rswRSpcf!"1 "iriwuiiVW--i-rmrr ty-rt "- yr EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1919 : f. 1 L K Id" IK - I;. hi A DAUGHTER OF TWO WORLDS Cocvrlaht. ISIS nnil ISIS, tu tito liilem.i . ttonal .Uaontlnr I 0, .. CwvrioM,"lth, I "J FuVvto Ltiutr Co. J iht. " - mMM m THIS STAUi.j I'HH STOHY i .,,, , Jennie MMotie ,M never known I tnythlne but the dark side of w xorK inc. xnerc una ucen m in centive to be Rood and every oppor tunity to be bad. She and "Slim Jackson" have known each other from childhood. Slim has helped to make Jennie the kind of person she Is. Their last escapade whs to foVKe a check. Jennie Is arrested bj le tectlTf Casey for this crime. They plan to Ret her pardoned on the pleu of youth and inexperience. All i;ocs well until the JiuIrc learns she is the daiiRhter of IJlnck Jerry "Illael: Jcrrv!" he repeated "That change the 'case entirely. Jerry Malonc the notorious, the Infamous Kind: Jerry!" He fairly hammered Jerry with his words. AND IIKKB IT CONTIMKS "Dc 0 YOU think you are lit to have a i child under your care? Your in fluence is enough to ruin any child ! No wonder this girl forged that check ! And ! ,, I. v ,!,. - "(net Heavens, man, he dro e on. j st being known as the child ol i,llLU Jerry is enough to ruin an girl s chances, even If she wants to be dc- cent! Being known as your child, that cent! neing Known us jimr i-iniii. ...... Is enough to stamp her with a bad name that is enough to make decent people . t . .. : !...!" 10 it. v ",""'"","" ,"":.;v hn innr unueiier needs uuviiun , in'- ought to be taken out of your cus tody. I'm going to hold this casefor further examination to examine into the character of the girl, and to ex amine into your part in this affair. Black Jerry. This court stands for wiping out the practice of an old crook teaching his child to become a crook, too!" And then with a louder thwack of his hammer: "Prisoner held for fur ther examination on the charge of for- .. oi frr I TvT .. ...,.."' 8e..r"J."M '-" ii,r :.r .,...,.., Illlk, JUU. J..V-.'-. . w. ....-,.. i. i l0.PvV ;, roHrod the mnristrato. That was nil. Jennie shrank down from the witness-stand. She saw some bills comp out of the big wallet of I'uclc George, and sho saw thev bills pass to the lawyer, and then pass to a man behind a grilled inclosure beside the maglstrate. Some papers were signed, ti Hion lm follnnpil Hlnelt Jerrv nn the aisle, nil eyes staring at them, and out of the courtroom. Uncle George had a taxicab waiting, .1 !.. c .l.l T .1.. 1....I. SHU iUlU .1 H-IIU'I Ui lllli. ill.lll'- llll.l- died herself. The three of them were silent, but now and then slip glanced covertly nt her father. His dark face was set, glowering. She sensed that there was something going on behind that grim face, and all the way home ahe wondered what that something might bi. Two-Man I'lau of Ufo "IP J i NOLI: GEOUGI., you and Jennie . co on unstnirs." said Jerry when the taxicab had returned them to the Pekin, nnd they had entered the hnllwav "I'll be up in n minute I g aV yTpJr how things are- going in my joint." want to Keep away mim un . ir0m Minis iiancnome lace ; on u up- "Your Honor begau Ulacl; jieared a great relief ; It became shrewd. Jerry huskib. , , .calculating. He'd had a close call, all "Silent!" 'Uie magistrate pounded riKht ; well, in the future he'd have to be , his desk with his gavel. And wno ,,.,. ,.Iircf,,i. , knows, Jerry Malonc. that jou eie fpstairt, Jerry closed tho sitting- ' not behind nil this, putting the : rl up room (oor , crossed to where Jennie, DREAMLAND ADVENTURES 11Y u.niv "THE RAJAH'S ELEPHANT" (Pcggv and Oo-la-ta, riding Pin Jar, the piant elephant, go to find Rajah Mir-llubu's stolen jcirete. A dog guidcj them to a cavern in the hills, where thru see the gems in the midst of a trowd of Hindu. After setting free a cage of mon keyi. they enter the cavern by n secret entrance. Oo-la-la is dis covered and loldly goes among the Hindus. j The Transformed Ants OO-LA-LA moved swiftly. At one moment he w'as In the shadows of the grotto of the Sacred Wooden Ele phant, and the next moment he was bc- nide the glittering pile of gems. The Hindus were astouishod, and the ,pou ti, ijBre bodies of the Hindus. In most astonished one ainoug them was stantly there was a scrambling and a ... .. their chieftain, a lean chap with t l'rpshlv shaven face. "6o-la-la, the magician!" exclaimed the chieftain, much to the surprise of Teggy. who was hiding In the elephant's howdah. "This Is he of whom I told you," the chieftain went on. "This is the man of sneezing magic who turned the lost girl, I.ada, into a dog that bit the magician, Itamda-Kin. This is he who gave the girl back to her father, our enemy. What shall we do with