EVENING PUBLIC LEMEE-rHIlJABELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, IXGOEMBEIT 10, 191$ "D MMxwMwuimMiiiniiuMiiiiiiiHiiifniiim HUM mImmmM .bSffiS FtfOM DENMARK FLORENCE ROSE FASHIONS CYNTHIA UNPAID SERVICE-r-EXCHANGE i as ..s w I - M?S. WILSON GIVES RECIPES AND MENU FOR DANISH FOODi THE BABY WILL LOVE THIS jTte Smorgasbrod Is an Original Custom of This Country Which Calls for Dainty Dishes Ask Mrs. Wilson If you hnvc nny conker) prob lems, britiR them to Mrs. Wllon. Shp will bo Rind to nnnwer you thrmifth those column. No per sonal replies, however, ran bo Riven. Address questions to Mrs, M. A. Wilson, KvENtsn I'cnt.ic LnnoKU, Philadelphia. linRu or endive mny be ummI with plnln French dresiltiK. Dessert is tifmnlly mi ice or erciun with n RpoiiReenko with n lrmnn eus tiird snuee nnd n cup of delicious blnck coffee. While this menl is eonidi'rnbly lnrger tlmn most of the people In this country would enre for, the IlnnMi housewife serves much smaller portions, usimllj ohtninliiK nix poitions from the guinea ly-n nnd large three-pound pike. Spongecake With Ix-mon Custard Sauce made to conform to the war regulations, during 11117. One-third cup of honey, nils of one fjw. Cream well nnd then add Three tablespoon of u-attr, Three-quartern cup of flour, IS TODAY'S KEYNOTE By MRS, M. A. WILSON iCaivrlaht, 1910, hv .Vr. f. .1. 1'iliin. AH ri7hf reserved. J My dear Mrs. Wilson Whnt do the Danes cat? I recently rend an article in n newspaper about a gentle mnn who hns spent the last summer In Denmark. Ho did sny this word If you wnnt to ent well, go to Den mark you hnve given us so tunny wonderful recipes from different Kuropenn countries, but I never saw any from Denmark. MISS C. Denmark Is cssentiallv a farming country with great dairy herds, along the co.iRt facing the sen. The Norsemen nnd the Danes are intrepid fishermen thus bringing to the home larder not only the products of the hoil. but also tli" denizens of the deep. People in Denmark are natural lovers of home life and for this reason all their pleasures radiate from the home. Entertaining during the holidays for weeks nt n time Is one of their customs. An original custom is the Smorgasbrod, ...-. -, ,-,, . , , , , nm a service of appetizing pickups that are SIMPLE BUT SMART served from several small tames, neiorc the regular meal; they sharpen the ap petite nnd stimulate it. The Danish Smorgasbrod is some what similar to the hors d'oeuvres of the French, only the dishes are served in larger portions. In lnrge gatherings several tables nre placed nbout the room, io that the guests may have a .wide choice. No. 1 Sweet Ttutter Fresh nnd Toasted Oread Cheese Unw and Tickled Oysters Sardines Smoked nnd Salted Tongue , Uever.igcs No. 2 Sweet Iitittoi Kye and Roasted Hrcad Caviar Raked Ham Cold Fried Fish leverages The usual beverage, silvervatten. or carbonated water, is served quite cold. A DANISH MENl MINDHK MIDDACAK Ostron i Skal Loksoppa sma Klimpar Gadda Kller Gos a la Finnnciere Steks Hjnrpar Med Salade Sparres Och . Franska Artcr SMALL, DINNKIt Oysters on Half Shell Onion Soup with Small Dumplings Pike a In Finnnciere Raked Ciuinea Hen with Salad Asparagus French I'eas Ice Cream Coffee Dessert Onion Soup With Small Dumplings. Allow two medium-sized onions for each person. Real the onions and cut into thin slices. Place five tablespoons of pork or ham fat in the frying pan. Cook the onions until tender, browning very lightly. Now add six tablespoons of flour. Rrown the flour well and then add four cups of water and One bouillon cube, One teaspoon of salt, One-eighth teaspoon of sweet mar joram, One-half teaspoon of cayenne pepper. One small carrot, cut into finy dice. Cook slowly for thirty minutes and " then serve with toasted bread cut into tiny dice. Add a little finely minced parlsey to each service. Chicken, fish or meat stock may be used to replace the water and bouillon cube. Pike a la Klnanclcre Split the pike and remove the bones. Place in n baking pan and brush well with sala?4 oil. Rnke in a hot oven, basting every five minutes with boil ing water. When ready to serve cut the fish into four filets 'and lift to the service plates. Cover with sauce a la Financiere. garnish with three potnto balls and finely minced parsley. Sauce a la Financiere One cup of