frtvwmm'ww1- EVENING PUBLIC LEDGrEIl PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1919 15 SUGARLESS JELLY ,noon, find much rclloi' was frit by thoie, who tcnrnrd sngnr is not reeded c-ven for rrniiberrr jolly. 11111. . t ........ .( nnn Irtnbrt it with brnlsrd pork, nnd HURKestcd for vnrlety hnklug thp kraut in an oven for forty-five minutes with country COMFORT IS MAIN FEATURE OF CHRISTMAS FURNITURE City Shops Giving Much Space to Display Ornamental Stiff Backed Chair lias Been Discarded convpnlent rake shelves, nrn to be found Home of the ten rnrts have detachable trnja Tables of pverv sort ndd much to a room It is for the woman who nppre clntcs this thnt the nests of tnbles hnve been Introduced. The largest table of thp npst mnv lie obtnlnnble In nltnost any desirable sbe. The smaller Inbles 1 nil fit under the Inrgest one In thelf , turn This is 11 most convenient nr- inngemeiit nnd hns proved its worth 1 under many inndltlnns. Dinner gongs, imported from .Tnpnn, 1 have also tnUpii n place nmntig the gift RUggpstions for Christinas Thej nre to I I be found 111 mnnj shapes mid hbes. j I The purchaser may hnve his choice of n ' I deep voiced gong thnt summons in 11 , hi emu wuy m a hlghlj pltcliul bell like, 'ROUg. I evangelist, Once Fighter, to Speak Ilvniigellst 1'nul Under, once n pugilist, will speak tonight in Im inmniel Hefornied r.iiscopal ( hurch, V nnd Komiwi streets. Kensincton 1 MAN WORRIES TO DEATH neighbors noticed the place vrns on flro early today. It was the home of Mr. nnd Mrs. Cnrmlne Slanginnl. The llro started In n defective clilmnev. Damn Shlpworker Dies of Apoplexy After Sister Diet porn. ,rTlte nntlAfinl rttrt nMn ' (inmnlftii 'age was slight. , vv if limit miKiir Just hip n "!' " " Imlf if white rorn sirup to n cup of rnn be lined ni n M-getRble for pie or In pudding, nnd splnnch is not only Worry over the dpnth of his sister is believed to hnve brought on nn ntnrk of apoplexy which proved fatal to Harry I'enno, n former patrolman, of 238 North Hrondwn.v, filoucester, N .T. He was employed at the 1'usey & .Tones shlpjnrd and went there jesterilny to tell his foreman he would not be nt work ns he would hnvp to attend the fur.ernl in the afternoon of his sister. Mrs I.innle Smith, of 444 West street. Camden. While talking to the foreman I'enno whh stricken with npopleiy nnd fell. His death occurred last night. Children Flee Fire Six children who hnd been eating breakfast downstairs rsrnpul from their home, 7IM South Sheridan street, when ,. ' 1 wnihpd rratmprrips and 000k tor iwciu Minutes.' It vvns settled so rnxilj thnt mnnv of the worried people regretted ill? time ithov Imd npi'tit orrltiK I "Thprp nrp thotimindH of housewives In rhilndclphla who rnn rook better itlmn piofentlonnl rhefs," snld Mrx. 1 Wilson, 'mid now nt ThmiWIvltiR the 'Kovrrniiient rnnnnl puinpkln ought to be used In n vnrlet.v of wiijh to rut the irnst of livinc. (iov eminent (moils I'Vesli "A Rrrnt innlij people tlllliU the rov eiiiiiient Roods, nre old stock, but the enns tlmt mi- beliiR sold now nre vil - tuiillv nil this .inr'n rroi The ro -leiimieit siliililv roiitlmieil Its contrnets find lire Rlvlng'the Roods nt lower prices .thiin the gooili enn be bought nt in the ordinnij iniirket.'' ' Sauerkraut enn no rooked in lit least I three different wnv. snys Mrs Wll json, who surprised mnnj of her nuiliepie ibj recommending bruised fcnuerktaut Banish Nervousness I in my nut vvnoiesomr, unjn .Airs, winon. f-, tl, - !! 