vffymmj SSJfr-W,w ' ' - -f-rc-. ' i n s'J 'i 1 ' f 28" : EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1919 K-7 wft4M sorww THE DAILY NOVELETTE PRINCESS DREAMS By HOKTENSE AVILESON n nftc ,h,1 Vdnit- nlnlnr niclit. fc,. 0 -...., ....... ....--- -, " hut tho wildncss or tnc nigm. secmi-u ty have little or no effect upon tlio ttowd of merry young fellows gathered It? around the fireplace in n room o one ,t the dormitories of Jiuueioii Loucgo. AHnottgh there una much laughing nml good-natured "kidding" ns story after 'tory was told, friendship and good- ' fellowship prevailed. After all hut one bad related some story, true or fic il tuUua Anon stli'nra reltmcd for i-cverii. Btomrnts. Little Jack MacKenzIc finally piped ps "Well, Dick Holmes, it's about time we heard our tale. The fellow thus addressed was sit ting apart from the otheis. gazmg i-reamllv into the tircplnce. as if deep If in thought. When spoUti to, he lazily trctcnea inmseu, uu .". -- comfortable into his roomy Morris 'chair ns if reluctant to leave his thoughts. . . . Then after hesitating n moment he tartcd : ' nit ,., nnn mnrninir last suinnicr. - When I was spending mv Miration at a small village in me mu- """", tains. Tho, hotel was deneited. and nil the usual diversions 01 a suimni-r ic sort had lost interest for me, I turned to reading, but I was unable to find anything iuteicsting around the office, 80 I walked over to the village library for some books to pass awns the time before luncheon. "When I was looking oer the shelves devoted to fiction, I noticed a book bound in white leather, the title of which was 'Princess Dteams.' ihe name seemed promising, so 1 took i down. Of course jou know, fellows, anything pertaining to the opposite sej elvvajs interests me." "Leave thnt to ou. Dick, re marked Tom Alvvanl, his chum "I took the book to a ihnu m"ir lb windov and as I opemd it, a im'ture Xeu OUC. 11 nub u piviuic ul u fail. about nineteen." "Enter the princess. The heio fi' In love with her." chimed in Tom again Here there was a moment's pan- while Dick seized Tom, ami cilmh de posited him in the waste paper basket "And fche was J ery lircttv gill continued Dick, after Tom had rescued himself and resumed his seat "She was seated on a iiistic bene.li holding a parasol in one hand and a letter, which she was reading, in the other. By her expression it was evi dently a ery pleasant letter "There was something -er attr.ir tive and pleasing about her face, and tho more I looked at the picture tin more determined I became to find ti original, although I was at u loss to know how to begin. "I thought and thought, nud at last " I asked the librarian who hid boriowi ' the book last. She told me that the book had been loaned to a gui-t at a neighboring hotel, but thnt it lud been returned more than a week ago "Then another difhcultj arose Wa-i the person who borrowed the book the, original of the picture' If so. hnd the nirl left theji-fllaec? If not. how was I frntn iA ft flit ti ii tif-n it i sfil eveiings later I was sitting I in tBe office of the hotel reiding The ArJr n,.ono,l nn.l a ngrll nf inline Ill-n I pie stepped in. They stood in the dooi - way as it looking tor some one. ilieu i saw one of the guests, it vnuiu woman who had recently man led one of mv '.brother's college chums, hasten acuxs tho lobbv and shnke hands with tlicm Wondering who Blanche's friends were, I looked up and snw 'Print c-s Dreams.' After preliminary greetings were over they turned and went into the parlor. "It was impossible for me to rend I Eat there thinking of the picture I had in my possession, the original of which was in the ni-t room fyion . Blanche came out through the o!h e t and looked around. Seeing me appur- ently buried in m book whuli, bj the waj was '1'riuiess Dreams,' she iiime I over to me. 'Dick, I wan"- j"U to nnet my friends. Do leave that book and be entertaining. I want jou to make a good impression on Dlise ' " 'Certainly, Blanche.' said I, 'it is "Princess Dreams," ' as 1 caught a glance at her delicato prolile through the broad opening ' "Princess Dreams' ' Dick Ilolnns. What are jou talking about'' " 'Nothing, Bmnche, nothing, I was just thinking ' " 'Eilse! Kilse" thought I, 'eouldshe STKAMSIIIP OTICF.S KERR LINES Sailings from Philadelphia FOR ROTTERDAM S. S. "CLAIRTON" Nov. 27 S. S. "COOK" Dec. 6 FOR HAMBURG SJS. "KERKENNA".Sai!ing Dec. 6 Through Rates Quoted to Baltic and Scandinavian Porta Via Hamburg KERR STEAMSHIP CO., Inc. 615-617 Lafayette BIdg. .Philadelphia, Pa, Bell Ttlenhein, "Imbard S2M" Ueystone Telephone nam inn- EARN-LINE1 Ineorrnrateel 1RD1 U. S. Snipping Board Steel Steamers General Cargo Regular Service Philadelphia Manchester SS "Lake Elmhurst". . .Dec. 15 Philadelphia Havana SS "Lake Galera" Sailed SS "Lake Foxboro". . .Dec. 2 For rates and particulars apply to : Earn-LineSteamshipCo. PHILA. ITALY W jire now recelvlnjr cureo v PROMPT SAIUNG i ShlppinK Board Ttates JfrtUht tjooked for all foreign points XHARLES KURZ & COMPANY, Inc. DUUXKL 111.1)0. Viiont) Lombard B101 Main 1520 IHTSON NAVIGATION CO, SAN FRANCISCO 1 H. 8. 3IAT80NIA ta.lllnr Aboat I)I.(KVI1IKH 10. 1919 4 4 HONOLULU and IIILO, H, I. ' l I'KOama Canal ' Tf freluhl rates, nusremtnts, permits tvi siaer particulars applr te AMERICAN-HAWAIIAN S. S. CO, AGENTS "t&gWW-- be "Princess Drenms." or was it one of the other girls?' However, I didn't I nave to wait Jong to linn out. i nearu mit-clf acknowledging tho Introduction, 'Miss Wesley,' MVUixnca n,.i,,n,,i ii T Piilloil Iikiv was verv much prettier than her pic- ture. The pictuio showed but one ex- pression, wherens In life cciy varjinK thought and emotion betray.d u new phase cif her loellness." mnirlp flip, liernlnn nml ns In fllrv I tales, thev lUe happj uer after." ".lack," began Dick, seriously, "mi mother nlwnjs tnuj;lit ini tnnt littlo hii a iilimit1 )-... (innii 11 till tiit nfinrfl. 1,V " i,or liipk'K om-m iiehted in) mcr- ! rili "as long as mu want mi storj to end like n falrj tnh- I won't disappoint jou, beratisi- tooii (that is, if J on and 'hi- rest of the fellows behaie, jou ma licelie cards, ntinnuncliig the engage ment of Miss I'hso Weslej of l'aa ilenn, California, to jours tiuh, Mr Itu'liard Holmes, of Chicago, Illinois " Dick was almost. toppled o.er hi the eagerness of the fellows, all tijing to shake liamN with him at once. Whin he liirilh lesuied himself thej nil trooped downstnirs together, and ncios the campus, singing: "foi it's alwais fair weather Whin good ftlluws get together." When thev had gone Jack went to his desk nnd stinted In seaich of some thing, overturning an ink bottle, nnd litein'h making things Uj. "What arc you looking for, Jock?" asked his loonunate, looking up in as tonishment. "Oh, I just thought I'd look for my hbrnrj i-uril," answered Jack, absently. Tho net complete novelette, ltillj's Honunrc. JIINOKTS rir , j. ATI NTf On. th Ocean. Front Eluvcn. sioriosof Cbmiort Special Fall Terras Idwanll) Grosstup.Trusfee &. .ntrr-r,;aii; n ATLANTIC CITY.N.vl. I AaAu 2TiicaaPlaRliotel fof Dislmctioivaw'iRcalCoiiAtort I I FIREPROOF OARAGE I btChitrlri nf-irBdirdwalk Heiuodeld r? Itunmng writer I'nvat Mtut cap wti ! em't M Graham formnrly ofTbe Pnoceii THE WILTSHIRE rr,rVh 7"K S-'r" .i"."