoiibation. When irtu
all the same audience can differen
tiate In this iinnner between the good
nnd the doubtful (for a complex work
like that of Mnllpiero should not be
condemned on a single hearing) it
nrgues for a high state of musical
knowledge and feeling.
The lecpptlnn accorded to Mr Ijooi
fier was as spontaneous as it was
hearty, for coinpnratliely few persons
knew thnt he was present until Mr.
Stokonski himself applauding, mo
tioned for the composer to rise from
the box where he was seated
Next Week's Events
Sundai, lVc ember 14 Free con
cert, Acidmi of the Pttie Arts, .'I
p in
Mnndi. December 1" Montlaj
morning miislenle, Rellevuo-.Strat-ford,
11 a in
Philadelphia Orclttstru compli
mentarj conrirt. Jletropolltan Opera
House, fi:1fi P it) Thndde'us Rich,
OipheiiK Jliid Quartet, Itellivne
Stratford, 8:1.1 P m
Tnesdav, December 10 Mntince
Musical Club, Rcllcvuc-Stratford,
2:S0 p. m
Orand opera "f.n Roheme." Met
ropolltan Optra Hoire, S p m,
Aldn. Scotti Hnrrold, De Segurola,
Vocal recital Lewis .Tames How
ell, Association Hill, Oermntitown,
8:15 p. m
Wednrsda. December 17 Oper
etta, the "Kinst of the Little Lan
terns," Ilelleiue-Strntford, 8 15
p m.
Thursdnj December Ifi Xew
YorK Hjmphonv Orchestra. Walter
Damrosrh, conductor. Academy of
Mitsic, 8 15 p m Krlt Krelsler,
Recital, Russian snered music, by
thoir Second Presbi terlan Church,
MtiHlcal Art Club, 8:15 p m
fnlverslti Extension Orchestra
WltherspooB Hall, 8:15 p. m Agnes
Relfsnyder, soloist.
Prldny. December 10 Philudel
phln Orchestra, Academy of Music,
.1 p. m. (No soloist )
Schmidt Quartet, Wltherspoon
Hall. 8:15 p. m.
Saturday, December 20 Phlladel
tthia Orchestra, Academy of Music,
.'i p, in. (No soloist,)
77m' m the finl chapter nf nn ofc
forking icrinl xrhich trill run nnr
tecefc only. The urcond installment
nppcari on nnt!ny.
VN A slope a white sprinkling of I
s-e wood anemones la ahead like a
patch of linen Idenchlng In the sun
Prom a nllei a lark cut a si If I
diagonal upward with a coloratura
burst of song A stream slipped its ice
and took up lis murmur where It hail I
left off A truant sqtielehid his toes
in the warm mud nnd let It oore oei
and between them '
A mole stirred In its hole and be I
enure spilng will find a wa. cvcd donnl
In the bargain basement of the Titanic
Store which Is far below the level of
tin mole. Smile llnruct. who had neier
seen n wood anemone and neier sniffed
of thaw or the net wild smell of lolets
felt the blood rise In her eins like
sap and ncro's the aisle behind the
white goods counter Jinx Meltzci
writhed in his woolens, and Sadie Rar
net, presiding otei n bin nf specinllj
priced mill-ends out mle'.-nlsle bett eeie
the white goods and the muslin until r
winr leaned toward him. and her smile
was as vlild as her lips.
