WJrwfcv','''' fBTCtTKftwireHf?.. ' . , ".vNm " ' tf 1 WW. . HTI n . - frn n i.iifiiiniiij mi vn;" ! '"" if., JL ,1 ', " wniy-' 1 's f 34 EVENING ZVBTXO liEDaERr-PHlEADEIiP&I, HONDAY DE0E5XBER 8, 1919 p b Thousands Have Read This Book Your copy i3 ready. Free to any business man who is interested in the Market and who wishes to know: The General Rules of Trading. How to GIvo a Broker Instructions. Brokers' Commission Charges. How to Indorse a Stock Certificate How to Use Collateral in Trading. How to Group Investments. The Deposit Requirements for Carrying Stocks on Account. The Rights of Stock and Bond Holders, etc. Written in simple lan guage and easy examples given. No obligation. Edition limited. Call, 'phone or write at once. Ask for No. T.U.-658 JONES & BAKER SECURITIES Widener BIdg., Philadelphia Phones Bell, Walnut 6065 Keystone, Race 2290 Direct Private Wires Hew York Detroit Baltimore KtuburH Boston Chicago Bonds for Investment Circular Upon Request The National City Company Correaportdert Offices in over 50 cities Philadelphia 1421 Chestnut St, Atlantic Cltj 1225 Boardualk FINANCIAL Loa n . In accordance with a resolution adopted by Common Council of the City of Phila delphia, on Thursday, November 20, 1910, bill authorli.ns the creation ot a loan or Iosjji la the sum of fifteen million (18. 000,000) dollars la hereby published for pub lic Information. WILLIAM IL FELTON, Chief Clerk. AN ORDINANCE To authorize the creation of a loan or loans in th sum of fifteen million (1S.000.O00) dollars, belns the 'unissued portion of a loan In the sum of forty-two million four hundred and fifty thousand seven hundred and ninety-seven (42.450.T9T) dollars pro vided for by an Ordinance approved the 29th. 4a,y of June. 1916, this Ordinance belns supplementary to the said Ordinance of Juna 29. 1016. the said fifteen million I collars to be used toward the erection i jwo ubuvu ui iww ,ii,i, uji.u.i.k " tha Free Library of Philadelphia: to pay I damaffeS XOr the heretofore authorized, openlmt. wldenlnj and changing- ot srade i or atreeta, construction of sewers, con-1 damnation of' narks and other curDOBSS toward the removal cf grade crossings In South Philadelphia: toward the acquisition of and payment for property, erection and construction of sewage disposal plants and, sewerage system of Frankford creek area: toward the acquisition of property and Improvement of tho Parkway, to pay for Property heretofore taken and to be tucsn xor x airmount ana oiner p-rRs; c.t"ructTonVf,rSnnewrr,:cSn,.ruc,lon I of main eewera in Venanao B Er and PaeES "?.'? construction branch ; ware: construction of bridges, grading streets; improvement of country roaos: paving lntsrsectlonsi improvement of the Boulevard: for the further Improvement ef the South Broad Street Roulevard. Plata, League Island Park and Oovjrn xntnt avenue; toward the erection of a. Convention Hall; -jward acquisition or land, erection ana construction and equip ment of the Philadelphia General Hpanltn and Nurses' Home, and other buildings .nnder the supervision of the Department of Public. Health and Charities; toward tha erection of an Art Museum. Boetlon 1. The Select and Common Coun etla of tha City of Philadelphia do orda n. That th Mayor. City Solicitor and City Controller, or any two of them, be ana tney ?r hereby authorized tc borrow at such imes and tn such proportions of the City de giand. from the highest bidder or bidders. y advertisement, at not less than par, on 'the faith and credit of the City of Phila delphia, a aum or sums whi'h. In the aggre gate shall not exceed f.rteen million (15. 000,000) dollars, being the unissued portion of a loan of fcrty-two million four hundred ana fifty thousand seven hundred and nlnoty-eeven 42.450,787 dollars provided far by an Ordinance approved the 29th day ?f June, 1916. this Ordinance supplementing h said Ordinance of June 29. 1910; the said fifteen million (15.000.000) dollars tn be ex pended aa provided for tn the eecond section ) ef thla O-dlnance. leani authorized bv the first section of this I Ordinance shall be used for the following i . o. irioney raiseo Dy loan or - . ,w "it, Awniu .mc m;i,jii aim construction of the main building of the fri'a Library of Philadelphia two million four hundred and fifty thousand (2.450.000) dollars; to pay for damages for the here tofore authorized opening, widening and ehangtne of grade of streets, construction of vewers condemnation ot property for parks and other purposes, thirty-four thousand (34. 000) dollars; toward the removal of grade crossings In South Philadelphia aa per con tract dated March 23, 1014. seven million fix hundred thousand (7.600.000) dollars toward acquisition of property erection and construction of sewage disposal plants and owsrars system or iranKrora creex area. qn iPllUon four hundred and thirty-eight t """. - ...imiviu viVft it. tnoutana 11.430. ouuj aonars, towara tne cquUltfon of and payment for DroDerty tftksn and Improvement of the- Parkway, DftMn thousand (15.000) dollars, to pay for I roperty heretofore taken and to bt taken 1 lour thousand (7,000) dollars; construction f main sewers, xcur nunarea inousana dollsrs: construction of main U0O.OUU) iMwara In wwers In Blgler and Packer streets, Jour hundred thousand (400.000) dollars, and In vftnanso aireat. xoriv cnousana iiu.uuui aoi Ur; construction of branch sewers, thirty lpusand (30.000) dollars; construction of Bridges, five hundred thousand (500.(100) dol lars; gradlnr streets, twenty-four thousand tt4.000) dollars: Improvement of country FOds. sixty-seven thousand (Q7 000) dollars: ;Svlr Intersections twenty-eight thousand (M.O00) dollars; Improvement of the fol- WWK nranenea oi ma oouifvwo rsensaiem. rima and Poquesslnr avees. one hundred A .tvtv thousand (160.000) dollars: for the j4fa- Imnrnvement of the Houth Rrond Krt Boulevard, Plaza, League Island Park A Government avenue, nve nunarea ana raetr thousand (520.000) dollars; toward Construction or a uonvrnuun nan, ,up nsntinr monev oorrowea unaer an uroi- J approved June 19. 1011. twenty thou (20.000) dollars; toward the acquisition 'I-., Arftlon. construction and eaulo ft ot the Philadelphia General Hospital, Ha' Home and tha other buildings under supervision and direction of the De snint of Public Health and Charities, hundred thousand (200,000) dollars; to- iiontt.000.O00l dollars Kc S. Interest on tha said loan at a rate e xceedlnr lour " on-nii iij i per "-..T .H.,vn Vtall ha n9 til 1,V tkm f-lti SfiPhiUdelphla half yearly, on the first days i!th months of January and July, at the fi or .1' iri:."v'.'".fciu..r,"'.. .If in th usual form. In such amounts rth. hndac mwrequlr. W the sum. of irwristared or coupon forms, and it shall Kwl In tbo'.ajd certlncate. that th iT&iJr-n motioned t.par.J 5 n t rty ug aster onw uiv( w4s !! vv ma 'i in Cf.nd int.r..t on ld loan ar. payable WIUl niOMey V " WM..V WLMVB, . taxes. t. Whenever, any loan shall be ated b Tlrtua of thla Ordinance, there Is. Vorca of this Ordnance, an annual tax it ex at and oce-lialf (6) per centum Ml- VS1UV 01 auvu in ti.,-va bv ucli loan within thirty, years, and ItSoira of th.Blnkina- Fund, out of JpterMt on said loan, aleo the prln- WIUIEn UIUII XDEH KUU M BSlTaEus. ins appropriavi s oanaio semiannuauyi t nw auarriy 10 t Proposals SEALED PROPOSALS TO TIIK COUNTY Commissioners for the use of the MunlcU Pat Court, Office of the County Commission ers, Rooms 130-138, City Hall. Philadelphia, Sealed proposals for tha year 1D20 will be received nt the office of the County commis sioners. Room 134. City Hall, Philadelphia, Pa., until 12 o'clock noon, Monday, Decern. W IS. 11, at which time bids will be opened and the contracta awarded to the lowest responsible bidder a follows: For furnishing brushes, brooms, buckets, towels, cleaning utensils, etc. Furniture, carpets, chairs, desks, type, writers, wardrobes, tables. Iron beds, with sprints, mattresses, bolsters, pillows, door