? o'nn 14 np j iv hpp. ii k'i nwi t sai I El? hi LIS Jlinir X J COLLIN1" MBr HOTEL AUSTINE Pacific anil St James Placp Open sur roundings, cppoMU Catholic and ProtfiTnnt churrhes $3 00 dally special weekly. Ptrn hpnt .T R 4 ON KM. i HOTEL CONTINENTAL AlwaB opfn luays rcadj Terms mod rnti Phone or writ M VaIh Duncan (c&unrrxTDEDm i Park Place, overlooking Ocean and City i'ark. alway opn J. Mcliwaln ChamploB. HOTEL BOSCOBEL wn'tb rhuno 11" WfrTninfor vy Av near Beach Kiev uciiiimuivi () s prKlt, ).,,,, run a at r 14 ii-i nkh i ' -.0 up d Mi l lluhrt wnnwnnn. n. a WILDWOOD !i-rnE-si:.v Del'shlful Fall climate Invlporattrts salt air Readlnff trains lenve Chestnut Street vvhirf weekdes 8 V AM 4 JO and (I P M Sunda 7 )0 A M 1 25 ex cursion), fe " A M end 1 P M Heated Hotels Op"n for the vmt r like tplendid fov.-J t uzy an'l home Good sen tee THE DOUGLASS ROYAL INN WILLARD HALL BRIGHTON NEW CENTRE HOUSE SEA CREST I.VKLMOOIl, V AKEftOGD - HEW JERSEY r Kquajilo tllmatlc condi tions Golf rlellng and sheltered walks Dally concerts and dane lne; Bran, h ofllce GKO A HI UN i. CO liiokers l it ms r. sin n:. Mr. SrinVENKVIM.K. TA. Perkiomen Inn I,,,,?.i!1 ,T1(,T,i htfe'ti loca pri hath ; boat g ha! h k fifh g Tennla Dktt M Carl rocovo MnrsTi,v Ml I 'oro no. r. The Ontwood Modern j.Ic.nt it. Open all year. Special (til & winter rate, llklt U L. iliV.Artmaa. i ASJIINeVrON I), r. VfardmanParkHofel Cuniifttlrut Ate & Nooilley Itouil WASHINGTON, D. C. A wonderful combination of luxury and comfort rtfteen hundred (all outilde) rooms with private baths Illustrated booklet und further par L uiutura on rn"ei r.i urn in i r flianncer. Burlington Hotel American and European Flans 481 Rooms. 222 Baths, $2.50 to f5 D. T. MILLEH. Her.. Washington. D. C. Fv minutes from everything vntoiNi OLD POINT COMFORT HOTEL CHAMBERLIN FINE AUTUMN GOLF Swimming Pool, Seafood iCu line, tverv buroretn -Jath and Treitment. Write CEO. F. tDIMt. Mlllfcr (ertnii tosmt, Vt.oa Ak Mr. I utter. IStli und Ctieetnut "Cook's Tours." .!.!S H. Ilroad bt. KiiJrA-rioNii Both Hews Our crsduates are la constant demand for rood-paylnr positions. Oreri Shorthand tae easy, speedy system. Complete business and secretarial courses. Day and Niiht Classes Anvenrivv irainms. unroll any time. Call or writs for full particulars and catalogue rill LA. IIUHINKSS COLiT.OE and Collexe of Coramerra 1017 Chestnut St.. I'hlladolnhU Strayer Butlneas College PhllsIalDkla's Qreatsst TiDslnsaa BaboaL HI Cbtstmt aH. Jt-noos, vvamui . Here Uiek arosp, nnd, turning to me """ w .vm... j.......... ....-, ...,,. bum, said. "Well, fellow's, I'm tired, nrrniigctl to sumilv the demand at Who's (.online to bed?" prices under wlnt the Scaudiuinlnn "Hut," Inti-rposcd .lack, "vou haven't ' inlddlenmn lould miotc. Consequcntlj finished In if romauce the hero alvvnvs "uu om umi i..ura m ua.u uieir rrxv-r,iT wml g Mrpar r I Bay l A A . A T YANKEES OUTWIT SWEDES Defeat Commercial Coup by Quoting Lower Prleea to Germans London, Nov. L'S. (Dy A. P.) Swedish and Danish merchants who planned -i common, lal coup In Germany litne suffned as the result of American commercial energy In the past few months An Ampftrfi.i inlnvinnti tttut rr-tnrnnil i London fiom the continent said that large quantities of American goods nre liolil lii Suulr-ti Mini Dciitnurl: that can- not now be disposed of. 'Ihe Sw ides and panes purchntcd the Rooih f,r,0-" 1C ' "'K',' s,n,os '," ,'1,?'' of pushing It into t.ermnnj Immedl- utelj trade opened. When thnt time e otl ' .,,. ..., . ,..., SAYS ALLIES ARE IMPOTENT . Austrian Prince Asserts Guns Could Re-establish Hapsburgs Pails Nov 2S (I!y A. P ) Prince Ludwig Windisdi-OracU, former Aus- .u'nn minister without, poitfollo nud In timate fiicnd of former Empeior Charles, Is repented to have eleelared in Herlin thnt the "re-estnblNhmcnt of thn Hnpsburg djnnsty in Hungnri Is only n mutter of mnehine cutis, the Dn- t. Anftifi tUnt frtiiluJ atMftl.tiltt in ma HibiI tcnte not being able to prevent it," "" "' .;. K.m342i.i?Tn'.r , J nr-ordinc to a dispatch received herel?reVlf'i.?fd" t""oCpmm " ' trom itonevn. Warns Britain Against U. S. Slellioiirne, An-.lr.illa, Nov. 'JS Joseph Ilunip Cook, minister of the navy, in u speech jestirday In Albury Mild that although he wholeheartedly supported the league of nations, he thought Oreat Uritain should keep its powder drj . The empire, he said, could lot close Its cjes to the preparation Jnpin and Amerlcn were making in furtherance of their Pacific policy. MAKUIl.I) SHEniDAV OOTWAJ.S Mr nnd Mrs Toseph H (Jotwals of this city, announce, the rmrrlnuo of thetl dallKhter KATHA niNlJ hTCVI.NSON to JOHN S!U,HIDAN, W ed iH(j Nov Jtl IV MEM01tIM DAVIS Tn siil and lo Ins irmemhrnnpe of UI.l.A fOl.LOlK DAMS' who- died Mov -s. 100s Bcattis ADHLIinLM Nov 2C ALtCK SCHO HID wffi- of Inron V Adplh-lm nnd dnUKhter of late John and Ellznbeth &cho Ipld RpIiitivph nnd fr Pid' lnvltfd to funeral iTvlcea Sat , '1 p m nushand s renldencc., -130 Perhin at Koxboroutrli Int. private ALLLN Nov in i;si);r.LA widow of I.uU H AUpp Inoe Mctcnlfe) Tt. latlvs nud friend1, Itultod lo funeral services Sat , 2pm l.'o 'W York st Int Nonhwood Com Hcnialnp mpv bo viewed FrI , 8 to 10 P m Auto funeral .nnri.Su Nov l-7 EDVv MIL hus. Pand of late rilzibeth O Anderson RK 'le and friends Dlvlnlin No ')" A O II .mulaiey of chulklll Aronal lnviled to f in. ral rion s 3fl a m residence of pon In law Matthew J McDonald l-OSl) s J.-d st Solemn requiem mais Church of tsi I Imond 10 a in Int Holy Cross Cem V ito b( rvlce IIBVTTY Nov SU ANNA S.P wife of C, nrjre 11 lleatty ared 71 Relatives and f rl nds 'nailed to services son-ln law a resi dence lleoiRe W Culbertson Hrjn Mtwt tne and Chestei road Brjn Mavvr Pa sat J p m Int private. Lower Merlon Uaptlst Cem BrVNCR Nov :i MART wlfeofjnmes T Uenner and dnuchter of Catharine and late Hampton .1 Weiss aged BJ Relatives and fileids Alter scclet of Corpus Chrlsil Church Invited to funeral. Sat BJO a m . 