W71W F- 7-v M - I V s EVENING PUBLIC LEDGEIl PHILABliiLPHA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1919 ) t-JWtPV V ' -i? f , V J.J' 4' ! '5? w 14 "! H ; : t RUSSIA SREADT 10 DISCUSS PEACE " British Officer Announces He Has Received Word From Soviet Government v GERMAN AGREEMENT DENIED ,' By (lie Associated Pres London. "Dec. 4. Lieutenant Colonel Lrttxang Malone announces that he has retired nn official communication from the soviet government of Russia, ask ing hlra to make public the fact that the Bolshevik! are still desirous of a (lis- iiritm . MIAA fllliMI n tt rlnnoiHM f nut any relations have been opened by the i dovict government with Germany. Copenhagen, Dec. 4. The negotia- tlons between James O'Orndy, repre senting Great Britain, and Maxim Lit- I vinolT, the former Bolshevist ambassa dor t London, whien have been going i rtn hero regardicg the repatriation of British nrisonera held in soviet Bus- I Aia,(-ttill end shortlv, according to the JCntioualtidcnde. The conference, it Is announced, has been favorable re "peeling the exchange of prisoners. In :i long written btatement Litvinoff, while honing that some good will come out of the piesent negotiations, sajs herc is bound to be a state of dis--atisfa tion until "the real cause of the niililiir. operations in Russian ter itory and the isolation of soviet Rus sia" is totally removed. It is impos mblo, lie adds, to think or speak "on this humanitarian questiou without touching on the more important ques tiou which is in the minds of the people of all the countries of the world ".amcly, peace with Russia." Litvinoff sajs that Great Britain and America will have largo economic inter rsta in Russia, which can be made more secure by the soviet government than by any other administration. Russia must look to thoe countries for her needs in machinery. ITo concludes: "The time has certainly come for thv nllir) nn.l nflini. nnnnt.lna fn tulfn ntnL" of the present situation and make n prompt decision." Repljiug to a number of questions, T.fff ilnntnmrl 4 1, a t altlimtf.ll I'm. Ulk.tUUIL ..tlDH-U Lliai, nKi.wi.p... . - . tnler Llojd George, of Great -Britain, had denied receiving pence proposals, such propos-nlh had been sent out by the soviet government by wireless, and that lie himself had issued a circular to allied legations nt Stockholm ill be halt ot nis government, ouering to cn r into peace negotiations. Regarding the nature of the soviet terms, be said the proposals handed William C. Bullitt, who was bent to Russia by President Wilson, substan- p wt K 1 PROBLEMA Dl F UME RIS0LT0? Truppa Regolari Italiano Occu- perebboro Fiume e i Territori del Patto di Londra TubllshM nn.l Distributed Under rmtMlT NO. 341. Autnorljfd hv the act of October , 1P17. on Me rt the PoHtortlce ot Phila delphia, r. s. mjn,T.r;sKJ. roslmaeter General. Central Newe, MARQUIS or ULuVNDFORlK Eldest son of the Duchess of Marl borough, the former Consuclo Van dcrbilt. His engagement to Alex andra Mary Cadogan, fourth daugh ter of the lato Viscount Cadogan, lias just been announced tially held good. He said no proposals were ever miitlc to Lieutenant Colonel Lcstrang Malone, liberal member of the British House of v'ommons, who early last month claimed to have a draft of the conditions upon which soviet Russia was willing to discuss peace. He re marked, however, that Colonel Malonc's statement was cscntiallj the same as that of Mr. Bullitt. I-ondr.i, t diceinbrc. Truppc rego lari italiaue occupcranno .Fiume ed i territori iuelusi nel patto di Lomlrn. firmato nel 1H1." trn l'ltnlin. Tlnghil terra, la Krancln e la Rus-sia. sccondo un dispaccio da Roma alia Exchange Telegraph