tnats, etc. Disinfectants, soap, etc. Printed atatlonery and printing. Printlnr for use of the Juvenile Court at the House of Detention, such as commit ments, relesses, trsnscrlpts, physical rec ords, school examinations, test blanks, pro bation officers' reports, etc. Specifications may bo obtained from the Chief Clerk to the County Commissioners, noom 130. City Hall. . . Bids from others than those engaged In actual business In tho general branches mentioned In the specifications will not bo en tertained nor considered. No bids will be considered unless accom panied by a. certificate, from the City Solici tor In compliance with the Ordinance of Councils approied May 25, 1M0, requiring a proposal bond In all cases where the amount exceeds flvo hundred dollars ($500 00). The County Commissioners reserve the right to accept or reject any or all bids or parts of bids as may bo deemed for tho best Interests of the city. I OEOltOD V. HOLMES. HARRY KUENZEL. II. S. RICHARDSON. County Commissioners. nrnrr, of REOISTRATION BOARD OF COSLU1S- sinKH9 Room B30, City Hull 1hllrt,ftnlllll (inn Sealed proposals for the necessary books, printing, stationery, supplies, etc . required for this department fur the ear 1DJ0. to k i)it-rri t- fhi office At such times and In such numbers and quantities throughout the entire year as shall be called for by this , Hoard and subject to inspection ana rejec tion If not as represented, win be receded at Room 630. City Hall on Monday. Decem ber 15, 11)10. nt 12 o'clock noon, at which lime saia proposals win oe open-u. ,un i tracts will be awarded to the lowest r j sponsible bidder. I Bids from others than those engaged In actual business In the branches mentioned 'herein will not be considered nor enter- talned. I Printed schedules on which bids must be i made will be furnished upon application to i thla office. When tho amount exceeds Five Hundred I Dollars (S300), no bid will be received unless , accompanied by a certificate frcm the City Solicitor 6tatlng that a bond has been I filed In accordance with tho provisions of an 1 ordinance of Councils approved May 25 1880. The Board reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids. In whole or In part. as It may deem best for the Interests of the county. E. LAWRENCE FELL. C.1INTON nOOERS WOODRUFF GEORGE ( PIERIE. WILLIAM WALSH. IONATIUS A. QUINN. Board of Registration Commissioners. orncn of Tin; county commis- SJ?.N5?. Rooms "0-138. Clfy ilall. 1 hiladclpnla. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the County Commissioners, rtoom 134. City Hall. Philadelphia. Pa., until 12 ;.V',T ,v.,'. -W"''A, V??. io. 10IK, b n.,,,, ,.,Q ulu ji un opened and con tracts awarded to the lowest responalbl oiaaer, lor nire or modern automobile bus ui i.uiiirjn,i, nun ,,,ji ana class to ac commodate twenty-five people on the Inside, which can be closed so aa to protect occu pants from Inclement weather, Including robes, for use of Qrar.d Jury In monthly visits, to public Institutions In Philadelphia county Bids should state price per day Specifications may be obtained from the chief clerk of the County Commissioners. Room 130. City Hall. lllds from others tha,n those encared in actual business In the general branches mentioned In the specifications will not be entertained nor considered. No bids will bo received unless accom panied by a certificate from the City Solici tor, in compliance with the ordinance of Councils approved May 25. 1S60. reaulrlns a proposal bond In all cases where the amount exceeds five hundred dollars ($300). The County Commissioners reserve th rieht to accept or reject any or all bids or parts of bids, as may be deemed for the best Interests of the city. OEOROE I HOLMES, HARUV KUENZEL. II. S. RICHARDSON-. County Commissioners CMTKD STATHS RAILROAD ADMINISTICA1ION riIII.ADFXriIIA and HK,D1N0 RAILROAD jniuiit"" u- uu..,.,.fca ai,,,ui iciihiiv to ine nnonlnc OI lunp ana jmcruia Mreets. under me mcnmuim u.iiti, . 11. it. jt., Philadelphia Sealed proposals for the work of demoli tion under tho following contract will bo received at the office nf the Chief Kngineer, 522 Readlne Terminal. Philadelphia. Pa., until 12 o'clock, noon, on Mnndjy, December 15, 11)10. mnvnL of the abandoned Enalne T i-D! cmties. between Frankford and AramtMo Avenues, I nans, specifications and blank forms fori UJJInp mav 10 nh(nil,,H a, no n. ., xermlnal. " """"" ForelRn Corporations must furnish with their proposals a certificate from the State Authorities, entitling them to do business within the State of Pennsylvania. A. E. OWEN. Chief Engineer I'HOI'tl-ALS FOR W1IITI3 LINEN TABLE CLOTH. Office of the Quartermaster rteneral. ClothlnK and Eauln.,? Tttvi.in denied bids In duplicate will bo received here 2 P m .Db.r. I9l5 which t'm they l-,,.1t,e PUDlicly opened, for tht furnishing of all cr any part of buoo Whit? r.!nen Tablecloths. Full information ..., proposal blanks can be obtained of Captain J E. Van Home. Jr., Room 1U21. Munitions Building. Washington, D. C or at Zone Supply Office. 21st and Oregon ave.. Phlla PR; " t,.ulJJAL lull. NimnEb' noicfoi r SUITS Office of the Quartermaster aen. eral. Clothing and Equipage Division. Sealed -.posals in duplicate will be received her ..... ... ..... sr-v-'-".' ..-", ifi, lor lur. .tuf C45 ; Norfolk fei.lt. ' iSSJLiH: I Kurd..' ijnri a..i. -. nks and information obti nahi. ""Xi I -t..l T ? Von fTArnA T- T -'i.""' . v a i' vu iii v i "iti' i aft.r AUUITI lull I Munitions BulldlnB. Waehlnaton, D. C. or at Zone Supply Office. 2lst Btreot and bri. -on avenue, Philadelphia. Pa. l'KUPOSALS K(Jlt NLltSES' OVKKCOATa Olhce of the Quartermaster General, Cloth ing and Equipage Division: Sealed proposals in duplicate will bo received here until lu a. m.. December 20. 1010, for furnishing 537 Nurses' Overcoats. Proposal blanks and In formation obtainable from Captain J. E. Van Washington, D. C, or from Zone Supply Home. Jr.. Room 1821. Munitions Building, Mtlce, 21st and Oregon avenue, Philadel phia, Pa. I'BOPOSALS FOB SERVICE HATS Office of the Quartermaster General, Clothing and Equipage Division, Munitions Building. Washington, D. C. Sealed proposals in D-'-emher 23, 1010, for furnishing all or anv part of 6650 Service Hata. Information on duplicate win oe receivea nere until a p. m. EAST COAST FISHERIES 00. 7 Wall Stret, New York November 18, 1919. DIVIDEND NO. 1 The Board of Directors of this Company has declared a Quarterly dividend nf 1 ni , .. - rtji. "- 71 ----- wni on mo ommon oiock, payaoj jan- uaiy ; i" Btutnuuiucrs , rccora secern ber 27, 1019. mkit w vnnuiv . MARK W. NORMAN, Treasurer. PflRT P.flfl?iT PIHFRIFQ ftrt m wwrswa iwiihiiihw wv 7 Wall Street, New York November 18. 1919. DIVIDEND NO. 8 The Board of Directors of this Company has declared the rerular quarterly dividend ot 144 per rent on the Preferred Htoclt. payable January 1. 1820. to stockholders of record December 27th. 1919. MAItK XV. NOBMAN. Treasurer. HIE ELECTKIC STOBAOE UATTEItV COJIl'ANV Allegheny avenue and IDth street Philadelphia, Dec. 3, 1019. 'Hie Dlrectora have declared a quarterly dividend of Two fifty-one hundredth Dollars (12.30) per ahare from the net earnlnga of the oompiuiy on both Common and Preferred Stccks, payable January 2, 1920. to stock ho'ders of rtco.-d at jh close of business on December 13. 1010. Checks will be mailed, r WALWR O HENDERSON. Treas. GIANT PORTLAND CEMENT COMrANY 1'rnnsrlrnnla Holldlng Philadelphia, Pa. The Doara or directors nave this day (November 28th) declared a dividend of inrrn unu whv-isii t- vsrusy mvti; on til Preferredatock of the Company, payable January 2d. 1920. to stockholders of record a the close of business December 15th. 1919 Th. stock transfer books will be losrf fn: December J8th, 1019, to January 2d. 19201 both dates inclusive. Checks will be mailed. x-. ,1. .imiwu.io, treasurer. LEHIGH VALLEY COAI. HALES CO. . New York, December 5, 1919. The Board of Dlrectora of the Lehigh Val ley Coal Rales Company have this day de clared a Dividend of Two Dollars per stiare. Sayable January 2 1920 to those stock olders of the Company who are holders of full ahare certificates of stock, registered on the Company's books at the close of busi ness December 18, 1919. Checks will be V. J 'BURTON. Secretary and Treasurer" PARTNERSHIPS NOTICK I will not be responsible for,any debta contracted by the Unn of nosanlwiv A Melnlek. 