-rTT y '"""T WgW ' fpB 26 EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1919 vm w BUSINESS NOTES "- Ik aaLI tit fiA liifct nmtl1l 1111. 4Mi.ttty regarding the business out tank- for next fall (o Induce (Le noolcn b'flJ to be less free in handing out f moAn to the Jobbers nnd rmr more con- PJerntlun to the cuttcrs-up. i, WHh Christmas less than a month . km. At ta ficwnmlnt. mnw nnA innrn f'irWent that the orders taken for the holiday season by manufacturers auu wholesalers of handkerchiefs cannot be dllvered In full. Shipments of Imported goods aro said to bo much more nearly Compiclcu man most; ironi uomisiii; Sources. la the sport models created for re irt wr-ar. snorts nuKora U licurlnK h wy prominently. This brushed-sut Jsce woolen material is uuhzcu m nr production of sweaters, scarfs and ves tees. As a rule the colors which are featured are bright shades, with light greens and rose taking a lcadlus place. Interest in tlio chemical marl.el now H centered principally lu the fertiliser iroup. Rapid advances in tnnie of Ihe standard commodities have brought tn Vi m.nmltir nubile the great i$ ihortage of supplies. The unsatislleil demand for pig iron I In th Middle West is estimated by , tome sellers at closo to JJOO.OOO tons, with many definite inquiries simply filed, without probability of their clos ing in the near future. 'o new business of importance ii Ikj Ing put through in the flour trade ut present. Consumers ure well enough Supplied for current requirements ami r not inclined to take oh future , f commitments. 1 W .- -A ill iIaIIIIIIIiI ! t-lfeltUthi Ueaiers rciiur tun ut,miiu .. apuv l- -tttiminff hrniulpr rironortions all i along the line, with Inquiry csporiflUy rrong iur uu. r"- - - of the peppers. Cassias arc iuoWdk freely. Reports from all primarj points constinue strong. This, has mmle for an unusually strong . demaml fur spots, considering that this is uuall the dull season. The demand for enormous tonnages of railroad equipment for foreign roads has been accentuHted by equipment men returning from Europe, but before this can be considered the large needs of the American roads must aim be taken into consideration. Domestic roads arc Ja need of rails and virtually eicry kind of equipment, but the producers are behind in production. Business In drugs and chemical in this market is less actUo, Drug and Chemical Markets says, but prices are firm- There is a shortage of many bo tanicals, but imports arc improving Sulphate' of ammonia is higher and there has been considerable speculation In second lands. Stocks of fatty oih are small, but there is little demand except from a few large consumers. Essential oil stocks are so far below normal that the steady upward moe tnent of prices continues. There is an active inquiry, but buyers aro consen -ttive and purchase in small lots. Coal tar intermediates arc in good demand and producers are refusing business for export owing to the difficulty of tilliug domestic orders. 1 BUILDERS' MILLWORK jg .Doors, Sash, Mouldings, ' Columns, Etc. 1 THE HANEY-WHITE CO. PHILADELPHIA MARKETS GRAIN AND FLOUR WHEAT RectpU 23.187 buhli. TUB tnnrket u qult. but Arm Quotations: Cr lot. In export Hevator. vornmant tand.irij inspection utanaard orleen No 1 red win ter, 2 89 ; No 1 northern sprint. 2.0i! No. 1 hard wlntr. I2.30i No X red winter, Farllclty. 12 JIT: No. 1 red. smutty. $2.Sfli No 1 red. earllckv and amutty. 