fc h"fl. V Vk. t w. H e '- i t. n se- w. 1ST & ft r & P IV M jfe' a BVBNlJa PUBLIC LEJDJBJ-PH?AI)BIPHIA VVEDNSDAX DEODSpBER $, ' 10) j" '" '" '' ' i r - - ' . .A. i : , . . SOCIALISTS PIQUED i CALL R0W1E STRIKE S ISS1 I ..SS.IS Police and Military Take Pre cautions to Prevent Disorder in Streets DENIKINE'S TROOPS BEATEN IN UKRAINE New Kolchak Cabinet Chosen. Rods TaKe Town 100 Miles East of Omsk SC OPERO A ROMA HRENZE E NULANO CHAMBER RESUMES SESSION rioi-nfl. Dec. ."!. (H. A. I.) The Tlkrninlnn mission hero linn bjra In formed Hint Ocncrnt Pedum s TTkriiln Inn forces, nfter licnvy (lalitlne nRaliipt the- troops of Oncrnl TVnlldnc tlir nn(t.Hnl.1iivlli lender in South Tliissin. took the towni nf Ekntrr1nnilnv, .I'iiI tnvn ami HordltolicfF. together with ' ......l. .. .nlntn1 mil nrtilcitllfTe. Tim llllllll nni "'"""'"" .... ,7 T'krnininn Government announces tlint two gtroiiR nrmlps t'krnlntnn nml On licinn linvc joined in the iljtlit nsninst Dcnlklno. IrhntKk. Siberia. Nov. 2 (v A. I. 1 The HoWievlkl have occupied the town of Tatnrknyn. about 100 miles Umsk on the irnns-Mnerinn The American consulate mid rms have rvjieiinteil Tomsk. WasliliiRton, Dec. . fy A. IM The personnel of the new Knlolink cnlii net has been nnnounecd in official ad vices from IrkutMk. Tlie premier is I'opallne who liolds the portfolio of minister of the interior: TretiakolT be comes vie president of council mid nct inj: minister of foieln affairs; Hour ishkinc becomes minister of litinnce, and for the time being the new minister of war will lie tienerni KliniiRine. ine Hy (lie Associated Press Rome., Deo. S. Extraordinary police and military measures were taken yes terday to prevent disorders, Troops were held in the vicinity of the Chamber of Deputies, where machine Kims were tronf in riMiillnpts: nrmi.rcd cars circu lated IhroiiRh the main thoroughfares of '""" f ( the city, while cavalry and mounted ,,.,..... cnril.ineers patrolled the center of the ""i"(i capnai The meetlnK of the chamber was re sumed. nntttUWnmlitiR the gpneral strike proclaimed by the Socialists as a protest against their having bepn beaten Sn street demonstrations Monday eve Walls in the city were plarardcil with manifestoes eulogizing the Italian workers, mid calling upon them not to delay action in favor of their Russian ...I,,i1.,.,t.v lirnfliriMl. The IllllCIirds declared that llussin's example must be incumbents were retained in the other cvnno,l In- nil the enl eitened nroicinr- ouices. lats. mid 'urged the workmen to refuse to malic arms or munitions destined for Russia. The miti -Social! enthusiastic in thel nf Kinv lftnr Kinmnmi liament and the mitt racialist iicmon strntion inside nml outside the chanibei Tlie Oiornnlc D'ltnlla. noting that the Catholics participated in the loyal demonstrations, suggests that the mo ment is ripe for the forming of n com pact union of nil the national forces. Which it S.'US lllll) comprise "' ui-iu- ,y ties. Manv other newspapers comment i n with satisfaction on the demonstration j,j against the radical force. The Cor- i A ticre D'ltnlla says it finds the king's X words were indirect, but n resolute con- f 1 demnntion of the methods followed by i, the Peace Conference in framing the A Versailles peace treaty. ft Avanti. the Socinlist organ, says: M "The Italian bourgeoisie ate stunned . M and cannot frame a program. Tlie king's I speech shows that they do not under-i ft Hand the meaning of the elections, i Thev think thev are the victims of a j momenta blow which is reparable b a policy of procrastination." fo The Avanti adds uiat inc King s gov ernment was responsible for nil the "in famies" against the vanquished con tained in the Versailles treaty, and najs: "The government does not de sire new wars, yet it allows the coun try to be flooded with imbecile stones about Adriatic aspirations." In Roma la Popolaziono Attacca i Socialist! o li Malmona PubllshM unit Distributed Undr T'KHMtT Nil. 341. uthorlrfd by thn net nf OctoW 0, 1 917 on nio at thr I'ntorrice of Phila delphia. Pa a h. noni.r.ao.v roatnmster IJenernl. Hoiun, .1 dlcPiiibre, I,o sciopcro gen ernle c' sno proclnmno a ltomn. Milauo o Vlrcn&e. A Mllonn solnnto si ebbero n deplornre dlsordlni di una certa rntita' o due person e rimascro ucclse e parec clile altre ferile. Due del feriti dl Milano morlrono pol neH'ospcdnle. Durante una dlinos trajtione a Hume fu fntto fuoco sopra i cnrnblnierie ipiesti phi' tnrdi risposero nl f fuoco uccidendo una persona c fcrcudoue nitre sei. Alia inewanotte tuttl i pubbliel servizl fuuziouavano rcgoliirmente. 