V-J Ltftf-tfh EARNING PUBLIC) LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, FKIDAY, ffOVEMBEE 28, 1910 22 WORK, NO FUN, PICKING L MARINE GRID STAR ON N Y. SHIP TEAM l ALL-CATHOLIC ELEVEN Four West Philly Stars Placed on First Team, La Salle and St. Joe Each Have Three and Catholic Gets One Place "Doug" Gardner, Who Helped Lick Pcnn in 1918, Plays Tomorrow Against Hog Island CAPTAIN OF ELEVEN OVERTHEHIfil SPOTS Camden Holds Trenton to 14 Points and Not a Single Field Coal in Last Half Evening Public Ledger All-Catholic Eleven Picked for the 1919 Season GERMANTOWN DROPS ONE OW SCORES MARK EASTERN CONTESTS JtXSk.. .r mmmmBM .SKCONI) THAM Player School HurrniiRliR, l.n Salle ....MrHniern. C'utliollc Hitfli McClirniui, SI .Jif-epli's FIRST TEAS! Player School Irwin, Went Catholic left end. . Cartou, Catholic High left tackle T.nrltln. T.n Snlle left Ellliril, Do Slinone. Wwt Catholic router Herein. St. .loxcph1!. HrcRlln. St Joseph's right Kimrii Klmlrejtnn, Wt Catholic De Flllinpo, Wet Catholic right tnrkle Cniv, St. .losephN Mulliorii. La Snlle right end Deinc, St. .Joseph's Woods, Went Catholic qunrteibnek IVeney, l.u Salic Oakes, St. Joseph's right hnlfback Hrwiinn. Lu Salle Scanlon, St. Joseph's leftlmlfbiuk Iilnaugh. West Ciitliolie Poppert, La Salic fullback I. Cunningham, West Catholic Cnmdrn cirrimtnt'ti N. riilln. w. ui'. rt 4 .430 3 S ,380 V.y PAUL PREP VTOT until n league among Catholic Institutions is formed in Phila delphia will a definite champion in vari ous sports be determined annually. T,a Salle may claim the 1!H1) gridlrou dia dem following its victory jestcnlny over West Philadelphia Catholic High, but If the former does the chances are that the title will be disputed not b cause La Salle actually did not (.how superior form on the chalked-off battlefield, but for various rersons. While the four Catholic cleans in Philadelphia, including Roman Catholic High and St Joseph's Prep, in ndditiou to the aforementioned schools, did not show up very strongly in gumes with other trams, competition among theni lelves was interesting. Several games with Catholic aggregations opposing each other were phijed and each con test resulted along the lines of a "thriller " A number of stor footballers won their wav into the Hall of Fame at the four different schools. Comparing the. players at the eleven tnnerem posmyua Is more work than fun. yet lather in teresting. Hence the Evexiso PfBtic Ledoeb All-Catholic eleveu pickid for the 191!) season as is aboc. All Teams Represented Tour West Catholic stars aic given places on the first eleven, three each go to St. Joseph's and Ia Salle, while Catholic High is gheu one. On the ., ond team St. Joseph's is uwaided four jobs, La Salle and West Catholic three and one is givjn Catholic High. Irwin and Mulhern arc placed on the wing positions. Irwin is easily the peer for this job. He Is speedy, a remark ably sure tackier and is down under punts like a flash. As running mate Mulhern gets the call owing to his ex perience and due to the fact that he also possesses most of Irwin's qualities. When it comes to choosing ends for the second eleven n real difficulty presents Itself. As far as Burroughs, of La Sal e. is concerned no trouble presents itself. Outside of Burroughs no remarkably Rood end can be found. Devine, of ht. Joe, nnd McDonald, of West Catholic, seem to DC me Desc nets. For the tackles Carton and De ! lllipo are first choice. Carton is one of the most aggressive nnd sure tacklers in cholastle ranks. His work hns been an outstanding feature in all of K. J . n. B.V games and he is really the life or the team. De Fillipo is well built for a tackle. He is fearless, a deadly tackier and a man that can be depended upon to rip up the opposing line. Casey am McGovern fit in well on the second eleven. Higgins, of La Salle, and Ma pee, of West Catholic, might also be considered. . LarUin and Rrcsltn Larkin, of La Sillr. nnd Hreslln. of Bt. Joe's, arc given the guard positions. Iloth arc splendid linemen and would prove n stalwart defense for any