Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, November 27, 1919, Postscript, Page 10, Image 10

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    ajVm I Jii-ljp-fU M iwyifi- T jw --nffiyw, (ipnrryry.nnn .ytpfiwpp
eveneng italic
LEuamipmijAmiU'iiiA, v-avitahxy, hoy mum 27, two
Brown Emincc Made From.
Turkey or Chicken Is'
Delicious for the Next,
(Cwjrlohl. nil. ; Mr. .If. .t. U'I'soh. 1
rtoht s irsrrvnl.i
IN Till-' Rmiil nlil ilu.xi nf jostorjonf.
wlirn n l:ir;;o nirtjortt of u foil Hint
TltniikirlvliiK wuilil he incomiilclf with
out the turcv. It refill iivil riirnful plnn
tiiiiR In iw Ihc pflcivcr wlllinlit wilMc
ns llic fnmilj fiilcl(lv tiri'tl of loo tnui'll
turki'j ulirn solved fur llirrp or four
llowprf. lefNivo" chii'krn or turkcj
nuty Ih wrvnl in the following illslii' :
llrnu ii l"ml tiro I'mil
Pirl, iIip mrnt from Hie biirli. enron"
Rllll ll"rl- ami mince fine Hie iljp.
I'lnee in ii cHiieepnn and mid In one
anil one-half nips of Hie iirepared meal
Our onion.
On' oircu prppei . inincitl fine.
Tlirrrtiwilrri tup of hoilina train.
I'mil; Ri'iill.v for (venl,v-lie minutes,
then plni'f in 11 snuiTpnii two tnlile
spnons of .niirlPtiini; auil four tuble
Fpoons of flour. Stir In blenil tlmroiiRliU
and llien lirnvui until n rieli golden
lirowo Turn in the prppared emlnce
Hnd stir In mix and season wttli
II lute pi p'ici:
7'uifi pinch of niiistniil,
7'wu pinch of potilhu seasoiiinn.
"Make n Imrdrr of implied polnloen nu
n warm platter and till the emitirp in
(lie renter of Hip plaller and KitrnMi
ivith finoly mincpil parslej.
fliirkrn I1uiuiIIiirs
IteniKie all Hip meat from Hie Ipfl -over
rnmiss aud break Hip liones. 1'lare
the lioni's in a stoet; pot and add :
Three pin is of ealtl irater.
Tiro onions.
One laaaol nf pnlhrrliS,
One cup nf irrilcrnshcil tomatoes
Untie to a lull I mill Milliner
for two and onp-lialf hours. Strain
the Murk and 'Piisott with:
He Talks About Her
lieiir I'riiililn 1 inn a oung girl
of sixteen and have been going
with n
fellow two years in senior
since last
In Hip meantime Hipre is n certain
other follow that is a little jealous of
me. lie goes out with my boy friend
noil nl Hie sump time Iip has been tell
ln him untruths about me.
Now it
seems to ni" that my
linv friends hns
turned to dislike me.
Will you bo so kind lo me and pub
lish in your evening paper how I can
regain his love?
A broken-hearted blonde. It. !!
You would do well to pay attention
to oth-r friends. If this young man
listens to tales about you and is willing
to believe them, he is
not worth j our
A Letter to the
I think a little
Dear Cynthia
talking to would not hurt either of the
bachelors." bo will you please prim mis
for their lipnefit?
Just a word to ask "Old r.ncneior
why he should hale all women because
one failed him. Have none bpeu loyal j
or faithful to him? . '
You have the privilege nf being
friendly with the opposite se or letting ,
them severclv alone, but at least ac
cord them the courtesy due from an I
Years ago I stopped at a hotel whore
among the guests was an l'liglishman
who said: "These Americans spoil their
women : we do not." As an evidence of
his disapproval he never removed bis hat
i"n the presence of a lady. It really did
not get him anything, did not hurt nny
one. simply caused him tn be pointed
out pvpi-v time he made bis appearance
ns "That Knglishman." Perhaps he
experienced a little inward glee every
time he wns so ill-inannered. but thai
is really all he got.
If we hated the whole sex becausp imp
hnd failed us and made ns unhappy the
world would not be a tit place to live
in. In fact, our race would die out.
