s . 1 A ' ' x ' TO & f J ' T. -V EVENING TUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1919 ..lIN must sign PROTOCOL TODAY PREDICTS FREE IRELAND m Pace Council Not Yot Informed of Corman'3 Intention Re garding Armistice IUNGARIANS ATTACK SERBS Ily the Associated Vrtsi Paris, lire. 1. Alllifiiifli loilnv uiik tlie date pt for Hip pxplinncp nf rnllfl- CKtlons of tho tronU, no (Infinite news aa at inml rpKardlns Hip iiitpimmi of tftp iernian n to the slEiiinR of Hip proticol in which the) ttrp expected lo KHiirntitee tiip rnrrIng out of the iirinl ttcy terras of tlip treaty. , French representatives In tlip IVure ConferriHP arp tirKing the American delegates to delay their departure for liome until tlip proticol is xiKiicd, j The fcelinc In hrcncli circles uliicli , L h shared in by some of the other dcle- stations, is thnt departure of tlie Amer- dufl ui. nil- uiiir uuiu oe nnsiiucr- i -preted in (Jmmitij iih ii cort of ntiun- I floument of tlip conference, uUIioiirIi it would in no wine change, the relation of i the United States toward that bodj. The Supreme Council todax ndoitpd the terms of tlip reply to the recent. I German note regardltiK prisoners of war. The contents were not jciven om. ' An attempt to make a peace tieat, with Hungary throiiKh its new nmeni ment wan decided upon toduj . The council reached this decision after lis tpniruj to the report of Sir (icorRc Clerk, the 1'cnce Conference emissarj who recently returned from litnl.ipest It was resolved to aslt the gm em inent of Premier Hnsrar to t-end to Kcuilly, near Paris, as soon as possi ble a Hungarian delegation empowered t6 negotiate peace Helcrade, Dec. 1 (Hy A. 1,) A froutier clash between Serbians and a Hungarian dctaclimeut is annomiccd in advices received today from I'reko ttury. A Hungarian force compris ing civilians, it is stated, nttacked frontier posts on Saturday and raided it, the township of Lcnova. fei The garrison of Lenova offered re jjHistnnco nnd Inflicted losses upon the US?. Hungarians, who were forced to retire over the line of demarkation. Serbian r . c&KtialtieR are declared to bnve bi-i'ii lirslieutS PRINCE ARRIVES IN ENGLAND Coming Within a Year, Frank Walsh Tills Friends of Irish Freedom .Sernnlon, I'a., Dc. 1. "Ireland's fieedom Is coming within tlie c"r be cause behind her cause Ireland today has n united Irish people nnd because the principles of her cause arc fo lm- Lpcrlidiablp that freedom and right' to be the master of her own destinies cannot be denied." Frank I. WaMi, member of the Irish -Auiprlcan uuiimlssloii to the I'eace Con ference nt Paris, made tills declaration at a miiss-mectlnR held last night ns the closing feature of the first state con dition of the Friends of Irish Free dom. "The Irish is no longer an American tnmemciit : it is the striiKglp of an elected republic for Its life," he said. JihIrc FiiReiiP C. I'onniutH. of Phil adclphla. launched the campaiRii to sell S2. (Mill. (MID worth of bonds of tlie Irish republic in l'ciinlvniilii Tlie quota for America is S'JO. (100.0011 In tlie mil) contest for n state office at the closing business session Sunilfn aft ernoon Frank S. Clark, Philadelphia, defeated .lohn 'I' Flood, of Philadelphia, for secretan, l,"l-141 Other olhiers el pi ted were: .Tobn F. ltllcklej. Serunton. president; Mrs. Mary .Tones. Cnnonsburg, treasurer; .lames Mulvlhill. PittsbiirRli, vice pres ident ; Mrs Mni A. Callagher. Phil adelphia, second xlce iiresident; Thomas O'Domiell. Pottsvllle. third vice pres ident; Luke Dillon, Philadelphia, fourth xice president. VAN AA ACCLAMATI A ROMA Imponente Dimostraziono Montro il Ro o la Rogina Vanno al Parlamonto Published nnd Distributed Unilur pmiMiT no. an. AutnortiPrt liv Hie Htt of October 8. 