Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, November 28, 1919, Night Extra Financial, Page 7, Image 7

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    -1 , pmvtiff'f-'iK'i
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Organ playa at 9, 11, 11:55 and wi? Awiim
5:20 WANAMAKER'S Star. Opens alO WANAMAKER'S Store Closes at 5:30 WANAMAKER'S WctoSS I
Chimes at 3ioou vvu
i i mi j. . ... i. j i i ii in ii ii m.i.i ,ii mini in ....... I II I I I ""
Tomorrow Is Children's Day and Santa Clausls Here in the
Looking Back Over the Past
Years We Believe
this business to be a worthy one, and therefore we have
resolutely and unceasingly given the best in us to act
and to do the things which make it of the greatest use
hi our day and generation.
It has had the calm earnestness of our lirst plans,
the lire of our lirst youth in working out our beliefs
and now it has the joy and strength of a second and
liner youth full of dearly bought experiences which
should make our present undertakings of greater
service to our city and to the world.
It is a constant inspiration to us to be on the way
to the full realization of the great ideals which once
were only youthful dreams.
Achievement for ourselves always seemed to be an
achievement of advantage to others as well as our
selves. We beliee the city, as a city, has become more
widely known by the connections we have made
throughout the world.
It is also plain to be seen that its methods and
examples have affected favorably almost all the store
keeping of the last half century.
It's "a tale of two citic&" as Charles Dickens called
his book, for Alexander T. Stewart had his young
hand in it clearly and unmistakably so far as New
York is concerned as long as he lived.
2Voi. CS, 10 11).
1 Mimh
Signed HK, 1 7
ft ' k
7 TT F YT y TfT Rv IffiTMTTT f TPtvTT TP3 f TRTRvTJ m T '
()NE of the charms of Chinese
" rugs is an originality and
individuality of decorative con
ception. This is true of the col
ors as -well as of the patterns.
In both respects they arc
unique and well nigh iimnistak
alile, borrowing inspiration from
Tawny yellows, golden brow lib,
tans, fawns, turquoise, old bluo
and ultramarine are the favorite
hues, while the decoiative fea
tures are mainly discs, trellises
or fretworks, Greek borders,
floral pieces, some times animal
and bird figuies such as the
('liiiip'P diagon. the loindeer,
the bat and tlu- biiltutfl.v.
We have- a di;p)u ot (Jnnosi1
lugs m a -space specially set
apart uii the seventh Moor.
(sietciiih i'
I They are desen ing of partic-
ular attention by reason of their
I unusual merit, and attractivc
I ncss. Among them are some
i pieces of rare charm and beauty,
notably .1 rug with u wonderful
1 deep bluo ground, cl off by a
, ery unusual shade of golden
I brown or fawn, the design show
ing reindeer, birds and floral
pieces in a most uncommon and
appealing arrangement. It is
a large piece, 12x10 feet, at
There is a wealth of other
carpet sizes down to G.9 feet
at $27?. computing the best se-
h'Clcd lot o' iIipmc pjllicultir
1 tig's, shown ii- Philadelphia for
I many a day. tvoi.v one vf them a
superb gift. .
luor, I enlrall
Women's Jersey Dresses
$25 A Late-Season Price
Such guod, altogether practical and desirable
dresses that when we had an earlier shipment it was
not unusual fur a woman to buy two or three at a time.
Some have tunics, some are embroidered or trimmed
with frills or moire ribbon, some are corded; and others
again are of the severest and simplest order with tiny
self -buttons for their only relief. The colors are good
black, navy, brown and beaver.
(1 Irit J'loor, Central!
Here 's a Clearaway of Winter Coats
for Young Women
.$40, $47.50
Brand-new coats .that have
just conic to us from the makers
and couto from our best mak
ers, too!
One of our good manufactur
crsyhnd a little group of each
of these coats hanging on his
racks and, in order to clear them
out quickly, he sold the whole
collection to us at much below
At $40
the coats are smart new models,
with the pretty blouse back
coats of bilvertone velour in
brown or Pekin blue, with col
lars of Hudson teal (dyed
muskrat). They are lined
throughout -with fancy silk.
and $52.50
At $47.50
are two good models, one uf t,il -verlip
Bolivia, in brown, navy
blue or giapo color, in a new
style, and lined throughout with
silk: the other model is of sil
ertonu velour in plum, dark
bhie or brown, and has two
pleats in the back, covered but
tons and Hudson seal (dyed
muskrat) collar.
