s HC,T"IJ . IS- I ,t f U EVENING PUBLIC LEDGJSK-PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1919 BRED GAINS ALARM JAPANESE Tokio to Strengthen Forces in Siberia to Meet Bolshevist Menace, Is Report CO-OPERATE WITH U. S. Toklo, S"ov. 24. (My A. I'.) The opinion i Krnninjrin .Inimneoe nrinj circles tluit the retreat 'C Admiral Kol chnk mid the inerensliiK uncoihIuiic.v nf the ItolhcWts in Siherla are -it men neiiiR that .tntmii rntitint remain In illfferent. the .llji Shimpn mij.s. Japan, therefore limy 111111(1' it new pioposal to the powers reKnrillni; the Siberian prob lem ami likewise strengthen the Japan ese forces In Siberia, the newspaper adds. The United States Im replied to Japan's recent answer to the American note ennecrniiiK co-opciatioii in the operation of the Trans - Siberian Itailway. The American rcpl.x notes with satisfaction Japan's willlinr liess to co-operate. Imt points out the futility of britiKini! forward concrete instances of any Inch of co-operation in the past. The conciliator nature of the Ameri-an reply is snob as to give the imnression here that a further ex clianse of notes will be uimeces.arv and that tile incident is considered closed. Washington. Nov. 124. ( Uy A. 1M HoHicvik shelltire and explosions wrought hmoe in (hnsk. Siberia, which lias men cvucu.iicu u. i-iuii-nhu. ih-cumi- . inR to Stntp Department advices toihn Street fighting oceuncd after the boni nnrdment and main of the wealthier citizens tied to nearby Ullages About 8000 people, families of Siberian amp office's who weie on trains leavms Omsk, wcro reported taken prisoners uy tlio Uolsheviki. Great suffering at Omsk Is predicted, as thousands arc without food or homes and winter linu ,f in tin. t.iiii,.,iiifnrt uerugiug 11! desiees below ?cro. liOiiilon, Nov. 21.- (My A. I) C'on tiuued advances niriilnsl Ceneral Dent. kluc anil Admiral Kolchak's forces nru claimed in the Russian soviet cominu- I nlnuc received by wireless toda. The Uolsheviki ire fast upprimcliing Tsnrl- iz.wi, on the lower olgii. Tlicj report the capture of about ."1)0 prisoners in the region of Tsateff and 1)00 near Omsk. Three hundred prlsoucrs were taken when I.blstchcnsk was occupied. BAN OFF HUNGERSTRIKES Irish Prisoners Will No Longer Be Released for Refusing Food Dublin, Nov. IM.-lMy A. I'.l -Official notice is given that no more pris oners will be liberated, conditionally or unconditionally, for hunger striking and hat hunger Strikers must themselves be responsible for conseiuences ot their acts. It was also announced that there would be no further amelioration of the prison Ueatmrnt given any prisoner convicted under the defense of the realm act. This notice is regarded seriously in Irish political circles, and it is expected hat hunger strikes will become numer ous and dnntlis in prisons will" follow, "lie effect of Irish feeling now awaitiiiL' 'he production of the home rule bill will be grave, it is said, and will levlve the bitterness evoked bv the dentil of Tliomas Ashe, Sinn 1'eiu leader, who 'led In Muv. IHHi. as the result of a hunger strike and whose fate povvcr 'illly affected the Irish convention. $400,000 FIRE AT UNIVERSITY I Montreal, Nov 24. The main build-1 i'lgs of the T'liiverijtv of Montreal, bet- ' ter known ns T nvnl University, con-, tn'iiing tlie iii'mIIc'i! department. wrel ilestroved bv tire Saturday night. I The Ins is cs-t'nintcd nt sunn.OOO. It ' is covered bv insurance. The blaze Is thoug'it to have been caused by lighted cigarettes. LDBIONIDE L MINISTRO TITTON Una Divisiono Serba