2310 VV Cleartleld st solemn hlch requiem moas Corpus Chrlstl rhurch 10 a m Int Hily sepulchro Cem Auto funeral. IinNNUTT Suddenly Nov 2o, JDAN 7 TTF II wife of J-.lhert M Hennett aeed 31 Relatives arid friends Invited to serv ices, hit J SO p. m 5401 lhomas ave. Int private Ternwood CVm llHlKrVMATUIl Nov 2(1 WIL1IKL MIN V LINK vvido.v of rhillp J rtlr'ien miier aped rl Relutlves and friends. North I-enn Ladles Henellclal society Idyl e ountrv I lub invited to funeral services Sun 2pm 1741 N Uilly at (near 26th st and MontRomerv iavo) Int private, North Cedar Hill Cem ULACK Nov J7 MnnCY, wlfB of John Waik aged v' Helalives ann irienas in- sWTii;s"o,stir.5,,..ip isi- as land tm ihaKKK -Nov 2fl nt TMnlnneld N J Kentucky Ave Open ILUULMINA I! , Ife of William Wesley 'M A i Sis im "laker at.ed 71 Relatives and friends In- i- Ut,tV?vt p I vlted to funenl mrvlces Sat a p in pur ALMARION if o O N'orrls 4t7(l Tranhford ave. Tranktord Int private JIRADUN' Nov 24 AXNIK nRADEN nee lror) vviileivv of John llraden Itela tlvea and friends Invited to funeral Sat , Sam. -121.1 Aapen st West l'hlla Solemn requiem maa-i Our Mother of Sorrows ( hurch 10 a in Int Cathedral Cem, Auto funeral BRBL.-31-onD At feamarltan Hospital, Nov S(l WILLIAM D IlRULSIOltD Itela tlvea and friends Invited to services Sat 1 30 P m . Oliver 11. nalr ltlds.. 18J0 Cheatnut et Int North Cedar Hill Cem. Omit flowers CUVMriTKH Nov 2 al Totlslown, I'a I.vhLlNi: 1:L1.M1L11I e UVMPITi.lt acred 113 Relatives and friends Invited to runeral servlLes Mon 1 p in apartments Kirk &. Nkt tUUl tlermatituwn ave , Qer mtentewn Int pnvute CVRKULI huddenly Nov 20 HRLEX l-l)hN CARROLL dautrhter of Harry and Margaret J Carroll (nee polconerl aired J eara 1 month Relatives and friends Invited to funeral services Sun 2pm residence of parents 241U fa "3d St. Int Mt. Morlah fOWGILL Nerv 2d, at Paulsboro N J JAMES J husband of Mary (nee mack) and Hon of Kleanor and late Jamei Cowcllt, acred 24 Relatives and friends Invited to fu neral hun , 1 3( p m mother's residence .-K nilllnus ava Paulsboro N J. Int KUlnpton Cem . Clarksboro N. J. e'HKW Nov 2'1. LOUISA f CHITIV ased r3 wife of O II Chew. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral services Sat 11 a m residence of son. Robert II Chew 0 ikcrest and Trandvlevv aves , Pitman N J Int private Rttnalns may be viewed 1 "CLARK Nov 20 WILLIAM husbind of Rose Clark ased SO Relatives and friends Invited to funeral Mon 2 p m . 810 S Blat st Int private Montrose Cem COCHRAN At Hushsonvllle, N , Nov. 23 IDA COCHRAN aged 70 The funeral will take plate from her late residence In New Hamburs and tha services will be reat. In the Lpiscopal Chapel Due notke of funeral v 111 b clven CflDV Suddenly Nov 27. JOHN J hus band f Catherine C Cody Relatives and friends fraternal Order of Eagles Loyal Order of Moose, Invited to funeral Mon . 8 30 a nv !7JU N 0th st Solemn requiem masB st liawartrs unurcn 10 a m int private. Holy Sepulchre Ctm CONN 1HS Nov. 25 CATHERINE. widow of Richard Connors and mother of Sister Mary Teresa Bernard of the Sisters of St Joseph Relatives and friends, II V. M. Sodality and Prosperity Pride Circle. No IS 17, C of V Invited to funeral Sat at H 30 a m , 24S5 N Opal st (near 10th rad York sts ) Solemn huh requiem mass Our Ladi of Mercy Church 10 a m Int. Holy Cross fern Auto fun. ral CROWLEY Nov 2(1 RICHARD, son of late Catharine Crov ley (nee Nash) of 210 9 KOth st Relatives and friends invited to funeral. Sat., 8am Oliver II. Dalr nidg , lS.'O CheBlnut st Mass St Patrick's Church l a m Int H j Cross Cem . ills. . ., W . U..1.U, ....'..., . 1143 S 23d st Relatives nnd friends In Oliver ir cited to nervlce Sit 2 10 n Unir Ttlilir 1HJ0 Chestnut st Int private CUNLIFFE Nov J" WILLIAM A , hus band of Dnllle P Cunllrfe Relatives and friends Invited to Bervlte Mon , 2 p, m , Oslo Spruce st Int private DAT. Nov. 2-S HENRY W DATZ need SO Relatives and friends Invited to funeral, near Mulllca Hill, N J Sat , S 30 a m Hlch mass Holy Name of Jesus Church, Mulllca Hill N. J. 10 a m Int. Holy Name of Jesus Cem DC LAWRENCE. Nov 20. rLORENCE, wife of Charles De Lawrence and daughter of Geurne W. and Anna M Dooley Rela tives and friends Invited to funeral services Sat. 2 p. m . 320 Wlnton st (3d and Jack son sts ), Int. Mt Morlah Cem. Remains mav be viewed FrI eve DONNELLY Nov 27. MARGARET C DONNELLY daughter of late John and Margaret Donnelly of county Antrim. Ire land Relatives and friends. St Charles s I II V SI. faodallty Leasuo of the Sacred I Heart Altar and Propagation of the Faith I Societies Invited to funeral Tues , S.30 a i m 213H Catharine st Solemn requiem mass St Charles's Church 10 a, m. Int Holy Cross Cem Auto service, I DUNOAN Nov 23, JAMES REED, hue- hand of Laura Dungan (ne Rlake) aged C7 Relatives and frlenets Invited to funeral , Fat 2 p. m. 0412 Rustteton nve., Rustleton, Phlla Int. private William Penn Cem I TYT?T in yjnv ot itiTminrT T it.nirh. ter of late 'John and Martha Dunlap. Rela tives ana rnenas invited to funeral serviees, .luii , o u. i... evu tv, Ismail k(. all, private, Northwood Cem, Friends may call Hun eve, FILIN. Nov. 2 dEOROH A., son of late Leonard and Margaret Fllln. Relatives and friends. I, o. H. u., or Gloucester. . J.. Invited to funeral, Sat , 7 80 a. m., resi dence of Michael J. Griffin 8100 Reach St. (Kensington ave and Clearfield St.). Solemn requiem mass Church of the Ascension 0 a, m. Int New Cathedral Cem . . . . OAULT. Nov. 26, JOHN T., husband of late Sarah J. Oault. aged 60. Relatives and friends, employes of Recorder of Deeds Office, Invited to funeral. Sat., 1'30 P. m.. 1543 Pike st. Int. private. North Cedar Hill Cem. Friends may call Fri. eve. aoitEIlSALL. Nov 28, Miss RACHEL A, -QOMERSALL, aged 83. Relatives ul DIMTIIS friends Invited to funeral services. Sat., 1 p. m. residence Dr. William II, Pratt, MO Cooper it. Camden. N, J, Int. private. flllOS Nov. 'J7, HliNRinTTA, wife of Alfred Uros, at 1221 Helbert at. Funeral oericiiy privaie. IIAKOBLIO Buddenlr, Nov. VS. FRBD ER1CK, husband of Kmma Itaeitelo (nee liecht) aued 02. Relatives and friends. Her man Lodge. No. J2S K and A M I directors of Mojart B. 8, A., lleorite Esallnier. A Son Hen Noclety, l-hlladelphla Schulien Vereln, Invited to funeral Sun , a p m 1304 I,v comlnir st Int .Mt Peace Cem. Remains mv he viewed flat 7 tn 10 p tn iiAnnm Hnv n nrermnn J., husband of Kllen D Harris (nee Rrowtn). nelatlvet. ana rnenas invnea xo luncrai servir. Bat . 1 p, m . 