rich brown sauce. Juice of one lemon. One-half cup of mushrooms cut into bits anil parboiled, Two ripe olires, cut into bits. One teaspoon of salt. One teaspoon of paprika, One-half teaspoon of on I. extract. Heat to the boiling point nnd serve. Raked Guinea Hen Have the poultry man split the hen down the back and then flatten. Wash and wipe dry and then rub well with shortening and dust lightly with flour. Rake in a hot oven for fifty minutes, basting with a little hot water; just ten minutes before removing add four strips of bacon. In Europe it is the custom to serve aalad with the roast. Lettuce, cab- Small Dinner Includes Such Delicacies as Baked Guinea Hen and Sponge Cake With Lemon Custard Two level linspanns of halting powder. Reat just enough to ml, then fold In the stiffly beaten wiilte of one egg Pour in a well-greased and floured pan and bake for twent -live minutes in n moderate oven. Cool, then cut inlo eight portions. White corn or maple sirup may be used to icplncc the honey. Lemon Custard Orate verj llghth the ilnd of one quarter lemon. Place in u saucepan and add Vive tahlripooni of flour, One cup of milk. Stir to dissolve (lour. Ilrlng In n boll, cook for three minutes and then mid One-half cup of honey. Juice of nn lemon, 1'cir yniiiii nf vllt. Yolk of one rpji. Rent to mix and then fold In the stiffly beaten white of egg. SHE NURSED HER MOTHER AND NEVER WAS PAID FOR IT Her Friends Think She Should Put in a ClaimThey Forget That Love Is the Only Price for Service Like This THKl sat in the waiting room at the queer position ; the time that her mother station. u-nlMnp (nr the trnln. One fought all her menls up to her, and like the money In fairy tales, and turn Into burning coals every time she touch es It I Won First Case Signorn Ellsa Orsl Comanl has the honor to be the first woman In the his tory of Italy to plead ft case before n court of that country. Slgnora Comam won her case, which was In defense of a (soldier, and the decision was cheered by nil assembled In the courtroom. N x j y "h wvn W-l3 7 ) rmtMyy HI nW3 i Adventures With a Purse jiz j aw. T SHALL never forget Hobby," -- Dorothea. "stiuttiiiK around the living room with his bright red curly hair nnd that .ridiculously small bath robe " Children do look ndornblc m them. And then they nre mighty win 111 ...ill P. III.. V.ie 1 .!.! mm !.i liiitl ...ti.Jr.. itii, iiii, ink 1 mil jiiui (Hiiro mm , iiili' ' . nights. One shop has sets of tiny I h.itlnoues with warm bootees to unite 1. . Many of the designs resemble grown no bathrobes. Thcv ore niroK linve 1 t..i. f 'liiIc.ttinii. n.nl ... .......... 1 .if ''! -:nf 11. 1 v .1.10. ....10 itim niu jiiii vn at i".,...i.i and !?.'!. !).". You can easily picture jour small son's shout of delight were he to find a set tor him under the Chi litmus tree. This little "luncheon set" for n"chlld is n most attractive and useful gift for Christmas. One need not be an artist, either, in order to paint the tiny figures and flowers which ornament the dainty bib and plate dolly. Mother will op- 1 lute this gift, too, for there wilt lie no more spots on the tablecloth and no more bibs to iron. The set Illus trated is made of oilcloth or thin white 1 iibbcri-zed cloth, which can be pur ..1. ...... 1 t .,v ilrui? store. The dolly i-aiil 1 i,ii, ,, under the plate measures 17 by l.'l inches and the nil) j.i Dy a inches. Cut out the neck size on the bib and then paint a border around the edges of the dolly and bib with oil paints. Pink or blue are the most at tractive for a c hild. The border, which 11 solid band ot the color, is paimeo. by holding a ruler n qunrtcr of an inch from the edge and then filing in the 1 space. Trace the design given above nntn flip mbher with enrbon paper, spacing the figures as shown on the Hlnemm. With oil unints color the dress of the right-hand figure blue and the bonnet pint. Color the dress of the other figure pink nnd the bonnet blue. The flowers arc pink ami blue and the leaves green. The shoes and the little wagon nre painted black. The shading on the dresses and bonnets is done with a deeper shade of the pink or blue pnlnt. The carbon trnc ing must be yery faint, so that it can ensily be covered by the pnlnt. Fasten two tapes to the top of the bib, and the set is complete. The oilcloth nnd