high school eleven. Kindivgan. of West Catholic, is a brainier player than either of those mentioned, but is too light. Kindregan, McClernim and Tay lor are the second-chuiee candidates. Kindregan, although the lightest, pos esses the necessnry fighting Instinct, Is i fair kicker nnd his work ns captain of W. 0. II. entitles him to liist consid eration. A tossup might decide between McClernan and Taylor. MeCleinnn seems to possess u little more of the fighting spirit of a guaid thai) does Taylor. The work of De Simouo at center has surpassed by a wide margin that of any of the other centers. He is a ven nc--urate passer and so far has failed to r.iuse any of tlie uarkficm men to iiimoie on account of poor pushing. Ilergiu. of ,Ioe, nml i allaluin. ot i:i Mine i:.sti:iin i.r.xnt'i' W. I,.I'. . H I ,s.17 Kriiilliiir .1 S IK.", lie NitI 1 4 .."Oil Irenlon , T.nM NUM. Scores 'imiilni. I,1i Trrnlmi. II. Ilr'idlnc, ini 1),. Nfri. IS. rtli rlilld'h-liililu, 31i liprmnntouii, 23. TonlcM' schedule (irmiHiiloun nt Trrntnn. TonwrroM Schedule nendlfiK nt Ir Nerl. Two of the three Ilastern Lrague ImsKotb-ill games plnjed last evening icsultcd in low scoring marks for the season, when Heading nosed out De N'eri on the former's lour! by the wore of 10-1S, and Trenton lost to Camden on the hitter's Hour bv lfi-M. The tliird toutcst plnjul here in the clt re HiillPilsjn n victory for Ninth I'hiladel phia over Oennatitowii bv 1".)-1!.'!. The Camden clash was one of the most spectacular of the season and so great was the throng thai pir-cil for admission to see till Kenneth's new sensations that all seats were sold be fore 7 p. in., and, with the placing of extra chairs, it was possible to accom modate the largest timing that ever witnessed a game in the armory. It was a close guarding affair from stall to llnitli. The Potters were nhepil at the end of the first half. S-ti. Eddie Dolin scoring just as the whistle sounded. They had two goals from the neiu, one tiv ,eniin, tlie other tiy Vrtv York Ship lllcilns HUM nomlr vtiirshnll I'rnlsstniin llnnloner Hrlffltli . I.nnes licit Hllffi Marlln Irtt lfntr Hlfintt riwl UnPantl .Iif l tinkle . . left rnnril . , rf ntrr rlctit cearrl. . , . rletit tuokle . rljtlit enil. . . . aMirtfrlvfU". . . . .rlplit hn'flmcK . . Iff! hiiUhnck... . .fiilllmrk . . ., Orfenmiin Utile Moore mien . Millker . . Ilrr Vpililf r . Krfrr I . . Ileflie Sulllrnnj Iy SPICK IIAI.Ij J TOrG" OARDNER. who plaed J--' with the United States Marine Corps team. .which beat Penn at Frank lin Field in lftlS. by 7 to 0. will piny with the New Yolk Shin eleven of Camden tomorrow against Hog Island for the championship of tlie shinvards. The game will be phijed on the Straw bridee & Clothier grounds nt Sity third and Walnut streets nt 2.P.0 p. in. (iiirdlirr, who weight 210 pounds, will play right tackle. Gardner is one of the best tackles in tlie game today, and a most virsutile athlete. He has played with tlie Cnlversity of Chicago and during tlie war was a sergeant major in t lie United States Marine Corps. Just after beating Penn his out fit ''shoved off" to (liiantanniuo liiiv, Cuba, wheie he was attached to the First Regiment TIhmc finnlucr showed tlie goods also in baseball playing first base with the Marine niuc thai beat Santiago and nuiiiv other fust clubs. "Rabbit" Maranvllle. of the Itnstnn lliaves, nnd Johunv La win, of Wash ington, were members of teams that plnyed the marines in Cuba. jfciiiyiwft.msfc- v vrtM.svAfr.i.OMwmiiH,sv CAPTAIN 'DOUG' (iARDNKR This evdexll dog will lead (he New York Ship clccn against Hog Island tomorrow .. ,....., ...... .... . .. ,( d team. Ilergm seems to, nave n y i"- . u ,., u, ... A , Xn ,n x . y k ,It, ; edge ou Inlinlmn. ns lie is i,uick , m... -...m..u lllv ,i,j. Straw-bridge field is expected to be iicrmatitowu does IJown (! wiiire u' livelv duel for honors on the I anil one each by Kerr and Delghtiii. secon sllchl to clinrge on tlie ueieiise ami pings up ho'es made by opposing linemen. Three schools boat of good quarter backs. In this department of the game the