' Sa, Max, guess wtij I think jou re,
like a rubber band '
Classic DUphl was neier more ready
with ambiguous; retort
Relilnd a statk nf Joi-of thc-Loom
bedsheeth, Max Meltzer groped for
oincular divlnatlciii, and his heart
beats fliitleied in his oIce
'Like a rubbir band'''
Yeh '
' (ilvc up '
Aw, glie a guesi
"Well, I don't know Mis Sadie,
unless iinliss it h bicoute I'm stuck
on on
Do not, nscctic reader gag nt the
unsocratic plnnc True, Max Meltzer
had neither the grain nor the leisure of
n sophist, a capacity for tenses or an
appreciation of Kant lie had ncei
built a bridge, led a Rlble class, or
attempted the first Inch of the live
foot book-shelf Rut on a two-figure
sahry he subscribed nn nnnunl dona
tion to a skln-and-cancer hospital, wore
nonreversible collars, and maintained
a smile thnt turned upward like the
coiners of a cycle moon. Remember,
then, nsietlc rendei, that a rich man
once kicked n lepci ; Knut's own henrt,
that It might turn the world's heart
outward, burst of pain; nnd In the
granite cnuon of Wall street, oue smile
in every thrie score and ten turn l up
ward Sadie Raruet nut Mat Meltzir's
niAln.mnnn umlln tilth the llln7lni? C CS
of scoin, and her lips, quivering to a,
sinlle, met in n straight line thut al
most ironed out the curies
" 'Cause tou're stuck on me' That s
a bwell guess (lie' jou'ic as funn as
a sou, jou urc .
,Th?u.w,'.S,"r LJa''bm ' "'U n,u'- 'I
liai- siilllli ii'inev.iii' -i ...... --- n--
at him sidewisc over l hump of up
lifted i-houlder Hid eloiui the length of
one akimbo arm,
" 'f'nuse oure stuck on me'. Hun'
Max MolUer leaned ni'ioss a countpr
displnj of frlngpil brrnkfust napkins
"Ain't thnt a good reason. Miss Sa
die It's a true one."
""lou're one swell little gne-ser, ou
nic not. o (Nmlelu t get inside n
riddle with n can -opener. 'Cause ou re
stuck oil me! (lee1"
"Well. 1 am"
"I didn't ask Oii win you was like a
bottle of glue. T asked you wh 0ii
was like n lubber bnnel.M
"Aw. I gite up, Miss Smile
"'Cause ,ou're so stretch, see?
'Cjuse ou're so stietch jou'll ytiwn
vour uriii oil if ,ou don't watch it "
" Max "Ielt7Pi- lollnpmd lu an attitude
of mock prostration ngnlnst n ntnk
shelf . , .
"(iee' Tint must ha e been cracked
before the first nut
"Snnrt '" , ,
Across the spee.mll priced mill ends
she flashed the full Hue of her teeth,
and with an Intensity his features ill
concealed he noted how sweet lur throat
as it niched
"It's th" spring feier gets inside of
me and makes me so stretch. Miss
Smile It's n good thing trade Is slow
down here in the basi ment tiidnj, be
ciuse it's the same wit'i me eei eui .
the Sntunla. before spring-opening
week I just get to feeling like all out
doort." ..,
"W'nll till ou see me with a new
red-satin bow stuck on in hiit eum
mer's shape. Dec Dec's got to lend me
the price for two j arils of three- hit h
ied -satin libbon for m spring open
ing." Ills breast rose In his thro it
"I bet jou look swell in ii-el, Miss
Sidie. Rtit u girl like jou looks swell
In nn thing "
"Red's m color Dpp Dee siys my
mnmiiii was i gav one, too, when It
oaine to color. Had to have a red bow
pinned somewheres around all the
mouths she was In bed nnd and up to
the er night she died (,imme red
pnpii time Dec Dee's the one that H
iilwais kicking against red; she sus
I got too flish tnstc."