2 84 United states Grain Corporation's purchases of wheat were based on the following schedule of discounts! No 3 wheat. 3o under No. 1. No. o wheat. 6o under No 1. No. 4 wheat, 30o under No 1: No. 0 wheat. 14e under No. 1 For all wheat otherwise conformlns lo the specifications of No. 8 ur belter, but deficient In test weight, the discount rroin the No. & price will bo 3c per bushel IPX Rcn one-pound deficiency In test welpht. Wheat KradinB below No. IJ-ior reasons other than deflclencv in test weljthls will be bought on Its merits Smutty wheat will ba discounted according to the drsrreo of smut but In no case less than Ce pr bushel under the corresponding regular urade -Garlicky wheat will n discounted Just us here tofore 2c per bu,he from the rejrutar arade Mixed wheat will be discounted from :c to nc. accordlne to quality and condition of mixtures, but unless others Ito instructed the trade may count n our tnkliis No 2 mixed wheat at l'hlladelphla Just as hero (ofnto. e . 2c under the correepondlne regular trade. COrtN Receipts 7flt bushels Supplies were small and prices were , hlther. Wo Quote old No, 2 yellow In car lota for local trade at 1 tissH 70 1ATS Receipts. 21 4f.n bushels. The market adanced Me under light orferlnsa and strutieer li.il.pn m, ,! Wm nunte. Car lota as to location No. 1 white SSfl dozen. 43i$44c: 21 to 30 lbs. to dozen, rer lb., 38088ci 31 to 36 lbo to dozen, per lb., !)334c: 37 to 42 lbs. to dozen, per lb., 32033c; 43 to 47 1U. to dozen, per lb., 323cs 48 lbs and over lo dozen. SSlSSflc: sprln tluokllngs. nearby, a to quality. 10O41ci ducks, western, tanfy. 3SO40ci seese. western, fancy, 28(8l30c. FRESH FRUITS Demand was fair and prices ruled ete-idy. We quote. Apples, per bble., as to quality. MCI, do. per box. 1283 7.1. Cranberries, per bbl . initio, do avertyre rood, per crate. ittfr .-.n. rtn. ..itr-i fa.ncv Kim, per crate. i 12 73 U a s.t Lemons, per box. It noiim , Oranites California, per boi. It tW07 (10; do Klortda. per box, I2 76i9 0 Urapefrult, I llortda, per box. $151 30&.r.O j VEGETABLES Potatoes dull. Sweet potatoes and cab fbape tinner Onions easier. We quota: I White potatoes, nearby per basket No. 1, POcBIl, lower RjMdes, 40ttAc .White po tatoes, per ISO-lb sacks No 1, fj.50 4. No I2&2 to. Uhlte potAtoes, I'enn Mltnnli. per cwt.. 12 flOVS.Ou Sw-'-et po tatoes Southern, No, 1 per bbl, t44r.O. do, No 2, er bbl., 12 f.02 7ft. Jersey, per basket 14J135 Cabhaife, New York, do mestic per ton S3540 do. Danish, per ton, l-ttlD.'.o Onions, per lwnb lacks Veltow, No t 14 2.'i&l 00, do. No. 2 and ticklers, ?1 IZil 2 2."i 95'jc, No. 2 white. RtflStWc. No 3 white, wejc; o. wuite MSfKl'ic MjOUrt Itcceipts, 200 barrel and I.7.S5 - 83 '&" Plant 17th and Glen wood Ave. Office and Warchoute 21st and Glenwood Ave. Lists From Plans and Estimates Given :l 330 pounds In ttckn Trade was quiet Bnd prices snowed no Important chang-eo. The quotations are as follows IVr l"n lbs packed In 140-Ib Jute saiks Soft winter, straight wetrn. AlOiTlO.ftft. do do nearby, fSCtetli), hard winter stralKht. lSilSSO. di. short patent $13(tl3Mt, mtrlnir first, clear. 0 73dlO2S, do. patent. 113014. do. short patent. 