'1 ri " I sn t ,"- .'33 1 'tfl 53 5 EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, MOttDAYs DECEMBER 8, 1019 S "( r v '- Mt hi 4 Jn NEWS OF FINANCIAL WORLD NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA STOCK QUOTATIONS t nil 5 n 3 ff it It - r If r 1 7t s IT 1 XS7E Take Pleaeure in Announcing That CLAUDE F. LEAMAN of Our Organization, Has Been Elected a Member of the Philadelphia Stock Ex change. Invettment Bankeri itemben I'htla htotk l.xiliunuc Keel Estate Trust Bids. Philadelphia INTEREST CONCENTRATED WHOLL Y IN INDUSTRIALS NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE TRANSACTIONS ... ' r IJIV fa hi 1 I Sat 130ft 100 Changes in Caul Situation and Mexican Imbroglio Served to q boo Make Sentiment Mora Cheerful piHIllll!IIIIU'llliliil!Ulli!ll!IIIIIIDI1!UIIIiB,ll'liii:,!ll3 B Mil! IK' r.staull.lird ISG1 ft bioren & go. 1 BANKERS itemters of Srw 1 or;, and t'Mladtl Ma block L'ic.iuiiih ANNOUNCE THEIR REMOVAL TO NEW OFFICES AT 40 CHESTNUT ST. .e,.' ork. Dec. I.Jutcrosl lu to days stoct market centred vrr.v large IJ In llni ImliiMrlul shares. Thnt li to saj utiiiul tln mil) Important cliungis o note, urrr n HlMorod In Uils division, vvhllo el.ovhcrc llitctiiutloiis were slug SM' mid w iltmut feature of interest. ul' street begun the new week In a imii'li more cheerful state of iiilml. I'a titrable i liuiigcs in the coal silnatlun, with I ln promise of urn Hint nivrutioii It tlip mlui-s bcfoio the mil of Ihe Week. itli the ii.ii tint f'piiil'ii mi of 1 the Mi'l-uil Imbroglio, ct.ntrlblltcd to lift Millie III till- I'loillU 111 till' MKHMll.l- I live skies Supplnmi'iitiiry I'liiild bo In cluded the pii.llillitt nl Supreme Court decisions today on mutters in :tU 'ililcli then is nriili' puMic interest. i named. I ho vwilliiiic piiiliililllon unit the verdict on Mock '4 long-looked -fn dividend". About the ontj udvcro iJcM-lnpnifiil w.i" the fnrtlnr weakness In foiclgn cvcliuugc, but this. In a iiiciiure. was counterbiilmicid b. icliilivo 0.10 of mnuey. Cull loans wore renewed and new nioiiej win, lo.ined ut t! pel lent Altogether, hnvviter. I'.ie tniikct'i guirrnl eliurnclci tiudcrvvi'iit nun I pnrutivelv little i liiingc II w.ts in .i sense ftrietl) n trader's market Some inerei'wp was ippo-ted in the loiiinu Hon hoiic imiiiin, but the bulk of I In operation), originated and were enulin.il viihlii the four nulls of the Modi c -eliunge A. tlif wider udvuiHos dillllig i tin morning tvei" seined In the so railed specialties, or in tlinxe piirtliuliu stocks v lileli are known lo lie i'Iom'U In Id In pool, and eliipies. It wax to be national I'nper. Writing I'uper prefer I'le-umeii slmit 1 1 serine ttuuMied most nil and Anieii nn Internntionni Cor to foree the reduetloii of the outMuml lug lmrt linen. The eiireltv of Mippl). liowrxri, iiermltted the bidding up'ulieii rffort wiih made to I'livor. At liie opening mid direetl) after Interest win, eoneentrated 111 the liidun trial ounrter Kood nlinren doniluiited the llt for h lime, migars extending I Inst week's gains b) t to Ti polute. ) tills, motor and shipping also regis- teied further iniiroeineul Mllli steels, tettlleo. tobneeos und inlseellau'ouv sneeialtii". ineludlng Associated Pr (?oods and Heiuiiigton Typeuiltei lpiiiinenls ere in dimanil later. Aiuerirnu Car rising ." points, villi coneiirient gains of 1 to " for Aiuerl enn Loeoumtiie ll'ildwln I,oeoinotle. New oil Air lirake und l'ltllinnii Hulls nloue displaid lenetlonnry ten deludes. stumMrd shares, ineludlng transrontlnentals. losing 1 to 'J points. Toward midday there was u deeided slaekenlng in the trading all through the list, which was e.isili nttribiited to fie disposition to await the Supreme t onit ilreisioin. llrnines of motor shares at niid ilii) Man balanced 1 a demand for motor speeinlties, nolabh the rubber gioup. Sleels also re.ieted. but Indus tiuil Aleoliol iidxaueed A pointH on news that the Supreme Court hud rendeied no decision In the prohibition case. Ti ailing was at low ebb in tin linn) limn . the null features of flint dull in'ilotl being a In n-r spin t in Intir inn 700 ISO!) IB loo eoerlng opeiatlonn were rather of altU140 desultoi) nature, ns there ns nothliigiB 100 7.1(1(1 (100 l?o 'iOO won 1000 f:oo 500 J00 1500 too 100 tilth Advance Ituinely . &t Ads alien Humely if . 71 AJax Iliibber 8BH Alasku tlold Mines .. li', Alaskii Juneau O M . a4 Allls-Clialiiiers 4J- AIIIClialiners pt ... OS Am Arlu Chem 95J, Am AkHo Chem pf . . nojj Am licet hugur 97 Am Bosdi .ilnisntto. . .lit Amer can Can mit, American Can pf . . . . t02(i Am Car A lrt'y HIM Am t-olton' Oil . . . Jin Am Druggist Svn ... 1? Am l.xpress 05 Am Hide, R. Leather.. 39 7 Am llhlo A. t.eath pf .12H4 JB CD t.so nf the bin IJjone of til. ..irk. Tlie piiratloii Trlephonf fiio)ibtr3 rrmam the xamt. ranumiii uuiiiiUKraiii nuiii iriurniuu!!'