' ,Vv t ft r. ) EVENING PUBLIC LEDGEK-PHILADELPHJA, ' SATURDAY, DECEMBER 1919 ".T 6,, . ' rti tysr rt m w i ik pf Iff N i JFEW WOMEN TAKE . , Majority of the Applicants Who ' Appoared in Quiz Here Are ' Young Men 3000 WILL BE SELECTED Examination of applicants for posi tons br cpdmis ptmmorntors wn made .1 t wen public M-hools tmln.r. Most of those vt-lio prospntrd thr-m .ctrrs for rxntnlnntlnn were yoiniR men, but sprinkled in (lie ittci! were a few ivom.cn nnd Klrlr. At the IVINon Silioot , Twelfth and Wlinrlon street, there V-ere ninety-eiRht men and twelve i wtinien. This i about ttie propor tion, of men and women in the oilier dermoid, it was miIiI. ' Tim applleant Is Ken a wimnle ecu mis form to fill in. The directions arc clearly stated and can be eoiiiiilted. . The applicant must Mippof-p he Is an enumerator in- Lafayette township. Benton conntr. Mn. lie is rpiestlnolns woman for information for the Census Bureau. Her answers are all plainly, printed and the work of the applicant . is to transfer her answers to the census form for use at WasliiiiRtnii. When the applicant finishes his work ,d turns in the forms he lias lilted dgment of his efficiency is haed upon curacy in filling In the form from the' xn Judgm nrVMirncv Infnrmn'tinn clv.cn in the nrinted direc tlons ami upon ine civiu m-" ui no handwriting. That is all. There ts no psvehplog leal test or anv oilier new liuigieu no- , Hon to bewilder tlioc who aspire tol serve Inele Mam anil get tneir names upon his payroll. f Une irouDie wirn inc uniim-mii ii that they persist in .imagining that they are still in Pl.llade nlua I ".",!tf'J,l 2(.B."Vt1'?""tSP- rV,S0,:,;,,,.",Jt'' fill ill the form. This is the undoing of many who nueht have passed with flying colors. Kor at the too of the form thev write "Philadelphia. Pa." The applicants are of remarkably Rood appearance and mol of them are joung and intelligent looking. Itobert !. Keegtiu. supervisor of the census here, will need about IS000 enumerators. There are about 0000 applicants for the positions. The examinations are being held in the following schools: Dunlap school, fifty-first and Uace streets: Willard school, Kmerald and Orleans streets; Wilson school. Twelfth nnd Wharton streets; Germuntowu school, Haines and McCallum streets; Disston school. Longshore and Ditmau streets ; Kcndcr ton school. Fifteenth and Ontnrio streets; Widener school. Thirteenth and Thompson streets. Applications for positions as enumer ators can be made next week at the office of the supervisor of the ccnbUb, 829 South Iiroad street. CENSUS EXAMS TO CUT MORE FAST TRAINS "Congressional Limited" and Other Specials May Be Eliminated Elimination of the 'Congressional , tlmited" and other fast trains between ' 'ew York nnd Washington and be- ) twecn Washington and the West and $utb is under consideration by the railroad administration, to economize In Orders may be issued through the Tegional director. A. L. rtaldwin, in this "fctty, within a few days. Orders already havs. been issued for the withdrnvyiiljjf other 'fast trains. Numbers of men will he laid off here by the curtailment of train service. ' Officials of the administration can rnnke no estimate as to the number who will be temporarily out of work, fotll the extent to which the service will be curtailed is decided. F.xtra trainmen, who serve ns sub stitutes, will be the first to suffer, Wal and suburban train service curtailment will be announced shortly, TO PROBE TRUNK MYSTERY Michigan Seeks Extradition of Miss Tabor's Mother and Brother Ijtnslng, MIeli.. Dec. . (By A. P. I With extradition papers signed by Oovernor Sleeper. Deputy Sheriff " Barker, of Van Buren county, left here today for California, to demand the re- tnrn of Mrs. Lester Tabor and her son Walter, held in connection with the death of Maud Tabor, a school teacher, " of Law-ton, Mich. The latter's body was found in a trunk buried in the basement of the family home here. She disappeared four jfafs ago. Tabor has declared he knows nothing concerning his sister's death except what lie has seen in the newspapers. NOBLEWOMAN LEFT $206,210 r .Record of Personal Property 57fe-' iviaoame uuua is tnicrcu it lnnnnlirlaa nf iwnnnnl rirnnprtv filed .. Madame Gulla Is Entered 2 . .7. . . t., ' . . ,' l L .1 Willi liegister nneenan tooay were ino-c! of Madame Louise Marie Theresa (Julia, Vicoutess dc Lorceril. S20C..- 210.0R: fieorce W. Steininetz. S174. J72.C3; Ilobert T. Peoples. $17,057.05, nnd Iiinforri uastourn. i.oi.oo. Wills probated inelnded those of Pat ;k Kennedy, lfifl Slinrs Lane, JTi.TOO; lick Annie K. Stewart. Thirty-third street nnd Powelton avenue, ?47l0; Kinma IJ. ..7., or I N-K aifl. ifM.I $C(185:.T. AV. Wagner. Audubon, N. J.. $12,000. and Thomas W. Jenkins, 4724 Cedar avenue. $10,000. Mission at Rlverton Riverton, N. J.. Tier, fi. A uiishion will bo conducted at tlie Chnreli of the fiaercd Heart. Itivcrton, by the Re de'mptorist Fathers of New York city, beginning tomorrow and continuing one 'week. St(irt every member of your family in our 1 Christmas Banking Club WEST END TRUST CO. Broad SI. and South Penn Square m al IM ij AmtAfci I KKDKItK' It. H LA Civ (rami Commander of the Knights Templar of Pennsylvania, who died last night at Franklin, Ills birthplace MASONSHERE MOURN DEATH OF F.B. BLACK Will Arrange Funeral Services &, .... of Templar Leader Who . Died in Franklin frederic Hurd Hlack grand nun ' lnnn(or. nf ,ilt. Knights Templar of Pennsylvania, died last night nt his kome In 1'ranklln. I'a. lie was fUt.v ;i live years nlil nnd linil Deen ill several weeks. Death was due to an abscess iVX'bni