Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 04, 1919, Night Extra Financial, Page 22, Image 22

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i '
jJOEMBER d, 1919
R. -VI
Every Man
Needs This
Free Book
It tells in a clear,
tcrestlng way:
The General Kulcs of
How lo (ihc a Urokcr
II r ok era' Commission
How lo Indorse a Slock
How lo Use Collateral
in Trading.
How to Group Invest
ments. The Deposit Require
ments for Canning
Stocks on Account.
Tlte Rights of Stock and
Dond Holders, etc.
Edition limited. Call,
phone or write TODAY.
Ask for No. T. U.-G37
Widencr Hide, Philadelphia
rhoncs Brll, Walnut 60G3
Keystone, Race 2230
Direct Private H'ires
New York
JANUARY 21, 1920
has been appointed as "Makc-a-Will-Day"
in the Program
for National Thrift Week now
being planned by the Savings
Division of the Treasury De
partment, to urge the people
P $2T000;000.()0 fcJI
' J of the United States to make
vwuis ana impress upon mem
the necessity and "advisability
of making provisions for the
future of those who are now
dependent upon them but
why wait?
We are at your service
every day, and on January 21,
1920, and thereafter, cordially
invite you to consult our of
ficials freely, without expense,
about Jour Will and to con
sider the advantages of ap
pointing this Company your,
Executor and Trustee.
" You Should Make a
in Automobile Industry?
How lonst -will present conditions
last? What factors promise to
alter the situation?
Industries Bulletin of November
21 based on a thorough, study of
fundamental conditions, gives somn
interesting figures on the present
situation and forecast a condition
for 1320 and 1021.
Report on Request
A request on your letterhead will
bring our Bulletin on "Outlook on
Automobile Industry,' gratis, and
full details of Bauson's Service for
Executives ihe servlvce that is
making millions for over 8.000 of
th country's ablest business men.
Ask for Bulletin 31-AE
Thi Bsbson Stilifical Organization
Wellesler Hills. Mas.
haroeat Orxanixation of Business
-Advinorti in the World -
R. R. CO.
1st Gs, 1935
Price 94 and Int.
Umbers Philadelphia Slecli Vichanm
r-c'ttBIDltonJ Title Bldg. Bac.4H
Lawrence E. Brown & Co
luxMHtel'K Hl- dJii purlntr.blp and
Mjmi" .jf.T Mi
. WPlllllI iiiiiii. ii.iiiiJMi
Plan PeYfectlon Tire Stock Exchange
New York, Doe. !, Perfection Tire
Curb .stock, which, has been in irocc.N
of ncruimilntion Rlnce the appearance of
one of the du l'onts in control, is now
being traded in on the basis of Ion dol
liir.', par value, luitead of $1 par value.
The Curb Association lilts been tiotllieil
Hint the nil certificates of SI par may
lie ehnoRpil Into new certificates until
December 21. The association has ruled
that on and after December 110, onlj
the new ccrtilicates ttlll bo a "Rood"
Beidter & Bookmyei
421 Walnut Street
lembard '.'Di? ilain til
New York Office
93 William Street
N. W. Cor. 4th & Walnut
lias glwn Its policy liolilers kolld
Indemnity for morn than on
hundred years anil has ncver
been so slrons nnnncla'lv as now.
Have von n rn'trv In this old
find rollnliV rnnitiflnv?
Riot & Civil Commotion
Commercial Union Asturanc
Co. and
Queen Insurance Co. of
4IG-420 Walnut St.. Phila.
- 1 1 1 1 1 1 M 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 J 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 J 1 1 1 M 1 1 f 1 1 1 1 .
Not Ire of DNolutlon
Notice In her-bv given that tlm' partnen
si u heretofore ex'stlnw betwewi Herbert H.
I-jtn. Albfrt J. Smith. Hobcrt P. Creaa-.
' iiam Ald-iii I'rntt. Thomas Newhatl. Fr- d- .
vi-t-U b'e.itcrao and Kadcllffe CJieston, Or
i .. r Inc on bualnesn under th tlrm naunt of
Kthvnrd II. Smith & Company, at 14)1
U.rstnut htrcet, Philadelphia, J'nnalvama ,
and 30 Tlno street, t'lty of Nyvv York uu-j
Htale of Pit w Yorlt. and elsewhere, has be, n
dissolved bv mutual f-onstnt na of th .'.'Ulli
ilrt of Isoember. 1010. '
Dated ov'lnbr 2flth. 19X9.
IttJMUKT P. I'llKiun
Nonce tn In rebv Riven that ihn nm!r.
signed have formro a ro-partnershlp in pur
auanco of the lav,' of the Htuto of PennW
iinla to carrs on buslnesH under the llrm
nanip of Kdniirtl K. SnilUi & tomiiaiiy, nt
iSo. Ull Chofctnrt xtreet, Pnlladelplil,i. Penn
bllvanla and 30 Pine street, Ouy of is.-,v
York, State of Nim York, and elsewhere
the partners in which mm are Albert l..
binlth Special, and Albert U Smith, General
Itottcrt . Cresar, William Alden Pran,
Thomas Mnwh-U, ! rodtricli Soasrave. Rati
cllffe CheJton. Jr. Th aald Arm will carry
on the buntnees iierLtotore conduct d by tha
turrrr llrm of Ldnard 1$. Smith X Company,
of Philadelphia and New iork. which has
been dlsMilxedT
RAUCi-ir-'Fii: unwtnoN. jr.
