1G EVENING PUBLIC. LEDGKEK PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, DEOEjtfBER 8, 1919 s- Li' rJ. i f k-"-. V k ri u DINUNI PLANS NON E W VENTURES Poet Is in Embarrassing Posi tion, Without Monoy to Ray Troops WILL FLY TO AMERICA SOON It will bo fnvornblc In February, nnd Ii Flump la -ours I will do It then," U'Annuuzlo assured a press cor respondent yesterday that be was not preparing an expedition against Spalato or Lalbacb. He gave bis uord of honor that this statement uas untrue. D'Annunzio vns credited iu London dispatches from Dalmatian sources Sat urdnv with havinc arranged an nm bitious scheme for tho advancement of ins cnuso revolvini; nbout nil attnek on Spalato. It was also declared that ef forts ttcro. bolne made to instigate up risings in Montenegro nud Albania us a part of the Spalato undertaking nnd that the Bulgarian were being urged to nttnek the Jugo-Slavs. IJ.v Hie Associated I'rcss Homo, Dec, S. The Topolo Itomano nays that Captain flabriele D'AnnunzIo has assured the Italian government tbnt lie will not undertake any new expedi tions or go bejond the armistice Hue. Major Giuriati, chief of the cabinet of D'AnnunzIo, accompanied by Com mander Rizzo, of the D'Annunzio naval forces, arrived here jesterday from Flume. It is reported they are the bearers of D'Annunzlo's suggestions for n solutiou of the Flume and Zara questions. If is rumored tbnt D'Annunzio s funds are exhausted nnd that be is in an embarrassing situation. There is much speculation in Rom" as to how be will manage to pay his troops un less an agreement is reached with the Italian goernmcut. Flume, Dec. 8. (Br A. I'.i Captnln Oabriole D'Annunzio ijlnns to fly to tho t'nited States after the Finnic situation has been adjusted, be told the Asso ciated I'ress jcstcrdni.. "I vearn to reach America on wings. he slid "I will fly to America iiciom, the Pacific and land on jour fair I'n citic coast. AVhcn my task in Finnic is done nud when riumo is u part or Itnlv's realm, I uni going to Tnkio through the clouds. Then I will look .-across that vast expanse of the 1'a c'tfic, lift myself from this earth and start toward your land, jour free America, stepping from island to island "It is unfavorable weuther now, but Rest assured' yw-Wfcll groomed sleep- FAVOR PRIVATE OWNERSHIP Electric Railway Body Would Pro tcct Capital Washington, Dec. 8 (By A. P.) Continuation of private ownership of electric rnllwajs and protection of pri n!o capital invested In local transpor tation were recommended iu a brief filed today with the Federal Electric Rail way Cnnilnlliin by Hentley AV. War ren, counsel for the committee of one liumltcd of the American Kleclric Rail way Association. The commission, which has made an exhaustive study of problems of electric street rallwnvs, probably will report to President Wilson tins month. Plane Hits Crowd, Killing Two .Chattanooga, Tenn.. Dec S. (By A. P.) Two persons Mrs. Mnlissa My ers nnd Lena Sheet, n sc en -j car-old child, were killed nnd n number of persons were liiiuied, three probably fa tj.11 v at Marr fljing field bj an air plane ensiling unci a nciml of pectn c is William Price llcillingsworth, of Chicago, the aviator unci bis iiiccliatil c inn, wctc taken mlu culoch. L DICHIARAZIONE DE DUCE D'ANNUNZIO Nessuim Speclizione o' Stata Preparata Contro Spalato o Laibach L-ait DISORDINI Dl MANTOVA rubll.liocl m1 Dlcctrlbutod Under ITJUMIT NO. 341. Autnorlzcd hv (he hcI of October . 