It's the loving, forgiving and even for
getting that makes the mother. A wom
an gave you life and one will probably
be near you to comfort and help when
that life passes out.
One boy whom I know fairly well and
who hns been the pride of his mother's
life, and consequently spoiled, brought
borne lo her a pretty little doll-like
bride whom he told, "You are loo pretty
lo work; you must always kpep yourself
just like this for me : keep your hands
ns they are now. Look at mother; she
is faded ntyl old from the pffpets of
housework." So after years nf love ami
service lie compares mother to some one
jet unproved nnd hands lo her another
one to serve and fnde for.
linv.' m.snv men ivnnl tn lie soon mil
with their mnthers or sitsers? Thev nmv
give their entire lite to the comfort nnil
happiness, and do numerous little nets
of kindness to make Hint brother or son
nappy anu conienteu in ins noine, nut
The Question Corner
Today's Inquiries
1. If the edge of a velvet list is
worn and faded how can it be
". What is the difference between
European nnd American china?
3. (Jive the birthday superstition for
i. In issuing invitations for an
afternoon affair given by a mother
for her daughter, should the name
of the father he used?
5. What dainty bit of handwork
makes a pretty addition to the
gift candleshade. work basket,
sofa cushion, etc?
0. In what practical way may two
materials -und colors be combined
in an evening wrap?
Yesterday's Answers
1. The birthday superstition for
Wednesday is "Wednesday's child
Is full of woe."
2. A useful brush for silk or velvet
can be made ut home by getting
nn inexpensive shoebrush with
soft bristles and covering the
bristles with thick velvet.
H. When only announcements of a
wedding have been received it is
not customary to cend a present.
4. Olive green dye can be made at
home by boiiiug blue yarn with
poplar, bark.
5. Lids for round vegetable dishes,
made of clear glass, edged with
aluminum and adorned with a
wooden handle, can be bought as
substitutes for broken lids.
,0. A pretty centerpiece for the
' Thanksgiving tabic Is a basket
carvei) out of u pumpkin aud tilled
with all kinds ot fruit.
Ask Mis. Wilson
If mi have arv eonkpry urnli
Ipiii". bring tliPin to Mrn. Wilson.
Slip will bf glad to answer ynu
Ihrougli tlipse I'olumni. Nn ppr
snnal ippllps. hnvvever, eati bp givrn.
Address iiipstions In .Mrs. M. A.
Wilson. KVLNIMl I'uiiMO LuxiER,
While pepper.
Three talilespnnns 0 tinely in 'nerd
Nihv plnee suffleienl meat ideked from
the carcass thmilUM tne tniiil clinppef In
uipasitri'i when chopppil line, one cup ;
place in it bi.ul and mid
fliir larpe i,iiwii. pratril.
Tour tali'rspnons of Hiirtp minertl
1 parsley.
I One teaiponn of mill.
line half teaspoon of irhile prpper,
i ''to cups nf siftril flour.
'liner lerrl lenxpaon of linking pmr
it, 1:
One lahlenpnnn of ihnrteniiin.
1 line ircll-henten rpil,
"Seven f(i'r.;pooii.x nf irtiler.
Work to a Kmooth dough then drop
from Hie tablespoon Into boiling stock.
, Tover clovelv and lei cook for .fifteen
nilniilps. Lift on a slice of toast anil
1 then ipilckly add In the stock
One eup of in'iieeil ehielen.
Then dissolve
, Onr-linlf 1 up of Hour.
One-half enp of irVler.
ami xtir to blend llioroughlj. C.ring
to a boll, cook for live nilnulPK nutl
pour over the dumplings. Sprinkle with
I finely lnlinTil parsley and send to Hip
I table at once.
Chiil.rn Itoll
I'lncp in 11 mixing I""'
77icrr eups of sifleil floin.