"Sit. if sUe keeps bossing and boss
ing nt ou, what do jou keep on living
Willi lll'l l"i ,, .,
"Wouldn't ion live with our own'
mnthuV sistei if she raised ou from n
kid' What am I going to do, put her
In cold storage, now that her ejes nre
going back on lur' Up in the ribbons
she can't Inrdli keen her colors grnd
uated no more, that's how blind she's
'ctting Ouli jestcrdu n dime In ought
Fuck some launder ribbon and wiped
up thp whole depirtment with Dee Dee
for putting it oier on her ns blue
What am 1 going to do'" )
"Honest, Miss Sadie, I didn't know
that slip was om aunt nnd that her
eies was hud I've seen jou two to
ether a lot and notice 1 her thick
lenses, but I just didn't think "
"Well, now I'm tellliigtiou '
"1 just thought she was some old i
girl up in the ribbons ou was llvhw
with foi tampan Honest I dldn t
know she had bid eies C.ee'" '
' No, the ain't bad Onl she's so
blind she tiudt. her paper upside down
nnd gets sore if jou tell her about it I
"And me thinking she was nothhul
but n neir sighted old grouch with o
nnnip like u sparrow." !
Miss Raruet laughed with an upward
"Dee Dee ain't her real name When
I wns a kid and she took me to raise
that's the wav I used to pronounce'
Aunt Rdlth Cee' ou don't think Dee I
Dee was the name they spilnkled on
hoi uhpn the christened her. did ou?" I
Mnv Meltzer leaned to the bieath of
her laughter as if he would fill hlb
limp's with It
"Ore1 but jou re a cute little lnd
when jou laugh like that "
"Su), iiutl ain't tou the frcshie' lust,
because jou'ro going to be promoted to
bujer for oui department won t get
jour picture In the Sundn supplement
No white. goods liujer I know of eer
had to build white marble libraries oi
present a lirend-llne to the eit to gel
rid of his pin inonej "
"I bet you wns a cute little black .
eted, red cheeked little joungster, al "
rlghtj "
"1 wasn't so worse Like I tell Dec
Dec, the wav she's held mo down and
Indoors eenlngs. It's a wonder a kid
like me grew lip with any pep at all,"
"Poor little ladv !"
"It's like Dee Dec says, though. I :
uevei was cut out for life behind the
counter. Gee! I'd soak my plllpw in
fasollne every flight In the etk if it
rvwii; liiusT
would make me drenm 1 m nutomo
"Pom little lnd ' '
' Sn, ain't it hot ' With the
opening on Moniln thei betti i get the
fans working List o.u llirep girls
keeled Honest, sometimes I think I'd
rather spend the summer under th"
noisier, nut on tlie hill than dnwn lieieiher oice so
In this basement
"Don t I wish 1 had an auto to take
oii spinning in tonight " I
lou ought to mp the llier a friend
of mine has gol A Mi nnr Six with a
lln ciusliie top like a grand-opera but
'ourvour friend?" I
"Yes He's that slIclclnnkliiiT listlo
fat fellow that's a cousin to .Mamie
Grunt up in the und to nenis He
was down here talking to me the othei
da '
"I seen him "
"(tee' TOU might to fori murtelf In
nis nenun Hiv. 'Lemtne die
1"- c,'o,se",,t 'ItVr '.'n 'here'mui I
Z 'n!!'.'''' '...,;'n.!,,,."(J,I1(,,1 '"' lr! t,,e,l
... . mill -mi Mllll I ('IM 1IIJCIIII11 II
diffodils tieklliu- mi nose nnd i strep
cai full of str.ip Image m inling along
side of us."
... .. .. . .
i i guess ii ou got swell friendst
.... ....v, .. u.. ii. . v. nit n.ii tiunu nn
i.i.i .mi t sui inucii ui u snunn ior
'He snys lies got n lnuiie li in sum
"Honest. Miss Sadie. I I iiiki- he. n
triing for the better part of two weeks
lo nsk permission If I could come nnd I
..ll .... , .. " "i ' " .' I""
Whonns' nni i im tiim rfn.n.in. ii
"The lust bint nf the seas-on, Miss ,'!,f 5" J11"1 '""ard whit the doctor
Sidle, n swell new one thev call the !oltI ,,1C ,0',n, ,1,CI! " Put the drop
M'hlte (lull goes down to Conei to "', '"5 ,P,T ,,0V,'1 lmv9 S0'u,('thinS jo
night, nnd, it being real spiin-tlme, nud M1' "!,out be!i,le8 red "obons, al
ini feeling kind of full of it. I thought ".1,',,,f . , , .
ninibe. it being the (list boat of the ', fo,rKot, Dop ?. to' was W
season. i,in.be jou would take n in.r ej'-doctor daj lies aluas searln'
ride this ginnd Apnl night, Mlssiou," J"st don t pay no attention.