Conccti- trata a Spalato per Opporsi a D'Annunzio I'ubllnhcl nn.t DKlrlbuml VndiT im:ii.mit no 311 Autnorlfil In- the urt nf Oi tnber a. inn, mi nin nt the iNntorriep oi l'hlu Uelptila, l'a A S. Hlmi.lISON', t'OHlmMstPr General. Kama, 25 novembre, Tonilunso Til -tonl. Mlnlstro pep gli Affari Hsteri, ha rassengato la dlmissloni e Vlttorlo Sel.iloia, mlnlstro senza portafoglio, e' stato lioiulniito a succcderlo, secondo (liianto btnuipa il glornnle "IrJvioca." Venczia, 24 novembre. I 'tin divisione serba, forte di 12,000 iiomlni, e' .statu concentinta a Spalato, nulla costa delta Dalmn.ia, pioiita ier opporsi a (iiilirlele D'Animn.io se egli tcntera' I'oi'cupnzione della citta'. Cio' secondo liiforinazioiii giiinte 111 v ice Animira kIiii Andrews, couianilnnte delle forae niivnli aiiiericaiie iieirAdrinlico, die trovasi a boido deH'iniTociatorc arinato "Pittsburg." II comandantc americnuii e' In coiuu nicazione raillo-tclcgratica con tutti I punti della costa Dalinnta cil e' in grado di riccvere da rUiiluniue punlo una ri stiosta, ai Mioi niesMiggi cntro cinque nilnuti. P.onui, 24 novembre Piaui per cnu sare Millevazinni in varie parti il'Itniia, .specialinente nei grandl inipianti indiis- tilali delle citta' M'ttentrionali e 1iiiiro ltl ('(tut,, ,t,.l I '. V ,1 ! t li... uillil t-f.llt ,.. '., ....... .11 it iiitiiniiilif -..Hi' nt,.,, ,(!. ....It : .!.. .. . - ' Vlltt III UUVU 11 IICIMUIC iccL-mciiiciiic arrest ate. II I'residente del f'onsiglio dei Mi nistri. On. Nitti. sorvcglla attentiiment" "tfi i mnvlmrtit d1 !abrieHe D'Au- nunr.lo 0 del suol srguaci, cd c' rluscito a sventarc I loro intrighi 0 scoprlrc i complotti con l'ititcuzlnnc. di invadere i 111ng1177.ini d'nmri, nuililzlonl, atitoiiioblll ed neroplaul. I.e dlssiiprovazloiil per l'linprcso ill D'Annunzio aiiinentnno tanto net pub blleo, ipiautn nellii stanipn. I'll ngitazlonn in una certa propor zione e' in prngnsso In iilcllne parti it ' I tut i 11 in favore del nolo ntuirchlco Knrlco Mabitesta, die ora ha otteiiuto 11 pcrnu'sso di poter rientrare in Italia. Malatesta tentii' ill nssassliiitrc He Al fonso a Madrid nel glorno del suu ma trimonii). I'll conninicnto seiirunicinle dice die it Malatesta fit condannato in Italia per aver prcso parte alia Hollcvnzione vcrillcatasl nel gfugno del 1011, quanilo parecchle citta' della Itoniagna procla lnaiono la rcpubbllca, e ehc mm re eente iiinnlstla condouava la condanna del Malatesta. II iiuale e' ora llbero ill poter toi'iiurn in Italia. l,tt nntizla die Itc Vlttorlo Kmanuele 11011 prouunziera' il dlscorso della Co rona, In oecaslone della rlpcrturn del Parhimento, stiinte l'postlli; attltiindlnc del soclalisti, e' Binentlta lal "Olor nale il'Italiu," II quale dice die tutti I deputati costituzlonnll snnodeclsi a fare una eutiislitstica dimostraziuuc nl Sovrnno. World Wheat Crop Drops Home, Nov. 124. There was a de crease in the production of wheat and rye in 1011) of 42,000,000 quintals (irl,.T-'2.000 bushels) bolow the yield of 1018 in countries in the northern liemt sphere, according to n Btatcmcnt Issued by the International Institute of Agri culture, These countries, It is pointed out, produce about C5 per cent of the world' normal crop. Ofto yield of 1018 was ,041,000,000 quintals (2,355,000,, 000 bushels),, while in 1010 H was COO -000,000 quintals (2,200,030,000 bushels). How to relieve skin troubles if you are troubled with skin trouble if your skin is rough, red und blotchy if it itches und burns simply apply to the uffectcd part a little ftcsinol Ointment. It will even Rive quicker re sults if first bathed with K 0 s i n o 1 Soap and warm water. N Rcsinul Ointment contains medicinal agents that act quickly and directly upon the skin, heal its hurts und help it to keep healthy and attractive. the skin. i- 3 - - ' 5 A- I $! Jf I 1 ' A ' ni IIIIIH HIirfntH yffl I Biwiiwiiiiiimnnw yiuilllll 'o. iTrrrrT--r(Tiiitiiiiiiiio ' I , ASCO. ASCO. ASCO. I llaffl?!! 