11 l'opolo Itomano c l'Osscrvatore ltomnno sono gll unlci glornnll cho si pubbllcano nella capltale. Nelle detle tre clttn' vl sono state dimostrnzlonl di soeiallstl da una parte p di nationalist! dall'altra. Alcuni deputnti soclnllstl passando in Kama, per piazza Colonua, furono insultati c Belvatt dnlla forza pubtllcn dall'Ira po Straordlnnrie misurc dl ppllzla c mlll tarl sono Ktate prese dalle autorita'. Klpartl dl truppn stnzlonnno nclIo vl cinnnzo delln Camera del pepulati, ove sono state plazzntc anrlic delle tnltrngll. atrlel pronto per iiunlsinRl pventiinlltn', Cnrrl armntl purcorrono le prlnclpall vie delln cittn', nientrc rlpnrti ill cnval. lerln c dl cnrnblnicrl montntl stnzlounno nolle plnzze. i l.a sediitn alia Camera del Deputnti p' statu ripresa nonostante die I socia list I nvosKcro fatto prochimare lo scio pcro gcncrnlo per protestarc per esserc statl bnttiitt diirntite lo dimostrnzlonl ill liiiiedl' scrn. Sul miiri della cittu sono statl afflssl del mniilfesti elie fnnno nppello nl invo ratori iier un'azlone in fnvore del rivo luzlonnrl russl. c di rlflularsl dal fare nrml e munlzioni dcstlnntc per in Kus sin, 1,'On. Orlnndo e' stnto cletto presi deiite della Camera con votl il!i contro 1 l.'l, ricevutl da hazzari candidato del soclalistl, l'rlma della dctta elezlone I deputnti coclnlistl prestnrono II gulra mento c la cerimonln dlcdc luogo a qiialehe incidentp. 11 Deputato Abba dl flcnova tllsac: lo gluro, mn fnlsa men to. II Dcputnto Knmltn, socinllsta, non intcrvciine nllu sedutn jicrclie' con fliinto in letto per lo percosgc rlccvutc dtirnnto In dlinostrnzlonc dl luncdl sera. I compngnl dl lul nlln Cnmcrn lancia rono Invettlvc contro Nlttl e speclnl mento contro II genernlc Albrlcci, mln Istro della guerra, die ncciiRiiuo dl pcrmettero agll iifiiclnll dl bntterc I soclnllstl. A vlce-prsidcutl della Cnmera fono stall clettl gll onorcvoil Dc . Nava, Meda, Ciuffelll a Kcrenninl. Mexicans Vote fo Bull Fights .Mexico City. Dec. fl. (Ily A. I'.) Ky an overwhelming vote the Mexican Chamber of Deputies csfcrdny passed a bill restoring bull fights. The Senate will vote on the measure today. sm&l-z&z&tez&.'ai rsV"iwT::ss,'S Large Government Inspected Refrigerators nmnmicl before l'nr- A . . r . . i y Now on fcale at Less i nan Lost i fa . $ Parbcularly Adapted for Restaurants, Hotels, Etc., as i our Uwn Kitchen Well to These refrigerators were built for the U. S. Navy, and are white porcelain enamel inside and out, with nickel-plated trimmings Yale padlock size: G7 ins. high, 24 ins. deep and 48 ins. wide, with throe large food compartments and one ice chamber large galvanized iron drip pan to each all crated ready for delivery. Retails for $275. NOW $95 Walnut Street Auction Rooms 907 Walnut St. These Refrigerator! Will NOT Be Sold at Auction 5teSKSeriaa9CI3!:i.1330:tiS ;is?3:Ks!js:iii: i$ Our New Catalog Is Ready T Containing thousands o f photographic illustrations of articles accurately described and priced. A timely conven ience in assisting to select the gifts required for the coming Holiday Season, as well as a reference book for the entire year. Our present stock is complete with all that is new and desir able in Diamonds, Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and Silver ware. We know "you will be delighted with the variety as well as the values we offer. A copy will be sent on re quest. S. Kind & Sons, mo chestnut si. DIAMOND MERCHANTS JEWELDttS SILVERSMITHS Uusincsa Hours 8:45 to 5:1,5 GOULD PROTESTS ALIMONY Frank J. Brings Suit Questioning French Court's Jurisdiction Vcn-alllcs. Dec. ."