Soember 2Uth, IDIW.
SlnUnir Pund I'ur.liane Convertible hli Per
Cent Ninki:-, Fund Cold Honds
Pursuant to the provislonM of the Collat
eral Trust Agreement executed December 1.
1011, by th Standard Uaa and Klectrle
f'ompany to the undersigned, as Trustee, to
Recure an authorized Issue of Thirty Million
Dollars Convertible Hinklng fund Gold
Bonds, maturing December 1, 1020, tho un
dersigned hereby gles notice, that t now
n.ii oh hand the um o! neventy-four thuu
sand eight bundrtu and forty-six dollars and
neventy-flve centa (J74.84U.7B) In the 3Inl
hs Pund provided by bald Trufct Agreement,
ai.d that It is Ita intention to apply said
num. under the provisions of said Trust
Acrftement. to the- Durchaee of said honds.
i Offers of bald bonds are Invited, at a price
I not to exceed par, accrued Interest: and fta
per cent premium. Sealed tenders should
b nddi-BBfd to the Philadelphia. Trust Com
pany, Trustee, Sinking Fund. Htandard Gas
and niectriu Company, 415 Chestnut street,
rhllad -Iphia. delffnatlns the denomination
of bond tendered, and will ta received until
3 n. m.. Mondar. January 5. 1030.
Philadelphia. December 4. 1311).
1 Philadelphia
I Notic- is her-by given that a Special
Meeting of Hip Stockholders of the Ttltten
I ltouFe Trust Co.. pursuant to a resolution
of the Board of Directors, adopted at a regu
l lar meeting on November 10. V.tlO, will be
! held on Monday. January 10. 1020. nt noon,
Rt 1323 Walnut st.. Pnlla.. Pa., for th
I purpose of approving or dlsapproing a pro
I posd increase of th capital stock from
two hundred and fifty thousand dollars
(?2no,000, consisting or five thousand shares
of the par alue of fifty dollarn eich, to
I fli hundred thousand dollars (IK0O.O00). con
sisting of five thousand ehares of the par
I value of one hundred dolbira eneb.
1 - WpcrMarv.
I PrnnoM
Room SS4, City Hal. Philadelphia.
November 28, l!P)
Scaled proposals will be receUed at thi
office until twelve (12) o'clock noon. H'ed
nehday. December 10, 1019, when bids will
be opened and Mcheduled as follows:
34th and Pine streets.
Tor the removal of a shea during the re
mainder nf the year 1019.
Specification?, forms of proposal and n I
information relatly to the foregoing may
be had upon application to the Director's
Office. Room Mi. City Hall.
Bids from others than those encaged oi
f-stabllshed in business for which proposals
are asked, will not be entertained or con
side red. and no bid will be entertained un
less made on printed blank forms supplied
for that purpose.
All bids must bo accompanied by a cer
tificate from the City Solicitor that security
has been furnished In accordance with the
provisions of the Ordinance of Councils, ap
proved May So. lmio. jJiaa are invuea, suo-
provru i a.nrnnrlatlnn hv l!nnnrlU
Sect to future appropriation by Councils,
ThB "ilTf Tin vihoI. or "in tart or re e?
r.y,H0S?1 in taMMWtoS
interests of tho city. When a bid or nggre
irate of btds exceeds the sum of flOO, It will
h. necessary lor a contract m ue cnierea
in.n the cost of which may be obtained
upon inaulry at the ornce or tne city uo.icl-
lor' WILMEIt KIIUSEN-, It. D..
Director of the Department.
rnnvnuxriHA and kiwdino railroad
Demolition et buildings appurtenant to the
ooSiliur of Tulip and Emerald Street, under
"Kemchmond Branch. V. t 11. n. It.
Sealed proposals for the wnrlt of demoll-
llon under the followitvif contract will b
received t the offlee of the Chler Knglneer,
623 Readlnr Terminal, Philadelphia. Pa.,
until 12 o'clock, noon, on Monday, December
f.-t.l TJn. eADemnlltlnn anA T3.
Lmoval of the abandoned Engine Tard Ka-
V ...!r l.. te.nn.A tyr,A Hm .!..-
Plans, specifications and blank forms for
bidding may bo obtained at 622 Heading
Terminal. ,
Forelgn Corporations must furnish with
their proposals a certificate from the State
AUtnoriues, enilllin 'firm 10 nn Business
within the State of Pennsylvania
A. E. OWEN, Chief Engineer.
Cl.OTIIH. Ofllce of the Quartermaster
General. Clothing and Equipage Division:
lealed btds In duplicate 111 be received here
until 2 p. m.. December 16. 1019, at which
time they will be publicly opened, for the
furnishing of all or any part of 8000 White
I.lnen Tablecloths. Fu'.l Information and
proposal blanks can be obtained of Captain
.T K. Van Home. Jr.. Room 1921 Munitions
Rutldlna'. washing-ten,-J. C, or at gone
Supply Of(. .and .Owtvn av PfclJa..
fT '
WHEAT IlocolptN, o:I..il7 hustiolf The
mnrk't wit iiuirt, but firm, Uuolntlimii Cr
lots. In pxtw.rt ptowitor government stanniin)
tnaiHTtlnn, sinmlnrt prices Nn. I rtrt win
ler, i.mt .No t northern trhm. $i'..T.i, No
1 hard wlnler 2.M9, No. 1 ml winter
garlicky, 12 37 No 1 rn, smutty. JV.ani no,
i ren. anrmuy ami Hmuuv, ..it.