S,,!,, ' b " il forgot it was our di.
Mir L'lnnci sliiiliil tminr.l 1.:,.. f..n "Sine on forgot Rut ou won't for
of null ks f"u iget if I wake up alone in the dark sopj.
i.u. t-.... ,i.. n. .... ida " .
."). 'I""' "i ' " c -nr .upnzei.i
slit's right strict with me She don't
,l....i i ...j.. , , .. ,-, i
, i lim s tt L C wnP" Itl'
ft , 1 '" t,CP ,m"
liit nt mj house
'I know it. Miss Sadie; hit s the '
right wnj to do it. but I think I can
get niound hei nil light Mnsn't she
down here in the bnsemint the first elnj
I heard about m promotion und didn't
she gie mp thp glad hand nnd seem
right fnendl to me' T e an get around '
her all right. Miss Sidie I can nlwais ,
tell if n person likes me or not "
"Aniwiis. if her eics nin't too bad.
Mr Melt7or, I got a date with mv
menu it ills c.ir is out ot the simp fiom I
having the limousine top tnken off Wc
we're going foi n little spin."
A quick ied belled her insouciance
and she made a little form into the
bin of mill-ends
"Cee' if I'e made three sales tlii
liielnng da I don't 1 now nothing about
two f them "
Mat Meltzer met her dancing gaze
pinioning It with his own quiet ees
"ou'ie light to pick out the luokr
fellow who can bu n good time A
littli girl like nu ought to hne epn
eiijojment there is If I could ic it
to oii, elo o'i fluuk I would let the
either fellows bent me to it' The best
ain't none too good for a little lnd
like ou " '
"Aw, Mr. Meltzer' ' Her booin lilled
and watiid "Aw, Mi Meltzer'"
"1 mean it '
An eliCtnc bell giilled through his
woids Miss Rinict sprang reflexl
fiom the harness of in eight hour da
"Aw, lookn, and I wnntee! to snenk
up before dosiug and get Dee Dee to
snip me two j arils of red sitiu, and sin
won't cut an inch after the bell Ain't
that luck for ou' Ain't that luck '"
Dei lips drew to a pout
"Lemiiie get it for jou. Miss Sadie
I know n girl up In the ubboiis "
. ..M-nlimiled
Waller lieiwr'iSstji.,.
Re "W'.'I.-nasn:
a delicious drink with a real,
satisfying, sustaining food value.
We guarantee its purity and high
quality. We have been making
chocolate and cocoa for nearly
1 40 years.
i "No, no. Mr, Meltj-cr. I I got lo
charge It lo Dee Dee. and, nnywiSriM
she gets niml like nni thing If I keep ftjOf
uniting. I gotta go. 'Night, ?Ir.
.Melt.erl 'Night"
She wns off through Ihe maze of tlw
empt.tlng store. In thp er act of lim
ning on her little lint with Its Jaunty
Imitation fur pompon, nnd he breathed
lu ns she passu, as If of the pcrfumo
of liei personal!! '
At the ribbon counter on the mala
floor the list of n streamlet of out-
. gonu wiimiii dplnihed herself from tho
file ns .Miss It.irnet nscended the alalt;-
, ensp
Uurrv up. Sidle "
Dee Dee! How 'el ou girls up hero
get on our duds so soouV I thought
mnbe If I'd burr upstairs you you'd
find time to cut me n two-nrd plieo
of tin ci" inch red totln for my lint, Da
Dee tomorrow being Sunday. Two
inrds, Dip Dee, nnel that'll make $2ifl
I owe jou Aw, Dee Dee. It won't taTfO
n minute, tomoriow's Sunday and nil 1
n. Dee Dee!" ,
MNs llirnet slid Ingratiating fingers
into the tune of the older woman a
arm. her olce was smooth as salve.