thr ",S lio .s" grand commander in September. Arrangemenls for the funeral of I ICII I Arrangemenls for the funeral of the rand commander lire being made at the Masonic Temple here by his nsm (iates on the roster of the grand com mandcry. Services nnd interment will lake place Monday at Franklin. ISoth will be nttehded by officers of the grand cominandery and will be nccompanied by full Templar co'emouy. Thomas It Patton. deputy grand commander, of this pity, will be in charge. Since the illness nf .Mr. mncu neenme acme .mi. Illncu became ncute .vir Pattnn has heen acting grnu.i com- mapder and will oo.itinue in that office until the next annunl encampment in i ork next May. Mr. Patton and A. Howard Thomas, a past grand commander of Pennsyl vania were busy today in the details of the funeral arrangements. In addition to his presence in Phila delphia when he bended the Pennsyl vania division in the Templar parade, Mr. Black visited the city October !l last, when he spoke at the fiftieth an niversary of Mary Cwnmnndery. He leaves a wife" who was Isabello Harbour, sister of John B. Barbour, president of the Pittsburgh Stock Kx changc. and one sister, Mrs. John Han nah, of Sharon, Pa. "U S. JEOPARDIZES PEACE" Sc Declares Lloyd George In Co ment on American Politics Manchester. EnBlanil, Drc. (!. (By 0,,crntors of the ship, were informed bj A. 1'.) Premier Lloyd firnrgv. hpeak- v'Mf today. ing before the Reform Cuiti today, to- , Thp i,jbPrtv Olo rarricd consignmcuts tally rejected the suggestion that the nt fo0(1 nn(1 cothing shipped by pcr time had arrived for a' renewal of , sons j .meriea to relatives in Gcr Ptrty ilNlini'tions dj the Liberals and mllny for ChristmaK. Conservative.". The steamer is owned by the United He pointed to the experiences of the Slates shipping board and was launched United States, where, he said, party n August at Hog Island, btrife had been renewed prematurely, in consequence ot vviueli peace was jeop ardized and the league of nations en dangered in the land, which took the most prominent and distinguished part .. ' in ns promotion The premier evoked a storm of ap plause when he announced, "I am a free trader." Inferring to Ireland, ho declared he hoped to make a real contribution to settlement of. the Irish question, the Unionists being prepaied to make great sacrifices in order to preserve national uniti'. MERION CRICKET CLUB FETE Annual Meeting and Dinner Will Be Held Tonight Merion Cricket Club members will gather at the clubhouse tonight for their fifty-fourth annual meeting and dinner. Toasts will be responded to by At- torupy Oeneral William S. Seliaffer, " '" mi""' "' nmKion, hiiii umn cs the Uev. Dr. Andrew Muteli. pastor ofl- fowdrry, Topekn, Kansas, and the tlryn .Aluwr 1'resbyterian vniiroh. nnd Major John Lewis Evans, late oC 1 the :t10th Machine flun Itattalion, Seventy.ninth Division, A. K. V. At the meetins the followinc ticket will be voted upon : To serve one jeur, president, Kdward S, Sajres; tlrst ice I president, Allen hvans ; second vice 0f president; Willium It. I'hiller; third vice presideut, Ilnrry O. Thujer; sco- i rotary, iv. V. JloniKomery. jr. : treas liter. JamPR F. Falmeslook '. five COV rotary. W. V. MontKomery. Jr. : treas- I- ...... tl.Kn ..nna Tf...l...K mM i" r" ":':,,,,.' VJ1 ,,,""'u." 15. .rlscom, A llliam II, Hutt. Lewis Li lie, Henry 'latnall and HiirIi I. Wilson WAR HOSPITALS' BIG NEED Surgeon General Blue Asks Con- grcss for $85,000,000 WaithliiRton. Dee. fi. Asking Con gress for $S.",000,000 to build and equip hosjiital.s to rare for war-risk insur- , unee patients. Surgeon fJcneral Hlue, of the publie health service, today re ported that more than liO.OOO beds would be needed by July 1. 11)21. No sites for the location of the lioi pitals were proposed, the surgeon gen eral urging that selections await ap propriation of funds to build the insti tutions. , ARCHANGEL HEROES HALT SOVIET TALK Heckle Colonel Robins and Dei jy That U. S. Troops Muti nied in Russia VETERANS DEMAND PROOFS Hy the Associated Press Madison, Wis.. Dec. tl. A gathering f more thnn fiOO persons who had jammed into the ringlncorlng Audlto- him to hear Colonel Haymond Uoblns tell about soviet ltusia were pulled to their feet in excitement during the closing minutes of the meeting. A group of soldiers who had Served at Archangel hotly challenged Uoblns's statement that ns an indirect result of the Allies' policy in falling to recognize the Holshevik government American soldiers in Kusia had mutinied. "W'p demand to know the nuthurit for that statement." declared (.'npluln .fohn Commons, son of Prof. .1, 11. t'onimous. "We served at Archangel and there was no mutiny." "I have it in the affidavit of threi American soldiers, including an oHicer lcplied Colonel llnhlns. who reiterated that he had proof not oul of mutiny in (he Amencau army, but mutiny of lrit- ish soldlcis nt Oliver, I reucli so diers it Hreit and Italian soldiers at (.enon at the orders to proceed Into Uussia. Soldiers anil others in the audience, including several women, demnndetl to know the names of thoe who signed the affidavit and the orgnni.ntions that were supposed to have mutinied. Colonel T,.!.: n!. I l. T.I ....I .11. ..!.. II, i. hj( .. , ., ,, invotv(M,t1(.,. ,)c,rvms nm (e,pr proceeding" which , , f , mnelmleil. ''n lini'n (Ivo nion lifirp wlin served through the whole period of American occupation in Itussia. were on the giniind nt the time, ami will swear there was nu mutiny of American troops on the Aiehangel front," insisted the soldiers' spokesman. "Without proof of such charges, we object to the