Mint ilr.ttn I'nrmirfil ln'n mirrhflftefl of
wheat frv lnrrl on the following ache'luli
of discount!, No 2 wheat, .1c iimlrr No, 1,
No. .1 wlirnl. lc under No. 1; No. 'I whrnt,
1"o untW No, 1: o .. whrnt Air under
No 1. Pop Hi) wheut otherwise conforming
i tho ntr'i. rations of No. f or better.
hut deficient In test w claht in tllHcmml
f'om the No 5 price will be .V pr builirl
for eni'li orie-poum) deficiency In test welnht.
Wheal ffndlni? below No. 5 for re Hon oHut
llinn it n f nil n In )o Wrlffhlft wt'l ht
houtfht on lti merlte Smutty whent will I
no discounted Hpr-nrutnjc to the fleuree or
mint but In no can less than Ho per mia.iel
tinder the coi reMpondlnc regular grade. Oar
iuU wheal will ! discounted Juot a hern-
i inforo LV w r bushel from the reiruiar Krane
Mixed wheit will be dlncountMl from 2c tn
fti accord ins to nullity and condition of
, mixture, but unjMi otherwise Instructed
I th trade may muni on our tnklnjr No. '2
. m4ed whent nt Pnlladelphla Juat an liere
' toforv. 1. e . u:id"r the corresponding
1 r'-Kulnr nrnfii
I'OHN Ileielpt. 33W buhels. Demand
wra lUht. but tirlren ruled firm under small
1 upplie Yv quote old No 2 vellnw In car
Iota for lo4l trade at M, 7n&?1. 72 nn spot;
and n No yello.v at 11. (10
(MTS ntcrlpti. 2."..M: bushels. The mar
1 Kot ,n iiuirt but ateady, with Hunt offer
I Inpa We quot Car lots n lo location
No. t whltp SS'iWSOc. No. 2 white, KiT
i SSU.r s-0 3 white. STST'ic, No. 4 whllf
Si R."i',c
VUfn U Ttcolpli 200 hbli and B2fl.!7"
fba tn aacka Demand was Ufflit and th- "'
veto no charce in thf senertil market. The
' fiuotatlons; Per 10il lbs packed In 1 H-,i
lufe sack" Hoft wititr stralsht western
'lOfflO.A0. do do nearhv. t0.'iff710. hard
winter atrntaht. SI.TiOil.t. do, nhort nt-
. nt I1.19KI "0: tprlnj firs' clear. 10.73 W
1 10 25. do patent. $ 1 :i 1? 1 1 : do short patent
M4 7Afrl,; fane sprlnjr nnd cllv mills. p:U
1 'nt. ranoy brands. SH.nnUtJin.Iir.
It YE KLOUIt wn quiet nnd unchanged
We ciuott $7.Ori0'8..'t5 pr bbl . in sacks, m
to quality.
Trade, was nuit and larselv of a Jobbing
liaracter and some kinds wnre a Hhide
asift Th nuotatlonw wcr1: tb-ef. In si'la
imokfd and nlr-drlpd ."."c, bef knucklea and
I'-ndnr-. smoked and alr-drled. rnic; pork
tntnMy. Me: ha ma H V curpd. toos. 27 W
2'Jr do. skinned !oos 21'4 2m c: do. do,
I moled 2lH (ii'27''i'' hams boiled, botn -'".
12c, picnic Hlmulders S P. curpd, loo-.
do, amokPd. 2."e: bnllies In p'cKpI. loose,
breakfast bacon, 31c; lard 2bc
yupptlt". were small airl Ihp market whh
unchanscd mi a tinftia of !r for fin'' Kranu1-
UIir.KSK Thrre wax lllllr tradlns nil
ihr rnrk"t was unchanert W nualf N '
Tortv wlmlp-mllk flats 1-ncv n3'-- ppfclnla
hljjhPr fair lo Rood. :L,(i'.TJ13f; VIrnnMn
ihnli- milk flats T'Mnrv. .'IL'S M3r fr In
All Issues
Bought and Sold
550 100 $300 $1000
Graham, Parsons & Co,
435 Chestnut Street
In arcorriaiioc u llh -i vcsollitl
hv Common Couni'll of the Clt.v of PhiK-
delphla. nn ThufMlnv. November 20 1919.
a bill nuthoriz ng the creation of a loriu
or loam In the bum of fifteen million (1ft,
000,0001 dollars is hereby published for pub
lic information.
Chief Clerk
To authorize the creation of o. loan or loarn
In the sum of fifteen million (1S.0O0.O0O)
dollars, being th unissued portion of n
loan in the sum of forty-two million four
hundred nnd fifty thousand seven hundred
and nlnety-spven (42.450,797) dollars pro
v laed for by an Ordinance approved the
29th day of June. 1H1H, thin Ordlnntre
blncr nunnlpmnnlnrv In tho snld Ordinance
of June 29, l'Hfi. the bald fifteen million
dollars to be used toward the. erection
and construction of Ih main building of
the Free Library of Philadelphia: to pay
damages for th heretofore authorized
opening, widening1 and changing of grado
of streets, construction of sewers, con
demnation of parka and other, purpos.es.
toward tho removal of grade crossings in
South Philadelphia, toward the acquisition
of and paynvnt for proprt . erection
and construction of sewage disposal plants
and sewerago syalpm of Frankford rreek
area; toward the acquisition of property
and Improvement of tin Parkway, to pay
for property heretofore taken and to b
taken for Pairmount and other parks,
construction of main sewers; construction
of main severs in Wnango. B'gler and
Packer streets: construf Hon of branch
sowers: construction of bridges; grading
streets. Improvement of country roadi.
paving intersections; Improvement of th
Boulevard, for the further Improvement
of the South Broad Street Boulevaid.