41 N. Teach st. Int. private. IIAIIIilrioN At Maya Lnndinir N. I. Wed , axed l Membera of Lu Lu Temple Kensington Commariderv No R4 ofrollsn Chapter nf Camden nnd friends Invited to services May's Landing Sat . SIM m Int 1'renbvlerlan Cem Rurlnl services In chnrfro nf Unity Lodee No 40(1 V and A M limit flowers HAZARD NoV-27 ROSA KRIM widow of Dr Alexander Hatard and dauchler of late Oen Wllllim II and Lucy JaTie Kelm runeral service- Mon mevn , residence nf her son-in-law .1 R Overpeck '."1 Hon Mavvr ave , Rain Pa Int prlval-- HIRST Nov 27 11 HUNK HIRST nt Hirst A Hewitt 1(1211 Chestnut st , Philadel phia Birocl 07 Relatives and fl "ds Ottawa Tribe No in I O It M Welcome Clr- clo No 8 II of A of Camden N J.. invited to runeral services aeon ? i m US r.th nve (White Horse Pike) Haddon Hlahts N J Int private Harlelich Cem Prlend mav call Hun 7 to it p m HUDSON -i-Nov 211 MAROAHHT widow of Francis F Hudson dice FltineuntiV for merlv of 1114.' s- uth st Relatives and friends, St. Taul a T A II League, of Sacred Heart of St Monica's Parish In vited to funeral Mon s 111 v m 172,1 tilt ner st Solemn mass of reeiulem Church of t Menlca 1(1 a m Int Old Cathedral rvi n ne-ire HUNTKR Nov 23 SARA OLHNN wife of William V. Hunter and daughter of Mary A and late 13 Passmore "Walker, nsred 2(1 Relatives and friends inviien lo runeral ;itsi jasper st int be JAMES Nov 27. MARY widow of Levis It James Relatives nnd friends Invited to funeral services Mon ,1pm 1P.01 Morris bt Int private West Liurel Hill Cem. JOHNhOV Nov 2ll SARAH L widow of llenn I lohnson aged 81 Relatives and friends invited to funeral services Man 2 rj m , residence of son In-kvw Frank Car vln 214 K Cedar ave Merchantvllle N J Int private Friends mal call Sun , 7 to I) P m TOHNSON Nov 2-V nt Lansdale Ta lA.Zin H (nee Haton) wife of A D John son, igcd 74 Relatives and friends invited to funeral services 30 V Main st Lans dale, Pa Sat 2 30 p m Entombment pri vate Landale Miusnleum Friends maj levv remains FrI 1 to 0 p m KERNAN Vox 28 MARGARET H wife if Eugene K man (nee Evans) aced 20 Relatives and friends Invited to funeral Hat 8 a m 200 Market at., Camden. N J Hieh mass ( hurch of the Immaculate Conception It a m Int Calvarv Cem KNEEIJLF.H Nov 27 JFLI V P d eURh ter of the latn Jese S -and Julia P Kneed ler Funeral services Saturday 2 p in , 4011 TJalttmore ave Relatives and friends Invited Interment prlvute KUMPP Nov 20 HARRY O husband of Mittie Kumnf (nee Scull) Relatives and frlenefc Athelstan Castle No 47 Knights of Cloiden Eacle emploves of David Lupton'a Pons Co Invited to funeral sun 2 p m sfl" V Mercer at Int private Northwood Cem, LAFFERTr Nov 27 MART wife of Martin W Laffcrtv Relitlves und friends, Silver Crescent c uncll No 1, D of I... Ivv Social Invited to funeral servlcea Mon , 1 i) m 2IHI1 W Cordon st Int private West Laurel III11 cem Friends may cill Sun . 8 to 10 p m LEES Nov 2H MARGARET VTlfo nf John Lees acid 71 Relatives and friends invited to funeral Sat 2pm residence of son-ln law, H irr Warren 3I1J3 N 7th st Int Northv nod Cim MACFAilL NL Nov 21 ROHERT MAC. l-AHLANr husland of Ulzubotli M.irf'ir. "Tne Relatives and friends Court Pride of KenslnKtnn Nr 28 F of It invited to funeral services Sat 2 n m 3307 N Lee st Int areenmount Cem M V.RINER Nov 25 10HN MARINER, Krandon of "William and feallle O loote. aced 8 months runeral Sit 2pm resl elence of great-grandmother Mrs Elizabeth Dollarton 210 W Jefferson st Int New Cathedral Cem McCLOSKEY Nov 27 I1RIDGET widow of Patrick Mettle skev Relatives and friends H V M Sodiltt and League of Sacretl Heart of St Thomas Aqultias's Church. Invited to funeral Mon Sam 1.102 S. loth st Solemn high imtp of requiem fat Thomas Aqulnas's hurch 0 10 a m. Int. Holy Cross Cem Auto service McDKRMOTT Nov 2(1 THOMAS J . hus bind of the late Margaret McDermott (nee Kiilj). Relttlves ard friends St, Augus tine a Ilenefte-lal Society invited to funeral, Sat 8 30 a m, funeral p triors of J Raymond Kellv 11.33 W Glrard ave Solemn high mass of requiem St Ellzabeths Church 10 a m Int Old Cathedral Cem MoCLINTOCK At Jerferaon Hninltal Philadelphia Pa Nov 20. WILLIAM W McCLINTOCK i-otu of John D and Mary McClinlock eged J7 Relatives and friends Invited tei funerel Sat J p m resldene e of parents 11) 7th t.t Salem N J Int Fast View Cem Atlantic C't papers copy MeOUKJAN. Nov 27 JOHN J husband of Margaret McC.uigon (nee O Rrlen) and son of Tatrlek and Sarah Mellulgan (neo McCay) Relatives and friends invited to funeral Mon 8 30 a m brother's resi dence Bernard J MV-Gnlgan 2801 Kenslng tein ave Sol inn mast of requiem Chur h of Visitation 10 a. m. Int Ntvv Cathedral Cem McKEEVER At r.l I Warrington ave , Nov 27 HARRY husband of Sarah Mc Keever (nee Sherm in) Notico of funeral lattr MoLAVGIILlN Nov 2". MARGARET L widow of Matthew J McLaughlin Rel atives and friends Invited to funeral Mon , 8 30 a m 271 S lthan st (Both and Spruce sta ) solemn masa of requiem Church of 'lranslguratlon 10 a m Int Old Cathedral Cem Auto service McMAHO.N Nov 27 ANNA H McMA IION late of Brjn Mavvr Pa. Int Qulncy MrMENAMIN Nov 27 ANNA R , v, Idow of Frank MiMenamln (nee MrAleeso) aged 7"i Relntlvvs nnd friends Invited to funeral series Mon 11 a m residence of niece Mrs William E Crisss 000 Levlck st t iwndale Thila Int Oxford Church grounds MKWES Nov 23 JESSE W . husband nf Lydla M Mewes (nee Dlley). aged 80 Relltlves and friends, P'.st No 2 O It Survivors 72d Regt Penna Volunteers Anna M Ross Circle No 30 Ladies' Auxil iary GAR Hiawatha Council. No ID'S O l) A. M Invited to services Mon , 2 p m 1204 N Jessup st Int Northwood Cem MILLER Nov 25 LRNEST husband if late Mary Miller (nee Massa). aged fill Hela tlves and friends Palestine Lodge. No 470 r nnd A M , Warwick Castle, No. 174 A O K M C and D O H. Society. Invited to funeral, Sat ,2pm 4542 Mitchell st Roxborough Services Bethany Lutheran Church 2 43 p. m. Int Leverlngton Cem MOULD Nov 27 THOMAS W . husband of late Jane Mould (nee Steelman) Reli llves and friends Chester Lodge No 230 r and A M , Oriental Comtnandery No 100 IC of Al Invited to funeral Sat 2 t m residence of son 410 Penn st Ches ter Pa Int Chester Rural-Cem. Remains may be viewed at 348 N 22d at l'rl , S to 10 rt m MULLEN Nc-V. 25 JOHN J . huBband of Sallle E Mullen (nee Markey) Relatives and friends. Holy Name Society of the As cension Church and Postoltlce Protective Aseo . Invited to funeril Sat. 8.30 n m C"47 II st Solemn mass of requiem Church of the Ascension 10 a m Int. New Cathe dral Cem MURPHY At parent's residence 4047 Hazel ave Nov 20 WILLIS SKILI.MAN. son of William J and late Anna L Murphy (nee Goodall) Announcement of funeral later OGDEN Nov 24 PUL II. son of Sam uel and Lcla Ogden Relatives and friends Invited to services flat 2 p. m parents' residence 2511 W Turner st. Int North wood Cem Remains may be- viewed FrI., 8 to 10 n m OKEEI'B Nov 27 CATHARINE wife of John O Keefe Relatives and friends, Altar and Sacred Heart Society of St Co lumbi's Church, Society of Propagation of ralth Invited to funeral Mon , 8 30 a m . 