him?" "Ah! Ah!" shouted the crowd, an grily. "Throw him into the pit thnt has no bottom." "Shucksl" said Oo-la-la. calmlj snapping his fingers in the face of the chieftain. "You can't fool me, UhuuIii- Kin, even thoueli you have slu-d jniir whiskers like a serpent sheds its skin, Sneeze, Itamda-Kin! Sneeze, Ailmar- Nik! Sneeze, wicked brother of the irood Itaiali Mir-Ifubu !" And Hamda- Kin or Admar-Nik. for he was both with the letters of his name just turned around, sneezed and sneezed and sneezed. . .... The nearest Hindus seized their knives and beemed about to rush on Uo- la-a. "Sneeze:" he said. wuviiiK his hand in front of them, and in au in stant they were (sneezing so hard nnd fast that their knives fell from their hands. Oo-la-la climbed on a little mound near the gems where he could look over the crowd of Hindus. "I have come for the gold and jewels jou stole from Itajah Mir-Ilubu !" he eaid. "l'ou must give them back." DOROTHY DARNITWell, Who Did You Think It LffQEE. HERE. COMES A I fe( NO POOR lft Wltk JfflM tl UQOK'. ITS ) itfflffiJt,,jfflLETS 0 AhiD rv , il W6 a svuu -auto yjB owns thst cR mmgMtBMm gonna stop fcmMSfflgEE the Swell m makMMmmkmii T OME DOTTLE AMD .ITS AtU OVER &Qif zd lgJ TjifBB C Ar opt.m.t.C OALLxd THE M1UKCR MfJJ Wv j-wT ( ? J , , 1 , -Jih-- , v 'fc,J is Tiy j w: jafr ' " ''T TT' '' IJ" ; : K Ho stepped through the side iloor nnd nt.Ai.i.,1 H, .-.,,. 1. ll... u.runo Tn tllfl.vnll lint linlllt' 11 (It tinrenn In linvn flip hnril-ivorlcltiR muitlo nf Ills two-plcco orchestra, general dancing ln progress; iiml as far an lie could kcc. thero wus thnt atmosphere of lillarlous, vll -scmliiR iil.:in.lon, behind which W1( strlct 0icrvllI,cc of the letter of 'Jut heard Jennie Rot pinched nnd hustled off to court," said Slim in a low voice, from which lie managed to . .." ! nersno "HowM It come out?" unnnrpss imv i.nnpi.fli lis TO Ills own i "tin-n't ..nm,. nt Tel." .Terrv ro- torted shortly "Hut wasn't there a trial? Wdn't I Jennie have to take the btand?" x"i "Anybody in it with her? lld she Said bhe'd done, the whole thing oersclf. Hut what business is that jours?" Jerry demanded gruffly. . M Mug intorfst l whnt happens to Jennie, even if y- that ot stcd you ,j0 i,al,pPn to bo sore at me " ijjs iiUmner and tone were those of I unjustlj underrated and suspected I unjusiij underraieu nun suspeeieu friendship. Ulacl; Jerry turned abrupt - ' jy nllll wimt 0,lt- Kriendship vanished - :..... . , . , .. sat in n lurge cnnir, aim giowcrca Hicni-i ly down npm: She fully expected out as 'the character of his establish- ; ig ou ( .'''' 'nVdhe a e.uabiv prepared for any ment. He slipped around the rear of i "J. .?1 ." ,Ln1l Imnk I l'"sonnl revelations or any twists of the big room, spoke to the cashier nn.K "' ,"'' ,",'t , ' ,' " ' '"" J fte. ll,i,,,1 t, -,!i,,i. iviitnii mw P. 'know what you really arc. anil 1 know, ,,,,., . , , exnmiueil the receipts, whlcli werp ex . . ,,'. . . t, ,.,iE,. Hut Jennie, drawn up tensely, gazed Icellcnt. spoke to his mnnagcr, nn.l was o i trt I rig it. 1 1 t wli y. , 'p J3 , wit, nailed lips at Hlnclc Jerry. Never 1 hack behind the screens on his wav out, I J !vlb" LJ ' n !i?,r ,V Mnki if von- lcre had sic seen her father like when a hand touched his arm. Turn , ' J " '' V;.""" this: and his ringing words stirred a n.,n, l.n n- mil,. .lnnWvnn ll1"' hell take Jennie nwi from jou, , ! ... .' flirt lnl' t int in Iiml fe.-i jtl trtt 11 1 1 v UnrKPM . "f - " -' ...... ........1.., . . .1 11.... im liiiiifiiiK utr ir iti nui. lenclnng and un- every one was beaten sometimes mat was just a pait of living. As far as it i was in her ambitious, confidont. cynical, generous, self-centered soul I hers was , . il. 1Ii, l...nn I., tl. t.t.,1 l.i lints 1 itll tiff esotim, ydch wm nn Inseparably element ot jouiiii. .icnnie imeu umi ; . ,, . . . i -i uumuru srci iuui usm iuj u. P";,',- , , .. ,, "Well. T hope you realize the niess Jou'c got us Into, lie grated at her. "Don't hit the kid, Jerry. inter- ruptcil I'ucle Ceorge. fie still spoke ns the urtiht prinol-cd by an inferior per- formance, but he also tpoke palliatingly. "It was raw work, sure and slip , should luno had more sense than to .-.- II ,.., .,!, Lhml lint ill, ui.rc 1.1 .. Ll l-l. I. ..,. rin-.i -..... - ....w alt" joung once -we werp till crude workers we all made our bonehead plays." Hlaek Jerry did not reply to this at- tempted mediation. lie continued glowering at Jennie, his hands working, iijs Jeep chest risinR and falling until there was a knocking at the door. i i. n.i,'irilr Tuc door opened and Harry Kdwards , entered. T young fellow's quick breathing showed cither liurrj or ex- eiteinent, or uoii . , ,r-! "Now, what the hell do you want.' exploded Hack Jerry. ;i was at the trial. Jerry' the VOUUK 11'llOW &UH1 llllMUI.', illlll 1. 