Co Gabriele P'Aunuuzio ed i suol vo lontari si ritireiauno da Flume, si dice, sotto l termini di un accordo raggiunto come risultato dri ncgoziatl tra Loudra e 1'arigi. Lc autorita' navnli nmericaue, die sono in stretto eontatto con la situazione di Fiume, negano die uli tale accordo sin stato raggiunto. nonostnute chc privati dispacci lascino ndito 'alia spe ranzn che In questione Adrintica sin risoluta e chc in I'arlgl i rapprcscntanti alia Conferenza ddlu race, dell'Amcrica, Inghilterra c Trancia, ahblano gin' prcparato un piogetto dn sottomettcrsi nil' Italia. Frank Ij. Folk, botto segre tnrio dl Stato dell'Ameriea, c Clemen cenu inrebbero diclnninto di cs.ere pronti a iirinarc I'nccordo. Auche 1'lnghilterra fnrebbe altrettantfi La nntura dell'accordo nou e' btala fntta nota, ma essi dicone die e' fatto in modo di soddisfarc il popolo italiano. Roma, 1 dicembre. leri alia Camera dei Deputati l'On Tiees, deputato !Kg4y535i5gsS ft aoMMW mmmmm I t I cirEK 1W$5Jb 9 I EV'NO "p0 i 8 II T jC v FrtWRfflSfa. cfflT f,J IK-ffl ng,rii it DIAMONDS & JEWELRY FOR CHRISTMAS A gift which has intrinsic as well as sentimental vaiuo. Our Perfected Confidential Credit Plan An original and modern method that jjivea every advan tage of a cash transaction. .Smon&Soiis 353SouSIil3mSI. Near woiiiMl SI. ui Again The 834th Consecutive Issue THE many thousands of Harper readers will be glad to learn that, although somewhat delayed, the new issue of Harper's Magazine, printed as always upon the Harper presses, is now upon the newsstands, thus carrying on unbroken a publishing rec ord of nearly seventy years. For a time it seemed that, owing to labor conditions, this issue might not be published. The printers' strike, which tied up so many publishing plants in New Yory City, temporarily jeopardized this continuity, but the eight hundred and thirty-fourth consecutive issue of themagazine, now on sale, is proof of the enduring qual ity of America's most distinctive publication. The delay lias proved one thing conclusively the great Har per public wants no other magazine in place of Harper's. The accumulated advance orders indicate an unprecedented demand. So, in order that you may . not miss this unusually interesting November number Get Your Copy Today A Few Features An Honest Man, By Katharine Fullerton Gerould The remarkable story o an idealist, who in the crisis held fast to his theories. To a Venetian Tune, By Stephen French Whitman The bewildering tale of a kaleidoscopic evening in Venice. The Daimyo's Bowl, By Donald Corloy The strange romance of Hiro-tani, the a lowly potter. Sure Dwellings, By Mary Ellen Chase A tyctu England pastoral, in which is ruistd a question of values. Clay and the Cloven Hoof, By Wilbur Daniel Steele The humoroue misadventures in voodooism of an amateur sculpto-r. Zanzibar The Spicy Isle, By William Ashley Anderson A fragment of life from an equatorial island. The British Crisis, By Waiter e, Weyi Can Great Britain hold her place among the leading nations? The result of a recent personal study by the author. War Inventions that Came Too Late, By Frank Parker Stockbridgc The first description of some deadly Yankee devices which should prevent future wars. Expanding Japan, By Arthur Bullard Cam we afford to interfere with Japan's expansion? By our leading authority on foreign affairs. Across Germany by Rail and Airplane, By Harry A. Franck The observations of an American investiga tor in Germany. Eastern Nights and Flights, By Capt. Alan Bott The exciting experiences of a captured ' aviator in Asia Minor. The University The Bulwark of Civilization, By A. Lawrence Lowell The mission of the University, us