3SO Market St.. on. atwmne ,.7 "Is i in a fa 2 dlM-oWUm 6t naMwrfftln, on afcl after til U. Q. I. ASKS STOCK INCREASE Files Certificate of Notification for Issuance of $5,550,300 Common Harrlsburjr. Pa.. Hec. 8. Certifi cates of notification valurI at millions of dollar have been filed by various public utilities, according to the Pub lic Hervke Commission. The United Gas Improvement Co. and the Keystone Telephone Co. of Philadelphia top tho list. The United Ons eertificnte calls for So.KiO.oOO of romruon stock to bo used outside of Pennsylvania. The Kcystnn" Telephone certificates are for $4.-100,- uui) of bond! Tho other certificates filed include Itilffnlo, Rochester and Pittsburgh Rail- road. Rlrigwnr. bonds. $834,000; Soi.th . rittsuurgn aler I 0.. nttSulirRl!, jlcky wheat will be discounted Just as here bonds. $.10,000; I'enn ( entrnl iMslit i 'n,forc. 2c per bushel from the regular grade, and Power Co.. Altoona. bonds. $12!t,- ur '"'JS?' t1'1 " 'n',"0""? 'V!,? i"t 000: rhllulripbla Suburban Gns and I mf,i5rT.rdi!!tt ifnAV'lli'h.rwi'iH.CVwftiS! Klectric Cii.. Philadelphia, bonds, ,,r"llc mav count on our taking No. s WiilfWl- 7"ntorn T'cnnsvlvnnln Hull I ! . "'' vl1,1,lll ttl Philadelphia Just as here ,4,).(ltH), eastern lennsjljnnm ""J1" I toforo I e . 2c underi the corresponding ways Company, l'ottsville, bonds, $42,- ' reguisr grade. r00; Citizens' MRht and Power Co.. i ,,i;SRM'c,,, ,l'M buih.e" , Htpplles nil fit,- l,.,n.u smnrin- I , ,,,T,t,,r. ; ;5ero ,nia II, and the market rued nrm. till I Ity. bonds. Md.tJUU; l'J comiliR I though quiet. We quote old No 2 yellow IMison Co.. V llllamsport. notes, $10.- , In car loto for local trade at l70ffl.72 000; Lrtljth Valley LlKht and I'ower ""oSSSL-eeVK WhaiS "'TiS.mar Co., Allentown. preferred stork, $10.- ket was He higher under light offerings, but 000; Snrlnetield Consolidated ' Watf I r" ". quiet. We quote- Car lots as p T'lillnilulnliin lmnrlu 'll firm I ,0. location No. 1 while, SOJJSu'jc. No. 2 preferred stock. $100,000; Citizens' Traction Co.. Oil City, bonds, $100. 000; Chester Valley Klectric Co.. boitds, Sfi.10.000; Lehigh Industrial Power Co., Philadelphia, bonds. R.'W.r.OO; Cones- toga iraction Co., I.aucaster. common ftock. S100.000 fL"lK - "''"'" LONDON STOCK MARKET Investment Descriptions Harder. Industrall Group Cheerful London, Deo. S. Oil shnres saRjred on the stock exchange today. Shell Transport nnd Trading was lOg and Mexican Kagles, 13 l."-J(. Investment descriptions were harder. Gilt-edge isMios improved on support from banks and insurance companies in anticipation ot the compiling of year end balance sheets. A favorable report by the Uritish Hoard of Trade for No vember made sentiment in the industrial group cheerful. Generally, the markets were quiet and irregular. Extra by P., Ft. W Oi Kail road New Yorlt. Dec. S. The Pittsburgh. Fort Wayne & Chicago Railroad Co. I i i i -!.- .!. .i a - na .tirriarru an vxtru iiiviucau oi . a share, in arlclltion to the regular qiiar- , tr-rlv dividends, on the common nnd preferred storks: common is payable -' i .Innuary 2 to stock of record December j to and the preferred January (1 to stock nt reenn, iecemoer iu. , i I GEO. A. HUHN & SONS STOCKS AND BONDS Members of the Philadelphia. New York and Chicago Stock Exchanges New York Cotton Exchange Commission Orders Executed In All the Principal Markets BELLF.VTJH COURT BLDd. 1418 Walnut St. NEW YORK OFFICE lit Broadway, New York LIBERTY BONDS All Issues Bought and Sold $50 100 $500 $1000 Graham, Parsons &Go, 435 Chestnut Street Philadelphia PENNSYLVANIA MUNICIPALS Free Pennsylvania Tax & Government Taxes Bought Sold Quoted MARTIN & CO. '!! WAf.U7 ST. " - FINANCIAL EDWARD IS. h.MITH & COMI'.VNV Notice ot Dissolution Notice Is herel y given that the partner- erlp heretofore existing between Herbert II, Dean. Albert L. Smith. Robert P. Cregar. William Aldon Pratt. Thomas Newhall. Fred- ericK aeuKruve ana jtaacune uneston. Jr. cairvlng on business under the firm name oi Kdnaru II. Smith & Cnmuanv. nt uil thesuiut street. Philadelphia. Pennsylvania. ?.P.a..i5".V."?.. "" ? "?.?: York and State of N. w York, and elsewhere, hau 1.a dissolved bv mutual consent as of the ?9th day of November, 1010. Dated Noiember 29th. 1019. HEIUIEUT H. DEAN, ALI1EKT L. SMITH, HOBERT P. CHEOAR. WILLIAM ALDEN phATT. THOMAS NEWHALL. FKEDEHICK 8BAOKAVE. RADCLIFFK CHESTON. JR. EDWARD B. SMITH & COMPANY Notice Is hereby given that the under signed hae formed a co-partnership In pur suance of the law of tha State of Pennsyl vania to carry on business under the firm name of Edward II. fmitli & Company, at No. 1411 Chestnrt street, Philadelphia. Penn sylvania and so Pine ttreet, City of New York, State of Now York, and elsewhere, the partn -rs In which firm are Albert L. Smith Special, and Albert L. Smith. General. Robert P Cregar. William Allien Pratt, Thomas Newhall. Frederick Seairrave. riart. cllffe Cheston. Jr. The said firm will carry on the business heretofore conducted by the xortner nrm 01 .uunra j. nrairn t-ompany. of Philadelphia and New York, which has been dissolved. ALBERT I,. SMITH, ROBERT P. CREOAR. WILLIAM ALDEN PRATT THOMAS NEWHALL. FREDERICK SEAURAVE. RADCLIFFE CHESTON. JR. N'ovember 29th. 1019. SPECIAL NOTICES ttSJ5RESOI.UTION AT , REGULAR '- dated meeting of the Provident Hand ing tint! lyoan ASMocLitlon of PhllmlelDliiu. the following resolutions were adopted: Whereas. We hae learned of tne decease of Dudley T. Limerick. President of this association from 1S9D until the time of his death, and Whereas. It is our desire to place upon the minutes of the association an expression ot our appreciation of his long and faithful service, therefore be It Resoled. That In the decease of Dudley T Limerick this association has lost a faithful member and officer, the officers one of their best frtnds, and the community wherein he resided one of ltB most respected citizens, also be it Resolved. That we tender to his family our heartfelt sympathy in their bereave ment, and that a copy of these resolutions be published tn the daflv papers. WM. M. LINDA LE. Vice President. JOHN P RAMAOE. Secretary, J HUNTER LIMKRICK. JR.. Treasurer. uiuia iuks O. W. r.abel. Jr. K. S. Egan John O Wlddoes R. M Esslck Jas. P. Cooper Geo. W Grler Frank R. Bnrlntr Win. Relnhardt IJ H. Ingram, M. D. Jos. Mollno R. M. Harts John A Lawler Special Meet IngH MARKET STREET NATIONAL BANK Philadelphia. Dec. 8, 1019. At a regular meeting of the Board 'of Dlrectora held December 3. 1919. Mr. William H. Merker wan appointed an Aaalatant Cashier. FRED K. 8PELLIBSY. Cashier. Annual Meetings K&r THIS ANNUAL MEETING Ol' TIIK lzs' members of the Philadelphia. Manu facturers Mutual Fire Insurance Co. will be held ot ine onice ox tne company, vu uom merclal Trust Building, Friday. January 9th, 1920, at 4 o'clock. RICHARD If. MORRIS, Secretary, rSSJANNUAI. MEETING Or TIIK HTOCK US' holders of Croft & Allen Co. will be held at tha office of tna Company, 33d and Haraei streets, juesoay, January ja, luzu, mzo a, m, a if Vke President and Secretary v-r3aT5 I Philadelphia Markets GRAIN AND FLOUR WHEAT Receipts. 37,47 bushels. The market was quiet and unchanged. We Quotes car lots, In export elevator, government standard Inspection, standard prices No. 1 tSd.wll,.,er-. 2 3B- N- 1 northern spring. JJ.30. No 1 hard winter, J2.39: No. 1 red Ji.'n.'f- Mrllckv $2.37i No. 1 red. smutty, I,2?."' No. 1 red, garlicky and smutty. 