At $52.50
the coats arc all of silvertono
velour and in blown, green, tan
or navy blue, with huge collars
of dyed black racoon. They
have yoke back and belt in front
and are lined with fancy silks."
All the coats are in 11 to 20
j ear sizes.
(Second rioor, Chestnut)
CERT A I N particularly
prettg underbodies or
camisoles to wear inside of
evening gowns arc of silver
lace and satin, price $10.50;
and of chiffon with shadow
lace at $5. Either muu ue
had in pink or while.
(Third l'loor. Central)
Women's Fine
Imported Kid Gloves
$2.50 a Pair
Very good gloves indeed for that
price. They are in the most fash
ionable Winter styles and colors
all-black, black with white embroid
ery, gray, gunmetal, brown, tan,
beavor, mode and white with blacK
embroidery. The skins are of fine
texture, soft and of excellent qual
ity, tho gloves are beautifully made
and they fasten -with two clasps.
Another , stylo is in black' with
white embroidery or white with
black, with the embroidery in three
heavy rows and the hems in con
trasting color.
(Main rioor. Central)
Shoes of .
Unusual Style
One model has dull black calf
skin varrtps with dark gray cloth
lace tops, indicated wing tips
find military heels. This is 7.50
a paii.
-Tho other has brown glazed
kidskin vamps, brown doth laco
tops, straight tips and Cuban
heels. This is $8 a pair.
Doth the result of a fortunate
(lrt rioor. Market)
Prices Have Tumbled on Young
Women's Cloth Dresses
$20 to $45
When you remember that they have been a third to a half higher
in price than they aro now marked, you w ill understand how unusually
good they are for the prices.
They are of dark blue chiefly and of such good and fashionable fab
rics as serges and tricotines. Some aro embroidered, some are braided
and others are variously trimmed. '
There arc many different models, and they aro just such dresses as
girls .and young women find necessary for school and college, for business
and for general wear.
14 to 20 year sizes.
(Second Floor, Chestnut)
Now the Winter Millinery for
Girls Is Reduced in Price
These are the pretty hats for girls of t to 15 years youthful,
simple models, in styles best suited to girls of these years.
The hats are most attractive soft, furry beavers, fine velours
and pretty velvets in dark colors and shades to match tho winter
coats and dresses. "'
Some are simply trimmed with ribbon bands, some 'are in
ready-to-wear styles, and some aro trimmed with flowers; but all
are in good condition and there is a good assortment from which
to choose. .,
$3.50 to $10 which is a third to a half less than their usual
(Second Floor, Chestnut)
The Newest Collars
in Real Filet Lace
They aro either square or
round, or they ha e points or tabs,
and this means that they will fit
nicely on tho neck of tho fashion
able collarlcss gowns, or blouses.
Then, of course, there aro many
styles in the long straight collars,
the kind one .needs for waists that
fit high in the back of tho neck.
Priets aie from $3 to $0.50 on
collars alone and 8.50 to $10 on
(Main 17oor, Central)
To Hold Her Watch
or Locket New
Ribbon Sautoirs
Many girls and women like to
wear tho pretty black ribbon sau
toir because it addj 11 touch to one's
Ribbon tautoirs with ornaments
of imitation jade or coral are $1.
Ribbon sautoirs with plated
lockets are $1.50.
Plain ribbon sautoirs with ster
ling silver or gold-plated mount
ings, are 60c, 75c and 1 each;
others, mounted with rhinestones
set in sterling silver are $2.75 to
(Jenclrj Moro, Chestnut and
Handsome Handbags
of Fine Black Seal
"With some women the black seal
handbag will always be a standby.
We arc fortunate in having a.
collection of fine bags in black
glazed pin seal and dull black long
grain seal that we can sell at mod
erate pi ices.
They are in amty and shopping
shape?, with metal and covered
frames, and are silk lined. Some
have triple frames.
Prices ?G, $7, $8 and up to 12.50.