111. vinton 1 irci:s Vnnlire I'nmplilii l'uildiiig: One cup Hirup, two ciipN puuipkii one-half tcn npooii unit, one-hnlt teaspoon Inmi-1 lnmi nnd one tenspoou Ringer Mix thor oughly nnd bnke for fort five minutes In 11 moderntt oven ISugnrlevi Cnml) for the Holidays: One pound figs one pound rnlslus, one pound evnpornted pouches or nprlcots one-hnlf pound room nut mid one nnd. one-hnlf pounds pennuts. l'ut the fruit nnd nuts through a meat chopper mid! mix the pnnte thoroughh Press firnih In 11 tin box lined with unved pnprr. cut ill blocks nod .'over with nndteil choroliite or roll into bulls nnd rover with oiounut nnd pennuts rhoppid tine IMrs. Wlison. Evcnine- Public GOOD furniture is nlwnjs in Rood tnste The shop nnd store windows up Riving much Hpnce to the display of furniture just now. Complete dining nnd bedroom suites nrp being shown witli binutiful chnirs, tilbles and ac- Davenports, upholstered in tnprstrv and plush, nrp womlorfulh loiufortnble nnd iittiiu tivr The.v are nsMts in every home nnd 1110 among the most sought nfter pieces this season for appropiinto Yuletide gifts Then tin re are the fin side and drop seated chairs, which nre npholstt led 111 mnny caseo to mntdi the dnvenport. Oonp nre the dns of the ornninentnl Ktlfr-bncked chair from which no com fort or ensp lould be derived. It bns given place to the padded nnd luxurious rocker nnd straight rhnir. (Vilonlnl furniture is ns populnr n ever. Kour posters nre being shown in the single and double beds All of tin in nre Colonial but differ in the treat ment of the posts Ten carts nre verv useful Some time ago these were quite plimitive in their coiistrui turn but todin onh the noi.e less, cnsA to push ones, with numerous Ledger Culinary Expert, Tells How to Prepare Cranberries HOUSEWIVES ARE RELIEVED Crnnliprn idlv without u"f' Of onurn Tin- horrors of 11 Tlinnkoclvliie ihn- nrr tvUK nii.... .... j..n. i.. i.i. jell loninril largo to inmiv of tin hoine Mvch who nttrmlnl the ledum of Mrs. Mnry A WiNon fond (vononiKt for thp IWf.nino IN mmc T.kikifr In thr- pure food Ktnro of (ilmbols' j-pstrnlnv nftc-r- 4&SjflSw"J "WW "- wiytqurv FOR MISGIVING 1 Banish Nervousness! 1 l Headaches 1 TNc I Pain. I r g-S) j J LaMttude iTFBCV.I Inject vigor IntoX "CCf I 2 your system by-i J . Jreuulnr applloa- ,w Cirj I tlona of th i) pMvSS) I j Standard Electric Supply Co. I I I fhnno Ixic. 4f.S 828 N. 18Ui St.l hi ? T oKAfind IVTn f-5pl founded the First Penny Savings Bank of Philadelphia at 21st & Bainbridge Chartered in 1889. It is not possible for any Officer, Trustee or Employee, or by any con spiracy, to borrow any money from the Bank, without being liable to criminal prosecution. We are paying 4 per cent, interest solely because of the smallness of our expenses. We have a careful Board of Trustees, meeting monthly, deeply interested in the watchful care ot this bavings liank. Its funds are invested under the rigid Charter, which nominates the legal investments. Six times a year Leitified Accountants, the State Department, and Committees of the Trustees examine cery security and make rerorta. CENTRAL BRANCH. Liberty Building, Broad & Chestnut Sts. JOHN WANAMAKER, President since 1888. Mp Bk7 Appropriate to the Occasion wjpW Mb B&r JKv fil brapc i Mora t no Cl jfimf M J THERE could be no more strife ing evidence of the Cadillac's ease of handling than the daily spec tacle of the young daughter of the household at the wheel of the family Cadillac a sight that is as familiar to the rest of the country as it is around herej 1007-9-11 Market Street Take Elevator The Great Upstairs Clothes. Shop P&Q Cloth Save and Safi sfv D !.. . . k Dear mai in uiina: & uvcijr uiiitcill you buy here saves you2 at least $iu. You save the middleman'! profit You save the high street level rent. You save drummer' commissions, and . host of other unneces sary expenses. All you pay for are the 'clothes. es JiL , JraB fmmWfmm mmk'm!Mmmn -a?v. ummnmwh&m'tmj v.i !wMimwjxmmm,amK,i 7YtbSSbmaff&BaiBBaB?qaiVavi. KOI iJlf 'V'A7itWdvHaaHaFf!LaaKUH mlwmwMmWm l mm mpSB$8 If I . i P&Q Clothessatisfy because they are made to satisfy. They are made in our own i Tailor plant - in New York. tvery detail in their manufacture is supervised by experts, and no doubtful fabric or workmanship is 'ever permitted to enter into their construction. P&Q Suits and Overcoats of the First Fi ftv Pierce -Arrow trucks