tf . (' EVENING POTLTO LBBdJDRPHlLABELPJllA, HilBAY, DECEMBER 5, 1919 I ,1l ' "l . v, :, vi.-v. I'lSScv , '"arf hij 'W WHPTU IEVE S FIGHT POL E m GUNS Wagon Containing $2500 in Goods Recovorod After Battle. Robbers Escape LOOT REMAINS UNCLAIMED Home nliolrsntp t-lll. More or gate house was rtiblieil l.l. 11I3I1I. but (lie ownorB do mil irt Know it. This la the conclusion of the police lifter the enn ttlre of n uhroii lomliil Itli about $2.00 worth of Bilks mid liinpstrj 'early todaj. No one haw irpncurril trt diilm (lie nil' poied loot of the robberw. vlio escaped after n rcokpr but He with the police. AbO'lt !! o'clock this nvoruiiiir Patrol men Humiignn and DpAonnej. of th A' VI .j M'Hillll JIllCIIMl PIHUUU. IHKII'Cd U yngon drawn bj a to-liorM' learn on , Lancaster aentic ncai Port eighth rect. Decidtni? 10 invrsliii(e llin innin nf 1 the early ute of (lie ehlcle. they called iJ'.?. lnc uriver to nun. in reply several nol8 were llred from the wagon. The policemen returned the shots. Ifour men jumped' from the wagon a (id ran toward the I'cuns.Utuuia Hail roud tracks, firing at the policemeu as they rau. The 'fugilivcs disappeared after crossing tlic trucks. luqulr) showed that the wagon be- jonged 10 11 icamsler miug near Fortj Jiftb and Aspen streets, lie said he did cot. know who had taken out his vehicle (hiring the night. Seek Air Photographers 'rwent) sU photographers arc being Bought here for the air service of the navy. A new- school of aciinl photog raph lias just been opened at. Ann oosta, I). 0. BENfcFlf-FOR-ACTORS " AT FORREST TODAY National Endowment Fund Is Aided by Perform ance Here The warmest-hearted profession in the world held a benefit perform ance, at the Forrest Theatre this after noon as an aid to raising Philadelphia's share of the Actors' Xntioual Endow ment Fund. 1 Actors the world over look after the failures and the sick and ueedv of their profession, lit the old precarious days an liclur who was lorluiiaii' enough In l draw lug a f-alary would alwaya help out a poorer brother artist who was proudly and gamely trying to make his last few dollars cover 11 multitude of expenses. Today the more buccessfu' of the, profession are taking more ado dilate, if less intimate and nicturcsnuc, moans of proUdltig for the plajcrs who luce strutted and fretted their little hour upon the stage without any satis factory monetury reoullH. Tlilrli -eight ears ago l.cstcr Wnl lick, .loscpli .Tefferson, lMwlu Booth and other great actors of the daj met on the stage of Wallicli's 'I'liealre tn New York uud established the Actors' Fund jf America. Since then the needs of tli" organization have enormously in creased and now, for the first time, the public Is being called uiiou lo provide an adequate emlownicnl runil. There was something reminiscent of the great, nuu the. loaUIe. pathetic, laughable little great of the brotherhood ol actors aboul tins benetil 111 s after noon. It called 1111 the hone and the striving, the ambition and the hardships of nil who have ever walked the van Mied boards, the laughter, the desnair and the immortal camcraderic of the sock and buskin. AH the past nf grease paiut and wigs and warm heart lived again when the cuitiiiu arose on this greatest loan to the brother out of lrtck thai the profession lias ever known. &. Help Us Acquire Ownership qr Management of Property Like Thi and rid the city of, a meiiacefty replacing it with a sanitary home that will yield a profit at a small rental i . . Impure air, overcrowding, defective plumbing, surface drain age, leaking roofs, insufficient light, privy vaults and general in sanitary conditions are responsible for a large part of tho untimely deaths in certain sections' of Philadelphia. And other parts of tho city are affected by the 'disease, immorality and crime bred in these human cesspools. ARE YOU INTERESTED IN REMOVING THESE CONDITIONS? A purchase of our stock will greatly assist, and also secure a safe investment of your capital