1017 on tllu ut tlio Postorflre iif l'hlla UllpMlu, t'u. A H. HUtlMIoON. PnstmHcter General FIRE WRECKS GAS PLANT Cape May Illuminating Co. Suffers $5000 Loss C.ipe Ma), N. .1.. Dec. 1. Tin1 Cape Mav Illuminating t'o 's plant here was pintli destrojcil this moining by fire caused b) oil igniting in the engine room The blaze quickl.i spread to other parts of the building and only the efficient work of tlie Cape May fire department, assisted by tlie fire fighters from the coastal air station, three miles away, prevented tlie tlaine from com municating to the big gas tanks, only twenty feet from the engine house. The gas plant is directly adjoining the grounds of the Cape May Golf Club. The damage is said to be about iCiOOO. Tlie Cape May Illuminating Co. is said to be n subsidiary of tlie Fniteil !as Improvement Co. of Philadelphia Reaches Portsmouth on Birthday of His Grandmother, Alexandra Portsmouth, England, Dee 1 (11 A. P.) The Plime of Wales arrived here on board the British warship Ite imttn at 0 o'clock this morning, follow ing a visit to Canada and the I'nited States. His vessel left this port on July fi. The entry of tlie Kenown to the har bor brought n twentj -one-gun salute 'from the tlag-bedeckcd ships which wen , decorated in honor of the birtlidaj of Queen Mother Alexandra IGE30E ft r r)PQ) PI SMS HEREisovera million dollars' worth of VIM Leather Belting in use in the State of Penn sylvania alone. E. F. HOUGHTON & CO. i 240 W. Somenet Street Philadelphia IComa, I dlcembre. Ite Vittorio I'maiiuele c In Hegiiia Llcim miiki stati entuslnstlumeiitp acclamali du rante il percorso dal tjiilrinalc nl Par luiiiento, me si sono recati per parte -clparo all'iipcrtura ilellu nuova ses sione. Le campane mmiiiuvuiiu a festa e la i"P"lnzioiie si abbandono' ad una entusiasticn dimostra.ioiie ii1l'iiiiliris.o del iSovrani. Le case Iiiligo II percorso del corteo leale erailo decorate con lirmdlfro 4iii7. Intial I II He iipI sun discorso, die proiiun zlo' dal trono ditto nella nuova aula della Camera del Deputatl, disse die la fidiicla e la simpatia della iiiilimc era indispenMiblle per II Piirlainento, come la sua collabora.lone in ttltti i mini ineiiti per 11 bene del popolo L'ltall.l egli disse dopo la sua granite lt toria hlMigna dirlga tutti i suoi sforai ai luvori ill p.ice. II Ite incDiniiicio' il suo discoiso miindaiido tin saluto ngli eioi del I'Fsercifo a della Marina, e dlssc clic lo virtu' p le cnergie die cssl splegarnno durante la gucrrn dovranno servlre per accclerarc la ricostnixlonc econo mica, (Juiindo He Vittorio Kmaiiuele entro' alia Canieni ilel Deputnll per l'nper turn della -."ma. Hessioiic del Piirla inento, I socialist! uou si alzaroiio in pledi. Non appna coinlndo' I'appello del deputati, essl iibbamhmaiiiuo I (i u In e si rlunlrono in una mi la mllacente. Dettn iliiilone del 'blneco soclallsta iivveuue uientie il He pioiiuxliivii il suo discorso, I sodallsti ton vol! llfi contro -'t iipprovarnuo una propostn del depulatii Modlgllani secoudo la itm1c essl dovevano prcudere posto all'jiper turn della Caniera. ma asternersl dal rendere onuiggio nl Itee rltlararsl pilma clic II sovrnno avesse principialo il suo illscorso. 1 soclallsti lianiii) dellberato di pre- stare 11 gluratncnto ill rlto nella scduta dl marledl' niacon riRcrva incntale, per pol presentnre una mozlona per ellml mi re dalla Costituxlonc die I deputati dehlmnn prestarc dctto gluriimcntu. Non iiucnra e' beu delinentn la con dotta del f-oclallsti per le prosalme scdutc. Atetinl deputati dlcono chc II loro progrninma sarn' moderato, ma sara' modlllcato e gll avvcrsarl del sodallsti facessero ipmlche nffronto. Del resto ill fi08 postl( alia Cpmern. ITiO sono stall guadagnati dal so dallsti. 100 dal cattoliei e 11! xltii repulihllcanl. I rlitiatientl postl sono divlsl tra I varll partltl anti-snciallsti. Moltl deputati soclallRtl promiscro prima della elczione uii'ozlnnc estrema contro il Parlamento. II Depulato (Irandl, tin artlglano die 1 soelalistl elessero a Mantova, dlsse agli elettori die si sarrehbe recato alia sedutc delta Camera armnto dl picconc per demo-llrlo. -rs-; I . '1 : 4oJ M fcfi&&gfr anyute made but RAMESES axe' chosei r ESES At Any F. A, North Store Biggest Phonograph Values Ever Offered in This City mir- i - .,. ., T? Ir aoaoc 3oaoc 30220 The Gift of Gifts Any housewife