14M4 50, fancy sarin and city mills patei.t. fancj brand? M4ftTjfflfl UYK IT.Ol R vae quiet and htendv We quote at J7 40(?7"ti per barrel, in sacks, aj to quality PROVISIONS The market ruled tlrm with a fair Job bing aemand for rnot description Th' folios 'ntf are the quotations heef. In sets, sinnked and alr-drled r.Sc. heef knuckles and lenders, emiked and nlr-drted. .MV n,K. famllA. .,4t . hams. S P cured looi'e 27?2c, do skinned, loose. 2.Wf27c. do do smnkrd. , 272'c hams, b, lied. honelfFs. 42e, ilcnlc I shouMer S P cured. Iroae 21c. dn, pmoked, 22c. bellies In nlckle. loo..e 2sc. braktast bACOI. u.lc, lard, 3le REFINED SUGARS Supplies were small and the market ruUd Urtu on a bsais of 0 for fine ffranul.ited. DAIRY PRODUCTS BUTTER guppn,,, ( eolld-packed were ample and the market was quiet at former rates. ITInts were firmer under llsht of ferings e qjote h resh solid-packed creamery, fancv high-sorlnf; flood!,, 716? 7rtc extraB 73c. extra rirsta. (',770. tlrts, clOOOSe: second. r,7tfMic, thirds, ftinmie, sweet creamery, choice to fiiticv 7fi'?t77e. fair to pood K72. prints Jobbing at S0i2c for fancy and at 8.',$7(ic fcr fair to choice KtlGS Choice freh siock '-ta ver. scarce and Ooc per cafce higher Kollowtng were the quotations Tree case-, nenrbv frstH. J24 per crate, neartu currert reclpta. 23 40. western extra frtt. J24, flrstn, S22.ft0ia23 40, narbv and wetern seconds, 120 10liT2l HO, Inferior lots lower. f.,ncy se lected eggs Jobbing at IIOttfMc per doien The market ruled ilrin with demand equal to the limited offerings The quotations uere as follows. New Tori, whole-milk flats fancy 33;i33Sc. filr 10 good. 32V. fliasc. Wisconsin wholmllk fancy. .!. ut 1.1V. c. fair to good. 32"I32''jc. Jobbing rilea of fancy goedt. ,14i?o.riC. POULTRY Offeru.gs were falrU IlbTal in. tnc ma' ket was quiet and barely stendv Quota tion: Fowls fine weighing 4 lbs and oer aplec 32?S4c do. medium sir-. gno.l qual , ll 2fii"Oc: (lo noor 2r.fi.2tlc. chlckonv, tin., quality. 2Nrf2ftc. do. Inferior 2.1'i'2'V. old rootters. 21 M 22c duel-fifwlill" Pekii. S23c. do Indian Kunner. 2HflR0c. gerse 2i.iS3nc turkess, S8T40c. pigeon", old pr pair 324J.1.V- nuns. per pair 28t30c, guineas. aufi.. rr pair welu-hlng 1 lbs. and oer aoleo). n'umo 2 2r,72 ,"..-,. weigh Iny lj Tl"i lbs 'iplece l.7."if2: welghing fli, b nnlece xl 2. a 1 SO: guineas, old per pair II 2.V.T1 40 DHHSSKD The inftrKe ensued quiet after tlie hollda. and lurkes ami g ee were .asler The quotations nere as follows: fur k's. nearh. fancv 4G447. do. do. fair to good. 4,l4l4,V, wenierii spring, fancv. 4S; 1V. do. do. fair to good, 40(fir4.V, fowls, fresh-killed drj picked. In boxes, weighing 3'i lbs and out hplece, .in.-, welching .".W lb . joij.12,-. smaller M.ee. 23t2uc: fresh-killed. In barrels, ,1 ryilcked weighing 4 lbs and oer apiece. .1r,c. weigh ing .1'" lbs . 2J,SHC. smaller sUeu. 24to2"c. old-roosters, dr-plcked, 25-. broilers. Jer sev lce-p'icke.1 4(a4c. Virginia Ice-packed. I choice. 41W4.V ordinary to good, 3.',, 40c. broilers. western Ice-packed. I weighing 1V2 lbs apiece. 3fiH340c; roast ing chickens, western. Ice-packed, weighing 1 lbs and oier apiece. 3.1iC.H4c, welching 3i lbs . 3tc; western. Ice-packed, weighing 2Vt t38 lbs. apiece. 27it20c; western mltk-fed chickens. 12 to box 17 lbs and under to dozen, per lb 4404,',c; IS to 24 lbs. to LOCAL MINING STOCKS TOXOPAir STOCKS Bid A ok Cash Boy Oa no ,11m tlutler 2t 2B MacNata'ira on M Midway 17 ill Mlzpah Uxt 0l .OS Montana lo .tr, North btar 1 0? .10 Itfscu Cula. 13 VD Ton Ext t'Uj S West lOnd . . 