idea of an audience being allowed to leave the hall this way with the impression that any of our soldiers in Itussia refused to obey orders." I One of the soldiers asserted that his .. fiEhtinc Ilolsheviki at Arclinngel on the date given - that of (1(i tmj1y Tension tightened as the lieckliiij; warmed and Colonel Ttobins said he was convinced of his facts, which urver hnd been challenged in nuy of his pre vious lectures. At the suggestion of one of his hearers, however, the speaker said lie would not inciude the nmtinv charge in future presentations of the Uussian situation until he had had further opportunity to reconsult his original informants. HOG ISLAND SHIP DAMAGED Liberty Glo, Laden With Christmas Gifts, Strikes Mine Off Holland New Vorlt. Dec. 0. (By A. IM tm i. UL, T ll..l f'ln ine rtmcncun hieaiumnii uiuruj v..... reported as having struck a mine oil TiTRchelline. Holland, while bound from Xpvv York to Ttremcu ami Hamburg nnt cndftncil v ,lfimnfil Tin rher A? C.n.. Elkton Marriage Licenses Elltton. Mil., Dec. 0. The following , couples were granted marriage licenses l. ...!..... Ti... v.- t.-.i:..i. 1 here today : John V. Knglish nnd Catherine A. McDougal ; Samuel C. Sttlbbs and Rlfenbetll M. Patton. Phila - (lelplna: tieorge Kilter, .lersev t;it.v. and .vlary 11. Krotchuo, Pvevv Urnnswick N. J. ; Charles B. Irvin nnd Bessie T,. Tomlinson, I'rincipio, Md. ; Benjamin K. Watson and Kthel H. Derring, Cam den ; James B. Campbell, Dayton, Ohio, and Mary E. Steelman, Wildwood, X, J. f-ficorge W. Hoover and Elizabeth Frantz, Allentown : Willard IT. Savage and Florence M. Shivery, Swedesboro. X. J. : Howard Cnpps and Cora B. O'XpJII, Hondinc; Joseph Litchty and I.i linn I.tmHoiv Shnnmlfin linnrfrp 1.: Itroii and Lillian V. Stone, Atlantic City: Charles Soward, Wilmincton, and, i Stella Hammond, hlkton ; John N. I AVesteott and Helen C. Lairer, Salem, X. J,: Adolphua Alexander and Daisy '-i "'i w"i riunuii, HOME VICTOR WATER HEATER run coai, New priaclpte; constant vup pl.r, 24 to 30 irallena, lr. rleats rafllatom, too. Inhere la notb "& Just 81 cood Free Root Reeves Stove 38 & Foundry Co. So. 2nd "-rwssr- uiliiii i V Pafti jnanv lliiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiilillillillliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiliiliilliiiiiiiinn Florida iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiliiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiNiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiia HOTEL CLARENDON AND SEABREEZE, RA,LnD0AAYST,0N COTTAGES Directly on the Ocean and overlooking one lent 18-Hole Golf Courie, wilh Grasi Greeni, Sea Bathing, Fiihing, TenniiJ Motor- 3 i ing, Horseback Hiding, 1 rap-hooUng. 1 uriuiti tJilli, tltoker UBice. 1 E. L. Potter, President C. J. Root, Manager Tel, Madison Square 4748, New York Office, 1180 Broadway I iiaiiiuiiitiiiriiiiiiiittilf)iiitlilliiiiiitiiiiiiiilililitiTiiitliliiliitiiiitiiiiiti(ittiitiiitiiMiiiitirtiiiitiiiiii)ii(iiiiiiiitiiiriiitriiiiiiiijiiii(t)iifitiiiiittlliiiiliiiiin? RUSH RT -STUtMSIIII'S S U iV' N Ideal Route, New York to Savannah, Ga., and All Florida Resorts W h.i .r'ly'beTheVVjLVtme VS.fjSSHS &. tt? TOP'S' ' -J-?1?.- Hie wonderful winter life In F orlda. nJoy the pleaaurra of a combination Balllnaa JIondaM and Thurdaya ,u hA n aainrri til m. ruiiiiiiiiHiion Ida and all point, aouth, Karen Include meala n'l atateroom berth on ateamer. For Information apply to Savannah Line', olllce or Cnneolldated Ticket OITlcea. H3B rheatnut St.. Philadelphia, Phone T.ocuit r.snn. Or write J. J, Drown, O. n. A., t'oaitwlae Steamahlp Llnea, Pier 49. N. n.. UNITED STATES RAIL flOAD ADMINISTRATION Director Gcaeril of Railroadi i I. - .teszS2i-zn SOVIET RUSSIA FOR PEACE Seventh Congrets Again Seeks Ne gotiations With Entente trillion. Pec. ).- (Hy A. V.) -Strong resolutions iirjrlni: the making of ii ace with the Ilntente were adopted by the seventh congress of Uussian Soviets, meeting in Moscow, at which Premier l.enlne and War Minister Trot sky were present, ns also wns Tom I'nlue. "on behalf of the American communists." according to a Moscow message today. The resolutions rend : "The soviet government proposed pence to the Kntente on August fi and has repeated the proposal eight times slfce. It affirms again its unnlterable (hsire for peace. It offers to all the Entente powers Kiigland, France, the t'niled States null .Inpan, .together or separately to begin negotiations. It directs the executive and the. commls- r C l nfffllM I. ni.nlTHiin ct.'B. ,... !. nnllr-v of wncc. tokintr nil steps to attnin success. HELD FOR $1,500,000 THEFT Frank Storey Deserlbed as Master Mind of New York Crooks New York. Pec. ('.. (Hy A. P.)- I'Vnnk Storey, described as the "master mind" in the theft and disposal of SI, .100.000 worth of securities from local (innneinl houses during the ear. was arrested toilnv on a fldnvit, alleging suspicion -o four vnlued n.HnDil..i.tfl T?nt1...n.l !.! Soon II wns l.nl.7 ! I at .4IHMI. lie was licit m , .$10,000 hail for examination Monday 1 he police say the stolen bonds were .fn"i '" s. ber 1.