ry - w,'rT7?-nyTr'v t ' p'tVfK?r$ ( "V r ' fr&innfytf'''- wivnwfj EVENING PUBLIC LED GER PHILADELPHIA, FEIDAY, NOA'EMBEK 28, 1010 23 imqrrmf$ -r- lit i mi EN HERE GLAD OF ASTOR VICTORY Philadelphia Loaders Say Her' Presence in Parliament Is Progressive Step ' Woman's pa'rt, regards the ; election as WON'T FORECAST FUTURE vei-v imi,ortant.un,1'!1iar"eul"rly V'tc.n . "" ' ' " u " 'irsting that an American woman should ' be choien. An American woman in the Hritit.li parliament, MiPi'cvfull) competing with men for her po-itiou nuil winniug a campaign that sparkled with wit and gavo.cidenre of f,ml Astor's earnest ness, brought forth today the congratu lations of Philadelphia women inter ested in the political activity of nomen. Hesitating to prognosticate t lie future success of Ladj Astor as- a legislator, they readily agreed that she had shown herself able to hold her own against men and hecklers during the campaign, and thut her ready wit would probably be a useful asset In the coming test. "It mtans more at tbi.-, timo than the mere word Implies, for the reason that Lady Astor is the mother of a family of children," says Mrs. liar clay II. Warburton. state rhalrmau of the Pennsjlvanla Women's Republican committee English People Rcallto Value "It shows that the English people realize that they need a woman's hand In all their interests. The education women hao had in their homes hn. fitted them for the same work on a larger scale "What t-rems to be partieularlj sig nificant U that Lady Astor's entrance into tho House of Commons i u mat ter of deep interest to many women who mo considering the question these days more than ever before of how much help they can give their rouutrj through their interest in public prob lems." "I lira glad she won, on general principles," sajs Mrs. Oeorge A. I'ler fol, president of the National Woinnu Suffrage Association. "I am hopeful, too, that Lad Astor will be the om- to prove that women can be successful in politics. When I bfij this. 1 h.ii no Idea of the relative qualilirations nf'tho candidates and I kno. that women are Just us capable of failing as are meD, IIAOUPHIA IKSIANATOU I fM mr 2dT S,ilk-lined, High Grade Suits & Overcoats 24 and Saving on All, a Proof won't cost a penny - Extravagant statements ure so common that we cannot blame you if you are doubtful. Right here on our racks ure thousands of beautiful, high-grade suits and overcoats, every one a mute vvjtness to the truth of our claims, and u clean saving of $3 to $ 1 0 on every one. Special Value Usual $45 to $50 Quality Reversible Leatherette Coats Wear them either way, one side leatherette raincoat, other side fine knitted or tweed fabric. Rag lan sleeve und belt all around make it one of the striking styles of die season. 2d Floor 1425 Chestnut Street Open Saturday Evenings Until 9 o'clock but the women of England should bo well flttcd for politics through their ox. iperience with tho municipal vote. ' Must Prove Women's Value i 1 "I t-haro in the unlcrul gratiflua tious at tho election of Lady Aster, rmiitnentu Mrs. Tliomas Robins, of the IViiiin.vlvnnla Womeu's Republican Committee. "The responsibility of, proving the value of woman's service ' in public life rests now wrgeiy upon 1 her and much of the advancement of i llie position of women of this country i will be contingent upon her success or failure." Mi.. tnr Indium, of the National Lady Astor Wins Seat in Commons Cflnllniinl lnm Tate One much support, but her wealth induced considerable heckling. "After nil," said one man, "you ride in an nuto. My wife run only buy a 'perambtilblor for the kid at twelve cents a week." lint tbnt didn't worrj "Lady Nancy u second. Quick as h Hash came her reply. My man. what do jou do with jour inouev ?" The necklers did much to win her fiht, for it was then that her wit showed to best advantage. She played a man's Mime, asking no favor because i sh was a woman, but with it all she never surrendered her woman's prcrog ativc of i.ppearing a little late at a meeting 01 of firing a question back ut i a questioner. AVlien heckled about her American ancestry the