1I li M est To i 10 12 DIVIDE STOCKS Allltd Dlv 06 .07 Alto Plv 12 .16 llelcher .17 3!) Hen Hur 20 ,:io lirourh Dlv 's ' Pllde Kxt 1. 1. Dlv bvnd Oil .uT Dlv Con 12 14 Dividend 43 .32 i:.ist UH nu it llanbn-k Dlv 11 13 High Dlv OS 10 Kcno Dlv 03 07 Heert Dlv lis .12 lloaeua 12 .13 filter Klnf 12 .15 Ton Dlv ft' r.'o Ion Ua.b'lt 3,", .10 Victory Dlv 23 .30 erdc Div 28 32 i Zone IS oO UAItriELD STOCKS I AJanta. 02 Ot niue Hull 2 O'J Booth Oil os C Q D (12 01 Cornb Krac 01 0-, Cracherjack 1'J OS Dlaiaf 11 B Ot 03 Dalrv 02 "1 Florence 0 no Cioldf Merc 01 03 Gold Dev 12 11 Great nend ns 0'; Jumbo Ext 07 ok Kewanas , 03 0."i Iine Star t 04 Oil Oro '. . 01 0.1 wl Hills 03 .05 Sller Pick Ofi Of Spearhead 00 03 MISCELLANEOUS Amparo lei l5. Ariz United 20 25 Eden , 'j 1 Vother Lodo "i7 (11 Nev 11111 03 us I Nev Rand 20 2o , Proinonta--io lt4 lVj I Nevada Wonder ... . 2r 30 I Tocoa Mln . ... 07 111 White Cap. .. . 12 .14 L'IVE8TOCK QUOTATIONS Chlraxo. Nov. 28. HOQS Receipts. 47,. 000 head, Blow. Dull:, ttSWIS.BOl top. 118.53: heavy, I13ff 13.C0; medium. 113.109 13,3i llsht, I13V13.&0; light tights, 1120 13.2.1: heavy packlntr sows, smooth, 112.60 J13.83; pickljm sows, rough, J12CT12..30; pies, 112012.73. CATTLE Receipts, 20, f00 head. Un settled. Decf steers, medium and henvy. choice and prime, Jt8.73cf2O.S0, medium and good. 111 2318 tf.l: common, jfl11.2B, light, -cood and choice, 111 2," ft 19.70; com mon and medium. $7 7oftl2 1B; heifers. I0.11S; cows. (l.B0ffl2.:iO. cannera and cutters, 13 509(160. eal cahes. I1(1JJ17, feeder steers. 7 25',113; stocker steers. 0 11: western range steers. J7 30 6J1", 23, tows and heifers til.R0fi.12 7fi. ' MtEEP Receipts, 1,000, i Irons. Lamlc. tl 1.2,1 (r 13 23. culls and common, 111013; ewep, Tisdlum. good and choice, !7i&h.i;.v culls and common. 3Wrt 78, breeding, Id 30 MP11.2B. Kit St. I-onla. III., Nov 21.-,HOC,h RecelptR 10,(100 head Higher 'iVn 14; bulk. 113 7l)ill.1.no, limv, 13 73(((14: me alum. J13 70o.11. light 113 30Ttl3 HO. light lights 1)3 23018 ll'l, heavv packing svs, smooth. Itl.7.',A7 12 73' vcklni sows, roush. 110 7311 73,rplgB J12'3'13 50. CATTJ.E Receipts. 7nini nead. Steadv Iltaf steers, medium and heavy, iholce and prime. 13011123; midlutn and good. Ill 73 017.71. common 2.141 11 73. light, good and choice $130 10 23, common and medium SS.73014 7.1. heifers, $70 1H.50. enws, $7fi 11 75, canners and cutters, $507; eai cahes. light and handy. $11015, feeder steers. $H.SO012, stocker steers, 16.25 10 30 SHEEr Receipts, 3000 head Strong Lambs, 84 jiounda oown $12.5015, culls and common. $(". 12. yearling wethers. 110 12.25. ewes, medium and choice. J5.10&H, culls and ccininon. 13 03 rittsbiirgli, Pit., Nov 2 HCOS Re ceipts. 3300 stead) llesiles. tm.r.ow 1.175: heaw vnrl ers. 113 A." p 13 Ri; light Yorkers. li:nnii: pigs. 112 300 12 75 SHEEP AND LAMI1S Receipts,, ",00 Stealy. Top .heep lltnil, top Utrbs. K.fto CALVES Rec. Ipts loo StcjCy and uc tHe to;. $10 FINANCIAL BRIEFS The Now York SubtroaBury caincd $2,i!41,(00 from the bau oc "Wcdncie day, making a eah net gain slnco Friday of $3,870,000. The committee on securities of the New York Stools Exchange, has ruleVl that transaction!) in Cuba Cane Sugar Corporation common and preferred stocks shall be cx-rlghts on December 3. Hichts may be dealt lu on or after No i ember 2S. The h erage price of twenty nctivc Industrial stocks declined 1.52 per cent on Wednesday to 