a I "If R St If- $ vw -f mr M Eaentftfl pt&lk fe&aet PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1919 Racing Over Obstructions : Alaskan Explorer : Champion Hunter .'American Polo on Rhini .Mt5'f .' . ' .3 -f '?., J ?- - frXi v . - ' iW - ;3j - -c 'TPK-V v WKfr&&Jtf'- f v" 3 sMBPaBffife. VTimmP' imMmmmsm.-- : '- " :;i vxasi u.s.ATSckiSv'W' . su ' . vu.' j. ., xv ,'..'. u . 'vr w .ssr. ' . . "7 i ? " j ...!' ? v-"kj y !' -,.., . ";, n .Aii! " $ ' .'V ... . . ... . . v?t . p Aj vft ' , ,- - X ,; v ;' VJ(, .y ,--:v .vli$l Mlli' IWM '.T:.!'W''"Jki R ', ' K ?ft T-MMMTWt", JA .MV ABmBBWJT-" "PW., X " WF,A X- AU 8- '-... Mtt '.kf' ' sisvi:'; MH . V. ' mD,uui'V'S ' v lJi 3tsj-PTj'2--a-mv . x - , ,4ARs. . -. 'psvK- ttiiwzL tWMmmymmjkmmi h SisM, ".v;S"B "" ! ! II ill IliW x JJlT' X 'T " 'UV .Wfcftffeo . ?''i'.-W tf SP -'Kf. r"TW" f Wit U'V, ssgg ggx-aK WBfflft rrspff?- -AaK&: kjv IM M tBUir . mM ,&N. affiBE -..,BKiilMMBilSiHHffiM X - .i:-' ?A4S1' ...'" -' Sa?5-iS?5-75fsT5?v -. tJ'Jwaii .i Mm' i " i' 'Miwujf it ii hi i'i'wi riBi i miiWuWHH Lrrrrr'TEJTBi 'ij' 'r jTTi n tiiH" .r ubwjib itfroJx Vl JwiJjj'.ririnoiTnvjnipJiMi ' -'"""UwiJiiiJiiJiiH' t,--' "(WBBi' ,n. . w'vtiw i -i..-.-. ihijmiih- i-nOTffliTiMirfhhi rrinVinrnfii S? - r4f . i. .; v, iit r-tLvj v-; j.4. !o. X '5'a "v, ' t--,f'"; ?v '?: fam,,y, ii i --r;i -,' '.,,?;. t g6- ,?M f,AS .1 ;lV m-s-xim U:M-l S ? 4 ' , .W' wmm r';,?i'V i .--l&zz:. rr 6s-v ' ?&: .xv' mm? ?fefA Ji xlS? !' 3 S-H .:4?a ,s.Vffin ' "..?? , Yi . ..i'V''v-" pw iii'' 1Vr1rr TVintn XAt-vlfw. i WILLIAJ1 B. VAN VALIN, the explorer, wearing the ategie, the Eskimo hood and "' ,,M coat. He .was leader of the John Wanamaker expedition to the. Arctic coast of Alaska. , ?. Mr. Van Valin has returned to Phitedeluhia after an absence of two years, durinc ' J which he collected some three tons of material among tho natives. The collection will oe placed in the University of l'ennsylvania Museum tluo i.imu I'.iutu. A PARTICULARLY exciting obstacle race in tho Riding and Driving Tournament, held in the great Berlin Stadium, Frau Schmitz Hasenwinkel encountering a troublesome obstruction very difficult to negotiate with her team. &&. Utf-J4"VfX' vi .WAVSwi ' :- 'mMiw&m .fAMWiSfx j ,x.sGt.vy B. y6 'a 'ri.'ir !Ji? ; ,: ppJPfelBaB 1 1 x- 4 k: ,-., WKm SKmKBBWBB it AfeL t jR i4b ISMW ' f'f T r IT lliggWlf 7 JitTf '(' mnfi BBii I 1 F It IB1hPsi& rt BSH Jyy""" I I ffi f . ftp JOIB&TCHF OBPt "OH 4 && y,; SBBBHHBIIHEfl ws'snanBL i m t y?&i.wm&mmBRWffliJ9&& MBiHnnai S "i&fir 3Wff jif iffy ffffiff JHiHWM -taa5'i? ' -S, V KJS . i. 55t ' s 3R j . ifv. JBi . .&ili ' JHU JfT-&0F7 . KMHR?3$3?' JJSTi-aa '.SgESifl&r'S J3caf 'J- i ' . v v V H,r,i . -vv&tut, .".vi "' ' ; . iiHHi "AaHi mi hup: fwmhmhk- -omx K4r.riaJK..'4y-0tBBP y : . -rat , -v -.