Plaza League Island Park and Govern
ment avenuo- toward the erection of a
Convention Hall: toward requisition of
land, erection and con-tructlon and equip
ment of thf Philadelphia Oenernl Hnsnltnl
and Nurses Home, and. other bulldinc
under the uperltlon of the Departmenl
of Public Health and Charities, toward
the erection of an Art Museum.
Section 1 The Select and Common Coun
cils of the Clt of Philadelphia do ordUn
That the Major. City Solicitor and ut
Controller, or any two of them, be and tbev
are hereby authorized tc borrow at such
times and in such proportion of the City de
mand, from the hlrhest bidder or bidders
by adertlsement, at pot less than par, on
the faith and credit of the City of Plula
delphla, a sum or uums which In he aggre
gate shall not exceed fifteen million (l.'i,
000,000) dollars, being the unissued portion
nf a loan of forty-two million four hundred
and fifty thousand seven hundred mul
ninety-seven M2.4."V0,7n7) dollars provided
for by an Ordinance approved the 20th day
of June, 1016, this Ordinance supplementing
thn said Ordinance of June 29, 101G; the said
fifteen million ( dollars to bo ex
pended bs provided for in the pecond section
of MiIh Ordinance.
Sec. 2 The money raised by loan or
loans authorized bv the first i-ertfon of this
Ordinance thalt be used for the follow hie
purposes, to wit. Toward the erection and
construction of the main building 'of the
Free Ltbrary of Philadelphia two million
four hundred and fifty thousands (2, 450.000)
dollars; to pay for damages for the here
tofore authorized opening, widening ami
changing of grade of streets, construction of
sewers condemnation of property for parUn
and other purposes. thlrt-four thousand (34,
000) dollars, toward the removal of grade
cronfclnss In South Philadelphia, as per con
Irnet dated March 23. 1914. seven million
si. hundred thousand 17.000 000 dollars
toward acquisition of property, erection and
construction of sewage disnoal plants and
sewerage system of Frankford creek area'
one mil Hon four hundred and thlrtv-elght
thousand U.438.0OO) dollars, toward the
acquisition of and payment for oronerK
taken and Improvement of tho Park wax
fifteen thousand (15,000) dollars; to pav f
property heretofore taken -flnd to be tafhn
for Falrmount and other parks seven lv
four thousand (71,000) dollar? construction
of main sewers four hundred thousand
(400.000) dollars, construction of main
sewers in lllgler and Packer streetp. four
hundred thousand (400.000) dollars. f and In
Venango street fortv thousand (40.000) dol
lars: construction of branch sewers, thirty
thousand (30,000) dollars: construction of
bridges, five hundred thousand (500,000). dol
lara; jrradlne" streets, twenty-four thousand
(21.000) dollars: Improvement nf country
roadi, Flxtv-seven thousand (07.000) dollars:
pavlnsr Intersections twenty-eight thousand
i'.s unit) dollars; improvement or tne toj
towing branches of the Houlevard: Bensalem
Holme and PoquesslnB avenues, one hundred
! and sixty thousand (KlO.nOn) dol ars: for the
furfher Improvement of the South Hrontl
Street Boulevard. Plaia. League Island Tarl,
nnd Government avenue. (He hundred and
twenty thousand (520. nno) dollars: towaul
the construction of a Convention Hall, sup
plementing monev borrowed under an Ordi
nance approved .lune. ID. 1011 twenty thou
sand fsn.oon) dollars: toward the requisition
of land erection, construction and equip
ment of the Philadelphia General Hospital.
Nurses' Home and the other buildings under
the supervision and direction of the De
partment of Public Health and Charities,
two hundred thousand (ann.nnm dollars; to
ward the erection nf an Art Museum, one
million tl.OOO.flOO) dollars.
Sec. S. Interest on the said loan at a ratf
not exceeding four and one-half M4) ner
centum per annum shall be paid by the City
of Philadelphia half yearly, on the first days
of tho months of January and July, t the
offlre of the fiscal agency nf the City of
i Philadelphia. Certificates of the said loan
as the lender may require in the sums of
, ...... inn ,(.sll-ri anil It miilHr,!..
shall he in inn usual inrrn. jm svt-n uniounm
In registered or coupon forms, and it shall
1m expressed In the said certificates that tho
loan therein mentioned la payable in thirty
years after date thereof, and that tho prln-
elpal nnd Interest on said loan aro payable
In lawful money of the United States, free
tmm bll taxes
Sen, 4. Whenever any loan shall be
created by virtue of this Ordinance there I",
by force nf this Ordnance, an ennuai tax
levied of six and one-half fV ) per centum
on the pap value of such certificates so
Issued to nav the Interest, als the prin
cipal, of such loan within thirty years, and
there Is thereby snnuallv appropriated to the
Commissioners of the Sinking Fund, out of
the taxes eo collected, a sum sufficient to
pay the Interest on gala loan, also the nrln
cloal thereof, within thirty veers and a,
the same' become payable. , The approprla
tlon for the Interest to be oeld semiannually.
nAfor the Sinking
andfor the Sinking Fund (quarterly to the
Itood, am $? .12c. Jobblnis sales of fancy
(to ids .1"i franc. . ,, ,
nttTTnn- Thn marl.et won ery nulet wjt'l
liberal offeiums at former rates UJotntlonft
fo low Kreah. i.nlld-piirk"il creamery,
fnncv hish-sporinrt dooda 7S'Wf. ex
tras, IVAvi extrH firsts, flSTf'to; tlrstw. j
P05c, acconda, AS ft (tie thirds uflOti7ri
auoif ccutnhfi. Iiiil.n I ri ffl lirV. 7ik SO
T7p. fair lo Rood. fl',6 72,3c: nrlhH ;yb
bine nt RIWMe for fancy and at tJO&VOc Cor
fair to I'ho'ce.