2314 W Lehigh ave Setlemn requiem mass St Columba's Church 10 o. m Int Holj Sepulchre Cem Auto funeral ORHELL Nov 20 MARY II OP.RELL (nee UromUej) widow of Thomas Orroll, aged 82 Relatives and friends invited to funeral Sat 2pm. 1411 Unity st . I'rankford Services St Mark's P E church 3pm Int North Cedar HIU Cem Tfrietula mav rail Vri after 7 D m PARKER Nov 20. AMELIA S vvlfe of Charles L S Parker (neo Ilergmann) aged Klist Mornvlan Church and Pilgrim Lodge of Rebecca, of Egg Harbor, N J , Invited to funeral services Sat.. 2 30 p m , B040 N. 3d Bt Int private Hillside Cem. Re niAins may ne vieweei rn io v p. m. PARKER Nov 20. WILLIAM O PAR KER formerly of Oirardvlll" Pa Relatives and frlerxjs Camp No. 75. P O, S of A , ot Bt Clair, Pa employes or Phlla Mint, in vited to funeral services. Bat 3 p m., 4330 N 10th st. Int Northwood Cem, Remains mav be viewed FrI, 8 p. in Pottsvllle papers copj PAUL Nov. 27, Miss LYDIA K. PAUL, aged 8(1 Relatives and friends Invited -to funeral services, Haptlst Home 17th and Norrls sts , Sat 2pm Int private. PICOT At daughter's residence. Mrs. Harrv H Walton. Glenslde, Pa , Nov 28, JANE D . widow of Charles J Plcot, Rela tives and friends Invited to services, Sat., Ham .Oliver II. Balr Hide.. 1820 Chest nut St.. Phlla. Int. private REESE Nov 20, OKORGE W. REESE, nged 80. Relatives and friends invited to funeral Sat., 2 p. m., 1223 s, Marlcoe it Int private. ni'pur Wn.i ia n in Trr irrln,., Ian Germantown, j. IIARISSON' husband of Maria Iteese and son of late James and jimma i.eeie. artel 72. Funeral services Sat . U a. m Int. private ivv. . a, sx. ii 411V. il Mdirj REIN On Nov. 24. 1D10. ALEXANDER, husband of Agatha Rein (nee Solomon), aged 09 Relatives and friends, also W. O. War den Ueneflctal Asso. and Alsace-Lorraine So ciety, Invited to funeral, on Saturday morn ing at 8 30, from lata residence, 2528 Dickinson , nt High mass or requiem hi. Aioyaius-y unurcn ju o'ciock. Croaa Cem. Auto funeral. Int. Holy UNDERTAKERS l)l!ATm nonisN. At Palmyra N. J., Nov. 27, LYDIA A,, wife of Oeorro Roden. Due no tice of funeral will be given. RYAN Nov. 23. MARY, wife or rstrlek J Rsan. Relatives and friends, D, V, M, Sodality of St, Veronica's Church, Invited to funeral, Sat., 8 30 a, m 413 W, Ontario st. Solemn mass of requiem 8t Veronica's Church 10 a, m, Int Holy Sepulchre Cem. HCHOCII At Westvllle,. N, J,, HANNAH SCHOCH, aged 82 Relatives and friends Invited to funeral. Sat , 2 10 p m,, residence nf son.n!aw, Julius H. Wurster, 3 Cttnter st . Westvllle. N J. Int. private. Friends may call rrl , 7 to 0 p m, Allentown papers copy, SCHOENLY. Nov. 23 MARCUS L. SCHOENLY. husband of late Adatlne Hchocnlv (nee Relter). aged 58. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral services. Sun . 2 p m , Chanel of Northwood Cem . 13th and Haines ts , Oak Lane Philadelphia, SCOTT.-NoV. 20 MARY D,, wlelow of David Scott, aged 82 Relatives and friends Invited to service. FrI., 8pm, 327 N. 40Ui st Int Walnesboro. Ps . Sat, SEIIIERT Nov. 25, ELLA J., wife of O J Helbert. Relatives and friends invited to funeral services FrI ,8pm, 027 Chestnut st Further services Palmyra, Fa., Sat,, 2 30 n m SHAFFER. At 3012 Hamilton st., Phil adelphia Nov 25, RBHECCA SHAFFER (neo Nash), widow of William Shaffer, aged 73 Relatives and friends Invited to services. -at , 2 30 p m . St Thomas's Church, Whltemnr.h Pa, SHERWOOD Nov 20 J. FRANK, hus band of Danna M, Sherwood Relatives and friends, Robert A Lamberton Lodge, No 480 r and A M t rast End Republican Club Arthur Morr-iw Republican Club, 20th Ward Republican Executive Commltteel em plojes Receiver of Taxes Office, Invited to funeral services, Sat ,2pm. parlors David O rrnnkenfleld & Sons, 322 N 62el st. Int. Woodlands Cem SLATER Nov 20 WILLIAM C , hus band of Jennie Slater (nee McDowell) nnd son of Mary and Into William Slater Rela tives and friends Burks Lodge, No 1100 I, O O M of Bristol, Ta . Art Squaro Weavers' Union, Local No 940 Invited to funeral, Mon 8'10 a m , 2100 E Llppln rott st Solemn high mass Church of the Nativity 10 a m Int St Mark's Cem, Bristol Pa SLAUOII Nov 27. CHARLES husband of late Elizabeth M Slaugh aed 77. Rela tives and friends Invited to funeral, Mon , 8 10 a m , 1027 Womtng ave , Logan. High mass Church of the Holy (Child 10 n m Int private, New Cathedral Cem. Auto service SMIJLLtNO Nov 23. CLARA M.. wife nf Millard K Smulllng nnd daughter of the late John nnd Sallle Fow Relatives and friends Invited to services Sat 2 30 p. m, 2412 H Cumberland st Int private. Remains may bo viewed FrI. 8 to 10 p m SOPER Nov 25, EDWARD J . husband of Josephine (nee Kenny) and son of Alio (' anl late Edward M Snper Relatives and friends Tenna Council, No 342 Royal Ar. canum Henry R Shock Yearlv fteneflclal Ass n Invited to funeral, Mon 8 30 a m 1810 Croske-v at Solemn requiem mass1 st Elizabeth's Church. 10 a m Auto funeral STALTFER Nov 27 ANNA L PEN NOCK wife of Dr Nathan P Stauffer Relatives and friends invited to funeral serv ices Mon 2 n m ,12 Violet lane. Lans downe Pa Int private STERLING Nov. 25 ANNETTE R wlelow of James Sterling Relatives and friends, Htraer's IlUBiness College, Invited to funernt services. Sat . 10 a m residence of W 13 Weaver. 550 N Bth st. Int prlvete sti:vvaht ai L,me Lexinnvon i'a , Nov 21 PRANK G , Sr , hueband of Annie M Stewart Relatives and friends Quaker City Lodge No 2405, Fraternal Aid t'nlon in vited to funeral, Lino Lexington Pa , Sat . 12 noon Int private Autos will meet train leaving Reading Termlnil 10 15 a m on arrival at Lansdale Pa STILWELL At Rrvn Mswr Hospital, Nov. 21 CHRLES R STILWELL. nged 74. Funeral services Frl., 11 a, tn , Oliver U, Balr Bldg 1820 Chestnut st faTUHUKM Nov 27 1IDWMID T.. hus band of Lidle flturges (nee Nickel) Rela tives and friends Chattahoochee Tribe No 17, Imp O R M , O-et field I-ndge No 10 O S of R Court Somerset No 22 F. of A and employes of William Cramp & Sons' S and E Hldg Co., Joiners' shop Invited to funeral Mon ,2pm 1840 Sepvtva st Int private Northwood Cem Friends may call Sun ufter 8pm THOMPSON HARRISON A THOMPSON, at Mas Landing N J Wed . nged 81 Members of Lu Lu Temple Kensington Com tnandery No 54 of Philadelphia: Sllnam Chapter of Camden and friends Invited to services Mays Landing Sat 2 10 p m nt Presbyterian Cem Mav Landing Bur ial services in charge of Vnltv Lodge, No 00 r and A M Omit flowers THOMPSON Nov 20 SUSAN widow of l'zkel Thompson Relatives and friends Invited to funeral servi'es Sun 2 p m. 2807 ft rmsntown five Tnt Nnrthwood Cem TORPEY Nov 20 MICH EL husband of 1 ite Catherine Torpey Relatives and j friends invited to funeral Mon 8 30 a m . 