11V.IIU b 1! 'No! N'o: Wo will die before we will I civo thrni bueh," srrpamcil all tho Ilin- ilu1-. presniiiR townnl Oo-ln-ln. "HoHiiro my maRio!" oi-icil Oo-la-la. "IlPivare tlio power " SuddPiilv Oo-la-la stopped short anil save a great leap into the air. Then he began to slap his bare lees. "Ouch I Oh Gosh ! lief-wliillikers!" he veiled. "rr-uiiiph ! He is fctniidinc on an ant hill and tin" ants are biting him," grunted l'indar, the elephant. "Ila, Oo-la-la, tho great magician, is overcome bj little ttnts," shouted Unnida-Kin. "IIu: Hal Ha! See the mighty magician dance!" laugliwl the Hindus. 1 "Dance yourselves !" yelled Oo-la-la, 'and stooping quickly lie hurled a dou Kl.. l.nn.lf..l .f II... ....-a,....!.,,, l.tti.w. nnf. III. 1. Ill ... .... n ,,.,..... .. u....tb ...... ' s'alJ'1?"s. lll.p an" .Dlr 'l!' '!'r- 'Ha ! Who is afraid of nuts !' lliimda-Kin. "To the pit with him AnUutanM dogs!" shouted Oo-la-la. lifting an f in lnn 1imnrd hih tilturf ln. hnml. that hnd nart of his ear bitten away "Ah!" shrieked Itamda-Kin. "Ah!" screamed all the Hindus "Ants are but ants and monkeys nre Imt monkeys." Oo-la-la Nuntched up a handful of ants and hurleil them to- ward Die grotto. And instantly the grotto was swarming with monkeys. "Ah !" shrieked all the Hindus, in ns- tonishmeut and fear, "Ants are but ants anil elenliants are but elephants! See, I throw this .tiny , ant into the body uf the Sacred Wooden Mejilinnl. On-Ia-la hurled an ant to- ward the lnighty ligiire that .stood silent and still like the carven idol the Hindus all thouglrt it. Xhe elephant lifted Ids trunk and its loud trumpet rail filled the cavern with echoes 'Ah: Ah . . ... . . Ah:" hoicamed the II n- dus, and they fell upon their faces be- fore the supposed idol which had come to life through Uo-ln-la s magic. (Tomorrow xeill be told how the ltu)ah's riches are tescucd from thc Hindus. I one of thus- : clenclnng and tin- Kot some business to tall; over, l guess clinching hnm!- .. -trike her. She looked , ,ou 011t mjmi our Mruslng you.1' He, up nt him slcadil... fear in her heart - jjrn,i. pressed ho bewildered Harry but she did not Hindi, she did not so imruwrd and opened the door. 'Good much as put up on arm to shield "pf ' niKlit." he said roughly. And then head from the blow. He had not Ml(,,.iy , cripped the other's hand, struck her often, but when he had she'..r lps, you'r n prcUy decent guy, had taken it as a matter of course; u,rrv , un in, magic i iiuu mis mn Him .. , ,.i,ulloiiKeil any one to liiugli at him. h. why hadn't she learneil to do such "uf,.- ,.. ,,, , dog a dog that wants a new ear from i "U ' "'?u' A1" ",' 'l, , ' ,? , : i Krmni; il,ln.- us t,. make enffpo ti,i "Why, Sis!" cxela ltamda-Kin." With a swing of his arm '.. ." ": ',ftuV'.''h" l""T IV'i. : ... ...... . f .i... ..i!.,-.. ., iT.. i ment later. "We forgot ,; , ... .l . . . i .1 , Kill, aill t 1 . X EOt OS lUUCIl Illlll US n ..i.u ui mi; i.iiii.t, ,.i . ,iiuMl-il - , ., , . , ... - Oo-la-la threw the tmy ant toward the ..'.,' ...' .. .... i,, ,u i mnnu il. hnd nut i.iT until-. in, 'the pot. And this grotto of the Sacred Wooden , lphnnt. I , t inks he s And 1 got a well-time enougl. to learn those ecn-' wny till it's ruined " And suddenly out of the darkness there , 't , ,,V'"roTl of my own kid, too- tlnls when she had to. Of course, a , 'I) u what ehall I Hashed n Kiinriinir. furious due a dog ."..., .i.... . , .i ii fee.' You know about I euslod of Jennie nbout Ills ierhnpb iiiiiui: nri ittta.t iiuiu juu uuu haps putting her in an lustltutl Woll ulint nf ttV" ill- Jerri. i.-. . . . ..... , i .. .... ."" Know nun i hiimv. .icirj. un- Harry stepped nearer: his whole bod.v wns tensu with excited purpose. "Hut !!..... I..--. .I...I J...I ....I.I.. ' lnl.A .Jennie away finn rue. llolli " .- ' . "l"' J'n ........... ""-- "I rom you. Jerry evclalmcii. "What are you drying at?" "'f ,V"Ic m"1 ,m Rot mMrM- ' ..Uo1.t- yon M0-r rBN. nrrr. "They've got nothing against ine, and I've got a good job and if I were married to tier, tucy it never send lier away. That d really be the same as your keeping her, Jerry. To make it all safe, wo could be married tho thing in the morning!" ttini'L- ."iLee! Lt,iir.,1 nf llin MICOI- Vrtlllll face. "You want to do this because you want to sae Jennie?" "Yes. And also because " He -'lcs. And also iiecausc- broke off. Hushing ; It was har the thing in public like this. urd to say tint Int braced himself and spoke. "l also ullt to do it because 1 love Jennie." "Oh, von do!" .ferry gazed at him fixfdly, his coal-black eyes piercingly kc After momcnt he spoke, and shortly "Nothing doing in that line, young ."" ---"-" . .... feiiw. I got some ideas nf my own -cry difl'erent ideas. And as we've ,. , , ,,for irnrry 0ui(1 recover and speak, the door had been closed upon him. Uiack Jerry turned about. "N'ow. wo gotta talk about what we're going to do," he said bniMpielv. 