will appreciate an Apex Electric Washing Machine the washer that "tops them alt." Most approved principle of operation. No cylinder. No gears in tub. No wadding, tumbling, rubbing or tearing of clothes. Maximum action of steam and hot suds on entire surface of clothes, The Apex is the best, the simplest and the lowest priced metal electric washer on the market. Call and see the Apex demonstrated. Frank H. Stewart Electric Co. dB0BJi 37 and 39 N. Seventh Street MAKK VOUIl CHRISTMAS dlYIMi I'lMCTKAl 301301 HulMIn Old Mint Mini hi.ht rnir.ti. outs ioraoc 301301 o IOE30 Tjr fc ic . a M UaJQmM United States Shipping Board, Emergency Fleet Corporation WILL AUCTION NEW Machinery, Equipment & Supplies At Their Warehouse, Middlesex Ave. METUCHEN, N. J. Wednesday and Thursday, Dec. 17 and 18 At 11 A. M. Each Day ALL of this equipment, which is new, represents surplus, after Wrnpletion or cancellation of contracts It has a cost value of about three and a half million dollars, and includes almost every line of supplies and equipment, as well as a number of Machine Tools. Among the items may be mentioned: 450 Steel Lifeboats, 200,000 lbs. Manila Rope, 300,000 lbs. Steel Wire Cable, 70,000 lbs. Insulated Cable, 20,000 feet Fire Hose, 1.1,000 lbs. I Beams, COO tons Iron Building Forms, Angles, Channels, etc.; 42,000 lbs. Rivets, 75,000 lbs. tlftVliina Scrpws. Foundation Units nnd Nnta. tfi.flOn Kntrs Hnlvflniprl rJn)L iKnn itHs fnltnn nnclf 1 7t Mntnl ItorfVio 9( Inni flat nnrl 47JtnVC0, -VV J UUB wvw t.., A, .. uu, .iiu, V .Willi liuu MIIU rouny Bar Iron, 250 tons Steel Floor and Boiler Plates, 25 tons Brass and Copper Tubing, 300 tons Chain (assorted sizes), Gin-Poles, Steel Mastts, Propellers, 3 7V4 and 10 K. W. Generator Sets, 12 Feed Water Pumps, 10 Hand Drainage Pumps, 41 Sanitary Independence Pumps, ta Main Centrifuiral Circulating Pumns. 10": 30 Fire and General T" Service Pumps, 10xxl2; 15 Vertical Twin Beam Air Pumps, 10xl8x 18-12; Evaporator, ID ton; u 8axh Emerson urantmgnam Hoists and Winches, 24 Fairbanks 8Uxl0 Winches and hoists, 15-ton Loco motlve Crane, 40-foot Planer, 25 Allen High-speed Single-spindle Drill Presses, Joiners, Tennoning Machines', Moulders, etc.; 4, 6 and 12 foot Power Presses, 107 1 nnd 3 ton Chain Hoists, Blocks, etc. Also a large quantity of electrical equipment, conduit lamps, boxes, fuses, switches, etc., etc. 15 vertical and steering engines, 10 feed witter heaters and evaporators. Tho Warehouse was the plant of The Empire Floor & Wall Tile Company and Is located on Middlesex ave. (Lincoln Highway), MHuchen, N. J., which is 27 miles from New York and 63 miles, from JFWIdelphia, and is reached on the Pennsylvania Railroad by local trains only, from either city. It is bIbo reached from Newark, New Bnimwick and Trenton, N. J., by trolley or bus. The quickest way toj reach the plant is from New Brunswick or Perth Amboy by bus 6r trolley. The, Warehouse will be open or exhibition purposes on Monday and Tuesday, December 15th and J 6th, from 9 A.M. until 5. P. M. Itemized catalogues with full particulars mailed upon application to SAMUEL T. FREEMAN & CO. (AUCTIONEERS) 119-21 Qhcstnut St. Philadelphia, Pa. TJ. S. Shipping Bpard Emergency Fleet Corporation r ' 1 Nerth Broad Street, Philadelphia This Ad is for You, Dad Surprise and delight the little ones on Christmas morning with ., 2fe NEW EDISON "The Phonograph with a Soul" Wake them from their happy dreams with music. And how your wife will welcome such a splendid gift! Be a real Santa Claus this year. We'll Keep Your Secret Choose your instrument now we'll hold it for Christmas delivery. Columbia Cheney Franklin Phonographs BLAKE and BU1KAKT The Phonograph Shops 1100-1102 Walnut Street 204 South 11th Street See The This Winter -and ee It All The climate of the Pacific slope from British Colum bia on the North to the Mexican border on the South is mild and pleasant all winter, varying in degree of mildness as one journeys North or South. Rose and ceranium weather, for which warm ocean currents are re