(, but he denies the charges. ' PABCBL POST SECOND FLOOR SAVINGS wv?mT3 Our T.oratlon Makes l'ovl,P our Men's & Women's FALL SUITS, COATS DRESSES & OVERCOATS Hade-to-Measure Jfrom Your Materials Visit the Standard Tai loring Co., 1215 Market Street, second floor. LADIES! Tnllorrd full Suit or foil only fID.im, material In rluri. Kvrrplion ill value. MEN! B f r n m l n k Standati Suit nnd Overroat in lntet Btylra and npprnrd l y Philadelphia Tim price arc t tremely Jem ccn- Mfltnt WttJh rrmnil uunlltj. Visit Our Mor nefore Ion liny The Standard Tailoring Co., Inc. 7 aitortt to Men nnd "Women 1215 Market St.. Phila. Srnnrl 1"Inr irrlir Cnll nr Phone for full . Partial lars Take rAtiator Phone Locust n47.i Onnn Wnnflaui mirf Saturday Till 0 P.M, 6 Bcauliful Xmas Cards Tour nnm prlntd In Bold letters for 10 , send at once. Tim ovki,ty .siior, :nT Oermantown Ave., riilla.. Ta. TCtWrATIONAT, llotli Heea Post Graduate School of Music and the Fine Arts 1509 Locust Street FACULTY Crnexl lllpch t'ompnnltlon. Aesthetics Ham lVankn Violin TeilnKOffiea ICoHlnrlo fcalero Mulc Archeoloiry.rorni Andre Maquarre HolfcKRlo, I'otinteriioint Mcola Montunl l.llurelcal Music i:mlle Trrlr Viola, Knarmble Addreaa, Secretary 0ur graduates are In constant demand for eood-payine w"i.. ""B. ononnand the easy speeay aisiem. complete business and aecrevariai wurBoi, uy ana ivight 37BHi any time. Call or vvrlto for full particulars and catalogue. 1'iiiuv. iiijhinics cor.i.KGi; and Collere of Commerce 101? Chestnut Ht. MUladelphla The Meredith st"dl Dramatic Art JULilb T.. MERCD1IU. IMreetor DfTtfr rnmnlt nnd thnrnitth f r Inlnv l Elocution. Dramatic Art. Public Speakln ' '""""'"". uuu""ul1" ..o...,.v. Pnhllr Pprfnrmnnrea of Punlls. IB . ihtii st nnoKi.r.T. si'Rrrn sntt THE TAYLOR SCHOOL Orera Uhorthand. Toueh TvDawrltlnc. Hook. keeping A Secretarial Ceuraea. Day fc Night. Strayer's Business College Phlladelphla'a Greatest Hualneea Hchool BOH rhealnut St Phone Walnut 3SI ntlVATK LESSONS IN fWUMNll AND Ieneli: experienced woman teacher. 869 North 2.1.1 Vhnn Ponlar IRCM W. j Klraehbalini hihool of l.angnagefl & Hiirenti I nr jrnnaiRtien. inc.. ez I'neatnut htreet i MUSIO WALTER PFEIFFER VIOLIN SOLOIST AND INSTnUCTOH Conductor Casino Aud. Orch., Wildwood. N.J. Btudlo lTin Cheatnut. Ph. Locuat 2oa CT. Anne McDonough "SftKl,, On the Famous "East Coast" i 15 OPEN JANUARY 3rd I Absolutely- Fireproof ol the finett beachei in the world. Excel- nr.snitT steamships ll.n to K0 by"th. H.v'innlh ijE an. nrann and ntt a. -- ocean and rail lournev at 3 P. M. from i'i.J ler 35, K, 11.. New CONFER! Dl UN ' rrz&t ACCORDOSUFIUI J:Tj Popolo Romano Pubblioa Dispacci cho Assicurano la Soluziono Sulla Questione Adriatica Publlahed nnd Distributed Under PERMIT NO. 041. Authorized hy Ih. net of October 0. 1B.,7.1. on flle t the Postoltlcc of Phila delphia, r.i a s. tiuni.nsoN. Postmaster General. Washington. Dr.. 0 dlcembre.-Se- , rondo nntizlo teilegrnfiche II "Popolo Ho- mano" niibhllr.n ,llo,,ii,.; .In l.nmlrn r i I'arigt eonfermnntl rnnnorti dl una .....-.,. , i.i.,ruv. ..." ..-.....-.- a . . -. .... . fa'vorcvole attitudine del .govern! frnn cese ed inglesc verso l'ltalia nelle sue aspirazloni rigunrdo a Fiume e l'Adrl-allcor- Tl glnrnale nggiunge che e' ln tenzione dei deltl governl ill sostenere nucllo llnllnno per mm pronto soluzionc delia questione Adrinticn. l,e informnzioni del Popolo Homano sono mil' narzinlnipntc confermate i 11, n Inc. IIUlL'llUlUVIHl'. II KYI'IIHI IUUIHIIU IIH Jslinrf nf fatt0 I'rrsPnte alia Franela cd Inghil f tlikft oKtorrn e" 0,trcmi Pr-ricoll delta sltuazione 1 itfficialmente. II govemo itnilano hn Ill 1UII1" 111 JieCCWSIllI III.llll KHIllCIUI nccorlo sulla questione in' parola. I ., i -,lrln c,fi if.,,.,,i !; it enmpromesso ultimo propoilo ngti Stati Uniti a mezzo di Nitti, nvvertiva J-ina)i (.oncPSSiOIii (lcH'Italia. il le WISTF.B ItBIORTW "TI,ANTI(t fITV, N. .1. ,-r-v a n-T- -w-i-. 1H A L-B M Vv rVJA X lTLK.Lit-JlJ I EON THE OCEAN FRONT leva rv atorjos of real comfort wittjarv rvl rontiwnt of distinct refine, ment without extravagance. AmaXANPlAN. ALWAYS OPEN LITERATURE (tmTCRMSMAILEO. ATLANTIC CITY,NJ. AivAmfiPicaa PlaaHoiGl i fofDislmdioRajujReComtorti FIRBPROOP QAkAOE. I capacity eoo. ' Hi?arrj:iIuztoi '. . I .M ,! tMI flMlnrflieJ IB mmmEEM (Worlds Greatest Hbtd Success Dine end Dance in the FAMOUS SUBMARINE GRILL Exhibition Dancini by Atneriati PremierArtktt . Mr. andMr&PAULDE CARDO. !mS Pennaylvania Ave. closnlo Beach and rH U.Al 1Ia .Ml.a.l lnmtlnm. b1.a..m ".i v, . vu.ti.ia. cvaLtu... ainua VfUll Capacity M0. Private baths, runnlnir water in room!, elevator, etc. Winter terms. Booklet. Albert II. Il.-trnwll M-rBsu.- Vlralnlj. ave. and. Hie hejrh. CaDicltr 600. Sea water bathr. Special American plan, H up dally; Kurnpean plan. )2 up dallv. Modern curative baths department. DAVID RRRH. Clwner and Prop. TIIK NKW. SKlllKIlN. hKI.IXT' HOTEL DEVILLE Ocan lev. Konluckv tlp. Kli Itcarh, oerlooMnc bouuttful lawn and Kaidciifl. The oesi pquippea ija mo si aiiracine mouerace- ! rato hotel Iq Atlantic City. Orchestra and dancing. Ttunnlnir watr In rooms Publlu and prlvato baths throushout Special fall rates 20 week up. THOMAS M O'illUUN eaTeRUnOYmEDE Park Place, over look tnsr Ocean and City Park; alwaya open. J, Mcliwatn CbamplML HOTEL CONTINENTAL Always open. Alway- ready. Terms mod , f rate. Phone or write. M. Walsh Duncan. ' HOTEL B0SC0BEL "Tip weekly P'lone 117. A R MAIIION Wpstminnter K? Av- near Beach, Kiev. " esuninsier to st . prh Blo bllthH . run water. 14 upwKly; 'i.ttO up dally C Buhre ADfll 1 O Moderate price heju'h-front rtrv'I-,-'v' hotel, nurop. plan. Central, near N. York ae. rtOBmtT HW1NTOX. PHILLIPS HOUSE Mamflchunpttfl Av.. near lleacli. F. P. Phillips WASHINGTON. D. O. Burlington Hotel American and European Plana 481 Booms. 