2-'42 i e arnsie sv -.oiemn requiem mass Church of Our Lady of Mercy 10 a m. Int. New Cathedral Cem Auto funeral. WALDRON At Atlantic City, N J. Nov. 20 MARY JANE ERSKINE widow of John W Waldron Relatives and friends invited to funeral services residence of daughter 117 S Rhode Island ave Atlantic) City, Frl ," n 'n. Int Pleasapl'llle N J, Cem WALTON Nov." 25 EDWARD husband nf Annetta L Walton Relatives and friends Joka Tribe, No 300 I O R It . Invited to funeral services Fri 8 p m , 1703 N, Gratz st Int private Ternvvood Cem.' WATKIN Suddenly Nov 22 J BALD WIN WATKIN husband of late Margaret Ann Watkln son of late Joseph nnd Re becci Ann Watkln, aged 00 Relatives and friends, emploves Allen, Lane & Scott, printer 1213 Clover st Invited to funeral Sat 2 p m , npartments K Yerkes, 1725 S 51th st Int private, Mt Zlon Cem Friends may call Frl , after 7 p. m. Auto Hervite, WILSON Suddenly Nov 27 LLEWEL I YN husband of Anna Mary Wilson aged 07 Residence, 4001 PeTwelton ave. Due no lle of funeral will be given WINKENS Nov. 27. EDWARD J , son f late Joseph V Antonett Wlnkens Due notice of funeral will bo given LI.OAL ADVKUTISKMF.NTS fJOF" NOTICF. IS HEREBY UIVKN THAT - nn application will bo made to the Governor of the Commonwealth of Penn svlvanla on the 8th elav of December. A. D. 1010, under the provisions of an act of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennrlvanla entitled "An act to provide for the incorporation and regulation of cer tain corporations," approved the 20th day of April 1874 and the supplements thereto for the charter of an Intended corporation to bo sts led Kllrk Tublnr A Ilrnlillnec Hone. inn, the character and object cf which is to engage in manufacturing, busing selling and dealing In tubing braiding, piping con duits containers hose valves, specialties RUtotrobila accessories, light hardware and articles of u. similar or cognate character from metal, rubber fabric, wood or other material cr combination thereof, and for these purposes to have ikssass and enjoy all the rights benefits and privileges qf said act of the General Assembly and the sup plements thereto. LOST AND FOUND PIN Lost Nov. 24, platinum and gold bar !'.., u. liutil Hlll.tliK livill .nw 11.1K ., p m or between Broad Street Station and Iogan Station, liberal reward. Ashcom, III 1 land Title BIdg POCKETBOOK Lost black pocketbook, con tnlnlng discharge and citizen papers, also addresses and stamps. Reward If returned io -no vvatKins si PEItSONAXS TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN Take notice that I Will Tint ha t-rnntl1, for any debts or bills Incurred In mv name bv any una ouv ins sen xieiuso creult to all persons on my account PANIEL SUTTER. JK.. Mount Holly, N. J. Dated November 24 1010 HELP WANTED FEMALE rrELL telfphonp! nrrrtiTmn PERMANENT POSITIONS OFFERED TO YOUNO WOMEN BETWEEN 18 AND 2S llAUO. 11 PER WEEK FOR FIRST 4 WEEK"!! 16 60 PER WEEK IN 0 MONTHS WITH KAB.ID ADVANCEMENT THEREAFTER. KHOnT HOURS INEXPENSIVE HOT LUNCHFS COMtVDRTADLE RFST ROOMS SICKNESS DISABILITY lTENEFITll CAREFULLY CHOSEN ASSOCIATES CAI.I, PERSONALLY ANT WEEKDAY. tcsTsrtTtJTrT rt a vi r a sitts, n vr - criinwrn n a Atiu t X' J" s a - BEE MISS RYAN, 16S1 ARCH BT.. FIRST FLOOR THE BELL TELEPHONE CO OF FA. BOOKKEEPER and secretary wanted for private school. P 525 Ledger Office. CASHIERS AND INSPECTORS EXPERIENCE NOT NECESSARY INSTRUCTIONS OIVEN APPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S CENSiift cr.RrtKR taoa nsed.di ins mantht exp unnecessary; examinations Phlladel PhU Deo. 10. Jan. T. For free particulars writ. J, Leonard (former government ex- aminerj. 1173 requltama lqg , vvasningtory. COLORED WOMEN 20 YE4.R8 OF AGE AND OVER . FOR POSITIONS IN CONNECTION WITH THE SHIPPINO OF MERCHANDISE APPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S CLERK for general omc work: must ba brlrht and careful worker and be abia to operate typewriter! slat. qualWcations and vrajp0;;. salary .xg.cUd. r w. H2&. HELP WANTED FEMALE "V CAMPnELTS SOUPS ESTABLISHED 1890 OIRT.a AND WOMEN MUST BIO OVER 10 YEARS OF ACJB 0IRL3 MUST FURNISH PROOF OF AOB FOR KITCHEN WORK PREPARING VEGETABLES . MEAT3. ETC. ALSO GENERAL FACTORY "WORK STEADY EMPLOYMENT MINIMUM 8TARTINO RATES INCLUDING BONUS $14 AND 115 FOR 48 HOURS TIME AND HALF TIME OVER 48 HOURS , INCREASED AUTOMATICXl.LY I TLENTY OF OVERTIME JOSEPH CAMPBELL COMPANY D AND MARKET ST8. CAMDEN. N. J. 100 GIRLS WANTED OVER 10 YEARS OF AOB IN NEW DEPARTMENT NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY LIGHT. AIRY FACTORY DESIRABLE STEADY WORK 62 WEEKS A YEAR HOT LUNCHES SERVED AT LESS THAN COS1 GOOD PAY. EXCELLENT TREATMENT LEARNERS TAID U? WEEKLY , LlaGETT MYERS TOBACCO CO. 3D AND ONTARIO STS. GIRLS WANTED 14 years or over 10 00 per week to start Rapid advancement ,easv work Itnpid advancement: easy work BECKER. SMITH & PAGE Water and Snyder ave nrrT. WE REQUIRE GIRLS TO WRAP PACK Aeirvs Tivr-nnmNcie Nm-NRCEHSAY. APPLY EMPIIYMF.NT DUREAU LIT BROS. GIRLS over 1(1 years; steady position, good wages, 48-hour week Frledberger-Aaron Mfgv Co , 4C0O N 18th st., near Wayne Junction. GIRLS, 14 to 10 years of age- continuation school privilege; good wages, steady poel tlon triedberger-Aaron Mfg Co., 4800 N 18th st , near Wayne Junction GIRL Reliable colored girl for cooking nnd downstairs work: must havo reference; sleep out Phono Germantown 1004 W HOSIERY menders, experienced on Infants' hose and children's socks Apply Rock land Hosiery Mills 3211 Kensington nve HOSIERY examiners, exp'el on Infants' hose upcmand Hosiery Mills V21I Kensington HOUSE MISTRESS for private school want ed, must be experienced. P 524. Ledger Office HOUSEWORK-r-Protestant white girl pref . smili family: good wages, laundress em- plned Marine- 'J0T2 J 4PK Chestnut sf HOUSEWORK Olrl wanted rui laundry; plain cook; rer uvernrooK ?iu. SALESWOMEN PART OR FULL TIME 'OPPORTUNITIES' IN SEVERAL DEPARTMENTS APPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S SCRUB WOMAN wanted, to do cleaning around a mfg. plant Brown & Bailey Co . 4111 N Franklin STENOGRAPHER Competent voung woman wanted In an established nnd fast-growing business knowledge of bookkeeping and clerical duties desirable must possess Initia tive and tact nnd write own letters If neces sary; an edlphone or dictaphone, operator preferred. Btate fully vour qualifications and salary to begin. "Z 21," P. O. Box 34 S4 . STENOGRAPHER, esjmpetent state exn. and salary expected P 820. Ledger Of fice TYPIST to address envelopes and enclose circulars: hours 8:15 to 5. salary $50 per month, state age and experience. A 29, Ledger Office WAITRESS white Protestant, small adult family. Apply by letter. P 821. Ledger Office WANAMAKER'S OpcntnKH for bright sountr homo Rlrls (be tween the aires of 18 and 24 yean), capable of acting: as Inspecting cashiers. A flno busi ness training will be riven And opportunity to earn advancement. No experience neces sary. Apply Bureau of Employment, situated on the First Floor Balcony. 