107. BO. while twenty railroads declined 0.00 per cent to 77.07. The IJauk of Knsland minimum rate of discount remains unchanged at U per cent. IMward S. Nrllsen has been ap pointed rihisiou frelRht and passenger Hgent of the Pennsylvania ltailroad Co. for Cumberland Valley district, with headquarters at Chambcrsburg. Pa. He will assume his new duties on Decem ber 1. Samuel Hell. .Tr . former!, treasurer of Madeira. Hill & Co.. has become as sociated with Mrl'adden, Sands & Co., cottou merchants. Today in the local market Tinted States Steel commou will be quoted ex tliideml except for cash. BIG DEMAND IN HOSIERY 2' CATTLE Rc CaU cs. recelpti, SO East nnffalo. J-' celpts. 1700 Slow 11. mi nigner, nn..- HOils Receipts (UOO S,lc higher lleav. mixed sorkers 'Ight. nrkers and rlc:, iia..l; rouRhs. $12 2.1 n 12 31, stags, $KfiT11 SHEEP AND LAMUS Receipts. 00ft Steady toM.lc higher Lambs s715 "h learllngs. $711150 retheri $0 2000 50 owes. $3gS 30. nilMd -hc-p $S75ud. xotilh Oniahn. No 21 HdUS--lte.-"'nt Ml nfili he-iil, 35c (n .MV h'ch"r. Top. $1., 25. rTTI,K Re, e'pts. llOiKI henil Killers 10 lie higher Sl, Hers and feeder', sleai HHEEP Receipts, 7001 bead l anilii, LI, lnshrr Sheep. 1,V hlglur I'rlco of Refined Sugar Unchanged New lorlt, Nov. 2S. Ihe refined Micar market remains unchanged. Local refiners continue withdrawn and prices lire uuchunged tit Oc. le6S - per ceut for cash for tine granulated. Importa tions of raws on Wednesday consisted (if Ufl.SSR bugs of C'ubus to the Amer ican Sugar Refining Co. There were no sules of new crop Cubas reported on Wcdne.sdaj . Mills Running at Capacity Woolen Jobbers Havo Had Good Geason A big demand for hosiery and sweat ers is reported in the weekly review of trado for the Philadelphia district by R. G. Dun & Co. Mills are operating to capacity. Weavers say their busi ness Is quiet and that they arc buying little. Prices, while high, are virtually statlonury and deliveries are slow. Jobbers of cotton piece goods eay that, while sales the last week have been Inclined to bo quiet, the market Is high, nnd that there continues it scarcity of merchandise. Woolen jobbers haie had a good sea son's busiuess. Sales arc fairly active and' prices arc firm. Jobbers of undcr wenr, hosiery and knit goods report sales have fallen off and that merchan dise is steadily advancing. Tho reiicwi continuing, goes on to sa : "Manufacturers of cloaks and suits report a falling off lu business. Retail ers in this line aro carrying large stock and arc doing extensive advertising to reduce stocks. "The .hardware lino remains active In all its branches, with nn increasing demand for all grades of material. In some lines the demand exceeds the sup ply. There Is a noticeable Increase in builders' hardware. Prices' remain firm nnd collections good. "The condition of the cement market shows little change. Manufacturers report a fair umount of business being done, ulthoiigh there novo been ier,v few large contracts placed, and prices arc Inclined to be a little high. "The chemical market continues fair ly acthe, there being a good demand In nil lines. The situation in dyestuffs rfmnins about the same, and while con siderable domestic dyes are being used nnd buying Is principally for immediate needs, prices continue high. "Tho paper market shows little im provement. Manufacturers and job bers report a fair amount ot business being