!! i, vmww " ' ' Phila. Suburban Gas & Electric Co. 1st and Ref. os, 1960 Free of Penna. State Tax Price lo Yield 5.75 Carstairs & Go. Member riillndelnlilii .nil New lork Mock Exrlinneei 1419 Walnut Street 71 Broadway, N. Y. TRYING DAY FOR THE BEAR CROW I ISSUES AGAIN LEADERS fl GURBi Promise of Speedy Adjustment of Coal Strike Difficulties Led to Free Covering PUBLIC DOING LITTLE Most of Group Make Substan tial Gains Asphalt Has Wide Range TOBACCO STOCKS STRONG -The New- York financial reiev V.Vivaudou,.:. Times Building, New York N'oember (1 1D1U. DIVIDEND No. 1 The Board of Directors of this Company has declared a quar terly dividend of fifty cents (50c) per share on the Com mon Stock, payable January 2, 1920, to stockholders of record December IS, 1919. S. M SCHATZKIN, Treasurer Stockholder! tre requested to ttni tbeir stock certificate! for transfer (0 Guaranty Trust Company, 140 Broadway, New York City, the Trans fer Agent of the Company, before De cember 13, 1919, in order to assure prompt receipt of diridend checks. S. M. SCHATZKIN, Trea.urer If. .TT' a 1 H H 0 5 . H IS B W 1 I LlDEiai I I, BONDS ? I $50, $100, $1000 BoughtSold Recommended for Investment Newburger, Henderson & Loeb II INKERS 1410 CHESTNUT STREET lleaiber N, V. X 1'lilLt. buiut In. ehitngea Robf.Olendinning&Go. Investment Securities Special Attention Given to Orders on ' Pittsburgh Stock Exchange by direct wire connections (N York Members ll'hlln. MtotL Enhance t I'lll.burcli 400 Chestnut St., Phila. New York. Dee. R Kve:iin Sun's eloin today sni s : Tne bears Imd a rather trying time of it in tod.u's stnek market, what with i the promise of a speedy adjustment of I the coal strike difficulties and the pos- Islbilltj of seernl important decisions I from the Supreme Court at WnshitiRton, 'lotablj the Mink dividend and piohi- bitlon case'. Neithei uecllon niaterinl- bed. but this 'is not definitely known until shortly before . o'clock. Market letters of the various repre entiitie luokerage housex over the week-end '.vern moderately bullish, op tions beliiK based maiulv on the teehui tal conditions within the market. It will be known tomorrow whether or not the offer of Prcaldeut Wilson, with its undisclosed terms, will be accepted by the miners, but .of course, indications point strongly toward n faoiablc icicp tlnn. since the leaders hae Cipiesscd themselves as desiilng it. It behnoM-d the shorts to cover, therefore Trailing was not in large Milunie nud bujiug initiative piobnbh originated with the short interests mainly. It was not apparent that the general public was doing much in that way and offerings of stock were limited. The fact that the fJcinians were In clined to be pugnacious about signing tlit treaty protocol was of scarcely more academic interest. The foreign exchanges again suffered considerable weakness, most of the bailing i enters etpciicnelug new low levels for their uirrenci In terms of the illnr Mono loutinued at ease al though hi restiicted supph. Call loans leuewed at t! per tent and ruled thru. Time funds were hard to get with bids at (I per cent for mixed collateral und "lj and S per tent for industrial col lateral A higher rash intio for the Federal Reserve Bank was, naturally, welcome, although the improvement was small I and cry much qualined by the absence i of any mnrkeil betterment in the matter I of loans at the central institution. Dis counts on war paper were reduced bj some SlU'.'.OOO.nofl, but there was n substantial offset ill other forms of bor rowing On the whole, however, developments .favored the constructive side of the se curities inuikcl. which was nppaieut from the beginning The steels, euillp- meuts, coppers, tobaccos and siiqais ills plaicd a particulaily good tone, ad New York, Dec 8. The featuie of the Hroad street curb market tntlav was the persistent accumulation of the petroleum stocks representing proper ties which are actively engaged in de velopment work and obtaining new pro. duction in large oluine. Most interest wns attached to the buying of Cilliland Oil. which was bought bv stiong interests, moving un to above 4( and making u new high recoid White Oil was aKo strong selling nt the new high of A'.tVi Other oils nude substantial gains. Cnrib Svndleute was traded in nt fil , and n.'l ',, and Magma sold at D-j, to !T,. (iener.il Asphalt had a wide range again todav, selling at ll.Ttj to 121ni Columbia Kineralrln sold at The tnbicco stocks were again strong, American Tobacco Securities being traded in at fi." to !7'U and Tobacco Products Hxports nt 32 to :v.t. T'nited Retail Candj sold al It!', to 1(T, Subm.iilne sold nt l."T," Lihbf, Mc Neill ,.1 I.ibby was stiong. with sales at L'4i, to .',-.. Imllan Packing sold nt lir's to IS. Amerlcnr fafetv ltnzor was steady, with sales at IS'.ij'to 18 Vanadium Steel yielded from (11 to IXDChTRIAI.S vances ranging from n fraction to -1 "ud i pJJ"" on . Acme Coal ... Aetna Kxnlos Am Tolt hoc Am flnffty Tlazor .... Cr LUht Pafon Kustleo O'nt'ral Annhalt Havrjep Ch(-m Hunn Motors Hf-nilt-r. "Vlfd Tndlui r-irklnit T.o w Inc lift Inr ,! re r Motors Orn Motora I Ih VIA- Ml, .TnPxihin Motori Norih Am Paoer TVrffrllon Tire noot Vndrvort Rnnwa Tountalns Sul.m irlne Tfoat . Swift International . Snfcii Co ... . Ton Prod E;p . ... V S St-tm Unlleil Rft Canilv fnllcl Prollt Sharlna tinlted Plrt Prod VanadlllTi f lee ... V Vhlatlou Inc . . INDKPKMJEST OILS APIanc JSH t AI1IM (111 . II I Am il IloN.ilty , r,K Arlto nil .. . . noon on ... h'J llonlnn W-omlllB . . 