teams are well fortified. Lu Salle, Roman Catholic and West Catholic have splendid players at this position. Harlow, but in the second half were unable to cage a single basket. Cuinden j Feature Contest made four field gouls. two bv Dolin i ,,, ,.. ., .. .... ., I . . , f i 1 ;......... n..i.t.tn -r i. .i'?l 1L lutui Ullt'11-..l Ulliniili1 ui llir Gcrniantowu handed North Phillies a victory last evening by Its fnilme to follow shots ami keep trace of the man they were plnving a little closer. The scoio wns 2D-2.1. and was nunctii- ated by some of the roughest scrimmages Woods, of West Catholic, gets the first witnessed in the lencne tliis'seiison. honors This joiingster is West t atho-i juc Lawrence nI1( Hm-rv Franckle lic't, muinstaj ut the passing game. As wcre t,. purticiiliir weak spots in last an open-field runner he stands head and niKl,t's defeat and for tlie first time shoulders above his rivals. oods is ,i,js ,.,. tjlP (Jermantowu leader u sure liaimier ol puuis aim lie run a fn(., to dent the scoreboard for u tally relied upon to run them back likewise for good gains. Feenev. of La Salle, and Smith, of R. C. II. S.. are second team men. Feeney is given the place, ns he is a good field general, a sure tackier and surpasses Smith in his choice of plays. Oau.cs ut Half Oakes nets one half as being the lead ing scorer, the best hiickfiehl man in fiom the field. Fruuckle was opposed to George Detrich and the latter man aged to score us tlie gume ended. Every man on the winning combination seemed n goal or moie and they dropped in a total of eight against five for Ger niiintown. Lou Siignrmnn. who was traded to the North Phils for Ray Cross and who would not piny witli them, charging Cnthiilie ranks, n hrillinnt defensive Hint t'"0 1 was nmde in mlsrepie- mnt, nnil or, .,,lanl nl hrniikliiir nil fr- ' "'iuiiiiiih, 1111- nu m-i-u liauni uiviuii- ward passes. At the other bnlf Is d'n for Sedran ui and Frledmau. The Hacked to cunacits Manager A. I). Irvine, of the Hog Island team, has had his men work ing under W. Yorker, n Yale man, and the local eleven hns a few ucvv ones to pull ou their Jersey rivals. W. Vcd der, of Georgetown, will call the signals for tlie Hoc Islanders and with It.vers, of Indiana State Normal, and Holland, of Lebanon High, holding down the wing jobs, Greenmuii, of Pur due, and Snilker. of Ylrciuin nnd Maryland, ut tackle: Little, of West Philly High, and Riles, of Central High, guards: Moore, of Penn, at centre, and n bacMleld comprising Keefer, of Hairisbuig High, Reebe, of Rridgcton N. J.) High, and Sulli van, of the University of Idaho, the New York shipmen are likely to strike a suag. "Doug" Captain Gardner will captaiu the Camden team. Lowes, of Rutgers, is slated for quarteiback position; Hugo, of West Philadelphia High, and Bell of ley nil. fullback; Marshall, of f'umdcii, at center; Higgins, of Ciimdeii, nnd Griffiths, of the Universit.v of irginiu, ends ; Romlg, of Williamson, Trade, and Praissiunn, of Cuinden High, guards, and Riley, of the Twent) -eighth Division teams, nnd Gntdner, tackle, the Jersejinen are going in to make the game warm. Hob Bowlbie, of Rutgers, is tlie New Yoik Ship coach. Tlie New York eleven outweighs the Hog Island team. Meu hunts Defeated Yesterday the New York Ship eleven won the title of tlie Delaware river ship arils bj trimming Men-limits' Ship, (i to 0. The game was pla.ved on the Yorkthip Village giouuds, South Camden. The game wns full of interest nnd there, was a big crowd to see the con test. It wns the best game played by the shipyard teams this season. The only touchdown was made in the last period, when Hugo went through the line for 10 ards and pushed the ball over the goal. The New York Shipjurd tenin held like a stone wall against tlie Hristol ites, although in tlie first and second peiiods the latter tenm came within n few yards ot the goal. Roth teams were well trained for the contest and Coach Rovvbly started the Jersey team with n rush when the game began. Waybo played a great game for the Merchants' team. nl,.n..l