222 Baths, $2.50 to 9 B. T. MILLEn. Met.. Wuhlngton. D. a gv mlnutea from avenrthlog, AUflUhTA. OA. Hotel Bon Air AUOl'HTA. 0.. OPENS DECEMBER 17TH A convenient and delightful place to spend Jour holldae. Good ilrlvlnc and motoring, excellent saddle horeea, two Rolf courses and all outdoor aporta. Addreis C. G. Truasell, Manager. cTjKArwatkr. rr. CLEARWATER, FLORIDA No fuel ehortaere at Clearwater, on the Clult of Menleo. "where all the time la Bum mer time and every hour a Joy." Surf bath Inff. coif, tennla and all out-of-door aporta. with hotel and houslne accommodations equipped with every modern comfort. Booklet on re oueat. Board of Trade, Clearwater. Florida. BEKMODA (BERMUDA ,TIIH II1KM, WINTER RKSORT (rurneas Line. Whitehall St.. N. T.) PRINCESS HOTEL HOWE & TWOROOErt. Manager Opena Dec. 10 HOTEL FRASCATI TRANK 1. nrtAY. ilanagar Opena Pee. 8 RTKAMSllirS Merchants & Miners vm XJLn Mrs MJfol44i 1 HAVANA LINE Fast- Express, Freight Every 10 to 15 Days NORFOLK, VA., TO HAVANA, CUBA " First Steamer S.S. Grecian Sailing 2 P. M. 6ec. 12th Make Your Reservations for Passage and Freight Now Fare Adults $60 to $75 One Way, Including War Tax and Meals Wire or Write to HARRISS, MAGILL & CO., Inc. General Agents NORFOLK, VA. or 425 Lafayette Building, Phila. Phono. Belt, Lomfe.f J-5220 Kay., Mi 197r) (jhy wsu t. June 18, 1012. No splash or drip. N Ink romplele without thorn. mttlvo annt-off saves water. Ask yoar plumber Tor SavIU'm flwnn.nertc fnneets. THOS. SAVILL'S SONS 13IO WALLACE BTREKT 2Beatlj5 llAin. .n.' i At.r.tcv tomtit HAin. only brother nf Mm .1. V. Wood, of Bast Lansdonne, Ph, nelatlvea and frlenda In vited to erMce, Hat.. H p. in., parlors of C. A. Qulnby ft Ron. 1818 N, snth St.. Phil, adelphla. Int. rtowland's Graveyard, l.an- P pT' Pa" Sun" " "O0" 1",nca""r cociiuan. Dec. 4, llOHrcrtT. husband nf. t"." lata Esther Cochran, nelatlvea and rp.Anna .v. a.. ,.-... r .mi... t tiirm tvt n ..ur. iiiciiiunn ,11V , V 1 1 1 i ... I.UH. ,.VT. jr.. 1. u. o. !'. ; employes of water Hureau. Invited to services. Mnn.. t.ail n. m. 421 Wharton at. Int. private, rtemaina may be viewed Sun. eve. Auto service. STKAVISIIIP NOTK'F.S rSHnnHviVivirjHi rnnneucer and Freight Services NEW YORK to LIVERPOOL Carmania Dec. I 7 Jan. 21 Orduna Dec. 27 NEW YORK to PLYMOUTH HAVRE and SOUTHAMPTON Mouretania .Dec. 24Jan. I 7 CHRISTMAS SAILING Imperator, . . . .Dec. 10 NEW YORK to PLYMOUTH HAVRE and SOUTHAMPTON 'Royal Georce.Dec. I 1 Uan. !4IFeb.l4 I NEW YORK fo PLYMOUTI I ...-- -. , UHh-KOUUHU and LIVERPOOL Caronia Dec. IB NEW YORK to PLYMOUTH HAVRE and LONDON Saxonia Dec. 24 N. Y.L'DERRY GLASGOW Columbia Dec. 10 Jan. 10 PHILADELPHIA to LIVERPOOL Vcllavia Dec. 24 Vcrbania Jan. 15 PHILADELPHIA to LONDON Vennonia . .v Jan: 3 PHILADELPHIA to BRISTOL Doonhoi m Dec. 27 Pier 16 South uno WALNUT ST., rillt.ADKl.rillA State Bank of Philadelphia Fifth and Bainbridge Sta. STEAMSHIP TICKETS , "" MALL0RYS.S.C0. The New Freight Steamer AGWISTAR from Philadelphia Sailing About DECEMBER 20th, 1919 for Genoa and Marseilles Apply to MALLORY STEAMSHIP CO: MEDITERRANEAN SERVICE C29 Chestnut St. Rell, Market 3039 Keystone, Main 3S05 B- Philadelphia Mediterranean Service , SAILINGS To Marseille and Barcelona SSVANADA Dec. 28, 1919 To Piraeua and Salonica SS E. A. MORSE Jan, is, -20 United SiatesTrarisportCo. Incorporated TKlrnhnnru (Iximbard SJ11 Telephone JaIn 3165 690 DUKXKt, nil!l,DrNG iiiiuDEi.rniA New York Omc 60 Itrnad St. Telephone: Iiroad 3017 EARN-LINE I Incorporated lam U. S. Shipping Board Steel Steamer ' General Cargo Regular Service i ... ..... . - fbuadeip&ia Manchester SS "Lake ElmW". . .Dec. 15 Philadelphia Havana SS "Lake Foxboro". .Loading SS "Coquina" Dec. IS For rates and particulars apply to Eara-LineSteamshipCo. Java - Pacific Line Dlreet Serrlea Son IVunclaco t NETHERLANDS EAST INDIES Tut Careo tlna S llne Af... fin 17r.Ml..n Kew York Office. 17 Uatterr 1'Ue J. II. Kprerliel. ti lire.. Co.. Hen. Ana, Transportation Co. '&' and Passenger Service katiii iNnvRn ," t.-irL.i" N J , Dee. 3, J. clarence conover vu.V i?"v5Me,,nn ch,,t '' Went Main t irfnoln N, J. Hun., n,jo p m tlm.'ib ,'9'N. At.lbCANI)t:K. .on of James and I.llMbcth M Crawford, nffcd-lll private. monthu. Puiioral nnd Int CUIINAN. Dee 3 AW Af r'tmMAM VCr.8iVU,,!D.l-7''t PtVr Curnan. nilil i unerwi aery- I niiu r m "c"u "rrpn Heart ronr-rater-nlly and. 11. v, M. Sodality ,.f m Ami'. m... a! ,.Iun."nVi"1 ' Solemn requiem i.th.Al.iArrn M'rch 10 ... m. Int. New ivinPn CtR'- Avl '"'vice, of A? RrVfS- !' ANNA CMISA. widow ?i iSii '? A,.b"1 naaer, nnd duahter of Tft J!,n1t,?.,,n an'K I'harlolte Deween. nffiSi,iti,.n,M,'vc" 1n1 rrlemla Invited tu attend the nerv cea, Tuea., 1pm from VoTmlSl Vrlvale"" """ '""" W trMMANnS' -,9' Vlnelan.1. N, ... te.-, 4. nJ?a A;e.n;,nHWrl1owJ of Wpnlnwtt Dennli hi.: i 3 and friends, memtiere of I he nrlalit Hlar U)d No IR B n., of Ml. Hofly n'm"r!HTltl t. '""'rnl aervlcea. Hat., 'a Hr.?';.J '"'d'nee of aranddauRhter. Mra John iiv n?.?!,,Ji7:7 Pl'hert at, Int Hun., Trin '"wRSt1"1 JJrounda Ml Holly. N. J nvntK,TPf& ?. KATimiNB. daughter of J)5, nd Katie rink (nee JIMtale) and granddaughter nf Marv and Joaeph nnk ffii.ff.."1 "? W'rt llanna1. aged IT mon. Relatives and frlenda Invited to funeral. )'"- ?'? P. m parenta' residence, 2811) A,,.m.0'il', .",' '" m- Ann'a Cem. Hemalns may be viewed Sun. eve MJLFr0Iii Jn,P Olirh).- Pec, .1. ANN. EWXy. ?i. ,!'Lc,;',cl Ouflfore. nefatlves ami tl!.di 'li1'"! " funeral, Tuea., 7.30 a. m., Oooney, 401 Cambridge at.. VV. Phlla. Sol fMH!Jh'h.fmo"" of requiem. In HI. Agatha's AUSTfin?? Rl m- ""' llo,y Croa8 0em Towfi1.1- n!K-D?r, . MART A.' ItAMIt TON (nee O'Uonnell), wldoiv of Franlt Ham Ln.Jdr,m0U',';r..0' n'Y' franela J. Hamll Ipn and Dr. William A. Hamilton. Due no tice of funeral wll( be given. (104 n oirard r.JW,ysErfI'- T Suddenly. Dec. 5. SUBAN DAVIS, wife of laaac I.yater Hanaell and daughter of William H. and Mary J, Fun jlon. aged 21). nelatlvea and frlenda Invited to funeral services, Tuea.. 2 p. m.. residence "'.ra"!"