1917. on lllo nt tlio I'osloftlce of I'hlU Jelphla, Pa, A H nunt,KooN. Poictmaccter flenerftl Kiiime, S dicembre. Onbrlclc D'An nuuzio ha nssicurato 1 corrispondesti dei giornnli che egli nou ha prepnrato nlcunn spedbione contro Spalato c I.ui bach. Ha dato In sua parola d'onore chc tale dlcliinca.lnc corrlspoude alia erita'. Itonia, 7 ilicembrc. (By A. P.) Otto peisoue sono niortc c -12 si conosce bono state ferite durante gral disorclinl ehe hi sono vertifieutti mcrcoldl' c glo ved! a Mnntova, quando I rivollosl terrorizzarouo la clttu.'. I ribclli attnccaroui) la plccola guaru i nlgione, tagllarono le cnmunleazioul telegralichc e telefoniche, arrestarouo II trnfiico del trenl, snecbeggiarouo i negopi dl nrinl, inrriiffiftrcirin le prigioui llberando ogui sortu dl ciiminnli e tenncro n badn polizioltl o soldall flno n che glnnsero truppc o carnblnierl dl' rlnforzo, 1 qunll cou mitragllatricl occuparouo inllltarmeute la qitta'. Ii'ordlno fu ristablllto nolle notto dl cioieili'. I giomall dl Roma pubbllcano det tagll del dlsordlni di Mnntova. II Olornale d'ltnllu dice che la camera del lnvoro dl Mantovn autorl.zo' lo sclopcro senza eccessl. I dlnrdiifi furono provo catl da COO scioperauti, al quail si nggiunscro gli clementl turbolcnti o la leppa. Liwfolla assail' lo baracche mllltarl e le inccndlo', fneendo fuoco Mil soldntl della guarnigione. I soldatl feccro fuoco in nria per intlmorirc 1 rlvoltosl. Alcuui caporiont sovversivl Invltarono la folia nd nssallre la stnzione fcrro viiiria. II Restaurant fu saccheeinto u Ltutto II vino chc vi era bevuto o spnrRo al suolo. i. uinari lcrrovian turono in parte toll! per Impediro l'nrrlvo la partenza dei treni. l'oscin 1 rlbbclli si recarono tile prigioni, le luccndlarono e llberarono i crimluall, illcVudo nd cssl che In rivoliizione era scopplata e chc erano liheri. I prigionieri libcrntl erano tuttl cou dunnnti per dcllttl comuul. uessuuo per dclitti politici. EPISCOPAL DR VE GATHERS POWER Six Thousand Men and Woman Inspired by Rallies to In- croased Efforts SERVICE ISDOMINANT NOTE Workers in the drive for attendance nnd practical religion now being made by tho Episcopal Church resumed the campaign with Increased ardor today, because this Is the hist week 'of the great church effort and because their enthusiasm was spurred by rallies at the churches yesterday. It is hoped to add (10,000 new mem bers of the Fplscopal Church n this state before the drive ends and to make proportionate lficrcar.es fu nil other states, Six thousand members of the Church In Philadelphia arc actively nt work in the campaign. In addition to getting new members, 'he nation-wide drive of the Episco palians has tho following purposes: Finding 1G.000 Sunday bChOol teach ers' nnd 1000 men who will take up the labors of tho Church as clergymen and teachers. Erecting 2000 buildings needed for tiso ns, hospitals, churches and com munity houses, church will need during the next thrco j cars. The close of tho drive will bo marked next Sundny by special thanksgiving services in nil of the churches. Yesterday was u busy day for the workers In the drive. They made it n poiut to beo every member of the Episcopal Church, urging nil to help in the closing days of the campaign. Tills effort to bring out nil church members was mndo throughout the country. , One hundred