seen by a, noted educator. H A R P E R ' S MAGAZINE soclallsta, ha nnnunzlnto che l'unlonc genernle del capl opcrai del partlto Mwinllitla c le frasilont soclalistc parln luentnri hanno deciso chc lo Bciopcro guiicrulc debba cessarc alia mezzanottc. Koma, IS dicembre, I giornall nntl socinllstl coinmcntnno ron frasl cntusi nstiche il dlscorso dclln Corona c le dlmostrazionl nntl-soclalistc cntro c fuori dejla Camera, II "Giornale d'ltalln" notando chc 1 cattolicl parteclpnrono alle leall dimos trazioni, suggeriscc chc il momenta c' tnaturo per formare una unionc com pnttu di tuttc le fnrze nazionnli, alia quale si dice potrabbero far parte 300 deputati. Farecchl nltri giornall com mcnlano con soddisfazloue le dlmos turnout contro le forze radical!, IRISH BILL READY SOON Will Be Introduced Week After Next, Says Lloyd George r I-omlon Dec. 4. (By A. 1'.) The Rovernmcnt s measure dealinc with the insn prooieiii will be ready for intro duction early in the week after nit. Premier I.lojd fleorge announced In the House ot lommons today. The bill would no carried over into the next ses sion, however, by a f.peeinl resolution, he said. The cabinet, accordinc to the Dallv News, today has decided to Mispcnd trial uy jury lor crimes ot violence in Ire landnnd to substitute trial by a com mission of three judges. To a large extent the light of trial by jury has been denied in Ireland for some time. Several weeks ago Lord French issued nn order suspending jur trials, and before that, with Ireland largely under militarj rule, courts martial took the place of the regular courts WOMEN DENY CANDIDACY I GOLD CHANGED TO IRON Duchess of Marlborough and Lady Lee Not Out for Parliament London, Dec. 4. (By A. P.) The Duchess of Marlborough in n speech dc- livcicd nf a charity function in Lon'ddn dcclnrcd that she had no intention of seeking a sent In Parliament, assertinfe mat sue wns "quite satisfied witli membership In the County Council." The Daily Mirror han withdrawn Its recent story Hint I,ndy Lee, of Farc hani, who was Huth Moore, of New York, would be u candidate for a seat In Parliament, $25,000 Coin Replaced by' Washers In Box Crossing Pacific San Francisco, Calif., Dee. 4. (By A. P.) A box containing $25,000 in gold coiu shipped by the Anglo and London Paris National Bank of Man Francisco on the liner Korea Mam was found to contain scrap iroh and metal washers when opened by the' consignee in Hongkongaccording to cable advlce.s received by the bank nnd steamship company today. The bank, acting as agent for a New Valker-Gordon Just as it comes from the Cow -A I' 0 1 '1 MIIR clco" C0AL700- i siET.vr. vviiATniiu Mitir RKnncGs ! i oi'R rni, iiili, raow I 1 I '. :.i to 40 run ckvt IDEAL CO. "'i.1 .Wnmiit i,ane and Sarah. Cltn. litU Hume Gcrmanloun -SU- DIAMONDS and JEWELRY FOR CHRISTMAS Confidential Credit System 3.Cimoie?Sois vJl35 SOUTH I3IH ST. Near Walnut Onrn i:err Kvrator Natural Approved by physicians IN the production of its milk, the Walkei Gordon Laboratory Company applies the rules of cleanliness as doctors know them. Doctors who prescribe Walker-Gordon Milk for infants approve "their methods of producing table milk that is clean,! digestible, pure even under the microscope. Bacteria cannot live in the intense heat in which bottles and pails are sterilized at the Walker-Gordon Farms. Dust cannot rise from barn floors that are scrubbed before milking time; it cannot ktay on 'cows that are washed and rc-washed before the milking begins ; the milkers' hands cannot carry contamination when they are repeatedly cleansed. Order Walker-Gordon milk by telephone. We leliver it l-cgularly from our own wagons. SUPPLEE- WILLS-JONES. MILK