! J4 s 45" ' I"t private. Hni,UN(lS Dec. 4, MAHY VS., wife of .lame; I'. Helllngs. agi?d 71. nelatlvea anl friends. Ladles Aid Society of Neahamlny JI. C Church: Wild Rose rtebecea Ijodiw, I. O. O. V., and Friendship Council. No. 41. 3. nnd D. of I, Invited In funeral. Sun.. 'M P- " late residence, Mlddletnwn Crois Iloads. llucks county, Th. Int. Beechwood Cem. Hiilnievllle. Pa ..,!iCNVI?AT.?uddcnl& " 1. at 1M2 N. '-Ih at, JOSEPH COhBlT. husband of Han nah S. Henvla (nee Nevlna). aged 70. nela tlvea and frlenda Invited lo funeral services, ruea... 1:30 n m.. parlors William 8. Neff. Hill, Cem Auto Servl".. 1209 W Oxford at. Int. private. Chelten Ii,n0A,?.0L!..'h:r, Df-.Bc "EL.EN - .... ... ! u-un inn i) nuinjiuiii ii irj Marmiret Hobson (nee McLauahlln). aaed n eara 3 months. Residence nf parenta, 412 I.ancarter ave., Wayne. Ta. Int. St. Monica' Cem. Xn funeral HO.tN-. Dee. n. HKNRT P. M.. liu.band of Mary I,. Horn. RelatUea and frlenda, Postofflce Protective Aes'n, letter rarrlere of Ihe Falrhlll Poatnfflce. Itohenstaufen Vereln, No. 1', Holy Name Socletv of lite Church of the Visitation. Invited to funeral. Tuea.. 8:30 a. m. Solemn Men mass Church of Hie Visitation 10 a', m. Residence, lilt r,. Irf hlBh a;e. Int. Moat Holy Redeemer Cem via funeral car, 11 a, m. at church. KIM.ORAN. Dec. 4. ANNA H. 1KIl.r.C" RAN. daughter of Michael and DeliaKllV- ran Inu t.mlnt I,.i.i... j .-i-j . .. vlled In funeral. Tuea., 8:30 a. m.. fru. parents' residence. 7.10 N. 38th st. Solem. I Iilsh maaa of requiem 10 a. m. St. Ag-atha'i I Church, asih and Sprlnsr Garden. Int. Holy Cross Cem. Auto funeral KIRST-WOI.INSKT. Dec 6. ANNIE. widow of Max Wollnsky. Relatives and . in " lnv"ed to funeral services. Tuea., I S ,2 ni " r?Ild'nC9 of aon-ln-law, Harry B. Seldenburir 1242 H 23d st Int. urlvate. 1 Prlenda may call Mon.. 8 to 10 p. m. Auto 8er!'j!'I's.crnlnn Papers conv. KIJNKRI, Dec. 4. MARV CARVAT.TO , CAIISTHN KUNKKi.. of B120 Pine st. Phil. adelphla, widow of John Kunttcl, nf Catoctln I Furnace. Md. and dauirhter of late .lames 11 Cauaten M. D.. of WaahlpBton. I). C Relatives and friends Invited to funeral. I Mon.. 8:30 p. m., Oliver II. Dalr Hldar., 1820 . fA0'"!.1",.,"'' Ill .Tu.w. Frederick City. I Md Raltlmore (Md ) papers ropv. . I.e MARK. Dec. B. Al.ICK H., wife of Alfred R. I Mark and daughter of late ibhmi; ana iurina. ctooks. hTinerai aervicea Mon., 2:30 p m., 128 Delphlne at., Olncy. Jnt. private. IXX1AN. Dec. fi. ANNUS V... ttlfe of Armat jV. Ixiaan ofPOI) H. B4th at. nela tlvea and friends Invited to funeral ser- il. xr1'". . p. in., .stiver ii. nair niair., 1820. Chestnut at. Alao services Mon., 3 p. ' H? reldence of Mr. Ilnrry F Fliihartv. Ferteralabure. Md. Int. Mt. Pleasant Cem. MACK. Dee ,4. LIZZIE R.. daughter o Ihe lalp John C. and Elizabeth Mack, aaefl B4. Relattvea nnd friends. ArrhonnfralAmllv Sacred Heart League and Altar Society of St. Peter'a Church, the Rev. Udward McMa hon Iieneflclal Society of St. Acncs's Auxll. lary. No. 114. Knlghta of St. John; employes of flchuylklli Arsenal manufaeturlnir de partment, invited to funeral, Tuea.. 8 30 a1. in i . brother-in-law's residence. Jacob Aven. 43J aeorije st. Solemn requiem mass St. Peter'a Church. 10 a. m. Int. private, at. Peter's Cem MANDERSON. Dec, 4. CAMl'BELt MANDERHON. aged 80.' nelatlves and frlenda Invited to aorvlces. nephew'a resi dence, James Fagan, 2431 R. 10th at.. Mon. 1 p. m Int. Northwood Cem. MARKWAHD. Dec. 4. EMMA M wife "tj1?"?81 V M.!Jr5.'r'1' nOTd "- Relatives and friend i Invited to funeral services. Mon.. " ? "1, S?3 JSprJ.r"t 0rden st. Int. pri vate. Woodlands Cem. Trlenda may call Sun , K to n n m MATTHEWS. At Paoll Pa Dee 4 ROBERT F , hUilMnd of 'ate Ellia F. "ilat: IftlS'i a,Bed 7?' .Relative, and friend. In vlted to funeral. Mon. Services at late real, ?.e'S0- V,ao"' .n " m- . Inti Malvern Baptist Cem Remains may be viewed Sun., 7 to o loii p. m MCCARTHY Dec. .1. JANE MCCARTHY Si8 ,Du,ro.'!!')'' w"f ?f. William J. McCarthy, Sr. Relatives and frlenda Invited to funeral! Tuea.. 8:30 n tn. iKnt ra,-,t.- ;' I Solemn requiem mass St. Teresa's Church 10 a m. Int. Holy Cross Cem, Auto fu. neral. I McKEEVER. Nov. 27. HARRY, husband of Sarah McKeever (nee Sherman) and son of Margaret and late Harry McKeever and 7, , . i " "' i'i . ";'er ana Anna campbt I llelatlvea and friends Invited to funeral serv lS.e.s' 5un" 2:3 J- m" B8U Warrington ave. int. Fernwood Cem. Frlenda may view re mains Sat. eve. MpMENAMIN. Dec. 4. JOHN, husband of Catharine McMenamin and father of Rev. John J. McMenamin. formerly of B637 Vine ' Relatives and frlenda. Holy Name. Altar and Rosary Spcletlea: Victrlx Catholic Club of Church of Our Lady of Victory. Invited to funeral. Tuea .0:30 a. m.. B74 Warrington ?.le" v.Wp.st.i.PI;llay Ro,.'.n!n requiem maas Church nf the Lady of Victory 10 a. m. Int. Holy Cross Cem. Auto service. MOORE. Suddenly, at Moorestown. N. J. Twelfth Month. third. WILLIAM s MOORE. Relatives and friends Invited tt funeral. Seventh-day. Twelfth Month, sixth 2 p. m . 40 E. Mnln at., Moorestown. N J MORRIS. Dec. 4. GERTRUDE? d.. daigh ter of Patrick and Mary Morris (nee Cowhev). uelatlvea.and friends, employee of Bell Tele, phone Co. Oermantown branch. Invited to funeral. Tues.. S.30 a. m.. residence of par enta, 317 Church lane. Oermantown. Solemn requiem maaa Church of the Immaculate Con cenH9&J?.?' .' r"1' IIoly Sepulchro Cem. MURRAY. Dec. A, at his mother', resll dence. 