' w Dee Dee. who pvpr heart! ot
weiring fur on a hat In April? I gofla
stick a red bow on my last summer'a
sailor, Dee Dee.
Miss Edith Worte stiffened so that
the muscles sprnng out m the crook of
her arm and the cords In her long, jel
lowing neck. Ycnrs had dried on bet
face, leaving raiuges, nnd through her
high-jpniur spectacles her pnle eye
might hnc been stnriug through ll!n
and straining to see t
"Please, Dee Dee' '
Miss Ramet held bickward, a lit(o
singsong unte of appeal tunning through
Miss Worte jerked forward toward
the open door April dusk, thp color
of cold dish-water, showed through It,
Dusk in the tit comes sidly, croweltog
into nuirow streets nud riddled witV
u imivuliate qukk-shot of clectti
"Ain't jou got no sense a-tall? Ain't
ou got no sense In that curlv head of
ourn but rulnntion notions?" ""
'Aw, Dee Dee!" -
They were In the flood tide which
bursts through the dam at ! o'clock like
n human torrent Hooding the streets.
JJ? 1 'n'oTs hB" bPdrmS
Miss Rdith Worte turned hr sparse
face towaul the downtown tide aHd
ugainst n light wind that tasted of rain
and flfippcd l.ei sklita niouuil her thla
"Watch out, Dee Dee' Mcpdown;
mere s a turn
I don't need loii It's lots ou care
if 1 go uliml on the spot '
"Dee Dee' '
"(iod' If I didn't haic nothing lo
woirj me but red ribbons! I told tho
doctor toil u . while he was nuttlne thn
drops in nn ejes, that If he'd let me go
'WlnVl T-1
"W. now. Dee Dee- Ain't ou see
inc better these last feu dais?
..nnn lloi"
ion won l iiirKfi im-ii mu won t.
forget to nig me eien then for dud.
to go automeiblllng with fly men that
,, ,,, ou no 00ll ..
.it)pt, IKe. I ain't been but one night
thl, PPK. i been faiing up all my
nlth,M forf()r tonight." .
"Tonlgnt. Sa, If I can't keep yoU
fro,n going to the devil on skatea
f( " .
"It's onl the second time this week,
Dec Dec, and I I promised. He'll hay
thp limousine top off tonight and feel,
ii is just like summer. A girl's gotta
have a little something once in 4
i ou won t torget then lou won t
"What do 1 gotta haie' WJiat do .1
gotta hae, but slap and work?" "
ConjrUht. 101D b Harper Hrothera
rublUntd through speclli arrangement with
heeler Hi vllclte Inc
First U. S. Engineers Will Hold
Banquet Tonight "
Phllndelphli veterans who served
oierseas with the First United States
Ruglneers will hold a reunion banqiift
in (he Hotel Walton tonight. ,
Speakers will Include K .1. CnttelT,
cit statistician, nnd W. O. Murdoch,
state adjutint of the American Legion.
1 1ns icglmcnt was one of the unit
oi the Pirst Dlilslon and served In
France nnd fiermnn from August.
UH7. to SeptPinber. 1010. Colonel K
II W lib, who commanded the regiment
during most ot its scrwee oerseas, aad
(literal 'Mason M. Patrick, present
head of the air s-priitc, who commmded
the legiment in the earlj part of the
wai, are' expected to attend?13 "
Captain .John J Rurns, of 1030 North
Fifteenth street, Is chnlrmnn of the res
union committee
Any time that
any one wants
1 1
1 i i