rubberized cloth wash, nnd may be sponged off after each meal with n damp cloth. A on hav heard me speak of Helen before. Helen it is who always has the little extras for her home and who in consequence has one of the most (harming ami delightful little homes I have ever visited. And it was at Helen's that 1 first saw the individual powder-puff holders. It is this way: 1 you frequently have company, even it j on don't go in much for big paities. and invariably some one forgets her powder puff. Well, the individual puff holders of which I speak are iniul nf deliratelv colored net or nialine. with round tops, ribbon trimmed. They are filled with six or eight tin puffs inaib. I believe, of absorbent cotton so in expensive that they arc easily replaced when vour supply is used up and so easily made that it takes only n min ute to pel eh n tiny bow on each one. When company conies this little hag with its bvy of fluff v jolly puff.s is just one of the little attentions, every -bodv appreciates. You can get them. Idled, for .$1. THE WOMAN'S EXCHANGE Christmas Gifts for Girls To the i;ditor 0 iromnVs Pace: . Dear Madam As Christinas will be here soon, 1. wouid like to know of some nice little gifts, inexpensive ones. The presents arc for young girls. SOPHIK . Some pietty, inexpensive gifts for young girls are collar and cuff sets, lingerie pins, hnndkerchiefs with Inl tials or eoloud borders, good luck gar ters, powder puffs in fancy styles, pow der boxes, shoe trcos, fancy coat haul ers, cuff pins, inexpensive barpini of plain gold sewing cases, sewing or knitting bags, bud vases or a toilet article for the dressing table. From a Bridge Club To the Editor ot Woman's I'aae: Dear Madam I understand you an swer different questions, nnd different ones hnve gained help through your col umns, so would like to know If you could tell me nf a lady teacher of bridge. A club of six desires td learn auction of them was rather stout, and wore n hnndsome fur cont, fancy veil and tunny rings on her ungloved hands. The other was smaller, but just as much be jeweled, "She'll tell you herself," the stout op.n was saying in tones that carried her words to every one In the waiting room, "Rut, of course, I wouldn't wnnt her to know that you know, until she does toll you. Rut this Is what It was. Her bi other wrote to her nt the hospltnl nnd said 'There's no sense in our pay ing another nurse to take care of Mqth er when you could come home nnd do it voutself.' Ho. she did. And do you knowV' she pnused impressively, "do you know, she never was paid one cent. And nftcr her mother died they never offered to pay her a thing I" "How dreadful!" exclaimed Hie smaller woman. "Not one cent, my dear," repeated the other, "nnd It was fifteen weeks!" "Why, she ought to put In a claim !" decided her companion. Then the train came in nnd they got on unddisap- penrcd. rpiIRY were gone, but no one who -L heard that conversation will ever forget it. I wonder whether that stout woman has forgotten the time when she was a little girl, sick In bed with measles, nnd the doctor wouldn't let her have any light In the room because it would hurt her eyes J that time when her mother gave up everything else and ilfvntnil her whole time to telling Inter esting tales nnd reading stories in the dim light to her restless young pntlent, getting up in the middle of a much needed rest to sit beside that tossing, feverish little body to try to soothe it into sleepiness. I wonder whether the smaller woman n members now that painful time when she fell from her bicycle when she vvns eleven, and had to He In bed for weeks with her broken lejr propped up in a queer found something vastly Interesting to toil nbout or some fascinating new toy for every separate day of those long, long weeks, If they do remember, I wonder whether they ever consider pay ing their mothers now for taking care of them. I'wonder If they would dare hurt them that much 1 If that nurse who left her work at the hospital nnd came home to nurse her own mother through that last long ill ness does put in n claim for cold, hnrd piactical money to pay her for the pilvllege of returning a little of the service that her mother has given her nil these years, the opportunity of giv ing something to express that love for her, oh, I wish