women of this city, who have be'en training under the leadership of Mrs. J. Willis Martin, took part In tho great canvass, while the men were under tho general direction of Frank lin Spencer Edmonds, director of (bo diocesan campaign, Moro than 100 men nnd women can vnssers, under .the leaacrslilp of Morris Earlc, went forth from Holy Trinity. Church Into tho Illttcnbousc square section. , They worke'd throughout the day, vistiing hundreds of homes. James Fahnestock had charge of 110 canvassers who made the visitation lfir St. James's Episcopal Church, Twenty second and Wnlnut streets, Tho Row Elliot White, and a com mlttco of 1(52 men and women had charge of the canvass for St. Mark's Episcopul Church, Sixteenth and Locust streets. Seventy canvassers, under tho di rection of tho Rev. Dr. Llewellyn N. Calcy, went forth from the Church of St. Jude nud the Nativity. Jews to Be Put In Camps Budapest, Dec. 8. Thirty thousand Galiclan, Polish and Russian Jews nre to be nssemblcd In the concentration camps at Hnjmasker, Solno and Szcgc din, according to a government deciee just issued,' ns they nre regarded as having an undesirable influence ou the population. SEES SOLDIERS UNDERFED Congressman Assallfc Management ol Fort Sheridan Hospital Chicago, Dec. S.--(Bjr A. P.) Charges that wounded soldiers' In thu army hospital ut Fort Sheridan art being improperly fed were made 111 a telegram sent by Congressman Roynl C. Johnson, of South Dnkqta, to Secre tary of War Baker, mndo public today", demanding an Immediate Investigation vuugrcssiiiuii (joiuiHou visucu iuo nos- a tillnl vnaln.flntt fin until n.,,1 ...nrlail ' 1 that patients were fed under conditions "worse than any lu France." Accord ing to Mr. Johnson, at least sixty ot the patients were compelled to' go with out dinner yesterday. Speedily Cures Typhus Laredo, Tex.. Dec. 8. El Unlver sal, of Mexico City, announces that Dr. Ilculto Handles, of Mexico City, hns discovered a scrum that cures typhus within forty-eight hours The discovery, the paper adds, "has caused a great sensation." faultless m "" smctieei Ox Loose Leaf Devices for Every Requirement! Pajamas and Night Shirts TheNIGBTwcar of a Nationf Exceeds Expectations ra Recommended by USSS dtelm VJ1 E.ROSENFELD & CO. "til Baltimore nnd New York " BLANK BOOKS Bound and Loos Laf LITKOaRAFHINO PniNTINO ENGRAVING OFFICE Stationery and tSuppllcu OTATIONERY equipment for machine bookkeeping; binders, stands, ledger leaves, statements, envelopes, etc. Seventy-one years of experience enables us to offer you suggestionsT'of practical value, which we nre always glad to do. WILLIAM MANN COMPANY 529 MARKET STREET PHILADELPHIA, PA. New York Offices: 2G1 Broadway. Founded in 1848 Charge Purchases rendered on biUs payable February 1st, 1920, on request. Charge Account Solicited. iestnut btreet Spur Repairing and Remod eling a Specialty ait branches of the art handled with skill. Mail order Efficiently Filled. nniverSi urs ,cccccccccMlJlccccacccccMMcnMngcc- I The Price of I Pork Chops and Bacon Here are reasons why the fine, fresh pork tenderloins and pork chops, or savory ham, or crinkly bacon, which you enjoy for breakfast, cost much more per pound than the market quotation on live hogs which you read in the newspaper: An average hog weighs 220 pounds. Of this, only 70 per cent (154 pounds) is meat and lard. So, when we pay 15 a pound for live