1. ..-.:.-. Ilnori 1111,1 l f n ( Jill (ill lints llltfl-. 1 1 I'll llli' i vv. tiini Diiiniii mi . i w- ro(n .., sp1)0se yo'd ljo me out - .. of the wa. "You stay right where jou arc," Jerry ordeied. "This talk's going to be about what's going to happen to von. nnd vou miclit as well get it first hand. When we want anything from you. we'll ask you till then jou keep f u"' ui" ,linij ,inwn tiiin thp hie oIihip nnil ,S. l,,M'nk,. ,. "S ,''.", I! i urew liri-iii mitu, i-, .u.u . ,,.,-.. into a corner: and, a mere speciaior, she looked on with fearing, expectant, bright ees nt what was to be the un foldnient of her fate. Illack Jerry sat down for the first time, and I'ucle George drew out u long cigar, lighted it. and eyed its end meditatively . There was a biief silence tlio cuckoo btenned out oi us auouu .umi i-iiiiii-u .. . i .t.i i -i o'clock and then again there was silence , ..,,.. .,.... ,,"'.' '-..," ,.,... , ,r.i. Jerrv." he advised. "This case why, ',.?.,.,.:,.,'. ..... "'. , . .i n , i i "Is a anine, ng - k"" ..-..-r. rtl , I from Jerry as u muffled explosion. "Why, Jerry: expostulated tlio old man. "1 tc you we 11 gee ner oil easy. We'll fight tho case, nnd I know some , mighty strong political influence we can get behind us Sam C'onway'll help . IP .. ., i.nrl l.,n. A l.nnl- .innmo .. being convicted, or taken away from you, don't you worry y n iniuuic nnoui thnt . .Ierr ! "That's not worrying me. I wasn't even thinking about thnt when I said it was a big tiling. It's big because nf what it means what it makes me see." "Makes jou see?" queried Uncle Gcortfc. "See what?" Jerry's dark face was llushed: again his breatli was coming deeply and un evenly. Uefore him were mutters about which it lad alwajs been hard for lilm to speak matters lelatiiig tions. In the past, tnc iiiiil iinrpiwni7cd forcps of his crude hi'iVi ".1 grOWU IUlU piltlllj ail llliu mm ini.iv- lined, incoherent-yct latently all had i .1 .i ..A... if ,.,..m.,i. ueen lilt.1!!;. lllil mm, lumuai ohuuhhj, what had been vague was growing clear, and those great stirrings were hemming painfully definite. He stioe i to kieii tlie lUmd swelling up in nun mirier his control, but it burst llie bunds ;,,:",: ",r::U: -......... .... ... n.. - ,- "Sure you hnve. Jerry, sure you hae," agreed Uncle (leoige appuas- nigly, though ticwilrlercil. than niv kid. nnd I've ulna thought, ii,,.,,,, i'nst few lear, uniwiir. that v(,me times, somehow, I was going to ( L.ive Jennie ns good n chance ns anv ther kid. 1 got a little dough, and Lrennie'i, clever so win nut? I've seen the uiitown kids. Those unlown kids witii their damned nurses, and their , " ' "".,""'" ?! '.J""' ' iiainneii iui, uini uieir iminneu every- tl,lnL- i-lse that's suell lliev'v,. irnl nil the chances, but 'the ain't got no more I right to u good chance than Jennie 'Jennie" with an eniph inouiiicu hi iiineiii's jy uiiu, .len- ..t..i.. ,.! i.. i... ...... rt. i. ;.... i.:.. i r .i....... 111U Q Ulll l" i"- i-.illlvilllUK I'll. - Illlll I know whut it's gning to lie ; but, you I hear ine, it's going to he sometliing1 Was? pvhnt the JihIko sulil 1 Buimnuw, ua aiuu u miuihuij. nnriil ..-iirrlir- lirt niimnn i1 find fl u tliniirlt inn i : ......... ...... ... .. -...Hu .... ..v, ... ... ,...t, I. .Ipnnip, hunched hack m hrr rornfr, i ins imiiortant morniiiB on p. jicr mother ;,. ,.,' .i,' "r rXv "wiiiu ,,.;' "n held her hharp eyes In Mnii.lerinent had nt .length taken that dutj upon U.,X" &, Lhi In th T upon the unmatched Biulit ot her erup- herself. She had an unpleasant sense ..f,'0 thnB JoiiXlHti- tn 3Vn3l tiiely emotional father. 'of lieinc trapped. What could she do? ".!,. JfX' del clous !.mCI? "Vou bet I ROt a riitht to he proud of She hurried into the kitrhen and " ' Z"-. '' '"J. , ' iV,m Li "?. i my kid. I already said a part of this frantically searched tl.roush her moth- ,?, .? lomcl ere and thev ' t.noii toninht. I'nelf Oeoiire. Xo man's er's idle of cook books. The directions .??i11 lrc!1,.fcmcw,,cre nU(J tllei two A Sloru of New York Life hist Jennie's roIiir to hnve her big chance!" fc iTi.oin n-..,. ...i,i.i l.tu l.nmt itn nit per- wns surprised nt this llamliig outbnrht J,1IcKe,,t ,"P n, "'"B J twoand every-on- . lot pride nnd purpose but not grently V'l"R V Vlcic "P U yours, Jerry, mnmlof. surprised ; the world In nil its phases ''" ''" .vu wnt to know first had been the object of his philosophic obsprvotion faiwl In enrller das the -, ..