at a fair return. For many years, excluding a brief war period, wo have regularly paid 4. ' You CAN make more with your money, but we doubt that you can do more good, with it. Subscriptions should bo made to our treasurer. $25 PEU SHARK, PAR. IF YOU HAVE PROPERTIES WHERE SUCH CONDITIONS EXIST wo wilf take full charge of their future management and make them sanitary and comfoniablo so that you can still realize a rea sonable return. Address our superintendent, Frederick C. Feld, C13 Lombard street, and we will inspect the properties and confer with you. Group of tenements and small houses improved and managed by the OCTAVIA. HILh ASSOCIA TION for the owner, A summer school, swings, sandpile and plants are features of the playground in the summer for the use of the A3 anjt'Kes. OCTAVIA HILL ASSOCIATION DIRECTORS Charles II. Ludington, President . Curtis Publishing Company Theodore J. Lewjw, Vice President Howard Butcher, Jr., Treasurer Morris Uuilding Real Estate Trust llldg. AHss Helen L. Parrish, Secretary George Woodward, M. D. II. R. M. Landis, M. I). Miss Hannah Fox John Irwin Bright Stacy B. Uod , Miss Esther Lloyd Arthur C. Emlen Earl B. Putnam Nathan Hayward Parker S. Williams . Isaac W. Roberts Miss Edith F. Blddlc Dr. Mary T. Mason OFFICE fiia Lombard Street Bell Phone:' Walnut a08l AIMS AND METHODS If jou did not read our big announce ment in the Public Ledger yesterday, Thursday, Dec 4 (morn ing and evening), setting forth our aims' and methods, we shall be pleased to send a copy. Address requests for information to Frederick C, Feld, suaertn . tendent, 613 Lombard Street, Phlla., ,or call at our office. Stock subscriptions should be, sent, to Howard ltu(eferf Jr., treasurer, Reel male Trust Bulldlnyf Philadelphia. Ship Recruit to Leave 'for West A nfirtv nf t V-llil-i-rt ,-tiiltirr tiM who enlisted lu the navy here will leave tonight for uaiiioriila, where they will receive their training. The. reoalts Will march through the city this afternoon, accompanied by the band of the , S, ii. Nevada. MCWIMMWI Ml I American jTjMBalaneed SpT "MILES OF SMILES" Will meet your ideals of beauty, richness of appointments, power, quality and stamina American Sedan Sextet & Touring Cars ready for Immediate delivery PENN AMERICAN MOTOR CAR CO. 2041 Market Street The Christmas 'Qift of Distinction a Beautiful -Lamp Lovely new lamps of exclusive, original design abound at frheElectric Shop, Tenth and Chestnut Street A new section is devoted particu larly to the better class of lamps in an attractive setting where you can readily appreciate the beauty and color value or each lovely lamp, This display runs the whole gamut from simple Colonial to elabo rately carved Chinese Chippendale. Whatever your choice, you will find it in this new Lamp Shop and at prices as low as anywhere for this class of merchandise. A Colonial chair lamp in dull silver and vclour de&jgned by Stanford White is $55. An especially good Satsuma, picturing the- story of the Thousand Wise Men, is $150. Then mere sire some lovely Cloisonne lamps at $65; some original designs in hand-carved mahogany floor standards at $40 and $65, with attractive, soft, hand-rubbed finish; and some silver polychrome and gold floor lamps which arc distinctly unusual. Two of the most admired pieces are dull blue Chinese vases, mounted in silver, with very lovely flat shades of a boft salmon pink with a deep luxurious fringe. The price is$195 each and they may be bought separately. Ttc tuc individual uill make Jus lamp sckcti'on early- uhile the stoiloffcts large variety and bcfoie tlic liohday buying crouds slraiil shopping aafitici Prices range rom$ imported candle shade to $200 for a Chinese Chipperdac flour lamp "h sliadc to match. , u veKir Philadelphia Electric (ompany IIHHEISIBfiMSlEJHEira H raJ S " "H-Wo 5f ; - . -c--" SJ Bring Out the Best in Your Children YOU surround your children with every beautiful thought and action known to you. You want their lives to