101 K llra?os Oil J-ls 1 I MurKneit van cieavn . .i". I Curl Sin . M .1 , r'otnmon'M nlih .. . . ie. I . IICUtMl IS V., I Hltrh Low ii n mi r,-. 1". 1S14 34 av 121 . ll'.. 7 7 ir, n .'II .Ml I 17i .I'll 1" -'1 24 H .m, .V.IJ, 'HI". .111 in -in IV, in', 4 .IH 'i 0 r,?s r.i, l.-.. ir,. I'.Ti i-,'i nn .in U1- U' 33 33 4 44 1S lnij 21 2'i loS tH ni 4 nnu 21 S3 Last 2Vt n fi7. IS'i 3S 12H r-'nvj, 7 ir, r.n in n 24 h 3 30 1.1'i 4 IH4 r.'jii ir. 5n ll'i 31 4H lnu 2W in (1014 23 noints. The oils did very well nIo. I cci'iin.i Mexican Petroleum being the slowest I Outfev fiille.plii one. Some of the specialties were highly buoyant, such as Pittsburgh Coal, Rem- Ington Typewriter. Associated Dry J (ioods and otheis. The food Rtocltt, were in good deinnud so long as was in doubt about the prohibition de dsiou. The rails held steudv to firm, but there vvus not much push lu that list Hudson Oil Invlnelnln l.ljml Oil I 1 Ins-ntoii MasiflA Mrrrltt OH Mar-ira'l,! fl. .I,.,, i iir oni vni . the street , phinin. Pet ANOTHER DROP IN MARKS Producer A Ileflners nsan Oil . . HMinoM-h OH FUicll Transport Slniina Pt Spencer Pet Toxhs Co w 1 . . . . Vktorla OH new ... Whltu Oil W.y O I U In OKLAHOMA PRODUCING & REFINING COMPANY Earnlnsrs of the Oklahoma. Produclnu L Itenntna Corporation of America, tho Com Daily's operatlmr aubaldlary bore deduc tion, for depreciation. Uxea, ii , fr n,, nlno months ended September 30. lum ira us follows! NKT (He re re OnObg EXPENSES deduction.) 1st Quarter J2.124.23S 01 II 206 373 A7 1017,804.04 34 Quarter. 2.187,097.01 1.300 082 2I 878,015 41 id Quarter: 2.1113,034 7 1 4(111,231 14 1 04(1 803 03 r.. 1(1,823,271 01 !1,001.S7 01 ? 843,881,00 mos. lit H Kllbiirn flu. 10311 Viilted (las Elee. 0. 1015 I'ltta. Rolls (la, 1033 Mrraruae I.t. L Tr. Sa. 1031 Crew IrlcU 0. 1031 'fltlonul Conduit A Cable da, (.lenrflrli Illtuoi. Cost 4, 1037 1033 HENHY D. BOENNING & CO. BTOCK KXCUANflE IIUILDINO Vitrtt PrliBte Telephone to New lorW Jlrrobera I'liJIa. hUxk Kielmnge German Coin Worth Two Cents Foreign Exchange Market ' New York, Dec. S. Murks and lire sustained further declines in the market for foreign exchange today, the first I mentioned falling to the new low record of i.flll. Mie cables dropped to 12.1)1 and checks to IL',00. Sterling was n 'shade nbovo the extreme 'low record, at I! S4'.. for demand and H.Su'i for cables" Francs were heavy at 11 .011 for I gjj; J". cuuics null 11.11,1 mr I'livvun. At the opening quotations were al most entirelj nominal. There were differences of as much as 10 points be tvveen the different bankers In rpiutu tions on Italian exchnuge After the opening the market de veloped further weakness so that the following quotations are given nininlj an a matter of routine Quotations : Demand sterliug fl.S."i4t. cheeks. '1.6(1 V-' franc cables 10.S0. checks J0.S2; lire rubles l'J.00, checks 12.02; Swiss cables 5.28, checks 5.30; guilder cables !18tV, checks ll&Vi ; pesetas rabies 20, checks lfl.00; Stockholm cables 21.S.'i, checks 21.70: Chrlstiauia cables 20.00, checks, 20.45; Copenhagen rabies 18.00. checks 18.75: Belgian rubles 10 25. checks 10.27; marks 2.(ll)(ft 2.0(1 ; ruble notes, ft.OO for 500's n-id -1 25 for IPO's. Cloverseed MINIM) Alaa-Ilr Col ArUnuu Hllver Atlanta - . HrUlier Divide .. . Heleher Divide Kxt llooll liohton A Mont Cal.il Mln Ch nnila Con Cone Vlru-lma . CrrKon Oold . . ( lucent MLNainar Kunka Croesus ... 4ii Ml nlni; . inn rjoid erpe I Hold hllver IMek . . I lleela Minim; .... lumbo ?:xtuislon I Knox Divide I l.oull'ln l Co Marsh Mln . Mahon Vallev Motherlodx 1 Nntlonul Tin . . N'lplskliu lUx Com . Ito, hester Mines . I Hope (Iroup . S Hllver Lead . . Suecess Mln Tonopah nelmont . . . Tono Dlvldo Tono-JIm B Tonopah Midway Tonopah Mln Tonopah Rescue K.ula. United Esstern . Vletnry Vhlto Cnps , Terrlnston HOM1S Allied l'atk n A T T nt '22 , Canadian Oovt 5Vjs of '20 t IT. T 7s M 3J0 ton .MOO ttnoa 2700 loo 2100 too 3300 1500 200 100 (000 200 tioo 400 6200 100 turn 'joo too 8.100 son ' oo 1700 .jioi :ioo ijoni 3000 ooo too 3110 1000 voo S200 200 900 i?no 300 100 700 100 100 1000 3100 (100 ADO 000 coo 100 100 2000 3100 100 303 100 700 800 300 300 200 420(1 3100 2000 400 300 1000 400 S00 100 100 4200 1000 400 400 8900 200 2300 140(1 500 300 2000 800 100 00 1001)0 (.'00 200 400 IM00 3 tOO -i'-co 400 SCO 200 1100 100 100 GOO 3 3300 1800 00 300 1100 S000 3700 2.100 4(00 000 6400 300 SS00 200 100 300 4000 1401) 100 .300 1100 700 2100 400 too 1SU0 100 5no 5500 3000 100 13700 (100 100 soo 400 too 1A0O 300 300 3 7 r, ( 3 7 7 7 10 8 20 It 7 7 American ico . . . American leu pt . Am Interuut Corp Am Linseed . Am I.lnsetd pf . . Am Locomotive . 