- .,. - ,, .,, lean ng "l?i-.,v t1,1 line ,1 vtirlil In linfrt fl rialK.C) 1. ,i,.rrv'8 unloosed torrent of uonls ruslied on. "Hut. wlint kind of a ... . . . , ....... - 1 l Chance, the kind them uptown kids eininri, 1 nicuu il ruin eilllllL'U. II IIIK have does a kid down hero have? None nt all! I've been thinking of that a lot lately. Hut what happened to night has made everything u thousand times clearer. Down here is no place for Jennie. If she stays down here, mixing in with the kind of people she's sure to mix with around my place, she's bound to become u crook. I ain't got any tiling much ngnlust crooks, bill it's a poor line for a woman. It don't get her anywhere, and sho nlwnys has a rotten linish." Aeier before had Illack Jerry Mykcn shortly . "In a rough, new country, nt such length. And conscious only of jenne wouldn't have the chimce J want hi. own troubles, ho was not aware ucr to Iinvo nmi ghc deserves." that in much of whnt lie said he was ,,,, ,. , . . . ,. ,.,. roughly voicing the problems and as- ., Uien you might move to some other pirations of tens of thousands of in- tlt-v- am htart 011t undcr n ncw ,mme articulate others. What good'd that do? demanded "Yes, she's absolutely sure to bo- 1,ln''.l "J'-. " ' ,llko a, roUE" come a crook if she stays down here nccl ""' "ml, J d Hti" ')c n, ,Irne ?n that's plain," he went on. He paused. .Jennie nnil when people found out wlio his big chest rose from a mighty swal- l.v ns th.7 ou' ' (1 nU ' ,cr' low, and he grimly drove out his next ?"ut. ns wcU stn' T'fht, hQ,r,c- e,l,"' sentences. "And that ain't nil. I , hloa h nn' K00'1' Unclc W- wanted to punch thnt boozc-soaked j The older man nodded. "I knew judge for what he said about mo to- , tlin.t. I merely mentioned 'em to sec night but after nil, that old goat had whether jou were ready to play the tlio proposition sized up just about real limit." right. He said It was enough tp drag "Tho real limit? What do you mean nny girl down, having me for a father, by thai?" and no matter how high up Jennie got, "if you want Jpnnie to have that big it would smash everything when people learned she was I he daughter of Ulacl, Jerry Malonc. There," he ended, "is the whole lajout. And it certainly is one mess!" Uncle Ueorge blinked. The gigantic enrnestnes of liluck Jerry was n thing for even him to mnrel nt. Then he slowly nodded. "It sun- is one God -uu fill mess, Jerrj. What do you want to do?" Ain t I already told you!' Jerry exclaimed "I want to get Jennie away from down here, and I want to. tiv things mi I won't be a drag on her. And I want action before that judge I can butt in with any court, proceed- I lugs." j "I suppose you want me to help i . m.'i' uii. "Win eKe would I bo telling vou all this junk?' demanded Jerry testily.,' "hure i wain you joure, uie mnootli- est guy I know." "I .iust wanted to be certain jou wanted me." Uncle (ieorge returned eenlj. "Yes, some people do think I'm a smooth article" a bit. com-, pluccntly "though I'u retired now, you know, Jerry, nnd am not doing mi) tiling except oneying tnose com mandments about loving my neighbor us uij.seif, nnd keeping my mitts off his bank-ioll. Hut in wandering up nnd down this lieie widely pross-ngented civilization of ours, nnd in meeting THE DAILY NOVELETTE COFFEE AND CUPID iir i.ouisn liomiAN IVP001'' WADDRLTi nwokc wlfh a wiguc sen se of happiness. nlie . .. yawned and looked at the clock. She , , , , , , , , , . had n whole Iiour before rising to dream over the reception and dance, she; had attended the night before, given to the bojs from overseas. .Toe Writ- wood, brother Hob s medical chum, was with them over the week-end. Madge turned over for another delicious forty vwnKs, wlien n light knock at her door ir t"n the eii'io-li1!'011?'1 her- Sh( sliPI)0(' M light iniliscoerpd,bIl".!"ltllrobl' aml ,vent to th ,loor- IIHUISPOU reil ' lll,r.r ia nror, nn " ,l,luiiOT.l1 , , V " i 1, , "" Nui ''u "' '' "wtuuw m "h0 was ahvays "P rar'5'' au'l the glass bowl, Hob lit thc lamp and midgelh118 hCrSd WUh thC rCSt U,C . ... "TTnn. i ??,nt"tot'r -,. nfw1 -i " S to "er nt on selfish we've been. go to her nt once." "You'll have to get breakfnst," said Hob in a comical rlismaj. Madge drew a sharp breath, "lint Rob, I can't make coffee," slip wailed. "Get mother's cook book," directed Rob. Then as lie noted her Keen dis- tress, "Never mind. 