!.( Ity A. P.I Former Premier Kene Viviani appeared for Frank J. Gould jesterday at a hearing on n motion bv Mrs. Oould, from whom Mr. Gould recently ob tained a divorce. Tlie motion claimed the French courts had no jurisdiction to grant separation and alimony. M. Vivinni, while admitting she had no Ooinlcile in France, maintained that lu ttfipcnlins against the judgment of t.ie court she implicitly recognized rieiiru jurisumLiuu. I iM. I J qpr itttiit ijnynj 1 Mill 31k fkl FREE A Ten-Day Tube of Pepsodent. Send coupon. Make this simple.pleasanthomc test. See for your self the results. till XNi v 'J'. mW WTftie-'"!S m".. - vfK . . .' 5.;; -gSSW VJ8g2 m 4 4f v Any size Conl you want I and when you want it. . BEST COAL EisCoal $11.25 Nat Coal $11.75, Stove Coal 11.65 Pea Coal 9.55, Buy your coal now, don't ' icait until you are entirely , out. Be prepared. Owen Letter's Sons Largest Coat Tlard In Philadelphia Trenton Ave. & Weitmoreland Keyntone, East 333. Ildl. Frankfort 2110 Wl Ml W Br dm AT )n MB Hvl VKJ ' IB nj Bl HI M Hr Mi Mm Pw IB d wL a Start This New Teeth-Cleaning Method All Statements Approved by High Dental Authorities im m Writr or call for ncui atirt JnferenHHfl Booklet ' Look ing Into Your Ou'U Eyes. Sn A Series of Eye Talks sr By Joseph C. Ferguson, Jr. Our Net Talk Wed.. He. 11th TREATING STYES TYES aro one of the commonly prevalent forms of eye trouble to which people sel dom pay sufficient heed. They are cenernlly an Indlca lion of eye-airaln. whlrh caue a tremandoua drain of nervous energy If you art aubjert to etea, the lit and safest thine you can do in to ro to an Oculist apd hae him examine your eyes. Whenever your eyes need a.t tentfon retfardlesa of what you think causes the trouble go to an Oculist for an exam Inatlon On'y In the event that rlasses are needed will they be pre scribed, In that case' hav them made by a prescription optician, 1'recrlrtIon Opttrlaut 6, 8 & 10 South 15th St. W Io NOT Examine Eves Thl "Talk from a copyrlcht eg mi im Teach Children to Employ It When you see what Pepso dent does, teach the children to employ it. Brushing is inadequate, for saving teeth, and millions of mothers know it. The film will wreck them if you don't com bat it. This ten-day test will show you how to fight the film. It will point the way to whiter, safer teeth. It will tell you how the chil dren can avoid some troubles that you know. See that they do it. There are few things more important. Millions of teeth are being cleaned in a new way. And 6,000 new people daily are writing for a ten-day test. , Everywhere the results are seen in teeth that glisten- teeth with envied lucter. Ask the owners and they will tell you that Pepsodent has done it. But this means more than white teeth. Those careful people are fighting film, and film is the great tooth wrecker. Most tooth troubles arc nowadays traced to it. Film the Chief Enemy Film is that viscous coat which you feel with your tongue. It clings to teeth, enters crevices and stays. The tooth brush does not end it. The ordinary tooth pas,te does not dissolve it. So much remains to cloud the teeth and it may do a ceaseless damage. . - Film is what discolors not the teeth. It is the basis of tartar. It holds food substance which ferments and forms acid. It holds the acid in contact with the teeth to cause decay. Millions of germs breed in it. They, with tartar, are the chief cause of pyor rhea. Thus well-brushed teeth, as mil lions know, discolor and decay. And serious tooth diseases are alarming in ex tent. Science Now Combats It These facts have long been known. Dental science long has sought a way to daily fight film. But the only way seemed periodic dental cleaning to remove the film and tartar. "fife aBtmemattmamtwmaBmaa pat. OFT. A REC.U.S The NeW'Day Dentifrice The scientific film combatant, which, after years of careful testing, is now advised by leading dentists everywhere. Druggists everywhere are sup plied with large tubes. Let Your Mirror Tell You