done, but there Is little marked Increase in volume of sales. Prices are Inclined to be a little high. "Paint manufacturers, dpalcrs in paints and painters' supplloS report an Increase in this lino of business. There appears to be considerable work under way, with a good demand for all grades of material, and it is believed that the present conditions will continue for tho remainder of the jcar. Prices remain firm and collections good. "Wallpaper manufacturers, jobbers and dealers report considerable amount of business under way in this line nnd it is believed thut the volume of busi ness being done will exceed that lor tho same period of 1018, with a larger per centage of profit. Prices remain 'hlgu and collections good, "The leaf tobacco business has been fairly active during the last week nnd moderate sales reported In good grades of Pennsylvania, Connecticut and Ohio. The cigar manufacturers report orders somewhat increasing, but there is some difficulty In filling them on account of labor conditions. Factories, however. arc generally woruing to lull capac ity " V ity.1 CHICAGO BUTTER AND EGG3 Chlcngo. Nov 2fl RUTTER Market eas ier. Creamery. 5871c. EOOH Receipts. 833 cases. Market un settled. Firsts. 72'i78ci ordinary flrato, 03 rtOc; nt tnarlt. cases Included, 02072c; storage-packed firsts, 73(Sf71c. BALDWIN DIVIDEND Directors Declare 2ia Per Cent on Common, tho Plrst 8lnco 1916 The directors of the Baldwin Tjvv.. motive Works sprung a blf surprise on mo unancial district today in declaring n dividend of 3& per cent on the com mon stock. Tho unexpected distribu tion was announced as "a dividend" without designation whether it was a quarterly, semiannual or an annual rate. This is the first distribution made to junior stockholders since 1015. Be tween 1012 and 1015 dividends at the rato of 2 ner rent nei nnnxm ,aa .i clared and paid semiannually of 1 nop cent. The directors at the same time de clarer! thrl ref-lllop enmlAnViuhl ,1t,l.l....l of 3V6 Per cent on the preferred stock. mi.- ti.j i t ., , .me Diuuiviu nucomotive wonts cap italization is $20,000,000 preferred 6tock and 20,000,000 common stock. LONDON METAL MARKET Now York, Nov. 28. Cabla advleeti re ceived at New York metal exchanges this morning quoted prices in London today as follows: Tin Spot, 296, an advance ot 10c, futures, 107 10s, a gain of IBs; straits. 208. an upturn of loo: Blngapore. 01 loo, an advance ot IS 10c. Bales Spot 20 tons: futures, 450 tons and Slnga port, 400 tons. Standard Copper Spot, 198 5c; futures, 00 19c, both up 6s: sales, spot. BO tons: futures. 650 tons. Electrolytic Copper spot, 100, a loss of 1: futures, 1001 unchxnged. Lead Spot, 37 10. n advance of 12s fid: futures, 37 12a 6d, . gain of 17s 6d. Spelter Spot, ,i48j un changed! futures 48 15s; a gtln of Es. BUTTER, EGGS AND CHEESE York. Nov 2 nUTTElt Steadv Receipts 04sn tube. Creamery, higher than extras. 743?7412c. extra (02 score). 73 i? 73tsi firsts fi2V? (5m2o: packing stock, cur ren( make No 2. 50itf50Vic. HGGS Steady Receipts, S107 cases Trehh-gathred extras Msje. do extra flrete. 0itK2c: do. firsts, 7il5 7Pc, state. 7'ennsvlvanla nnd riearnv wrstern henner. unite fine to fancv OKciiTM. state, rem, silianla and nearhv henner?. hlle. or dinary to prime 70c. do. hrocn. RSiff02, . do. gathered tirov, u and mixed colors fi.lti? Sic CtlEBSK Hasv Receipts 4.HS hoes Stnte, whnlp mi 1.. flats, current tn.ike. spe cials 32afl33c. do aterage rjn. 31 iff ", . state whole lnMk. twins current maltv, specials. 