COMPANY Distributing Agents for Philadelphia, Atlantic City and Vicinity Telephone, Poplar 531 York Urm, packed two boxes, each con talnlng $25,000 in gold, and tho cor rectness ot the shipment was certified to by threo trusted employes. Both boxes were put in the strong room of the steamship, but only one of them reached Hongkong. arrived nt is destination with gold In It Officials of the bank said Ihey be lieved the substitution of scrap Iroti Mi1 thn cold wnn either made on board the steamship or after tho consignment Ideal for Dnntlni Special Terms Friday On This Great Home Entertainer Wc have a new and better plan of selling Grafonofas. Thcic are advantages in buy ing here which you will not find elsewhere. procures this new model Columbia Grafonola tomor row. Delivery will be made at oner. The balance may be paid in pay ments to suit your conenicncc. Place Your Order Now for Christinas ' cWt3ener's Grafonola Shops TUe bctl Plato In I'lilliidclptilu lo buy Grafunolas and tlecoids 1109 Chestnut St. 19 S. 52d St. Open Evenings Until Christmas Open Every Evening "Imp. tt. 1 . W I'liiine Will imt 5XIIS Tlione llclinant 503 ". .).?",' '.'U,1,,.'.L'I,I,.;,,, '"'l Coupon Out nnil Mall lonlcht. NimwiIIl'BORArOMll.X Mipi;. IIOO Cbentnut Street. Philadelphia. Wllhntlt H11V nhllirilli.il ivhu iior nn nu nnfl uah.1 .. u. " .-u- ;i .. ;i..Ti ..;.."' . i.r: v: ."'". ;.".ui"'D.i,,,,Jl- iaii biiu ucevi 'iuviia ui juur iiLicsi. Aiuuciu ui uraionoiaa; Name Address ....,,, I To .ronr Krcortl nllOppiAK Ifore Adjoining the St. James Hotel FORMERLY efe 1220-22-24 Walnut Street Walnut St, . Between 12th & 13th WtUJlt Ch&tlge ut ame n ot bfPolky, Nor Management Q lo facililate llie conducL of our business we have chanced the name of the firm. The executive, sales and office force, and the high character of our merchandise will continue as before. For Friday and Saturday We Have Assembled a Special Group of Coats and Suits At Reductions of A Fourth -To A Half A remarkable collection of this season's smartest modes at savings that are incomparable, Plain and Fur-Trimmed Top Codts Of silvorlonc, broadcloth and velour; plain tailored and trimmed with sealine. 39-50 Former Prices Were $ Up to 65, Iceduced lo 'X Top Coats of silvertone and .velour de lainc, with and without fur trimming. Former Prices were $ yf f E Up to $85, Reduced to &&OV Handsome Coats of bolivia, silvertone and silvertip bolivia; plain and fur trimmed. Former Prices were $? fkf Up to $95, Reduced to DO . W Higher priced Coats, including elaborately fur-trimmed Coats of duvctyne, evora, and Bolivia, with seal, wolf and beaver collar and cuffs. Theu Were $145 to $375, Reduced to $125, $195, $225 Plain and Fur-Trimmed Tailored Suits Plain tailored Suits of silvertone and ve lour; in all sizes and colors. Former Prices were 5 r Up lo $75, Reduced to . JOr&V Plain and fur-trimmed Suits- of silvertone, broadcloth and velour, trimmed with dyed opossum and seal. Former Prices were $ A f pf Up lo $85, Reduced lo &'OU Plain and fur-trimmed Suits, in all the popular fabrics arid colors. f Former Prices were $ fl Up to $05, Reduced lo O U "V m m 8: Higher priced JSuits, including model Stiits of Peach bloom, soft fabric Bolivia and duvctyne; trimmed with beaver, wolf, seal and mole. $ Were From $145 lo $525, Now 95, $125, H95 to 295 The change in the firm name lias not in any way affected-the charge accounts and wc cordially invite our old' customers to continue availing themselves of this privilege. New accounts will be opened on request. 1 n ' t ON EVERY NEWSSTAND X , t is aT v X 'Jf "- r n .jJtMiu , o y c J.j;,Ud& .'tiL ''. ; --.Jt-WuM)ittJ-'-i--- wmmjum emimrsma