be sweet and clean so that in years to come they may retain the influence of that beauty which you so carefully instilled into their minds and hearts a lasting memory of the love and happiness that made up their home. Harmony contentment and happiness does not necessarily mean having a piano. But having an Estey Player Piano does multiply the joys of your home and adds to its harmony and contentment, at the same time infusing, into the minds of youth all that is good and beautiful in music. Lei us demonstrate the wonderful posslbil- Hies of the Estey Player-Piano for you. Interesting booklet explaining oiir easy-payment plan malted upon request v Estey Company Estey Hall Cor. Walnut & 1 7th Streets 833-35 Market Street This Store is open until 6 P. M. every day up to Dec. 2h 1919 Blauners 833-35 Market Street A Fine Sale of 1000 Goatee sand Sports Coats 16-752! JIB ' nWJ wit&miMffl$2$i m I '111 In !' I 2-50 25 We could call this a phenomenal Sale, ac cording to the values we arcgiving, but we do not use such terms in everyday advertising 00 of our sales. But we would like you to see these Coats and then shop them in any store in the city, and you will find tliem from .$5.00 to $15.00 higher than our Coats. "We want you to see this for yourself, and if you find we exagger ate, Ave don't want you to buy our Coats. This Lot Includes Sports Coats and Coatees Black Plush Polo Cloth Muskrat Fur Fabric .Pompom Cloth ,, , Leatherette Pressed Plush nv,. pi,1i Kerami Trimmings Not one popular mode has been omitted in this Sale of fur fabric aid cloth models with Kit Coney, Beaverette or Sealino Collars. Every Woman and Miss can find her style from this amazing variety! 200 Long Coats of Bolivia Alt tho now swagger models in fashionablo shades, with largo, handsome Scalinc blmwl col lars. Interlined and silk lined. 25.00 lilauncr's Downstairs Store 175 Suits Reduced 29-75 Value 35.00 Velour, silvertone and serge in smart styles. Scaline trimmed. 35,00-45-00 Silverlones, velours, broadclotlis and Kull- Wool jersey. Reduced from 42.50 and 50.00. Maimer's Second Floor Suits Worth 2:2.50 to 25.0U. Well-made Suits of Oxfords, herringbone and hcrgc', in tho smallest styles and newest colors. High class Suits, valued from 35.00 to 45.00 rich velours and silvertones, sports tweeds and Oxfords, tailored wool poplins. Downstairs Store 15.00 25.00 GREAT GLOVE SALE Values 2.503.00 ll "Y tiv t'A tV'-A 1.45 Values 2.503.00 2000 pairs of abso lutely first quality gloves secured at a special price reduction from a retiring manu facturer. When you examine the extra fine quality of these gloves and their perfect workmanship shown in pique and fine iiuier seaming, you'll agree that you're getting a truly remarkable clove barirain. Heavy brown cape gloves pearl grey dress kid gloves white washable kid and white washable doeskin. Every pair saves you 1.00 to 1.50. Maimer's Main Floor BLOUSE SALE An Extraordinary Purchase of 500 Exquisite Net and Georgette Blouses to Be Offered at Prices That Are Half the Actual Value of These Blouses. Fine Christmas Gifts! m 3-00 5.00 m 1 aLT Values 7.008.00 Values 8.0010.00 LTa, ! Ill T-gl& 3 00 At 11.00 is offered a remarkable purchase of some 5 N SBf0Sn ' of the handsomest net blouses of the season in every jpQfflHHX 18 flWl iTTliniWffil ' fashionable suit shade, embroidered in artistic con- n.&MSM (1 lliil 111 I Ha lilU At 5.00 re Georgette Mouses of super quality; V $,EMkiImK A )i ft Imllmlll tWs ; every color, every mode; beading, embroidery, braid- i ' HUfljRJ & Skirts lO-oo Values 14.75 1(5.50 Just 100 of these ex traordinary Skirts at this low price. Serges, plaids, Baro net satins and Kumsi Kumsas. Third Floor t Dresses Serges and Cotton Tricotincs 9.94 Tailored and tunic style. Serges em broidery, novelty stitching and silk tassels. 14.96 Velvets, fcatina and serges in the newest modes of tho season. In many shades. Btauner's Dowmtalrb Store ' ra h, m Tzssrx&i0mmww&mmMmmmmmm "Tf t I -X V fi 9- A, V.