12.34. united Ntatea Drain Corporation's purchases . w,P'a' are based rn the following schedule of discounts. No 2 wheat. 3c under No. 11 No. 3 wheat. He under No, 1; No. 4 wheat. !' indf i N- R wlKaf 14c under rvo. i For all wheat otherwise conforming to the specifications of No. B or better, but deficient In test weight, the discount from the No. 5 price will be 3c per bushel for each one-pound deficiency In test weight, wheat grading below No. C for reasons other than deficiency In test weights will bo bo discounted according to the degree of uuugui on us merits smutty wneat will "Mji fhu' '" "" ''" lh,n "c V l"1,.,"', No 4 white, ski. WRfle KI.OUU Receipts. SSIi.MO lbs in sacks. Demand was llirht and there was no chance In prices The quotations were ca fol lows: Per lnil lbs . packed In 140-lb. Jute jacks Soft winter, straight western, tlo 10.00 do, do, nearby. MOfflO.25; hard win- C- s. jr,' ! - 12 .in13: do. short patent, 11.10113 60: spring first clear. $0 ;510.25: .?, il".'' . 13 'n14 do. hcrt patent. J13 73W14 .10, fancv spring and city mills, patent, fnncy brands. $14 73015 35. PROVISIONS ,Jb'" ' limited Jobbing nioement and no Important change In prices. Quota tions: B;ef. In sets, smoked and alr-drled. ,'.. . J knuckles and tenders, smoked and alr-drled nc, pork familj. 34c. hams, S. I W,a.i A0.0- 27(42!)c. do. skinned, loose, i44f(J24c: do. do, smoked. 2iHj ?27c: hami. boiled, boneless. 42c: picnic shoulders. ?,., eureJ. loose, 24c: do. smoked. ;3ei bellies, in pickle, loose. 2c. breakfast bacon, 34c, lard, 2fc REFINED SUGARS Supplies were small and the market was unchanged on a basis of 0c for line Kranu- DAIRY PRODUCTS BUTTER The market for fine creamery was Hi cent higher under stronger outside navires but there was no change m prints. Trade was quiet Quotations follow: F'resh. sollil-packed creamery, fancv. high-scoring 8S?'.."'.!fiJ.lc' -SMr'f lic' "a-.Si!'. cold storape creainer . to nuatlty, 57 "i'itaweti creamery, cnoice to iancy. to 78c, flr to good Cod 73c. prints jubblnv at m wane ror raiwy una at CUQ'SOc lor lair to rhnhj EOOS-Kfeih ergs were a little more plentiful and 00 cents per case lower. We w'e: J raaci, nearbj flrsts. 2.to pr .fn'trVfi'S;." K'ffi' tt'lV nearby and western seconds.' J21 005'23.40i !8,go:"lSS?&r'i5B loeA.X-Tielecte'd'e juodihs at uutaysc per dozen. CU1.ESE 1'he in.irKol lult'd teady but oulet. Tho quotations are as follows: New York. Whole-OlilU fl.lt fani-v. XUn anslnle high; fair to tood. 32 3 2 Hi c. Wisconsin, whole-milk flats, fancv, 324rrj33c; fair to rood, 31 j 32c, Jobb'nc sales of fancy, Hoods, 3.V&36. POULTRY LIVE Trade was slow and there were ample offering at former prices. We quote Fowls. fin, weighing 3 pounds and over apiece. 30032c. fowls, medium size, good qualitj, 2"(a2-c. do. poor. 24'2i!c; chickens, fine quallt-.. 2ii827c, do. Inferior. 2325c; old. rooktcrs, 21$22c; ducks, white Pckln, 32ia 3-lc, do Indian Runner. !!si$30c; do, Muscovy. 22(S:.'li;. geeje. 242(lc; turkeys, 3nivf3Sc; pigeons old. per pair. 32i&3.1e: do, 'young, per p.iir. 2Sj30c; guineas, young, per pair, wishing 2 pounds and over apiece, plump, J2.2."i 2 35. do, weighing ml, pounds apleie. Jl 75(32: do weighing 1011, n-und9 apiece, (1 2.1 I. SO, do, old, per pair, $1 2.1 1 40 DRESSED Turkeys were scarce Rnd higher under a bo-mI demand. Other kinds of poultry were teativ, with demand equal tc the llmi'ed orf-rlngs. Quotations. Turkeys, nearby, fancy. 4SjjMfic; do. do fair to good. 444Hc, western sprln-i. tancy. 47tf4ic, 1 do. do. fair to good. 434.1c. fowla. freeh- i killed, drv-plcked in boxes, weighing 4H lbs and over apiece 3llc, weighing 4 lbs., , 1,1c welihlng 3'4 lbs. 3032c: smaller sizes. 2.129r: fresh-kllled. In barrels, dry parked, weighing 44 lbs and over apiece, 3.V weighing 4 lbs.. 31e; weighing 3'i lhs., 2'ij:-;nc: smaller sizes 2427c. old roosters, , df -picked. 24c. hrollms. Jersev. 4.1Si4Sc. other narbv drv-packed. 3.142c. broilers. Western, tin-picked, welching 14 rJ2 lbs. nplere 3Srt40c; loabtlng chickens, western. I dry-packed. In bhls.. weighing 4 lbs. and over aplr 333r. weighing 34 lhs.. an 2c. weighing 2', IQ'i lhs. apiece. 27 2Pc. western, corn-fed chickens, 12 to a box. It lbs. and. under to dazen per lb. 4I5tC 4.1c. IS to 24 lbs tn dozen. 43644r; 24 to 'ill lbs to doz-n. nr lb.. .IIiS'SHc. 31 tn 3S lbs to dozen, per lb.. 3.1?34c; 37 to 42 lbs. to dozen per lb . .13 franc; 43 to 47 lbs. to dnz ? ".'. -'&. 48 lbs. and over to ! do7en 3.ilfJ3l. duclts. western fancy. 3I1W , ssr, gerse. western, fancy. 2S'S0c. FRESH FRUITS 1 t hoice stork sold fairly and values gen- erally were well sustained, with supplies well under control. Quotations: Apples, per bir : rel. n, to quality. 44n; do. per box. J2fr( 4. I Cranberries per barrel, $78'l(l; do, nverase .,, i-i rraie. .-.i-i .-.nu: do, extra fancy large, per crate, $2.7,103.50. Lemons, per box. Jl ,.1Si4(i0. Oranges. California, per box, Sl.nltffR S5. do. Florida, per box. J2 2.1 A.- 'HtiBerin-s. 1'iorioa, per'hair pox. SI 75 T5. Grapefruit. Floilda, per box, 1 50( , VEGETABLES Demand was only moderate, but values generally were steadily held on line stock. Quotations: White potatoes, neerbv. nor ham. ket No 1. nncfigl.10; lower grades. 40i rs.v. White potatoes. Pennsylvania, per cwt.. S2 7O0 3, do. New York. Per cwt., J2 rifttfl' 2 70. do. Man-land Hooslers. per cwt.. $217? L'E. S"et potatoes Southern No. 1, per barrel. $4 25tfM 50: do. No. 2, per bi'rel, $2 50(2 75 do. per hamper, Jl.intl nn: Jersey, per bnsk't. J Iff 1.40, Cabbage, New Tork. domestic. pr ton. $50 iff 65; do. Dan ieh, per ton, in.lfff 75. Ontons. per 100-pound sacks Tellow. No. 1. J5 2.1(90: do. No. and "plrklers." (2.50(32.00. Refined Sugar Market Unchanged New York, Deo. 8. The rrfinpil su gar market remnins unohnnReil both as to rouditioiis nnd prices, lleliners, how ever, lonlf inr nn improvement 111 the pituntioii, the latter part of the month. Prices are unciinnired on the basis of fl cents les 2 jier cent for cash for fine granulated. Beidler & Bookmyer General (NSURANCE BROKERS 421 Walnut Street iomoord 20t7 Ualn 4M New York Office 95 William Street 1817 1919 Fire Association OF PHILADELPHIA N. W. Cor. 4th & Walnut has given Its policy holders solid indemnity for more -than one hundred years and has never been so stronc financially a now. Have you a policy In this old and rellahle ComnanvT CHARTER PERPETUAL flllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllU I INSURANCE I AOAIN8T Riot & Civil Commotion Commercial Union Assurance Co. and . Queen Insuranca Co- of America . T s? S ' S ' i WILLIAMS & WALTON B 416-420 Wlnt St, PbUa. fiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiijiinHUir(Hniiii Trading on Paris Bourse Quiet Paris, Dec. 8. Trading was quiet on the Bourse todoy. Three per cctit rentes were quoted nt CO francs IK centimes: esxehnngo on London, 4U francs 80 centimes : 15 per cent loan, 08 frnncs. The dollar was quoted at 11 francs 24 centimes. STIIAMS111P NOTICHM BERMUDA Ideal Wliifcr Vacation Resort FURNESS BERMUDA LINE Vtt, twln-ftcri, palatial Bteamre S.S. "FORT HAMILTON" It. 000 Tons Displacement Sails from New- York. Dec S-17-'J7 .Tanunrv 7.14J2.1-2A S. S. "FORT VICTORIA" 14,000 Tons Displacement 8M1 weekly beglnnlnr Ute January. No pistprta required for Bermuda Srh1uI of (fllllimn, cb(n plans w1 rati pnt on application. FURNESS BERMUDA LINE Furness House. Whitehall Bt,. New Tork Philadelphia to San Francisco Regular Sailings First-Class Steamers Lowest Kates FIRST SAILING JANUARY Tor Further Information Apply to Box C 335, Ledger Office MALL0RYS.S.C0. The New Freight Steamer from Philadelphia Sailing About DECEMBER 20th, 1919 l for Genoa and Marseilles Apply to MALUM STEAMSHIP CO. MEDITERRANEAN SERVICE 629 Chestnut St. Itell. Mnrket 3059 Keystone. Main 2295 Philadelphia Mediterranean Service SAILINGS To Marseilles and Barcelona SS VANADA Dec. 28, 1919 To Piraeus and Salonica SS E. A. MORSE Jan. is, -20 United StatesTransportCo. Incorporated