607 Wlnton at.. WALTER a., eon of I'annle and late Albert Murray. Further nollce of funral will be given. MUTCHMORE. Suddenly. Dcc.B. HELEN V. wife of F. A Mutchmore. Relative, and fileJdi.'n",A,,0',un.eral ""vices, residence of husband. 123 W. Mt. Pleaaant ave.. JItT Airy, Mon.. 2 p. m. Int. private. OHDORNB. Dec. 4. HARRY C. OS BORNE, Sr.. husband of Emma Oiborne (nee Vandcrherchen), aged 71. Relatives and friends, employes of Thomaa Potter Sons. In vlted to services. Mon.. 8 p. m 124 Eleanor t Olney, Int. private, dreenmount Cem. RemalnB may be viewed Sun., 7 to 0 p m POTTS'Dcc' WILLIAM NK-WLIN POTTS, son ot late laaac W. and Hannah A. I'rttts PRESS Dec. 6. FREDERICK d.'. hus band of Mary S Press (nee Itapp). Reel dence. 8. w. cor. 8th and Columbia ave. Due notlre of funeral will bo given. M PROFF, Dec. B ELSIE MARIB PROFF dauahter of late Antone Proff and Louisa Proff Laurlch. aged 2t. Relallvea and friend. Invited to funeral 8ervlces, Tuea., 2 p m.. 430 Cayuga St. Int. private, Chelten Hills Cem. Friends may -call Mon., 7 to 10 n. m. QUIQLEY. r Dec. B. CATHARINfi W. daughter of William J. and Catharine M. Qulgley, aged IB. nelatlvea and friends In vited to funeral. Tuea., 8:30 a. m . residence nf parents. 1817 N, Reddeld st., West Phlla, High mass at Church of Our Lady of the Rosary 10 a. m. Int. St. Denis's Cem. Auto service. REDIFER. Dec. B. MORRIS A. REDI FER. aged 71. Relative, and frlenda Invited to funeral services. Sun.. 2 p. in.. 222 Green wood ave.. Ambler. Pa. Int. private, Friend, may call Sat.. 7 to 0 p. m. RE1D. Dec. 8 WILLIAM REID. aaed R0, 4354 Dexter ft.. Rothorouth. Relatives and friends. Roxbornuxh Lodge, No. 135. F, and A. M.: Lodae No. at, I. O. of O, F,: L'n. camnment No. . I. O. of O. F.: all I,oial Orane Institutions. Invited to funeral serv. Ices. Mon., 2:30 n. m.. 4th Reformed Church. Roxbornuah. Int. private, Westminster Cem. Friends may call Sun eve. ROrjKRS. Dec. 4. ELLA 8.. wife of John F. Rogers, of Media, Pa., and dauahter of William and Hannah Fisher. Servlcea and Int. private. Mon, p, m. ROSEMAN. Dec. B. LOUIS J., husband of Motile A. Rosenvan (nee Rarth) and aon nf late I,ouIb and Anna n. Roseman, Rela tives and friends Invited to funeral, Tuea,, ft a. m.. from lite residence. Rldre nnrf Mldvale aves.. Falla of Schuylkill. Solemn requiem mass at. iiriaget's Church U:ao a. m. ?nt. Westminster Cem. RUDOLPH. Dec. B, CHARLES J., son of the late Christ R, and Elizabeth Rudolph (nee,Neu). Relattvea and friends, Lodge No. 0, F. and A. M.j T. 11. Freeman Chapter. No. 243. R. A. M.: Knights of the Iron Ring M. It. I employes of Ilrifker Bogheim and all organizations oi wnicn ne waa a member. Invited to servlcea, Tuea,. 2 p. ra.. brother, in-law' s residence. John Meyers. 417 North east Boulevard, Int. private. Friends may call Mon. eve. Auto servicer, BCATTEROOOD. At Atlanltn City, N. J.. Deo.' B. JOHN K. SCATTEROOOD, aged 76. Relatives and frlenda Invited to fu- TJNDET.TAKEltg urAtm . , . neral, koii'h residence J Frank Scatter good, 3D drain at , Mt Holly, N J , Mon, 2 p. m Int Mt Molly C'cm. - HIK'ICUL M Rlverlnn N. .1 . J)ec . LOUISA ADALIVI! MKSIKR HECKKL. ReW nllvcs ami filmls lnlted tii funeral service. Christ's I. Il, Church. Rlverlou, N J. Mnn s n Ini nrlvnle, SWnLMIRll Dec. 1. .l6llN It. StlEI; MIRE, aged 117. Dim notice nf funeral will bo given from 133 E Central ave.. Moo'e. town N., .1 ,. HIICL.tllRt;. On I JOHN II HltBt. MIR1), aged 117 llelnllves anil friends I" vllvd lo wtlr-ml funeral aervicea. Tur... 2:n . 111. nt 13.1 I!. CenlrU nve., Mnorcslown N. J. Int, private CnV'.lnwn Cem. SHIELDS Dec. fi. MERNARU SHIELD?, husband of Amilo Shields, Relative, arid frlenda. HI. Charles' Conference and llnlv Namo Soclelv, PWIn Ccunrll, No. 10(1, U nf C , una Dlv No. 211. A. o, II i director of 2dtli Century ll.nnd L. Asno , ami .11 other nocletlra nf which he was a member. Invited to fuiiernt. Tues 8.31) a. in. 2113 Chrlsthn si. Solemn requiem mass St Charles' Church 10 a m Int. Cathedral i.'cm Aillo service BPIIATT. Dec. S. MARTHA M. wife of William Hprnlt. Itelcnce. InlO l.linlley ave.. iKjgau Duo notho of funeral will b given. HIORCII. Dec, I. FREDERICK W STOHCII, (unhand of SmIIIo M. fltorch (nee llurke). iiiri,,! mIH ll.luMiau ,un.! friends I members if Wllllnm tl, Schneider lodge No, 410, Jerusalem riianlpr. No. 3! Corln. I thlali Cominandery, No. .",3, K T.. Lu I.il t, n j. n. ivi, m.i utiritn urouo, m w P. of E, H., Passyunk Assembly. Arllsn No. BSi Trinity lien's A.a'n, Sons nf Vet erans. Camp No. I and nil olhr ocletle? of which he nns 11 iniubcr. imlted In funeral 171'J Wolf St.. Sun.. 2 ! m. Brt Ices Trinity Lulliermi Cliurc:i 17lh and Woll sta. Inf. Trinllv l.tithcran Cem. TESCHE. Dec. 3. HMD I1I1STER R TKPCHE. wife of Charles Teache and daligb ler nf Cecelia nnd late Selby Hwell. nged 33 sear.. Relnllver and friends Invited In , runerni. nir.ti.. 1 n tit., rmm lnin tpntrtettce t'3H Mountain et. Services in St. lohu th M.angeltst Church. 8 p. m. Int Fernwood vemeierv. Frlemls inav call nun. evg. VANDOM. The frlendi of NOIt.MAN I, VANDOM, a member nf Wastilngtnu Ix)de. No. BI, P. nnd A. , M., of Philadelphia, . who ,.was killed In an nulnmobilo ncc'denl last winter tictween Philadelphia and Wll mlngton, are Invited to participate. In the icremony attending the removal of hla bodv from the receiving vault In Wilmington in a mausoleum nt Laurel, Del. The body will be taken down from Wilmington on train leaving Philadelphia. Hroad St. -Slntlon. at 10:01 a m., Sunday morning, Dec. 7. The light of hla young life went down, Aa sinks behind a hill The glory of a setting slar Calm, auddenly and .till. MOTHER. VAN DYKE. Dec. 6, ELIZABETH P. M widow of James Van Dyke. Trlenda mn view remains Oliver If lftilr Rldg.. 1820 Chestnut st. Mon.. 10 to 11 n. m. Services and Int. nrlvate, WALTERS. Dec 4. CATHERINB P WALTERS, wife of Peter H. Walters, agetl 72. llelatlvea and friends Invited to serv Ices Pun., 1:30 p. m., parlors of William. 