One teaspoon of sail,
'three Irrel tatile.iponm of
Sift to mix. rub in live tablespoons
of shortening nnd mix to dough with
otip cup of water. Itoll on pastry board
unartpr inch thick and spreau wiiti
IlIiP tireiiaiio filling, lloll as for jelly
i roll lihirp in well -greased anil llolimi I
baking pan and bake in a mnderale oven 1
. . .. .1
Please Tell Me What to
it's some one cNo'
sister who gets Hie
courtesy nnd candy
What wc need is not mueli railing
at all women on account of one "Strang
or" who fails, but a deeper consider!!
linn and a stronger sense of loyalty to
il,.,., ulm lull fnr us day bj day. giv
!..- li.nllli i.tromrtli
and even losing '
.. un. ,w..i iMil.- mie tntL'ht have had
iiiii.i .ii'ii, i ....... .- -.,--- , .
No woman does the regular routine nl .
housework for love of il : she does it for ,
Ime of those w"hn make her home, and in
doing that kind of work she cannot re
' tain the appearance of the woman who,
' never puts Iter bands in dishwater.
I scrubs, dusts or loses sleep over little
children. Her attractions fail not (
because she is willing, but her service
is of Hint type that calls for mental and ;
, nhjsienl service all the time. I'rom the j
lime the first little one arrives her mind '
is nPVPr at rest, men as a rcwnui in
cases too numerous to mention the uiau
to whom she has given Jier affect ion
starts In compare her with what she was
when he married her and with some of
I the women whoso work is of a tyne that
lliey ninj always look well ns well as be
I rcailj for any kind of social diversion.
Let me tell yon. Mr. Mnn. woman has
I (he hardest row to hoe from the cradle I
I to the crave and if ynu do not like my
(sex. stay nwny, but do tint rant at us.,
but try to realm- that it is not fair to i
tr.v to make all pay for the mistake of
"a's for the "Happy Young Hnclielor."
' he probably is building air castles while
he lets slip away Irnm nun nun w uieu
is real, and once gone, never reiiirns.
A man is a child always, throwing
nwny that which lie has and reaching
out for something new. TSOLO.
More Advice to A. L. L. H.
A. L.- L. 11. Mnn dear. I'm bnuest
ly sorrj for you. Here arc some of the
happiest days of jour life passing aud
they are not filled lo lite brim with
happiness, as tbpy should be. You write
an intelligent letter. Why not think
for yourself? Hole's a girl who has
lU'e.'inied of your coining for years, and
in the deepness of those dreams has
kept herself entirely for yon.
She's human like jou and full of love
for you, but how slow she must think
you ! Don't you realize that a girl
who has the breeding she has is shy?
How in thunder did you ever get the
courage to propose to her? I don't
know jou from Ailain, but jou certainly
made me mad. Think of the kisses
you've missed. Humph! Listen! To
night murk you. tonight while this is
fresh in your mind call at her home,
take her to a movie mid afterward
get her a hit of ice cream. P.e gentle
with her; show her every courtesy
show her that J on take an interest in her
every footstep. Smile with iter, treat her
tenderly and omit the mushy love stuff.
Itonieniher Hint she s just a wee hit
' afraid of you yet, be
a use of the iiow
happiness of her
' ness nnd wonderful
j love for you.
Then when jou get back
in her home
slip into the
room a head of Iter and
sn down, ii
nine out of teu chances
that when si
she comes in she will wnlk
nnd in front of you. Iteuch
r hand and ask her if she
over" and stat
up, take he
won't make that night one of the hap
piest in your life by kissing you. And '
'I'll wager that in a moment. Willi a
little tug from your hand, she'll be cud
' died in your arms where she should
,be; that you'll he kissed as jou (with
all your loves) have never been kissed
'before and that the confidence and trust1
Hint she has put In you will be mul
tiplied a hundredfold. '
Should she ny "No." tell her that
one kiss means so much to ou Hint
you intend lo usk her just once ench
time you sec her. Hut be very tender
i and gentle and attentive., old man. fur
I her love is just ripening, and the slight
' est bit of rudeness, roughness or force
I will wreck your whole romance Hut
do ns I tell you aud you'll thank me
' for it.
! And way down deep, A. L. L. II..
I think I'm jealous of you. I almost
wish that I had gotten as far (in parti
as you. (iood luck to von !
thk hick pkiyati:.
Can't see how jou know so much
nbout it. T. 11. P.!
j Answers T. ,,B. P.