13th Bt. aide. y WOMEN OF REFINEMENT WANTED. BE. TWEEN THE AGES Or 18 AND 85 Yes we MEAN women of refinement, to engage (permanently or temporarily) in a business where education and poise are as sets, greater than mere buslneea experience alone This business Is SALESMANSHIP. In which a valuable business grounding Is given. Good hours and pleasant surroundings. If you are well bred, well poised, trust worthy and fired with a wish to earn Christ mas money, take your ambitions to the stim ulating atmosphere of WANAMAKER'S Apply Bureau of Employment, situated on the First Floor Balcony, 18th at. side. WOMEN A3 SHEET WRITERS OOOD PENMEN ALSO WOMEN FOR WRAPPING EXPERIENCE NOT NECESSARY APPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S TfOMEH WB REQUIRE WOMEN TO WRAP PACK. AQES; EXPERIENCE NOT NECESSARY. APPLY EMPLOYMENT BUREAU LIT BROS. WOMEN Good pay; light table work; expe rleneA not nftmnirv! steady employment. Frledberger-Aaron Mfg. Co.. 4600 N. 18th St., near wayn. junction. WOMEN AND GIRLS wanted for our pack ing and icing department: experience un necessary: liberal wage and pleasant sur roundings. National Biscuit Co., 1301 Qlen- wood ave. YOUNO WOMAN. 31 to 30 years of age. with Irnnwledffe of typewriting and with some office experience! large manufacturing concern in soutnern pari 01 city, 11 on. Lodger Offlee, YOUNO WOMEN WANTED. TOUNO WOMEN FOR VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS EXPERHSNCa NOT NECESSART man waoes APPLY EMPLOYMENT IHJRBAU LIT BROS, HELP WANTED FEMALE WOMEN FOR CLEANING DAY AND NIGHT KHIFTS APPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S HELP WANTED MALE ASSISTANT BOOKKEEPER Young man about 18, also must have knowledge nf stenography: good chance- for advancement ior rignt pariv. Apply 22 n ueiaware aye, BOOKUINDER Good bookbinder -to finish trade; twothlrder; steady position for right vnrty. Address the Hefty Press Miami, Fla, ROYS 11 TO IT YEARS OF AOE GOOD OPPORTUNITY FOR BRIGHT, ACTIVE BOYS APPLY CADET HEADQUARTERS EIGHTH, FLOOR WANAMAKER'S BOY wanted' chance for advancement. Ap ply 1U14 Market st, . BRICKLAYERS wanted for work In Cnm den; $1,25 an hourj will pay fare also. atpiv vvm ijinxer Co.. ai cnerry st, CARPENTl.RH wanted for Dallas, Tex.: 87 Via per hour; 44-hour week, fare ad vanced: good board for $35 per month. Apply today. 115 N 12th st . CENSUS CLERKS 4000 needed; JO.', month; experlenco unnecessary; examinations Phil adelphia Dec 10. Jan. T. For free particu lars write J Leonard former government examiner uu i;quitame mclg . Washington CHAUFFEUR English mechanic, age 40: first-class driver of high grade cars; best reference Chauffeur HW Parrlsh st. COLLECTOR Collector. Catholic, good, dependable, steady man with brains and Initiative; permanent: 140 to JflO weekly. See Mr. Oualello, Room 701 608 Chestnut St. COMPOSITORS and stone nands. N. E. cor. l'arKvvav and ,10th st DETAILER AND CHECKER Structural steel detailer and checker, experienced on building work, for fabricating shop; per manent position: good opportunity for ad vancement: state full particulars In first let ter. W. N. Kratzer Co . 3212 Smallman St., Pittsburgh, Pa. ' DRAFTSMEN WC WANT riRBT-CIiAPB SHIP DRAFTSMEN WHO HAVE' HAD EXPERl ENCE ON HULL ENGINE. ELECTRICAL AND FITTING WORK, AND ARE WILl" INO TO PAY THE HIGHEST RATES FOR MEN WHO MEET OUR REQUIREMENTS. APPLY KOOM 108 INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS BLDO. HOG ISLAND DRAFTSMEN having experlenco In instru ment designing, small work of an accu rate type, shop layout, electrical work and typing, also men experienced on special in. chlnery. Frankford Arsenal, Itrldesburg. Pa. DRAFTSMEN Tool draftsmen wanted Im mediately, with experience on torls jigs and fixtures Apply General Tractors. Inc.. Paulsboro N J t rOREMAN Good ixialtlon for Job foreman; modern plant, union; must be able to pro duce and handle men: salary S85 to $40, don't reply If ou don't Intend to come. The Evening Telegram Rocky Mount N C. HOG ISLAND SHIPYARD WANTS SHIP JOINERS ELECTRIC ARC WELDERS CARPENTERS SHIP CLEANERS CEMENTER8 LABORERS Plenty of work and good working conditions , PASSER BOYS Must be over 16 years and furnish proof of age APPLY Mr. Ehattuck's office, 1521 Arch st.. OR Employment Office. Hog Island. MEN Wanted, 3 experienced men for side glvvzlng machine fixers 50 per week, sal ary basis, steady work Apply at employ ment office Amalgamated Leather Com- mlngton De MEN, experienced, to distribute advertising, money advanced each night. Apply 0 15 ... .m iv rroni fi NEW YORK SHIPBUILDING CORPORATION North Yard. Camden, N. J, Sea our representative) Mr. La Course, at the State Employment Bureau. 1521 Arch at,. .Philadelphia. NEW YORK SHIPBUILDING CORPORATION ' North Yard Camden, N, J. SAC&EJJSAND 'WRAPPERS OF AP?VEn,?4?,.a.9ODS' china; ETC, APPLY BUREAU Or EMPLOYMENT H 1 . tt J V.ri 1 r.V'm WANAMAKER'S PRESSMAN First-class pressman for cylln der and Jobbers: steady position for high- Miami Fi oaresa me iteity press "OOFERS Apply Warren-Ehret Co., 86th .. ...njn rrrrr ave. bALESMAN A-l stock salesman to handle rif JxSt f " A!?0'1.!'!?" ln Reading. Address ..j ,..c mi a mit Bt t jieaqing. j-a SALESMAN In office furniture: good open- .. .w. uiinu .rwmm IIWll J to, jjgQ. KJJl, SALESMEN (Catholic) To those of you who have sold specialties, Insurance, macaxlnos v. wvn, c v lb a line opportunity 10 get a ?ermanyiVob where you can earn from 10 now making exoluslvp allotment of territory: live men find this work easy pleasant and yery profitable: I want only dependable, trustworthy men: action brings results. See Mr Costello Room 70S. (108 Chestnut at. BALtsjiEN--Wanted, men with experience selling securities, real eBtate or Insurance; out-of-town proposition! expenses advanced; lata fla tli-ril Vm1 r rFUioMoa n .ab' ;jrr.i ys ... :- -""". oom iuo, li"i .raviPUHii . BTEAMFITTER Flrst-olass steamfltter. Apply In person to Frankford Arsenal, nirdesburg, Pa. 8TEEL BASH GLAZIERS for No, 8 elevator; w,...,.., ., ..a..! uvui due iron, xiaui more: 00 cnts per hour: transportation rharirci to be paid to Job. See Mr. Charlea p end 1, foreman M HIOCJC SAI.USMKN Steel and tin plate mill- now oDeratlnr. witn oraera for over 11.000 000. anurlns Urfc-e earnlnra and blr dividends for atoek holders: sama inter ltd ntiraniKrt tmiia teel oompany, earned 77 per cent last yean common atock advanced 400 per cent, want live salesmen to nlace 8 per cent preferred stock with bonus 50 per cent common stock: worAi reu iiiKiw ucuvr inuii un weeKiy On (vv iriauv nn 4un'iiii iiu nuvautvi PITTSBURGH TIN PLATE AND STEEL 45 Gallagher Hldg . 