EVENING PUBLIC LEDGEft-PTJJLAJJELPHIA, FRIDAY, XOVEMBEK 28, 1919 1 - t C runiu. iLiioi it i'iiilmxi nil v iiiuit'Dn noiiMMn ut Tom n i, nit J A a""-" '"i - J K' y X , X r B -HI HI 91 I I I IB -":., ' THE Car of the Future will be WJrWni J &? I . '" ., w aJ;lT:WgGHT car!" ur- ' V FIVE MILLION TONS the load of one hundred thousand freight cars stretching from New York to Chicago the cargo capacity of two hundred and twelve Leviathans a weight greater than the effective tonnage of the combined navies of the United States, Great Britain and France All this is being carried daily as unnecessary dead weight by six and a half million American motor cars and trucks! And YOU, whether you own a car or not, YOU areU helping to pay the bill! YOU are helping to shoulder the burden of excess weight as it is passed down to you through the chan nels of trade in the form of increased prices for the things you buy. YOU are affected by excess weight because gasoline, oil, tires, motor transportation in general, are so closely interwoven with the commercial fabric of the country, that anything affecting the price of these products affects the price of ALL products. Excess weight exacts an annual toll of at least one hundred and sixty millions of dollars in unnecessary automobile repairs, four hun dred millions of dollars in unnecessary gasoline expense and, one and one-half billions of dollars in unnecessary tire expense. And YOU are helping to pay the bill Excess weight in motor cars and motor trucks places a burden on the American people that is nineteen times greater than the yearly interest on the First Liberty Loan. And YOU are helping to pay the bill! Excess weight is insidious. Unobserved by the average man, it is eating into the fuel supply. It is cutting into American pocket-books. It is helping to keep the cost of living HIGH. But the car of less than a thousand pounds, of thirty to forty miles to the gallon of gaso line, of at least twenty thousand miles to the set of tires, the car that will carry NO excess weight THAT CAR WILL COME! It will come to conserve the gasoline supply, the impending shortage of which threatens to retard the future growth of the motor car industry. It will come to bring motor car convenience td the man who today can afford to BUY a car, but who cannot afford to RUN one. It will come because public economy and private purse YOUR purse demand the elimination of excess weight demand more mileage for every dollar spent for gasoline and oil and tires demand the car that directly and indirectly will best serve the greatest needs of the greatest number. "THE Car of the Future will be a LIGHT-WEIGHT Car!!" tf t i ,. -U- Jl i -I 411 V, &t?s CegfrKrM, me. 'll V"" " ' ii