are still running vears. All earned money for their rre the greatest money's worth in America. You can t realize until you come up that short flight, just what this great Up-stairs Clothes Shop really means to you. .'Remember P&Q Clothes sere land satisfy, w Tb fcikcst atlimaf pi nt tht wttTir'f art s1 tbf Uilor'i crtfliniktlaip Bench-Madc" lolhes $ 40 ffWcGivelheValucs A laawirlaaVaVaVaaaaBaaSaHaaaa'3aVBBSHBaVaa , ' ( ; - after 8 owners whether the hauls were long or short, in the city or- out of it. Eventually you will measure the success of your truck by the length and regularity of its service and its low cost of maintenance and operation. When spread over years of cost becomes unimportant. service, the first "V Mi mBm lVT "X( has earned profits for three i-(tJ JJ owners. For five years it de livered ice for the Standard Ice Company of Philadelphia. Then it was sold at a remark ably small depreciation to the American Oil Company of Baltimore. For two years it carried oil and last year was bought by O. T. Davis of Mt. Airy, Md., for hauling grairis, phosphates and other farm material from Baltimore to Mt. Airy. The original worm shows no wear or loss of power. ierc row Delivers more work in a given time. Loses less time on the job and off the job. Coits less to operate and less to maintain. Lasts lone", depreciates less and commands a higher resale price at all times. . Foss-Hughes Company 2 Island Market Streets, Philadelphia, Pa. Write for Book The First Fifty NEEL-GADILLAG COMPANY 142 North Broad Street Teeth Are Ruined By a Film Millions of Them All Statements Approved by High Dental Authorities Free A 10-Day Tube of Pepso dent, to Bhow you how to end Rim. See below. On Your Teeth Now There is now on your teeth a slimy film. You can feel it with your tongue. It clings to teeth, gets between the teeth and stays. The tooth brush alone doesn't end it The ordinary tooth paste does not dis solve it. So month after month it stays there and may do a ceaseless damage. That film is what discolors not the teeth. It is the basis of tartar. It holds food substance which ferments and forms acid. It holds the acid in contact with the teeth to cause decay. Millions of germs breed in it. They, with tartar, are the chief cause of pyor rhea. Most tooth troubles are now traced directly to that film. Dental scientists have for years sought a way to end film. Thtfy have known that brushing could not save teeth if it left thnt film upon them. Now that film combatant Has been found. Convincing tests, under able authorities, have proved it beyond question. The method is now embodied in a dentifrice called Pepsodent. And we supply it free for testing to anyone who asks. The Way to End It Pepsodent is based on pepsin, the digestant of albumin. The film is albu minous matter. The object of Pepso dent is to dissolve it, then to constantly combat it Pepsin long 6eemed impossible. It must be activated, and the usual agent is an acid harmful to the teeth. But science has discovered a harmless acti vating method. Now activated pepsin can bo applied, night and morning, to combat that film. Leading dentists everywhere are now advising Pepsodent. Countless people have already adopted It. And trial tubes are offered everywhere to show others what it does. Send the coupon for a 10-Day Tube. Note how clean the teeth feel after using. Mark the absence of the slimy film. See how the teeth whiten as the fixed film disappears. Let your own mirror show you what Pepsodent means to your teeth. Then decide for yourself about it. Cut out the coupon now. Pk i I Ml IIIIMIHMMM PAT. Off PgBsaqgji REG u S mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm The New-Day Dentifrice Ten-Day Tube Free After convincing tests, It is now advised for dally use by leading dentists everywhere. THE PEPSODENT COMPANY. DriUM3t,U04 H,VbaU Ay..Chlco,ni. Mail Ten-Day Tube of Pepso dent to JB6 Ooa HUhl uv. -tf ' i ii.'faAnv, - , ,