8. Neff. 1200 w. Oxford at. Int. private Auto service. WALTON. Twelfth month 1st. at Deliver Col.. HENRY S. WALTON, aged 31. aon ot Certnide Kent ami Ute Lewis E. Walton Funeral services nt High St. Friends' Meet ing House, West Chester, 7th-day, 0th Inst 2 n m. Int, Friends' Cem.. West Chester. WILSON. At Philadelphia, Dec B. JAMES H , husband of Josephine Wilson aged r.S. Relative, nnd frlenda. all societies of which he waa a member, invited lo fu neral, Mon. 1 p. m., near Halnesport. N. J Services Halncaport Mission Chapel, 2 p.m Int. Mt. Holly Cem. WORRELL. Suddtenly, Dec. 3. ANNA MARI., wife of John M. Worrell. RelaVhes and -frlenda. Camp No. 61. P. O. of A,, Media Council, No. 03. Shepherds of Bethle hem: Media Council. No. (S3. and D. of L Invited to funeral services. Sun,. 2 p. m niB s. Cecil at. Int. American Mechanics' Cem. Friends tn.iv call Bat.'. 8 to 10 p. m I.BOAT. ADVOITISEMENTS IKSESTATB OF JOHN M. SMITH, DK ' fterenft T-rltrr,, f.Rlnm.nta.v nm,., the estate of John M. Smith, deceased, tmv Ine be.m crnnti-d to George Mnrrla Pmlth and Fidelity Trust Co., nil persona Indebted In tho said estate are requested to make py ment nd there having ctalms against tin nam" to present thim, without delav. al tn' offlte of the said company, 3251131 cheat nut at., Philadelphia. GEORGE MORRIS SMITH, 1125 Spring Garden al, TIDRLITT TRUST CO., WM. P. GKST. President. - Executors. Or their attorneys. FELL & SPALDING, HIS North American Rldg. K55"J2STATB OF CHARI.KS II. SWAN. I-5- eeosed Letters testamentary upon the latate of Charles II. Swan, deceased luving been rranted to Fidelity Trust C,i and Charla E. Swan, all persons Indebted tn the said estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims again?! Ihe Bame to present them, without -delav, at the office of the said company, C25-3.ll Chestnut St., ThlladelphH WILLIAM T. OEST. President M3S ESTATE OF MARY PROCTOR l-Si deceased Letters testamentary upo'i the estate of Mary Proctor Green, deceased, having been granted to FIDBI.1TT TRUSr COMPANT, all persona Indebted to the eald estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims to present them, without , .i-lay et the office nf the aald cnmiMiit Nos. S25-331 Chestnut street, Philadelphia WILLIAM P. OEST. President LOST AND FOUND DIAMOND -Lo8t. Friday morning, diamond between 02d and Catharine and (16th at., or In th flOth st, car golnit north, or In ... .... nt ......-t fflOl Potharlna kt eievaiwn; iidcthi rewmu, ".-i wa . " GRIP io-t. black nrlo between PMladel. n, McShea: rrward. Philadelphia Mineral Flooring . r3'J Slimmer kt PIN lA3t one Delta Tau 1Ua Fraternltv leweiea niii. in .,,,, u...,. ....... ..- ... platinum, form the border, safety clasp on pin. Initials E. 11. R.I R. M. IT. on back, lost Mongav. uec. x. Bvmciir.n ... ....... '.....'. . .it , .,nv.. nlll l-i rrlv,n for aeipnia; n. iioi. ,c... "".. tta return. M001. Ledger Office. PERSONALS VICTORY cleaners and dyerj 4850 N. Broad at. has been aold to Michael Vftkoor. Present all bllla beforo Saturday to the came, address. . HELP WANTED FEMALE BELL THLEPHONE OPERATING PFHMANENr POSIIIONS OFFERED TO TOUNG 'WOMEN BETWEEN 18 AND 28 TEARS. 111 PER WEEK FOR FIRST 4 WEEKil 115(1(1 PER WEEK IN 6 MONTHS. WITH RAPID ADVANCEMENT THEREAFTER. SHORT' HOURS INEXPENSIVE HOT LUNCHES COMFORT ARLE REST ROOMS SICKNESS DISABILITY BENEFITS CAREFULLY CHOSI3N ASSOCIATES PALL PKRSONALt.Y ANV WEEKDAY. BETWEEN I) A? M. AND S P. M TO beb'mIBB RYAN. 1031 ARCH ST.. FIRST FLOOR. THE BELL TELEPHONE CO. OF PA. BOOKKEEPER, double entry, some knowl edge of stenography: small manufacturing plant: thoroughly experienced; half. day Sat-r urday. Apply Smith Ramsey Embroidery Co , 0 till 12, 1B1Q Market at, CASHIERS AND INSPECTORS EXPERIENCE NOT NECESSARY INSTRUCTIONS GIVEN APPLY BUREAU OF HMPLOYAIENT WANAMAKER'S CHAMBERMAID and waitress, white; ref. erence required: alao cook; no cxperienca necessary. Phone Overbrook 8301 J beforo 10 a m CHAMBERMAID white; good references re quired, Call 21100 Spruce at., between and 10 a in Saturday, Sunday and Monday. CLERK THE AC COUNTING DEPART. MENT OF THE, PUBLIC I.EPGUR CO. DESIRES THE Rf.ltVICKS OF A YOUNG WOMAN WHO IS QUICK AND ACCURATB AT FIGURES. WITH AT LEAST 'J YEARS' HIGH SCHOOL TRAINING OR ITH EQUIVALENT! A POSITION OF RWMPON. SIB1LITY. OFFERING OPPORTUNITY FOR ADVANCEMENT. ASK TOR MR. WIERT. PUBLIC LUDUBR CO.. (ITH AND CIIUST NUT BTS, CLERKS Two young ladles for clerical work In large office, agreeablo conditions: olrance for advancement: ipermanont position. P 113. ledger Office. COLORED WOMEN 1 20 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER FOR POSITIONS IN CONNECTION WITH THE SHIPPING OF MF.IICII.NDISB COOK and light housework. 8 In family; n&r noth St. Terminal: 110. Phone Lans dnwne 808 J. COOK, n colored woman: nno from South preferred. Phone Media 1B7 W GIRL In auto flnanclnar corporation: desires young girl, atenographlo ability.- for gen eral work; must tie quick and alert: high trlyml or business school training preferred! excellent opportunity for ndvancement, Ap ply after XI n. m Hare Chaai), 8011 Wait not at , " ' ' """a, i" OUtl.S for "hi,'Jlory'wprk 'no.RoerU ' J l rJ ! ii M fji m M , Jmm'i Triiif.ytUff jL .pweajf' ft f e. 9fn ,e., mna 1 t .IT afl ff r. ,, man i j ' " ijiu-11"'" " HaHLuSu&iajjSBiiBHBlBBLBB . ,. .JSnaMH