hogs, we are really paying more than 21 a pound for the meat which we will get from these animals, even after taking into account the value of the by-products. But people show a preference for only one-third of the wholethe pork chops, fancy bacon, and choice cuts from juicy hams. This means that when we are selling Premium bacon at 43 V2? per pound wholesale and Premium hams at 30, there are other parts for which we get as low as 6 or 8 per pound. The net result is an average profit to us of less than If! a pound. The choice cuts are higher because of a demand for them. ' Anotherthing: Only 35 pounds of the entire hog or about 6 th is usually marketed at once. The rest must be pickled, cured, or smoked. This takes months, and adds to the costs which must "be met. Swift & Company, U. S. A. Seven Wholesale Distributing Markets Central Office, 9th and Girard Ac. F. M. Hall, District Manager t Swift A Company's JZXnSBS U3 (0H3 c V l2.96 ns j J ViW ToSbctt!tir) THIS SHOWS WHAT BECOMES OF1 THE AVERAGE 00LLAD RECEIVED BY f SWIFT & COMPANY1 FROM THE SALE OF MEAT AND BY PRODUCTS (I CENTS ItrllDFORTHf LIVE ANIMAL IZ.M CENTS FOR LADOt tSPlNSKI NP PrillCjHT 2.04 CENTS REMAINS WITH , SWIFT & COMPANY 9 jb. su's-?AJ'Wgw y ' ,4 in Celebration, We Present $500,000.00 Worth of Furs at Extraordinary Price Reductions For well' over three-quarters of a century this organization has been associated with the retailing of Furs to the discerning Philadelphia public, and during this lengthy period of service has won to high position and notable renown in offering high grade, reliable Furs at ever the most attractive prices. Particularly during the past decade have we grown. We have attained to the proud position of the leading Furriers of the East: have assembled -the largest stocks ever reviewed in one establishment: and in this Anniversary Sale of Furs we offer half-a-million dollars' worth of exquisite Fur garments at the most astonishing price concessions. Tomorrow We Manufacture Our Own Furs and Sell Direct to You I rsvf Stoles and Chokers ' Chokers ... .29.50J M Kl-I PrJ FOX tl ' Scarfs .... 3-1.50 49.50 Hudson Seal Scarfs .... 34.50 66.00 Squirrel Scarfs 39.50 59.50 Stone Marten Chokers ... -14.50 69.50 Ermine Scarfs 44.50 65.00 Jap Cross Fox Scarfs 19.50 65.00 Hudson Sable Chokers ... 49.50 65.00 Dlended Sable Chokers ... 49.50 98.50 Natural Fisher Chokers ... 69.50 98.50 White Fox Scarfs .... 69.50 89.50 Nutria Stoics 69.50 115.00 Slate Fox Scarfs .... 39.50 125.00 Blue Fox Scarfs .... 98.50 135.00 Kolinsky Stoles 110.00 165.00 Beaver Stoles 125.00 195.00 Russian Sable Chokers . . . 145.00 2"50.00 Silver Fox Scarfs .... 175.00 In the establishment of this great Fur business c early determined that the best policy for us to establish and to maintain was "to manufacture direct and sell direct." This we have done consistently and to the fine satisfaction of the hundreds of thousands of pleased Mawson & DcMany clients. In this great Fur Sale you may choose 'literally from thousands of Fur garments, each individual piece of Fur guaranteed as to quality, . free from misrepresentation, and of the highest and most approved Fur style. And, what is equally well to tho point, you are ofTorcd Savings of 25 to 35 Per Cent N A Small Deposit Will Reserve Your Purchase ? l:,;r,iPCQ&';' fcrV ki l!,lIc'ci .' t J' iiW, m ;wn iH.i !iii.W'i ', ifSlci !;,:''iiV'iO"". ii.'rf!.. til .... , .'I ..III.' i" Mr.J i'"i mm .'Mky,,'! riYii'n. y,',i WW fi W ,'ftii ,". ',' .iSl' tl tl il: III I L&flft' i j i. ii i( JSC IP rf-i'f-c'h' 'I'M'",'!. 