I This is a real problem, as jou must
do nothing lo hurt this young girl's
feelings, and yet you must not do too '
much. Ileeommend her to write to the '
Y. W. ('. A. for a room. It would not
do for you to make arrangements for '
her. It would give the impression thut
jou were specially Interested In her ami
that would be a mistake any way you
look at it.
Cynthia does not see that you have
lived here long enough to know how the I
land lies In regard to positions fnr a
girl. It. seems if this family has lived
here before, the cirt herself, as well as
Dumplings or Loaf Can lie
Made From Remains of
Foivl Served for Thanks
giving Dinner
1 for thirty -live minute.s.
I initio or creole sauce.
Serve wllll lo-
' l'i
rpareil Killing
Mince the giblets line noil pick I he
iiimiI from Hie neck and ciin-nKn. putting
Hip skin through the food -chopper.
I'lacp in a bowl and add
7 iro onions, iiinlnl.
One ircen pepper, niiueiil fine. ,
four lithlexpnnni nf finrlp elmppeit
pmileji. ,
One-hull eup of lutenn, nil in itloe
unit nieelp liioirnnl. '
One Itmpnitn nf mill.
One-half teaspoon of irhile pepper. ,
Miv tlioroughlv and spread as ill- .
rpi-lpd upon Hip dough. I
Chit lien Loaf '
This delightful old southern dish ia'
always welcomed b the family. Pitt
the meal picked from the carcass and
neck, with the giblets, through the food
chopppr. nboul one and one-half cups.
Mlticp line onp-lialf cup of bacon and
sufficient onions 10 measure one cup.
Itioun the bacon and simmer the onlnlisj
in Hip bacon fat until lender, Inking 1
care not to brown. Now add
7'ico nnil nne-hatf eupi of enlil eonlteil
rice. 1
One eup of rerp thick cream itiuce,
Our run nf fine hrenil crumbs.
One tablespoon of Wnreeslershirr
Our am! one-half teaspoons nl salt,
One teaspoon nf irhile prppei .
One irclt- heatcn erja.
Mix thoroughly, then park into well
greased and 'Inured loaf -shaped pan.
Set the pun in a larger one containing
warm water and bake for one hour in a
slow oven. Hpiiiovp the pan containing
the water and let the loaf slay in the
moderale oven for liftepn niintiies. Spi-vp
with parsley, cream or tomato sauce
, .1 . i.... , .i... t...i - i.i i.
Willie inn, cm no- iiuiiuicc mm mini
serve with mnyonnnl.se or tartar suce.
her pareuts. should know more about it
than on do. Tell her ynu will bo Aery i
glad tn help nny way jou can. but nu I
fear j our making any arrangements for I
her might put her in n. false position.
Slip would bo well looked after at the Y.
or recommended to a proper place from
there il lliey nnvp i.o room. ,
A No show yonrsell vpry willing to nil
vise, and should jnu hoar of a proper
position, help her tn got it. As In the
rest, lime will tell. If a man really'
grows to care for a girl he won't mind I
whether he's joung or old, or what,,
just so she will mam him. Hut love
and marriage do nut inevitably enmo
from friendship. Only be careful not
In do or say anything that might make
Hip girl think jou care for her, if jnu
do not.
Write lo Cvnlllin fnrmnllv nr ii.f.ii-.
many, as you please, wlncliever way
may help the most,
Him to
"ISIiiek Kycs" I'nless jou know the
' young mnn is engaged to this other girl.
I there is no reason why jou should not
, ask him lo to to n party with jou.
Lamp Shade
j A .snning lampshade that would
, lnikc a beautiful gift, steals ita coluring
' and motifs from sniite old inamlnrin's
, cont-lails. and keeps to the oriental
I with bandings of dull gold brnid, fringe
and shirred panels with dangling Ins
sels. The embroidered panels are of
soft Ian mercerized fabric with shirred
'jianels nf green in same material.