sn-.M,, St .T , li ia ii Hitter woulu not loin tile .IcrsP.vuiFU T.nfavette. halfbnc ts : Martin of Wns unoo.l,- riin.ini- 'n iriinil'llno 'nlnnvnr nml lit tlie Start Of tile SCaSOn llFCIlllsU of ' a strong man on the defense. Brennnn. diffeience in snlury. Sugarmaii must I of Ln Salle looms up ns a prospective ' report to Lamilen with Ills Knee In goon candidate, bnt ho is rather slow in ! condition, according to Doctor Helms, starting and is not as sure u tackier! or the trade is off. or ns strong on the defensive as aie'i-.i.ii. i!...ii.,. .! Oakes nnd Scanlon nrennnn nrobably I , .. ,. ,,...,. j capacil uuilienci mliv i,iiiiii' iiien In the Terrific West Viilnnrrtlao. Ind.. Nov 28. Valparaiso Vnlveraltyesterclay uncorked a tvrrlnc line plunKini: orfpnulve anit tvvke carrlei the ball over for touchdowns defeating South Da kota, l to u. is the best drop kicker in Catholic scho lastic ranks. MrPriik. of St. Joe. and Linaugh. of West Catholic, arc two of the best matched candidates ns running mate for Itreiinun. Linaugh seems to have the edge, as be is a heady player, n good passer and probably the best man in putting opponents out of play. Poppert. of La Salle; J. Cunning ham, of W. C, and Kennedy, of R. C. II. ., are the choices tor fullbacU benner win another gnme for Reading last evening with u timely goal uist nt the finish. The Pretzels humbled Manager Mj era's combination by the score of 111-18, and in dobig so made just twice ns many field goals as the visitors, getting a total of eight against, four. Hach team had a new man in the line-up. Harry (Dutch) Delinert was nt forward lor we .sen ami nc wns SSS-MSiSS J Christmas Gifts That men will appreciate are the sug gestions offered nt the Bacharach's Qual ity Shops. We have smart new silk neckwear priced from 85c to S5.00. bterlinR Silver Uelt Ruckles, inlaid with cold $10.00. Other sterling and sterling top bucklfs, soft collar pins and sets range from $1.00 up. Poppert due. to his varied experiences 'op pose. a . . ... . ... nml inne srMin nsTit1 ojirppr. cors nrst . fc""" " ": " - . . : acf& $10,000 FOR ATHLETES Two State Memorial Scholarships Offered for 'LlmlteJ Means' Athletes Pittsburgh, Nov. 2S Rules govern -lng award of the two scholarships, es tablished to perpetuate the memory of "Red" Hebout ana l.evi i,amo, ioi mer Penn State gridiron stars who were , killed in battle in France, were nn- nnunced here last night by the I'itts finrch Alumul Association of Pennsyl vania State College. The association. at n meeting here last night, raised a fund of ?10,000 with which to endow the scholarships. According to announcement the schol arships will be awarded to athletes with scholastic credits who are unable to pay (heir way through college. A com mittee of five former Penn State stu dents will name successful candidates for the scholarships. CENTER, 485; 0PP., 23 Kentucky Bush College Socked I Georgetown, 77-7 Adds to Total Lexington. Ky,, Nov. 2S. Center I College galloped over Georgetown yes terday afternoon, running up 77 points, while the Tigers put over one marker crl a fluke. Their lone tally came m the third period, when the Center bacKs missed a signal and the ball went wild Moss, of Georgetown, scooped up the ball and raced sixty -five ynrils tor a touchdown well protected by Uatsel. McMillan got the ball seventeen times and never failed to gain. He made f5 yards on one and four runs of ;." yards each. Weaver, by kicking eleven goals to day, set a world's record, with forty -Kir consecutive coals from touchdowns. Today's game gives Center 4S." points i to 2a lor its opponents. semisIjtTjnIhurst Phlladelphlan Goes Out And a Cou pie of 19-Hole Matches Are Settled Pinehurst, N. C, Nov. 23. The an turau Jourunment was brought down to the semifinal stage at Piuehurst yes terday. The match between Richurd Shan non, 2d, of Rrockport, and Richard Garliek, of Youngstown, the feature contrst of the dv, was won by Shan non at the nineteenth hole. Dr. J. S. Brown, of Montclair. who will oppose Shannon in the semifinals, defeated C. Jt, Becker