that money would be MARY A. WILSON School of Cooking 241 South 23d St. ( IT. H. i Dome I Unit T,Ae Instructor VllTIit tTnmnitllMAFV ftrhnnl Iomrtle Sclenre Ham. School University of Virginia rhonn Spruce 753 Kerlfttrntlon now oiwnt classes start Jan. The Gift That Says the Most, Meant the Most and Wears the Longest The New Edison Call, phon or writ; or, better yet, etop in our at' tractive salesroom t hi t evening, but do not delay. W. C. STIVER CO. BMJssnooMB ron the NEW EDISON : 64 W. Chelten Ave. OrEN EVENINGS rtionm Gtn. B364 s IOE30I IOE30E 30E30E and bridge, so if you could give us the name or names of such persons would appreciate same very much, indeed. MRS. K. It. V. Teachers nf bridge do not seem to advertise. The best thing for your chili to do would be to advertise in the "want ads. If there are no professional teachers, no doubt some one who under stands the game thoroughly would be giad of that extra money, nnd would be willing to give the lessons for a mod erate charge. 1 nope you win nnu a good teacher. Remedy for House Fleas To the Editor of Woman's Paot: Dear Madam I am writing to you asking for advice ns I have got so much through the woman's page. I nm troubled with house fleas, little black (lens, not like an animal floa. MRS. M. h. Sprinkle your rugs and carpets with nowdered alum to exterminate the fleas. Wash the floors with strong soapsuds and rub oil of pennyroyal in every crack that they appear from to prevent their coming agnin. SWW.'VW..".-.-.".' The height of the hip decoration is the notlreivble feature of this frock. The higher the smarter Is the rule In the method nf trimming. Musli rat Is the fur used In this way. This nnd the simplicity nf the lines maiie the necessary touch of style A Dally Fashion Talk by Florence Hose j DO YOU remember that I said the other day that, this season es- ' pec-inlly, the smartest nnd most expen sive frocks nre ch.1racte1i7.ed bv great simplicity? I wanted jou to see that when nil strove to appear well dressed merely by adding trimming and elabo ration to your costume jou were de feating your own ends. So few women who make their own clothes either with or without the aid of the little home dressmaker realize that the essential tiling to achieve is line. If they can handle their material so as to give the right silhouette they have achieved success. What boots it, then, if they are not equal to the task of adding intricnte trimming? Trimming is too often used to concern bad designing nnd bad dressmaking. -s. Now take the little frock in the sketch satin brocade trimmed with dyed muskrat. "I don't see why that should be so expensive," said one woman when she saw the frock. "Nothing there to tax the skill .of a great dressmaker just the same old plain, loose, short-sleeved bodice, the ilrnwn-in skirt no trimming except the few bits of fur." Copyright, 1010, by Florence llnsp RsnO I IP II fir Iflr $ IS a P s f'jl phllL ; I u '-Av-.-.vjArtffvvflnwMVArtWrtftftwrtnfvvnftisnftwvtfyvvvv'j THIS CUP FREE This Jiffy Measuring: Cup it free to users of Jiffy-Jell. Just send us the end labels from two Jiffy-Jell package! the labels naming the flavor and we will mall the cup. This aluminum cup holds exactly one-half pint. Fill twice with boiling water to dissolve one package Jiffy-Jell. It also holds ex actly one cup, as called for In many recipes. Ordinary cups so vary in size that many recipes are spoiled. So this exact cup, with mark ings showing fractions of a cup, is essential in every home. '.r.rwvww.vwwjw.-.'wv VVVWVVrtAnrtAi!JrflWVVAJISVVVrtrtJSAVVV TEA served 3to5.30p.m. DINNER 6to7.30p.m. Palette rfencheonl andleaKoont Jl&iS-.imr 30E3CO A Health-Giving Gift Imperfect circulation is the cause of most bodily ills. Massage is the best -known remedy. s. The New-Life Vibrator applies the Massaging in the most scientific manner. Gives both the rubbing and per cussion strokes so necessary to success. Let this gift restore some friend to health. Frank H. Stewart Electric Company GUjJjflJlij J-jy North th Street 5 ' D o Old Mint Itnllri nf MAKE 1'OT.m CIiniSTMAS aiVINO MIACTICAT. WITII KLKCTRICAI. GIFTS . oocaoc: ipnoi : lonor ipaox too "rait Desserts Delightful Dainties at Trifling Cost l xr&f&xr?3P iini. aiiVivBiiiHb ir fSMMW&?tifWMl!mKR '"1 ' A ' 1 kfS!M;MSlHHEM 'S' wm .A. o A. :: IV