Christmas Gift
Make gay and suliitury cookbook .
rovers fnr your friends ot shiny black
or white oilcloth decorated with bright ,
painted figures or fruits. A stout note- i
book so covered, nnd tilled with "jnurl
favorites." makes it delightful gift for
a housekeeper. '
Sit I Ml
1 he
that stepped from the Mayflower
unto the rocks of Plymouth, on that
.bleak December day in 1620 today
under the flag that stands for all that
man holds dear has grown to a nation
of .more than
One Hundred Million People
Who is there will not say that the
democracy founded by these sturdy
characters owes its wonderful growth
to the fact that the corner-stone was laid
as recognizing an all-ruling Providence,
the controller of our destinies?
Pursuant to our President's Procla
mation Cet 1$ give Cbanlis
American Stores Company
Our Stores and Meat Markets
Closed the
t m 1. 12 jr j&
The rlnlli coat is inure lircnming In
some women than the plain Iratlirr
Hint is so popular, anil Is .iut ns
warm. The shirt worn with tills
is of plaited navy blue srtge. The
lial is of darlt leather
With a Purse
I say that I am quite sure
jour little girl who goes to j
old love to have one of these
school wi
lunch boxes
included among her Christ- I
mns presents. I base my statement on
tin. f.,,.1 it. ..i ;i iinu mil limn. ..,. mntiv
veins since 1 was carrving u lunch box
tn school that I cannot remember hnw
one would have delighted inc. They
in-., s.iiniii. tin Ihim.s. covered with a
sliioliiL' blnck material resembling nut -
out-leather, with u handle at one end,
and decorated with a tiny spray nl
(lowers. And I need not remind you'
thai a tin box will keep her sandwiches,
fresh. I
Il was bj accident that I came acrossi
this new mending material for pots iuim
it I pans. It is not. a snider winch is quite'
' likely to melt again on the slightest
provocation. Il consists of a piece of
i tin and a screw. The tin is screwed
over the hole, don't ask me bow (read'
directinnsl, nnd your pan is once mure
ns light ns n drum. You fan get one!
nf these mending sets for ten cents, j
I think jou will like them better thiin '
the solder. I
As 1 was walking arong thinking of
a thousand nnd one tilings Hint, hud nb- I
soliilelj nothing tn ilu with rolls for
plajcr pianos, I came upon a .counter!
piled high with boxes of eightj -eight
not f record", all priced at ten cents t
each. This counter is nl one of the
better stores, which makes jou feel t'iNl
the records must be right. The me
not. of course, brand new songs, lint
among Hiein l saw nuiiiy nui invuritcs. i
some nl wincii wuuid main' exceiieui
pieces for dancing. It might be worth t
jour while to look these over it you are
going lo be in town soon.
' I wonder if jou would be interested ,
in a pair of black walking shoos, nf ilu
leather, with long well -shaped lasts and
winged tips. These shoes are a special
at one of the well known and liked,
shoe shops, aiisl are exceptionally smart.
The heel b medium height. And the
sltnes Dear tne roniarKalile price ot .Uf.
I'nr nnmn nf slums nddrpss Woman's
race 1. inter, or intone Yvnlnut soon.
101 Souls
Entire Day.
The Woman's
Wants Dolls Dressed
la Ihr K'llltar of Woman's I'aot:
Dear .Madam Could you publish the
address or send to inc the name of,
any one who can dress dolls? I should I
esteem It n grenl favnr. L. .1. 1
I do not know of miv one who does'
this kind of work, but I nnisurp that
if ou insert mi advertisement "in Hip
regular advertising columns ynu will
, have plenty of answers.
Various Questions
Tn Ihr f.ihlnr til U'oiiirlit'.i Poor:
Dear .Madam Will jnu kindly
me how to gel rid of mnlesV I
two (pille large ones on my face,
I would like to get rid' of tlirin. ns
1 they look very badly. A No tell me bow
the white Angora collar and cuffs on a
black su enter can be washed. Would
1 washing them in the usual manner
harm them? Will jou toll me Hip re
ligions of Tlipdii tin nl and Claru Kim
ball Young? The motion pietltr,' maga
zines do not loll this. L. W. M.
ion hail better consult a
. . ,
annul inc mines. I liellpve tlipfo is
siime way of burning thrm off, but it
would not be safe to try It without a
doctor's advice.
Wash the Angora in lukewarm water
and while snap shnvings without rub
bing it. Itinse it in cold water and
squeeze it. not wring it. out. Then
hnng it In the oppn air or over the
heat in n bag instead of uver a line,
sn thai it will not stretch.