314 332c do. average run. 31c. Paris Bourse Irregular I'ari.s, Nov. Ufi. Pricen moved ir regularly on the Bourse today. Three per ceut rentes were quoted nt 60f Cc; exchange on l,ondon, 30f 2."c; 5 per cent loan. S7f S5c. The dollar wus quoted at Of 71 Ac. U. S. GOVERNMENT AIR SERVICE j OFFERS FOR SALE A miscellaneous lot of Spare Parta for CURTISS JN4-D AIRPLANES in incompleted state. These parts were in process of manufacture ut the time of the signing of the Armistice and are located at the Plant of the Springfield Aircraft Corporation, Springfield, Mass"., and at ,the Buffalo Plant of the Curtiss Aeroplane & Motor Corporation. Copy of inventory can be seen at the office of the Mateiial Disposal and Salvage Division, Air Service, Washington, D. C, at die Material Disposal & Salvage Office, 360 Madison Ave., New York City, and at the Material Dis posal & Salvage Division Office, Curtiss Aeroplane & Mo tor Corporation, 2050 Elmwood Ave, Buffalo, N. Y. Scaled Bids for this material to receive attention must be in the office of the Material Disposal & Salvage Division, Washington, D. C, before 1 1 A. M., December 20, 1919. All bids must be plainly marked "Not lo be opened until 11 A. M., December 20, 1919." L MALIA Metal Weather Stripping and Porch Inclosures lllMLlillJllilWllJillJWlllllll IMllMWaMMMS5BBB 141 Weill Mt., l'hlla. Phone IVjo. 1332 ' ( Wm.U.Mayberrv-. SZfr Walnut Srr.AJ IV OBBINC A SPECIAL Men Do Better Work 'Midst Cheerful Surroundings For factories and buildings ElllfiClfv 4 Ilia U'nlnl. nn. f.t.w.,7 ....t u,i.i puuik. gr JV JD 1UUV.I1 IIIU1U CUUllUlllllSI mn other water paint (goes twice as far), insuring first-class results. Because of its low cost surfaces can be Zemcttlinc-d fro quently and thus maintain a standard of cleanliness and cheerful licRs that is sure to bo reflected in an increased all-round eftlc.'cncj-. White and colors by the bbl., 10c lb.; smaller quantities, 12c lb. bpccial price to contractors. Sample for testing on request. Householders can buy it in 2-lb. Cartons AT DEALERS' 30c CARTON JOHN C. PETERS, Mfr, 1242 N. 31st St. The Perfect Water Paint wherever men must work It is much more economical I l w MMMa i "SaMaMaBiBBsMWHBB -i ' -"" " -- " ihmsmhciiiii iiininiiiiiiiiiiisjtiimujaaimHuiiiiiiiiiiiii IMIIIi.JiLfchiHIM Ray TArown One -Third of a MitelVaitf High-. m VULCANITE Portland Cement Philadelphia New York Boston JULIAN S. SIMSOHN iL An Organization of CHEMICAL ENGINEERS "or Ttcbslcal Operation of Power FUnU T7Ur PurinctIon Coal AnalTtw Combustion S. E. Cor. Broad and GIrard Ave. ' Atlantic ecrviec-slalioiui are an expression of the service to bo xpected wherever Atlantic Gasoline and Motor Oils arc sold. " I ;i--. 7 I i si... ...., mmti fciiM.wrtsn l i n I I U S THE "NEW C ISOOOD BE WISE BEWARE The Anti-Glare Automobile Law Has Been Passed Enforcement is Coming ' Save Yourself by Using LENS r- NAGLE STEEL COMPANY STEEL PLATES AND SHEETS Putts town, Pe. PbOa- OEcc, 1411 Morris Bulldlnr m y,j fjBj; llg'gSlia J I ltj8 In Z-ltpSwkW r fliiiiiiK s NklirrBViHl'' s:i?B.iy ".WWkwy ---4iK s New Station on Cobb's Creek Boulevard Typifies Atlantic Service IS iT.hns .1 Wphh Xr. fW Woo! and Cotton Trrrnn I -., cntstnut au, rniiwinipnMu rm BI0B QUAI4TY QUICK SERVICE Motor Truck Delivery lassdale