1810 Chestnut at. STOREROOM HELPER Middle-aged man. steady;1 for storeroom work. writ. ana iiaure, reierenc. ana salary, p M21, ledger Office rOOLMAKERS WANTED ON JIO AND FIXTURE WORK; wciu?oTc,JK,8do., HKS..wfi5K EXCELLENT WOl Kit- ARDMORE, PA. WATER RUBBER on furniture! steady em. ploymrnt and good chanca for advnnc Wfnt, AFP'. Mr KeWMh U S, 5th at. .HELP WANTED MALE .TOOl.MAKERH TUNCH, JlO AND DIE MEN who are looking for good rates of pay, eood working conditions and good homos will find an of them here, our plant Is situated JO miles trom Phlla,, In . town of 2500 popu lation, with alt modern Improvements, .such as schools, churches, electrlo and gas light, sewerago system and good city vSler; this la an Ideal spot for married men with families! first-class men wishing a. good steady Joa will answer this ad M 818, Ledger Office WANTED FIRST-CLASS ALL-AROUND MACHINISTS AND MACHINE OPERA TORS FOR LARGE. HEAVY WORK 15 riVE-FOOT VFRTICAL BORINO MILT. OPERATORS. 10 FIRST-CLASS ASSEMRLERS WHO HAVE HAD EXPERIENCE OM LARGE 8TEAM ENGINES. -awwtJi 6 SIX-FOOT VERTICAL BORING MILL OPERATORS. 6 THREE-FOOT VERTICAL MILL OPERATORS. BORINO 5 EIGHT-FOOT RADIAL DRILL PRESS OPERATORS. 1 HORIZONTAL BORINO MILL OPERA- TOR. oJODERN HOUSES WITH ALL CONVEV-i IENCES CAN TTO HAD FOR NORV MAL RENT WITHIN 10 MINUTES' WALK OF THE PLANT. APPLY OR WRITE EMPLOYMENT OFFICE GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. ERIE, PA. YOUNG MAN Blue printer, age not law than 21, for large manufacturing concern, southern part of city M 815 Ledger Office. General EARN BIO MONEY Do 1atho work auto repair, mechanical aiid electrical driving cr storage battery work; we train men on practical lines, Philadelphia Mechanical Electrical School, Call BH-MR Brown st Philadelphia. WANTED .MEN AND LADIES TO LUARrf BARBERINO Big paying trade, quickly learned; big scarcity of barbers: day or evening class: write fo.' catalog TRICITY BARBER SCHOOL, 228 N 0th st . Phlla.. ?L SITUATIONS WANTED FEMAI.E SECRETARY and stenographer, exp , desires lillilinumin iua,livit, vcilltri Ul City. tj 'J Ledger Office. SITUATIONS "WANTED MALE ACCOUNTANT, office and credit manager. charge. C 16 Ledger Office' j.nr CLERK-TYPIST. 24. high school graduata: start 100 per month. 720 Berks EXECUTIVE position wanted, responsibility and trust wean, if necessary, add 8tt-ton truck to your forces to ba considered Invest ment; have traveled eastern states 6 jears buyer construction work telegraph company well versed general business principles: can help drive your business; executive capacity: best references: single, 28 years, M 809 Ledger Oftlct INTERPRETER wishes n position: can speak several lnrguages, French, Italian. Portu guese, Rumanian Spanish Turkish, Bui- l"IIBH .- I -wbl VUHT MAN. experienced, colored, with excellent reference, wants position as cook, P 814 Ledger Office EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES MEN WOMEN, colored, day, week, part time. Hursey, 1285 S. 19th. Dick. S645. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES OOINO CONCERN would like to manufacture late design domestic power washing ma chine and vacuum Bweeper, cylinder typ. washer preferred, would handle either on royalty basis or would consider buying patent rights, bend blue prints and all details in first lettei M 810 Ledger Office PHILADELPHIA company with 1 equipped manufacturing plant machinery, offers opportunity to young man taking an active Interest, who can develop selling ability, for sales manager; investment $5000, P 826, Ledger Office: WE HAVE CLIENTS for hotels furnished, or apartment houses furnished or unfur nished Apply Room 3 and 4. 720 Walnut st Phone Wnlnut 6748 Wanted ESTABLISHED business wanted, whole or part Interest earning $0000 or over: am no agent. P. O. Box 854, Dayton. O. BUSINESS PERSONAM DIAMONDS BOUGHT Positively highest cash prices for your dia monds, any sire from 4 to 10 carats; nona pay higher; also old gold, platinum and sliver bought, EBtates bought (private). Est, 10 yrs. TheDiamc.ndShop10fhb"r, DIAMONDS PAWN TICKETS BOUGHT TROM PRIVATE TEOPLE! TRANSACTIONS CONFIDENTIAL: FULL VALUE PAID. COLONIAL TRUST BANK BLDO, 1STH AND MARKET. ROOM 311. HOURS 11-30 A M, TO 4l30 P. M. DIAMONDS BOUGHT ANY SIZE FRICE NO OBJECT Pawn Tickets for Diamonds Bought KELLY A CO. 082 CIIbSfNUT ST. Suite 21-22. Over Chllds Restaflrant. PrlvaU LITIGATION, expense and delay avoided; bus iness and other difficulties settled your rights protected: doubtful accounts collected: bank reference: 23 years' experience. Mutual Adjustment Co . 1215 Filbert Bt. s DIAMONDS BOUGHT HARRY W SMITH. 717 SANSOM ST. UNIFORM overcoats changed Into civilian style, very reasonable. Stanley Tailoring Co , lfl B, 17th st . basement. ELECTRIC treatment n manicuring. Room 105 Heed Hldg . 1215 Filbert st. Loo. 88B2. CELESTE LA TELLE facial, scalp treat J 10 a m tn 0 p tn1- rinsed Sun 305 H ltth ELECTRIC TREATMENT, also manicuring. Office. 4142 Market St.. second floor. OLD GOLD OLD gold, sliver, platinum, plated ware, old style lewelry. teeth plates bought for cash. Est. 1817. f. L Clark, refiner. 807 Hansom. 'WANTED ANTIQUES Furniture, carpets, beds, betf ding household goods, etc., wanted; highest cash prices paid, city or country. Levin Fur niture Co , Main Office, DOT Walnut st. Phone Walnut 1083, Branch, 3129 N. 22d st. Phone evenings and Sundays. Tioga 4278. CAsr-orF CLOTHING Indies' clothes' a specialty; gentlemen's, children's clothing and shoes all kinds bought: highest prices: auto service: we call anywhere, any time. Ph Mkt 2448 W or call M Stem 887 N. 4th! OLD CLOTHES bought; ladles', gentlemen' suits, overcoats, shoes, hats; we pay 60ft mors than others. Send postal, call or phone, we call elty country, day. eve. Ph. Dickin son (UB5JFjJedjmajrsl4448oiithst! I'URNirURB AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS; highest prices paid for part or entlra household: get our estimates. Harry II. Fin ger. 500 N. 2d st. Hell phone Market 40241 evenings and Hunday call Poplar 1285. , WE WANT, at once, rouijnold furniture; tore fixtures; office furniture: pay spot hi honest value: phone us aboi auouc ir. ujcutt 4214. Old Church, cor. 12th and Cherry sts WANTED 300 double or BOO single metal lockers, Rochester Standard Clothe. Co.. 81 Laka ave , cor. White t Rochester. N X ' J. RUBIN pays highest prices for gentlemen's .i.ikl-4 ..nil ahnaa Halt tlr., ab nH...B Bend postal 814 Callowhlfl st. NVE PAY HiaHER PRICES than others fos old clothes and shoes, Terminal Clotblnw Co , 034 Ridge nve JJIIOKEN Jewelry, antiques, pistols, coins; coin book with prices I pay mailed 1CO.J.B. Doss (People's 8tore).28 8. 11th st. Wal.4480 HOUSEHOLD AND OFFICE FURNITURB BOUGHT We pay the best prlc.a Wiser, 251 N tith at. Phong Walnut 1840 v 1 i w WK'VPaxASFS 'ntl