-,, i --. r vr. : IilfllliM nmrriniTai"iTT --nrii n ntvvwrm tt i irjftK .a&aKMW.wis e-" 'uhjbcc. -r"zniiBM". - . '-."r.r im i i i iiwim i w hi n tA.HJMlB3MUt, I i . - . KT- TVEgrefoS2t.t.'gP' " V';'-i(lHaH. . 4y'W-?iIOJfJ'v;9f'C'MHMaR' S" CK.iKUHaHBH HUr V'QinEj i nrirrnwiii irTrtrffTiw i i iraMiwm TnMT"TTi vitY;'1,'tCT39uab&74vgi3afc ' eQL.jafsuvWwAwT..MUi&.ua fe,Sir-WBHM'HHaKra SMkMtf-'V,L4iKa k raSEiS MmSSSm - JST-rsssSiPPH WmffiliillliBillliilt rlBBdanBiHReiS ! i33l!BSftB91BHcS.'BH, iVimJ ...VagWr A..r: ,...--.. , rri,M III I Mill ! i)Kal mSBSSaMSfWif'ims; WKmn& Piltl3 Afm't i wAm.'' TmWSw u.. vTyi wwiBWWaPRwWwRfi Pt t r?r 1 i,-i ',', '.111 V i' :it yv s '?& i .r.T,;-..v .f I..1V WK mm. && ! Vf itf ii'l ''KwBfiWfPSm ;,vt wx&miEM&m: v ;tKkr i? w i &iTOw ;1Jf'5(Si M$8?SSP$S'J9 SifikinP SKSAiS IPPiHlWi ftmEJBF""w 3s" mmmmtr 3 AS X I . . . 4 . . . UAl " .'. . AU J f ..' . 1. S jtr -. '"' ?""'" .' 'vr . "-! jvvti'' . , - . : " v-vi ',Ti.- -, ; - . j;. oPWwwHH THE SS , .i,i ' !J' W ;? v." f': i . .J J K..' I . ' & (5v( If?v K t VH' '. -f l?Sfc t!i BEAUTY CORNER T Jlairla & IvlnE. SENORA FELIPE ANGELES (at richt') and her daughter. Senorita Isabel Anceles fat lpft.. 'wifn nml nnl ,inTa -' eral Angeles, the Mexican revolutionist who recently was shot by Carranza troops in Chihuahua City after a conviction by a couct martial.enora Angeles is reported seriously ill in New York, where she, her daughter and three sons are staying with friends Ledger hotb Beryico, KING DALy.gaac H. Clothier, Jr.'s champion heavyweight hunter, winner of an award at the rijcent national horse show in New York. King Daly Jb keep- ' ing in condit(on by taking the jumps at Mr, Clothier's arm to iW"f . CW'ixi. "jet V ss 1 ASK i'. mrff'' '- t. v. t.c -rfA.fjV B. y i xfZ" jx ?ei t rSujL j M)!i . j. n v a .. . .- . ,. tmimKm -.. fail - I r n' v-:-- --T!; mbw". !.. f iiriXMSwi-.v.. i . . f ? llBHWitS W;i PPilft; IMIIilFfSiiPH mP " " ' w- "W V 3 ''dw-s,- " vi fnX'Ct ."lfc --f? ... ' '. 1 , . v f-:t::nr list ,J S ' mm Mm '-- i-'WKlKil,v'''''"':-iJSlBMB--' 3&wfilll tSMSmEmPm 7, POLO AT COBLENZ, GERMANY, between two American teama of tho Army of Occupation. Tho Provisional Cavalry foKr playing against tho Sixth Field" Artillery SerVlC" team defeat?d the gunners by the score of seven goals to five. Noto the polo ball near the right foro leg of the hors& at the extreme right of the scene. PI-fJHKtJii MilMmWiBwiBrilr ;wn9HHfWxvSi: ':RA, Bf(BHffi tBPPTBW IHH&f WS1 mmmKmWm . , SHIhPpIJHhH9 Jl SSte. ' Jk -ay "TTrnniniii rrfiBr wlfliWlMP'lTr iflrfTr J " MMiMWrti liiBiiliBMMIlwWWinfiffiTii T IBBIP fflrri TWIHHWlBBffililiaWIIIHliniWi " i'-' MIHS QERTRUDE KLO$S, 0544 Walton avenue, Philadelphia. Photographs for this back-paga feature should be submitted through tho ffwif, addressed to the Beauty Corner, Evbnino Pubuo Ljbdgeb, W U' '! " n fli'S f' -i4. i 5 ! wt" -J r'(;tTV"-i"'1 n K ' i. t WT-1