sponsible, makes it possible for the visitor whether in Seattle, Tacoma, Portland, San Francisco, Los Angeles or San Diego whether motor ing along the Columbia Highway or El Camino Real to view the scenic wonders of the Far West in cdmfort, and to engage in all out-of-door sports, as in springtime. ' And the scenery of the entire trans-Sierra region is so varied with iu cloud-crowned peaks, its mountain-born streams, its waterfalls, its flower-carpeted valleys and ocean beaches that no part of it should be missed. En route visit the National Parks, National Monuments, and other winter resorts. .See Hawaii, too. Ask for information about Excursion Fares to certain winter rcsorti. "California for the Tomltt," "Pacific Northweit," "Hawaii." and other retort booklet!, on request. Let the local ticket agent help pun your trip or apply to the nearest Consolidated Ticket Office or address nearest Travel Bureau, United States Railroad Administration, 646 Transportation Bldg., Chicago: 143 Liberty St., New York Cityi 602 Healey Bldg., Atlanta, Ga. Please indicate the places you with to tee en route. Consolidated Ticket Office, 1539 Chestnut Street Philadelphia, Pa. Phone, Locust 5800 Uoted-States -JRailrqajd -Administration "For Your Convenience These Stores All open evenings until Christmas CENTRAL SHOPPING SECTION STORE 1306 Chestnut St. WEST PHILA. STORE 302 South 52d St. NORTH PHILA. STORE 2136 North Front St. KENSINGTON STORE 1813-15 East Allegheny Ave. MANAYUNK STORE 4378 Main Street NORRISTOWN STORE 228 West Main St. CHESTER STORE "" 312 Edgmont Ave. CAMDEN STORE 813 Broadway TRENTON STORE 209 East State St. READING STORE 15 North Fifth Street 1000 New, Splendid SUPERTONE TALKING MACHINES at savings of $28.20 to $43.20 A fortunate purchase months ago,.before several advances in price went into effect, enables us' to make these sweeping reduc tions to advertlso.our entrance into the Talking Machino business, These magnificent Supertones, in three models, all mahogany, have universal tone arms, enabling you to play all records without extra attachments. All surface noises or scratching eliminated to a greater ex tent than in any other machine. Extra-loud reproducer. All spruce wood amplifier or tone chamber curved up to meet the tone tube. No metal in the throat. Sound box carefully balanced so as not to wear record. Beautifully designed case splendidly finished on all four sides. Good, strong, easy-running motor, practically noiseless. Spacious cabinet gives adequate space for filing records so they are easily accessible. You Save $28.20 Supertone model No. 3. Solid ' mahogany Cabinet, 46 inches high, 20 inches wide and 21 inches deep. Also five 10-inch record albums, holding 60 records, twelve 10-inch 85c records (24 selections your choice) nnd 500 needles. Price, Complete, $125 VALUE Machine $135.00 Albums 7.50 Records . . . 10.20 Needles 50 $153.20 f $10 DOWN $6 a Month No interest. No extras. You Save $30.70 Supertone Model No. 2. Solid mahogany Cabinet, 45 inches high, 21 inches wide, 22 inches deep, also five 10-inch record' albums, hold ing 60 records; twelve 10-inch 85c records (24 selections your choice) and 500 needles. Price, Complete $137.50 VALUE Machine $160.00 Albums 7.50 Records 10.20 Needles 50 $ld8.20 $10 DOWN $7 a Month No interest. No extras You Save $43.20 Supertone Model No. 4. Solid mahogany Cabinet, 46 inches high, 22 inches wide, 23 inches deep, also five 10-inch record albums .holding 60 records,- Jrwelvc 10-inch 85c records (24 selections your choice) and 500 needles. Price, Complete, $150 VALUE Ainchine $176.00 Albums 7.50 Records . 10.20 Needles 50 $193.20 $10 DOWN $8 a Month No interest. No extras. PLEASE NOTE pnyi W ft 'IS 52j , All Stores Qpeu Evenings Until Xmas F. A. NORTH CO. 1306 Chestnut Street Philadelphia Gentlemen: Please send me booklet and complete description of your famous SUPERTONE TALKING MACHINES i also details of easy-payment plan, without interest or extras. i Name ...... .-..(. ,i, Address , B. I. 1S.M0. ewkl 1 1 1 Z S r Br T Df A. ? rt .