'Sis. Do the best you ran and I'll help all I can." Madge fairly flew into her clothes. ..,.., i,it ...,. M,..,.. n ,.,.,! ....M, i..i li..r mother rolne't.intlv sacritice. .iJ only tended to confuse her. In her haste she knocked over the percolator and the Klaus top ilew out, Mrtick the I htoio and broke. She couldn't find another top to replace it. She must make the coffee in the old- fashioned pot nnd that required skill. I Hut no there was thc alcohol percola "" .,S"C0Y "", .".? I."":, 1" "1 ."R. I tor. She would use that. Why hadn't sue inoiigui. oi it in i u m iMiiuei v i nnvice c.iiild make nerfect coffee in it. Well, il was just her temperament to Iiml Fnilml tr. untiofv hf. fiiflio. ti'Itl. ... . t .. hi.milPH. hi .iililnil. rplnlnrlv "rnn nnn't (eimie. And , orry herself sick over some imaginary 'God. &trife mothercT used" the alcoho! ' tier mouiur nevci- nam ine iiiuoiioi i.,..u ....... i- .... Utn..ln.. ...n..: JIL'Il IllillUl fAl.t.111. lll .JU......J Iliuiuill,i3 when they had company. Madge alwnjs enjojed it because it By LEROY SCOTT Author of "S'o. 11 Wajnlnpton Square,' "Marv Keoan," etc. ihumnn nature with Its manners on and "i nnti in siitniR in every Kind 01 same, wily. I just nnturniiy nave I want to know what's tho best thing to do! Jerry fumed Imnalicntlr. vBlt. .In n,.t fount in become?" "I don't know, about that. T haven't thought "Vhnt I want first Is for her to have a big chance as good a chance ns any other girl, no matter what the other girl's name Is, or how tutfeh dough her old man has got. Jennie has it right to tho same kind ot chance." "You're willing to play that Idea to the limit?" "I'll put nil the chips I got, or hope to linve, on that piny : ' n Ise old I'ucle (ieorge saw that love vertlnlnsr plans. Must hno n (rood ' com for and ! pride in hi, daughter were the -(',' ar7nltlh'Sa1a"?yy JSLSZi dominating qualities in tills mull that I upon, nMllty of Rpulicant. Apply by letter the ivnrlit sllw ns Toss limn ltiuiinli. mill i only. Klvlnir full tmrtlrlll&rR. Ills first siiPirestlnn wns lmseil iitinn tin', probnulc desire of Jerry to be with the -. . .- ."7 :- . ..:- :. ' object of his love. "Well." he said meditatively, "some men move nwny to the end of things where people don't pay much attention to what n man has been." "VnlMnf rlniiif roliirnnil .Tuprir a chance, to go nwny up and become somebody why, Jerry, there's only one j way, and that s for jou and her to i part company. You stay Jerry Mn- i lone. She becomes somebody else, who I doesn't even know you. Can you stand; the gaff?" , Illack Jerry looked over at his daugh ter, a tense, brenthless huddle, with I staring eyes of shining black. Then he I swallowed. "I'll stand it. "What's the rest of the idea?" I Uncle George ignored tho question. "You might as well gle hex up of your own nccord, Jerry, as have that judge take lierTroin you. .. .What would you yourself do?" I ".Me? I might as well stay right I Y. I. 1 ...... ..... 1.... h.1 ...Un. 1 Here, 1 Topic hliuw me iiriv, uiiu wiiut thev think nf mo don't bother me a lot. Anil I've a good business; und I'll bo I all right ns long as l go stralgnt and I'm going to go straight." "How much money can jou spare I for Jennie?" I "I guess you know I'm making good coin here, and jou know nbout how much. Me the ponies, cards, women or boorc don't interest mo and don't get nny of my dough ; it don't take much for me. The rest of what I make Jennie can have." "That'll be plenty." (CONTINUED TOMORROW; i gave a certain air of distinction to the l.Tl T-- r . -.l.A..lnH.Altla.Tn ''"" J" iuncynsiii" saw numvii. inuj - ,nK .l,os.tfes,s. ,ra;wn lno couee aml passing it to the family, S10 hurried into the (lining room and secllrC( thc urlgllt shining percolator ,rom thessideboard. Then it struck her, A,, JmUn't the faintest idea how to manage the machine. She destestcd mechanism anyway. Just then Rob came in and she pressed him into service. 'While Uob slipped into her mothcr'N room with tray of fragrant tea nnd golden t'oasl -lin. 1... - 11 ...I .-..! was attending to the percolntor .Madge a toast. in Madge worked away for twenty min- , utes and then it occurred to her that I die liad not smellcd the usunl delicious aroma from the percolntor. She decided " l""r a little in n cup to test it. She placed hpr fingers on the faucet, '""t emitted a shrill cry of pain. Rob and Joe came running to the vescue. ' rlint, '", lh,e world's tin; matter, ' ;s's- nf'1 'J00, examining the perco- , ""' ""- "- tiiiunui-u iuu uurueu imed Rob a mo- to nut water in thing has melted do about cof- HiwiRumi! asucu.ioe. misy Vf un TT11. 11. ..mi 1. IT.. , ... snlve for the burned fingers. "Leave it to ine. I enn make dandy coffee, mid "Wouldn't it lie lovely to have Joe about alwnjhV" thought Madge. Joe turned nnd met her luminous eyes. They both smiled. "I'd love it, too," ho returned, tak ing her into his arms. "If you will al wajs let mo mnko the coffee." ind so it transpired that Madge didn't .cW,ave to learn thf. culinary nMnk. ,,,. nfi,, ,,i, i,i .i, .. ...i ' ?.' !' "tier all. And when other wives I ,,,!,. . . : ." t7'UC . iV"nV.V" ' '.' R i1 u?n 'J" s $Mo V ho h. nana'l ff k 1. ochow and always makes' the ,. . iuuii. -- The. ne.