44 . 07 .my, 71H . 03 9SM Am Ship & Comiiieicc. 31 V2 m Smelt & !!f. . . . fli4 ni Steel Foundries . . 43JJ Am Med 1'ilrlCB pf , . 01 Am Sugar lief .. .141 Am Sugar Itef pf . . .118V4 Am Sumatra Tob .... f3U Am Tel Aj Tel H Am Tobacco . . 27(14 Am Tobdixo pf new. . 98J Am Woolen 128H Am Woohn pf . . ..103 Sin Wr time Paper pf. 00 m Zlno Lead & Sin . lUJ 1 AiiAuonda Copper .... 10 Ann Arbor pf 17 Assets n.illz:itlon . 74 so Iry floods . . 61 !i Associated (i.t ,.11S Atfh Top A Santa Fe. A AUh Top fi. S V pf. .. 70 7 Atlantic Coast Lino. . flSVg 10 Atl Uulf & W r . ...177 Auto Kalis tern clfs.. 20? 3 Auto Sales tern otfs pf . 3S llaldwln Loco . ...lOSJi llnltlniore & Ohio .... 33H 4 Baltimore & Ohio pf . . 11? 7 Bat net Leather pf ... 93 8 bnrrctt . . . ,12!s Bethlehem Motors .. 31V4 Bethlehem Steel ... 9!ij lXhlehem Steel B ... nSj 8 Bethlehem StI 8"o pf.113 Booth r slien,. 14H Blilvn Itapld Transit. 1BH BUlMi P. T ctfs of dep. 11H 8 Brookljii i;dlson ... 9 (i Broold.vn Union G.is 63! 7 Brown Shoe 105 Brumi Term & It It. . . 7? .50 Butto Copper A: SSIne. . 9'A Butto & Superior Cop. 24 Butterlcl; 2S Caddo Central O & It saj's California I'acltlng . 7814 California. Petroleum . 404 7 Callforn'n Petrol pf , 80 2 Calumet &. Arizona . (13 10 Canadian PaciQo .. .139 Cential Lcuther .... 97 7 Central Leather pf . IOSK2 4 Cerro de Pasco Cop . 30 H ( Ccrtaln-teed Prod . . . 8 Chandler Motors ... 120 4 Chesapeake & Ohio . . 87 Chi &EI)1BT ctfs. S Chicago (it Western . 8 1 Chi Ot Western pf . . . 23H CM Mil . St Paul . . . 38?, Chi Mil &. St Paul pf . 06 7 rhl S. Xorthw estern . 90 5 CM &. Northwest pf 117! Chi Pneumatic Tool ..108 . Chi ltoc.lt lsl &. Pao . . 6 Chi II I & Pao 6 pf. 7 Chi It I & Pac 7 pf. Chi St P Minn & O... 7 Chi St P M & O pf . . . .i Chile Copper 3 Chlno Copper 6 Clueu 1 ealiody Coca-Cola 1 Col Orahophone . 7 Col Graphophono pf . . 3 Coloiado Fuel & Iron. 4 Columb Gas &. Elcc . Continental Candy . . . 7 Consolidated Cisar . . .. Con Interstate Cal M. ConbOlidatod Textile. . Con Textile fts 7 Consolidated Gas . . . Corn Products Itef. 12 Crucible Steel 7 crucible Steel pf . . . 10 Cuban-Amer Sugrar . . Cuba Cane Sutrar . 7 Cuba Cane Sugar pf 7 Deero & Co pf . . . . 9 Delaware & Hudson Denver & Kio U pf .. Dome Mines 3 rik Horn Coal llnierbon-BrantliiB 7 Kinerson-Brantlne pf SO Kndlcotl-Johnson . . . ).!! Crle 1st pf Crlo 2d pf Fairbanks 8 Famous Players-L . . Fisk Itubber 3 Freeport Texas 2 Gaston Wm & Wig. . B General Cigar 5 General Electrlo . . . 12 General Motors 6 Gen Motors deb 4 Goodrich B F 7 Goodrich B F pf Granby Consol M . S. (.lay Ai Davis. . 7 Great Northern pf. . 4 Gt Northern Ore Ctfs. Gicene Cananea Cop.. Gulf States Steel .... 4 Haskell A Barker Car. 7 Illinois Central C Inspiration Con Cop.. Intcrboro Con Inter AsrricUl ( lot Harvester 13J4 7 Int Harvester pf new. Ill Int Mer Murine 2H 0 Int Mer Mainio in. . .,lc8M International Nickel . . 23!4 0 Inter Nickel pf ... International J-uper iron Products .lowel Tea 7 Jewel Tea pf Kansas City Southern 4 Ifnn Cltv Southern pf 4 Kelly-Hprlngfleld T re 140 8 Kelly-Spring T 8 pr iu . . Kelsey Wlieel 2SH 2's 7SH 60 95 19 37 !4 92 39' 1VA 93 40W 64 56 132 7014 19 35 1 . . 9 .. 87?4 . .317 . 99 ..405 .. 85 80 Vi ..100 . 99 . H'2 . 13'4 . 30 H . 30 9l's .1434 . HH . 21 H . 16 . 83 . 91 V . 3A . 39 . 20 . 73 .108 .3415s . 8?4 . 8'i 104 . 53 Kl . tsj, 80 ' 39', 315 70M 58 Vz 9014 53 m 20!, 93 '3 76 as'; 1054 60 V4 13'4 44 81 j - , , . . . i avnco in rnco or ueaa ' Tofdo. o.. i)w 8. clovkkseed New Yprk. Dw. 8-The American ,'"t?M SSrSrtSi-tlS'tiS. ftatlttu d Itonnlns C... today ad IfiiVlj: .ftesB 1111 e ;, " "L -". ISOOni iyKr,iir, u,,-M, fi MiKpit jirni and .y. tV H BAR 8ILVER Commercial bar silver was quoted u New York today at $l.fl2V6 an ounce, an advance of Vjc. In London the price was ld higher, at 74rl an ounce,, .. j MONEY-LENDING RATES MOW YOHK Motiej ou (.all. both mixed mid collateral uud all iudustriul collateral, opened today ut ( per cent for lending and renewing. The time-money market continues slow ami tho tone Is very tirra. Some small loans ure reported today at 1 Vfe und 8 per cent for sixty and ninety dars ou industrials. Prime bank uiceptuuccs bhow mod erate movement ut unchanged rates. The will louu ligurc 011 ucccptuncrs K still r-y,. Tlie loial demuiid for mercantile paper is very light. PHILADELPHIA Call, tl percent; time, (I per cent; loiumerclul paper, tin ce to six mouths, fi per cent, and six mouths, 5'7i(SO per cent. LONDON Money is quoted nt Hi percent. Discount rates: Short bills, 5 per cent; three-mouth bills, 5 per lent. . LONDON METAL MARKET, few York, Dec 8. Cable advices re celnd at tho New York Metal Exchanse this nrornliiit nuoteil prices In London as (ollown: Tin Spot 1304 8s. an advanco of IB 15. 