Foundry Co. jflaSsS . . ! Kaasdal. Pa, urna Phone L&nedaU 4S0 THE BALDWIN Locomotive Works Steam and Gasoline LOCOMOTIVES Philadelphia, Pa. FACING Cobb's Creek Park on 63d Street below Market, the new Atlantic Service-Station will be an appreciated convenience to Wie thousands of motorists who live in or pass through this section of West Philadelphia daily. The Atlantic Refining Company has endeavored to set a high stand ard of' service-to-motorists. Its service-stations are, in themselves, notable contributions to l;he archi tecture of the State. Atlantic serv ice, too, expresses a lofty ideal of handling intelligently and cour teously the great host of car-owners who demand the gasoline that "Puts Pep in Your Motor" and the motor oils that "Keep Upkeep Down." Drive around and see the new station on 63d Street below Market. Make it a daily stop for your Atlantic Gasoline and Motor Oils. There arc openings in nearly all branches for skilled mechanics. Steady work; good wages; excel' font working conditions. A large number of the waya aire "covered. NEW YORK SHIPBUILDING CORPORATION ft CAMDKN, N. J. Apply, at, Kmftoirmmi JJejwrtwcHt V THE ATLANTIC REFINING COMPANY Philadelphia Pittsburgh ATLANTIC Gasoline Puts Pep iti Tfour Motor MsmmmaBsssss " -s- CR.AVATM LONG DISTANCE TYPE 'PHIS is the lens that has passed all official 1 tests of the State Highways Department of the Commonwealth the Osgood Lens. THIS is the lens that gives the one dependable, scientific answer to the whole Vglare" problem. En dorsed by A. A. A. Tests. THIS is the lens that makes the road safe, not only for you but for others coming towards you. The Osgood Lens saves all the light (full power and concentrates the rays forward and downward onto the road so you can see every rut and ditch, and even people standing by the roadside. IT does not waste light by using colored glass or by diffusing the rays; and does, not cut your light jn two like old-fashioned dimmers. You have the first absolutely con trolled full-power road-light ever known, and you are absolutely safe from police interference. NO good law-abiding citizen will defy Penn sylvania's anti-glare law; it is thebest in the country today. Progressive motorists will welcome it with the Osgood Lens. ATEVER mind what kind of old lenses you may now have on your car, get the Osgood Lens at once and be on the safe side as well as the bright side. "OEMEMBER, above all, that the Osgood Lens V saves all tlieTight and gives you actually 74 more road-brightness for your night driving. ) TELL your dealer that what you want .is the Osgood Lens ; and stick to it. Nine out of ten good dealers have them in stock already. Prices $2.90 to $4.50, according .to size. N DEALERS: One thing above all that the Osgood does for you: It outsells all others put together and you do not have , to carry a bewildering assortment of different sizes of 1 ' different makes. . .Osgood . meets every requirement and ' N i every size. Complete stocks now ready for instant delivery. OSGOOD LENS & SUPPLY CO.Manufacturers . GEORGE R. F. COTTEN, Factory Representative, 1215 WiJener Building PHILADELPHIA, PA. Gaul.' 811 Dur Si Sheurer Co. NortU Brdui dud Street Dhlributed by llsrroiiln llubber Co. Caliall Motor Supply Co. 713 NorHi llroad tit. 730 NurlU Ilroud Street It. C. KoberL lectrlu Supply Ce. llili unci "Rac Ct. jgascsKraarassjs fl V - I -l .f 'J