( completo noveletle dinn Greeting. Au- oio-rlelit. 1010, by tho Bell Syndicate,. Inc. PAINT Heavy Inild nnd Oulild . rtui x j.atnt. aurantod to eovr $2.50 Gal. Tn,S?,.,7eiS'. ai0M WUU ai WPnlnro "' from' the Manufacturer VjUIUIS mI sav on.third. STKWART. 3S7 NOftTII 11TII ST. Bamey' Fall Opening Hl'FriAI. IIAIKIAINn In Sl.n'a n.,H llnv.' In Men' nun Horn' Ul-to-Iat Clot! Vp-loIsl ciotlilnr at tlio old pritrs Coll nnd Txiok Un Over ttnrney l,. rouiz nnJ iminbriiiro $5000 POLICY COST 568.90 Age 40 dh Mends reduce this coit after nrst year. Write for specimen pollcx at your a go. STOKES PACKARD HAUOHTON &. SMITH 434 WAI.NtIT HTHUICT- Opportunity for Young Man in National Adv. Dcpt. V'o have an unusual opportunity for an aKtcrrflfllvo young man to do development u nrl.4 twl aitf In prvld !lt tintlrttial nil AddroM Advertlalnc Manager sv.At unM. r Scott Paper Co., Cheatei-, Pa. NcottlAtue Products jor rernonal llvoirnt TYPE" " j-WRITERS B anl AMI Machine Xonted inj fluid I ArenU for COROMA TrvvrrtT I LIBERTY TYPEWRITER CO. 1029 Chestnut Don't Worry About the High Cost of Books ItENT THEM FROM Womrath's Circulating Library 15 South 13th St., PhiU. New Fiction Supplied Promptly Skin Troubles ' Soothed ' With Cuticura All draffffUtf ; Soto 2S, Ointment 25 & M, Tilcum 5. 8smpl eh free of "OiMttrft. Dtot. t, Bits " mmommm 3 for Sin RD Imported -r-w.w Madras RIB-MUH SIIIRT CO. 906 ChwtautStJM, PUBLIC SPEAKING A ishort courso In Self-Expreaslon. Self- Confidence, Jiusiness Kntllah, all-around Helf-Develonment Eleven "Wednenday Evenlnflrs, commencing rocmDer u at a o ciock, uotn cexea. Openlnff lecture freo to public. Call, -write or phono Sprue 8218 for In struetUe literature. ma: ru 1730 , ici vuc$c mirnsTNUT stui!xt WRENCHES We carrya, complete stock and can make im mediate delivery of J. H. W i 1 1 i a m s & C o. wrenches of every stylo for every type of work. Williams's Wrenches Are Qunlity Wrenches COLLIERIES SUPPLY & EQUIPMENT CO. 14 N. 5th St. Ph. Market 4280 sure to get real Resinol If you want to get -rid of skin trouble you will .cccpt no "sub stitute" for Itesinol. Preparations similar in name or appcaranco nre not "just the same ns Ilesiuol." Although n few unscrupulous deal ers may offer them as or for Ites inol, they are often crudely made, of littlo healing power, nnd some may even bo dnngerous to use. Buy in the original Hue package. Roinol is never sold in bulk By Ch(i8. McManus '''ffSF-1 Kll The box JL HI ' Opal jar S&S WjIlP insidc liSyi P Be TEA and COFFEE' AT WHOLESALE l'KICES I Ten Sifting 5e ll. Itlo H'naee. fl Ifm. ill , 3(K! III. , Juia lllenii t'olTcf, 5 lbs. nt. . Ho lb. J ALT. KINDS XKW M)T8 ) .(nti:i:s'H. m, a vino hi .-- NE0LIN SOLES and O'SuUivan's $1 7C Rubber Heels l't0 DEBT MATCIUAI.' USED T7011K OUAHANTKED Goodyear Shoe Repairing 001 ni.nERT STRina" S?S Vlda Mean Ufel" With this lnexpnMe vibrator you can Jinprove jour comi'lexlon, elvo rent t . nerves, rcliee tnunclo sorencna, stlrtneflfl, neuralgia nnil headaches, Kvery home neeilg t,a VUa. Ushtrsm pact, nlmple ami utsy to uae. No partB to oil. nothing to gel out ot order, nullt for a lifetime of eon Ice. I'arcft I'oit lllc. Frick-McCIay Electric Co. 10 811. laTll ST. l'liun. Holiday Aprons Bought here now are cliaaper than can be found elsewhere became we made them in our own factory months ago. They are marked at cost which makes them even low enough for stores to buy of us. Fine lawn aprons with hem stitched ruffles 30c. Others 45c, SSc and $1.35. W. H. Smith & Sons 914 Walnut Street Dry Goods at a Saving Overcoats and Suits $1 O-50 AUp Worth Double. Also 500 Overcoats $OC-00 of tint Finest. (Iran dtj T anil Latent Helen WP 111(1 LOT OP TROUSERS. St VV Our reaeon for unloading la that we overstocked at the old prlcos and have to havo more room A call will con vince you. A Fait Line of I'ull DrtM Holts to llo Hold Out Cheap SAMUEL COOPER 1010 W Girard Ave. Opon Krenlncs STK.ISIIir yoncEa EARN-LINE Incorporated 1801 U. S. Shipping Board Steel Steamers General Cargo Regular Service , Philadelphia Manchester SS "Lake Elmhurst". . .Dec.15 Philadelphia Havana SS "Lake Galera" now Loading SS "Lake Foxboro". . Nov. 25 For rates and particular apply to Earn-LineSteamshipCo. PHILADELPHIA PHOTOrLATH PHOTO MAYS THRU OFJMERICA Alhambrn 2."2' ."Jf ri". S "5ru,nl!Av?' niuuiliuia Mat.Dailyat 1!: Kcs.O :43 & U. JOHN HAnilYMOnU, In "IIAFFI.K8" "wiiosr Tim oods "IVOULD UESTllOr" ARPAHIA CHESTNUT Below WTII tsfUlt jo A. M. to 11:18 P.M. UlENE CASTLE In "THE INVISIUI.C BOND" PJ T IFRIRH nnoAD street and "1-.DIILJ SUSQUKHANNA AVE. MONROE SAT.lSnUUY In "THL! MAN IN TlE MOONLIUHT" BROADWAY ISfitfgir