Tilinhnne Iimbnrtl 3771 Telephones JMn .,,, coo nniixKi, nniT.DiNo I'lIII.ADr.I.PIIIA New York Oftlee 00 llroatl ,4t. Telephone; Ilroiiil 3047 Incorporated lSul U. S. Shipping Board Steel Steamer General Cargo Regular Service Philadelphia Manchester p c III I CI I. i rs ' SS l.alfP r.imhHrir llo. 1 C . ' " " "!' Philadelphia Havana SS "Lake Foxboro" .. Loading SS "Coquina" ..... .Dec. IS For rates and particnlars apply to Earn-LineSteamshipCo. ; eatlji5 I RORROWES. Dec. 3. OEOROK, husband of .Margaret Uorrowes (noe Floydl, aged B.'i. Relatives and friends, mall carriers of Central Station Postofflre. Invited to funeral. Wed . S:3H 11 m.. 1321 Osaj ave. (4ad and Pine bts.). Solemn requiem mass St. Kran els de SalesV Church 10 a. in. Int. Holy CrnN iVm Auto fuueraU IIOWKRS. Dec. fl JUl-IL'P. son of Ilariy and Margaret Rowers, aged IK. Relatives and frlendr. Oynakc Trite. No, 44. I. O. R. M., Invited to funeral. Wed., 3 p. m., parents' residence, 2439 W. Urown st. int. private, reruwood Cem. Remains mav he Mewed Tues., T to 0 p. m. Wllkes-Darre papers I cony. I HRADI ET. Dec. II. HU'NIIY HRADLET. formerly of 1420 Catharine st., husband of 1 late Mary Bradley ne Walte). Relative!, and friends, members of n. v. M. Sodalltv 1 of St. Teresa's Parish InUtrd to funeral. Wed. 8:3(1 a. m... 24411 Montrose st. Solemn mass of requiem Church of St. Anthony in I a. in Int. Holy Cross Cem 1 BUSH. Dec. C. JOHN C. husband of Anna 12. Rush (nee Summers). Relatives , and friends Washington Camp Nu. 441, I O. R. of A. ; kawton Commondery. No. !, I' O. S. of A.i Edward A. Shubcrf Council. No. 72S. I. O. A : Camp No. 84. P. O. of A.; .10th and Woodland Relief Jssu. . p. R. T,. Elmwood Ave. Ruslness Men's Assn., Invited , to funeral, Wed,. 2 p. m.. 2.10O S- 63d st. Int. Kcrnwood Cem. Remains may bo viewed Tues . 7 to II n. m. Auto funeral. CIIIOSIO. Dec. 6, VITTOUIA, widow of Joseph Chloslo. aged 50. Relatives anl frlendB invited to funeral. Wed.. 8.30 Hf'in.. 8111 H. 8th st, Solemn requiem mass St, Mary, Magdalen of l'azzl Church 0:30 a tn, Ipt Ifolv c.rnih Cm. CL.BMMENS. Dec. (1, EUZARnTH T wife of Mark H. Clemmena, aged 24. Rela tive anil frtemlH Invited in t.rvW, n-.,.a 2:30 p. m., 2417 S 12th st. int. Arlington Cem. Auto funeral, t'ltAWFDRIJ. fee. ft. .TAMl-s i-,...ka,. f Kllrahelh Crawf ,nt. ReUtlv.s and friends. United iAidge. No, 7111, I. O, O F. Darby Oroun of Stoncmen. invited ti funeral arv Ices. Wed.. 2 p. m., 27 S. lh at.. Darby, Pa, Friends may call Tues, after 7 p. m. Int. Arllneton'Cem CR03SOBOVE. Dec. ,1. HtlOH p, hua band of Prlscllla Crossgrove (nee King), aged 71. Relatives and friend". Keystone Ixidge, No, 2, S. of II.. lnvlled to funeral services, Tues., 2 P. in, 24im N. 2th st. Int. North wood Cem. Friends may call Man.. 8 to 10 i. in. Wilmington papers copv DAGER. Deo. fi. ANNA ELIZA, widow of Albert Dager and daughter of the lata Jonathan and Charlotte Dewees. aged 7ri, Relatives and frltnds lnvlled to services, Tues., t p. m.. from residence H, E. cor,' 27th and Lehigh ave. Remains may be lawed on Mon, eve,, from 8 to 10 o'cloclc, Int, private. DWis. puaaeniy. Dec. 7. JAMES V. DAVIS, aged 71, Itelatlves and friends In vited to funeral,, Wed., 2 p. m.. 802 Cooper St., l-nmaeti. .-(. .. ini. private. T1AV1H. Near Mnorestown v r t. r. NEWWN H., son ot Jato John It. and Mary Davis. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral. Tuees., 2 p m., 8. Church rd.. Mnorestown. N. J. Autos will n,t VXii leys rrom laitiaen ai jnurcu at.. Ha. ui, Int, Colestown Cem, -Frlenda may call Mon.. from 7 to 0 p. m. Dl cuujtnrjx-n.Mini'iii Peers, nt Bt. Augustine,, Md., Mrs. ANNA J, DE COUK-SBY-WAKNEH. FuneraJ services Bk Augus. tine, Tues It a, in. Automobiles meet rnuaaeipnia "i.i.mi. fieasant, Deu She Is survived by 'her liusband,, R, J. Vare per n.d three children. Mr, Mpnlt' rVvr;!" UliATIIS Lan,Jvrr" J. M, de Ooursey nnd Mrs. Eftls InVn13 .VXV,?.NJ,In rhlladelpl,la. Dec. .5. IB1B. TILMK n. DK HAVK.V, wife of John i;lHD? "aven, nd daughter of Richard It, ili21", '.1?' t u,e' Relatives and friends Invlled tofuneral services, Tues., v?;m:' .' tom .'. E' Church, .Conshohockcn. Con.hnh-It"'1"- 'h,v. and llarry t nnnifS 'l"'"1'' J'ont.omery .Ceih. P1IKH Mf Tsu.d(,'nlj'' f"0- " CHRISTO Keei,i huJ,b",n?, of Am,a Dormann (nee Mci Verio ,' JleU!Lv" '"! friends, Court Mi. n.n.r'.' N.- 1T7v. "' A.i rast Chief w.vn.ciA""i'. K' A.t Qen. Anthonv .K' - ?s',8. of A.t employes of 5l-1n2" wSt!S?- 'nvlt'd to funeral. Wed. hi?ri,,T.hM".S',?r JTankford ave Holmes St h1i'i?d."pW' ,8otmn requiem mass rv,'m5?T,n,f " Church 10 a, m. Int. St. Dot &',& "Jmrtburir. Philadelphia, of rhV2IILJTYs.Dc' n- MATIT A., widow ?nvlt.5rlie" Poul'ty Relatives and friends dill .!? ,"nal. Wed.. 8:30 a. m Bcott st Vhil; wft Lansdowne, Ia. lllah mass ini itJi'n?,n' Church. I.ansdowne, 10 a. m. triln'e,!?. C??"" Cem Aut0 funeral. Take inont sKuoi'rMd ' or ,Uth tl' 'or Uur- PdVi?Artt,e' " CATHERINE, widow of Tit? ,d ?". Relatives and friends In 1 P i" funiral. Tues., 0 a. m 1021 Pine Pvnniln .mP,t requiem mass St. John tho in .'lt.c?uIfh' ,!,lh ' ahove Chestnut, t"it??- lnU Holy rrn" Cem. Toh SViPr'"D'c' " JEHEIAII. husband of iffina.,nd '." nf '' Jeremiah and Mary n".I5y' '"rmcrlv of Mauch Chunk. Pa. Rela VJiand, fiends, Painters' and Decorators' Jf1- No.,343 Invited to funeral. Wed., lequlem Church of the Sacred 'Heart 0:30 J??,,,1' 1,0ly Cross Cem. bPfP-C1"! 5' WnVARD M. J son pf late John and Anne Flood. Funeral serv. v?","'.".:' ? a.' In" Cathedral. Int, private. New Cathedral Cem. remfiYNN-rD'c' RpSP, A., wife of Law S5H5? J- rj""!.1 a"d dauehler of John and Rose Ann Qrady. Relatives and friends in Vhointo unrnL ,Wed 8::)? a- "' 801" C. i) ' ?tJLp5?n.i,V. tSle,nn requiem mass Church Cem Natl,lv 10 a- '" lnt- New Cathedral .ALLAOHER. Dec. 5, BRIDOET, wife Snn- i.iriCi!i,?t,lRsn'r ' Jauehter of Rusan JHlBe.,,u.h Lvnach. of Cruck Bawn Car rltart. County Doneial. Ireland, aaed 25. r .it! ,'"e a!?d Jrlend"D' V. M. Sodality. Jh.'S'i.0' h, Sacred Heart. Propacatlon of J?" ??JLh' nv,","1 ,0 funeral. Wed.. 8:30 a. 2,u?,4tiXVa,kln9 st. 23 and Morris sts.). rh,tk h,'oh maBS f. requiem St. Edmond's 5R!t'- "' ,nt- 1""y Cross Cem. OATATrA -Tioo rt OTPnttnt i 1 l?L5?:.Sa'lJdii ni. ati-.n)- Relative, ami Sf?.Ti.Wr?A,Vn''e.ur&'lfci D."!Sn .sl Solemn requiem mass: Our T i,iv Cem d CUn!,el Cnurc"- Int " Holy Crow OOODMAN. Dec. (!. MARY nEATrtlrp widow of Edward Goodman aged I OT i& S;ean,ownasmo-.emne3,i,,K;?n;ss0'chlunrnc'h pfliafe'Wtd'cC" 10 " ' Int tSm ' ? V.d ,ri'.na.7 lnvl"1 t0 'uni.l. lues.. 7.30 a. in... residence of rouBln Mrs! Phfh?" r.n1'v,i i42H Cambridge "A,. W .'h . Soif nln . Ii'ah mass of requiem. St. CeBna,'hU.Coh?urneraB..'1- Int" $&?& Iton and mother of the Rev. Francis J. Haml ton and Dr. William A. Ham "ton Relatives and friends Most Reverend Clergv Invited to funeral, Wed.. 8:80 a. m H04 13! fl.rr-oV.iSS'ln rt5u.l;m ma,is immacu W. Conception Church 10 a. m. Int St Ann s Cem. nAlAu8" . s,u"'' Dec. 5. SUSAN H.i.Ui.'e'w.'iii1""?. Ly",er Hansen and daughter of William II. and Mary J. Fun 5i?A ?'? W'i nla,'tves and friends In vited to funeral services. Tues.. 2 p. m.. residence of parents, 240 S. 43th at. Int private. HEEBNER Dec. n. ANNA, wife of Charles Heebner (neu Fisher), aged 50 rh!".'S!e!,.a.,!1 f.r ('nds' rneinbera of Lutheran Church of tho Atonement. Invited to funeral. 1 Sk?'' JJ- '" residence of brother-in-law. ?.hRm2s Cunningham. 1813 Memphis st. Int. Hillside Cem. i rlcnds may call Tues.. after H P. m ..RbnvIsa Suddenly. Dec. R. at 1532 N. 12th st. JOSEPH CORB1T. husband ot Han nan S. Henyls (nee Nevlns), aged 70. Rela tives and friends Invited to funeral services J.?.?,""..'3!!.1!.- m- narlors William S. Neff. ?S? yf Oxford st. Int. private. Chelten Hills Cem. Auto service. HEYMAN Dec. II. AMAL1A. widow of David Hejman. Relatives and friends In jlted to funeral, Tues.. 11 n. 'm., 1323 N. 17th st. Int Mt. Slnal Cem. HILYARD. At Mt. Holly, N. J., Dec. . LYDIA H-. widow of Frank W. Hllyard. aged 60. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral. Tues., 2 p. m., residence of son-in-law, W. W.. Whitehead. M. D.. 139 High st , Mt. Holly N. J. Lnt. St. Andrew's Burlil (Irnund. HIMES. Suddenly. Dec. 7. HOWARD THOP.NE husband of f.'rena nndrli Hlmfs. aged 38. Relatives and friends. MItAell Lodge. No 20(1. F. and A. M.i Washington Camp. No. 34.". P. O. S. of A ; Robert Morris Council, No. 41. I. O. of A., Invited to funeral services. Wed., 2 P. m., 1211 E. Duval St.. Germantown. Int. prlvite, HOELZLE. Dec (1, FLORENCE RUTH, daughter of Louis G. and Lottte A. Hoel2le (nee Hargeseimer). aged 17. Relatives and friends Invited to attend funeral services Thurs . 2 p. m , from parents' residence. 1)37 N. Randolph st Int. Mt. Peace Com. Remains may bo viewed on Wed. eve. HORN. Dec. B, 1IENRT P. M.. husband of Mary L. Horn. Relatives and friends, rostofflco Protective Ass'n, letter carriers qf the Falrhlll Postotflce, Hohenstaufen Vertln, No. 2: Holy Name society of the Chutch ot the Visitation. Invited to funeral, Tues.. 8:30 n, m. Solemn high masa Church of the Visitation 10 a. in. Residence. 151 E. Le high ave. Int. Most Holy Redeemer Cem via funeral car, 11 a. m. at church, KAUTERMAN Dc. 5, suddenly BEN JAMIN F.. husband of Mary Kautermnn (r.ee Duffy) and sor of Jennie and late Sam uel Kautermin. Relatives and friends. Holy Name Socletv Invltt'd to funeral. Tufs.. h:lO a. m., 313fi Tulip st. Solemn requiem mass Nativity )i. v. jvi. unurcn lu a. m. Int. New Cathedral Cem. KENNEDY Dec fi. GEORGE W.. hus band of Hary Ida Kennedy, aged 59. Rela tives and friends Lodge No t!8, P. O. S. of A.: Malta Council No. 003. O. O, I. A . Invited to funeral services 5731 Walton ave.. Tues.. 1 p. m. Int. Hillside Cem. KILLORAN Dec. 4. ANNA II. IiILr.O RAN. daughter of Michael and Delta KI1V0 ran (neo Irwin). Relatives and friends -vltetl 10 funeral Tues.. 8:30 a. m fru parents' residence. 753 N. 3tn st. soiem. filtth mass of reaulem 10 a. m. St. Agatha'i Church, 88th and Spring' Oardep. Int, Holy Cross Cem. Auto funeral. KINSt-KY. Pre. 11, M-JWIS. husband of, Kllzabeth S. Kinsley Relatives and friends. Keystone Assembly, No. 2 A. O. of M P.. and South 2d St. Rutchers' and Business Men's Asso.. invited to funeral services. Wed.. 2 p. m., 428 S. Broadway, Gloucester, N. J. Int. prh-ate. Friends may call Tues., S to 10 p. m. KIRST-WOI.I.NSKT. Dec. B. ANNIE. widow nf Max Wollnsky. Relatives and B nils invited to funeral services. Tues.. n. m.. residence of son-in-law. Harrv Rldenburir 1242 S. 23d st. Int. private. Friends may call Mon.. 8 to 10 n. in. Auto service. Scranton papers, couv, KITE. At Franklnrd. Phlla.. Tn -Ifth Month 7th. A I'll IK KITE. Relative- in. friends Invited to funeral. Fourth-lay. Twelfth Month. 2 p. m,, residence of nlec l.ydU II, Smedley. 4(i(ll I'enn St.. Frankford. New Tork papers copv 1-AI.l.Y. Dec (1. KATHAH1NB V,. wife of John P Hallv and daughter of Simon and Anna Urown. aged 2.1. Relatives and friends. B. V. M. Sodalltv. League of Sacred Heart. Ascension Church, invited to funeral, Wed.. 8:30 a. m.. 1103 10. TIog.1 st. High requiem mass Church of the Ascension 10 a. m, lull Holy Sepulchre Cem. Auto funeral. l.AWLKR. Suddenly. Dec. IS, PAUL, son of Joseph and Mae C, I.awler (nee Don nelly), aged A. Relatives and friends In vited 'to funeral. Tues., 2 p. m., parents' residence, 0S S. Mth St.. West Philadel phia. Int. Holy Cross Cem. LINDBN.-n.-c ... JOSEPHINE Hwldow of Robert J. Linden and daughter of late Michael and Margaret K. Wall, formerly of Conshohockcn, Pa. Relatives und friends Invited to funeral, Tues., 7:30 u. m., l'HO N.18th st. Solemn requiem mass Church of the aesu 0 it. m Int. private. Remains may he viewed Mon., 7 to 10 p. m. Auto funeral I.OWERY. Dec. n. CSEnRCIH P.. husband of Kllen Lowery. aged (12. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral, Tues., 1 p. m 2741 N. Taylor st. Int. Northwood Cem. Remains may be viewed Mon., 8 p. m. MACDONAI.D. Dec. 7. ANNA I.E FEVRE. widow of Malcolm Macdonald and daughter of late Charles and Esther W. Browning. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral. Thurs.. 11 a. m.. Gladstone Apart ments. 11th and Pine sts.. Philadelphia. Pa. int. private. MACK Dec. 4. LIZZIE R.. daughter of the lain John C. and Elizabeth Muck, aged M. Rrlattvea and friends. Archconfraternlty Sacred Heart League and Altar Society of u. D.,..'u f 'lil.rnt. .I.n t)a 1.-,. ,, rA M r1 n - hon Beneficial Society of Rt. Agnea's Auxll ' Ury. No, 114. Knights of St. John: employes 1 of Schuylkill Arsenal manufacturing ue- I nartment. Invited to funeral. Tues.. 8:30 a. !" hrotlur-ln law's residence. Jaroh Aven 482 George st. Solemn requiem mass St. Peters inurcn. jo a. rn. int. private, ot. Peter's Cem. MAOINLEY Dec 7. SARH K wile of 1iyal M. Mnallilej, Wllkes-ilarre Pa., and daughter of William and Sarah Brady, Fu neral from narentii' residence 8400 Torres dale ave., llnlnv-ubbrg, Du notice of fu nd al will he elven, .MAUI.. Dec. (I. HUSANA, wife of Jacob Maul (nee Kellman). Relatives nnd friends Invlti"! to funerul, Wed.. 1 n. m.. 5014 N. Falrhlll st., Oliicy. Int. Northwood Cem, jlcmaltis can be viewed Tues., 7 to 11 p. in. MCCARTHY. Dec. 3. JANE MCCARTHY (nee Duress), wife of William J. McCarthy, Sr. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral, Tues.. 8:31) a. m,, 1MI4 Catharine at. Solemn requiem mass St. Teresa's Church 10 a. I". Int. Holy Cross Cem. Auto fu neral, McDEVITT. Ded. 0. PATRICK, husband nf late Elisabeth MrDrvllt. Relatives and j-i ,. i..l...t ... .,......( m a .. h. residence of son, William J. McDeVltt.- fl I N. May st, Mass of requiem Church of Our i Mother of Sorrows II a, in. lnt, Holy Cross Cem. Auto service. MoDOWELL. Suddenly. Deo. a. WII.. ' l.lAAi. nusuuua oi aiury wcuoweu inee 1 Cuody). Relatives and friends, International Asso. of Machinists, Loral No, 773; em- iployes.u Ployes Ulll A Co. Ulasa Works. Invited to on st. Solemn requiem mass Church of jioiy name in a. in. int. iioiy wross uue. Auto service. !)' (jef )K.fIlMIfffc,:llcaiimlej, awJ.,J -jnbui,.jv.iMii, v. s.vvi. ,rt, - t uAHOAMJnu. Iee n. fArtTc u ,,..i. cIuA C.hir!",,naar.!",,rl.n. and late K'ate (nee iV a'. "W lni Belutlves and friends In- !i!?S .1 funeral. Thurs... 8 .. ,'.? s?and. tnuLiicr a rrnuipnrp iiario rii.. - -in nRTIIW Relatives and. friends. Varasatt .Lodge. F. :." jx.ni., oi jmw york: uecaiur wai No. a, I. O, o, F ! Lyer Post. No. 809. O. A. R., Invited to aerviees, Tues., 3 p. tn.. """ n.r-., UTIDW Ct.innUUU atr,s croft. Delaware cojnty. Ta. rnnds may call Mnn. nfter 7 p. m. Int. private. ynui.niie .Mcnenamin and raxiivr o ''r li7" John J, Mc.Menamln, formerly of 3137 Vine Mc.Menamln, formerly of 3137 vine tlvei i and friends, HoI' Name A tar ry Soc. and Victrlx Catholic Club h of Our Lady of Victory. In ted nv, icibii ana uosar nt Ch.iu.1. to funernl. Tin. u.iA .. ... r,74n War' rlngton ave., w. Phlla. Solemn reaulem mass. Church of Our I.sdy of Victory 11 a. ,n'.. IPt-.""' Cross-Cem, Auto service, McMOMrm.t n. t tslfiflATlET Mc- MONIOLE (nee Welsh), wife ot, William MeMnnlgle. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral, Thurs., 8:30. a. m.. ai47 Salmon st. Solemn requiem mass Church of Nativity 10 ," ini, ni. Anna uem ,,,, MOOliK. Ar u'n.ni, w. .T Twelfth Month dth. JOSHUA MOORE, aged 7H, Relatives and friends Invited (o funeral serv ices. Third-day, Twelfth Month "lh, 2 p. m., Friends' Home, Wooditown. N. J.. Int. private. Friends' Cem., Wnodstown. N. J. iiiuilltl. uec. 4, UEHTJIUIJL. U., onusn er ot v.itrlri, anA rr., ma,.i, lne rcnwnevl. Relatives and friends, employes of Bell Tele Phone Co., Uermantown branch. Invited to funeral. Tues.. fl:.tn a. ni. residence of par ents. 317 Church lane, Oermantown. Solemn requiem mass Church of the Immaculate Con ception 10 n. m. Int. Ilolv Senulcnre Cem ..MORROW. Dec. 8. SAMUEL D.. soil of Kate and late Samuel Morrow, aged 43. Relatives and friends Invited to, funeral. Wed. 2 p m.. residence of mother. lOiil Manton st. Int. Mt Morlah Cem. Friends may call Tuea. eve. MURRAY. Dec. 6, WALTER u, son ot Fannie and late Albert Murray. Relatlvea and friends, Brotherhood of Movlne-I'lcturo Operators' Union, Local No. 307, and Order of Owls, Nest 1778, Invited to funeral. Tues.. 8 a. in., mother's residence, 007 Wlnton st. Mass of renulem cnurcn or uur Lady of Mt. Carina! 