'A! '' ' mi , h!1 ci-c'inl 1 1! ;,' , J ,!' f' fh H, i ?c"i j I cYjii.1 ,..V I . ., ' ' 1BH "li'c '!! !i.'i, i! ,WFi "h K4 V,u , ' ' ' i '.7ttwm :l'?jWll WJ i "Ni 1 tlH '' iV'ir. ,i!.i!";'IJJ imi, f,".. ! .Uc! ., ,'. 1-S.VW I. "f1i!nt WW &. ya )! ! 'I I' .Fitti if !,? ?rA' ' fee" I Sii' iii'H ."! ! ! Ii 'i l.'!i Tomorrow f Special! Stoles in Various Sizes 39so Value 52,50 39-50 Value 79.50 8450 Value 115.00 98S0 Value 130.00 Australian Seal, Hudson Seal, Natural Squirrel, Mink, Molo and Skunk, Tomorrow Muffs Hudson Seal 19.50 Nutria 19.50 Beaver 24.50 Taupe Wolf 24.75 Taupe Fox 32.25 Brown Fojf 32.25 Skunk 34.50 Brown Wolf 34.75 Squirrel 49.50 185.00 Marmot Coats S6-'.nch: Nutria Collars and Cuffs. Anniversary Sale Price 135.00 135,00 Australian Seal 195.00 Muskrat Coats Coats Debonair model of most prepossessing appearance. Anniversary Sale Price 98.50 Jaunty Sports Models. Anniversary Sale Price 135.00 , Qets of beauty and VALUE 135.00 Black Wolf Sets 98.50 135.00 Taupe Wolf Sets 98.50 165.00 Taupe Fox Sets 125.00 165.00 Brown Fox Sets 125.00 185.00 Alaska Red Fox Sets.. 135.00 200.00 Mink Sets. 140.00 210.00 Black Lynx Sets 145.00 210.00 Black Fox Sets 145.00 210.00 Beaver Sets 145.00 210.00 Pointed Fox Sets J 145.00 210.00 White Fox Sets 150.00 225.00 Skunk Sets. 165.00 250.00 Taupe Lynx Sets 175.00 295.00 Slate Fox , , Sets 195.00 310.00 ,Cross Fox Sets ....... 225.00 325.00 Fisher Sets 245.00 495.00 Blue Fox Sets 395.00 595.00 Silver Fox Sets ...... 475.00- zRussian Pony Coati Value 125.00 36-inch Flare Model. With wide shawl collar and deep cuffs of con trasting fur. .50- Fur Coats Nutria Coats t Value 195.00 Stylish Jaunty Model. An effective sports coat of novel design. 145.oo- Squirrel Coats Value SA5.00 Smart Sports Model. With large shawl collar and deep cuffs. Well matched skins. 275.oo- Plenty of, Extra Large Sizes in Coats, Up to 50 Bust - Flvfrnnrrlinrtni f- .a-cW lcff VWff VWcJTcVW 212 Hudson Seal Coats With Collar and Cuff of Hudion Seal Regularly 225.00; 30 inch; Sale, 165.00 Regularly 325.00; 30 inch; Sale, 245.00 Regularly Regularly 395.00; 445.00; inch; inch ; Sale, 295.00 Sale, 325.00 With Collar and Cuff ot Skunu or Beaver Regularly 395.00; 30 inch; Sale 295.00 Regularly 400.00; 3G inch; Sale 345.00 Regularly 476.00; 40 inch; Sale 395.00 Regularly 545.00; 45 inch; Sale, 425.00 Special!- Fox, Wolf and Lynx Scarfs 14.50 Value S0.00 22-50 Value 30.00 .32-so Value .42.50 44.50 Value 59.5a In Taupe, Brown, Polret, Kamchatka, ette. Black, CJeore- Fur Sets Tavpt Fox Brown Fox Dtaotr Hudson 5ol Mack Woll Taupt Woll Brown Woll Black Fox Raccoon Nutria Australian Seal Mlnh - Values 85.00 to 98.50 Anniversary Sale Price 64-00 Fur Sets Mlnh Baavtt Jap Cross Fox Toup. Fox Skunk Hudson Stat Natural Squirrel Kolinsky Scotch Moleskin Brown Fox Natural Raccoon Skunk Raccoon Values 115.0(KLo 125.00 Anniversary Sale Price $4.00 Tomorrow Coatees Australian Seal .. 74.50 Nutria 98.50 Hudson. Seal ....110.00 Mink !.... 135.00 Russian Kolinsky. 195.00 Scotch Moleskin ... 195:00 Natural Squirrel . . 225.00 Blended Sabley.. ..695.00 Hudson Bay Sable. 695,00 Liberty Botids and Purchasing Agents ' Orders 'Accepted . fcfc Vttft Z04OBHta Aft PROFIT - IBfRffill mi u wn It kv (i -