nuoENn o'nniuN in "SEALED 1IRAHTS" PAPITHI '22 MARKET BT. VrtlllUlj 10 A.M. to 11:10 linYANT WAUHHUKN ln "WHX SMITH LEfcT HOME" P.M. sJLJWlt-l-, .j:3o, 7.and P. M. VIVIAN. MARTIN In "HIS OFFICIAL. FIANCEE" P1VTPRPQQ MAIN BT. MANAYUNK ClViriMLOO MATINEE DAILY "THE FiniNO LINE" "MIDNIQIIT MAN" 17 A IDlinl IMT S6lh A OIltARD AV. 1 MUMYIUWII 1 MATINEE DAILY SKB8UU HAYAK.VWA In "THE ILLUSTRIOUS PRINCE" PA Mil V 'THEATRE 1311 Market St, r AlVlIUi I ) a. M. to Mldnleht. ' E. .CA8SIDY nnd B. HOLMES In LOVE, HONOR AND 7 HCTU CT THEATRE Below Spruce, JVJ 1 1 1 J I . MATINEE DAILY UTAH CAST In 'CHOOSINO A WIFE" FRANKLIN TIimD pitzwater KLUKKfiUU KKD In "THE STRUQOLE KVERLASTINO" P.RPAT NHRTHPRM ad St. at Erl. xiuui iiviuiiuiui 2:S0, 7 & 0 P.M. TAULINE FREDERICK In "UOND8 pF LOVE" , i 1 IMPPR I AT 00Tn WALNUT STS. imrulXlrtLi Mnln. 2:30. Ere.7fc9. OLIVE THOMAH ln "THE HriTB URIDE" I PADPR 41BT LANCASTER AVE. J-CALCrV MATINEE DAILY RODERT WARWICK 111 "IN MIZZOURA" T I RPR TV BROAD COLUMBIA AV, 1,IDCI 1 I MATINEE DAILY BILLIH nURKE In "SADIE I.OVE" 333 MARKET ns3PSfS SffiFS K. K. LINCOLN In "VIRTUOUS MEN" MODPI 425 fOUTH ST. Orcheatra. Cnntlnuoua 1 tn 11. MAnY PICKFORD ln "HOODLUM" OVERBROOK 084 II. n. WARNER ln "IN HONOR FOR A WOMAN" BROAD ST. AUDITORIUM & 1 nockUad DOROTHY rillLLIPH In "THE RIGHT 'to HAJrlNE8S, s JrZfflBWi i:rirlhlnc l:ieetrlcnl for tha llome"-) PI IRPIlf A TH MARKET STS. C.UlE.rfc- MATINEB DAKiTt , NAZIMOA In r ? HTHAMSII11' NOTHIKM Commercial I Baltic Line Firat-Class Steel Steamer S. S. Western Spirit Sailing About Nov. 28th for NORWEGIAN and SWEDISH PORTS Moore & McCormack Co., Inc., Managers 5 Broadway, New York For Space and Freight Rates Apply to S. L. BURGESS CO. Philadelphia Agent 90S Lafayette Buildins; - I'liunet Lombard 'Ml 3 Mala 143 .Win PnimdoTphia. ASNC -LINES S. S. NAMEAUG Nmr Lomllnir for BARCELONA AND , MARSEILLES Balllnr: About Not. S3 From ricr 0. North For Ratca and Particulars Apply to American Steamship Navigation Company rtrnl Itnte Trnst Ilullillnr Walaut 290 PhlladelphU KERR LINES Sailings from Philadelphia FOR ROTTERDAM S. S. "CLAIRTON" Nov. 22 S.J "CORSON" Nov. 29 NFOR HAMBURG S.S. "KERKENNA".Sailin Dec. 6 Through Rates Quoted to Baltic and Scandinavian Ports Via Hamburg KERR STEAMSHIP CO., Inc. 615-617 Lafayette BIdg. Philadelphia. Pa. I null Tlfnhonii HeiMonr Trlrnliont "I.ombnrd 5Z04" Mnln 166" MATSON NAVIGATION CO. SAN FRANCISCO S. 8. MATRONIA Salllnc About DIXISMBKK 10. 1019 NEW MIRK to HAN rilAMIlhCO, AIM and HONOLULU and I1II.O, II. I. ilu Tunatna Canal For froirht raten. mcnKeraentn. permits and other partlculurH apply to AMERICAN-HAWAIIAN S. S. CO. AGKNT8 8 nnlURK STREHT. NEW YORK. N. V. T.I. nan line (ireen B40O. rnoTori.Ai'8 rT7JIS LA i Na'TIuI ,-j Vim l r rfrrrliBVXS Tho following theatres obtain their pictures through tho STANLEY Company of Amer ica, which is a guarantee of early shirvrtng of the finest productions. Ask for the theatre in your locality obtaining pictures through the Stanley Company of America. i PAF ATP y-11 maiikct street 1 TiLirWC P:4r. A V to 11-10 P "THE MIKACLK MAN" PR ?NPP l018 MARKET STREET I linC30 H-SOA M. to 11 :1B P. II M. TCnTTir RTMTIT.TMfl Ii. "ARIZONA CAT'S CLAWS" R PHP NT MARKET RT. llelow 1TTH XXCVjCINI 11 A.M. toll P.M. , CHARLES RAY in "CROOKED STRAIGHT" RIAI TO OERMANTOWN AVE. , Iirl-,1KJ AT Itll.PEHOCKEN ST, D W, GRIFFITH'S "BROKEN BLOSSOMS" RT TRY MARKET ST. BELOW 7TH OLADYS LESLIE In ' "THE OOLDEN SHOWER" CAHV 1211 MARKET STHEET Ui- V V 1 H A. M TO irmnrtnTii r. WILLIE BURKE In "KJ OAiJin, j.uvi' STAN! FY MARKET ABOVE 10TH .,C4 I "U'l A.M. to 11:15 P.M. ,.m, ERALDINE FARRAR In 'THE TLAME OF THE DESERT" VICTORIA MARKET ST. AB. 0TH v ilKJIlf n .M. to 11:13 1M BEARCAT 'WENT "WTTPV DRY" THE NIXON- NIRDLINOER THEATRES BELMONT B2D AC0VD MARKET KINO BAGGOT In "THE SUN WHO STAYED AT HOME" CEDAR B0T" CEDAR AVENUE ...TSNKun'a "THE LIFE LINE" POT T9PI IM MARKET BETWEEN VVljlOdUlVl SUTH AND UoTn DAVID POWELL J "" w" "TEETH Ol'" THE TIQER'' FRANKFORD 471B n"" ROBERT WARWICK in "IN MIZZOURA" Also I,lfl Maglt Sem.ett Comfdy "SALOME VS. SHENANDOAH' TI IMRO ITIONT ST. t. GIRARD AVE. J umuis Jumlio Junction on Frankford "L" DOROTHY DALTON in "MARKET OP SOULS" I Of! NT B2D AND LOCUST STREETS LAslAAJl Mat.l:S0.8-H0. Evr. 8 :80 to 11. W. S. HART In "JOHN PETTICOATS" MI VON! B2D AND MARKET BTS. INIWJIN , is, 7 ana o. ROBERT RAWLINSON la "THE CARTER CASE" ni"M I BSD AND SANSOM STS. IMVULI MATINEE DAILY JOHN riAKnYMORE In "RAFFLES" s- STRAND ANTOWN AVE CHARLES RAY In J , "CROOKED STRAIGHT" WEST ALLEGHENY 55&B& Allegheny WILLIAM FARNUM In "inn ai'viL.miia" I JEFFERSON tE&gESr . uuuiunn u imiun in "THE PKHFEqr LOVER" .. !nm . 'I 1 PARK MtWuT SMHt mftuat' 1 1 WIT Vmt.T.TIMi fa L. "Tits doi