flashed lire and declared she whs proud of it. Once she turned heckler, when oue , of her o'nionents, Punt. Mild ho had M better claim to rcpretoni womou and ihlldren. "How V" ul:ed Lnrij Asior. I "I've one more child than you. re torted Pool. "But I've not finished jet,' was f.'udv Astor's unbundling nnswer When asked b a woman whether she .favored making it as easy iu England to obtain a divorce us in America, she I remarked : I "M poor vvomau. I'm so s-orrj jou are iu trouble." Sho was usu.illj in good humor in , Irving circumstance, but once sh" "detected the claws of nn envious cat, ' I mid on another occasion she cried, "nu villains, shot up," when Socialist ! hecklers insisted on interrupting her I.udj Astor gained earlier fume as one BOSTON CT. LOUIS KANAB CITY CINCINNATI twarspn 1425 Chestnut $1 ' ' Thousands of Men Have Saved Money DY simply stepping into our elevator and riding one flight to our busy, bright, second-iloor store. CAVING in second-floor rent alone is sufficient to make u big cut in every price ticket, and that is only one saving of our NEW PLAN of Clothes Selling Eliminating useless expense No high, first-floor rent; no costly, free delivery; no charges or bad debts; no unnecessary expense. Our customers net the saving 44 up to $10 Bill on Some! 39 of the "Lanchorno sisters.!' fivo of them, whoso beauty, amiability and fas cinating qualities mado them Interna tional hcartbrcakcrs. , I'lic Langhornes arc an American family, nnd although three of these, daughters of old Virginia married abroad and became stars of the first magnitude in tho English social firma ment, none of them lost native charm or lojalty to the traditions of the home land. These "Langhornc girls," iu order, are Elizabeth, Irene, Nannie, Phyllis and Nora. All of them mndc brilliant marriages and only one of them, Nan nie, who is now Lady Astor. had oc casion to venture twice Into the matri monial field, divorcing her first husband, Robert Gould Shiiw, u sou of Quinc.v Adams Shaw, of Boston, whom she had married in April. 1SI". The divorce ok place in .Innuarj, 1904. and Nan nie nnd her litle sou went back to her fcjjlsvy TheRkhtV! jv n v m tm m m wv ,bhmv .. w r Hl'fir rjB m& "ieop the heat undor the liood. Guard aErtinst "fi-cczi upt Prevent cracked ladi.'itors nnd save gHsulmo by Using Wolilf eld's the original -- Hood and Radiutoi cover . .Strongly rveunitnundcd by motorists who demand real winter protection. Insure a quiek pet-awav the coldest dajs. Avoiu primiuc and inuny other winter motor troubles. Made of tho bcst ma terials, with perfect tit for all Cars and Trucl-. Demand Wohlfeld Hood Cowrs from your dealer and be .atislicd the whole wintii- S. WOHLFELD & BRO., Inc. n:lH-4ll e. He! trvrf. rh'ln.lflnllln H After-Thanksgiving Sale of 685 Pieces MADE-TO-ORDER 35 HO MADE-TO-ORDER Just think of such an offer right in the face of the highest-priced clothing market this generation lias ever known. This stock offers the greatest opportunity of a lifetime. Choose from unlimited assortment of cloths made just the way you Avant them or ready to -vear. You'll find the greatest assortment you ever looked at tho values are phenomenal and you may never have the opportunity again to buy such wonderful overcoats at such prices. Shop all over town and you'll not see like quality and style within $15 of the price we ask. Big warm overcoats that will win you the instant you see them. Belted models, Chesterfields, Conservatives, etc. Ready - Overcoat 510 fine Wool Overcoats that sfo wc made up during the dul fe season to meet tho present r heavy demands. Genuine $40 values on sale tomorrow ul Clf as A&ams 8c Col 1617 CHESTNUT STREET Open Monday and' Saturday Evenings luther in Mlrmlur, An. while society gossiped By and by Mrs. Shaw went to New York on u visit to her sister, Irene, who had become Mr9. ChHrles Duuu Gibson, and tho model of the famous "Uibson Uln tnnt was tue vogue a decade or two ago. It was Oibson, by tho way, who diclured the Langhornc sisters tho finest type of Americnu beauty. From New York nud Newpoit ' Nannie went to England as the guest of Mrs. John