can see and feel what Pepsodent is doing. Just use it twice daily and watch it. Let your mirror de cide its effects. THE PEPSODENT COMPANY, Dept. H-796, 1104 S. Wabash Ave, Chicago, 111. Mail 10-Day Tube of Pepsodent to Name, Jsisja) A J Now science has discovered an efficient film combatant. Able authorities have proved it by convincing clinical and labo ratory tests. For home use, the method is now em bodied in a dentifrice called Pepsodent a modern, scientific tooth paste. And, to show its effects, a 10-Day Tube is being sent to anyone who asks. Make This Simple Test Pepsodent is based on pepsin, the di gestant of albumin. The film is albu minous matter. The object of Pepsodent is to dissolve it, then to day by day com bat it. This method long seemed impossible. Pepsin must be activated, and the usual agent is an acid harmful to the teeth. But a harmless activating method has been found. Years of tests have proved that. So now this active pepsin can be every day applied. - Send the coupon for a 10-Day Tube. Note how clean the teeth feel after using. Mark the absence of the slimy film. See how teeth whiten as the fixed film dis appears. See the results, and our book will tell you how they come about. Then decide for yourself between the old ways and the new. The test will be a revelation, and you owe it to yourself. Mail the coupon to us loaay. i 10-DAY TUBE FREEl I B I B ! 1 Address ,,, , , , , , I rm Christmas erift for ALL'V W &' the itmas family Think of the dances you can give in your own home the music you can enjoy! How the young folks gather around, and the old folks listen, 1 too, and enjoy it as much as any one! Ihmk how much more attractive your house would be with a beautiful phonograph in the living room, ready at any time to breathe the softest love song or play the liveliest one-step, at your command. Consider the long winter evenings how cozy it would be for you to have entertainment at liome the best entertainment the world affords! Phonographs are scarce this year, but in the face of this scarcity we are making reductions from $28.20 to $43.20, to mark our entrance into1 the talking-machine business, we bought, months ago, before several advances went into effect, a large consignment of the famous talking machine, a handsome, beautifully finished and superior instru ment. The tone is extra loud, and can be modified at will. See for your self the savings we make you. 1 Model No. 3 a month Model No. 2 j i A month V Model No. .1 M. J a montl Price, J12C $10 Down No interest. No extras. Solid' mahouanv cabinet, 4G Indies hieh, 20 inches wide and 21 indies deep. Also live 10-lncli recoiil albums, holding 60 records: twehe lO.lnch 86a records (24 selections your choice) and BOO needles. VALUE Machine $135.00 Albums 7.50 Records 10.20 Needles 50 Price, $137.50. $10 Down, No interest No extras. Solid mahogany cabinet, 45 Inches high, 21 Inches wide and 22 Inches deep, also flvo 10-Inch record llbums, holding 60 records: twelve 10-inch 85o records (24 selections your choice) and BOO needles. VALUE Machine $150.00 Albums 7.50 Records ; 10.20 Needles . . . .50 Prlca $150. $10 Down Vn lnloriRt. No extras. Solid maliOBnny cabinet, 46. lnchcr. hlch. 82 inches wido and 23 inches deep, also ltvo 10-tnd record albums, holding 60 rccori) twnh'n m.lnnh 85a records (21 fl lections your choice) and BJO needles. VALUE s Machine $175.0 Albums 7.50 Records 10.20.1 Needles 50 $153.20 $168.20 $193.20 All Stores Open Evenings Until Xmas F. A. NORTH CO. 1306 Chestnut Street Philadelphia Gentlemen: Pledse send me booklet and complete description of your famous SUPERTONE TALKING MACHINES also details of easy-payment plan, wjthout interest or extras. Name Address R I,. 12-3-m west rnir. S02 South 2il Btreft KENSINGTON 1813-15 Est Allrt-hmj Ave Nonni riura. 2130 y. Front 8t. KORRISTOWX 228 West Main Strtrt CAMDKN 831 Itroadway TRENTON 209 T,. HUte 8trtt( CHESTER C'i) 312 Kdgmont ATnus READIKa U Worth Stli Mtrret aeriea. Ail risnia reeerKi. igg MANAYUNK 47 Main Street J ' X 3 n ! 1, it J tit'..