0:30 a. in. Int. Holy Cross Cem NnVIM.n n. 7 iriliv HICKMAN. widow of James Neville and daughter of laio i-reaewcic ana t.'ieita iveei. us o,. Relatles and friends invited to funeral serMres, Wed . 3 p. m 1323 Page st. Int. American Aicclianlcs' fern. I'l-AiU Dec. U EDITU JlCiUCiNA, -wue r itrrv riiirrn,.-a rnirff. Relatives and friends Invited to services. Wed.. 2:30 r,m.. 708 N. Budd st. Int. Westminster Cem. Friends iniy view remains Tues. eve. I'jr.Khu.N. suddenly, uec. o, ihi.uia.h C. PIEHSON. Jr.. of Clayton. N. J.. hn- nand of Olga Mario Plerson ana sou or ivii- llum f nnH Into Mnrv A Vlernon. BCSd 24 (Into member of base hospital No. 101, fit. Nazalre, France). Relatives and friends. Local No. 343. Brotherhood of Painters. In vited to service. Tues., 8 1. in.. Oliver H. Balr Bldg.. 1820 Chestnut st.. PhlU. Int. private. Mlllvllle, N. J.. Wed. 1'itbbu. uec (i. r nnubiuuv. Hus band of Mary S. Press (nre Repp), aged OS. Relatives and friends. Phlla. Ledge, No. B, U. P. O 11.: Wash Cilim No. 1188 P. O. S. of A. : Hancock Commanders. No, 3, P. O. s. of A.; Camp No. 120. p. o. of A.: Shaka happo Tribe. No. 13S, I. O. It. M.i Fox Chase T.n.lirA Mrt 11" t II n V ITFnl.rnn! Clrrtnr of l;agles. Aerie No. 42; C. Schmidt & Sons Benf Asso. and Harrowgate Renf. Asso. J German Benf Union, District No. 8(1; South wark Bowling Cluli, Phlla. Turmremeinde, Canstatter Volksfest Vereln. Germania Maennerchor. Lawndale Fidelity Club and directors of City Investment Bldg. Soc. Phlla. Retail Liquor Dealers' Asso. and all other societies of which he wns a member. Invited to funeral. S. w. cor. 8th und Colum. bla ave .Tues., 2 p. m Int. private. North Cedar Hill Cem. Remains may bo viewed Mou.. 7 to ! p. m, RAMSRERGEn. flee It O A'rmr.nTvr: widow of Charles Ra'msberser. Funeral and nu i-i convenience oi laniliy. ROCSC'II Suddenly. Dec. II, WILLIAM ROESC'Il Relatives and friends Invited to funeral services, Tues., 1:31) p. m, 1323 Locust st. Int. private. ROSE.MAN. Dec. R r.OIIIS .T htn.h.ir.i of Jiollle A. Rnseman (nee Barth) and son of late Louis and Anna B. Roseman. Rela- ues aim inenas invited to funeral., Tues., 8 a. III., from late resfHenre. r.MU unA Mldvale aves.. Falls of Schuylkill. Solemn requieni mass Bt. Bridget s Church u:3i a. m Jnt. Westn4nster Cem. RUDOLPH. Dec. B, CHARLES J., son of the late Christ R. and Elizabeth Rudolph (nee Neu). Relatives and friends. Lodge No. J, F. and A. M.; T. B. Freeman Chapter. No. 243, R. A. M.i Knights of the Iron Ring M. It.; employes of Bricker Bnghelm and all organizations of wlilcn ne was a member. Invited to services, Tues., 2 p. m., brother-in-law's residence. Jofln Mevpra .117 Nn.lh. enst Rnuk-vard. Int. private Frimda may can juon. eve Auto servlc-. SANDS. Dec. 4 1flln .TAtK:s T v,ln,.. hu-band of Mary Sands (neo McClafferty). iiciniorn kiiu iiit-iint, iiisT ine noiy ivame Society of St. VEdward's parish, Father McMahon Beneticlal Socletv nnd r.Aiiri l.iv erty Council, F. of A.. Invited to funeral, Tues,. 8:30 a. m. from his late resi dence. 22.1S North Reese st. Solemn requiem mass nt St. Edward's Church, ut 10 a. m. Int. New Cathedral Cem. SARGENT. On Dec n. CAROr.tNro T .. wife nf Stephen A. Sargent. Relatives and friends Invited to attend funeral, on Tuesday afternon. at 2 o'clock, from her lnte rsl. dence. 4240 Regent square. West Philadel phia Int. private SCHAUFELE. Dec. R VJIlRlIir.T Tt . widow ot Andrew J. Schaufcle (nee Baker). Relatives and frlendt Invited to funeral, Wed. ' n. m.. 13111 K. Ilerito st. ttii Palmer Cem. Friends nnv cnl! Tiles , 7 p. ni. SCOI.I.IN. Dec. 7. MARIE EI.IZARETH., wife of Bernard A Scnllln. Due notice of funeral will be sKen from n.13 N: 17tH st. SERASTIAN On Dec. , Illlil, EI.IZA RETH SEBASTIAN, widow of John Se bastian, need 70 years. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral services, on Tues day, at 2 -p. m . at residence J. Wesley Bowen. 1018 s. 2d st. Int. Mt Peace Ceme tery. ' Friends may call Monday evening SHELMIKE. Dec. 4. JOHN II. SUET.. MIRE, nged (17. Relatives and friends In vited to funeral services, Tues., 2:30 p. m., 133 E. Central ave . Moorestown. N J. Int. private, Colestown Cem. SHIELD:.. Dec. li. BERNARD SHITCI.ns husband ot Annie Shields Relatives and friends. St Charles' Conference and Holy Name Socletv. Phlla. Council, No. 10(1. K of C. and DlV. No. 20. A.- O. H.. directors uf 20th Century B. and L. Asso . and all other societies or which h- was a member. Invited to funeral. Tues 8:30 a. m. 2113 Christian st solemn requiem masa St. Charles' Church 10 a. m. Int. CHihedrnl Cem Auto fervlce SHINN Dec 6. MART A., widow of Wil liam Sliinn. aged 00. Funerai services Tues , 2 P. m.. residence of son-in-law. A W t.eld'n. 2 IIS CUiford st. Int. private. SHUPERT. Dec. 6. DANIEL W. SHU PERT SR aged hfl Relatives and friends Invltitl to funeral. 843 Old Lancaster nl Bryn lfunrr. Pa.. Tues., 2 pm. Int. Lower Merlon Baptist Cem. Friends nuv cull Mm, 7 to 1) p m. KLAPINJ Dcr fi. SARAH .T. in l.-ll w;fe of W lllani H Slaillng. Rpatlrs and friends Invited to funeral. Wed., li H m 2725 Llnciln ave., Camden, N. J. High "mas-i St Joseph's Church. 25th and Howell U . 10 a, m. lilt, private Friends may vie'- re mains Ti'es 7 to J) n. m tuii'ui, At motner's residence, 1703 Panama st,. Dec U. BENJAMIN T SMITH formerly corporal rf Wagon Co No First Division Supply Train. American 'Ex peditionary fcorcta. Announcement of funeral later. SMITH. At Atco, N. J., Dec. 3 ELIZA BETH widow of Mavnard Smith Tlalatu... and friends. Auxiliary No. I). -Sons of Vet- eiain. uivii-u lu oVl.e, lues.. n ni Oilier If. Hair Bldg.. 1S20 Chestnut st Phlla. Int. private. ' S.M1TH. Late of .-440 N. nth st . Dec 7 MABEL li.. wlf.. of Edaar I slih .'i daughter ot Frank M.alid Sarah J. Hamil ton. Relatives ana friends Invited to fu i.ernl services. Wed . n in r. li.i, . purents. 4328 N Ilronrl t Int. Prl:it SPRATT. i.r. li, MARTHA M. wife of WILLIAM SPHATT: Relatives ami friend Invited to funerul services, 'J'ues,. J p. ni. ut lu vi.-7i. ' V-h l'.Ra- 'nt- private. TAi.flKAjf,1!..9.r.on''.-N. J... Dec. nn..u Liu,. imuw oi Llr. IVIlnani jonnsion uiyior. ot mgn Bridge N J. and v- ta" -"". j..,wi linn iiiHtii-iine T. I.cynoids l-unerul private. Omit Mowers" " m"-''' n. JUti.M A husband of Caroline Tilor (nee l'fand.r) ag.nl si Relatives and friends invlie.l ... ,, .' Wed . 2p, in,. 3U0S Janney bt. l it ,,; 1 ate. .T5AI'nrD'5.- 9- c"Anr-ES W., husband of Prlscllla Teal, aged (17. Relatives and friends. Kensington Lodge, No, 211 p iiS A. Jl.: Good Will Council. No. 207 SI A V.: Pacinc Lodge. No. 200. I. O. O S' 'li nloyes Baldwin's Locomotive Works. If Eddystone. Pa., invited to' funeral We.l 2, p. m.,. it(I12 N. oth st. Int. Forrest Hill's Cem. Remains may be viewed Tues u to 10 p. in, " , TOMLINSON. Sudden . Twelfth Monti, 3th, NORMAN CLAYTON, son nf AaVnVi and late Addle Tomllnton, aged 3ll! Relatlvea and friends. Newtown Lodje. v. im t. and A. M.. Phlladelnhla Consistory. No' :t'' A. 'A. s it.: unlversltv Chapter. No ,-,n It. A. M.; Corinthian Chasseur Comnianderv' No. 03. Knights Templar: Lu I.u Temple' Ai . . - N M' sv B". ornnnlzatlona nf which lu wao a member. Invited to funcrni Third-day. Twelfth Month nth. 12:30 in in residence ot father. Aaron Tomllnson Win chester ave.. l.unghorne, Pa, Seriir..H Somerton Jl. K. Church 2:3n p. ,. Ilt, Wllllnm P'lili Cem. Aulos will meet tr.ilii at Soinerlon Stullon that leaves Readlmr Terminal 1:02 n. in. ""-uuing TREXLER. Dec. fl. WILLIAJI N ,' hus band of E Izabeth Trexler (nee l.iii ...?. f.""','illlite.'