KCIOS 1'retli eoss were very poorer nnd
further advnnccd liOc pr case Quotations;
Tree cahes, nearby firats, J2.".fi0 per cratfj
nearby current receipts. $25.20; wcsier.i
extra firsts. S25.S0; firsts 2-l aOffjy.VJo.
nearby otitl western seconds, $21.tOT?23.40j
tnffrlor lots lowrr; fancy selected csrh Job
bins nt PflffMiSe per doren.
I.IVH Trade was stow nnd prlres favored
buyers "HV quote; Fowls, fine welnhlnpr 5
lbs. and over apiece. 301 32c: fowls, incdttmi
sixp. wood quality, 27W2SC; do. poor, 24
20c chlckpiia, line nualltv. 20lT2ic; do. tn
fprlor, 2.1fP2!jc; old roostera, 2HTl2c; duckn.
white I'ekln. 32p31c. do,, Indian Ilunner.
HHWZQe: do. Muscovy. 24Hr2iie. peese, 24 (fT
20c. furkPta. :i04&3Sr: n'cions old. ner nalr.
32fT35c do, j(iun, pnr pair, 2S5p30c; gulni
eas, t uuiiK, per pair, wPiKiiin ia&, nnu
oer aplpc plump. $2 25(tf2 .15, do. wclRh
Insr H'" lbs. apiece, $1.752 do, welsh
Inpr JWIIU lbs. aplpce $1.25(1.50: do, old.
per pair 1 25(1.40
DUERSUn The market wis quiet with
moderate but omplo ofterlnc at quoted rate.
Thp quotatlona wpro na follows: Turkeys,
nearby fancy. 4tlilM7c, do. do. fair tn itond,
Ht. -ifyf , wt'stprn sprlntr fancy. 45ffi46o:
do. do. fair to pood. 100 13c, fowls, fresh
killed. dr-plcked In boxes, welghlm 4'.i
lus nnd over apiece. 36c; weighing 4 ins ,
35c. u etching ll1,? lbs.. 3032c. umaller
slses 25f 2i)c; fresh-killed, In barrels, dry
picked, weiehlnp Vb lbs and over ntjlcce.
35c. welphlntr 4 lbs . 31c; weUhlnc 3Vb lbs.
28$?30c: smaller sIzp. 24P27c; old tooctcrs,
drv-packed, 24c: brnllers, .1crpv. VAIP lc;
other nearby dry-packed. 35((T42c; broilers,
western, dry-packed, weiphtns ilk 2 lbs,
apiece. 38 y 10c; roastlnc chickens, western,
dn -parked, wciRbinc 4 lbs. and over apiece
3347134c, weijrhlnn 'Ah bt . 30c; western. ic
Packed, welKblnc 2'i of :t lbs onleco, 27$&
VOi1; vptero. corn-fed chickens. 12 to p. to
17 lbs. nnd nndPt to dozen, ner lb 4 1 Gil
' 45c; 1S to 2 lbs. to dozen, 13i?4lc: 24 to 30
tba. to dozen, per lb . 35fffl3(r; 31 tn 3fl lbs
! to dozen, ppr lb 33ft .Itc: 37 tn 42 lbs. ta
t dozen per lb. 32fir3lc. 43 tu 17 lbs, to dozen
! per lb.. 02 T :; It : 4S lbs and oer tn doven.
JIRCTSOc; ducks, westprn fancy, SOSTSSc
ccese. western, fancy. 280D3Oc,
I frtlrt u-Mthrr rhpfkpd trade, but price S
were Mp.idlly held f" eholcp stock of most
descriptions Quotations: Applta. per bbl..
a to qual(l. I4CS.30. tie. per box. $24?
3 7." tranl)crrpt ter bbl., $7(a'10; do.
average ffood, prr crate $2 !? 2. 30 : ,tlo. extra
fancy, laisre, per crate, $2.75il'3..iO.ljpmonH.
per box $1. IOtf7$i.R0 OrutiKP''. California,
pnr box ?2.03ifi.3ii; do. Jl:irlda. per box,
52.76ff5 C.", TanBrln b'lorlda, per la
box. 3 7r5T5. Clmppfrult. KlurlOa. per box,
Demand was only moderate, but supplies
of desirable stock were well under con t re.
pud prices generally wr n well maintained,
with on Ion and cabltagp higher. tJiiot:i
tlonn: White potatoes, nearby, per bskt.
No 1. OIVT Jl in- lower grndes. 400ric.
white potatoes. Pftmsjlvnnla. per cwt..
12.R093: do. New York, per cwt.. $2.40W)
2.60; do. Maryland Hooslers. per cwt., $2
rT2.15, Sweet potatoe Southern Xo. 1.
per bbl. t. cri0 4.no. do No. 2. per bbl..