fathered from sunny firdmnt in fr away India. Are you tired and out of sorts ? Try a good hot cup of fragrant, full-flavored Tetley's Orange Pekoe Tea. It's stimu lating and refreshing ! Tetleys Tea Tetley's Tea is blended from 15 or more different teas each the choice leaves from the world's finest gardens. That's why it's such downright good teal yV if Free Dessert Molds These Individual Des sert Molds come in as sorted styles, six to the set. The six will serve a full package ot Jiffy-Jell. We send the full set for 5 end labels. The molds are aluminum, and the set is worth 60c. We fnake these offers to show more women what Jiffy Jell means to them. Jiffy-Jell differs vastly from other quick gelatine dessertB. Each paokage contains a bottle of condensed fruit juice. We crush the fruit, condense the juice, and bring you real fruit in abundance in these Jiffy-Jell desserts. That's the important point. Flavor is mere taste, and often artificial. The fruit itself is rich in earthy salts. Everybody needs it every day. For a Few Cents Fresh fruit and canned fruit are expensive. Here are rich fruit dainties which are not. And they are rich in fruit. Half a pineapple, for instance, is used to flavor one Jiffy-Jell dessert. Then almost a whole lemon is used to acidulate the mixture. Yet a package of Jiffy-Jell serves six people in mold form. and twelve if you whip the jell all for a few cents. It is also quick. Simply add boiling water, as directed on package, then the fruit-juice flavor from the vial, and let cool. Millions are using these quick, economical fruit des serts, and no home now should miss them. Try These Flavors Try Loganberry and Pine apple for desserts. Try Lime fruit 'flavor. It makes a tart, green salad jell. Mix in your salad before cooling. Or mix in meat scraps and make an appetizing meat loaf. Try Mint flavor. It makes a zestful mint jell to serve with meats or as a side dish. Try them now. Then send us the end labels which men tion the flavor, and get the Jiffy Cup and any of our molds. See the coupon. Cut it out so you won't iorget. A S o Ia S' c o A s tc 01 A S' c o. A s c o My$ Real-Fruit Dessert 10 Flavors in Visit &'"?... Mint Ratpberry Loganberry Strawberry Pineapple Orange Lemon IB ra?wllfc Is 1 .VV.V.ftrtr'JVr.rtW.r.V.-,-. Other Free Molds The labels called for are the end labels the one on each package which mentions the flavor. Send the coupon with the labels called for and check the molds you want. Charry Una Cafiaa Jiffy Dessert Co., Waukesha, Wis. I enclot e .... labels as called for. Send the molds I check at side. ..Jiffy Measuring Cup (2 labels). ..Set of Six Individual Molds, as pictured (5 labels). .jlltSii-i i .Pint Dessert Mold (5 labels). .Pint Gald Mold (S JaLcU). A, v MAIL ;I THIS 5 iii'A '', s c o A S' o, A s .c ,o- . ' .A' c c 0 A' S' c i A S C o A S c o Victor Tastes. Different Because It Is Different from any other Bread Baked - In a word, in a very particular sense Victor is truly the "Staff of Life" Of all the wholesome and nutritious foods Nature provides for man's sustenance, there are none that sur pass Bread as a balanced ration. Whether it be the Laborer or the Mechanic, the Professional Man or Financier, the Child or Man of mature years, there is presentin those kernels of wheat, converted into the pal atable "Victor," the required elements to sustain and in vigorate the human body under all conditions. Victor is the sum total of Modern Bread Baking Skill The Product of Our Own Ovens Three of the Most Modern Bakeries in America. Sold Only in Our Own Stores and Meat Markets A Loaf without competition either in point of Quality or Value Victor Pan Victor Hearth Victor Ry W BLoaf Victor Raisin Bread, loaf 1 fc (Baked with Luscious Raisins) "" Everywhere in Philadelphia and Throughout Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland and Delaware ASCO. TON1 ' ASCO. m i r ' y y !' n' it '' p ' mf ii i up hi hi lm j j ASCO. ASCO. ASCO. ASCO. f ASCO. ASCO. 3 t-A aa-ja - ---J - -A. J.-Jk-aa-Ja mMmme eSMa aWa--aiW . J. f A, p, jjfrjll Jr' y -fa...,l -t.'V.i , m i! MJlnHitottWM' '-triMikikW f i MM I'Mskfrf aaiMivat.i T "a.-, -nf . nivi ?.;&.E.JumLflL' si,frilM mjZlfi-c 'Wil'qwHiiiiBaawwwJw1ii11 iw'i''j"i.gyffff'ww.fflwuafljjii. . "-"Tt'Tp'ymiF 'i e'jji'hij. " uuuimgywaawwwai A EM ' -