1 HI ASCO- ASCO i ir - -- -- -- -"- 11 IB CfT T" C O f BBl Ii-m" I tmmim nfljn A .iWi. wi j Amm ,"' "iBaniv ' I timiiiiimiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Prnciire n n.T,-l.nrro frrvr., ,., l..-.:. .j , , . ,. ., ,.. . .,, j,uul UiuKyiai iuuay, ana let it na you o those annoyuip, unsightly and embarrassing affections of A. s RESINOL SHAVING STICK soothes tender skins ! ... t-.l 1 I J 1 w m- Your enthusiasm MmBmif $r Camels will 'H- steadily increase! - nraMri.SgH r. W iiTwOhlBMifTiW tommMffim- nod IjniMlHiil vll Cameti are sold every where in scientifically eealod packages of 20 cigarettes; or ten pack agea (300 cigarettes) in glaasine- paper- covered carton. We strongly rec ommend this carton for the home or office sup ply or vrhen you travel, R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO. Winst9n-SIm, N. C Camels will not tire your taste, no matter how liberally you smoke! And, .each puff will add just a little more to the joy and content ment the wonderfully refreshing Camel flavor hands out so lavishly! Camels are unique a real ciga rette revelation! That's due to their quality and to the unusual and expert blend of choice Turkish and choice Domestic tobaccos! Once you know Camels you'll prefer their blend and what it gives you the most fascinatingly mellow-mild-body ever realized in a cigarette to either kind of tobacco smoked straight! You'll enjoy Camels freedom from any unpleasant cigaretty after taste and from any unpleasant cigaretty odor. And, the longer you smoke Camels the more you'll appreciate that they are made to meet your taste! Compare Camels with any ciga rette in the world at any price! A Another Cut on hard ASCO. V is O . Just In Time for Your Thanksgiving Baking Also Some Very Special Prices on Grape Fruit, Flour, Eggs & Canned Peas In Addition to a Pageful of Seasonable Goods, Brimful of Good Cheer and Money-Saving Opportunities! Our Stores Will Be Closed All Day Thanksgiving Open Until 9 o 'Clock ths Night Before "To Batter Serve You! " .AMMMMMMMsMyMywMywwyMMywwwMwMMw I BeP5re Lard 30c "SL Meat 19c The finest pure, kettle rendered lard Made from the purest of ingredients the price talks. combined in the right proportion. vi ' ;z Asco,"Kill IZlb J Brand lvB4A Bag A general all-round flour, suitable for Pastry or Bread Baking. "Asco" Flour, 5-lb. bag 35c J- k "Asco" No-Waste Bacon, pkg. 25c Selected'EggsSO4 .v Biir. full and meaty, suitable for every purpose wnere eggs are requirea. Fig Bars lh (Special Price)1" Dainty layers of pastry with a delirious lie filler. PaUa.Cake ni,rfOQc t FLOUR "OA4J . A limited supply In all stores, because of the sugar shortage. c HMHtH,llHl.lMflllllll'"ll"'''"l' Ripe, Juicy Grape Fruit MEDIUM SIZE 7ceach 4 for 25 LAKGE SIZE C each 3for25C I The quality Is very exceptional I and the price ler'y low for fruit i of this churactcr. ltH.fr.H,-,-,",-4-l ' . . ! .' - Tender, Crashed ...lie Sugar Corn can 1 JL A very economical and nutri tious side dish. Price very special. Small Tender rM 1 filwC PEAS canI TheBe are our regular 14c Peas cut to 12 ',4c. The flavor Is that of peas Just out of the pods. i$gz$8i Further Memory-Jogger of