$2. .109 2. 75, do. per hamper. $1. 15 1.9(1.
Jersey, per bskt. J1 $ 1.35, Cabbage, Nt w
York domestic, per ton. J," 0 0 55; do, Dan
ish, per ton $05 (ft 75 Onions, per 100-lh
sacks Yellow. No 1 $5.25&0. do. No. 2
and "picklers " JJ.50.
NKW YOKK Ionoy on call, both
-, mixtMl t'otlatcrnl and all industrial col
luteral, opciit'd today at 0 per ccnl for
I lending and renewing.
1 Money brokers report the situation
unchanged in time money . wltli j per
font bid for industrials for sixty days.
il ,Od mixed securities 7 per ecnl is bid.
crime mercantile paper is in very
figlil demand in this city but the mar
ket In tho interior is called fairly sat
isfactory. Hates tire tinner, with the
minimum ."Vi tffO per cent for choice
I'rime bank acceptances nre moder
ately active at unchanged prices.
PIIILADEMMIIA Call. (! per cent ;
time, 0 per cent; commercial paper,
three" to six months, fi"'i per cent, and
six months, 50 per cent.
LONDON Money is quoted nt '!',
per cent. Discount rates, short am!
throe month hills 5ris per cent.
Actively to
in the management of a
going concern will find of
value the services of our
Business Trading De
partment. Wc have in
our files inquiries from
established industrials
which require additional
working capital, or capi
tal for expansion, and
which offer opportunity
for investment with ac
tive participation in the
management if desired.
Business Trading
Elkins, Morris & Co.
iiucsdiicnt Uankera
Land Title Bldg., Phila.
The Matiack
4 Main Offices
52 Vanderbilt Avenue, New York City.
Garay 245, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
English Correspondents
W. H. BOWATER, Ltd., Birmingham, England.
Rio de Janeiro
Philadelphia Washington
Bunkering Agents at
Portland nn,tnn Providence
New York Philadelphia
Hampton Roads , . .
i...i,.V....,:ii. Charleston
Jacksonville wianewon Mobiic
New Orleans ' Pensacola Galveston '
tlllcnito, Deo. 4.- 11008 Accflpls. Bil.OIIO
hnd. Lower. .Top, .Jtl.23 bulk tlS.TSW
U.Sill hcdvy, fin.TAW1l.UO; inrdluin. H3.85
ni -'.! iisiit. fia.7r.tm.2ni iisiu iisiitn,
in. SdVH; hvavj. lutcklng bowk, nmoolli.
IM.IiiWKI.lin; tmrttlns rotvi, mush, ftS.MKP
till plan. ft.ints.TA,
OATTI.Hlttccliils, 1.1.000 hciid, Klrm.
Hcef FteerH, incdhini nnd liOKVy. tholco ntvl
Jirlnip, $1S.i:Atflii.7A; mdlunt nnd pood,
IO.TA01H.2At rmniiiiin XN..iinii),Ti1i llxht
bok! nnd rtiolof. f13.lAviM.T; common
nnd medium. fT.AniMII.nih butchfr catlli-,
hplffir. flLAUOISi rows, Jd.inWlB.OS; mil.
nprn nnd ditlcm. Jr,.;r, OH.4(l; veal cnl0!.
ttlLAOW IT. All; fprdcr ulcers, f712."U(
meek Btecm, I1WI0,7A western mnue
nleern, t7.An(f t I.TA; rona nnd heifers, fll.r.n
ffl-'.AI) ,
miKUJ' llrrrlpm. SS.Oini liead. Went.
I.aintj.1. SII.AIiftlil.An; eulls nnd rommiin,
SIOdtM.SA; ewefl. tneillum Rood and eholec.
fT.TAMU.3l. rnllK nnd comioon, f t.'.'SWT.S.";
brpedlne. fTWlt.SA.
Knn.n City. Mo t)et 1. IIOOS Tie
celptf, tn.ooi) head. Iiwer. Hulk. II3.T."
fill.15; heavlen f 13.lioWM.3A; mediums.
t1tM1l.no; llshti fl3T.1C14.10i llrht
llfctil. f1.1Anft13.sA; nacldne sown. ftU.T.iiio
13.SA: nlM, 11W13.2A.
CATTI.K ftecclplH. 1.1. lion head Lower.
Iteny beef xleers. eholre and prime. $1n.2A
M18.S0. medium and Rood, fto BitO'lA u.1:
common, fS.r.nri'lo.An; light weight Rood
and cliolcb t12 TAtfr 1T.TA; conimnn and me
dium. fSSf12 "," biilelief rattle, helferp.
tO.r.oST 14: cov. tn.40Ota.SA; eanners and
elitters .fA.4O01.4n; venl calves, flttftlit.
feeder sieers ST. TA'tr 13.1.1; slocler steers.
$A TAJ? in SO.
SIlKtir -lteeelpti. Bonn head Slow
weak l.imb ft t AOSf in.AOi rulla nnd
eomnion, fn.AiulM t.L'A; oarllnv wethers., fit
iSTi 1 2.7.1: ewoa. fn.AOWO: cults nnd enmmon.
I3.2ABII.2A: breertln" ewes. fT.A0611.Ati;
feeder lambs. flHfia TB.
rittkiiuritrr. v.i.. Dee i noon rte-
eelnts. nnon head, tiwer. Heavies. ttt.2A
lt. Art; heavv vorkcrs. f H.AIiffl 1.TA; light
o-lers t1.1Tr.014: piss. $13.t013 TR.