1 futures, C01 10s, a sain , of (IS 10js and straits, taut Ids. up (0; Hlngapore, (301, a loss of 12. Hales Spot, 150 tons! futures, 0.1O tons, and Ulncapore, 100 tons. Standard eopper Knot. 110. un advanco of 12, fu tures. 1111. a ssln of tl. Lead Upot. 40 lOsi futures. (40 12s d.. sain for both of 7s M Poslter Spot. tM U (M. futures. 8 17s d, both up i lSs.Sd. tivr 44 ? 74 S7 2H 2H 4U 95 92l 9(1 V4 90)4 lit 51 102 138 804 115, 93 1WV4 120 41 67 10!) 1 'a r.9'4 91 OI''j .10 05 134 0.1 140 110'i 92 99)', 870 987, 126 103 55 tnu 58 , 17 n;, 57 115 84)4 57?, 92 to 174)4 20 3P 1075, 32 5 43?', 95 124 33 92)4 9(U 11254 . 13 r 15), II 94 52 105 75i 9 23 H 25 22H 78 4ft 80 63 138)4 9514 108)4 55 54 55 118)4 50)4 5 854 23)4 36 54)4 80 'A 117 108 "nv 74)4 00 95 18)4 36 Kj 91 39 69)4 93 3954 63' 13' 70)4 1854 33)4 1 88 8554 211)4 99 401)4 51 85', 100 98 "4 14 13 Vs 29 Vz SO OlJ's It' ll 21 15 !4 S3 91 37 3754 1954 72 166 337 88t 8254 104 niYi 48)4 7155 39)4 3454 79 80 89 J4 fil 454 20 Ji 133 114 51 107 22 Vt 93)4 74 'A 37l 1954 09H 15 44 lit 104 80 Today's Net Close Chirr 4H 1 74 87H 2)i 254 4414-1 94 93)4 110)4- 97 r 125 I 51H 102)4 13DJ4 81 H II 5s 93 29)4 120I4 44 r.7 110 2)4 li ltt Hi 3'4 1 3H 54 '4 Vi H 7154 254 Y2 54 H VA V t't 114 1)4 'i 54 154 3'4 ' 5 5, 154 1 VA V 93 9454 31 (liM 42-V4 9i 14154 110)4- 9314 154 99)i- 5s 27H2 9)4 9iJi 120 -103 1 39 )i 1)4 59 A -I 17 74 .',) it.-, 85 lj -77 Ji 82)4 1- 177 r 30 35 10754 325,- 44 95-3 121)4 I- 1 32 02)4 "2)4 94 5', 14 113 14 14', 'A 15)i- V U Vz 94 -.1 52)4- 54 105 2 754 v 9)4 14 31)4 IH 25 1 23?s 78 4054 80 61 - 13954 95)4 108 '4 5554 ss - 118)4 5654 5 - 854 23(4 37)4- 66 1)4 85i )4 117 1C8 2554 60 -95 10 37 '4 93 39 V en- 91 3954 C4 - 13)4 10V, 195, 54 35 1)4 1 88 87 213 99 405 53 54 "h m 54 54 l'4 1 54 15', i ?s ''A ft 7 '4 19, 1)4 6)4 54 54 Vt Ji )4 54 Vi A -)'s 34 'A 5s A 1 1 A 1 V Vt 86)4 100 -13)4-29J4 SO - 9Ui- 113)4 14 21 -V 15)4 83 9114 43V4 3754 1954 73)4 168 33754-8854- '83 101 52)4 39)4 34 -70 88)4 2)4 89 J4 82 1J4 454- V 2oy, -i 1 13354 354 114 51J4 5b 107 H )i 23 54 93)4 1 78)4 4)4 354 'A 54 " A 54 5 ' 'A S4 37 V - 1954 OOyiH 15 -44 140 r 104 80 - I A )4 54 6)i 1 Sal" (00 4800 4100 1900 300 6700 2400 100 800 .100 401) Dlv. lilt 7 3 (.20 .60 7 12 4 7 Kelsey Wlirol pf Kennecott Copper .... 29'A Kcyslono Tire A Ilub 4754 Lackiivvanna Slcol . . s7 Laks Erie & W pf .17 Leo Uubbor & Tire ... 37 Lehleh Valley 43(4 Loose-Wiles B 1st pf .100 Lorlllard p Tobacco Mitckay Cos pf . . . . . Mnnhaltan Clev guar tilth I,OtT 08)4 08)4 Today's Nst Clous Chse. 200 t.75 Manhattan Shirt 1800 400 200 (00 40 C800 400 9500 1 rOOO (00 200 400 49 3509 2100 43011 100 (00 301 300 100 1409 1400 moo 900 1 .50 600 10 2800 0 100 2.50 5200 200 I 300 100 5 6210 7 1030 7 410 4 .101)0 4 7000 .60 400 500 700 3 200 3.60 100 t 100 5 14100 6 3100 100 6400 3 400 430O 500 600 10(1 5 400 3 57300 200 8 5(00 100 8 13&0 100 6 200 4 3600 5 100 6 2090 1 1700 8 1200 8 10400 4 800 8 3400 2 13500 Cf 700 4 2400 4 1Q0 2 4100 100 7 490O 1500 100 3600 400 6 400 400 :oo 8 300 1 24400 900 0 18200 0 100 20 3200 3200 4 8900 7 300 7 7200 1400 4 300 5 100 3 Murtln Parry Maxwell Motor ... Maxwell Mot ctfs. . 7 May I.'ept Stores .. 7 May -Dent Stores n 0 Mexican Petroleum . , 2 Miami Copper . ... 0 Mlddlo States Corp . , 4 Mldvnte Steal & Ord Ml mi & St li new ... , 7 Minn St P & H St M. Missouri Kan e". Tex . Mo Kail & Tex pf . Missouri Paclflci . Missouri Pacific pf , 3 Mullliis Body 3 Montana. Power 3 National Acmo Nat Aniline & Chem . 7 Nat Aniline & ch pf 5 National Cloak & S . Nat Condu't fc Cable . 0 Nat Kiiiim & Stamp. National Lead Nevada Con Copper.. No.vv York Air Brake New York Central New- York Dock New York N 11 & H New York Ont & W Norfolk & Southern North American Nortlitin Paciiio . ., Norfolk & Western Nova Scut lu S C . .. Ohio Cities Gas Oklahoma Pro &. Itef Ontario Silver Mining Otis Steel Owens Bottling Much Pac'flo Development.. Pnclllii Mall Pacific Gas & Elco Pan-Amcr Petrol . Paii-Amer Pet rts Parish & Bingham . Pennsylvania . Penn Seaboard Steel. Peoples Gas Chicago Pcre Marquette . Pere Marquette pf . Pere Marq prior pf . . Philadelphia Co Plerce-Arrow Motor . Plcrcc-Arrovv Mot pf.lOOJi Pierce Oil 2054 Pierce Oil pf 102)4 Pittsburgh & W Va. . 27 54 Pitts & W Va pf 75 Pitt C C & St L 63 Pittsburgh Coal of Pa. 66 P'ttsburgh Coal pf . 