Thanksgiving Needs ? Choice Tomatoes, big can 18c Lima Ucans can 18c-22c Taney String Beans, can 18c Fancy Cream Nuts. . . .lb. 32c ' Selected Filberts lb. 32c Sage, Thyme, Savory, pkg. 5c I Sweet Marjoram ....pkg 8c , Spinach (new pack) can 18c Asco Ginger Ale) . . Tj Root Beer or VU01 1 doz $1.35 Root Beer or t-Sarsaparilla lb Get a recipe from any of our rniinafrprs "Hovr to Mnke a Cranberry 1M Without Suitar." (Nonpareil) lb 91 Fancy Plum Pudding, can -30c j$ Fancy Calif. Figs, pkg. 15c Wj Victor Bread Crumbs, pkg 12c 9l Fox Trot Chocolates, 'j lb.20c JJt Tootsie Rolls each 6c yV Borden's Milk Caramels, lb.35c w-l Charms (asst'd fiav.) pkg. 5c MS After Dinner Mints, pkg. 4c wisi&itmi rtnr Thanlsflivina limner Will Nnt Rp. Cnmnlelc Withnnf a "Cnn" nf Our Tea nr Cnffofi! ... IU1W1II1.6 .,.,.., ,, ..V. . -...j... ,,........ .. --,. . ... - u. .V...... Asco Blend FlPn r m ii, k Ef n x.ca-L$i The very finest quality Calif, paper shell Almonds obtainable. Best Peanut Butter, lb. 22c, Calif. Asparagus, tall can 19c3 Pride of Farm Catsup, bot. 17c; Sweet Mixed Pickles, bot. 14c i Campbell's Soups ...can 10c' Pure Apple Butter. .. .lb. 19c J Hershey's Almond Bars... 6c' Calif. Seeded Raisins, pkg. 20c J Rig, Juicy LI!IOIISd0Zv c ,o i A c- fco, 1 t . Ai s o ' -- -A- C o ' i iA, s c o . A, S c o i 'A c "i A S o. 1 r Seedless Raisins .... pkg. 22c 1 Golden Pumpkin, big can 10c ' Asco Bak. Powder, can 5c-9Ci Glace Citron Peel . ..lb. 55c Lemon & Orange Peel, lb. 40c ; Asco Grd. Cinnamon, can 5c 5 Pure Honey, jar 17c' Very Best Rice lb. 18c tt!!Coffee'b42c (OurVeryBest) VanCamp's Evap. Milk, can 7c-14c Delicious Fruits Cakes and Bistuits Tasty Salads Calif. Prunes ....lb. 20c-24c Nabisco Wafers ....pkg. 14c Calif. Tuna Fish, can 15c-25c Fancy Apricots can 20c Butter Thins pltg. 15c Pink Salmon can 22c Calif. Peaches . . .can 37c-10c Kaltincs pkg. 15c Princess Salad Drcss'g,bot27c Bliced Peaches can 25c Zu Zu s-.pk?. 7c Fancy Shrimp can 15c Fancy Cherrfes ,.,.can 27c Graham Crackers ..pkg. 15c Schlorcr's Olivenaise, jar 17c " rfpi Inasmuch us our stores will be closed iMHPS all day Thanksgiving, buy a double 11 fMSaWBBam "Pply of Victor the day before. Victor Raisin Bread, Baked With i 1 f- Luscious Raisins oar JL UC "Asco" Cake In the New Size pkg 1 4c On Sale all week Don't fail to serve it with your Thanksgiving Dinner. Three kinds, Gold, White and Chocolate covered with a delightful icing. OJ " These Prices in All Our Sanitary Meat Markets This Week We Will Have a Bounteous Supply of Fresh Killed Roasting, Frying and Stewing Chickens ib40c B CK Rump and ' Round Steak Ib 30c S Roast 30 Thick End (i Kib Koast 22' . so25ib15c Beef JLV Delicious p( Country lb 1 J Scrapple -v 5S? .b 22' Pudding " Genuine Spring Lamb Loin Chops, lb. 45c Rib Chops, lb. 35c Rack Chops, lb. 28c Shoulders . .lb. 25c Neck lb. 18c Breast lb. 10c Genuine Wether Mutton Loin Chops, lb. 33c Rib Chops, lb. 28c Rack Chops, lb. 22c Shoulders . .lb. 18c Neck lb. 12c Breast lb. 8c City-Dressed Pork Products a SS Shoulders 30 Chops & Roasts 33' Best Cuts 38c lb &rd42oF!: Hani8-28c Rs .40 Butts IM Roasting "' fiU Sausage v Fresh blt Country lb.-fJl1 Sausage Everywhere in Philadelphia and Throughout Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland and Delaware 1 ... V . ! A S c. o ' i rA- 'A' s- c o, kR" c o. - A s c O' 1 'A- -S. A S' to, . s 8 Al s c oi Ai s o A4 si c o A SI C4 04 ASCO. ASCO. ASCO. ASCOi ASCO. ASCO. ASCO. ASCO. h' f '! ,Ot !' " iMAft0-4Ualtai - fr.fA-.TT r'H ifltn. u .. .a. -- a. .fc. ... .. -. u .-.. . . ,ifff . X