!;.';S!?f!.,!l1':.!n.e.!l5.e.T':??l- 'i- Ji" wiim nivimo lUMiru U lUIIVTIil RtTV ICM Tues.. 2 P. m., 1211) Tucker st. Hit, prhXiu Northwnud Cem. Friends may call Jlon 8 to 10 p. in, '' VANFOSSEN. Dec 11 V iVlvn- , . . -, VANKtIHHBN. Relallvea and friends Invite.! to services, mo., a p. in.. 4024 Canton st Manavunl:. Int. Leverlnston. I'om u-!.....' nay call Tues. after 7 p. m, ' ir.iii.iKit. nif, n, ANNA J. DE COtm fEY WARNER Funeral senices Tues It a. ni.. Eplscoti.il Church. St. AuausVln.. Cecil countv. Jld. Int. ndjolnlna cem. Autos' will meet 7:211 a. ni. train leaving Broad st Station for Mt Pleasant. Del. M' WILD. Suddenly. Dec. S, THOMAS hus band of Mary J. Wild, aged (10. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral services Tues.. 3 p. in., ft Brick row. Ilelmont. Falrl mount Park. Int. Fernwond Cem. Re. mains may be viewed Jlon.. 8 to in p m WILSON Dec. 7. ISAAC JOHN WILSON aged 73. Relatives and friends, star nf Bethlehem I.ode, No 1110, I. O, O. F in. vlted to funeral services.. Wed., '' p, m residence nf nelce, Jlra. Ellen B. Cook. Tort rnsdale. Pa. Int. American Jlechanlcs' Cem.. Philadelphia, UNDERTAKEm ScBlGk?Rs ,f IAMOH ImimmmmmMmmmmmmjimiimmmwmimtWfm tmTiis WORKMAN Dec. fl. tCTHEntNJ3 EMILY WORKMAN, widow of Joseph Eshkr Workman. Tltitlva ami friends Invited to . services. Wcd 2 p. m. 2TI4 Thompson at Int. private WTNKOOP. Dec. . EI.MIRA II.. Wldorj lot Lieutenant Nicholas A. Wynknop and , daughter of Ute Rev. Reuben T , Herman. 1 aged 85. Relatives and f rlendii Invited to. I funeral sefMces. W"d., t P. in.,.cl.dnCB 'of daughter, Mrs. Mary Harvey. 1022 Worn. rain si., i-raniiiora, int, private, iiri. may be viewed Tues. evg. T.KGAI, AUVEKTISimKNTS IJS0 TIIOelAR A, CAItR, LATH OF 30S You are hereby notified that a final rule e.. ..i...... u .. - . .a in.i veil. t the suit of Dorothy Cnrr, your wife, which will be heard In the Court of Common Picas, Nn. fl, of Philadelphia, of September Term, 1017, No. 10H, on Monday, (he IDth day ef January. 1020, on wliich day you may appear nnd show cause, if any' you have, why sticn divorce should not be granted. CLINTON -A. SOWERS, Attorney for J.lheltant 900 Stephen Olrard Rldg.. rhlla.. Pa. LOST AND FOUND DRESS Ixist, hlnck jet evening dress from . wagort at 13th and Spruce sts., on Thurs day evening: s teward of.JSO-wlU be paid to the finder and no questions asked, 204 8. IDth st. , FlIRCOAT. Lost from 114 S. 18th St., a fur-joat. Please return to the above ad dress. No questions asked, GRIP Lost, blark grin between Phlladel. phla and Chester: name on grip. Rev. J. R. McShea; reward. Philadelphia Mineral ripoHn- Co.. r.fi.t'j s-immer st. HANDBAG Lost. Saturday evening, be- I tween Broad SI. Station and Bellevue I Stratford Hotel, blue velvet handbag, con taining platinum and diamond wrist waicn. ohlone shape; 1 brooch, atnr sapphire sur rounded bv 2 circles of diamonds set in platinum: t crown-shaped pin. brown stone, set with smill diamonds and pearls, and other articles: Jfln reward. Cashier Belle- in-Sfratroril Hotel. PIN Lost one Delta Tau Delta Fraternltr Jeweled nln. in small diamonds, set In Platinum, form tho border, safety clasp on oln, Initials E. H. R.t B. M. U. on back! Inst Jlondav, Dec. 1. somewhere In Phila delphia: a liberal reward will be given for Its return. JT 00(1. Ledger Office. t RING Lost. Diamond solitaire ring. Fri day evening, front of Lvrlo or Adelphl Theatre: liberal reward. Phone Loc. 200. PEH.SONAI.S , INFORJIATION WANTED as to present whereabouts of Myra L. Sleagher. whose Inst known address was Mfl N. Allison st iW. Phlla., Pa.: her sister Is Amelia M. r.ostwirk 187 Cooper ave.. Upper Jlpntclalr. N. J. Please send ininrmaiion to i,ynu u. Oondnniili. 102 Remsen St., Brooklyn, N, Y. II. RAlilNOVlT:'. oold butcher shop at 2028 Nnrrls st. to Wm. Solfer. Creditors apply to II. McDsde. 2tl8 Diamond at., before December 10. 10H. BKI7P WAWTED FEHAIiE BELL TELEPHONE OPERATING PERMANENT POSITIONS OFFERED TO YOUNG WOJIEN BETWEEN 18 AND SS YEARS, til PER WEEK FOR FIRST 4 WEEKS! J15 M PER WEEK IN 0 MONTHS, WITH RAPID ADVANCEMENT THEREAFTER. SHORT HOURS INEXPENSIVE HOT LUNCHES COMFORTABLE REST ROOM8 SICKNESS DISABILITY BENEFITS CAREFULLY CHOSEN ASSOCIATES CALL. PERSONALLY ANY WEEKDAT. BETWEEN 0 A. Jl. AND S P. M.. TO SEE MISS RYAN. 1031 ARCH ST.. FIRST FLOOR. THE BELL TELEPHONE CO. OF PA. J BOOKKEEPER, double entry, some knowl edge of stenographyt'small manufacturing plant: thorouzhlv experienced: half day Sat urday. Apply Smith Ramsey Embroidery Cn , fl till 12. 1(14(1 Jlarket st. CANDY PACKER Experienced cs.ndy pack er wanted at pnee. Apply Jlr. Corder. 18J S 13th st. , CASHIERS AND INSPECTORS EXPERIENCE NOT NECESSARY INSTRUCTION GIVEN APPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYJIENT WANAJIAKER'S CHAMBERMAID and waitress, white; .ref erence required; also cook; no experience necessary. Phone Overbrook 3301 J before in n. m. CHAMBERMAID white: good references re quired Call 2000 Spruce st. between 0 and 10 a. m. Saturday. Sunday and Monday. CLERK THE ACCOUNTING DEPART MBNT OF THE PUBLIC LEDGER CO. nrIRES TUB SERVICES OF A YOUNO WOMAN WHO IS QUICK AND ACCURATa VT riO'-HKS AVITH AT LEAST1 3 YERS' HIGH SCHOOL TRAINING OR ITS FOUIVALT.NT- A POSITION OF HR'SPON Sin L1TY. OFFERINO OPPORTUNITY FOR ADVANGnMENT. ASK FOR JIR. WIERT. PIIIILIO LLDtiftR CO.. UTH AND CHEST NUT STS. COLORED WOJIEN "0 YEAR'' OF AGE AND OVER FOR POSITIONS IN CONNECTION WIT1.S.JIPPINGOFJ!ERCHANDI8B WANAMAKER'S I COOK Good while plain cook, reference re quired also chambermaid and waitress. Phone Overt'! i'M 3301 J. COOK nnd lleht housework 3 In family; ntMr "lith St. Terminal! 10. Phone Lans- downe 808 ,! , . , GIRL in auto financing corporation; desires young girl, stenographic ability, for gen- -i.. ,-,.,, Ka niitclf and alert: high ' school or business school training preferred! excellent CPPOriUnil.v mr nuynnicnir.,,. "I-- Ply after 11 a. m.. Hare h Chase, 300 Wal- nut st. . GIRL young: good wages: wilting to learn waiting and chamherwork: reference re nuire'l I. Write to 32(1 Walnut st Phlla, oirl young: good wages; willing to learn tho care of young children; reference re nillred. Write to 32 Walnut st.. Phlla. . CAJIPRELL'S SOUPS ESTABLISHED 18(10 OIRLS AND WOJIEN ......m hit. im'i-p i.i vtfAijs nr snis 1 GIRLS' JIU&T FURNISH PROOF OF AQH FOR KITCHEN WORK PREPARING VEGETABLES JIEATS. ETC. ALSO GENERAL FACTORY WORK STEADY EJIPLOYJIENT MINIMUM STARTING RATES INCLUDING BONUS Sit AND 113 FOR 48 HOURS. TIME AND HALF TIME OVER 48 HOURS INCREASED AUTOJIATICALL1 PLENTY OF OVERTIME JOSEPH CAJtPBELL COMPANY, . 2D AND MARKKT STS. CAMDEN. N. J. GIRLS AND WOMEN WE HAVE JUST INSTALLED ANOTHER NEW LOT OF 1 MACHINES, ALSO ENLARGED OUR AS- SEJIBLINO DEPARTMENT. NOW IS THE I OPPORTUNE TIJIB FOR YOU TO SECURE STEADY WORK WITH A JIODEItN. UP- TO-DATE. GROWING CONCERN! EXPE RIENCE NOT NECESSARY: GOOD PAY TO BEGINNF.TIS. WITH RAPID ADVANCE MENT. TAKE ELEVATED. SURFACE OR SUBWAY CARS TO 321) ST. STATION. ?PI'LY "FACTORY OFFICW. II. T. PAIBTH CO.. 3201 ARCH OT. ! 100 GIRLS WANTED OVER 1 YEARS OF AGE IN NEW DFPARTJIENT i NO EXPERIENCE! NECESSARY LIGHT. AIRY, FACTORY DESIRABLE. STEADY WORK 32 WEEK0 A YEAR HUT LUNCHES SERVED AT LEW THAN COST - GOOD PAV: EXCELLENT TREATMENT LEARNERS PAID $12 WEEKLY 1.IUOETT .'( MYI'RS TOH VCCO CO. 3D AND ONTARIO STS GIRLSt REQUIRE GIRLS TO WRAP PACK. : EXPERIENCE NOT NECESSAIY ' WE AGES APPLY EMPLOYMENT BUREAU LIT BROS. OIRLS AND WOJIEN. now Is the lme tn secure a steady, good-paying position in our new west works; both assemblers and machine operators needed. Apply 33d st entrance Electro Dental Rldg-., 33d and Arch sts, take elevator to nfth floor. II. II, Palate Co., 8201 Arch st. ' GIRLS. 14 to IB years, of ace: continuation school prlvelere: good wages; steady Toi Hon, Frledberser-Aaron Mrr. o.. ifofr lttfi at,,- near Wavue Juncflon;, . 31 ' " ' i " ,1 ' f ' i- '' t ' 1 UV