by 1 up with the aid of a ntymle on the home green. Howard G. Phillips and Franklin Gatec, both of the Moore Countv Coun. try Club, survived lu the other bracket. Gates came through at the expense of Charles 8. Danes, of Philadelphia. mm wi mm xlmf choice, although lie is ec ipsed in i e- '"""",, '.'"" """-"... . - '." J..A ...:i, kv i.tt, eivnK iiin,-. Kiree Uilson, another local product mm is a fairlv accurate passer and a also performed in sterling manner and M good punter. These assets place him , assisted in the victory with two timelj I W in line for the second tenm. i two-pointers. i3&f$3K B mm h zWm. m im&i wffi8m m jvhmmm' mmHmSmm. "mmmmmW I viiiwMiili'l fmrSMk tiinuuiuar s -rszjm. wz-vzzsrr7titiiiiiniintii H 1 . 1 1 ! B 1114 Chestnut St. 52d & Chestnut 920 Chestnut 37 S. 13th vj.r-s. . Sf- k jx I "V" s ' fmF&ms?mMii Jz&nh wffiwlaKv'iKSLlTv,v MlrT m $m Cramp Wins Marathon Hftdlnn. To,, Nov St. Cramp. Reiilln Hlen, carrlfj otr the honor In th an n TliankiKlvIni Day marathon hura, 4-avtrln th billy roura In lBm. 26i., srlnnlni th John A. Karrlntton Cub. Darh man. Ilwulln HlKh. flnlahtd aecond. with finydtr, Jladln V. M. C A., third. Fllbm Radln Hlsh, beat lllmmtlbenrer. West Il3in Hih. tor fourth place. More than 4iM0 apectatora aw tha atart ana nnlah of t th race. Qazslla Freshmen 8tar 'iil, TrUWin-, r., Nov SS.Wyoralna- ""w'AT.v.""..-"K':.t'-::. - r u -r JMfTII. .-M...W,,( , V. ADLON comes from CI personally super vise the buying of every leaf). By an exclusive process, of my own dis covery, I remove or render harmless the gums that so commonly give ordinary cigars that objectionable tang. I see to it that the ADLON is rolled under the most approved scientific methods and sanitary conditions a cigar's production can have. I smoke the ADLON myself! And there isn t a fussier smoker anywhere. Why not get M the enjpyment out of your smoking? Try this unusual Havana-filler-and-shade-grown-wrapper cigar. It never varies. It's mild, yet so rich in flavor, aroma and smoke - volume, you'll wonder why the price isn't double. The dealer has five ADLON shapes. But try the Corona first. It is my ideal cigar. Mb, Wyomliur rtsiularr war out ot i . banana at Iniurlea. Captain I i. th atar for Wynmlna. wfeMa Are you particular about the cigar you smoke? I've often wondered why so many men give no thought to the "pedigree" of the cigar they smoke. I make a cigar for particular men the ADLON. , I ask you to test the bouquet of the ADLON hold it to your nose. Light it; note its aroma. Forty years' practical cigar-making experience goes into the ADLON. I know absolutely exactly where every bit of tobacco used in the Ftv,e Shapes Governor, loci Corona or Club Perfccto, 2 for 25c; Perfecto or Longfellow, 10c uH) . tmatiutrcL 0 jq Iwvy5"l!$3'w Frealdent Clxsr Company UwyxvfcsSi 1 likMlM .jniik.MiM KlM4?iSl3KaSr vtALiLSiV v ili Es. Wmm F You Must WmWm Save M irBMm Ii You 1 WMWmmK4, 1 MIP Direct From V, f . 9'nAc mm . am. Jl i -, Jm m i 9M n Vi i k ' -T irTimrriB - w n a ?i-i -- 1 iTJLClllsMl WVIM oney Buy the Thousands of people are overcoming the high cost of living by taking advantage of our upstairs selling plan. They are being helped over the high spots. At the Burton upstairs clothes shops you can still buy a suit or overcoat for as low as twenty-one or twenty-five dollars. And at $30, $35 and $40 we show garments that are made from the finest of woolens and that are unsurpassed in point of style and work- . manship, and you save at least $10 on every one of them.- See These Fine Clothes Tomorrow Suits & O vercoats Also $35 $38 $40 and $45 .-..-.. Burton Laddie Clothes $7.50 to $18 Suits with two Pairs of Knickers for the little fellow. Made just as well and just ao stylish as his Daddy's best. ja il a- i HP, -" ' . "s 1T JaSov5 From maker to rearer Iwo second-floor stores inPhiladelphia w ,i,iwVvlW)'S, OH CLQTHIH lllB iffjr I 1 I t!r I 1 006 Market St. 1 030 Chestnut St. Second Floor Open Monday and Friday Evenings Till 9; Saturdays 'Till 10 ALTERATIONS FREE Second Floor ii, tl '5 i. m JlUiJ fT fyJt.