Jacob Astor, whose "very best friend" she was. I Marries Waldorf Astor i As Mrs. "Jack's" guest the r ! ginia divorcee met all sorts of eligible voting Englishmen, unci in a few weeks her beauty, her charm, and her gowns were the tnlk of London Mrs. Shaw's engagement to wed half a ioica titled personages mioo became' current rumor, onl to be dissipated ' when in April, 1000. she became the 'w rv v Make Starting Possible the Coldest Day Dlnnr -Mnrket II., ra3 of Fine I 45 Values to - Wear. 25 wife of Waldorf Astor, a cousin of "Jack,' and son of one of the rieht it men in the. world William Waldorf Astor. father of the bridegroom, .was 60 pleased with the match that ho bought Cliveden, on the Thames, u wonderful home, with still more wonderful grounds, from the Duke of Westminster, and gave it to the happy couple as a wedding gift, not to mention presenting the bride with u tiara containing the famous Sancy dia mond, valued ut STfi.000. Perhaps this was the greatest match made by nnj of the Lnnghorne girls, for in it brief tinn .Mrs. Ator became Ask Any of These : Here are a few of the hundreds of users of Kand Visible Card-Records in tin's vicinity: Atlas-Ball Co. Western Electric Co. Wcstitifiliouse Klccttiv. Co. John Wanamakct Ask any of these about the clfcctiveness of Rand Visible Card-Records. Tliey Ubc Rand because daily it demonstrate, its superioiity over t lie old system of blind files which arc bo costly to maintain and take so much room and time to opctatc. Rand Visible Card-Records arc instantaneous. They give information in one-seventh of the time required under the old way, so obviously a consctvutive estimate of the saving cost of maintenance is, 75. In all phases of business control whether in Sales, Promotion, Cost Recotds, Sales and Stock Records, Personnel. Credit, Production, Planning and Accounting RAND build:, up efficiency while de ceasing overhead. There is a place for Rand in your business Phone oui loi.al office to confer with you today about your problem. THE RAND COMPANY, North Tonawatida. N. Y 1218 Chestnut St., Philadelphia TVIvtilioni' Regardless of the amount of ad vertising we may do the built in character of the Paige car cannot be changed. Our adver tising can only multiply the fa vorable impressions which, our present customers have of us. GUV A. UmieV jhcsuknt wmmmmwm 1 iPaigc Distributors 394 rtQRTH BR9AD STREET, PHILADELPHIA riioTonAvs PHOTO Pt AYS THRU r COMPANY r ofJmerica A II. .,,..1.1.. J"1'1- Mrr!i rvts-yunlt AMJ, riuiuiuuiu jiat Dallynt 'J Cte.U.lK&.'U. V. K LINCOLN in ViriTUOCS MUN" I A XH I C 5!E & THOMPSON ST3. I rUL.lAJ MAT1NUB DAILY I JACK PICKrOUD in I "UUllOLAIl BY l'HOXV" ADfArMA CHEST.NfT Helow 1GTH tWSXtWJltK 10A. JI to 11. 151'. w. PRVANT WAS1IUUIIN In "IT 1'VYS to auvuiitim;" nr I irrnii3r bp.omi sTimrT and SLOUUIIVNNA AVE. llHl.,ll-,.l in Tilt OIII.M OAM1 ' BROADWAY ETS f'ttf N VHUIOVA In I hi; BIIAT' I tAll 1 Ul . 10 A. M TO II IS P. SI MABLLi NORM AND In "JINX" --- nMI A I ij'n. aiiplmood Aves. LULAJINIAL, i ii-so. 7 .. o r. m. NAZIMOVA in ' THE UIIAl U.lVlrlt-00 JIAl'INCE IIAU CONSTAML rL.MADr,K In "A TUMrUKAllEMAL MKL " FAI RMOUNT A.i DAVID ruwni.ii In "Tun teuih op thf; TiuEn IT A1III V THEATRB 1S1I Market 6t. rlVIlL,I li A II. to Mldnleht. MAItOfEHITK HAIlMt In "THE PHANTOM HONEYMOON" GREAT NORTHERN WJ&V NAZIMOVA In "THE HRAT" CTIJ CT THE VIM! nlow frprur. ' DO I 1"1 O 1 . MATINEE DAIl.T r w unii-'i itii'h "IlilOKEN llMi-MJll!i ' FRANKLIN 'cSJiVJ EIMENE O'imiEV In "nEALED HbAltTS ' I MOTTO T A I 00T1I A WAMJUT Bja IMrli-KlAL .Mats 2.30. Kvesrr&O. E. K. LINCOLN In "VIHTL'OUS MEN" I IDrDTV imOAD & COLUMIUA AV. LIdLK I I MATINEE DAILY I'ONSTANCC TALMADCIE In "A ffEMPEUAMENTAL W HT''". LEADER 41ST & LANCASTER WC. MiTIM .1 nilT.l VIVIAN tl4V(l1 111 his oi'kicial. riAxcnn" 111 MARIfTPT bTBEBT THEATRF 555 IVlAKNCl UA. M. to 11:1.1 P.M. , STAR CAST In "WHEN BEARCAT WENT DRY" nI-M-"E"I M SOUTH ST. Orchtatra V4JJvjLt Pontlnuou 1 to 11. NAZIMOVA In "REVELATION" f OVERBROOK Md K 'Tfort' ALL-STAR CAST In "Till' OTIIFIt JtALP BROAD ST. AUDITORIUMS HURT LYTELL in "LOMDARDI. LTD. 1TI JOVIT A 0T 