I cannot give ynu the information
about the aclresses. as I have no facili
ties for obtaining it. If the magazines
do not give It then il is evidently nol
Suggestions for Party
7n ihr r.'Ular ol U'oinnn'fl Poor'
Dear Madam I am planning to givp
a dinner party nf twelve during Christ-
mns week and am asking jou early, to
avoid the tush, if you will kindly send
some suggestions for entertainment
niierwarii. 10 neip jou in your sug-
gestions we range between twenty -three
and twenty-seven years of nge nnd love
nn, thing Hint will start a "rough
1 would be glud of any pretty, table
decorations you might suggest, or a
particularly attractive nnd npproprinte
dish I might serve; in fact, any kind of
suggestions to make it a success.
H. 15. L.
I am sending jou some games which
will be almost sure to start a "rough
house." if that is whnt ynu really want.
Y our Christmas decorations, will still
be up, of course, in the house, so that
the only suggestions you need are for
. the Inble. WJiy not have a sninll
Christinas tree in the center of
i iniiie. irunineu wun pinis aim wniie
! rnses .' At the end of the dinner,
nsk each guest to pick off one of the
roses, pink for the girls, white for the
, men. hen removed Horn the tree tne
' loses are discovered to be rolls of paper,
Four Wonderful
Values in Quality Furs
Hudson Seal Short Coat, trim- Cfifin From
med Natural Beaver PUlV $750
Hudson Seal Cape, unplucked J0 CO From
Otter collar POOU $475
Hudson Seal Cape stlE-tOEC From
Dolman ipOiiO $650
Taupe Nutria JOO From
Dolman -. . M'-'vV $600
Ayers Furs are inexpensive, and tKey would make a
most acceptable gift, They are luxurious in appoint
ment and exclusively fashionable, even beyond the stand
ard set by vogue.
I iui "Wtlttut Shiest
k Vw"1' w vtrwrn pu-T" "fc r
i iii &W)-y4r Vssutft in
8 I Jjenyuyer II
? W 1214 Walnut Street . f I
JM If Friday and Saturday
I Special
p Reductions of
n fl 1 r'iw f,g I
I 15 On I
I ' The Tag Price
ffi II NO C. 0. D. ALL SALES FINAL jll I
,, ., ,, . , . . .
) 011 Cannot I' nut Anything
, . n . . mi
at Least licpice I lull
mifANKSCIVING DAY! ,What pie-
lure tin these two words paint fur
l,ln' ,"l " .''' "'"I "n sudi powrt; of
spplng things nnd pvpiiIs befote they
actually happen? Ninety out of n hun
dred of those pyps arc spring (and gloat
ing over), a shiny, brown, juicy turkey,
lying on its helpless back on a largo
"My. I'm glad I'm not a turkey."
I hoard some imp say oiip timp. "All
Ihpy do is strut nroiind and stretch their
ugW upcks. and spread their beautiful ,
havp'tniN, nnd eat. Then, first thing Hip.v
.....i I know, somebody comes along with an
"Hit .... ..... ...l... ,1 .... r..llAil noil
UA. jnsi ill 'ii llll'J 11' mii'-t ,n
most enniplncput, nnd nrptty soon j
I Hipy'rp nothing but something, lo pat. ,
Hut, at Hint, I don't know what we'd j
'do without tliPin at Thaukglvlng nnd,
! Christmas." It is an emptv life that)
llic turkey leads. You see him walk- i
I ing conceitedly nbout. his green, blue. I
red-gold feathers shining in (he autumn
I sunlight, picking up ridiculous bits of i
food from nowhere, showing off pom- ,
I ,,.,,,ult. ntifl llin,, unnltift file M'lllllp 1111'- I
' I'llllfl,' ,1,11, 1,11.1 I11UII...,. ...
, ,llr I,.. L,vi,1B VPt,t to his funny voice.
Then you don't sop him for a while.
And the next time be apppnrs. at Hip
time of bis real usefulness, bis renl
purpose in lifp, bp doesn't know any
thing nbout il. lie's cooked!