S1IKK1' AND I.AjrilH Itecslpts. (inn hend
Stendv. Top Rheep. flO.2,1; top lambs, tlC.
lai.i i,n iteceipis, tin ncau. aieauy.
Top, t20
1'tst St. trills, Dee l. -tOOS r.eeelpls,
ts.r.nn hend Lower. Top, SI l.t.v bull., tl-iiru'
14 2A. heavy, JUFDM IA; medium. 14lil
14. 3A llchl f1.1.S014 3A: IlKhl IlKllts,
12.7."fi'1.1..'i0: heavy packing sows, smooth,
1 1 L 2.1 IT 111: ni.eklne sows, roush tll.SAfii
12.2.1: I'lirs. StlW13.2.1. A
CATTI.K rteeelpts T00O hrad . T.aslcr
Tteef steers, medium nnd heavy, choice and
prime. SIKffrUl 2.1; medium nnd pood. fll.TA
frtlTTA" common, fn.2AWI12.1 liBht. cond
nnd eholre St A'S' in.2.1' eoninion and me
dium SS.T.11711 I.T.1: huMior cattle heifers.
ST'a'K, :T. rows $7fM 1,, 10: ertnern nnd cut
ters fA LM'Jrfi "A- eal cplves. llsht nnd
Inndv, S!3.Ani1fS; feeder steers. XII. 300
12; stnrl-ers steers fn.2r.TltlA0
RHFlKr Iteeelpln Alinn heart steadv
l.nmhn S1.1 .MlfrilA TA: culls and eonimon,
fTfrtl.l veTrllnit wethers, $10 :,n?13.r.fi;
rr., medium nnd choice. tl.tlOfriTi, culls
and common. $3.30(3(1.
HnM tiiilTnlo, N. V.. Dec. 1 -rATTt.i:
rteeelpts. Aon head Good, steady: rommon.
slow. Cnlves receipts. 2on head. A0 cents
hlcher SAf:2.3n,
HOGS rteeelpts 20nn hend nteadv.
Heavy mixed nnd orkei'P. SI3. Ilchl do
nn.l pics J14..10; roughs, f
etacs smii i i.o?
.SIIKKP AND I.AMna rteeelpts. inn
heml Uambp. 2A cents hlnlier. I.ainbs,
fS MHllft.2.1. Others unchanged.
Getting Results
at Both Ends
into our business there
enters an clement tJf serv
ice that is the foundation
of our success.
Our nim is to give the
business man sound bank
ing advice and to assist
him in the proper manage
ment of his enterprise.
Service is our keynote, and
we believe that working in
this direction will not only
satisfy but will make ac
counts grow.
We Solicit YouiInqUiry on
A ; Business-Banking
Trust Company
Fourth and Green Streets
Capital $500,000
Surplus & Profit. . .$1,660,000
The Requisites
Jf a Good
Wc offer a bond secured
by property valued largely
in excess of the total bonded
debt of the company; pro
tected by earnings that t.rc
many times the interest
charges; yielding a large in
come and approved by ex
perienced bankers and in
vestors. For details .send for our
Circular Letter No. E-52.
Chandler & Company
INio.ro.. ...
Franklin Bank Bldg.
New York Boston
Coal & Iron
Norfolk Newport News
I Service and Stability i
Financial Briefs
Tho nvcragn price of twenty active
industrial slork nilvancetl 1.H4 per ocnt
.Yt'Rtcrdny to 105.7(5. wlillc Iwcnly rail
rontls ndvniiceil 0.IJS per cent to 75.05.
The Hank of Knglaml minimum rate
of discount remains unchanged at 0 per
It is apparent from reports of manu
facturing companies in all sections of
the country, save where coal shortage
lins forced curtailment, (hat there is
no let-up in industrial earnings. The
margin of profit has not suffered, and
na production increases aggregate pro'fits
expand extraordinarily.
The steel people sny their reports for
the, last quarter will, of course, show
small earnings because of the steel and
coal Rtrikcs. But they consider this
loss of earnings a splendid investment
because so many lnbor problems will bo
settled permanently by these strikes. '
Kcports that Endicott-.Iohnoon di
lectors would declare o stock dividend,
in addition to. an increase in the cash
disbursement, did not materialize nt
yesterday's meeting. No stock dividend
was authorized, but the board, besides
declaring the usual quarterly dividend
of $1.25 n shnrc, voted an extra dis
tribution of S2 a share on the common,
which brought the total dividends for
1010 up to .$." n shnrc, or 10 per cent
on the .$14, 000,000 common stock, whose
shares hnvc a par value of ,i0 ench.
Tlcports that railroad securities held
on this side in the name of tho British
Government, stocks and bonds mobilized
during the war for use in stabilizing
steeling exchange, are Being liquidated
in this market, were denied In authori
tative quarters. It was Stated that such
holdings are intact. '
Chandler & Co. announce that the
American Ship and Commerce Corpora
tion and the Commerce Navigation Cor
poration are operated and officered as
separate concerns. The former concern
is the holding company.
The New York subtreasury gained
?1,7G0,000 from tho banks yesterday,
7 First Mortgage Marine
Equipment Sinking
Fund Bonds
Wc offer a limited amount
of the Now Issue of
.$3,500,000. Dated Decem
ber 1, 1019. Due Decem
ber 1, 1924.