91 Pond Creek Coal .... 25H Pressed atcct Car ...10t'4 Pullman 116 Punta Alegro Sugar. . 08'A Itallvvny Steel Spring. 9854 Bay Consol Cop 21 etltcpub Iron & Steel. . .109)4 Hepub Motor Tiuck. . . 5514 Reading , Heading 2d pf Remington Typewrit Rem Typo 1st pf . . . Royal Dutch N Y . St L Sun rlrtil 197 64 41)4 31 . 27 . 38 Vt 38)4 .121)4 .107', .3C414 2354 . P554 . 5154 . 11 ('4 78 . 10)4 . 14)4 26 . 41)4 10 56)4 . 38 . 67 i 89 n . 80)4 . U'4 83)', 83 'A . 15)4 IP! 705'. 4554 294 17 10 56 83 H 100 75 81)4 lo 10 37 'A 60 73)4 34 54 .. 3 T.112 . 54 . 4154 41)4 34 38 24 47 64 32l 8254 . 7H . 35)4 . 7 .103 .102)4 10)4 10 2600 1700 390 2200 8100 100 100 17700 200 400 300 T800 4700 1490 C9 400 200 3.50 700 10 700 300 too 100 8 16400 9200 u 200 16S00 200 32700 1000 100 34700 810 9200 1000 (00 100 300 490 1400 100 1100 800 100 2700 430 490 200 3500 00 209 1800 200 100 St Louis Southwestern. It Saxon Motor 1354 Savage Arms 76 Seaboard Air Lino ... 72 Seaboard Air L'ne pf. 14 A Sears-Roebuck 22 Shattuek Ariz 12 Sinclair Consol Oil ... 4754 Sloss bheff S & II.... 71 Southern Pacific ....10654 South P It Sugar . . . .230 Southern ttailway ... 23 A Southern Ry pf 69 'A Studebaker 10 54 Studebaker pf 101 Studebaker its 2' Stromberg Carb ... . 77)4 Stutz Motor 114)4 Superior Steel 44 A Tenn Cop & Chem ... 10)4 Texas Co 297)4 TeMiH Co rta 6S Texas & Pacific 4154 Tobacco Products ... 9154 Tobacco Products pf 191 Tol St L West ctfs .. 10)4 Trauscontlnetal Oil .. 444 TramSue & Wins Steel. 63 Twin City It T 40A Union Bag & Paper. . 4 Union Oil . .. T9 Union Paclflo .. .126 I iiion Facllu pf ... -54 United Alloy Steel . 51 United Drug ... . 13 United Drug 1st Pf.- 43'A United Fruit 94 United Ry Invest.. . 8?i United Ry Invest pf.. 10 U S C I P & Fdry. . . 22)4 U S C I P & Fdry pf 57 United Retail Stores.. 0454 U 8 Ind Alcohol. ...109 U S Ind Alcohol pf. .104 U S food Prod M U S Realty & Imp 40 U cj uubbor 12754 U S Smelting It & M 74 54 U S Smelt II & M pr 47 54 U S Steel 10ki U S Steel pf v . . 114 Utah Copper 74 Utuh Seo 10W Vu-ChioIIhi. Chem ... 69 Va-Cur Chem pf H W Va Iron Coal & Coke 72 Wabash 8'A Wabash pf A 'fj7 WubiibU pf B . . 15 14, Webtern Maryland . Ills West Maryland 2d pt 19 Webtern Pacific pf. 4 Westlnghouse 12 A: M 54 Whlto Motor . ... 67)4 Wheeling & L Urie 13'm Wilson & Co 78 Wlllys-Overlund 30t Wllljs-Overlund pf... 9154 Wlieel AS i- e-rio i ; WnrthlnKton Pump . . 8s54 M wnnluorth V W -123)4 Kx dividend. Wella Forgo Kxpress 1U rixnts. 5554 ( 2834 4H 80 ion 35)4 1254 100 195 64 51 sou 20)4 38)4 37 5s 12354 10054 201 'A 23)4 63 4 61 14 77 10 11 'z 255s 405', 4 8 'A 50)4 375s 67 39)4 bOU 10 'A 80 81)4 19)4 111 70 4534 284 17 10 60 8t)i 99 'A 75 mi 954 n?4 37 69 73)4 3454 63 108 H 4454 41(4 31 345, 2354 47 04 33 77 54 100J4 20 102)4 27 A 78 61 63)4 91 24 9754 114 A 9554 97 5( 20)4 1C0A 56 7714 35)4 MA 103 01fi 16 14 12 54 75 & 754 1354 220)4 11 'A 1654 72 105)4 230 22 H 5S)4 10854 101 154 "6)4 114 44 A 10A 294)4 (It1 43'2 8) 101 10)4 4254 63 40 1 3754 12454 (7 50)4 13) 52)4 202 8)4 18)4 21 'A 57 93 'A 105)4 101 -.8 A 40 124 71H 475, 104 H 112J4 7354 10 185b 113)4 71 8 'A 24)4 1554 ll)4 18 84 5354 66 13 7S 30 f0)4 18)4 80 123 6654 98)4- Vi 28 A H i 4H 'A fflji-l 1V4 10'A- 36V4 1 42?- 54 (00 J4 195 2 61 - !4 44V4 4)4 30 'A- 54 26)4- 1 38)1- 54 3754- t 131)4 !z 107 -I 1 203 'A 2 A 23V4 V4 84 - 54 40 - !4 14 m V4 77 154 10 Vi )4 24)4 V4 41 -I 54 48VJ 1(4 40V4- 2)4 3754 A 67 A Va 89)4 H so 'A 1- )4 1054 H 8254 454 82 1 14)4 54 111 1)4 70 4S5 'A 29 14 17 10 - 1 56 81',- 54 9954-1 H 75 W ' 513(T-I V4 10 10 Vi 37 A 1 Y r,o 2)4 73V4 Vi 31i- 15s 63 110'A 2 4 41 154 414 34 A- 54 38 3)4 2354 Vi 47 64 1 33 A - A 7S54- 2)i 100 5',- A 2054 H 103)4 27V4 14 75 I 63 65 3)4 91 1 24 1 1001, l)i 110 1 9554 9854 2V4 2054- Vi '100 A- 6s'A 54 ,.7)4- A 3SV4 12 7A 103 2 10154- Vi 16 11 13 - V4 76 - 1 754- A 14 - A 223 4 12 Ji 47 Vi A 721 104)4- 1 230 6 22J4- A 69 Vi 54 10854- 5 101 7054- 54 114 - A 44 A A 10 A- A 294V4 1 85 Ji 4354 94 91A 254 101 - 1 10V4 .. It l'A 61 2VS 40 A A 95 3 0 V4 125 - Vi 6754- 54 51 158 1 52 'A A 202 A 'A 8J4 A 19-1 22V4 1 14 571 92 'A- 14 107 2 104 1V4 78V4- 54 40 1V4 135 J4 2 A 74 154 4754- 1 105V4 I 11254- H 74 1A 1054 r- H 691 113)4 H 73 2 avi .. 