4. MARKET ST8. tUrE.rvV MATINEE DAILY WAr.I vcr llli,lD in 'run r,OT'rrRY man ' (be domlnunt figure Iu boili Loudon utid New York society Mrs. Ator was transformed into (Lady Astor only u few weeks ugo when I her husband succeeded to the peerage through the deuth of hie father, who i had become Baron Astor. ' Waldorf Astor had renrcsentcd Ply 1 mouth in the House of Commons for a ' number of years, but his trunsfer to the , House of Lords (which, by tho way, i is said to have been not altogether oc- I ceptable to him on account of his demo cratic tendencies) made the vacancy ' that was lilted by lodaj's announce-ment. Gimbel Bros. Ingersoll-Rand Co Curtis Publishinu Co. Autocar Co. Unlinit 060 VISIBLH BUSINESS-CONTROL ruoTori.AJs The following theatres obtain their pictures through thp STANLEY Company of Amer ica, which u a guarantee of early showing of the finest productions. Ask for the theatre in jour locality obtaining pictures through I ho Stanley Company of America. PALACE "".m? ;ET tllRLLT to 11 15 P. -M. i NAZIMO A la ' THE UltAT PBIMrCCC 1019 MARKET STREET rrviiNvnoo sssoa.m toiiiisp.M. ALBERT RAi" In "A VAGABOND'S LUCK" REGENT 'ifv.rAT-lM. OEOROE WALSH In ' THE WINNING STROKE" R A I TA orrtMAMOWN Avn wit-iu. i v-' at Tf; LPEIIOCKEN fir. NITA STEWART 111 KINGDuM OP PREAM" Rl IDV MUIKLT M BELOW 711! rveni if, a m to li id p m rmllOTHY UISII III 11 UMNO THE 1ABLLS ' OAnV 1-H MARKET STRLIj-T Jr Wl 8AM lO MIDNIGHT I in I SE IT.TEIlr. In "10L" NELIl KNOW OLR Ltl-K TANII ITV 51 ARK ET ABOVE HI HI J 1 rtHLL I 11:1.". A M tnll.l.-.P. Sf D W I.RIFM11I 9 "SCARLET rAYfc VICTORIA '.ou.r.'V, MLLIA1I PA1IM M 111 ' mc lam' or iut: DfANEf Q THE NIXON. NIRDLINOER THEATRES BELMONT CSD ABOVE MARKCl' i-n ivn n-iicnriu ... THE SPITE ' BRIP1. CEDAR 0TU " CBDA" VLNLE WALI.ACrj HEII. In "THE LOTTERY MAN PHI ISFUM MAruKT IILnEl!N RRANT WA&HIU'RN In uuu'" "W11Y SJHTII LEIT 1IOML FRANKFORD "ls X? WALLACE REID in "THE LOTTERY MAN" I 11 1MRO N"rT ST GlnARD AVE. JUI11UU Jumbo Junction on Prnnkford "r TAYLOR HOLMES In "TAXI" I HC !T P5D AND I-OCL'ST MRLHTS LOCUb I Ma. m,,, .30 chookud siuAiour R1VOI I "D -und saneom sis rl V UU MATINEE D VILT SESSUE HAYAKAWA In "AlUY "THE ILLUSTRIOUS PRINCE" CTD A MR OEnMANTOWN Avn J I 1LV .rAT VE.VA.VGO t "THE INVISIBIE ;- VV...,i'"! "I BOND" WEST ALLEGHENY V" FLORENCE RKED A'"h"" "THE STRUGULE E V'.HLAhTING JEFFERSON s& AN?, fi ;','? TOM Ml. m "U "A'W "norou-mpiNo no.UN-cE PARK HTDOE AVE. & DAUPHIN ST. 1 Irs. Mat. 2 13. EB n 13 to 11 ' 'HAIHH I.O V mm, II inn..... ml lilMiill lliiliMKWIiln 15(1, pP and j 0 A Chestnut Jp & Mm mP KF' Jr J&r We Announce Another Value Giving Event That Shatters All Precedent And Adds New Laurels To Our Amazing Merchandising Achievements That Absolutely And Positively Cost $40 At Wholesale Today CHOOSE THEM WHILE THEY LAST AT Two-Score Famous Nationally Advertised Brands! "How can it possibly be done?" Is the first question that will occur to every inan who reads this start ling statement, tor it is pei fectly clear to cerybodv that the very least one ex pects to pay for a decent Overcoat right now is $50. The fact is we purchased these elegant overcoats way back' when the armistice was signed at a time when uncertainty about the fu ture prevailed anji when prices for a brief period dropped sharply. At that very moment we courage ously went to the very limit of our resources in making huge purchases tor this winler, in tho belief that prices would again ad vance enormously. Events have since shaped them selves precisely as we be lieved they would. But instead of marking these Overcoats up to their present levels of value an profiteering on them, we arc selling them at the old low price. There, are two score famous brands repre sented in this huge colic UUll. i-,W, pw. - . style, every size A word to. the wise is supernuous: None C. 0. D. None On Approral. None Returnable. jjwlSth and T" Chestnut At toro Onen Daily Till iiYi YqrkHeadqxxarterjWett 34th St-. A The House of Famous Clothes for Men and Young Men Beginning TODAY Promptly at 8.00 m?& mm yJs f(V. 6 P. M. Saturday till 10 P. M, v liKysi tirP VI '. i 9. -v