On Thanksgiving, Day, we sometimes
have thai sense of obligation. "Oh. I
have lo be thankful for something to
day. Well, lei me sec. I had a nice
Mitnmer, nnd then I got Ibis suit in
September, and oh. yes. I saw that
show, anil'--my hair's stopped coming
out. and. well, that turkey really was
a bargain " Not much lo be thankful
for? No, nol if we go about il that
wnv. ' Kut if we start thinking about
those little things Hull wc take for
granted why. we'll never stop lindiug
things tn be thnnkful for. l-'or lu
stnnep. this mutter of the turkey. A
nrknv'H usefulness starts after lie is
beyond all knowledge of it. Hut our
purpose is required while wc are liviilg
', ,l up chu be here lo know all about it.
SOMK'I'LMKS when that usefulness of
ours has been imposed upon so much
nnd so often that we feel ns it we d
scream if anybody oNc asked for it, w
fail to appreciate Hie fact that we are
nlln.t-fwl In tin llnl'O llllll "otliov" it. A 0
think. "Win- is it thai everybody lie- !
ponds on me tn do this?" Hut isn't it
ploasrtnl after all the work is done to
look back nl it and say proudly, "See
that? I did it." Am! often when wc
are about exhausted with being helpful.
with directions on them for ench guest
lo show where to look for a bidden gift.
The gifts may be small, inexpensive
i favors.
As a "trick" dessert you might have
a huge papier mache pie in a deep bowl
brought in and served at the table.
Have meringues concealed under the
pie top and wntcn nte surprise oijour
;uests when lliey see me pie-niuug.
. ,. . .. ,,
Use to lie Glad About ) on Can
1 -r m 1 1
1 OU re not a 1 Itrkey!
it is a very comforting habit to think
self-cotnplacently, "Well, of course I'm
nearly dead, but it certainly is a good
thing that I was here to do that work,
(loodness knows, nobody else could bnvt
Millinery Importer
1517 Walnut St.
Formerly 1217 Walnut '
: ,r , . .. i
H vaiucs up to .) j fe
iitH Furs of fz:
j III JLUiivviion I f
I rj III "Kit for a queen" indeed are ill
M "II these pelts here assembled I
kJ fipm the four corners of the - jjj
I W earth, foi your personal "i!il
I f 1 . selection. ' Hill E i
M i . r llllll '
IHIm lllll Of Jl nllolltv linunrnnQCnd "l'i mill
1 jllki 7 j f are our Russian and Hudson :... WM
I llljfj I Hay Sables, Silver Foxes, F 3
3JJT ' I In I Fisher, Baby Caracul and j ' .
LIIW Genuine Hudson .Seal. Z : H
V2 I f LI jlljl Chertak-Wcngcr models W ij SI
w I l il ' Hi) arc characterized by ex- " ill
II w Ld riiisi ivhcks of theme and lllll-- nil
F "' I richest materials I' II ft Jl
iGet a Small Bottle! Freshen Your Scalp! Stop
Falling Hair! Remove Dandruff! Grow Lots
of Wavy, Glossy, Beautiful Hair You Can!
Betldci iloulillni Ilia
beauty ( jonr lialr
at one, you will
hortly Bnil n w
Imlr, ftut'anil tloirny
t flrtt. but Hlljr
new lialr cronln;
all o?r th trilp.
CiU UtU.
done It." (And vj)cn wc mulfc this
rnnurk to oursplvps.ywho can blnmo us
for adding aplirpclntivcl.v "ns well 1
I did. iinyhow"V) '
This tonnll fapt of Hip turkey nnd the
ijfp ihnl 1h of mi nccouut until lip loses
j It has suinethliiB more in it llian just
the mere truth, if wc cannot rnkp up
nujHilntt mure to bp thankful for ou
TlmnksgivinK Day. we can at least b
j glad that we're not forced tn give Uji
i nor lives in nrner in minw wieir useiui
ness; that tile content which romfs
irom a Knowledge of Doing nroileu anil
of fulfilling that need is ourtT to enjoy
while we'ie still Hi Hip land of the I
r n oM
laaaaVf9t,atJ ' 'aiaaaa&BalaBa8riHr9
f5 " ?
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