(Main Pioor, Chestnut)
A Georgette Crepe Blouse
is more than ever this year an acceptable gift to a woman friend, and
here is an entire salon devoted to Georgette crepes of the finer sorts in
white and various shades of flesh color.
Prices start at 10.50 for a simple model with high-low collar, pleats'
and hemstitching 'and run all the way up to 87.50 for a pink overblouse
trimmed with real filet and drawnwork and put together by hand,
(Third rioor, Central)
Fine Japanese Satin Habutai
We bought it in "Japan, had it dyed in the colors we picked out our
selves and then brought it to this country and aro selling it at the low
prico of 2.50 a yard.
But, more than all this, it is one, of the best silks we know for the
making of Christmas presents. It has such a brilliant satin finish that
many women like it better than anything else for covering bed quilts,
making lamp shades, lining bags, bassinets, w ork baskets and boxes and
for camisoles.
It is 40 inches wido, and there are all the good light and dJfck
colors, and white.
-ty IttMli'Xrtar, ChtiUut) .
The Manicure Sets
for Christmas
Are Here
In leather cases, daintily lined
with silk or satin, the sets include
all tho implements needed to keep
the hands in good condition.
Some of the sets are of imitation
ivory, others are of the pretty
And they are not expensive j ou
may get a set of six pieces for
$1.75, and there are ever so many
more, up to tho set with twelve
pieces at $10.50.
(Main rioor. Chestnut)
Automobile Pillows
Small pillows to fit into tho hol
low of the back or big pillows to sit
on or to put one's feet on. Tliese
make very welcome gifts.
They are made of a stout imita
tion leather that is not affected by
rain or dampness. They are filled
with hair and aro 3.76 to $1.50.
(rityi rioor. ainiwt).
Great Toy Store
Great, rosy, whiskery old Santa Claus
climbing' down a chimney
You can see him yourself, come down and
right out of the fireplace.
With a Christmas tree set up in his house
and a monstrous big pack of toys to go in the
stockings of the boys and girls everywhere.
He's right in his own house, in the Toy
Store, and all around are just acres of Christmas
Toys and wonderful sorts of entertainments.
Old King Cole and his Fiddlers Three, and
Ali Baba and "his Forty Thieves poking their
heads up and down in the huge Arabian Nights
olive jars; and a clown blowing bubbles and the
mysterious chimes ding-donging away.
It is a wonderful Toy Store, and there will be
ct wonderful Christmas.
(SeTenlh lloor, Marhet and Central)
Sporting Goods of u
Giftlike Nature
Almost any boy -would like these things, and some of them -nould
be welcomed by men.
Rugby footballs, $L.oU tu H11
Soccer footballs, ?I3.75 to s10.
Volley balls, $1 to $8.00.
Exercisers, rowing machines, dumbbells.', Indian clubs, toboggans,
skis, snow shoes, ice skates and many other things.
(lh Gallery, Juniper)
.Ruskctlmllsi, !?3 to $1G.
Striking ba's,, $-1 to $10.
Rosing gloves, ?D to 17.
Medicine balls, $3.5 to 18.
A Special Disposal of
Floor Lamps and Shades
100 floor lamps at 15 to 10 all two-light, some with mahog
any finish, some fluted, some carved.
100 floor lamp shades at 7.50 to 35. These arc to go with the
. lamps and they arc in lots of shapes and pretty nearly all the
colors imaginable.
(1'oartli rioor. Central)
Unboxing a Lot of Right Good
Blankets $10 and $12 a Pair
Woven from a liberal percentage 11', and s.inglc-bed j)iic, G0.82
of wool, with borders of either pink I inches, 10 a puir.
. . , Our own judgment and cxpen-
or Dlue ence tell us that these are right
Double-bed size, 70Si! inches, are , good blankets for the money.
(.Uth rioor. Central)
A Commode Decorated
in Venetian Style
is one of the attractive pieces of furniture to be seen at this
moment in the Littlr House. It has a marble top with painted
band and the price of it is 650
A pair of fine, painted chairs of the neppclwhitd type have
shield backs and an unusually attractive crackle. They aro 90
each. '
A painted console table, old cream in color and charmingly
decorated, is 215.
Another console of Adam design has a mahogany top and
painted base, decotatcd in gold color. This is. 310.