PRICE 99 J4 and Interest
YIELD, about 7.20
Circular mailed on request
Investment Bankers
Real Estate Trust Bldg.
Multiply Your Income
Ton can make a blcrer nut cess of
NESS by morn definite information
rplatlve to tho fundamentals and prin
HpIH of Kusinoss. Our large staff of
Ituiinsa Experts aro prepared to help
you to solve the knotty problems of your
business. Courses of study for your
uparn time tn
Banking and Finance
Business Letter Writing
Foreign and Domestic
Commercial Spanish ,
Business Administration I
Booklets on reciui?st and special classes!
For Interview write, elvlnr telephone
number and position, or rait at f
Kastfrn OBlce
608 Chestnut' St.
H'ntnnt SIM
ftprn Ktrntncs
campaign to
of the coun
H t"" ' ' .''. '.'.'.."
Vv'.;y'ft';'v.-:.'.';,i .!Ji'".JVi'.'vJ.''l;JJ'?tV'';K''?k
National Bank of South
New York Office, 10 Wall Street R.
reducing' tho cash net loss since Friday
to $21,023,000.
The committee on securities of tiic
New York Stock Exchange rules, thnt.
transactions in tho common stock of
the Liggett & Myers Tobacco Co. shall
he ex-rights on February 10. Hights
may be dealt in on or nfter ner'pmlier .1.
Transactions In rights must be settled
on r CDruary iv.
ehongc memberships touched n tew
V,JIA 4 A l 4 Al M H B..1. Tl... T 411 1-
".Mil iiiuwv iuuuj ivncn .Mum r, v;iurK
purchased tho seat of George W. Bally
for Sft f)rV) Thf- I ... l.,.. t
$2000 over the previous record price.
New York, Doc. 4. The foreign ex
chango market opened with sterling nnd
francs slightly Improved. Italian ex
change was confused, reports varying
fully 5 points according to the different
The rally in sterling, according to
prominent international bankers, will
be short-lived. It is partially flue" to
the fact that tht market, for tho time
being, has become technically oversold.
The embargo upon coal for foreign
ships is also n bullish influence on ex
change. Quotations were:
Demand sterling ,1.80', cables 3.00;
franc cables 10.28, checks 10..10; lire
cables 12.54, checks 12.5(1; Swiss cables
5.35, checks 5.37; guilder cables 38,
cheeks 38 ; -pesetas cables 10.75, cheeks
10.65;, Stockholm cables 21.00, checks
Direct Banking
With China and Japan Markets
arc afforded by our own branches in
Shanghai and Yokohama.
The opening of a new branch" in Tokio on
December 1st further enhances our facil
ities for the efficient transaction of over
seas business.
We are prepared to act for American
merchants and manufacturers, importers
and exporters in all financial matters per
taining to imports rand exports to the
Far East and co-operate with them to the
utmost in developing their markets in that
Our officers will be glad
to donsult with 'you.
Charles A. Holder, President
T. Fred Aspden, Vice President
E. B. MacKenzie, Secretary & Treasurer
56 Wall Street, New York
Paid Up Capital and Surplus $2,250,000
International Freighting Corporation
,. Utt rrtrrct
Calllne nt rtmambuco. But. In, Ulo Ha Janeiro nnd Montevideo.
ltuenon Aire. I .a t'tnla. He,
Rordeaux. Ilsiro, Dunkirk, etc.
Lafayette Building, Philadelphia.,
'P IlriKiilwitY, Now York,
Electric Railways
South Africa
Plans are inder way for the electrification of
the railways of South Africa as part of the
develop the vast natural resources
Four hundred .
branches of this in
stitution, completely
covering the South
African commercial .
centers, are at the dis
posal of American
business mn.
r We should be glad to
supply further infor-
motion on request
Resources Over $287,000,000, '
21.75; Cbristlanla cables 20,05, check),
20,80; Conenhageu cables 10.20. checks!
10.05 i'ltelglau cables 0.72. checks 0.74
marks 2.28. Ruble notes 3.C0 for DOO'tJ
nnd 4.20 for 100's,
Around midday sterling developed
further strength, rising to 3.01 for dc
mand, compared with !l.87&, tho low
record nt the closo yesterday. Cables!
rose lo 3.02. Franc cables were 10.22
nnd checks 10.24 ; lire cables 12.C0 nnd
checks 12,52, and marks 2.20.
Extra by Endlcott-Johnoon
TS'ew Yorlt, Dec. 4. The EndieotH
Johnson Corporation has declared thfl
regular quarterly dividend of $1.25 nurj
nn extra $2 on the common stock, alt.ri
the regular quarterly dividend of $1.7ft
on tho preferred stock. Dividends nrfl
payable Januury 1 to stock of record
December 15.
Position Wanted
Ilonornhly discharged U. 8. army
ofllcer, thirty-seven, wishes execu
tive position, or place promising early
advancement oilier than retail sell
ing; steady aalary ns basis of pay I
1'hlla. or elsevtlierei good references.
Army Record! Commanding; troepst In
fantry) Ordnance; Administrative work
In charge of men and material!.
Civil Kxprrlencri University graduate,
cashier. Investment banker and trustee!
early business experience In the 1Yet.
Itox G 309, l'ubllo Ledger.
Bills of
Telephone Lombard 3633, 3G34
Trlrnhonp, Cor It i' ml 7730 "
P& !:;&',
Africa, Ltd.
E. Saunders, Agent
a a)
, . ft,; ,-s ' , - , 5j , .
"s-fT' .. ... , t