21 A- li 1554- A 1154 r A 19 - t 54 84 -I "4 66V4 54 13 A )i 78 .: 3054- A 00 A V4 lsV4 Va 86 - V4 123 - I 5554 IH LOCALS DRIFT ALONG IN FAMILIAR NARROW GROOVE Continued Dribbling Liquidation in Pennsylvania Railroad and Lehigh Navigation Price Changes Slight The outstanding feature of the local jnarkct was the" striking diversity of Hip trading, a longer list of purely local stocks being dealt in than wit nessed for some time. This lueltided a number of inactive shares which only iniike their appearance on the tape at wide intervals. While the volume of tinn&uctions was relatively light, scrcral of the stocks were brought Into proml ucncfl by reason of big blocks changing hands, As to price changes it was sim ply a Jumble of small udvanccs or de clines, neither cnrrjlug significance, except to emphasize tho narrowness of the market. It would be iiOincnhat difficult to diagnose the real character ot dealings, os they were open to wide interpreta tions. In sonic quarters, notably Penn sylvania Railroad, Lehigh Valley, Le high .Navigation und Philadelphia Elec tric there was evidence of continued dribbling liquidation. In other plflces testimony was to be found of nutct ubsorption by the so-callcjl bargain-hunters. In the usual active leaders little or nothing was done to speak of. General Asphalt common at tho outed dropped $.' to 11S, but before midday regained $2 of the loss, only to drop back to 117 ucur tho closing. LMrctric Storage Bet ter? and United Gas Improvement did not make their appearance until the sec ond hour. Limited dealings elevated the former to 138 nnd the latter to 53' Among the inactive shares American Railways preferred came in for con siderable attention by reason of a block of 1008 shares changing habds at (ll''j, unchanged from the previous price. An other 1000 block transaction took place in Tonopah Mining at 2, Tonopah Belmont at the same time yielded lo 2 0-ltl. A small sale of Westmoreland Coal caused a decline of $1 to 74. Phil adelphia and Western preferred was 75 cents higher al 20. Pennsylvania Salt was taken at 70. American Stores and Amcrlcnn Qas lost $1 at 40 and 45, respectively. Humor had it thut some Important . announcement In connection with the American Ship and Commerce Corpora tion would be made during the current week. The nature of the development was not disclosed, but it was intimated would have an lmportnnt bearing upon tho affairs of the company. This was partly confirmed by the strength of (he stock in the New York market today, with an advance above 31, or over 5 points above the low water mark estab lished last week. Philadelphia Stocks Illali 5 Allin Ins. 24V ,'!0." Am Htrs. 40. 100 I Am Can 53 2!)2 Am Otis- 45i 100S Am K pf (MMi 20 tAdams l'xpress 34 100 tCol Fuel 40 Net Low Close chse 24l2 2M33 40 40 1 53 53 - Va 45 45 Yi 04 Va 04 !.. 34 34 1 40 40 . . Mi 10 tCubaCS 541T 5415 54V517 .-.HO Caildo O 22V.- 2'jlt. --".'J.. 123 iji stor..i:is 1..7 jys -i lOOtL'ric ... 13 13 13 310 lieu Asp.120 117 10 do prcf.lM) ISO 20 Hit N pf SO SO 10 I C N A 35K. 35 50 Key Tel. 12V1 12 015 Lk H Cor 20V, 20 805 Leb Nnv. 111 01 122S Lch Val. 43Vi 41 ill 42 41:)s 74ij 24 Vj 2V;4 117 180 SO , 35 ', l-!'t Vt 'ii? fi 12 41- Vi II'AJ l"j 20 47 20 47 24 U,. 20'h . . 20" 1280 Pu It It 120 Pa Salt.. 02(1 Phil lllec 24'Y, I III) P Ii T tc 21l!4 10 I'll ci VV pref .. . 200 tSluclalr Oil .... 100 Tpn Bel. 2200 Ton Mln 44 Un Trae. S30U (J I.. 130 tU H Htl.105 300 tWhito Motors OOVa till1- 0tli- 7 West C. 74 74 " 74 1 30 York It 11 31 31 31 Vi (Net chahffu mado bv comparison with lusl ealo on Now York Htoilc Uxchnnic. Total sties 12.217 shuns, loinpared with 1915 share Saturd.n 47 3S ".. 53V. V, lOl-'H 105 Vj -ni -lit Wj 2j IS 37 r.3l4 03 bates In 11000 Net ihce. 2 Bald 1st 5s,100Vt 100 100 Vi 2 Lk Sup inc 01 01 (is . . 5 Lch V gen , -Is 70 4 Leh V cons 4 Vis 2003 78 V. 1 Lib Bond!. 3d 41iS.1. 01.32 I14.32 1)4.32 ift ra gen os. !)0 DO S Pn gen iV,s S0nj Ml 25 Pa Co com, Is .104S". . S4 34 Philu Klcc 1st Cs ... S!)i, 1 Bend gen 4s SO 70 7Sij 81 S!) SO Gl 70 78... 90 H 81 8 S0 Vs SO Honda. Haturdjj 1100,000. tompared with JSo.OOO BUTTER, EGGS AND CHEESE New York. Dec 8 HUTTnn rirm n. celpts lioi tubs Crcann-ry hlsher thnn eylruR 74,i?7.1, rfHmerv rxtrus (02 frore). 74c, llrtH, (12w"3c in. Kins Hock, (llr-nt iimkp No 2 40i JKIUS St nil Itdetnls 4tl.'"l niBcn 1 les'i-.-alliernl 1 tlrim ll.lWi4c trn nrsts. fifi0f 'lmts Mlffssc, stiiu rvtinslvnnu nd licirhj wpHtenl h nnerv whites lino to fni. 11 02W1 0"i Blate. Pcnnnj Ivanla und nnrhv tienneo vvhlleH. nr-llmry to prime, 7-TSc tfjUSi , miute, Pcnnrjlvanla and ncHrhy hennorv browns, OOftiiSc, do, euthcred browns und mixed colors 01lf?fl4r C'HrKHi: Htedj lletelpts. son boxet. Suite, whole milk, til ts, current mako spo cliils. 32'4&31c; do. svorare, 31082c, state wlole milk. 'Wlis. current make, spfl. c als. Ml Vi :i'.'u; do, everato run 31c GOOD GAINS ARE.MADE ON COTTON EXCHANGE Late Prices Advance Almost Full Cent Above Saturday's Closing Figures COTTON nRLT WEATHER CONDITfo.N'S New Tiork. Dec 8 Tho followln tem peiaturrs were recorded In the cotton belt ihli momhiK Oklahoma 3fl. Fort Smith, 38, Memphis 40. Nashvlll. 42 Knox vlljo S2. Vlekbur. , Ban Antonio, nn: Atlsnta no, Merldlin (12: Jackson Mils, Wllminston, Mvnnnah. Charleston and Aususta, OH. Montsoineir. 03: New Orleans Tensacoli Mid Galveston, 72 There was .12 Inch ot precipitation at Oalveston ft.'