Among the tiny occasional tables hero we note a roundish one
of mahogany checqucred with rosewood, price 175, and a long,
narrow one of tulip and rosewood at 185.
(lirth lloor, Chcalnut)
The Clothes You Should
Put on Your Rov
V uSi
Bovs' ulothinrr of the sood averaeo kind is not rrood o ti. -far ,.r -1
Boys.' Clothing Stove. ' -v,j
wo want someuiing better ana wo get it. we believe m better Jab- JI
rics, better tailoring, better finish and finer detail work, and these verjH&ll
... .. ... ...... "tft"i
tilings are tne niarits oi our boys ciotning.
Tho first Christmas problem with many a father and mother will
be to put new clothes on the boys it may bo new suits or new overcoats
or new mackinaws.
Whatever it is, our Boys' Clothing Store may be depended upon to
have it and to havo it right.
Boys' suits in 8 to 18 year sizes, 10.50 to $30.
Boys' overcoats in 13 to 18 year sizes, 25 to IQ
Bojs' overcoats in 3 to 10 year sizes, 16.50 to 10.
Muckiiuiw.i, 12,v13.50 and 15.
(Second l'loor. Central)
For "The Respectable Back of Man"
as Carlyle Would Say
Uppermost in the inind of many a man, just now, is the ques
tion of what to put on his back; in other words, just what kind of
suit or overcoat to buy. Prudence and practicality point this out to
him as an immediate and personal Christmas problem.
Please take notice that this i& remote from t.uch familiar Decem
ber appeals as "Why not a new pair of trousers for Christmas?" and
similar clever "suggestions."
But the plain fact is that mun muu now need new clothes above
all other things, and all men like to buy their own clothes, and hardly
any man will feel as happy this Christmas as he should feel and
might feel if his clothes are not tolerably good.
From the standpoint of time and convenience tomorrow is the day
for such men to buy new clothes.
From the standpoint of quality, service, style and value we have
endeavored to make this the best store for them to buy in, and wo
aro as sure as wo can be of almost anything that theie is none better.
Suits, 32 to 80.
Overcoats, 3S to 80.
i Fur-collar overcoats, 100 and $125.
Fur-lined overcoats, 175 to 375.
(Ihlrd lloor. Market)
Men's Fine Light Weight Soft
Hats From Italy
These hats have rather wide, braid-bound brims that are unusu
ally flexible. The crowns may be worn either in Alpine shapo or
dented in.
There is a good rango of rich colors to choose from.
Prices ?lt) and 1D.
Ofaln rioor, -Slurliet)
Two Patticulary Good
Handkerchiefs for Men
Plain hemstitched handkerchiefs at $4.75 a dozen, which are of
pure Irish linen, with narrow, well-stitched hems, and of good, sturdy
weave, and
Initial handkerchiefs, 75c each. $8.50 a docn, which aro of still
finer linen, of course, and have hand-done letters. They are quite
attractive for the price and we'd suggest that you choose initials
r (1V1 AUle)
Men's Silk Half Hose at
r-"V 7
50c a Pair
First grade black, navy and cordovan thread silk socks with
lisle tops.
They usually sell for considerably more, and as this is a limited
lot we do not expect them to be here all day.
(West Aisle)
Any Man Will Appreciate
Something He Can Wear
The first Saturday after Thanksgiving always maiks the begin
ning of the real gift-buying in the Men's Wear Store. Here a woman
may buy with an easy mind, for these are the things a man would
buy for himself, if he wanted to be r6al good to himself.
Shirts of madras, percale, rep, Japanese cotton and silk, with
soft or starched cuffs, plain or pleated bosoms. Prices 2.50 to $18.60,
. Neckties start at 65c, or $1 for the imported, and go to $3.60
nnd 1, which includes Spitalfields and French silks.
Dressing gowns of wool, velvet and silk, both imported ond do
mebtic, at 20 to 85, according to material.
House coats of double-face cloth, $7.50 to 25; of silk, 53 o,
Silk mufflers, in plain colors and stripes, a,t 1 to 20, the Itedle4
London scarfs starting at 13.50. , J
Sweaters of many styles and of cotton-mixed goods and fibih
?5 to $25.
(Main IXoor. Market)
iu g mjm
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