? at Knoxvllle. 20 At Nsw Orleans and Vlcksburs: (12 at Wllmlniton. 70 at Auxunta. 2 30 at Montomry, 2 04 ut Atlanta and 3 08 at Meridian, New York, Dec. S. lleduccd offer ings, n renewal of Liverpool buying, local and outside covering nud further "calling" by spinners agents gave tlie market a strong undertone In the aft ernoon, prices advancing to a level al most a full cent above Saturday close. Eastern belt ndvices reported u poor spot demand and an easing basis. Clearings were again heavy, nnd here were predictions of large shipments f-oon to be made from South Atlantic ports to Japan. (Local sentiment appeared to ver.v be very much mixed, with probably more of a bearish leaning than other wise. . rc. .Ian. March May . Jul- . Oct. . . Liverpool Cotton Liverpool, Dec. .S. There was a fair request for spot cotton today with prices kteady on the basis of an adwiucc of 13 points for middling nt 2,".0.)d. The sales were 8000 bales. The ris'eints weic 42,000 bales, including 40,700 bales American. Futures were steady iu the carlv dealings. Spot prices were: American, middling fair, 30.75d; good middling, 27.50(1; fully middling, u.GUd; m dd ue. 2.1. 60(1: ovv m dd Inr. 23.40d ; good ordinary, 21d, nnd ordinary, 20d. Decrease In Ginned Cotton Washington, Dec 8 Cotton ginned prior to December 1 amounted to 8, K'13,712 running bales, Including 09, 115(1 round bales; 21.240 bales of American-Ugjptlan and 55SII bales of Sea Island, the census bureau an nounced today. Prior to December 1 last year, ginnings were 0.571,414 run ning bales, including 132,002 round bales, 10,170 bales of Amcricon-Kgyp-tiait uud 25,t!5S bales of Sea Island. Sat ToddV's 1100 1.10 2:30 cas!7R 2T00 a m p m' "' m' f.fi.un 17 on ,17.211 37' S3 1I7',42 . .14 00 34 111 84.74 34 77 n4.70 , 3192 .1 .'..Vi D.'.IIS 32 7.1 .'IJ.73 ; ao no an 7.-, ...... ' 28.00 28 Iff Reserve Banks' Discount Rates Official discount rates at the twelve Federal ltcservc bankb were as follows: (The first column gives rates for all periods up to uud including a flftcen duy mnturitj, the second for u period of blxteeu to ninety tlajs. The third und fourth columus give the rutes for rrdlM'OUnts of collateral loans secured by government uonus or notes) . Hoslon New York, Philadelphia Illchmund Cleveland .. Atlanta . Chlosio HI. Louis Minneapolis Kansas City. . Pallas . . . . sun rranemw Com'! paper Uov't paper Hi 10 I'll 1UIOUU IH days days IS da) a ,das 4". 44 4 l' H, 4 4i 4 P. 4;, 4V4 4", 4t 4' r. n n r, s 4lj s Pi 4U n'i 4'i 4H 4V 4 '4 'i 4 4Vi fiH BANK CLEARINGS Dank clearlncs today compared with cor responding day last two want 1010 I01S 1017 Phila .103,020,1108 104,0(18,180 t47,S0A,lS0 nosUMi. . .in.nio.a.ii 41,17.1 nun an.ns3.oin N. York 8.19, 1M 1128 474,37(1.41!) 3S,8t3,018 Ilalllmore lS1ilO.(,n 18,1(17,708 Aetna Mills Declare Extra Itosloii, Dec. 8. The Aetua MilU have declared a regular quarterly divi dend of 2 per cent and an extra of 1 per cent, payable January 1 to stock of recprn ojcccjuucr -v. . . BANK LOANS INCREASE rt...inn Mmia Statement Shows Gain of $2,332,000 Over Last Week The most striking Item In the week ly statement of the Philadelphia Clear ing House Association was nu Mpm sion of $2,332,000 iu loans. On the other hand, Individual deposits shrunk 53.775,0011. , . r The excess reserve was increased ?.i, nitt.000. bringing the surplus ubovc lc eut leiiulreinentij to $5,008,000. Details follow: ALL ML.MUI5U9 De' 8. '1 Loans 77t, 41.1,01" Ksehaa fl House . ;t'5,4'n0, Due from tanks . I24,7ii2.0i0 Hank dei.oslls Indlv deposits Time denoslts . IUs with r. It n lin.sr, 641, 313,000 O.OJl.OOl) ti ltaul denosltorles cssn in vaum 5.417,000 js.oSo.ono (10,413,00') Increase !, 332, 0011 t.sai.oftii l.lV.i.oilii 401,000 8.770,00$ 60,000 (1,012,00ft 131,000 tl. 703. 000 151,0(10 R,016,DOO etal r.u ,v. IiaIiI n.v vn,,lria K4.4JS.0o0 ,...v.. , ....... v . "j.?.-.i.iix usuess rcsorve . o.uoa.inju MEMUiins nusEnvE system rteserve held. . tS6.T37.nnn tn.87,000 Etcess rffrvs ,,,, r,82n,0lX) n.617,O0O THUST COMPANIES NOT MKMBBItB HEHEItVU SYSTEM Itrserve held ,,,, . J3,n7,ftOO 7M0J Excess reservo ... 04:', 000 1,000 In addition to tho deposit!- above there were this w-.'tk ltH.484.000 sovernment deposits osalnbt vvhlih no rerervo la required Increase, Giltnet SOLID WOVEN BELTING FOR All Industrial Purposes Power Transmission Belts Conveyor Belts Endless Belts for Special Machinery Polishing and Sanding Belts Grinder Belts L. H. GILMER CO. Main Office Tacony, Phila, Factories in Tacony Allentown North Walea Millcn, Ga. RAILROAD EARNINGS COU3IIAUO AND SOUTIIERN UNE3 Fourth wk Nov, ,, JMn.Sfll Jncreass ii.i.r.sn 3,0Taf; XJC Special Letter Amalgamated Royalty Oil on request George C. Winchel 81'EatAUSV 7 Exchange Place, New York Telephone Hector 2S05-C6 T I a 'P &4 I 4 IH T-S 1 n A t mmnsm